Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 29, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12

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through ft process tt ttntutlon. And Ih? taw
KOttrnluc It has paBMfd through exolutlon Just
ntt tbfrr ntn V" tM.if'nn n h rir,,,,''lf
nf !h tTttlrrd Stntm, t riri. mir flht n
Juat. If I am wrong I wish to know It tlral
tuH , rrtton I isnlt tnc ilf I'ton o .ruuvt
..tindln. 1 think mtr DnranlMtlnn Is rlqht tf
It la wron lh quicker contlltloitP nrv rtsit
JustM properly the hotter. Fori after nil, the
cnnrervatlon of the fmne n uhat I moat de
li F " n iS r iJlL - -n I Hr
i irS.gra-' ,. Joe ' i,s CoibiG TJ ( ' U tE.T-MO.Stea--'7 What iS r
a4nwamC-gjr ' vSEMD 6QtG CLOtHES Ti L ft THAT FOR'?- OM VeS-OMC I
4f irft-rarr-JLr -'-: " P'he CUcaMers anp ft op thu boys a.t thc office I
m &&Wte?V -5,iTT' foUno this little Call &' gave it to me- mc pickcd
'-WfaW's: A C W1W FIGURE 51 Orjjjlf IT UP IM CUBA P W T
VL' ! si -IkC, J , xTn .-t IkI Vol id DnrwRT- r1 At V CP GAME HE SAlt)- IVG I
Two Major Leagues Only
Will Be Recognized by
Powers of Organized Ball,
Is Belief of Sport Writers.
t0 Now York Sun publisher lite fol
lowing Interest tiff comment on the Ameri
can Association baseball question:
Two major leagues only will bo rccog
tilted by the powers of organ. zeil baseball
o lohK as the civic laws of tlie land per
mit tit operation of the national pastime
under existing circumstances. These nrc
the National nnd American Keagues,
which yearly furnish the woild's chain
plunfthlp setlcs.
A number of promotcis of fast m'nor
league clubs eltlcntly lmo fooled tlipm
elves Into tlic Idc.i that their lIiouIL will
be granted ctassltlcutlon ciuul to the bl-s
two. It la a too IhIi huiic Hie world's
series Is what It Is simply because It
typlllca a certain condition that would
pot be possible In u broader Held of piny.
According to stories from tlio West, the
American Association ban taken for
granted that It Is to bo alsrd to major
classification Lecauso the National and
Amcrh un Leagues hut c ex pt eased a
willingness to lift the draft on It. Such
nil absurd conclusion snrcel.v can he
Imagined. The American Association has
not cities of population suUicIcnt to vie
with the big IcIioWs, and the opposition
of the Federal League lraes Tom Chlv
Jngton's oil cult on practically the Fame
basis as that of the International League.
CHICAGO. Jan. 1U The AmerUan Associa
tion ha a taken another blK tltp the llKRet.
fco r&r hi Its proKrcbH tow am tho high (iI.uch
of baseball, aicnrUtriK l t'rcsi.lcnt Ltmlntf
lon, luulnff Rained from thn Nrttiuniil Oiii.h.Ih
won the promise that the major leagues
power of dra.t oir It will he glvui up
In addition, the LominlHstuti lia nsrecd to
cmnt thu association tlio rlRht ti enter ici
taln cities now n the Amerknn or National
League and will turn mer a number of
player. Hut representation on tho National
Coinml'alrn and participation In thn worlJ'a
championship lerles arc steps not et taken."
acrordinr to Mr. ChMnjrtor.
NWV TOHK, Jan LM - President Truer,
when seen at National Ixnjrue headquarters
here yesterda, said the National Commission
had not taken any definite act oti (n reference
to the lifting- of drarta In the American As
sentation. 'The matter has been discussed frequently."
he- paid, "and nil) ui.doubndlj mm up agiln
at the annual myelin of the commission,
which may be held here earl next month I
am not prepared to nay whether doMnlte action
Villi be taken In refereme to this matter nt
ouc ntxl seisloti. but thin ns nell na several
othr mattirs of ImrurtniK will be dls
cursed," CINCINNATI, Jan 29 -- The lifting of
drnlts hi the American Association would
automctlcallv raise It to major leaftue eland
In," said Chairman August Herrmann, of the
National Commission hern cterdnv. 'Th
National Commlssloti. however, has tint taken
up the matter uf Willis tho ilraits In aiij of
th minor leagues as vet. 1 he matttr has
been discussed several times during the lart
year, but no action has been taken, un t I do
not think any will be taken In th Immedi
ate future."
SI'JW YOTIK. Jan. IE).-"We IH plav with
a alx-club league before we will rmlre fiont
the jfarmj, satii President IM Harrow, of the
International Lea sue. ycsurUny. "I want to
rfeny alfo that the Internal. onal league has
any Intention of fcolng out of business now
o nt an other "me Then' Is no truth In
the published Mors tq this erfect.
XBW YOUK, Jan. 2t) pAhlilcnt 1inr. of
the National League, bellies that the future
of basflball recta koicIs upon the decision of
Judce Landls or the ultimate conclusions de
ducted therefrom.
"Lither baccLall as conducted bv the na
tional agreeincnt ciubc la right or It Is wroi'K "
said hr, 'nnd the sooner c And out whoro
we stand the better lor us 'I he game has
suffered much witlln tho last jenr as a le
sult of the many nttaks upin ita lnteprlt.
However, such questions will have no tatting
I am sure that t sreak for eery member
ef th Nntlonal Cf-mnitfcilon vhen 1 My tint
I will welcome an ruling upon the actuation.
I have had from the first no dnubr ultout thn
ultlmatl"rullnjr of tho court, but etill 1 ica'tie
that I may be prejudl'ed
l!afeball has traoe creat ftrldts pin Us
Introduction two fenerations ago. It has been
Yes, Qo Away
How soft and siccct the June ufi is to
day; Bow green ihe velvet turf along the
And where the sun of summer crowns
each hill
Oh, what a day to lean against thc pillt
Js'o wind to speak of, save a drifting
That hums and croons a song of fj and
Here, bog, slip mc a brassle for this shot
And take this sicealer, for I'm getting
Now ptpe this wallop Zoiclcl on the
Two hundred yards and resting on the
Dead for a "three" if I can only roll
This four-foot putt into the xcaltlng
Here, Md, slip me a putter from the bag
And ei.tr, prithee, lift the bally flag;
Jfow for a stab and zlpl in to the cup
Don't wake me up.
(To be continued.)
Villa, la planning a. ble battle to pro
vide a safe landing In Mexico for Jack
Johnson. This is the ultimate tip-off
on Mexico. It closes out the debate,
"Ureanahan says he can handle
Heinle Zimmerman." And here all
along we have been led to believe that
Germany has a monopoly on those 42
pentlmetre guns.
Getting: Partially Back .
"After the repeated tizzies of Amer
ican golfers in this country" begins
an Hnslinh exchange.
To a certain extent this impeach
ment is admitted, nut it isn't aa bad
possibly as a few English golf experts
seem, to think. America, has won one
British amateur golf title against one
hele by an fingltshman on U. S. soil.
Jerry Travers, U. S. champ at the
time, was eliminated in his first round
on KngUh soil, and In 1918 Harold
Hilton, British champion, was bumped
aK by a, 4-liandlcap man in his first
?S-hoIe match, at Chicago. Also Ileln
ricu. Schmidt, who failed tn qualify In
tfae L. S. championship in 1913, tore
through the UmUti Held for jdx rounds
i ftiti same yer and wait oni beaten
i. liiiiixi. the champ, through a freak
:- ft tt mj U IMfe gfJ.
k'rByyS W
.h .l.n H.lll. t Ht-. I jiIaIa t.ti.1
i Itlll l)onoan, will tie ilif Riimtg nt
Iionor nl Ilif 1 1 tit annual banquet of the
Hpnrtlnu Wrltcra' Ac-nclatlon on Turailiiy
ttitii, Ktbruari til, at Hie Hotel Mftjentle,
nr'hM from IJurham, N. t jet'ritn',
where h went to trj to Induce Whttleil,
tho utility Intlelder of the lrnes, to come
to tlie I'hllllei, He left for New York later
In the tlay to rc 1'ieaUlent Ilaker.
Mornn nl.o ml, I that ho i golnp to put
one oeron l.urrt lajole Inaamurh aa he
bail ilerlJeil to remove to l'hlladelphla on
I-rbrunrt , which would beat Mrry one dy
rta n resident of the Rood old bur.
WOliflt'TI-'ll. Mim., Jan lilt .lack ltarr
th amr shorutop of Connie Mark's Athletlra,
hna etarttd prepantlnn lor the romlnu aearnn
hv woililn? out dallv with the Hob l'ro i'oI
lece haaelnll lamlldalea Xot nnlj la Harry
urrlilnv hlra.elr Irln alintte. hilt he H alvit
hill'tnp to roacn llle Krrcn niairriii nrro un
IR tminx mem m.nx vniunoie ininirrn.
niWTfiN. Maaa . Jan SO. Tli" .latied 'on
tni' t rf I'healer I) Thoniaa, n reRular enti tier
with the Ho.ton Atnerlrnna for tho paal threi
renfnna waa leeehed by Vreeldent lAnuIn
lenterdai. II had hen re,orled that Thomaa
waa ll.irotlatln? with the JVdrral I.eaRiin
CHII'AHt) Jan. I'll. -William P. MeOowan
n nilnr.r lencue baael all plaver, whose home la
In llmitrdale, Pa , eipiied a contraet jertenlnv
to play with the Chicago Federals Mednnnn
la an Indelder and ban plnyed with various
Pinn.jhanln clubs
NH YultK. Jan. ?I -t'nptaln r I. Iluam-i
rr"ited a cmnmui lentlon rterda afternoon
troin Port Worth, Tex . rrni"-ilni; ronaldera
tlon of that cltv as n. training- spot for the
New Yorka
I ho new Jasper owners irot off to n pood
slart In the rnsteni t.eiRue last nluht at Non
pnell Hull, when tie .Tewils drfented I'p Neil
ror the sixth time this reason bs ft 24 to 50
Keenan filled tn put In nn appearance,
thcreb il!eapilnt'ns the He Nerl manase
mint while Frirart has a brpken rib. Mih
thee tn.i men out l)e Nerl did er well with
the rearranged line-up.
, t.. P r.
n tie Nerl
10 .GOO Trenton
1- .."i.ll ilrevetoc
Rtraxer'M won a cIum tctnr In the Nntlonal
I eacuo tost nl"ht when they defeated the
Junior ri-Jb b. !H .a J.
Stetson Mission defeated Fmnkford In a
Northeast l.pntrue Ramc at Nonpareil Hall last
nlBht, f to is.
The HaddhiKtnn Tllle and Trust Cnmpnnv
baskitball team defeated the Mulllca lllllcrs,
M to .t).
Strau.s defeated Hretbren In a Northwest
t,nagun Kame at the Uermantown floja' Club
lust night, I r to !i
Catholln IIIkIi qulntrt defeated the Camden
Hlah J-'ihnnl laskellnll team, IT- to "'J, cster
da) nt Haltaban Hall.
bahketball game between tho Klrls of Oer
niantown 1'rlends' School nnd Krlendn Select
School waa plajcd tn the tatter's KmnaHlum
esterda afternoon. Oermantown School de
fealed Friends' Heled. ?S to tl, though
friends' Scleit put up a good flight.
it John's, of .MnpaunU. first defeated Hill
side first, 2ii to IK nnd St John's, ir Mana
i.uk, sciond defeated Hillside second. 2", to 8
Ail H-Onlr defeated the Pairhlll Hoys' Club
.10 to ,',.
One of the most enthus'astl neetincs or
held bv the Women's ttolf Association of Phil-
miriu4iit rrMiufii I'siiTtiiiv v urii iirioia ifi
I from lit of the 1 rluhs belnnnlner to tlip as-
orimion connneu ror tno iin annual m ot
Inn at i ho offtfp of the rocretarv. MUs If
ljthrt Manic The absentee were thc Helfl Id
an I Woodhi'rv Count r t luhi
It was nnnounted that ihe lnterciu matches
hetnren Nen York Ftoiton nnd PhIUleIiha
witild be nlacd orr the inurno nf the Morion
' f-(kt Club, as also will thc Ua stern clnm
Dlonshlu. M5W YORK. Jan. 20 The links of tho
SlrM Hollow Country t'lub will bo the ecmo
o! thn women's metropolitan coif chimiitnna ip
Tor t!ir Thin nr.B dceidt-d tenlav at tho
annual meeting or the Women's Met 'oiiolltau
(!olf Afismlattou at thc Ulltmorc. 'Ihe dates
hae nut been set
Eeulbach Relensed Outilght
NEW YOUK. Jan 2") "His IM ' llfulbach.
hero n uii.ii) a tdtchlnc duel In the Nntlonal
league, was today released uutrlalu b the
Urookln Nationals. Iteulttach's palmiest ilas
were with tho I'hlcaRo Cubs, where for eara
ho was one of the league's leading twlrlers.
Assemblyman to See Fights
: th neekU boxing show of the Uajonne
tN. J.l Sporting Club tonlffht Manager Phil
t'.ip will have an his guest AEsemblyman
Jacob Slncer, of .lere Cltv. who has Intro
iiU'eo a bill in the Now Jersey Legislature
leullzlng boxing In the state
(J teat Britain, haUng dabbled in golf
affairs for some 200 years or more, has
something of nn edge on tho U. S
that has been toying wih tho game
only 20 seasons. But there are still
a few reels of time left for the big film.
Offside Plays
Too many entries, In playing tho
19th hole, over-approach.
Bill Donovan apparently doesn't
agreo with Caesar that it "Is better to
be first In a little Iberian village than
second In Home."
Kvery cloud has a sliver lining and
most silver linings are also attached
to a cloud.
The Chalmers Trophy, offered an
nually for five years to the two most
valuable ball players In the big leagues,
has been dropped. But Col. Howard
Mann offers a winning suggestion for
a new Chalmers award viz.: An au
tomobile for the most valuable lawyer
now In baseball, only those to count
who have collected coin In as many as
15 trials.
The Difference
The punch, they say, is mightier than
the pen as a collector of kale. Only at
When Charley "White was taken ill
recently it cpst him $4200, plus a doc
tor's bill. Vet if the average daily bard
Is stricken any cost above $10 is merely
a foolish dream on the part of the doc
n charge of the episode.
The Good Xing Arthur Warble
When good King Arthur ruled his land
Vtth gentleness and pride.
No wonder that he never tried
To stage a sulglde;
For good King Arthur never heard
A beaten golfer roar
BUT f TQQK A .VJWr-FOrif.'"
It is estimated that 50,000 new golf
ers -will be added this season in the U.
8. alone. Only they -wgn't be alone.
Not while any one can be found to
listen to how each got on the first
green. 3S0 yards away, in a drive, four
screaming brasles and a maishle shot
only to take Ave putu aa4 les the
W. t.. P C. W t' P f .
Camden ...17 a tie Nerl.. .11 11 .S1!
Heading- ...Hi 10 .r0 Trenton ...12 10 .12!!
Jasper . . 11 K ."i.ll nrevetock . II IS .230
Broadway A. C. Matchnlaker Cannot
See That Game Needs Supervision.
llntnan c1ikkh Tailor, matchmaker .ml
referee of Uir Droadwny A C. said tlint tlw
Ka.uo in this cll was liclng promoted on sueh
a smudant tli.it tlcre la no need ultateter for
a boxing eommlsiion,
" hit do wo want with a commission''"
apketl Pas lor. "Vii thu name hero Is bflnff
hopstoii ill oer the country aa in liettrr shape
than In any other t Itj hi tho world If that M
tlif can win Hhould a Lommles.un be formed
to siiervixn tin sport'
"Li tjbodv ioitnetrd with thn p.tstlme tho
imiiHtin managers nnd fighters, alo tho
mippnrtera of the same sewn fathdod nlth
thi' wnv the shows nro being RtaKcil.
"As tn :n-round fighting. I believe that the
rana am getting Juit what they want tn slx
ro'Ji il houts. There li gonerall plentx of
action, nnd wl h bouts of tho present number
of rounds the followers of the siwrt luc an
opijortunlty of scelns mfire fai'cs In thc rlitK
at thr tamv show. Ten-round bouts would
monn u reduction In the number f bouts.
' I Imw traelcil all over th" roitnlr, wlt
nefslng (I, 10. lo nnd "0 round exhibition', but
mote ttghtlng la done In n lint r dozen rounds
Uvnn In a bout of lout'er dmntlon. The boxer
know ihal six rounf'a Is the limit and they
light Horn thc opening gong In longer fights
tho toxein wait until tho last few rounds for
i final Hash "
Hinckle-Flemlng Battle Was Most
Interesting of Night.
Tlie s-nilulmi-iil, at tlio Ilro.1dn.1y A r. iiFt
rlwlu lictwirn tatanlF lllnckle ami Ituck
rivnilriE. Imtli nt (!ia Krrri. iculteil In tho
ninat lutcrcstliiK numbpt cm tho proKram Tlio
lultcr rttuiiicit a Mrtnr h n tllKllt shailo ho
"i" r liln uRgros4l; flelitlns and harder
hlltimr ability
Vtthoui.li hihllc Ilenlr' rnrrleil quite ll Tow
I'Ounil.i of suiiprlluoun "eight, lie dealt u Lad
iirniiialnp tn l'te .Malone In the llnnl tight.
Jlilone , roved a Klutton for punishment
tpIKe MePddilcn was cha.ed from the rlns
hv the rollie nerireant Tor uslns rouKli taetlcn
In hln lmut with Yank (Jllhert. feplke had all
tho heltcr or thc flEhtlliR. However, he IiihIsiii
on tl rowiiiB fJllhert over the lopes nnd wrcst
linn; nlm to the llocr
In the other tiouts (.us T.enM enslly out
pointed rnune Ilrllt nnd IMdle Dormj won
from Yruntj t-am Umsford In thno roiindn.
the rereiee rtopplm; the affair after the latter
diopied tn the floor half a dozen limes with
out heln? hit.
Ileimnn llludln had bnj ronipelliiK In earh
of ihe live flthls, fuur of them returning win
nunnlns I', birds apleco enabled Day Paul
and W. Klrshner to pull down Ural money In
the live bird event nf the Point llreeze Oun
Club Bhoot over the Point grounds. lAlltbank.
with one mis, finished aernnd, hW 1.1th bird
puttlm: him out of tho ehance to set In on
flrft mone.
In nddltlo'i to the open event there were sev
eral racia shot, both at llv.' birds nnd tnrKets.
Ulltbank and Hums had a '.'.'.-bird tils!
whlelv the former won hv 'JO to 1,T .md In u
.Vl-tarnet tes Klvw.o.l bested Walls, hv break
ing 4S to hi rn'ionent'B 4,"i. JIis. Walls shot
along In this race, clipping I-
ftealdes holding Its annual rhoot At Kdeo
lllll, I'a , tomorrow, the Highland Oun club
also has a moat busy time ahead of it for
Monday nlclit. whtn the yearly bnmiuet and
nietlnr will be held at tho Windsor Hotel.
Besides the election of officers for that night
the club will alro rresent to thoso fortunate
gunnerx the trophies donated for the learly
and period competitions.
Follovreri" of trapshootlnir will ha plenty
of sport tomorrow afternoon, as a number of
the pun clubs In this vicinity havo piogrammed
affairs. One of the largest of there Is tho
arnuRl thoot of the Highland Oun Club, An
other. Is to l,o held at the du Pont Trapshootluc
Club, Wilmington where five sliver or bronze
luvlnc cups will go to tho high guns other
nrKiuUailon hoMIni; shoots are the Cloarvlew
S S. White. Meadow springs, Hcldeman and
Monmouth Oun Clubs
The two teams representing the various or
ganUatfins In the Interelub Hon ling League
Biet earn other on their homo alleys Uit night,
ut their competitors wero unable to gain on
Overbrook (Irien. the leadlnc ouintet. as It
snrnt lis series with the Whltrs although
Merlon Maroon, tho runner-un, maintained Its
ground bv downing the Whites three timet.
In Ihe other matches, Uermantown Whits
blanked thu niucs. Manufacturers' Blue ihut
nut the Yillows while Union Iarue White
captured the odd game from the Illues, The
b hedulcd matrh between the Racquet Club
Maroon and Reserves was postponed until next
Monday night.
Whtttnx. of Overbrook Oreen. rolled the
highest single score of the night, spilling TM
pins In his first game
In..thefr",ila,1 ISnk Ifoagjue matches rolled
on the Terminal alleys last night. First Vj
uuiiai. itm iA,iiiK uuiiuei, iQog 1VVO games
from Union. Central cai.tured two from Mar!
Uet Street and .fourth street defeated Qlrani
twite. The scheduled game between Corn
Uichango and Franklin was postponed,
Sporting Goods, the leader In the btraw.
bridge & Clothier league, drooped two games
to Accounts In the matches rolled on the
Cailna alio 7 last night. Retail credit swept
1 series vvltn Hugs, and Men's Furnishings
took two games from Clothing, Wholesale lost
t-o names to Jewelry.
PINEIIUnST, N C Jan, 20 -C, M Bull.
Jr.. of the West Side Tennis Club, will meet
J D. K. Jones, the rthole Island rhamDlon
in the Ileal cf the men's slnelos of the annual
midwinter tennis chainplonibru as a result of
yetcrday'a play
Bull's victory was over It. A Maclclnney, of
Provlderte. -3. -'(. and Jones won easily by
6-1, from Irving Wright, of Boston, only to be
up against u U-T struggle for victory In the
second set.
Bull and Wright and Jones and McKlnnsy
survive in the doubles: Mr. Bull and Mrs.
Hlnehclltt'e. Mr Ingraham and MUs Treat. Mr
Macfclnney and Miss Helen Barnett In Ihe
mixed doubles and Mrs. Hlnehrllffe and Miss
Treat. MUs Cohen and Mil pretby In the
women's doubles.
NBW VOBK. Jan. 2 The 16th annual na
tional Indoor tennis thamploashlps In inen'a
slUKlea and doubles will be decided on the
courts of tr.s Seventh Regiment Armory tn
this rlty. beginning February 7
Skater to He Boxer
CHICAGO. Jan. 29. Waller Oundersoo, an
amateur Ice skater, announced ytiterday that
be had become a professional boxer, and
would sot compete again aa an amateur.
Walter Camp to Represent Yale
NBW HAVKN conn Jan 2 - The veteran
VvaJtsr Vamo baa aajatu been wle-led aa Yale'a
rMteattW l tlie f.anual meeting of tbe
OvU-b win ba tae,4 let. New Xnrk. city rjait
, .,...-. y ... ' '
Rush Developed All-Ameri-cati
Selection and Made
Great Record With Scho
lastic Team in Cleveland.
John It. Ittislt, tlie new Princeton Unl
cralt.v coach, has aciiilrcil tl national
reputation for dovcloplnfr teal football
stars. He pave Uai t moil th Bobby Hoc
sett, Hie 1U13 Alt-Amerlcan end. He de
veloped Cltarllo Darrett, Cornell's greatest
iti:irtcrb.iek nnrl 1911 uaptaln. UubIi also
turned out AI Wcathorlicail, a first string
Hid on Harvard's 1014 team; .Malcolm Yeo
vil, of Yale, ami Cl.ucncc Alcott, former
Vale man, wlio won a place on Camp's pet
team, and numerous other stats of great
Hush took up the coaching duties at
Unlverdtv School, of Cleveland, In the
Tall of 1902. With but ono or two excep
tions lw has Inmlod Ills team In the cham
pion round of Cleveland scholastic foot
ball ever hlnco crowning several of his
hca&ons by defeating .Morgan Path, of
Clilcauo; Nafajettc, or Buffalo; Khiidy
slde, of Pittsburgh; Unlvctsltj- School, of
Detroit, and other leading Western prc
Laiator) school teams.
HANOVER. N. II , Jan. M.-llfsumptlon of
nthletlc relations between Dartmouth and
Brown University was announced last night by
Graduate Manager Ingcrsoll, of the Dartmouth
Collego Athlellc Count II. Tho two colleges
have not met since tho tprlng of 1IIH7 The
graduate manager Btnted th.it the Invitation
in meet the Brown relay team In a dunl raio
at Providence on February 20 had been nc-
epied, and that arrangements had been com
pleted for tho event ftolatlona would be re
sumed, ho said, in all branches of sport when
ever mutually satisfactory schedule arrange
ments could bo made. The cause of Uio
rupture was a disagreement over the Brown
Dartmouth baseball game at Providence in
l'JOT. It Is not expected that the two col
leges can poiBlbly meet In football before 1010.
ITHACA N. Y , Jan. 20. The Cornell Ath
letic Association last night announced the
schedulo of the Cornell nwtmrning and fencing
teams, as follows:
.Swimming February 11. Amherst, at Am
herst, IS. Brown, at Providence, rs. Harvard,
at Cambridge.
Fencing rebruary 27, Michigan, nt Ithaca;
March 0, Pennsylvania, at Ithaca, 12 Coluin.
bla, at New York, 1.1. Navy, at Annapolis:
2Cl, Intercollegiate preliminaries, at Now
York; April 21, tntercolleglato finals, at New
Entries close tonight for tho Indoor meet
of the, Ilrst Regiment Athletic Anroclatlon.
which Is to bo held at the Armory Broad and
Callowhlll streets, on Saturday evening. Pi h
ruary n. This meet will havo more than Sno
competing In the 15 events listed on tho pro
gram KW YORK. Jan. 20.-rredcrlck XV. Bu
blen. secretary-treasurer of the A. A I' . re
ceived wonl yesterday from Pvke Johnrou.
chairman of the Kocky Mountain Hrglstratlun
Committee, thit the revolt started in Denver
over tlie boxing tournament of the Denver
A t". had resulted In the tournament brcanlng
all records for attendance and talent. A rival
tournament. In which cash prizes were offered
for amateurs, had llttlo I' anv effect on tho
A A. V fixture, which finished last Monday
after seven davs cf boxing There were more
than bo bouts and the winners received gold
watches Inscribed with the Denver A. U. em
YOBK. Jan. 29. Many
tne neaaquarters oc the Jockey
Club, 18 East 41st street, yesterday after
noon unuer ine impression mat a meeting
of the stewards had been called at which
It was joiulbte the racing dates for the
coming season would come un for discussion.
They were greeted smilingly by Assistant
Secretary Algernon Dalnserlleld and Informed
that an enterprising newspaper had arranged
tbe meeting, but that officially there was
nothing doing.
Don de Oro. the thoroughbred stallion
which August Belmont presented to the New
York Breedlne Bureau, Is to be sent to Locust
vaney ai too request ot a numoer or farmers
ami i-uuiury ecnuv-iiirii u mac section.
will be In the
care of James fc'ravllnv
Is In charge of the Piping Bock stables, and
nis coming snouia ue or vast uenent to that
Cecil Brabaron. the talented Irish gentleman
Jockey, who lias decided to ride through the
field tn this country this season, will establish
a public stable at Belmont Park In the near
future, and will call It the Ward Union
Stable, a name that means much to American
eportsmen who have hunted in Ireland.
JEFFBWW.V CITY, Slu Jan. 2!). Horse
racing will be revived in St. Louis and Kansas
City If a bill introduced In the House of Itep
reitcnlatlves becomeu a law. The measure
would legalize tbe parl-mutuel sjstem ot
bltlng. A similar measure passed tbe Senate
to years ago, but waa killed In the Uouie,
The, Schuylkill Nautical Association held Its
second meeting at the rooms of the Falrmount
Yacht Club last evening and perfected a per
manant, organization Dr Eugene Hwayne,
tommodore of tbn Flat Hoik Molorboat Club.
was rle ted president: W. I. Jackson secre
tary of the NorrUtown Uotorboat Club, was
chosen vice president . W. Bdxa, Johns, of tbe
Adelphia. Yacbt Club, secretary, and Coraino.
dore B. c. Johnson, ot tbe Falrmount Yatht
Club, treasurer.
The express cruiser Encbantrese I. owned
by Iouls Burk. of this city, has beeen shipped
to the New Yeik Motorboat Show, which opens
on Saturday Considerable troubla was expe
rienced by tbe employe of the Ksslngton Ship
building Company la getting the craft ready
for eblpment
Tho ett-foot craft will be on exhibition at tba
New York show and then taken to the Chicago
carnival It will then be turned over to the
new ownera being replaced bf the sew T8
foot Emtunirfsa II
Otfc-er Sports pa l?Ag 15
Beats Out Ward nnd Fowler for In
dividual Point Honors.
Captain Cleoland, of West Philadelphia
High School, is now leading In Indi
vidual scoring In thc rlcliolastlc League
with a total of CI tallies. His sensational
exhibition against Southern High School,
tho victory of which contest tied tho Sllr
torn with Northeast ror second placo
honors, enabled tho West Phillies' leader
lo beat out Fowler and Ward, both of
Central High.
With 27 points to his credit, Cleoland
vvns third on tho list, topped by Wnrd
mid Fowler, who havo 12 and 37 tallies,
respectively. By caging nine two-pointers
and six fouls against Southern tlio
.Mirrors' leader succeeded In outdistanc
ing tho Central High stars.
New Scholastic Swimming Hecord
NKW YORK. Jan. 2U.-ln defeating Towns
end Harrl llnll. :it tn 22. In a dual meet In
Towiihends nntalnrlum yeMcrdav, De Witt
Clinton High School s sound established a new
Hcholaatlc record for the 800-foot relay swim.
Klllovvltz. O Sullivan. Pltzglbbons and T'ltt In
the order named covered the distance In 2
minutes 12 2-,1 seconds, bettering tho bct pre
vious performanco by fi 3-.f seconds. Clinton
led In llvu of the six events.
Local Star Will Compete in Pentath
lon Event.
Denied the right to represent tho Vnl
'vcrslty of Pennsylvania, in athletics this
year because of the one-year rcsldeuco
rule, Howard Berry, who played Bonsa
thmnl football on the scrub cloven last
fall and lias always been a good mltldlo
distance runner, is now training for tho
pentathlon contest, which Is to feature
the ilrst day of Pennsylvania's iclay car
nival this spring.
Two More Harvard Hockey Games
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Jan. 20 -The llnrvard
hockey team ban announced the addition of the
St. Mcliblnn Hocke) Club of Ncn York and
A Itliams College to the present nchedule. The
3anM Ctaubcrs will bo met In Boston on
Fentuary S and tho college boys four das
Morgan, of Harvnrd, Hurt
CAMIIRIDaB, Mass.. Jan. 20. John Mor
gan, of New York, point on the Harvard
hockey team, received a cut under his right
eve In a scrimmage last night and will bo
unable to play agulnst Yalo tomorrow night.
-"-' ' "' ' t ' . , , . "- , "?'
' - ' -... . . ..i....i i i j
VM r..v?...; H ''
"Your Sports Magazine Best We
Have Ever Seen Express
500 Copies"
This was the message flashed to Philadelphia from Chicago yesterday,
Any one who follows sports will agree that the Brunswick-Balke-Collender
Company is in a position to l(non when it speaks thus, with authority
Every man with red blood in his body follows sports.
What better medium, therefore, for reaching the men of Philadelphia
and environs than a magazine with the authority, the interest and trie finish of
the Sunday Ledger Sports Magazine?
mmmmmmnmm mmmy0fm
A Note to Stnlllngs
Bay, George, that stunt of howling at
Your players once was safe;
But you don't want to hit the mat,
Bo, Ocorgtc, please don't chafe
By stormy words Sherwood Magce
The Quaker may com'c back at thee.
Not that wo wish to stir up troublo
tiuito tho opposite but tho memory of
that llttlo mlx-up with an timp Is
fltronir. If Sutlllntrs attempts to rido
roughshod over Mngeo ho may wish
ho hadn't.
Accident Ward for Results
A basketball gamo that will surpass
anything that has Bono beforo will bo
played Monday night. Tlio opponents
will ho tho teams of tho Evening
LKDaCii sporting department nnd tho
Kvunino u:uoeh composing room. To
get this notlco In, we'll ntlmlt tho llno
typers havo a shado on us, (Of courso,
wo don't mean it.)
"Well, Ho Is
"Would you say Judgo Tamils tho
greatest umpire?
Their Llttlo Habit
Tho spotlight, according to Now
York, having shifted to Now York,
denizens of that city may bo expected
to advertise It every day. Not that
they wero quiet whllo tho spotlight
was olacw'hctc.
Old Philadelphia makes thc greatest
Of all thc tricks of speed and strength
apprises them.
Xav York, which no false sense of mod
est feeling bars,
Then advertises them.
Of Course
"Wo havo heard of boxers beating
two men In ono night, but nover two
at once. "Which Indicates that boxing
and chess are something clsa again,
Cap.ahlanca having beaten four men
at tho samo time.
TJnsent Telegrams
To Ban: "When nro wo going to hear
Iho last of that Yank deal?
Startling News
Probably you noticed in ono of tho
papers tho headline, "Maralhoners
Abe Sherman, Califoniian, Makes
Debut Here in Semifinal.
Young Erne, tho clever Gray's Ferry
veteran, will Get back Into ting action
tonight, after a long lay-off, In tlie star
bout nt tho Quaker City A. A. lie will
meet Tommy Coleman, tho Frankfotd
Tho program rollows:
Fit st bout Phil Lawrence. Notth Tenii,
vs. Eddlo Uunn, West Philadelphia.
Second bout Tyrone Coslello, North
Penn, vs. Tommy Hudson, North Penn.
Third bout Abo Sherman, California, vs.
Johnny Donohuc, Falls.
Semlwlntl-up Jack Heed, Toledo, vs.
Yank Gilbert, Kngland.
labile O'Keefo Is In flue fettle. Ho Is fully
ronlirtcnt ot beatlne I'atsy BrannlRan, of I'ltls
hurKh. at tlie Nntlonal A. C. tomorrow nlaht.
Urnnnlcin Is fresh from a. victory over John
ny Kllbane.
The patror.aco of the Olymnla A. A. la war
ranted a real slugging bee Monday nlitht
when Sain llobldeau and Willie Houclc Ret to
Must Dross." -Wo thought t Wouli
oventual v pomn ji.i- . .wmli
uti-muaiiy- como to th a. Tha Met.
M -.vo.u.iuwuu iaU mm maa ,.a
Amateur Athletic Union has a, '.fl
a now rolo by going Into th. M
sldo of athletics. Tho commllTJ
notified tho maralhoners who Wnt
compete in tho 14th Regiment's rw
Washington's Birthday that they
havo to wear long socks, glove !
laps and mufflers, if tho weathtr I?
cold. Wo would suggest, It ivj
weather be warm, that full evcnl"S
llrnflM lift 4 lift PnaiiiHiei rru
rv " -" t """w i,,s aycs hv
Maybe Ho Won't
Another display headline -"!.,..
dlth May Bo Anchor," referring ,i
course, to tho Fordham relay race tgs
muiiuw mum. ivinyuo nis opponent?
win wisn it Dcroro ho Is through.
Oh, Let TJa Be Joyful I
In passing let us all thank Prcsld,8t
utuifau i'. .Ltivriiiig, ot tno fillddlo Atfl
taniio association ot tho Ama(ent
Athletic Union, for his effort In brinril
ing about a happy ending of tho MtrtS
unit case.
Wlllard in Luck, Maybe!
Jack Skclly Is sure Johnson has lorf
his punch and that Wlllard will beitf
tho hitherto unbeatnblo colored cham-1
plon. SKouy points to tho JohnaonV
Moran fight to bear out his contention
that Johnson's power as a terrific hit-
ter Is gone. Probably Skclly doesn't'
remember tho signed story by Johnson'
telling ot ills roar or enemies in the,
Paris battle. Johnson was so scared,'
according to his own statement, that'
trickery would cost him his crown that'
ho did not attempt to do his best for
fear Moran would bo given ths fight
on n foul. Johnson may or may nots
havo been under wraps on that occa.
slon. Wo hopo ho wasn't. If the Mi
darky displays his old-time form1
against Wlllard, good night! That'a
Which P
Now answer us! Which middle
weight In America looms up as the
most promising champion? Right, yoti'
guessed It tho first time. Wo aerea
with you that Mlko Gibbons is tha.
wizard at tho weight.
gether. Houck has been after a fleht nits'
uou'iie lur a lonR lime
Charley White Fears Relabse
CHICAGO. Jan. 2D.-U will be three wecktj
at least beforo Charlcv White puts on M
clove. Tho llttlo llBhtwelirht. whose bout wltv
Krnittlto Weleh was called off whin Kli
Pneumonia stepped In. raid today ho will takij
no tnarces on a rciapse.
Arch St.
Physical Training Clajiei at i
hours to suit. . 3
Individual Inntructlon (
in Boxing, Wrestling, Fenchir.t?
Weight BeduclnR.Maajaae.suua ;
h T?t,.t.,. Tlatha. Nfllatnrtam "
23x75 ft. Bend for Booklet.
nnlrnr firv AA l!rbllkAr'1
nil, Ilaunhlnili.
Tnviviv rni.EUAV
Four Other Ilouti
-rour Othrr Boah
cr iinuiiiH.vil - vvii.i.if: IinL'CE
Ailm.' 25e. Hal Ites. Sfle Arena He- We. II.
t s timii t i - .lack Mrtiulrsn.rroo.
imilUIHrtbrt. -. , ,,,; jt Catharine itt-
lour Other Star Bouts
j a