Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 29, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1

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VOL. I NO. 138.
Cortmaiir, 1013, t Tim rustic Umu Coupint.
Czar Drives at East Prussian
Capital From Tilsit and
W Insterburg Teutonic A1-
I lies Mass Million to Pro
v tect Hungary, But Van
Loses Battle to Seize
Verezke Pass.
'Allies Gam Foothold on Sand
Dunes Along North Sea Coast
by Brilliant Infantry Charges.
Attacks in Argonnc Cost In
vaders Dearly British Wreck
Turks' Railway in Syria Ot
tomans Reach Suez.
Kocnlgsbcrs is menaced more tllrect-
ty than at any time since the. drivo
early In the war. Two columns nro
ytnirchlns on tho East Prussian capi
tal, one rroin tno northeast from Tilsit
and the other from the southeast on
tho Damehmcn-Insterburg line.
Success for tho allied troops In their
operations against the Germans near
the North Sea coast Is claimed by tho
jfrench War Ofilco this afternoon. Tho
French Infantry has gained a foothold
on the groat sand dunes near Nleuport,
and a German flying machine has been
destroyed by French artillery.
Thcro is u lull in tho fighting at Sols-
80ns, Cruonno and Rhelms. An uttnek
made by the Germans on tho French
at Fontaine Madame, in the Argonne,
rast the attacking forces dearly.
rltlsh troops landed nt Alexan-
drttta In Syria and cut railway lines
Mifatt aro supplying the Turkish inva-
jun ui x,kI". J ne uaomiin aavanco
juards already have reached the Canal.
Austria's offensive in the Carpa
thians has been broken, Petrograd le-
ports. A vigorous attempt to retake
Verezke Pass, an Important gateway
Into Hungary, 18 miles southeast of
the Uzsok Pass, was repulsed by
heavy artillery flro near Volovco, near
tho southern cntranco to tho pass.
The Russians are pressing a flank
movement on tho Austrian left from
the Dukla Pass1.
Austria is making an organized ef
fort to pierce the Carpathians at
Dukla, Verezke and Uzsok Passes to
pour troops into Gallcla. Reinforced
by Germans, 1,000,000 troops are in the
Do you remember seeing a full moon
"fhen you wound your weary way home
urly New Year's morning? Perhaps you
n.'t remember it or, if so, you didn't be
lieve It. Well, it was a full moon, all
Tlsht. You were not teeing things. Nor
Jill you bo tonight, even it there Is an-
Wher full moon then, tie second In one
:Poctor Jacoby, professor ot astionomy
t Columbia University, sajs: "Tho moon
leaches its zenith every I3M duys, and
nenever It becomes full on the tlrst It Is
jure to be completely round again on the
win. Whenever we have two full moons
W February then It wlll'be time to take
Br none at all.
iFor Philadelphia and vicinity
air and continued cold toninht: Sat'
Mdau fair with rising temverature:
Moderate winds mostly northwest.
tor details, see page 2.
Observations at Philadelphia
ll1 Northwest, 13 miles
fiStS" . Pr cent.
Wlnimam Umneratur. f in
intoani temperature .,
HUJmum teniueratura . .
Almanac of the Day
Pli .' K-IS
m Um tomorrow , 7:U
Xamns to lie Lighted
Patoi ud, other vehicles SiSOp. m.
The Tides '
4er tt. ...
sS.','.tBorrow 1:12 a.m.
4" ir itmotrow s:isa.m.
chestnut STnEBT wharf.
S9 kBTa. o ...
ST-?'"" wwwrrow 1.00 a. in.
f Hilit tomorrow S.07a. in.
i SOp, m.
8 JS p m.
. .. in.
IMtp, m.
... 1 SJa.ro.
r ta
1 nte to.norrow
rlsT "iC ......
mcapTTtrm ....,-....
fleld to bar tho (Ulusslnn advanco
ngalnst Hungary.
Berlin reports repulso of a Russian
division near Ulcsun, only 15 miles
from tho Poland-West Prussia border.
Admission Is thus mado ot Slav ag
gression in this field and progress be
yond Skcmpe, tho closest the Rus
slans liltlici to had cotno to West Prussia.
Two Annies Drive Back Germans in
East Prussia.
ITrnoaitAD. .Jan. M.-Two Russian
nrniics nie now menacing ICoenlgsburg.
capital of Cast Prussia, according to ofll
cinl dispatches received hero today.
Moving down from tho north a force Is
descending upon Tilsit, 60 miles northeast
of the city, und already has driven back
tho Germans and destroyed their supply
station nt Pogcgcn, tluco miles north
of 'lllslt.
A second great armv, whoic ndvanco
upon Koenlgsbcrg was ofllclally reported
two days ago, continues to press west
waul along a lino extending in a south
westerly dlicctlon from Lasdehnrn to
MallwlBchkcn, a few miles northeast of
Tho northern armv Is marching to an
nttack on tho left flank of tho German
nimy along the Instcr River between
Lnsdchncn nnd Mallwlschkcn.
German Position Captured Near St.
George's In 24-Hour Battle.
PARIS. Jan. 20.
Hllght gulns for the Allied forces along
the seacoast near Nleuport, where In
fantry fighting has been In progress for
the last si hours, was reported In dis
patches from the battlo front today.
Tho French took a German position be
tween St Georges nnd Lombaortz'.de.
Elscwhero aiound Nleuport and In tho re
gion south toward Yprcs thcro were in
fantry clashes, but the Germans evidently
are awaiting the arrival of reinforcements
reported by aerial scouts bcfoie resuming
the attack on a largo scale. Capture of
a German aviator, whose machine was
shot down, was one of the Incidents of
tho dnj's fighting near the seacoast.
Artillery duelling and infantry clashes
also occurred near Ypres, Arras and Lens,
lLt a lull In the fighting at Craonno and
Solssoiis is leportcd. French artillery
has silenced German guns directed at
Flench northwest of Pont-a-Mousson, In
the liupretro forest.
Other War News on Pago 4
Several Families Saved by Firemen.
Many Narrow Escapes.
DETROIT. Mien , Jan. 29.-Two bis
apartment houses In Detroit's most beau
tiful residential section were partly de
strojed by flro today. Several fami
lies wcro can led down ladders from
thhd-story windows by firemen as the
flamci poured through tho halls and
coirldois. Several were reported Injured
and many firemen had narrow escapes.
The flames spread with great rapidity
and tho fire fighters worked heroically hi
rcbculng the Imperiled occupants of tho
apartments. At 11:20 tho flro was under
control. Tho loss was $100,000.
Three women are reported missing. It
Is believed they escaped.
Several Others Injured When Flames
Destroy Factory in Newark.
NEWARK, N. J., Jan. 20. One man
leaped to his death and a score of em
ployes were Injured during a Are which
swept through the spice and pickle fac
tory of J. C. Gruman & Co. here today.
The bullcflng was in tho heart of the fac
tory district and the entire Newark fire
department hurried to the scene at the
first alarm to prevent a spread of the
flames. Five minutes after the blaze
started the factory was a raging furnace,
Tha employes oecamo panic-stricken.
They rushed for the fire escapes. Charles
K. Drown, cornered by the fire on the
third floor, leaped to tho ground and was
killed, Other employes, men and woman,
suffered burns and other Injuries as they
scrambled down the Are escapes to safety.
All but four were able to go to their
homes. This quartet was sent to the
hospital. One of them, Conrad Resmun
sen, will probably die from his burns. The
loss was $10,000.
Owner and Daughter-in-law Flee in
Scant Attire.
Sirs. Joseph Richard Connell and her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Fassano Tajada
Megargee, who came to this country as a
bride from the Philippines several months
ago, were forced to flee In scant attire
today when fire destroyed the Orchard,
tho handsome home of Mrs. Connell, at
Oakmont, near Ardmore.
Smoke was noticed pouring from the
windows of the Connell home by passers
by, who summoned the Ardmore firemen.
Firemen were handicapped by a poor
water Bupply. Companies from Llanerch,
and Oakmont were summoned, but the
fire was beyond control and swept through
the entire building before It burned itself
Mrs. Megargee married Stanley Me
gargee, Mrs. Connell's son by a former
marriage, In the Philippines. She is the
daughter of a wealthy importer of .Tokio,
Flames Sweep Building a Block From
Where 1014 Conflagration Started.
BALTIMORE. Jan. S.-The dreaded
"foui twos" was sounded late last night
for a Are In the Goodman Hat Company's
plant m the Ingram Building, Lombard
and Hanover streets. Ten wholesale
firms iuffere4 a total loss of about 100.000.
Th ssmmi Of the are Is only on block
from whera the (teat conAasrtUsa of
"Drop Your Dignity and
Take Them by the Hand,"
He Pleads in Sermon on
"Personal Work."
"Long-faced Church Members
' Who Sit and Watch Town Go
ing to Hell" Again Flayed by
2 ;. mi. Mr. Sunday delivers Mi
fourth seimon on "Personal 11'orA.."
Text: Proverbs Xt, .10, "lie that
telnncth souh l wise."
.1 . 7it. .lffss Saxc meets her Bible
class In the tabernacle.
7:30 )). m. Jr. Sunday delivers
Ms sermon, "Itcpcntancc."
Ycstcrdau atcruoon 20,000
Last nlyht 20,000
Avproxlmalc giantl total.... 010,000
Yesterday afternoon til
Last night 306
Total to date 10,',3l
Preached to date (S
femainfiio- to be preached. . 69
Ycstcrdau afternoon $366.33
Last nlyht 103.67
Grand total 37.3S3.36
Clergymen and chuich members were
asaln severely admonished for their lack
of Interest and effort In soul-wlnnlnfr by
"Why" Sunday In his sermon this after
noon. It was the fourth thno within llvo
das that ho has pounded home his
appeal for Christian men and women to
set right with Clod nnd "be on tho Job"
for Oil 1st.
Again he took the same text, "lie tnat
Wlnneth Souls Is Wise," words found In
the 11th chapter, 30th verse, of Proverbs.
"Any man is a fpol If ho expects to
Bet anything out of religion If ho Isn't
savins souls from hell," declared the
evangelist. "And there's a. whole lot of
the long'faced church- members -who will
only get Into Heaven by tlio'skln of their
teet'n If they don't get busy for Jesus
Christ. 'lie that wlnneth souls Is wise."
He'll prepare a way to keep himself out
of hell. He can't do It by going to church
on Sunday and going to the devil the
lemalndcr of the week."
Ho mado nn earnest appeal for enthu
siasm. Church members and clergymen
were urged to persevere and to keep in
close touch with sinners In order thnt
they might save them.
"Perseverance Is contagious," he said.
"Religion Is contagious. Roman soldiers
shortened their swords and added to their
kingdom. You shorten the distance be
tween you and the tinner and you'll add
to the klngrom of God. Tho trouble Is
that you havo been trying to leach them
with a 10-foot pole. Drop your dignity
and formality and take the slnueis by the
hand nnd lift them up. You are too dig
nified. You sit In jour line homes and
Bee tho town going to hell.
"This campaign stands for everything
that Is decent and against the saloon,
the brothel nnd everything that Is In
decent. Therefore, when you hear peo
ple knocking It, you can Judge for your
self where they stand. If you were de
cent and wanted to see everybody elso
and everything about you decent, you
wouldn't do a thing but como up hero
and boost. ,,
"This tabernacle is hero to make Phil
adelphia more moral. If the Christian
people would be hero and boost our
work. It will do It. Have horse sense
and you will slop your carping criticisms.
I never preach a sermon that I do not
go home and wish I had done better. If
I don't do as well as you would like or
as good as you think you can do, remem
ber I am doing the best I know how. Just
remember when you think of criticism
that you come down here and get tho
best seats In the place, but never do any
thing for Christ."
Professor Homer A. Rodeheaver Intro
duced Edgar Stltes, the author of the
hymn, "Beulah Land," to the audience
before Mr. Sunday started to preach.
Prayer was offered by the Reverend Dr.
A. Pohlman. of West Philadelphia.
Special delegations present this after
noon Included 33 pupils of Miss Jeanette
Seywards' School, Overbrook, and 160 rep
resentatives of The Bushnell Company.
The Reverend Dr. Maltland Alexander,
of Pittsburgh, a moderator of the Pres
byterian General Assembly, was In the
rostrum today. This Is the second time
he has been here to see "Billy" since the
campaign started.
A committee composed of Bishop Joseph
F. Berry, Congressman John E. Andress,
of New York, and B. G. Moore, S03 South
48th street, called upon Mr. Sunday In
his Spring Garden street home and In
vited the evangelist to carry on a revival
campaign In Ocean Grove, N. J., during
the month of August.
Although Mr. Sunday would make no
definite answer to the inlvtatlon, ho
seemed pleased that It had been extended,
and asrured the committee he would give
the matter serious consideration.
For the flrt time since his arrival in
this city "Billy" had an ache a, tooth
ache which necessitated a visit to a Gl
rard avenue dentist after breakfast.
Reports that the evangelist's voice -was
falling as the result of his strenuous
preaching were denied at the Sunday
homo today, Bentley D. Ackley, Mr.
Sunday's private secretary, also declared
there was nothing in the rumor that the
evangelist was to undergo a surgical op
eration on his throat February .
Mr. Ackley declared that Mr. Sunday's
voice had not been causing hlra any seri
ous difficulty. Mr. Sunday has always
had to exercise care .to keep from catch
ing cold while In the midst of a campaign,
as colds always settle In hU throat, he
added Just after his arrival here. Mr
Sunday contracted a slight cold and -Has
somewhat hoarse for several days
Following the ttbewaele meeting thU
afternoon Mr Sunday. Mcompanled by
CoaeluJul a l'aje Two
I '
Beatrice Zimmerman, 7 years old, and her small brother, Joseph, were
saved from a blaze in their home at 1107 South 2d street, by burglars,
who are believed to have started the fire. The men fled after the rescue
Attempt to Assassinate Gen
eral Obregon as He Enters
in Triumph Brings Vol
leys From Troops.
.MEXICO CITY, Jan. . Carranzlsta
troops arc again in control of this city,
which they occupied late esterday after
noon after a sharp skirmish with Zapa
tista troops In the Poralvlllo district.
As General Alvaie Obregon entered tho
capital at the head of troops loyal to the
Constitutionalists' "first chief," an at
tempt was made to assassinate him. This
resulted in volleys being fired through tho
streets by the Carranra troops. Many
peisons were wounded. Four of Obregon's
men were killed and a dozen wounded.
As Obregon made his trlumi .il entry.
Zapatista snipers opened fire on him nnd
his staff from the Cathedral. A fusillade
mot the advancing Carranza troop3 as
they were passing up the Avonlda Fran
cisco 1 Mndero.
For a moment there was contusion In
the ranks, but this ended with a few
shai-D orders from General Obregon, and
then tho Carranzlstos opened a return
fire, while tho cavalry charged up the
The thoroughfare was crowded at the
tlmo by a cheering populace. These ex
cited spectators sought cover In every di
rection as the bullets clicked along tho
Lines of troops were thrown around the
business district. The doors of the Na
tlonal Palace were barricaded. Tho bodies
of two snipers were found about midnight.
This Increased the total of known dead
at tha time to six. Including a Yaqul
woman who had been a soldier In Obre
gon's army for several months.
General Gonzales was sent toward the
suburbs of San Ancelo and Xechlmllco
to drive away the Zaplstas lingering in
that district
General Obregon then issued the fol
lowing proclamation:
"The Army of the Northwest has taken
possession of the capital In the name of
tho Constitutionalist army and the first
chief thereof, Venustiano Carrama."
In the fighting that occurred at Peral
vlllo 100 Zapatistas were killed or wound
ed. The lighting there was hot, both
sides firing from the shelter of houses.
The city Is quiet today, and It Is ex
pected that butlness will be In full swing
before night. The people here are friend
ly toward General Obregon, and he has
won the reputation of being a stern dis
ciplinarian, "I am In military command here, noth
ing more," said General Obregon. "Ten
days ago, while in Puebla, I received or
ders to advance toward the capital, I
obeyed at once. There was no fighting
worthy of the name until we reached
Jrolo, There we were able to rout the
Zapatistas without great difficulty, and
continued on to the capital,
"We expect to push the campaign
against our enemies and hope shortly to
begin tho task of reconstruction. We are"
here to stay this time."
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2). A message
was received at the White House today
from Consul Silllman saying that rumors
were current In Mexico City that General
Francisco Villa had been wounded. Con
sul Silllman said there was no official
confirmation of tha report. President
Wilson had no other advises today on the
Mexican situation
Carranza to Return to Capital
TSBRA. CBUZ. Jan. 29.-A snecjal train
u made up today to convey General
Ca.rrania and hta staff back to Mexico
'Strange Men Carried Us
Out," Little Ones Tell
Father, Who Failed in At
tempt to Rescue Them.
Buiglars who stalled a file In tho home
of Michael Zimmerman. 1107 South 2d
stieet, at 3 o'clock this moinlug, aban
doned their loot ami risked their lives to
resLUe two of Zimmerman's children.
Then they disappeared.
The tire destroyed the flist Moor, used
as a candy nnd cigar storu by Zimmer
man. The loss Is ICO). It was not until
the blaze had been extinguished that
proof was found of the buiglais' visit to
the house.
Charles Walten, of M and Ellswoitli
streets, saw flumes coming fiom tho thst
floor shortly after 3 o'clock and pounded
on tho door until ho had nroused Zim
merman. The latter helped his daughter
Hilda, 13 ycar3 old, to escape through a
icar window. Ho dropped her from a
shed roof Into the yard and then went
back for his other rlillilion.
In tho meantime Mrs. Zimmerman hud
escaped by the fiont door with her 2-month-old
son Joseph. Zimmerman sought
all through the house for Beatrice, 7 jcars
old, and Clarence, 10 cara old. He was
unable to find them and finally was driven
out by smoke.
When the flames were under control
Zimmerman went Into the alley in the
rear of his house and found a carpenter's
horso against tho fence. In the rear
shed he found all his silverware and other
valuables carefully bundled up, IIn In
the middle of the floor.
Examination of tho cash ieglster
showed that -- had been stolen, the
drawer having been pried open. Zim
merman then asked the two children how
they got out or the house. They Bald
two strange men aroused them and,
warning them not to make a sound, car
ried them Into the street.
Neighbors took care of the little ones
while Walten was arousing the other
members of the family.
Mrs, Ilussell Walked In Front ot It
in Middle of Block, Police Say.
Mrs. Barbara Russell died at St.
Joseph's Hospital today as the result of
Injuries received when she was struck
by a trolley car at 18th street nnd Colum
bia avenue last night
When the woman failed to return home
shortly after 6 o'clock her relatives
started a search, identification of her
body was made by her son Edward.
Albert Frlcke, of Klllen's pike. Glen
side, motorman of the car, was held to
await the action of the coroner. The
police declare tho woman walked directly
In front ot the car in the mlddlo of the
block as It was going almost at full
Cold Grips Northern New York
WATERTOWN, N. Y.. Jan. 29.-.N'orth-ern
New York is in the grip of the sec
ond cold wave of the winter, It was 18
degrees below ?ero In this city during the
night, but this morning the temperature
rose eight degrees..
Tha United States War Risk Bureau,
which limited the amount of Insurance on
eachjgvessel to $750,000, notified Collector
of jla Port Berry today that the limit
hacj6ten extended to Jl.000.009.
Autoist Killed When Car Skids
NOROTON. Conn., Jan -Arthur
Gardner was killed when sn automobile
owned by Charles Baker skidded early to-
cay on the Post road hero.
Two Murder Counts Against Mother
Who Poisoned Children.
NKW TORK, Jan. 29. Tho Uronx
County Grand Jury today returned an
Indictment charging murder on two
counts ngalnst Mrs. Ida SnlfTen Rogers,
tho "lovo wife" of I,orlys Klton Rogers.
Mrs Rogers caused the death of her
two children by giving them bichloride
of mermir. Sho Is In Lebanon Hospltnl
suffering from the effects of the .same
drug and could not be removed, although
a bench warrant was Issued for her arrest
Wheels Plough Through Banks of
200 Scnmporing Bunnies.
Hunting rnliblls with tho aid of a trol
ley car Is a brand now, exciting city
Bport A scoro of passengers who rode
over Mldvalc nvonuo were participants
this morning and later slewed rabbit was
served on tables In Tails of Schuylkill.
Tho bunnies had retired for tho winter
nnd wcro leading a quiet life In their se
cluded burrows which fringe the Wlssa
hlckon. Nothing marred tho tianqutllty
of their Innocent existence until workmen
enmo to build a road through the wilder
ness. The bunnies were rudely awakened
today bv n terrific report followed by
tho crashing of rock nnd tumbling trees.
Then they charged from their burrows
and ran pell niell from tho woods across
Mldvalo avenuo nt "3d street. There
were nearly 200 of them and thev ran
dlrcctlv In fiont of " trolley car driven
bv flenige Jackson. Ho did nil In his
power to halt the car. but the momen
tum was so great that tho lives of many
of the bunnies were crushed out under
tho wheels.
Like n Hash a score of workmen on
tho way to Pencovd Iron Works nnd other
places wcro off tho car and after the
feaRt. They ran with the vision of the
high cost of meat uppermost In their
minds nnd lnndert many of the Imnnles
ns the were scampetlng for unknown
At noon toilav odors of rabbit stew
permeated the nlr around the big Indus
tilal plants In the lclntty.
Secretary Daniels Makes Formal An
nouncement After Cabinet Meeting.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 29.-Secrctaiy ot
the Navy Daniels toda mado the an
nouncement that the formal opening of
the Panama Canal has been postponed
from March until some date In July, not
jet fixed. This decision was reached at
todny's Cabinet meeting, tho Secretary
said. ,
Secietarv Daniels alsp stated that Pres
ident WIlKotHwould Wait' tho- vannl -In
July, accoidlng to tho'present plans, and
that a naval review would take place
theic unless unforeseen circumstances
l'lans for the opening are contingent
upon the progress mado by the Panama
Canal engineers In removing the slides
which have caused anxiety in the Zone
ever since Inst October.
Denies Report That He Is Negotiat
ing for Coal Lands.
ITl'TSHt'RGH. Jan 29. Henry C. Trick
emphntkally declared today that he had
absolutely nothing to do with the negotia
tions said to be under way for the pur
chase of .losi.ih V. Thompson's coal lands,
persistent rumors to the contrary not
withstanding. "Mr. Thompson Is a fine gentleman,"
said Mr. Frlck, "anil I feel very sorry
for him In his trouble. I purchased some
toal pioperty from Mr. Thompson about
u j car ago, nnd also hae loaned him
money on coal lands, but so fnr as a
new deal Is concerned I am not Inter
ested and know nothing at all about It.
Neither have I an thing to do with his
Decides to Beport Immigration Bill
to House Next Thursday.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The House
Immigration Committee oted today to
reject the President's veto of tho immi
gration bill.
It was decided to repoit the bill to the
House uet Thursday with the recom
mendation that It be passed over the
President's veto, limiting debate to six
Mrs. Heath Says Increaso Will Come
Unless Congress Acts.
NEW YORK. Jnn. . - "Unless Con
giess acts, and acts quickly, bakers will
liave to raise tho price of bread," was the
warning Issued today by Mrs. Julian
Heath, president of the National House
wives' League.
"I have Just completed a personal ln
estigatlon of many of the bakeries here,"
she said, "and 1 find that many of them
are operating at a loss."
Official Death List in City Striken by
Italian 'Quake,
ROMIJ, Jan. 23. It as ofllclally an
nounced today that 9238 persons were
kilted In tho city of Aveizano In (lie
recent earthquake. There are 2010 sur
vivors, of whom the majority were in
A Negro known as Henry "Sclplo," was
found dead this morning .'with a knife
wound over his heart in the tailor shop
of James Bell, S3K Chestnut street, where
he has lived for some time. Bell, who is
also a Negro, Is missing today and tha
police of the J2d street and Woodland
avenue station are searching for him In
the belief that he knonn something about
the crime.
Hot Coals Ignite Child's Diess
John Ochehe. the two. and a half-year-old
son of Mrs. Mary Ochehe. today was
badly burned in the kltc'iien of his home
at Na 1(8 North Hope street, when hot
coals falling from the range Ignited 1U
dress. Mrs Ochehe beat thei flames out
with her hands Neighbors summoned a
police patrol, which hurried the niuUifi
and baby to tho Children's Homeopathic
Hospital The phhUaas da Hot e&pct
tn child, to Urn
Men in House of Correction
Quarry Gang in Solitary
Confinement Sulzberger
Suggests Inquiry.
Judge Declares Grand Jury
Should Investigate "Manage
ment or Mismanagement" at
A well-developed plot for a general Jail
delivery ut tho Houao of Correcon"s
stone quarry In Holmosburg, where seven
guards keep watch over W prisoners
it became knonn today, was responsible
fnr prisoners being put Into miliary con
finement at tho Institution.
Tha contra vcisy between Director of
Public Safety Porter nnd Judge Buls
bergor, resulting In many of tho men being
resentenced, had nothing to do with It,
This Is tho substance of a statement made
today by Superintendent Patterson, of the
House of Correction. Most of tho men
concerned In tho plot to break Jail nnd
alt the ringleaders have been tnken be
fore Judgo Sulzberger nnd have been sent
to Moyamcnslng prison.
A Grand Jury Investigation of the "man
agement or mismanagement" at the
House of Porrortton was suggested by
Judge Sulzberger In a comment on the
Institution from the bench today.
"I cannot personally control affairs at
fi llnnw of Correction," he said. "I
doubt that tho people who have legal
nuiuuilly oet the Institution know very
much about tho wav In which it should
or should not be conducted.
"This could not be determined without
a serious Inquiry and It Is now too late,
oven for the present Grand Jury, to In
quire Into the ' management or misman
agement of the Institution."
Tho first clue to the plot came to the
ear-j of Superintendent Patterson more
than a week ago It came from other In
mates who had been Invited to become
parties to tho jail delivery or had ovrr
hcaid talk about It. Nearly all the men
concerned, according to tho bupci Intend
ent. wero prinoncro who had been sen
tenced lor felonies. They wore tho most,
desperate criminals In the Institution.
Man of them wero men willing to take
any cnamo tor troedom.
Immediately after learning what was
Tfolnjr- op" the- Buperjttend"t ilptifled
Dlroctor Porter. Tho director suggested
that all those known to bo In the plot,
oven those under suspicion, be put In
solitary confinement. This was done at
once and the plot came- to nothing.
Most of the pilsoncra who appeared
before Judgo Sulzberger yesterday and
today testified that they hud been put
alono from thiec to seven days ago. The
Impression was created by some or them
that this somehow was duo to the
"trouble" between Judgo Sulzberger and
Director Porter. In some circles It was
believed Director Porter had Issued tho
orders for solitary confinement for no
other jeason
Superintendent Patterson denied thla
story He snld todov the controversy had
nothing to do with the men being put Into
solitary confinement. As to what the
guards told the prisoners when they took
them from tho compaiatlvc freedom of
the stone quarry and put them Into soli
tary cells he would say nothing. The real
leason for this, however, was the jail,
breaking plot
Judgo Sulzberger Knew nothing at all of
this plot, and his action In resentencing
the prlaoneis wub not In any way influ
enced by It, according to Information ob
tained today.
Eleven out of tho 16 prisoners, who ap
peared before Judge Sulzberger in Court
of Quarter Sessions today to be resen
tenced, -wero transferred from the House,
of Correction to Moyamen6lng Prison,
two were returned to the House of Cor
rection, one was sentenced to the Eastern
Penitentiary and one was paroled
No comment was made today by Judge
Sulzberger In Bentenchig the prisoners.
He made no teference to tho suit of
Director Porter, of the Department of
Public Safety, which Impelled the jurist
jesterdny to recall prisoners he 'nad pre
viously sentenced to the House of Cor
rection. As a .Tie first day's proceedings, the
courtroom was crowded with officehold
ers, lawyers and friends and relatives of
the prisoners. One prisoner was released,
on parole after an Impassioned plea for
clemency had been made by Ids brother.
The prisoner Is Francis Halplii, suld to
have been a divinity student who was sen
tenced some time ago to six months after
conviction on the charge of larceny Hla
brother, James Halpln, also a divinity
student, told Judge Sulzberger their
mother was dying of tuberculosis and did
not know her son had been In prison.
Judgo Sulzberger was Impressed by the
plea and granted a parole.
In nearly every cose called, attorneys
for the prisoners made, pleas for mercy,
but all wero denied, One of the prisoners
who was transferred to the county prison
was Walter Egan. alias "Kid Coffey,
said to bo the son ot a local postal official.
Thla man Is said to have written a num
ber of short stories of tha underworld.
His specialty is said tq be stealing over
Numerous social workers were seen
in the crowd that filled the. courtroom
The cases were handled rapidly. Two
out of tho 15 prisoners expressed o, de
sire to return to solitary confinement at
the House of Correction, and. thin WM
large Damage to Hold of Outward
bound Steamship.
NEW YORK. Jan. S'-r-WHb. a fire in
her forward hold, the Norwegian steam
ship Preston, outward bound, wai beach'.
ed south of liedloo'a Island today.
The damage la large.
LOST A ttw Tuber ua, It ut on iwulh lUitt M
i&r ruuit to breu tvx muff wUk f.ll n!
I UHliS 14b. rl rwrJ .r rluru4 (. H4
Lincoln ill iv I'liu m r.i, ;i iij.iuw,, MjM .(
1JJ8T lupuatl busk Nu. HI II" Vketm -. ,
tuj Soclut Hansard F.onim to b..,v ;ma
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