,wmmumimmHu!mi fifcipnn - -WV li"5fc, J i JOSEPH KALBFUS HOPES TO HELP STATE HUNTSMEN Ftliinks Strict Enforcement of Game Laws Is All That Is Necessary to Assist Out door Sportsmen. Secretary Joseph Kalbfus, of the Penn- 'Mlv&nla Stato Clnmo Commission, nubmlli hli Inst artlclo on game, en previous sio- .M he undertook to show what wns best 'tor the Stato sportsmen, no is convinced tbit hi suggestions, If carried out. will Utter conditions This ts what ho writes: 'Section 6 Ksich nnct every magistrate, Merman nnd Justlco of tho peace of this Commonwealth shall hnvo tho power of lummory conviction In all matters per taining to the enforcement of any of tho 'provisions of this act; nnd all actions for (violation of nny of said provisions, ex ,.MInir where tho defendant Is tnheu 111 M'the act or on pnrBUll Immediately follow mini, wild act. shall be commenced by nfll- KdJVlt. made within one jcar of the time Wet the commission of such offense Knell inn every magistrate, niticriiinn or jus lllce of tho peace, on coniplnltit made bo- fere lilm. uy me Hiniiavii 01 any person. e. a. violation of nny of tho piovlsluim of this act by nny person, Id hereby nil thorltcd nnd required to Issue his war rant, under his hand mid seal, directed to any conitnblc, police oflleer, kiiiiio protector, deputy gamo protector or nnv other peace ofllcer of tho State whoso duty It is to protect mo game or wild kit-la nt the Ktnte. nnd 10 eraiiRe mich tmr. tons to bo brought betoro him, the said magistrate, alderman or Justlco of tho dmicp. who Bhall hear tho evidence and 1 determine tho guilt or Innocence of tho W person charged tK 11" sensed ho ronitcteil nf such offense, he shall lie sentenced to pi the penalty pre. ecrlccd by the section violator! together with the costs 01 milt All penalties collected In curs where the pioscrutor In a rrnnic protector shall ho inmerflateli sunomlcrrd by tho court : receiving tho fame to such prosecutor, who In tarn shall, ns soon as mav ho. either deliver er forward smli amount to the aecrntary of the Board of Ootno ( ommlsslonera who ahull de posit 'he mmc In tho Sfito TTrnsury, to he MJ as a fi nd sepirnto nml apart Tor tbo use ef the Oomo 1 oinnilulon, as provided for In MKtlon 4 if thin net Where nnv other lit in n game prelector In the prow inr one-half of Hny penalty thus J roiieuru mum iriuiiK m ourn prosecutor nml stall he paid to him by tho court receiving j tlii fame and tho remnlnlnc ono.hulf nr Mn.h penally iliall ho forwarded, within ton d.ive after raid lonvhtloti, hv such mint tr thf recretary of tho 13oard of Onnio Commleloner at Harrlsburg together with 11 statement of toe cause, for wlikli said money wns lollcteJ. It shall lie the duty of said aeeretnrv to keep a rscord or tho cauao ror whlih said mono) was collet ted and deposit the mine at lcnat ere a month with the State Treasurer for the wo of the riaino Commission ns provided for In section 4 Anv defendant belli? HaetlnH iiiii. it, fr.dlnc of the nldeimaii or Justice of the peace Sin a trial for nm violation of Uib came law Sof thl) Commonwealth, shall ho entitled lo an ttpfHl. Tho into to ho henrd and determined lit the tour! under the provisions of Mi con- itltutlon and laws of this stale regarding sum mar? convictions whh h said court on thn tonrlctlon of tho defendant of such offmso and his falhne to prtv tho penalty lmpo d hi IMs act. together wlili the costs of prosecution, ihsll commit wich defendant to the common 111! ef the COUnt V for n nnrlod nt nnn .. . Inch dollar of penally Imposed Provided That am porson -barged with n vlolition of anr provlulnn of this net nmv. nt i,i ,n.M Btlon. slim an acknowledgment of tho offense ninmiuiru nnu pay io ine only authorised fiaie pipteitor or deputy jnino protictor tho tenuity In full, us llxcd hy tho aoetlou lo. laled. together with rosta to tli.it dnto, nnd the printed re elit whhh ho shall reielve there for. and ivhlih In nil limtunceu phall bear tho Imprint of tho seal of tho lloanl of Gamo Oitiilnlnlonpia nml tho elKnaluro of IIh Beei. fin. slmll to evident n or full ti,ltn..,t..n tlw effenko tornnili led f Bt Ion 6 All m t or parts of acta tncom Hint with hi pcUslonj of thli at are htrcby repealed. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY TIHS STYLE TYPE (or Ilko thiol One Insertion loo per line Three insertions In a week .... 1 2 Ho per line seven consecutive Insertions., luc per line Situations wanted, threo Inser tions in a week 10a per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) .Permitted In all classifications except Help Ha FltUatlons IVnoteil. T-ot nnrl rnutt,l ,p. onals noardlng nnd Rooms. ne Insertion 20o per line Three Insertions In a week.... l"!4c per line Seven consecullvo Insertions. ,.16o per line p All rates are bnsed on agate measurement. it agate lines to tho Inch. DEATH NOTICKH- either paper- iu lines one time Three Insertions 50o SI 00 DAILY ONLT In Effect December J, tuti coAfTtTNATrnNr ratr tor Inierllon In both tho morning and evening tapers of came day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER . , (BVBNINO) UorV. ' "'" """ IIRf.T IMI-i ffrpf1Arntni.'CI Tlf t Vtrmin ADVEUTISIKO TN THE PUIILIC MIDQWH fAJ, J-C INSEHTE3D IN TJIK EVENINO niAJtoc. " . Till f I IO 1 dptlrr ctrM-A tlAr imli Pome that will accept Ledger want 0S at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE ,,ClIILDNTJnSE. about 85 years old, good JhiiJi u Jrn1 Knai very beat roreronrea, t olt i i ul Ar ears 01a: ",e ,n country. J. -v.. Idser Office. CTAMBiinMAII). wnsh. Iron, small family. Lrsference. 1520 Walnut st. KSKJ" and ."lownatalra work", white Prot - in i.i,,r uuuros lamuy or b, uau itoom 39. Public lidarsr. IiYldav. 12 o'clock. J1SV,B.EW'onKTYou'"r- "hi" g'rl rr apart i?ntino wash; sleep out V am, t.edger Off, Hty. educated, middle-aged preferred, from aaa. '"J"."0? wlu " given; references. ..i... j ui. iHascr ejrrica BTENOGllAPirEnS. bookkeepers and Clfrka (fin fshtlln mllialvla InCniKia. K tlun about securing poaltlona by ln- ;-imik Jtimt ia.n at leaner uen r?M Betf her at o"c 'or this fre avforx a tho Commeaclal liopart iQCnt IS rnntf mitlu sariiirlni vru-iii nn L anions tor Ledger Advertiera. l!H1'X'rvio experienced maids, one for i sna.roberwork and waiting, otbsr for cook: R'fi naVB reftrercesi Ocrmans pref.t house jachtsinut Hill. M 453. Ledger Central. tvl&lRrj n riairnnilrlla unit tolra nrilaru In fi. ''rand-new article; eay worlc; big com LfiUaton M SILedger Central. huixu OinL. Unlit duties no aioerlenco rylJ a week. 108 N. 31th HEIiP WANTED MAXE JJ'KIIEepek, exp. wholesaU grocery ant . iiutr man uroi e vo. e.etj. ueiic. (rfiiiyyEl'R wsntsd, ona thoroughly expert r VIS!:. lvt s'ats whlta or colored, rsf- lnr (is to aun. M HI. Lsdger Csntral. Ui?eriJI wanted for an Institution, must be i r. "SglS Bum anil a ltrntojtant. UK 1311 r.of Klfi if.rd. room and laundry. Address -..,wim. n. ?!HY FlVT3TlVnXVanf,1 man V,aiHn ettjl?0 sxperlenia In tho pjacklna: room at osliy mifj. pabi, 0. taking cars ot SOW Kri.n a-iV, stats whers yu have had x lSl0 iva reference. Address V 103. xii "iice r&B,W WANTED AT ONCE: S CENTS tsasiAsT " ru ruwi ii h t . r'"hnd wants, white, sober Jii.i """ 9U knows how to nillk I Wliittr ; iioj, peruuaneiit PU1.1. luumir foo.1 bouse, truck gsrJta chlck fi.i wages WO to tia s tuontt Sb '.1 "' wages WO lo 33 s wontfc JS,! " pomtoea and Drewood. all the ur. 3S P ' :ll iJ to assist la the farinwwk. &," - tuc at anorscsm auiuon, rexer R renmrrt yntm OT Ml wiiijuu i- X. cKS' y"r";S', sr ttrao.b, f. IX. VWetci Cvuaty. 'Pa. HELP WANTED MAXE nlflSRiaAHT A? OSJCB .1 HO t I2KTH IA' FOOT h. .cAMitVtiA sr " JJA" Alf rnSii foLV.H?1"';'1 onl" fT n required, rnust furnish reJerentcs.F OVLenVCcnt in.TPrl?"1!?1. "Pholslerer, reliable man ihimb PW ?."d lv carpets, ete , ahimM have Si ih.1.0."" c""",t"' nut hae goot hnblu 2?i f!.ic tr P'manent imeitlon, state il n:..,,ut.ni,l, '."''renoo iJnco 1-vrnlture and carpet lo llazleton, Ta. i-T!MYPlln": m"n- accustomed to operai iVifi lP'r uhe wlndinaj machine, to no to Illtsbnrsh, none hut thoso having enperlencw needapply A 2U.1, le.lger iwnce. 'S.-"0. S,KN'- l"!al' relHhle, renulre eeveral mora for permntifcnt sollclttnx work, also crew njarjagers, am lind Title nulldlng SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE B.!fR'.:1'PU'. thoroughly""" experienced "in maiuilneturlnB hiislneia, also understands Im port and capon buaineta, ucslns leunanent vosition, tapable 01 tnklna cntlie harxo uf . the oiflco K mi, Ijjdiscr Central. llOOKKKM'IJtl ami alenographcr, exptrlemed, thorough!) familiar with mil estate and on- miieotiiij hue , reia V u. Lidger Leiitrai UOOKKCBI'Wt. vlass leiereme. general oiflco work, first KijA ltvugcr central. ''WKKl'l'I'iat-STCNCKmAI'llKIt mP. sec rctarlal or Ken. orflcework;K SI5, Leu tcnt CCOK While woman wains iwsltluu 'as cotik in privnto family, long expericmu and oooil rererein.es, no phono calls answtred. W . Nottli MU st. ClIAMitiillWOIlK nntl sewing .Vent loung Irol , oruseful companion ,. Sir, i.eu un. CHA'MUnitUoliK nnd unlt.iig woikj young c.p.wliitoglrl, le.s or laundry T.HJ N'.mjih COOK, 1'roicsiant -wk, rrolca! lowhlll st. best rettieliu'e. 1US.I tal- COOK, Clriuati l'rolestntit. wishes position, telerciu. 2WJ N. Watnoch at. ' COOK, experienced, Ungllsh BPenklng, wants loeltion, u;f.,auburbapn.filir-,l ,N lllli COOK, (.oirpelent, dcslroi position, lst-class , v,t,iii.y. ui-riiBpetavq.tiirj n jianr, i"u COOK, exper., also flrst-clasa laundrces. col i iiistre. , dayH work; iij h. L'urram.e si COOK, Hist class, In plain nnd fancy couklnj, hlghiisi rein 12H WitUinssi. tfJOK, while, wants pu.ee. MU Uuck ro.vl, lla.nnid, I'd. u'OOHI.W or hojsenttk In sniall family; no Jaunarycaii , '21I, Ledger unue. UllLSrtll'AKIJIt-i:xt.eil cutter nnd filter, ud. van; id sidles, dengnmg, ttinoiltiltig. l'lion ltaringlliB W. DIlfifcJIAKL.ll. cxperlenicJ, wanl few morn onMiRemeiils ref. Drinanmkcr, 111) N. tilth. LiHUbb.M AKl.lt Hrf and txp. HOniau, good tiller, hlKhtst rciereiiu ill B. .Ua at, Llll.bSMAhUll of .New York dtslrcs ensag'lsr OMlilui; faonnvspeLlally. t'liunc val. l.uj N. Lilll.SiMAKl.il. iKrtoct llitir. suits remodeled. swl.t, acLUratotl'ij .N.liihst. Utlmont 5.IU7U T..M,L.ltli;M'bl)v.hlle girl desires chnmber work oi gin., per. rols. I'honu I'rcslon 42.11. UXPI.IllM.NCi:i) colored "couple dcelro posi tions, city oriouutr, rots I'liotu. UariiiK iw FtllhT-CUVH'airman 100k. .North German nursery gov si wiuit nltuatlonn. IBID N. oth. Olllt. wlshcagoi iral housonork, sleep In. 41MI SI lea st. IIOL'SUKI IJI'fcll (worklns) for reflnnlld- ocr or elderly couple. Call 7-'J sprues st. TioUHUVKJllK Woman nlihcv to assist with housework or mothers helper, prefer good home to high salury. II Ul, l.eager OIliic. riHUS-llUUllK Neat colorid girl, tlioiouglil) t-ompctent, illj prelirred, highest icliroiuo, Phoito ilcruiautovin 111,0 A I10LTl.iltI-4JompetinL woman, good, plain cutm, IHHI-11.1H3 riiu, I' .IV. Ledger i n Hi e. HOL'tiUWOllK Uxp. took, hrst-ilos rus. colored woman, good 1' do", Ledger uffk. JKri-'nilSON graduate nureo seeks enguge monis, general musing. I! J. Ilobbs, 1 1 JT N. 17ih si . Philadelphia. Poplir 1U"3. l.ADV, oung; rcient giaduate in bookkeeping with cxperlume In auditing work, neut, rapid and ncminte rtl.1l, LetlgerCeotral. MATd- Ladles mold, taie of Invalid, rollniiT Phono IJarliu l.r X U'Joil llaverfurd NlAIl) to ohler ihlld, well recoin.. North Oer- man Is exiel teaiustuas. K 7.VI, led. Cnt MOTIIUIUS IIULI'CK (iillned), fond or chil dren pluln suwei, ucHtiis pus , morning hours onlj , no.ir lllth and Sprucu. 1. .Jul. 1-ud Off MOTHUHS lli;t.I'K!t-Ilenned, lapable eewcr. vtsUlng orperm.. lofs p :.utl, ledger Olflcc Nl, HriK, iiudergniduate. lako an case, light dutlcj. mod. wages 1 1105, Ledger Offke. UKI 1NKO oung white Kir If. wishes pos iiioiners niiper. Cnll 1'J-S iiharswood si siTAilsPlTT.'SS can cut and nt,' wishes posl tlonln. prliato family. 1' Ml, Ledger Offlie K'fDNOO ILU'I I EI t, laiiablo and accurate, voung lad, who would take a thorougli In terest In her work deslree position, mod erate salary. Address rtJ7, LedgerCent. srUNOaitAI'HCU nnd bookkeeper, high school Krad , cxctl exp , prefers so rctailnl jjoj , apt , lump, reliable. F ,"3S, Led tint bTILNO'IHAI'lIlIH, Kiaduale setretar Drexel Institute, Is seeking rcul opportunity In pref erence to talary for exp 1' 7ta, l.cdCim &Ti:N"0(iHAI'IIi:il,reicnt graduate, ouiu lady of lapabllltles. well educated reliable, desires pos. with (,ool io I' tlTid. Led Cent STBNOOIlAPIindt Young indj with a jear's exp ; willing wurkcr F WW. Irfdner Centl u Sin.NOOIlAPHKU. lellablo, 5 "cars' exp., lefet tefa furnlslieil r "IV, Ledger f'entra' S'l'L'N'KiHAJ'iimi competinl, accurate. ep ; young lady, references F C53. ledger Cent. HTENOaitAl'Itm Can assist office, high school educ n, f'l . LcdJlr ttltli ADauphln. SPKNOliirSPIltat, Tonip. and consclenllous7 des ios., mod sl . ref A Hi, Ledger un. SlUNUUltAl'IIUt Urlght. capable beginner. high school graduate u n. iin st ST13.NO(;nAPIinrt"lpllUlc). Stella Brown, .',01 ttlBlng Hun aye Eoll phone '11 oka 419(1 6TBN0CllAl'HlJft I'xn.. capable, steady worker: relloble.PT.il. I-odgerCenlrol r,rnNOOriAPHEri, "2's enrs' exp, comp , ac- curnte: Hi S Ledgor llr.. inth and pii,hln hTlTNililHAPHCH, asvlsi't bookkeeper, comp"" Inlusfs wllllns; mod. ail. 'J0.1 Leu Off YA"lTlti:s3"ln"prlvHte fainllj ." expd., oimg," white, Protestant girl 2) S. foncstoga t. WAITRKSfi -Experienced joung lolored girl, best refefencea MH X. I.IUi st. 1VIIKN IN Tv'PED of an experienced office as- alstant, bookkeeper, stenographer or cler call up Walnut iliioo und consult with Ml Dean, of the Commercial Department, wl iitrrn, SH ho has list of high-grade, experienced girls freo service lo Ledger AdvertU-ers NOW 'nr nnsiiioiia jvvnu vourseir oi WOMAN of education and refinement, thor oughly capable In supervision of household, or companion to elderly person: good reader, eoclal secretary. L 30g, I.edgcr Office. WOMAN of culture Is open for a position where tact ability and Initiative mo re quired. F 743, Ledger CenJMral WOMAN would like sewing of'any kind of day's work 7.1U S nib st; WOHK1NO IintMCKDI-I'fai no wash Oer-man-Amer. Prat., exper P 304. Led. off YODNO LADY high s-hoelVraduate. dealr office or Institutional position quick, accu late, S years' exp. P MO, Ledge- Central. YOUNCt nursery governess some hos pltal traininx; ro , ii St 410, Ledger Central. Ital training; rof . no objection traveling. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AMIIITION-AntMTY-AIiETlTNFWS Tlieea nttrlbulea, combined with jouth and 0 ears' anion and technical experience In elec. trlcal manufacturing and supplies, rhoull tielp mo up the stairs of success Will J on Krant me the courteiy of an Interview? P (110. Ledger CentraL AJvLEWCAN Chinese vvlshea position as cook or lutler In private family and housekeeper for nepanrnrni ciuo. ei ei. ixmncr i.iiiip. IfOOKKBEPEIt-STnNOaitArilBn- 10 years' experience! lesc reierencw r oi.iea e-eiu JlUTLKlT-desires position In first-clan family! best of references. II 12S, ledger Ofilce. CHACFI BtTR Young American, licensed In Pa . N. J. N. V . Hh 8 yrs ' thorough en on Amer. or foreign cars, compt mech.i will go anywhereiunques. res. I" 8.14. Id Cent. CJrAUI'rEKH-Mechanlc, Irteh, 2i" years, ex- Kerlencs 12 yesrs. efficient and competent, it-hii. reom.. strict abstainer. B years' tour. Con't. wlahes rs-engage. I' 301. Ledger Off. CirAirnrBUH. colored, knows all makes M cars: good recommendatloiisi 2 years' expert- ence,H lit. Icdger Office. CllAl'KFHUit. single. Irian, thoroughly ex perienced, temperate: prom. prlv. family ref. fences. D 112. Ledger Office. CIIAITPEUnT exp,; S yrs. with prlv!" fsm.i Al ref : strictly temp. Py Bd, Overbrook CHAlIFrHl'Il, 33 years, nVrrtad, sober csre ful driver: refs. A. Larson. MO N. Kuby St. CHAUFPBUn. (J ysars' sxp-i honest, sober! careful driver: Al ref. IL Oordon, CO) Anoh. CIIAllFcTIUIt, young Amer, wlsbss pos, wlh jrlv farrl. : n- tod habits. B BM. Led. Cent. COL1.BCTOB Outside worlc experieneM, tX i.ncT. seeurlly J. O. 1BIVN 21st. bnAUdtlTSAN Former msster gunner tT 8 Army 23 years of age, wltU 1 yavirs ex perience In topography sad detail work. inLttj'LL 1Li'iiJ!tu.jSynwva ENOINTSBn of good record, thoroughly experi enced In all Hues. Fuon Icust0IO. EXPERT In Wing card InJexIng, sto" suit largsjitflcs or factory P 7W. Ledger Cent. illOH SCllbeSl, graduate d entree pojiilon sa aoprentlo to eleUrloUn large two tract log Arm prsferrod. V HO, Ltsdger Central fNTeSfWBW solicited by coffiMtsnt salesman sat) sales manager, 3s. llh IB years' ex perl ene In tho sals of mechanical and eleetrkal pparatus. salary nominal K 111, Llisr Central JAPANB8B wllhas position as cook and doitn lairs work would tales plsce after Fb. 1 Wakstsu 1U a 18th MAN, ttVarriiid "9 yeare with "clubs" ta city wlsnsa mwUIoo wlib club vr prhaU fajully r 6U. rife CwitrtL EVENINO- LEBGB-R-PTTTLA'nTCLP-ffTA. FRIDAY, JANUARY SITUATIONS WANTED MALE "Afi!.?-'!" ,0I houllcworkrm7n aV.hauN . reur, eoloredt ref p ms. Ledger Central. ' !otiliiln?Ria ""i'l'IJIl, IS, strong, willing, In tolgentl jear-i exp.K 8W. T.l.Central 1'LeCii:;S!rfcl A15NT and binlneae manv fun. 'ilV chfl"?., positively .an produ.e ro ger 6fti?o B c nn ncoti- A MS- 'cJ" S'M'r!;J?.MA.N-A .'oong married man of strong ln2?f ",r an'1 """J eelllng experleitro de sires change, good reasons V m, led. Cent. Sn.,,',T'''.,.AN"' emploj"! wishes change, bond ad auto experience, tela r O.MJ ld Cent. 8TJr,K,KA'.,IKH-Vung man of gowl Oiar fi..I,i?p",J'. cn t I 'writer, lan operate mul "graph. moJerat ilar : A-l referemes 11 U.. Ledger nfflce 8TBWMHVPIIEH or clerk-Young mn7goo,l .AT r"ni.e- ' '' general oltfce exp ex icllent roteremts P SIS. Ilger Central. VVANTRn-flngle nmn. about 22 jeara old, lo go to mine In Mexico as bookkeeper, stenog- ,, unit general assistant, state run p ' h-iihirs end references A 1M7, Ledf Office dger Ytjl ..(1 MAN Amerlrnn Co ear nf age, graduate of 0 of I'., sieaks Spanlah and la muinr with Mexico, Houlh and Central Amer ''nn trade condltlcns, can make bond desires Jioaition as lAlln-Auierlcnn salesman or agent,, Addrem It Coleman. Silver Clt, New Mexico IOIM) MAN, rotnrnbsfnfner.'nlRlng worker, an drlvn -ind repair aulotnohlles, able to do nil rot airs around house, good gardener, de sires to iharre present ocruiatlon for steady wrrk In nrtiato house or loiisemnn or In small Institution; best refs A 204, led. Off VUl NO MAN. with 10 jears' general buslncM experience, ttesltea to connect with a reputui te concern where a fuluic Is more the object than salary lo start. !' fill. Ledger ten- Vf!'.N'o-MAX7?led'uralcd nml refined rnr lor,i. ctrke anil automobile expeilenie. ile eirts onife or mnnufnt taring porliton In or near I'hlm r HID, ledger Central lni'NO MAN, !lears, single, good eJueotl'-m itnowledno ,f tooHieeilng. nbllllj to lismllr a IKislilnn of rfspoi slblllly an I trust deslte uu ,mi, inf;ri.un rnneKc . i.ti i. eager unp e YOl'NO MAN, "IT deiilreM position In offbe of rrllnbln firm real estnte eitierlenre, lest of iefi,renceH Him Ledger Office YOI Ml Man, Irench, "well ediunled." wlslien position with club or private fnmllv. good rer II trhiek 1121 Deal st . iTnnkford. W'l NO MAN w ihcs'pnjltlnr In slerl ware house Kond rhlijrr, tan tin good nniking Jnmt-s ll-irnn. IsilNorlli Slili st YOI'NO men dfflrci eienlng work rltrlml slejioaranhb'jir tiienrliliig V MS Led Cent EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Jtns Ntt'iioLUs, i in iiAt.Nniiinni; st - I Kl.lAUI.l! IIA.V ALL NATIONAMTUM 1MI"NI: LOCl'ST SI10, t.O.MI'i;Ti:NT"help""autipllel nnd wanted Miss Hose t)oiiiliertVjJ'lll riliard avo. AUTOMOBILES WILL BXf IfXiftl i: hn"ure ln-iroiTborouRh for snml touring or roudster. M 410. Ledgor r enlral. Iiriale ." FI.ANIKHS electric automobile, entirely over hauled nnd In good toudlttmi. owner will allow dernonntrnllcn. M 4I. Ledger Central BUSINESS NOTICES 1'1'LI. DHKtiS AND TltXCDiiS TO Illlli: Prime Alberts, Cutnwns nnd Illuk Sulla Als Ivenlnn: elowns and Wraps We lne the flnfst selection In town Phono Pop. 11710 Modii.ito prices SAMl UliJOflPBIJlllO lllRMin AVK We can afford to remndel or repair your furs much cheaper than tho large do- ruilS pnrtment stores. IVe glvo nu expeit workimnshlp Phono llrlinnnt 2.1SI VV. CHAR. J IIOOSS. 01117 Arch st. BUSINESS OPPOUTUNITIES Di:NTAI. rrtACTICK for s-vle; dolns a' tSFh nuslnosH of nearly JlOtii) n jenr; established 11 enrn, In a grn.vlng suburb or rhllndelphli population about Ki.oet). one other dentist, best location In town, will stll pncileo nnd rent office, or sell both. M 31-'. l.cl. Cent. i IinSl'NtJT FT lllblNLiSS SALi: Mv Interest In old-stnbllshetl IiUhIwf Is nr lered for sale, bit ansa of advancing eg and lllneis. has for enri and li. now paliig lo per cent, per annum, n safe, permanent nnd piofltible Invcstn cut, amount required, $Ki. OCO M sol Leger Office OKI. UOIl A OIL LANDS-A Muleinllrl opnor tunll Is offered to Investors to iiiirchate whole or nut Interest In Oklahoma oil pro tlvutlrns Thcso properties who purchased by our anetits at first hand and are now pioduc Ina oil 'litis Is not a vvtMini ttalo of oil sto k but a liotin tide ihanco to huv tlice oll-produelnc pronertles Famuel w. Mc- i'uen -e-iT Mcil Hstaje Trust llblg. A.N lIADLISIli:U veal jnrd piopertj In uoitbtnst tiectlfin, 2 Iruiits, gold loiation. kiN ,1 Nldim; coal under iovtr. nvn bo louiibt light the interest on the Investment will be iipiivjlcnt to nUiiit $70 it month, would suit bull If r tonunrior or storage an opportu- nlt siltloin offered. A IS. Ledger Olfltt. 1VANTIU, an associate In municipal develop incnt work. 1 have valuable contracu vvlth munUlpalltles, large prollt accruing, destio man of standlna and ability and one Inter ested in civic or municipal work I edger Central. J! INTi:t.LI()i:NT Investoi vvlih not Icfh thnn 20(K wanted In eoucern munufacturlng piiturn films, ihe btivluejs Is In good shape und pavlnK. seniles of luvertor will bo ae e e j t.-tl M tri2.l edger Ceutial W.'li:t. a partner with sonic capital to In vest In limber Write for full pirtlcnlara. TIIK HBItl.IN LlMHUIt CO., II. D. Adams, manager Mllfrd, Del ADVLRTIsnn pertoually" Kiiarnntrcs in rcr cent, on investmint of $100 or more, 20 per cent probable. P till, ledger OflUe. W01IN partner In going buslneHi. lnlf lu ll rt it . ir fcinnll Investment to Increase present salci I2.1.1. l.edgei Cen'ral J'AT) .NT ATT1' w"lll "exch. "serviced for anv useful commodity. M JML ledger t'entral CARPET CLEANING W lihT PHILA. MONillCH BTOHAnn loi :tc. PIIII YAltD SS70-72 LANCASTER AVH CLEANING AND DYEING OR'lTiICH F&VTIIKRS AND KANCinS CLHANCD DYKD MAIL1IOI', 1.110 Cheslnul. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DllESSMAKI.N'O tuught, short, prai rourso McDowull .107 Denckla nid , 11th Market. Jlemitltching dom vvblto eou wiilt. A. Reich- ard lil.l Chealnut Pictorial Review patterns DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH NEW IMPORTATION fine singing Herman tanaries, $.1 each, every bird guaranteed good singer, cages St upward, Tno laigest and ti, st stock In the city to select flom. turds can saiely be sent to all parts uy express. K. C VA II 1.15 .uu ; Market st EOR SALE A!:TH)m?S Card table. (0, sofa able, ta. 7 chest of 13 Wnlnut drawers,bureaus. Inluld tab! UILI.IARD. pool, comb., 2d hanl. Louithl. soldrented ex'd. KiaJTer 32l fllrard uve icon rMI.I?-Larcs-slss safe, lurrcl & i a, makf, Herring's Champion burglar-proof com. partments. Arkwrlght Co, l'l H 3d st. INSTRUCTION PIiENCII In three months by refined oung l aClSiait llllji vmmr vv... wl paiiuiim methoa: terms moderate. Mile. U llerlhlii, 1&02 Area 110 u. in -tu p m.j. DllAMA'Ttf AltT. ElJOt'lJTION UXPltBSSlON I'hone iirlmont :iin XV 172fl Chestnut it. Tuesday and I rlday, 1 to fi n in .Musical uPEItATIt' lenor desires pupils, tholr, oratone and opera C 308, Ledger Office. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS UPltlOHT 1'IAO for sale, nearly new; will tell cheap jvr cash. 604 X. I'd st. OLD GOLD IlOUOHt'. fcOLD DIAMONDS KXCHANOED. WINDOLPH. "4 APPI1A1HED. 28 N. liiTH 8V, WANTED fUltNlTUBV. CAltPKTH. PIANOd rAUT OK KNTIHK HOUHBIIOLDa HOUailT IIKST CASK PKiCKB PAID MILLER i. CO lii30 HI DOR AVE. PHONE TOI'LAP. 45S3. P 1 1 1? N I T 1 1 R E Antiques, pianos, etc.," par? rulUNI 1 ur.i- or jniire bouse bought. Kens. Furniture Co., 3H3 Kensington ave. rooms roa rent UAlllNCJ, 3518 Two flrst-Soor rooms, suit dsotut ot doctor or airtiniiU. The Chilton. Mrs Usls McClsJn. Manager DAItlNcJ. SStO-Boorns. furnished or unfur- utin ROAD, 8.. tJO-CpmforWbly furnlshej re iSO Comfortably fui t, light and hat lioonu, pumy pi iii pnoae CATHARINE 20x--Pleasant rooms, furn.. un turn . Mlih. or without board no nkujr . ph. rEDAR AVE s03 Desirable luru 2d-Huor loom lenueJ ttelsnoorBd waoaiund 47ST v CIl&H'NUT tlyil w" 'unuiaed Jl)gU sn3 duiibls nonis lurnluip wAter uttSPNl'T. ino Booms, single or n suits. Phous Lo-ut i i HtBTNt'T 2UU i Lexington) largo Sd Sous fruut wlta p:Kat S1). gins List room. KOOM3 ion KENX CMKSTNL-T, 1410 - WxceptTonaTiacan7l7ai warm, cheerful rooms, ennv, t,. surface hoard opt. 1'tea trxn rimti dlsp. Led cent. CMMTOM. HZO-Large, comfortably furnished front roomj refined aurroundlngai single r'mi COLfMniA AVK.. 24W-l'urrlshed front roomi private family, with or without board, phone. I'hoto on jllsplny at Ledger Central. t.lltn, 1120 Single loom, with halli, furnlshedT lioaidjnpjJorMljnpionatile Tioga S275 W. of4Af"n A'vp. 4S1B (l,et Pino and" tl7ll )- fSunnyd lltmr 'ontijomjnodernlyfuni, I'AXON. N.ai-Furn. front rooms: private f amlly i onesqiinre trom ;,2d at jilphon. t'INR llwv-Newly furnlsbed double and sin- gle rnoms, best sent t. pnune. l'l'h ' ,5,""'i"tlr '"rnlshed room In private lamlly. n windows, southern exposurei phone. VtJiV' ,1S"TV'"'lor rooms, also nthersi bright and eheetfnninnlng water,eorner house. l'loVl..14.0',T,,f,,,cffm ""l1" 'oomi neatl furnished tileklneon r,no I). SI'ltl.NO (JAlttlKN Pfll.NO (JAlttlKN. 2Un-!d-story lullo nirn . tnth. Unlit houiekceplng If desired un SITICCi: W22-Dealrabls suite with prltale bath, open fire, phone, owner Bc,'!Uff;' "1-N'V opened, very attractive, furnished rooma, all conveniences. 1'res 2S13. HAN0.- 11tV'",al0 "family-will" rent neatly furnished aul'e. Tioga 4311 W. '"'t.lilS ifigan 8o,uare)-Clean. worm.com tortahle, front, sunnj, housekeeping, lodging rooms, limning watery .' 75, renned Vii.'T M''-f Slngl and double rooms""a"t. tractlielvfuinlshed, hot-watsr beat, phone ll'!,' s.- '""-'-''rivato" family will rent newl) Jurn front room Phone nibert 1202 W l",Ml iS ; ". -""'enlral local on' Tlngles.ni) Ir tilde front rooms, ateain bral. reasonabl "iT.'iV. SrhTr,M"yl,,,tul ul,'t wl,h Private luth. light bousekeeplngjf desired. P.TIt, s . :tl7-2tl lioor front private famTlT. utber vMcane.ta: reaonabie. rllbert SNJ.I if,JJil ,L . a. turnlshed "fronfT-oom. noxt lo bath, also professional office. ,riT,ir'. ? I'l-Piirnl'hed suite, next tobalh. light hoiistkcepliig ir deslied. 17TI1. S., 2,V1 Nenllv furn suite on" 2d flooT. j itnnlnjc water, single ruoins reasonable T- .. "',Mo(,crn "lrn. rooms, sliia-le or - " --Hi'". prUntorat"iii Tloea Mil t S".'.J . JS" SJ.-I rSlngl tr iiimmunlcatlng front rn,ims, private, reasonable Diamond 17WI ail J. K , 12.' lleoms rurtilshe.l or iinfurn . run ring water, kllehrneltes llglit houseKeepliig f'1rin.i N'" l'11" 1'rlvslc fairlly will rent large Jd-i-wvr finnt room., film or iinfurn use oi dlnpig reoin and kltclicu dovynstnlrs iilens.int Corn, a, i:i7 PuriiUhe.l room for light house kceplng.i,. blockfrom elevated ,.,., Z-A nnd Snsoni-utnihcd "Kf.1,I"'N' " rooms men onlv mrala ,, .Jl C. A. shower balhs: near L all thetomfolts of home Phoiu Pclniiinl nisi Kev West 1MI -'iS 'en'.hmen can have rur front room "elghb.-r iiiii nml Piiwiimn Harlnc 1M2 W BOARDING "Ai,VTi,,Mi.,".,! AV,?' ,.4I"-A " deilrable aln.tlo niom Unlit are! warm, ulouinnt sur roundlims photo nt idser Central Clll-STNPT 4041 -Nhelj furnished rooms with board also tnble board, convenient to elcvnted and trollejs Ph ino Preston tt'121 II DIAMOND. 2007-Pircptlnnal Voms. slllgiror en silte running vvolcr. excellent meals, ph PAJ!,SInViS"r AV,: IMS-nnardlng for lidl.s nnd gerllemen. convcnlenies l'ontnr 122T w ";ii'"' M22 Atrrn-tUe furnished" 2,1 floor front rni, warnicoinflli) prlv. Wood. fl2.",7D i.i.i. S'l'i. '"",rArnctlve moms, also suite . ...,t- ,,!, lump iii'iirtl a,n J el',i',. .r "HZ 11 ..tL"'5..?. w "oor. ,- . . . .,.., incniiu iiiuie pnoue """" iii-i' is'iiiei'irs npartrnents. two !" "'i' uniu , ,u irn- iiRiH.jaino ouard BPItllCi:, .-.Kil n slrable 2d nnd Id floTir ra" modern. renned lorn., cood table 1'res 4S1 SPKl-cn. 122I-2H (llrltniandel-rurnlehed rms. single, en suite, private baths, tnble board "rn-.:,, ,V" -.'.-SIW '?" " ngl. WA'-N,eT "C'-A few verv desirable vacnti clci. furn nr unfurii .good table, phone WALNUT, 4121 Sunn) rooms, plenty" hat. - tL'"fr1,0"",, table borrJ'reslon B725 D. lOl'll, 8. .'Ill-Double "room, 2d"noorTprTv"aTe huh others, uiihjniaid Wnlnut T'.IS W 12TII N . '.'HIS -rieiisnnt room, married couple jri-ciilleinen ko tnblo phono IBTII HT , h I'lll-Altinctlve rooms for tbo'e who nppreclnto a goorl iiome, niod . prlv. nod com . sood tabic I'lmtn tlliplar nt Led Cent BOARD WANTED marmi:d coppi.k with private f-imll). desire board and room W HIO, ledger Central. APARTMENTS faPltlNn C.AIlD"nN,11ll -Llghl housekeeping - '"IPS runnlngwnter single rooms phone HPItlNit OAItDKN loio-i:xcellont nnts In S illfTerei.t Jouses some furn il kftehcnctien i:.NVNilo U"," igflt 2d floorr n-room npaVt- incut, all new. purquelrv fl iors and pnperlnjr, voung mairled touple iireieired. reasonable WALNUT "122J-2I (Kenwnod)-Deslrahlo vacs. single or til suite, prlv. baths will clung lo suit tenant modornto rent Walnut NIS4 WAl.NUTrtl.il Apts nf"l"to 4rooms. vvlth both, furn or iinfurn, 11 up, prof, unices Apply Jjnllor. "lTTll. S, 1211 liaVlTc lor "npiii", ?il "floor. "TTrlv". nlsliatll ,tl l,'0l Lnnd Title Bldg. ClllLION APAltTMRNTS KJIH llAltlNO KT. Tno first-floor rooms: stilt dntfst or doc'o or nparnintH 61rs llelle McClaln managsr I ION'S HEAD" Handsomely furnished lll-nu ept. I213-1B Locuit HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS MASTKIt ST. IVIV-Recond noor modern hnusekeejvlng nparlnienlsj hot-water hat DIAMONl)."2oiO-lst tlnor Tl rooms, hnidwnvl notirs Iniiulre nrsl Jlcor Phone IMa JK( THE NASH 1527-20 Spruce Street HANDSOMU. t P-IO-IIATi: HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIIIST FI.OOH Apply on Premises loll VACANCIES and complete Information of oil apartments free consult APARTMENT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts Phone Walnut 930. or write for '"Apartment Directory," Januarr lMltlon. Free. KENT APARTMENTS N 1512 13TII ST. llousekeepfne; upoitments i rooms and bath. MS ',u month Itnllor icrxhe I INP1I11PST. IJg fl 4Mb -Apt III, unfur nished. JITi, Immediate possession. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OKIIMAMOWN . IIOICI. proiertles in all sections or ntn . Mt Airy. Chest II : all prlrea. Write for ipeela'. list J II Chadwlck A Co . VU3 Oermantown Ambler, Pa. V'nSPKCIALIZK In suburban" properlv along Hie I and It. I'ethlehem and Pajleslowu hranihes, we offer suburban hon'ey. farms, Improved munlry places and bulldlns sites, we can eatlsf an) rcuwniatla pv chaser II J. DAfir.lt Ine . Ambler. Pa. lVcljirter, Pa. COUNTRY IIOMB S aires 3 miles Wreet ChTiT tcr, Konnett trolley 7W0. A. 1) 1I1-M.1), West Chester, Pa. NK1V JKIISKV Atlantic till. N. J. SNAPS In choice cotiagas, hotels. lots elo. dale, rent. exc. Choicest cor. lot Ventnor. 11000 bet. cost llruekmann. 310 Guarantee llldr. Hsddonfleld. N. J. TAVI3"ftKV'EUAL FINK PI10PEHTIKS at Largalp p-l-es WM. CA11EY MAItSllALL. Ml IVeiul st . ramdan. Woodbury Heights, N, J. hKV LKAL desirable homes and Improved bldg lota at reasonable prices. John Martian. PENNSYLVANIA VAHMS lotTACItlsS' fOMllon. Und. bulldlnss. water and lallroad facilities, all first clsM! hsi lerilhmg """ "" to make u guad farm bevsrsl stock farms cheap, ISO SCO and lit acres, the very bes.tj of land snd clitan: ?ttt our wanif fcw.i.A4ivirt e-. tunfi mum e. nflb. Wt Chestei Pa 100 AC11K3, Delaware County, bargain I big ttock and dairy farm. (Ins building sliest 0,0O0. J. D Thompson, West Chester. HEAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic Cttr. N. J. 110TK1.3. cottages, apartmenls. etc., to el change for PiillaelpliU proiiertles. ollAS E, FELL. M 8. Pent, avs . At antlo City. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Atlantic City. N. J. ilOTELS. boarding houses, tottsges. ete. meet every rsqulrcn-eor. Dcsn A Mc to core, lOByionea avej MORTGAGES SIX bUCuM mortgagu or 1T000 each, build ing ajtoiuiio" destre.1 on residential build ings io be euustruited la PblUdelBJils. Coun ty" coal hue i Oto ich jtesUoed by a for UiOl ar. liiii.l , Srst-cUs. utopesllkin lo even rwii ii 13B I-edxw Office. ugu HIT TO. LOA oeSllua iiss. Miaj mi rsai eetai security. V-.- VKMtff m9. flS, Wi ii - - - -. - - . . ....... fe SCRAPPLE j WlG'5 DIARY. Jan. 20 leu (Al&Lt WRYOTAeoV) 5TAI0 IN BID AL. T1I3 MOSlNlNtt T M THf ilFHPNOOM I SOT OP. I BOftNgO IMCgMSP AMO lOOXttl AT TVC N,TIOMU fltO- nrvrHic MAOAitiixf;, mc Ctn.D ii asTTiNa bbttsih And I OU1MT Ta BE O.OIM& To SCHOOL TtJr-tOFtrtOW, THeSB IS r40THIJS tc wrtiTe aOoot mMom yxio STiyt IM THst HOUJH MD ro NOTHtwA m'TVit way I MAO A 4SHTMAfC tgiT niht our i MBuen KNtW IT. t iliMPKD ALL OVBR TVlR DSD MD rMM ALU Owen TMB HO04; ANO YBLPBO LIKU A MAP tOC, The Lesser Evil "I ran give ou a cold blt," said the, woman. 'Why not warm It tip?" asked the irnmp "There ain't any wood sawed." "So' Well, give It to m colil."-N'ew York Sun. Blanco y Negro, Madrid. fFE STriATEQISTS. Waller What nro you cainn; to take? t'ustoincrs place' (In unison) A fortified Plnyed Out "Why nro you moplnrr there, Dick?" "I've no one to play with," "Well, go nnd fotch Kreddle next door." 'Oh, I p!ed with him jestorday, and I don't suppose he's well enough lo cams out t" London Opinion. PROOF The Captoi, to Hla Superior Olllcer beer, entln' sausaeo like it pig-, an' Inn xW i litr & 1 , JIMMY NEVER REALIZED HOW MANY FELLOWS THERE WERE IN THE GANG TILL THE NIGHT HE CALLED ON A GIRL FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HIS LIFE MW (wWi S s ill 29, I915 THE PADDED CELL I grrV HAW? HERES I B" ANOTHER Om. sri x Heard Ust) lWRl A116HT-A MAM J I ly L A JAPANESE -mm;MXtpMm i n w.,mmmm-m ,, General Winter threatens Will Oncn In London Sketch. POSITIVE Found 'liu slttln' on a barrel of lager said 'o was a Chinaman jTa? VT.s. I f ' CrSf s SPjS 15 CARTOON Yorodzu (Toklo). the armies in Poland. Lampoon. "What do ou think of the nerve) of thitt fellow In the third rowT Try ing; to flirt with me. he wag. M,aym. As If I'd notice a fellow who game to a 13-cent vaudeville show!" SO HEAVV Admirer My dear, ths world wae but a desert to me before I met you. She I can readily believe It, be cause jou dance Ilko a camel! V" ML M 1 1 1 mm -iH