BWWSBPbIWIBP'WW EVENING LElDGER-PniLADET.FHIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 191 9 S0E1AL i-W d U 9 i i ' SHPJKl T TAKE VART IN CHARITAIM APJj'AIRS 1 IRli!! fiwiT. JUL litre AlfPA SI 'l .X ( Alra r vIvJ Nl I i eo ct jt ,rg, SAMUKLi l'UUULUUUK IIUUB ION lIVIwIll filvo a tneatro party ami ltincneon on i . ruary 13 n honor of Jllss ffnno Ilardlnsr, Liihter of Mrs. George J. Hurtling, of 2215 'Bruce Btreet. Ifltrs. Thomas McKetin, of ttos'cmont, will Lttrlaln nt luncheon on Sunday In honor of ills Mary Alexander, of New York, who will tjUie pw " '" " " "-" ' " stmbly tomorrow nisiii aim uvcr uto utn wi ards have been Issued by Miss Clam Amy fffllllts for a breakfast to be slven nt hor home, firi gpruco street, on etuurciay, in nonor or. xviish ffephy Heberton Ulsphnm, daughter of tlio Ilev. fjurence Avyatt uisiinnm ana Mrs. iswpnam. mt iruests, who will bo from the debutante sot, will Include ansa uoromy do navcn ueaoon, li Isobcl ItodRcrs, auss Harriot lioumau ftiif, Miss Mildred Mnrston Jack, Miss Edith fiUrrold Gllllngnam, iuiss aiary nan u.airu, JHiaa jjndsay Satterlleiu, miss niiien Adair urlon, Jliii Morgarctta Wyatt Ulsphum and Mrs. Blipham. Miss Wllllta will later entertain lior puts at tho matinee. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Knight Uorda are be lli congratulated on tho birth of a son this looming, to bo named Andrews Knight Uorda, Jr. Mrs. Raymond D. 13. Wright, of Ross street, ifcrmantown, will entertain at a small Informal incheon at tho Acorn Club tomoirow, In honor cf Miss Elizabeth P. A. Taylor, who w 111 leavo (ii Tuesday for Bonalr, Augusta, Ga. Tho othor raents tUI bo Miss Elizabeth Smuckcr, Miss Caroline C. English Mrs. Wright will bo re- oerabercd as Miss Margaretta V. 'Whitney. II Miss Frances Mcnrs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward u. .Hoars, oi isia ue uancoy place, KflU leave tho latter part of next week for Bolton, where siio win spenu a tortnlglit vis iting friends. Miss Anna Lewis Barroll, of Charlton and Allen streets, has gone to New York, where ihe will be the guest of her aunt for sevetal weeks. The dancing class, organized by Mrs. J. louls Ketterllnus, of 201C Spruce street, will meet, tonight In the Itoso Gardens of the Bellevue-Stratfonl. Tho dances have been jolng on all winter, and have usuallv been preceded by a munher of dinners. This eve ting Mr. and Mrs. John G. Carruth, of tho Bellevue-Stratford, will entertain at a dinner t 20 covers. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ogdcn D. Wilkin son, of 2031 Walnut street, will glvo a dinner of 14 covers, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mor- f&an, of 2003 Pino street, will also give a din ner. SMIsa Helen Bell, of 1314 Locust street, en tertained nt luncheon, followed by bridge, yes terday. Her guests numbered 12. f Mr. nnd Mrs Edgar T. Scott will leave on Fcbruarj- 1 for Talm Bench. ! Mrs. Frank Crozor Knowles will entertain flnJormally tomorrow night at her homo, 1918 Pine street. ALONG THE MAIN LINE "MEMON Miss Imogen Goddnrd, of Ljnn, Mass. who Is at piesent at Tho Homestead, Virginia Hot Springs, with Mrs. Dale B. Fltler no" Mrs. Harry H Watklns will, upon her Return from tho South, bo tho guests of Mr. na Mrs. S. Earlo Haines, of Mnplo avenue. HMrs. Edgar B. Howard, of Sycamore nnd Linden road, who had been visiting In Boston, fjttnrned home yesterday from New York, where W. Howard met her. CTTKYD-Mrs. K. Scott McCracken, of State gad, entertained tho members of her card club it luncneon yesterday. The table was prettily decorated with yellow Jonquils. Those prcs- Dt were Mrs. George W. Lincoln, Mrs. John L. McAvoy, Mrs. Isaac Kershaw, Mrs. Frank A. ROWHPV. Vrq Mm- r,'r, nn.l "T- Ts.Viarf R. McConaghy. Between BO and CO nnmes havo already been Jgtered for the bridge tournament, organized $T the associate members of tho Cynwyd tob, which will start Monday afternoon. 0VEBDnoOK Mrs Edwin G. Close, of 6463 h,i.i lii roaa, pas sent out cards for a luncheon, Uollowed by bridge, on Tuesday, February 2. Mrs, Edwar Cope and Miss Louise Coale, of IrtUsworth, havo returned from soveral weeks' Eiy In Baltimore. I GERJMANTOWN IMIsj Emllle Frlcke. of 134 West Upsol street, Issued Cards fop an linliHiuillir attpnrtlva wture and sons recital to be civnn Saturday Elrnoon, February 13, at her home, by Profes- Cf ". F. Giroud, on the opera "MlarUa, tho tffr" "sia. Bignora auldo dl Vlncenzo will ftf and Miss Fricke will bo at the piano. The weda will be used for tho Matinee Musical 2?b reserve fund. Ilss He1n "Van nBan ni,V.fA 9 iir nA Up. Bamuel B. Van Dusen, of 6131 Morris Iffloklyn for tho last 10 days, will return homo jgrrow S9 Ufirlnn Phflnman nf Wad Hiiwal ctpt,ft tl?il!V todav tar r!iiBtnn- Pil. ivhflrn she EJJ1 ipend the veek end at a house party at ISSkreUt. College. Els Helen Whltall. of 613 Church lane, who Is EgOYering from diphtheria, has returned to her Le from Atlantln nttv wtmrA ria AnAtit H. Lg&Blght. IK1'. James B. Walker, who is making her S this winter wth her daughter. Mrs. Fran- uinsmore, of Trenton, la spending the week fe tbe guest of tha Misses Schoneld, of iSlt SSnoy etreet Kr I. Roberts, of Richmond, Va., Is visiting li- V. Endlah rtollnm nt KM TVUst Ttlttrn. SBi treet. Efs. Michael Trump, of 72S Westvlew street, t'sued invitations fop auction today. James O. David, of B443 Magnolia avenue, Bummlt. N. J., taking a rest cure for sev fiUfWeelca. ' p ALONG THE READING Eg. Wnfora Shober, of Summit avenue, Jen- pwn, entertained at a dinner of 20 covers tTMk ta honor of her on, Llnford Bhober, w celebrated j, iUt birthday. 1 fi. a, Psnnock, ot Charleston. 3. O, Is lit present the guest of Mrs. Thomas S. Waters, Jr., and Miss Margaret Waters, of Washing ton lane, Jenklntown Mrs. l'ennock v.111 re main for several weeks A children's dancing class has been organized which will meet each Tuesday afternoon, from 3:30 until fi o'clock, at Horsham. Mrs. Harry C. File will chaperon the class of 2! members, and Miss Kathleen Carlln will not as tho Instructor. MIps Grace Walker, of Ambler, is tho guest of Miss Kathleen Carlln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kugeno Carlln, of Mather avenue, for several days. Miss Carlln and her guest will nttend tho Paint nnd Powder show nt tho Jenklntown Au ditorium this evening. A very delightful card party wna given laBt evening by the South Oak Lane Improvement Association nt "The Hall," Broad street below Chelten avenue. Albert C. Dudley, of 11th street, Is president of tho association, nnd C. W. Van Artsdalen, of 65th avonuo, had charge ol the affair. Miss Eleanor Sulfeg, who has Just returned from a three months' visit at hor olster'H homo In Loc Angoles, Cal will be entertained nt n theatre party and dinner tonight by her nunt. Mrs. Charles Wlllard Nofllngton, at Oak Lane. Miss Olive May Wilson, of Jenklntown, lias re turned from a fortnight's visit to Moss Neck, on tho Rappahannock river, Va. Miss Louise Chase, of Germnntown, will bo tho gucat of Miss Wilson for sovornl days. They attended tho Paint and Powder Show at tha Jenklntown Auditorium last evening. Miss Wil son will be tho guest of Miss Chase for several daye later on In tho week. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Mary Mock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mock, of 4300 Walnut street, will enter tain at bridge, followed by buffet luncheon, this afternoon, In honor of her guest, Mlis Elizabeth Glbbs, of Hanover, Pn. Tho house will bo elaborately decorated with ferns, palms, vari colored carnations and cut flow ers, and for each guest thero will bo a bunch of sweet pens. Her guests will Include Miss Florenco Hnrrnon, Miss Eleanor Harmon, Mies Martha Shlobley, Miss Marian Foley, Mrs. William Metzgcr, Mrs. Richard Nclms, Miss Marguerite Weber, Miss Hettlo Meyers, Miss Grace Meyora, Mrs. John Morgan, Mrs. Stanloy Wynn, Miss May Scholl, Mia. Charles Shannon and Miss Gertrude Kelly. Miss Margaret Ellen Williams, of 4624 Hazel avenue, will leave Saturday for Washington, D. C, whero sho will nttend tho mid-winter re ception nt Washington Seminary, the guest of Mls-i Laura Alice Davis, a Benlor, formerly of Buffalo, N. Y. Miss Ellen Hearl Adams, 6210 Rodman street, entertained at "600." Her guests were Miss Elizabeth Boyle, Miss Lyllan Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hetzel, John Haas, Charles Stetson and Walter Taylor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert P. Clime, of 5121 Spring field avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Brown ing, of 4141 Leidy avenue, and Miss Maud Con ovor have Issued invitations for a dance, to bo given on Tuesdny, February 16, at 22 South 40th street. Mis Helen D'Oesone and Miss Graco D'Ossono, of 73G North 40th street, will entertain this aft ernoon In honor of Mrs. William Blckcl, of Birmingham, Ala. Mrs, Blckcl, with her two small children, Is spending several months with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Marshall McCully, of 725 North 40th street. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Tho marriage is announced of Miss Ellen Gertrude O'Neill, daughter of Mrs. Mary O'Neill, of 1423 Wharton street, and Louis H. Sulllvnn, on Monday, January 25, at St. Teresa's Church. The Rev. Father Crowloy officiated. Friends of Mr, and Mrs. James A, Hamilton, of 2024 South 16th street, gave them a delightful surprise party last evening at their home. Thoso present were Dr. and Mrs. Edward Trcacey, Dr. and Mrs. John Lownes, Mr, and Mrs. Griffith, Mr. nnd Mrs, McNeills, Mrs. Grccnhaugh, Mrs. Genevieve Galllgan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berg munn, Doctor FraBer and William Dankworth. Mrs. Albert Becker, of 1S06 South 16th Btreot, will entertain the members of hor card club on Wednesday next, February 3, when her guests will be Mrs. Charles Vlguers, Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. James A. Hamilton, Mrs. Lewis Thomas, Mrs, Leon Isenhower, Mrs. Joseph Burke, Mrs. Philip Ball, Mrs. J. Griffith. Mrs. J. Harperman, Mrs. H. Ziegler and Mrs. John Kccnan. Miss Alice McCaulley, of 1623 McKean street, -will entertain the members of her sewing club this evening. Those expected to be pres ent are MIbs Marguerlto McDonald, Miss Alice McDonald, Miss May McDonald, Miss May Is sertel, Miss May Q. Taylor, Miss Catherine Claire, Miss Elsie Blbby, Mrs. Rowling, Mrs. T. Horan, Mrs. Savery, Mrs. Shaw and Miss Anna McCaulley, Thomas Maloney, of 2306 Christian street, who has been spending the last few days In Phoenlzvllle, returned Saturday. Mrs. Emile Ott, of 1443 South Broad street, entertained at luncheon, followed by a matinee theatre party, yesterday afternoon. The members of St, Rita's Club, Broad and Ellsworth streets, entertained last night In their clubrooms at an Informal, dance and card party, The affair was on successful as usual. It was In charge of the following; Aloyslus Tlerney, chairman; George Wright, Andrew Frlel and Thomas Curley, The annual banquet of the club will be held on February 8, when the guests of honor will be Senator James P, McNlchol, Congressman William S. Vare and Register of Wills James B, Sheehan. John Scanlon, president of the club, and John Roletter have the banquet In charge. noxBoitouGn Mrs. Joseph Sumner entertained Informally this week at her house on Terrace street Her guests were Mrs. Walter Earley, Mrs. Verner Frame, Mrs. Theodore Baldwin, Mrs. S. R, Borer, Mrs. Verner Frame, Mrs. Robert White side, Mrs. William Stetter, Mrs. Jaroea Roth well, Mrs. Clifford McMaster and Mrs. Charles Haberlein Miss Elizabeth McKeown, of Rochelte avenue, will entertain at bridge on Tuesday, Febru- ruary t 111 fiilliifPiJf roSiiiBKi jptWBBH m?m j&mgy wtt "itt vmmammrT'w"" '" J m wwmf' 'ff tv IsiSr dim. fmmw ifflloilS i w sSk SS mss j,yrtlk mckee ppww i &'mV& 111 M9S McKeo will take the principal part in ilSlif illMiwiMl hrMW F lll "Hotcli Polch," which will ho given again tonight irwfflilffl fWlJy V i&k Pl th 'ai"1 a"'1 1,owdcr Club' lu thc J-,ul-l- PPS 1 hutit ly t.ilbcrt & lictm MISS MARGARET MAGEE Miss Magcc will take part in "Fails and Fancies," to be given at the Hcllcvuc-Stratfonl on February 3, AGNES IRWIN ALUMNAE A Special Meeting Wan Held Yeslcrdny at the Club Rooms to Plan Memorial At a special meeting of the Agnes Irwin Alumnae, held January 26 In Philadelphia, tho following plan was unanimously adopted: A teachers' fund shall be created as a per petual memorial to Agnes and Sophy Dallas Irwin. The purposo of tno memorial Is to rccognlzo tho dignity und Importance of the position of the teacher in prlvuto schools for girls. With this end In view, nil of tho alumnae of the Agnes Irwin School and all friends of tho Misses Irwin nro now given an opportunity to contribute to tho fund which, when recelvod by tho treasurer, will be paid over to six trus tees (of whom one Khali be a trust company) under the terms of a deed of gift which shall specify tho powers of tho trustees ami tho purposes for which tho annual lncomo may bo used. The five Individual trustees shall be chosen In tho first Instance by vote of the alumnao of tho school, and tho trustees so chosen shall select tho trust company. Vacancies in tho board shall be llllcd by tho nlumnao or, In tho event of the dissolution of the alumnao oiganlzntlon. by tha remaining trustees. The trust company shall havo tho actual cus tody of the fund and shall make and change Investments thereof In consultation with tho other trustees. The Individual trustees shall have the largest discretion In detei mining thc uses to which tho annual lncomo Is to bo applied. They may mako grants far tho benefit of teachers who havo earned tho right to retire, as well as for tho relief of those overtaken by sickness or mis fortune during active service. In exceptional cases they may provide special opportunities for travel, study, research oc publication. In the dispensation of Income tho principle shrill be recognized that beneficiaries nro not objects of charity, but are merely the recipients of what Is due to valued servants of tho public. Tho committee has been assured by counsel that thero are no legal difficulties In the way of accomplishing tho purposes above outlined. Executive Committee, MRS. BAYARD HENRY. Chairman. MRS. EDGAR SCOTT, Pres. of Agnes Irwin Alumnae. MRS. E. WALTER CLARK, Treisuror. MRS. ROBERT C. II. BROCK, MRS. ADOLPH BORIE, MRS. EDWARD B. MEIGS, MRS. JOHN S. NEWBOLD, Jr. MISS SARAH LOWRID. NORTH PHILADELPHIA The Sigma Delta Sorority, of William Ponn High School, will entertain nt "500" on Saturday afternoon at Mosebach's. The committee In charge of the affair are the following! Miss Marie Kretschman, MIbs Mary Rowbottom and Miss Violet Myley. Among those expected are Mies Gertrude McEvoy, Miss Marguerite Keenan, Miss Josephine Lane, Miss May Tretch, Miss Florence Messlnger, Miss Naomi Walter, Miss Helen McDonald, Miss Edith Christian and Miss Jane Myley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bergmann, of 2033 North 21st street, entertained last evening at a dance, followed by supper. Their guests were Dr. and Mrs. O. Borger, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Treacey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wassen, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes A. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwoerer, Miss Anna Bummers, Miss Catherine Summers, Miss Lucy Cowen, Jamea A. Hastings. Jr., David Hamilton, Miss EIsi Young, Henry Bergmann, Sr., T. Wilson and Thomas Mohr, Dr. and Mra. Norman W. Payne, of 2003 Green street, entertained last evening at a dance. Their guests were Mr. ard Mrs. Charles Davis, Lieutenant Commander R, B. Keyes, U. 8. N., and Mrs. Keyes, Lieutenant Commander Guy A, Blssett, XI. B. N and Mrs. Blssett, Lieutenant Arthur T. Barney, U, S. N and Mrs. Barney, Paymaster Manning IJ. Phll brlck, U. S. N., and Mrs. Phllbrlck. Lieutenant Charles A. Lutz, U. B. M. C and Mrs. Luts, Lieutenant Ralph U Bhepard, U. S, M. C and Mrs. Bhepard, Mr. and Mrs. Bushntll, Lieutenant Taylor, U. S. N Miss Blanche Lans and Mrs. Howe, of Chicago, TIOGA Mrs, Percy Sherlock, of North Broad street and Allegheny avenue, entertained at cards yes terday afternoon. The game was followed by a buffet luncheon. Her guests were Miss Lillian Rcler, Mrs. Albert Schenck, Mrs. Charles Haf mcr, Mrs, Howard JanUen, Miss Alice McFad den, Miss Edna McFadden, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mra. Frederick Carter, Miss Mabel Reler, Miss Estelle Winters and Miss Bertha Wenlger, Mlsa Helen Luchmann, of 1822 West Atlantlo street, entertained at cards followed by a buffet luncheon yesterday afternoon. Her guests were Mr. Walter Whitman, Mrs, Arthur Cus ter, Miss Louise Maurer, Mrs. Eleanor Hobson, Miss Sophie Spencer, Mrs. Harry Walton. MUs Margaret MeCurdy Mrs. Edgsjr Hobson, Mrs. Oeorga Estes, and, Mrs. Dickinson Ehaw. LANSDOWNE Miss Helen Davcnpoit, of 113 East Grenwood avenue, entertained tho members of hor so rority last evening. Among the guests were Miss Marlon Hart, Miss Doiothy Humphries, Miss Myrtle Craig, Miss Alma Undoihlll, Miss Mnrjorio Young, Mlsa Muiy OulnUn, Miss Maiy Zelglcr, Jllss Helen ortli, Miss Helen Reed and Miss Mai ion Gouclior. Miss Dorothy Hay, of South L.msdowna ave nue, Is spending a few days in Vow York. A dnnco will bo given on February 20 at tho Twentieth Century Club by Richard Land's nnd Carlylo Taj lor. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mulligan, of Burmont road, are being congratulated on tho birth of a son, born January 10. Miss Marian Jackson, of Media, will mako her poimnnent homo with Mrs. William Schafr ner, of 22 EaBt Fnlrvlew avenuo. Mrs. Emma Pippin, of Clicstcrtown, Md Is thc guest of Mrs. Ella V. Clark, of 2035 Stella avenue, for a fow weoks. Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, of Amber street, have beon entertaining their cousin, Land J. Grahom, of Braddock, Pa , who has Just spent sovoral wcekB In Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fcsmiro, of Holmes burg, arc receiving congratulations upon tho birth of a daughtor. Tho men of Doctor Straus' Blblo Class, of Rehoboth M. E. Church, will glvo an enter tainment tomorrow evening. CHESTER AND VICINITY Former Mayor and Mrs Howard II. Houston, of Chester, left yesterday for Bollaire, Flo., where they will sojourn for two months. Mrs. II. B. Speakman nnd son Robert have returned to their homo nt Now Castle, Del., after spending several days as tho guests of Mrs. James Elvcrson on West 6th street. Mis. Charles R. Long and her mother, Mrs. Arabella Hlnkson, of West 9th street, are so journing at Atlantic City. Gcorgo Pennington, of East Sth street, Is visiting relatives nt Wilmington, Del. Miss Elizabeth Smethurst has leturnod to hor homo on East 7th street, after a fortnight's visit to relatives at Elkton, Md. Mrs. Cecilia McGovcrn, of Provlnco avenue, has returned from a week's visit to friends at Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Catherine Farrclly, of Edgmont avenuo. Is entertaining Mrs. Anna Emory, of Philadel phia. Miss Elizabeth Devlno has returned to her home on East Sth street after a week's visit to friends In West Philadelphia. Walter Hlorth, of Mcllvalne Btreet, has re turned from a month's visit to friends nt St. Louis, Mo, MISS MARY STEWART WURTS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stewart Wurta, will be guest of honor at a luncheon to bo given by Mrs. George O. Ross, of 1721 Spruce stieot. Thoso present will be Mlsa Isabel Wurts Page, Mlsa Anna Mary Walthour, Miss Charlotte Fahnestock, Miss Emily La Farge Claxton, Miss Edith Smythe. Miss Katharine Beeler, Miss Emma Ashton Dorr, Miss Mary E. Clayton, Mlsa Gene Christian Bullitt, Miss Virginia Roberts and Mlsa Dorothy Foltz, Miss Ruth Coxe, the much feted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brlnton Coxe, will again bo guest of honor at a dinner-dance. Tho af fair will be given by Eckley Brlnton Coxe, Jr., of 1604 Locust street. In the Rltz-Carlton. There will be more than 100 guests, who will be seated: at small tables, which will be decorated wltn rare flowers. Miss Coxe, who will receive with Mr, Coxe, will wear an exquisite gown of salmon pink, which is made with a very full skirt. WILMINGTON Mr. and Mrs. John Kearney Rodgers left yes terday for Palm Beach and Jensen, FJa., to be gone until late In February, Mrs. Edwin R. Cochran has gone to Allston, Mass., to spend a month. Mrs. C. S. Mddleton has gone to Orlando, Fla., where she will visit friends for a fortr night. Mrs. F, Lindsay Curtis entertained the Dupli cate Bridge Club yesterday, Mrs. Grant Campbell, of New York City, la a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Preston Lea. She was a guest of honor at ft luncheon and auction bridge given by Mrs. Eugene du Pont and was guest of honor with Mra. Charles E. Buch, of Detroit, At card party glvea by Mrs. Preston Lea. riioto Iir Gilbert A II. cm MISS BEATRICE HARRITY Miis Hnrrity, who is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hnrrity, m a popular member of tho younger set. She will lake part in the vaude ville lo he gicn for SL Francis' Home for Con valescents on Fcbrary 3. AT HOME TODAY Thursday Is a Favorite Afternoon for Informal Receiving. A number of persons will lecolvo this nf tor noon. Mi. and Mrs. William Struthers Ellis, Miss Helen Ellis and Mrs. Sydney Ellis will be nt home from 3 until 6 o'clock, nt 2032 Do Lanccy street. Mrs. Heibort M. Lowry, of 2423 South 21st street. No cards. Mrs. Mori Is J. Lewis, Mrs. Henry Edward Drayton and Mrs. Horace H. Franclne are re ceiving Informally nt tho residence of Mrs. Lewis, 1316 Locust street, after 4 o'clock. No caids. Mrs. W. M. Hunt, wife of Lieutenant Com mander Hunt, U. S. N., will receive at her residence In the navy yard from 4 until 6 o'clock. Mrs. Charles M. Bncho and tho Misses Bachc, of 233 South 13th street, after 4 o'clock until February. Mrs. Edward Miller Jeffcrys, of 717 Pino streot, until Lent. No cards. Mrs. Alexander Brooko Geary, of Walllngford, will reccivo today. Cards havo been received. Mrs. Charles Prlco Mnule will iccelvo Informal ly today nt her home, 2217 Rlttenhouse street, after 3 o'clock. No caido have been sent out. Mrs. Maulo will be assisted In receiving by Mrs. Henry D. Paxson, Mrs Richard P. Tutum, Mrs. William Now bold Ely, Mrs. Ralph Souder, Miss Constance Souder, Miss Frances I. Maulo NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Miss Ethel Mllno entertained nt "600" fol lowed by a buffet supper last night. Her guests Included Mr. and Mra. William Darragh, Miss Mabel Baker, Miss Ethel Mllnc, Doctor Cunningham and Albert Greenwell. Miss Eva Holly, of 2021 East Cumberland street, will spend a portion of the week in Nor rlstown, Pa. Mrs. John Dale, who has been visiting Mrs. S. F. Baugher, 2373 Frankford avenue, lias re turned to her homo In Oxfoid, Pa. Miss Ida Horwltz, of 3021 Kensington avenue, entertained a few of her friends at her homo last evening. Her guests Included Miss Mabel Field, Miss Cella Weinberg, Miss Florence Ros enblum, Mai tin Wlndell, Thomas Roscnfeld, George Flschgraper and Joseph Wlssow. Meyer Petcrzcll will leave shortly for a New England trip. Charles E. Leach hasf returned from a short stay at Atlantic City, N. J, Miss Helen O'Connor will leave early next month for the Panama Exposition. Mrs. J. Rlngold, of North Wales, Pa., Is spending a few days with her Bon and daughter-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Rlngold, 3030 Frankford avenue. FRANKFORD The Frankford Girls' Club will give a sketch and dance at Assembly Hall tomorrow night. Soma of thoso who will take part In the sketch, "Rebecca's Triumph," aro Miss Olive Nappen berger, Miss Mary Pfalzgraf, Miss Catharine Kcrner, Miss Isabella Berry, Miss Bessie Mac intosh and Miss Mary Herberlck. The following officers were elected at the an nual meeting of the Keystone Yacht Club: Com modore, A. B. Cartledge; vice commodore, R. P. Smith; rear commodor J. A. Thompson; sec retary, J. W. Broormfead; treasurer, F. B, Fisher; directors, L . C. Schumacher, John Walker, A. J. Muller, F. C. Smith. H. V. Porter John Zltter, D. P. Henry and Joseph Wheat croft. Mrs. William Kuhn, Jr., will entertain the Phi Pi Alpha Sorority at her home, 4S33 North 5th Btreet, this afternoon. Among her guests will be Mies Clara Stortz, Miss Amelia Man ning, Mies Helen Klnnig, Miss Grace Russell and Miss Elsie Kuhn. Mrs. Samuel Reed Worth entertained at ''1500" and dancing last evening In honor of Miss Emily Stokes, of West Virginia. Mlsa Stokes, who has been Mrs. Worth's guest for two weeks, will leave today for Miami, Fla,, where she will remain until March 3, as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. William Talley, formerly of Frank ford. A charity ball will be given by the Italian Federation of Societies in Petner's Hall, Ortho dox and Cambridge streot, tomorrow evening. Antonio Madonnl and Michael Carunchlo will manage the affair, A spaghetti supper will be one of the special features. Mra. W. M. Olnn, of New York, will spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jero W- Cody, of 361 East Chelten avenue. Mra James McMahon. TC6 Locust avenue, has returned from a. vUlt to New York, ONE of the prettiest weddings of the seno took placo last evening in St. Peter's Fratc tant Episcopal Church, Wayne avenue afi.l Harvey street, when Miss Beatrice B. Flood, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward T. FJood, of Wayno avenue nnd Hortter street, became tho bride of Harry Butterworth, Jr. The cere mony was performed at 7i30 o'clock by the Rev. Stuart Keeling, rector of tho church. The bride wa given In marrlago by her father. Bho car rled a shower bouquet of whlto orchids and lilies of the valley. Tho maid o( honor was Miss Elinor Annotte Flood, n. (sister of the brldo. Tho bridesmaids Included Miss Mildred Cnverly, Miss Helen Gormley, Jllss Josephine Heron, Miss Flortno Butterworth, Miss Jean Beagnry. They carried Bmall straw hats flllod with pink sweet peas, snapdragon and pink roses. Tho mnld of honor also carried a hat filled with flowers. Miss Allco Butterworth and Mlsa Edltha Lldlo Flood wore tho flower girls. Mr. Butterworth had as best man his brother, Do Haven Butterworth, nnd tho ushers wcro Gcorgo Scattcrgood, John Gay, Jnmes Butterworth, Harry Williamson, Charlec Thomas Evans, Stuart Jellettc, Thomnn Bromley Flood. A reception for tho families and friends fol lowed Immediately after tho ceremony at the homo of tho brldo's parents. Mr. and Mrs. But terworth, after an extendod wedding trip, will be at homo after April 1, at 316 Carpenter street. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Miss Jessie Klnscy-Goss, of Merchnntvllle, en tertained Informally at bridge this week. Those present were Mrs. James Akcroyd, Mrs. J, Spen cer Lucas, MrB. Ralph Patterson, Mra. Wood Robinson, Mrs. McClellan Fulton, Mrs. Harold Bottomley, Miss Beatrice Brown and Mrs. Rob ert Buchcr, 2d. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bottomley, of Merchant vlllc, entertained at dinner bofore tho dance at tho Manufacturers' Club. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs James Akcroyd, Mr. and Mrs, McClellan Fulton, Miss Beatrice Brown, Stan loy Clark, Miss Jessie Clark, Miss Jessie Kin-soy-Goss, and Gcoigo Draper Lewis. Mrs. E. E. Read, Jr., of Sixth and Cooper streets, Is spending a week at Atlantic City, Mr. and Mra. William L. Hurley, of West Colllngswood, have gono to South Carolina for a month's stay. Mrs. Clement Remington, of Hnddonfleld, Is arranging a luncheon for February D, limited to members of tho Homo Section of tho Haddon Fortnightly Club. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Holmnn. of Merchantvllle, will spend tho remainder of the winter 'In Flor ida. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Chllds and their daugh ter. Miss Marian, of West Colllngswood, have gono to California. Mrs. W. A. Davis, of 511 Cooper street. Is spending tho winter with her daughtor, Mrs. Felix A. Gunter, of Jackson, Miss. Dr. nnd Mrs. H II. Sherk, of Westfleld ave nue, nro In Miami, Fla., for an extended visit AMUSEMENTS FOT?T?TlST Thl" Bnd Ne" Week. Evg. 8:18 x vyiVXVXJOX Matinee Wed nnd Sat. at 2:15 CHAm.BS KHOHMAN Presents The Great Three-Smr Combination JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH GLOBE MARKET STREET AT JUNH'EIl VAUDEVILLE 11 TO 11 Character TJTtT- jP, T Timely Parodists liOey & -Lee Topics 8 OTHER NOTABLE A f rp Q ALL FEATURE A U 1 O ACADEMY OP MUSIC TRAVELTALKS with j Actual War Pictures NEWMAN Tomor AT a: 15 War Capitals Qof MAT. AT Oct If. 2:30 Ticket, 80e, T5e, $1.00. at Ileppe's. Amp. 23a P.hptSTTlllf fir OPEKA I Homo of World's VjIie&lHUl Ol, HOUSE I dreateat Photoplay! CHRISTIAN i& E d T-impc: Dm'lv HIS- 1 an? 3 10 and j-wM --, avun.1 i ana u ice, loo. : TAT.AP.T?. fTViaofLQ 12" MARKET 8T. VAUDEVILLE ,?,, PHOTOPLAY SSMSMW A TiT?.T ,PT-TT Popular II JMatlnee Today fi.LiljLlL Ell TONIGHT at 8:JB Share Tha Funnleat I'lay Ever Written "THE THIRD PARTY" With TAILOR HOLMES and WALTER JONES AN INSTANTANEOUS HIT HERB! ACADEMY WSSI0JST,Feb. ravTN fi r.ciTm 8:13 (Of tha Utart of Tha Saturday Evanlnc Pott) AN ILLUSTRATED TALK ' On what h aaw at the front in tha European War Zona, Seata Now at 111B Cheatnut St. Prlcea, 23o to 1 Lao CASINO THEATRE Matinee Daily 6e' 'h91,?tr.ntTotwr,e,u, COLLEGE GIRLS AMATEURS EVERY FRIDAY NIOHT TUB Market Street, Above 16th PICTURES. 11 to H. i Marguerite Clark GOOSE G I RL Stanley Next Week Mary Plckford In "MISTRESS NELL" B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE QUANTITY. QUALITY J VARISTYI Henrietta Croaman & Co. ; La Mho; Marahall Mont, a-omery; Moran & WUer; RoaU Lloyd j John H Uor aon A Co. Other Peaturea. inpnCQ EARLE-S DIVINQ LILIES UlVUOO NIOHT IN MONTE CARuT 17'T?Va SEVEN RU8SELS. Othera J.XU X p Program Changed Monday Tliuridar THEATRE 2&T 10cBVTOV j "DT n A Tl Tbl" an4 Next Weak. Evenlno t 8 .15 rJ.VU.n..L' Watlne.a Wedneaday & Saturday at 2 is LEO DITRICH STEIN In "THE PHANTOM IVAJ GARRICK "tiSZTtgrix Vs LEW FIELDS!"' In THE HIOH COST OF LOV1NO Seata II 60 NIXON'S GRAND Today 8 lis. T 6 Rt0.?.nT P k?" Stater Ford & '"Truly" Kaufman Uroa Mabla Fond Troup Mason Murray Richard Eroa Lambing Picture " LYRIC 3MiVWr s CYRIL MAUDE 5Swr- miMflNT'S DUMONT-8MINSTHB1S BURLESQUE, "WHITE HOOBIi SABY' n nr r T T W QKQ. BTONS U ML X X Xt AU ETTA POL m HM m Aili.1