KapMnp.ji liuiii jii-ii3BgggggBJjgjg lTwjmmwwiMmwifaimHli ' SiWUfetoM FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA m NIGHT XX EXTRA VOL. I NO. 117. FUU-ADETjPIIXA, TIIUBSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1915. FBIG10 ONB CENT Cortimur, lots, bt inn Fcbmo Lkdocii Covrmr. Pff fSBr JSSKsP JjfQStf ml KAISER LOSES 20,000 MEN 1 ASSAULTS ON ALLIEDLIES t Attempts to Achieve Victory on Emperor's Birthday Result in Heavy Casual ties Both Sides Claim Gains in Violent Fighting at Craonne. Gorman Artillery Halts Czar's Advance on Koenigsberg. Russians Lose Uzsok Pass as Austria Hurls 400,000 Fresh Troops Into Galicia Gumbin nen Battle Rages. The Germans lost 20,000 men In a vain i? attempt to win a birthday victory for the Kaiser, according to the French of ficial estimate. This estlmato of losses In the thrco days' lighting In Flnnders, Northern Franco nnd tho Vosges, Is based upon tho number of dead found p. on iho battlefields. pans uecinrca inai i-rencn counter . attacks In tho region of Craonno havo , regained all lost ground, but Berlin reports tho capture of 500 yards of (trenches' in addition to tho 1500 yards " previously taken In that section. Both sides also claim victory in Alsaco. Tho Russian advance on Koenlgsberg J has been halted by a sudden and stub f born German rdslstanco along tho River Inster. Artillery posted on tho bank Is helling tho Invaders' lino. At Gumblnncn, in East Prussia, a '.general battle has doveloped. Petro- Egrad chronicles further progress, but (Berlin states that tho too has been 5 checked with heavy losses. Tho cud- K.'titiA rt T3lll1rn1lnri la f1Vnn 11 if r Ar.rtWairl iby tho Russians. i.An unconfirmed report states that a Kfevcfo nrtlllery engagement' has"'do- gveloped near Grodzlsk, only 12 miles M southwest of Warsaw. This Is tho near est ino iaiser nas como to Warsaw In tho second drlvo. Vienna reports capture of Uzsok Pass In the Carpathians. Turkish forces, numbering probably 120,000, havo been checked In outpost skirmishes in their advance on tho Suez Canal. Tho British defenders are largely Hindu colonials. Russian trops wero defeated by tho Turks near Olti, in tho Caucasus, and are in flight, according to Turkish re ports. Rumania's entry into tho war is au- Kigured in the $25,000,000 loan made to mat State by Great Britain. A recent THE WEATHER WCLOUDY p The cold wave predicted yesterday is &- coming- all right, but it is about 12 hours behind time, which mukes It due same time after sunset tonight, Last night out In li the Central and Northwest States they were having temperatures somewhat below xero, and the cold wave was sweeping East at n great rate. So just because p today you may find It possible to travel 'around without an overcoat, don't let the furnace fire go out If you do you . may have to melt the Ice In the water pitchers before you can shave tomorrow k. morning, and that Is no fun at all. E Furthermore, the indications are it wilt lbs cloudy tomorrow. , I' Of which we give you fair -warning I FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity (Cloudy and unsettled today and to night. Colder tonight and possible tnoiu flurries. For details, see page 2, Observations at Philadelphia 8A.lt. RBirnm.1.1. . xn A( PTcmptratur sa E,W1'.J , Northeast. 8 miles 8.y Cloudy (I'lVlpltatloa lat 21 hours ,.,.,......,. Nona 1 urafjlty , Si pr cant. IfMnlraum temperature ,..,..,...,,,. S4 (lailmum, temperature ,,..,,, ST Almanac of the Say ua (its 6:07 p. in, Bun rlata tomorrow ,,,.,,.,,,...-, 7:18a. m. Wood, acta tomorrow , 6.30 a. w. Lamps to Be lighted I'Antos and other vehicle,,,;,.,. 5;30p. m. The Tides PORT RICHMOND. tllUn water 1:03 p.m. JMv water T.21 p. in. ' Jill' a water tomorrow 12:00 a.m. CHESTNUT 8TOBBT WHAIIF. Hleh water 11.51a.m. J-ow waur T. 13p.m. inih water tomorrow 15.30 a.m. REWOV ISLAND. oww water ;t.p- m. Utah water "4?P-m- "w water tomorrow 4.08 a.m. JJRBAKWATSH. &w water l48p.m. Wut wai ::.....:...: .sites- w water tomorrow 1331a. . decreo forbnde loans outside of Great nrltnln, ami tho fact that funds nro now being furnished from London Indi cates that Rumania Is about to Join tho Allies against Germany. Tho Turkish mennco to the Suez Cnnnl lrt regarded is n strong argu ment for Italy's participation 'n the conflict. GERMAN RALLY HALTS CZAR IN ADVANCE ON KOENIGSBERG Post Artillery on Inster Alone Which Russians Are Moving. PETROOUAI1. Jnn 2S Stubborn resistance tins been encoun tered by tho Russian nrmv advancing toward Koenlgsberg In Knst Prussia, It Wis admitted hero today. The Clermnns have posted heavy artil lery on the west bank ot the Inster, north of InMerburg, nnd nro attempting to block tho Russian ndvnnco by bictklng up tho Ice. The Russian right, which has crossed thf Inster south of I. nsdclmcn, Is mov ing down the west bank with the object of making a Hank nttnek upon the tier mans wes. of Mallwlsohken. This at tack, If successful, will force tlio Ger mans to retire from the river north of Instcrburg and permit passage of the entire ItiisMnn force. GERMAN CANNON SHELL FOE 12 MILES FROM WARSAW Attempt to Break Czar's Defense Line Reported. PETHOQRAD. Jnn !S A severe nrtlllery engngement, devel oped by a German attempt to break through tho Russian line, has occurred a few miles south of Grodzlsk. Grodzlsk Is 12 miles southwest of "War saw and In the nearest oolnt to the Pol ish capital yet mentioned In connection with the present German offensive nest of tho Vistula. The nrtlllery battlo reported above, therefore, probably occurred about 13 miles from Warsaw, or less than 12 miles from the outer forts of the city. The nearest points to Warsaw previ ously mentioned have been BorJImow nnd Goumlne, about 25 miles west of tho city. RUMANIA GETS $25,000,000 FROM ENGLAND FOR WAR Loan Negotiated for Purchase of Supplies. LONDON, Jan. 2S. An agreement was signed In London yesterday for the loan of 5,000,000 ($25,000,000) to Rumania. Tho money will bo advanced by tho Bnnk of England to tho Bank of Rumania against Rumanian Treasury tbllls. The loan Is a result of a visit to Lon don of the Rumanian Finance Commis sion. It Is understood Rumania will use the money for tho purchnso of war materials. FRENCH DESTROYER LOST Sunk Off Nieuport LaBt- Week, Ber lin Hears. BERLIN, Jan. 25. "From a communica tion between the French Marine Minister and a Times correspondent It Is learned that a French destroyer was sunk oft Nieuport last week," the Press Bureau asserted today. No details of the alleged destruction of the French vessel wero given. Other War News on Page 4 5,600,000 FRESH SOLDIERS REAM FOR WAR PLUEGE British and French Mass 4,500,000, Austria 1,100, 000, Prepared to Take Up the Battle. LONDON, Jan. 28. Approximately CCOO.COO fresh troops soon are to be hurled Into the battles of Eu rope. Austria reports 400,000 new forces al ready on their way Into Galicia, which, with the troops now being made ready, will make n total of 1,100,000 new Aus trian lighters. A new Allied army of -I.COO.OOO men, in cluding 2,500,000 French and 2.000.000 Brit lah, Is ready to take the Held for the great offensive movement against the German lines In Franco and Belgium. Reports here declare that In connec tion with this impending offensive. Presi dent Polncare, of-France, paid a-ecret vlalt last week to England and. In ad dition to conferences with King George and Prime Mlnlstor Asqulth, saw Lord Kitchener's army. It Is said the French War Minister, M, Mlllerand, whose visit has been acknowledged, arrived while the President was here, and that Import, ant, meetings of the -British and French Ministers took place. , It 'Is stated that the French army for some time has been carefully conserving Its artillery ammunition for a new devel opment of the campaign which has been agreed upon, VIENNA, Jan. 23. A new Austrian army of 400,000 men Is being sent to the front. These troops consist of Austrian landsturm forces, which have bcen'Urllllng for six weeks. This new army is exclusively Austrian, containing no Hungarian, Bosnian or Herzegovlnlan troops. In connection with the departure of these fresh troops, who are being snt to the aalictan front, it was learned that the Austrian War Office is making preparations to send 700.000 more sol diers as fast as they can be equipped and drilled. With these additional 1,100,000 men in the Held, t'ne War Office expects a quick conclusion to the Russian campaigns in Galicia and southern and western Poland. Cabinet Crisis Imminent in Peru LIMA. Peru, Jan. 38. The resignation of Minister of Foreign Affairs Fernando Gazzanl. which was tendered on Decem ber It, haB been accepted by President IMUIngburst. A cabinet crisis In immi nent and the resignations of the other numbers ara xjetd. MINISTERS me picture KILLS HIS WIFE AND TAKES POISON IN SANATORIUM Ward M. Snyder, Son of Millionaire Oil Operator, Dying Tragedy Unex pected. HOUSTON, Tex., Jnn. IS. Ward M. Snyder cut the throat of his beautiful wife and then took bichloride of mercury, Jp the. Baptist .Sanatorium,, today. She was found dead. Snyder, said to be tho son of a millionaire Pittsburgh oil oper ator. Is dying. Tho cause of tho tragedy Is a mystery. The couplo were going to Corpus Christ! when Mrs. Snyder suddenly 'became III. several days ago. Her maiden name is not known here, but sho Is believed to have been a former opera singer. Snyder called ostensibly to Inquire about his wife's condition today. They wero left nlono In the room. Nurses declared no sounds of a quarrel or struggle woro heard. SHOOTS WIFE IN HEART Maryland Man Fires Four Times, Killing Her Instantly. BALTIMORE, Jan. 2S. Benjamin R. Davis fired four shots Into tho breast of his wife. Mrs. Annie Davis, at tho home of William R. Lamb, at St. Denis, Md., today, killing her Instantly. The couplo had been separated. Davis was captured an hour after tho shooting. PRESIDENT VETOES IMMIGRATION BILL FOR LITERACY TEST Sends Measure to Congress With Reasons for His Ac tion May Become Law by Two-thirds Vote. WASHINGTON. Jan. IS. President Wilson today vetoed the Immigration bill nnd sent with the veto a message ex plaining his reasons. The closing of the "open door," the adoption of the literacy test and other restrictions were given as causes for his action. . Chairman Burnett, of the House Immi gration Committee, to which the message was referred, saw ne woum mom mu, day or Friday of, next week to recon sider the bill and pass It over the veto. Representative Sabath, of Illinois, leader of the opposition to the measure, pressed for action today, or by net Tuesday at the latest. After a long wrangle Thurs day was virtually agreed on. CHAROES OPPONENTS HAD "TIP." 'I desire no snap judgment on any body," said Burnett. "I do not think anyone who favors this bill had any tip as to when this message would come In. i relieve the message Itself, In Its four corners, contains reasons why the bill should become law. we nave more man enough votes to pass It over the veto." "The veto will b sustained," said Sab ath "Friends of the bill will fail to over ride the veto by 18 or 19 votes." Sabath resented a charge that the bill's opponents had a, "tip" that It was to be Yetodd. "Everybody else had the tip," Republi can Leader Mann retorted. Sabath asked that 105.000 opolee of the veto message be printed, but there was objection Representative Earnhardt, of Indiana, modified it to SCOW. RepreseBti- Ceneladed ou 18 3Vo HERE TODAY TO INVITE "BILLY" SUNDAY TO shows the committee of ministers just LIBERTY BELL TRIP TO FAIR FOR JUNKET THOiT FALL IN BITS Experts Say Relic Cannot Stand Train Jolting, But Councilmen Want Free Rides West. . Back of a plan of Councils to send tho Liberty Bell to tho Panama-Paclllc Ex position Is developing a free cross-con-Incnt Jtrla, for a nujnbcr of Organiza tion Councilmen, with the city ot Phila delphia footing the bills for their sojourn in San Francisco, as well ns for their SKO-mllo train ride. Chairman John P. Connelly, of the Finance Committee of Councils, it Is re ported, will Introduce in Councils next Thursday a bill to send tho Liberty Ben from Independence Hall to tho Exposition "for the edification and inspiration of tho nation." It Is declared that a hint of a personally expcnsoless trip for the moro favored of tho Organization's supporters In Councils has given great Impetus to tho project to send tho hell to San Francisco. Arrange ments have even been made with tho rail roads over which the bell would travel on Its Western Journey. The Philadelphia Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, todny went n record ns being Irrevocably opposed to tho sending of the Liberty Bell to Son Fran cisco to be exhibited at tho Fanamn-Fa-cltle Exposition. Tho members of tho chapter passed a resolution condemning the deslro nf certain Councilmen to send tho precious relic to the Pacific Ccast and Incidentally enjoy a free trip, nt the ex pense of tho city, to tho exposition. Thin, nttltude on the part of certain "patriotic" Councilmen came In for severe criticism, Mrs. Thomas Potter, regent of the Philadelphia Chapter, and Miss M. A. Dobbins, vice regent, wero particularly severe In their criticism of the plan to send the bell to the Paclllc coast. "It Is nlmost unbelievable how some people can be selfish enough under the guise of patriotism nnd the desire to 'Inspire' tho nation ns to risk one of the most precious and priceless treasures of the nation." said Mrs. Potter. "It has been repeatedly shown by experts thut a trip to tho coast would result disas trously to the bell, and that It Is better off and secure only In the placo where It Is now. If some gentlemen In Coun cils think they can succeed In any of their plans as regards tho Liberty Bell without any opposition they are mis taken. We will protest and continue to protest until these gentlemen, who seem to care more for their own pleasures than for the nation's treasures, will be obliged to retreat." Equally outspoken was Miss Dobbins. Miss Dobbins said that the people on the Pacific coast really do not want the bell, and that tho request for the bell was sent to Philadelphia with no other pur pose than to advertise the Exposition. "I have recently returned from Cali fornia," said Miss Dobbins, "and I want to say that the people out there do not want the Liberty Bell hauled across the continent. I spoke with many persons while In Los Angeles, and was, repeatedly Concluded on l'ase Two Joker The tclfs anil humorists of Cow gress keep proceedings from leing too dreadfully solemn, A little Joke, too, may rnean all the difference be tween defeat and re-election the next time fie joker is a candidate for his own job, Edward W. Townsend will tell about congressional jokes and jokers in an entertaining artl ale. which will include some account joking aside of the evidence in support of the claim that John Fitch and not Robert Fulton deserves the credit of having first successfully operated a steamboat. Fttch's steamer made the trip between Philadelphia and Trenton SO years before the Clermont went up the Hudson. This article will appear fo ntorroio on the editorial page of the Evening Ledger after they left their train at the Reading GIRL OF 18 DRAGGED INTO AUTO, DRUGGED AND HELD PRISONER Tells Thrilling Story of Kid naping by Two Men and Woman, and How She Escaped. A dramatic talo of being thrown Into nn automobile, drugged by two men nnd n woman, nnd hqld prisoner in a houso In Rnco or Vino street for several hours until sho climbed out a window and es caped with tho aid of a negrcss servant, was narrated today by lS-ycar-old Clara Cozzl, 1014 South Hicks street. The girl now is at her home, unharmed, but suffering from tho shock of her ex perience. She was found In a dazed con dition nt 12th and Federal streets by Fo liceman Patterson, who took her to the 15th street nnd Snyder avenue station. City Hall detectives now are trying to locate the houso in which the girl says she was held prisoner. Sho Is not sure whether It was In Rnco or Vino street. DRAGGED INTO AUTO. Miss Coz.l went to visit her brother, noar 7th and Pino streets, yesterday after noon, she snys. About i o'clock sho start ed home. At 12th and Federal streets, she declares, a big red touring car was standing at tho curb. As she was about to pass, a well-dressed woman stepped from the machine and Invited her to take n rldo. The girl refused, and tried to pass on. but the woman seized her, and before she had a chance to offer any re sistance dragged her into the tonncau of the automcblle. Tho men pulled her back Into a seat. Concluded on l'uee Tho MASKED MEN ROB GROCER AND ESCAPE ON TRAIN Burglnra Sandbag Victim in Store fit Pennington, N. J. TRENTON, N. J., Jan, 18 Two masked burglars entered the store of Henry Bas sett, a grocer on Mam street, Penning ton, six miles from here, early today, and while one knocked him Insensible with a sandbag, tho other stole M from the cash register. While being pursued the men escaped on a freight train on the Philadelphia and Reading Railway bound for New York. Bassett was seriously Injured by blows on the head. MAY WHEAT ABOVE $1.50 Highest Trice Since the Leiter Corner in 1808. CHICAOO, Jan. M. The highest wheat prices, with four exceptions since the Civil War, were reached In the local pit today. Options on May deliveries sold for t1.W per bushel. During the war of 61 wheat was around $3 per bushel, and remained at about I2.S5 for two years after. In 1S76 wheat sold at J 1.66. During the B. J. Hutchinson corner in 1SSS wheat sold at 12 per bushel. In !, during the famous "Lelter cor ner," It sold at fl-So- Whan Jamea A. Patten engineered his corner In 1909 wheat soared to t'-W a bushel. FIFTEEN BELOW ZERO Kansas City, Mo., Reports Lowest Temperature in Years. KANHAB CITY, Mo.. Jan. S8.-The ther mometer Is standing at 10 degrees below zero here today, with 16 degrees below reported at many points In Kansas. This is the low record for two years. ' A heavy blanket of tnow has served to protect the winter wheat crop, which U reported in good condition. NEW YORK Terminal. PORTER WINS POINT WHEN SULZBERGER SENTENCES FELONS Prisoners Taken to Court From House of Correction on Writ and Committed to Prison. What is believed to bo a partial vindi cation for Director Porter In his contro versy with Judge Sulzberger lesultcd to day when several van- loads of-Tirlsoners convicted of burglnry or other fcloQlcs were brought to City Hall from "tho Houso of Correction nnd resentenced by tho court. Tho men wero lined up be fore Judge Sulzberger thlH nfternoon and later sent to tho penitentiary. Attorney John II. Fow, representing Director Porter, had a conference this morning with District Attorney Rotan, who Is reported to agree with tho Tubllc Safety Directors stnnr that Judge Sulz berger errd In sentencing men convicted of felonies to tho Houso of Correction. Mr. Fow obtnlned tho writ nnd tho Houso of Correction was Immediately emptied of every "crook" vlthln Its wnlls. The prisoners got an Inkling of what they were being removed for on the wny to City Hall and Jeered and honied ns they were being hauled up to the fifth lloor on the prisoners' elevator. THE COURT'S VIEWS. Judge Sulzbcigcr granted tho motion foi the resentence of tho prisoners, and then made the following statement: "The prlmltlvo Idea or punishment hasi been stcndlly eliminated, nnd during tho Inst 10 years, by consistent legislation which has produced the indeterminate sentence, the parole and probation, tho humnnlty which had theretofore estab lished reformatory Institutions was ex tended to all convicts; nnd the State de eland It as Its public policy that all Its prisons and workhouses wero reform In stitutions. "With tho wisdom or the unwisdom of that policy tho courts cannot Interfere. Tho Legislature Is tho supreme legisla tive power of tho Stnto of Pennsylvania under ,t'ne constitution and when It en acts a stntue constitutionally It Is the supreme law of the State, to which all men must ileld obedience, whether they ns Individuals agree to its wisdom or not. The courts must obey the law. "Under that system 10 years ago one of my brothers, whom I may without flattery call one of the wisest and most learned of his time, started this system of sending prisoners to'the House of Cor rection, on the well-estnbllshed theory determined by scientists and phycholo glsts and friends of humanity. It was the best wny to redeem the weakened mor ally, physically and mentally. Work nnd even work In the open air Is an agency unsurpassed In doing what can for weak ened mental, moral and physical na tures." PRISONEItS ASK FOR WORK. The courtroom was jammed to the doors when John Joyce, convicted January 9 of burglary and sentenced to six months In the House of Correction, was called. Lawyers, office holders and relatives of the prisoners were crowded Into the room until every seat was filled, and it was all the court attendants could do to maintain order, Joyce demanded work when his case was called. He said he had been In a cell alone at the House of correction, and he could not stand it any longer. Ha was willing to go on the stone pile If sent back, but wherever he was sent he said he wanted something to do. Judge Sulzberger made the new sentence sis months In the penitentiary. X" A pathetic plea for the release ofvh,er daughter. Josephine McCabe, who la about to bat'ome a mother, was made by the mother of this prisoner. Jme SfcCabe woman was sentenced to sHr months In the House of Correction on a chares of receiving stolen property from a gang of burglars In Kewlngton. Judge Sulzber ger resentenced her to the penitentiary pending Investigation of her case. More Stockyards Closed WASHINGTON. Jan. M.-The stook yards at Buffalo, N Y., and Richmond, Vt.. were closed today by the Depart ment of Agriculture because of the foot and mouth disease. The yard will re main UosxJ for four or flr day until they van be thoroughly disinfected. SUNDAY HURLS ; BROADSIDES AT NEW YORK HOST 200 Visiting Ministers Heat Evangelist Flay Careless ness of Servants of Church in Big Cities. "Salvation Special" Lowers Speed Record From Jorsey City by Making the Trip in 92 Minutes. AT THE TABERNACLE TODAY. 2 p. m, Mr, Sunday delivers Ma sermon, "Feeding the Five Thou sand." S p. m.tlss Raxc meets her Bible class on the platform. 7. MO p. m.Mr. Sunday will preach. Subject not announced. STATISTICS. Attendance Yrstcrday afternoon ". 17,000 Yesterday evening 10,000 Approximate grand total... SIZftOO Converts, Yesterday afternoon 77 Yesterday evening 327 Total to date S,08T Sermons. Preached to date 48 Remaining to bo preached, . 11 Collections. Yesterday afternoon . . . $5i0.05 Yesterday evening .... (906.04, Grand Total $36,024.10 Approximate contribu tion from each person .Of 1'5 Two hundred New York clergymen, who came to Philadelphia on a special train today to get acquainted with "Billy'1 Sunday's methods of Blammlng the devil, wero not dlsnppolnted. They "got thelra'' during "Billy's" assault on sin when h, preached his famous sermon on "Feed Ing the 1000." After the lambasting the evangollst gave the visitors, in which ho held up beforo them the shams of church members and ministers nnd urged them to become wide awake personal workers, no one could charge Sunday with toning down his ser mons to BUlt certain audiences. Just aa ho has becn.hlttlnsjnriJ.Arjaiwt ar-ttio" ' Philadelphia clergymen ond church lead ers the evangelist threw hot shot into the New Yorkers today. . Sunday scorned the carelessness of the 'churches to the welfare of the masses particularly as it applies to New York. PROBLEM OF THE CHURCH. "Thcro Is no blinking nor dodging the fact that In drawing tho masses to its doors, tho church Is facing a crisis," he said. "Take a walk down Cth avenue through the districts of wealth and ro llnement nnd you find church spires aplenty. But as you walk eastward tow ard tho rlvpr, what do you rind? You New York preachers know what is there. The further downtown you go the less is tho number of God's steeples. As the population becomes more denso and poor, the church becomes a thing of the past. It Is disappearing. "Gradually the older members of con gregations have moved into the suburbs, and with their withdrawal, tho support of tho downtown church becomes more difficult, in board nnd trustee meetings of such churches you hear talk like this: Cut your clothes to tit your cloth cut down expenses to tally' with receipts.' "Great God," he screamed, "Is this a caubo and a time for retrenchment or adt vancement? Does a wlso general reduce his force Jn the presence of the enemy "Instead of adding to the funds to help save tho unfortunates In tho densely populated sections, what do you da In most cases? You sell your old down tou churches for enormous sums of money to commercial institutions nnd then you take the money out Into tho quiet, peaceful suburbs nnd put It into fine, costly clubhouses. And then you forget nil obout the unsaved souls back in the old town and let them go to hell In bun6hes. "Thta condition is not found In hen York only. It exists In every large Ameri can city. And yet, we hear all kludi of news about charitable work, settle ment work, social service, eugenic educa tion and dozens of movements to 'help the poor' when the real thing they need, the one thing they should have above all othera Is the religion of Jesus Christ," "I will go with you in all your social service work, In your sociology, Jn your doctrine of eugenics ond In any and nil movements for the uplift of humanity, provided you give Jesus Christ His right ful place In all these! But when you drop Jeaus Christ, you and I part com pany," "fJew-fangled Ideas" and "Isms" again, came In for rebuke. Genuine Christianity, Sunday declared, was the only kind of religion that could soothe all Ills and drive awoy all troubles. Revival songs rang out In the tralnshad of the Beading Terminal at 11.45 o'clock today when tho ministers arrived on a, "Salvation Special." The run from Jersey City "was made In 9: minutes, a new record for speed over the Jersey Central Railroad tq this. city. Upon arrival here the mnlsters went to the Hotel Hanover, where they had luncheon. Later they marched to the tabernacle in a body. There were more requests for reserva tions on the special train than could be granted. Scores of clergymen who want. 4 to hear and see "Billy" Sunday at worjt "scrubbing up" the Quaker Clt were diss appointed. Almost every denomination la New York Is represented In the deltgi- Concluded on ' Six -r J.OST AND rOTIND L3ST TutsJay stenlar. January 24, bstw.au lBlh .ad Plus u4 UstropOlitan Qpsra ltou or whll twr, oojnb; r&inMtonej 6t ijl tllTtx: reward- 160a Woa LOSTw-Lady's black handbag lolne from Or n htW to 8th and Market or on cur 1? , on talalu money, ka and lauu, rewaiJ Jtetura to U 8 2lL I3ST On Monday, od Mat at. btwea Mt kt and line. smaU Mk fur aaskatrip. io- IjiST Modu oJorrUM, white rfSBft Knelo' laauiM; imirw ruuerr , rwra Slat, oc UI6 "N 26th 3r. . tt. .'SBirJe'iff: , iv:.',-r5rji,Bx-a. Othtr clatiiJltiX edvfrU4siftSf ? f 7