s I szz EVENING LEOQBR-.-PHir.APEL:PHIA., WEDNESDAY, JAtftTABY 27. 191B. "- ln i , m . vfi !,a m Wmb? Social ow ana jer? on a I L rR, AND MRS. CHAULE3 U, WRIGHT Will lyi enterlnln nt tunnor on l-riday nignt prior Pi, lll AM'""" - - .... Wry. "' New York' Tho BUosU will Include Tails'" Smith, of New York; Miss Hope 8(l, Miss HcIcn Tower, Miss Alexandra, illfis (Uftnlde Jii'uiui"""' """ uui.u uura, Ainaa iiS.lle UOian. Hiaa uuyuiim tiiBiUL. iUIFUl Mrfrot ScUll, nownru cmirHis, oi uoHion; tjnm- VI CneWt iiiiu"i -uuiiitiii, uunuiHi x)iuuie, Irthllf ullpln, Aiwraw uruy, ueorgo urooKe, TiJsllrte Cheston, Alexander Ynrnnll nnd Mr. Beaufort, of Washington. ... Yfn..,. rtn.ntain h 1W t,t... fDf find At". XltlJO v.c.lictlioi Ul 1UI tVfllUUV 6,Mt, havo Issued Invitations for n small danco ; (..'given In honor of Miss Dorothy Do'ltnvon rion and Miss Frctlorlca llremcr on Tucs fa evening-, February 0. uilsa Elizabeth Lattn, debutante daughter of 'ifr and Mrs. ThomaB L. Latta, has returned 'from a week's ntny In Atlantic City. Miss Latta trfl lavo on February 3 for Washington, whoro fjj,, will attend several dinners and recaptions ftoring a week's vlelt thorc. Ir. and Mrs. Caleb F. Fox, of Berthcllyn, nmnti, nnnounco tho ongnKomcnt of their 'j1Ujhter, Miss Margaret Crozer Fox, nnd Hyd-'M- e, Martin. Miss Fox mado her debut four itMOns ago nnd has been a very popular moin lu of tho younger sot. Mrs. John Tanner, of 1312 Fine street, will en- UrUIn at cards Wednesday, Februaiy 3. ifr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson havo Issued Imitations for n dinner on Tuesday, Fob ' ru&ry M Pr'or no a' Masque Mr. nnd ' Itrs. Thompson will ateo glvo a dinner of 30 covers on Friday boforo tho Assembly In honor . el their daughter, Miss Joan Nowbold Thomp son. The guests will bo from tho debutante set. Miss. Miriam Megargeo and JUra Lorna Mo rtKee. daughters of Mrs. Irwin N. Mognrgec, I'of tho Essex, will glvo a small Informal danco fon Friday night In honor of Mrs. John P. Dal ton, of Nowport, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo E. Shaw, at their homo In I Orerbrook. Mrs. Dalton will remain In thin ! city during tho absenco of her husband. Lieu tenant Dalton, U. S. N. Mrs. Francis W. Itawlo Is spending the winter ) tn the suburbs of Baltimore, whoro she hna i leased Charles E. McLean's home. Mr. and Mre. Charles Koons Blsphnm havo .been Bpcndlng tho past week In Atlantic City. I Mr. and Mia. Henry Llneawcavcr, of Morion, ire spending two weeks at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Huber, who aro spending I their honeymoon in Bermuda, aro expected homo t next week. Mrs. Hnber beforo her marriage, I two weeks ago, was Miss Mary Hayes, of Over- brook. Mrs. Benjamin Jnnney Ituddcrow, of 280 South S ZM street, will bo nt homo Informnllv Wedncs- , dsr after 3 o'clock until Lent. No cards havo bees sent. CHESTNUT HILL I JI!a Ethel Elklns, of 7800 Creshelm rond, has t her guest Miss Virginia Grlfflth, of Owons boro, Ky. Hiss Qrllllth has been spondlng the month of January here nnd will return to her home tho oarly part of February. J, Owing to the Icy condition of the streets, Dr. r Wilfrid B. Fcttcrman, of 7047 Gcrmnntown ave f nue, met with an accident while driving his tr through the park on Sunday night. His friends will be glad to hear, however, that there fbve been no serious results. GERMANTOWN Mrs. Samuel Hawley 2d, of 3122 West Penn street entertained at bridge yesterday. Among a ILlne guests wero Mrs. Boulton Earnshaw, Mrs. HI BPhaT-lAo 1 T7n.... in T.. I1.. m 1. i. v..ia t, U1U1YII, XlllOU Xllltl 1UU1, illica llelen Bell; Mrs. Herbert Tlmanus, Miss Mlr lun Partridge, Mlas Nellie Taylor, Miss Serena iHawley, Mrs. Ellsworth Hulls, Mrs. Warner Eamehaw, Miss nfllo Elliott, Mrs. James Pequlgnot nnd Miss Emily Taylor. I illsa Beatrice Flood, of Wnyno avenue and PHortter street, entertained at dinner last night. The gueBts Included her entire bridal party. Wiss Mildred Caverly. Miss Helen Gormloy, Miss I JOSSDhlnft IfArnn. ATlRq Vlnrlnn TlllttArtirnrtli Vlrl.. T -r. -. .. ... j nun ueagury, buss iiiimor Annene I'looa, ueorge Scattergood, John Gay, Clarence Hog- en, James Butterworth. Harry Williamson, Charles Thomas Evans, Stuart Jellette, Thomas cromley Flood and De Haven Butterworth. ALONG THE READING & Th Review Club of Oak Lane will give a Ifance on Friday evening, February 12, nt tho ftHotel Walton, the proceeds of which aro for the Stoilldlng fund of tho new clubhouse, soon to SU erected. Tho committee In charge Include man. William B. Groben, Mrs. W. B. Dougherty a Mrs. Charles Anbury. Tho patronesses ore Mrs. C. W AnViur XfM Tr Tl Anh.in. TVTia IB- H. Austin, Mrs.'B. M. Abbott, Mrs. H. A. "Mtier, Mrs. F. P, Bushnell, Mrs. A. L. Oar "rt, Mrs. John L. Craig, Mrs. O. S. Crowell, Ml. A. P. De Sanno, Mrs. H. M. Deemer, Mrs. K a Dougherty, Mrs. John A. Dexter, Mrs. & S Feurer, Mrs, M, Freeman, Mrs. F. N, Oarrigues, Mrs. William E. Groben, Mrs. H. K. OaskUl. Mrs. Joaenh ORhrlpl. Mrs. J. A TTnrnA. Jj. T, C. Knauff, Mrs. Harrison Landls, Mrs. 9- M. La Tourette, Mrs. B. N. LIpplncott. Mrs. B, Ll0Vd. Jr Mm. H. Olnrjn Mlllnr Mt fi. B. Marshall. Mrs. W. Harry Miller, Mrs. ha B. Miller, Mrs. F. W. Munn, Mrs. S, L. ?oMt, Mrs. Owen Osborne, Jr Mrs. W. A. jnnc. Mrs. N. H, Hand, Mm, J. a Richmond, W. S, Sheard, Mrs, W. H. Shelly, Mrs. W. .? Blegert, Mrs. William A. Smith, Mrs. W. flMtle Smith, Mrs. Oeorge W. SUwcr nnd Mrs. X, Wallace. CHARITY AFFAIRS uMtul Crd Party and Danco for St. Francis do Sales Church to Bo Held Tonight. The annual card party and dance of St. ThClS d Rffllta Ptlllpnh nt urhliV. 4I.A Tl.i. ' Crane Is reotor(wlll take place In tha 4vu-Btratford tonight. A great deal of fjYUlt tnOUlrtlt mil nPAMNltun hna Vu.n nluAn !. ---.. H.. ytvyw-vtvu !. t.v. atfvtt y nuke the affair the success that It always ' Bn, and there wU be places for any desiring to Dlay cards, as there will be ghrs, ..j00, and brage Uany beautuul Wltej have been donated, hflnliln lha itnnr e. which are usually quite valuable, and .ng to tha lunlcv nnea niilMni. will fnllntv cards, and the commutes In charge feel that the affair wilt be a huge success. Y dinner have been arranged prior to teaee. m H m Br Wl JxJIZLJISiD WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Anna Baker, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles L. Bakpr, of 322 South -44tli street, enter tained tho members of her ".00" club yesterday Those present wqre Miss Helen Gage, Mrs. Her bert aroM, Mrs. Henry Adams, Miss Mildred Stnuh, Miss Helen Council, Miss Florence Kcl fer. Miss Helen Buehlor, Miss Rebecca Haaif, Miss Anna Armstrong and Miss Menneto Baker. Mrs. Edward Newton Hang, of 4837 Cedar nve nue, will entertain at luncheon, followed by brldgo, next Monday. The members of the Newman Catholic Club will havo as their guest this evening Michael J. Slnttery, at their club rooms, 303 North 82d (treat. Mr. Slattery wilt lecture on tho condi tions existing In Mexico nt tho present time. A cordial Invitation Is extended to the members ond their friends. Charles F. Gerhard has ar ranged n serlt of lectures on hcnlth, science nnd travel, to bo delivered on tho "literary nights" In tho club auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrrlson N. Diesel, of 5033 Springfield avenue, will entertain a number of guests from out of town over tho next week end. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. John C. Connors, of 2313 South Molo Btroet, entertained last night nt dinner. In honor of James McLoughlln, of Pittsburgh, whoso engagement to Mlsi Gencvlvc Urannon, of 2027 Tioga rtrcct, has been nnnounced. Miss May McCormlck ontortnlncd nt cards nt her home, 2423 South 11th street, Inst eve ning. A buffet supper wns served. Ilor guests wero Miss Cnthorlno Sheehnn, Mlrs Cathcrlno Wolfe, Miss Frances Wolfe, Miss Helm Shce han, Miss Catherlno Flynn, Miss Mary Flynn, Miss Ireno Kcenan, Miss Marguerite Keenan and Miss Madeline Kecnan. TIOGA Miss Helen Leblnng, of 3t!(l North Broad street, entertained tho members of tho Unlriuo Club last night Buffot supper was served during tho ovonlng. Thoso present wero Miss Supo wltz. Miss Geno Cohen, MIks Helen Mnrgollcs, Miss Elizabeth Deutnch, Miss Itae Barron, Mlsi Geno Barrop, Miss Helen Abraham, Miss Carol Burnstcln, Mtes Melba Buxbaum, Miss Clara Cohen nnd Miss Fnnnle Cohen. Dr. nnd Mrs. John Schembs, 1141 Erie nvenue, will glvo n dlnnor, followed by cards, tonight. Pink roses combined with ferns will bo used In tho decorations. Tho guests will bo Dr. nnd Mrs. Chnrlea A. Lorenco, of Wenonah, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. John Gluck, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mc Laughlin, Dr. G. Franklin Bonnick, Miss Bruche McGarvey, Dr. John J. Schembs, Jr., Miss Nellie McGarvoy, E. Walter Schembs, MIbs Rose Mc Garvey, Eugeno Burns, MIas H. Adolo Schembs, R. J. Wilson, Miss Ccleno Schembs. HOTCH POTCH Play to be Given by Paint and Powder Club Tonight nnd Tomorrow The youngor set of Oak Lano will 'blossom forth In the musical comedy "Hotch Potch" to be given tonight by the Paint nnd Powder Club nuxlllnry to tho Jenklntown Choral, in tho Jenklntown Auditorium on York rond. Tho club has beon roliearsing under the direction of Mrs. M. Y. Smith and Fred W. Sutor for tho last two months. Tho play will be produced again tomorrow night. Tho cast Includos tho following: Bonapart, tho obliging porter, Georgo Hallowcll; magazine cleilt, George Flounders; Lord Gilbert Dutton head, a weary Englishman, Walter Scott Daly; Mr. Forest Vnn Bnlln, n grouchy bachelor, Harvey Patterson: Mtes Araminta Arabella Pepper, a tender-hearted femnlc, Miss Myrtle McKee; Tom Wlnton, a trlflo bent, Walter Mills; Amos Corntassel, a foxy farmer, John A, Harder; Mrs, Clnrendon, n charming widow, Mlis Esther Wnss; Edythc, Mrs. Clarendon's niece. Miss Margaret Waters. Tho chorus, under the direction of Frederick W. Sutor, includes tho following; Mlas Edith Rand, Miss Maybello Buck, Mies Elslo Daniels, Miss Eleanor Jones, Miss Dorothy Ruddnch, Miss Helen Palmer, Miss Dorothy Mills, Miss Emily Smith, William Buck, John Botts, Wat son Chcstorman, Charles Jones, Joseph L. Jones, 3d, Inglals Gaylcy, Howard Mclveo, Lylo Holmes, Carl Glanz and John Robinson. MRS. HERMAN P. KRBMER and Miss Katharine Herman Kremer will entertain at the largest affair of tho day for one of the most popular debutantes, Miss Marie Louise Wanamaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rodman Wnnamaker. It wilt be a dance In the Rltz Carlton, at which thero will be 250 guests. Supper will be served nt midnight nt Bmall tables. A dinner of 00 covers will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Jeffords, of Olen Riddle. Mrs, Robert Martin Williams will assist In receiving. Sho will be gowned In pink satin, having a white eatln overdress, arranged with crystal trimming. Mrs. Kremer will wear a gown of black chiffon velvet trimmed with Jet, and Miss Kremer has selected a frock of soft white aatln with crystal trimming. Beside the dance In the evening there will be several luncheons and theatre parties In the afternoon tor tho debutantes. Miss Mary B. Clayton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clayton, will be guest of honor at luncheon at the Bellevue-Stratford, to be followed by a theatre party, to be glyen by Mrs. William J, Serrlll, of Haverford Tha guests will Include Miss Edith Bailey, Miss Mary Stuart Wurts, Miss Jane B. Harding, Miss Edith R. Elllaon, Miss Marjorlt Taylor, Mlns Gwendolln Newhall, Mlas Hansel! French Karle and Miss Emilia P. Kennedy, Mr. George Wood, of 1313 Spruce street, will entertain at luncheon and a theatre party, In honor of Miss Hilda Tunis, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas R. Tunis. Tha guests will Include Miss Charlotte Harding Brown, Miss Kate Furness Jayne. Mlas Marlon B. Savage. Miss Charlotte Rush, Miss Isabel Wurts Pag and Mlas Elisabeth O. Williams. I AFFAllSjra 1 1 1 Ss?r"HlBHfiESHSiSBii rlffiiPlHrMiW 1 1 1 1 1 P?iiS$i SixM III ' ilipHnaflr, -- Wm I rnKmamm mi SIHS. THANCIS X. IIOI'E N"" '7 " Mrs. Hope, wliosc marriage took place oterdny, at tho Cathrdral was Miss Elizabeth O'llricn, dauelitcr of r. Maud Airs. Thomas O'Riicn. L-W-E-DMGS AVERY pretty wedding will take pl.ico this .evening, nt half pnHt seven o'clock, ut tho Roosevelt, 2027 Chestnut street, when Miss Edna L. Macmunn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo II. Mncmunn, of 131S Wagner avenue, Lognn, will become tho bildo of Harry K. Fritz, of Tioga. The ceremony will bo performed by the Rev. Dr. Forrest E. Dngcr, of St. Paul's Reformed Episcopal Church, under a canopy of palms, jmlliix and pink toscs. Tho bride, who will bo given In marrlago by her fathur, will be gowned In white crepo me teor and silver lnct', with a long court train extending fiom tho shoulders. Tho tullo veil and cap of Princess lace will bo fastened with orango blossoms, and sho will carry a shower bouquet of lilies of tho valley and gardenias. MIbb Helen M. Heinltsh will be mnld of honor. Sho will bo gowned In pnlo groen chiffon and Bllver laco over white eatln, a sliver laco and green velvet hat, and will enrry an ntm bou quet of white sweet pens, whlto lilacs and Jap nneso hyacinths. The bridesmaids will bo Miss Ethel Mncmunn, of Oak Lane, nnd Miss Edytho Hull, of Now York, both cousins of tho bride. Their dresses will be pink nnd green chiffon, trimmed with whlto Iac- and tiny pink rosebuds. Their bou quets will bo pink roses, pink sweet pens nnd Phil: snapdragons. The little flower girl will be Mli Kntherlno Koltz. Sho will carry a dainty basket of pink sweet pens. Llttlo Nelson K. Fltc, a nophew of the bilde, will bo ring benrer. Mr. Fritz will hnve Chester Paul Ray, Jr., aB best man, nnd the ushers will bo Horace D. Moller and George II. Macmunn, Jr. A largo reception will follow tho ceremony. Among the out-of-town guests will bo Mr. nnd Mrs. R. L. Hnll nnd MIm Edytho Hall, of New York; Mr, and Mrs. Dnnlcl Schllck, of Bloom field, N. J.; Mr. nnd Mrs. R. n. Rnmsey, of Baltimore; Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W. Loeds, of Columbus, O. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. Hornco Dubhs, of Now Hope, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Pnul Albrccht, of Rumson, N J.; Mrs. Allco Miller, of Elkton, Mil.; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hagy. of Chicago, nnd Mr. and Mrs. George P. Carr, of Hnildon Heights, N. J. After an extended trip to New York nnd Ber muda, Mr. and MrB. Fritz will make their home In Logan. Sir.YEHS-COODMAN Prominent among tonight's weddings will be that of MIbs Elsie Goodman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benno Goodman, of 2303 North 21st street, nnd Isadora Meyers, of 1805 Diamond street, which will take place nt 6:30 o'clock at the Rlttenhouse, 22d and Chestnut streets. Tho ceremony will bo performed by the Rev. Dr Joseph Krnuakopf, of tho Kcneseth Israel Con gregation. Mr. Goodman wilt give his daughter In marriage. She will wear a beautiful gown of BOft white satin with opalescent trimming. Her veil of tulle will be arranged with the cap effect nnd held In plnce with a crown of orange blossoms. She will carry a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Mrs. Morris N. Cohen, a recent bride, who will attend her sister as matron of honor, will wear her wedding gown of whlto satin veiled with net embroidered with pearls. Klllarney rosea and white lilacs will form her bouquet. Frank Meyers will be his brother's best man. The ceremony will be followed by a dinner and dance. The bridgeroom and bride on their re turn from an extended tour through the South will live at 1312 Blenor street, Logan, where they will be at home after March 1. HILL-WILLIAHD A very pretty rainbow wedding took place this morning at 9 o'clock, In the Church of the Annunciation, 10th and Dickinson streets, when Miss Marie Cecelia Wllllard, daughter of Fr4 W, Wllllard of 1301 Morris street, became the bride of Andrew W. Hill, of 1311 South Broad street. Rev. Dr. Hayes performed the cere mony, and also said the Nuptial Mass. The bride, who was given lu manlage by her father, wore a lovely gown of Ivory white satin, made en train, and trimmed with chantllly lace and pearls. Her tulle veil was attached to a lace cap, and was caught at the wrUts with pearl SfflX lyfl tiiniiniiirf. A spray of orango blowsoms held the front of thn veil In pluce, and slip cnrileil a UiowcT bouquet of gardenias, orchids and lilies of tho vnllev. Her only ornament was a string of pcnrlB, the gift of the groom. She was attended by her sister. Miss Ireno J T. Wllllard, us mnld of honor, who wore a coft I gown of Helen pink tnffetn, 1111 old fashioned J polto bonnet of tho samo color, nnd sho carried I mi arm borquet of old loses nud lllncs. The btlilosinnlds were Miss Frances Hill, Miss Retta Donovan, nnd MImi Mary Donovan. AH the bridesmaids wore quaint bonnets to match thoir gowns, and cai rlcd hweet pens. Mr. I rill had for his best mnn his brother, Francis Hill, and tho ushers were Josoph Wlll Inrd. ChnrlcH Becker, Leo McCormlck, and John J. Love. After n bicikfnfit served at tho home of tho bride for tho bridal party nnd lmmedlato families, tho couple loft for an extended trip through the Southern States. They will bo at homo after Mnrch 1 nt HS27 Ashland nvenuo. Among the prominent guests wero Congress man Wllllnm S. Vnre, and Mrs. Vnre, Senator Edwin H. Vnre, nnd Mrs. Vnre, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S Moorhouse, Mr. nnd Mra. Georgo H. Kelly, Jlr. and Mrs. James Wllllard and John P. Smith. OPERA CLUD Belircns Opera Club Will Present tho "Magic Flute" Tonight. The Behrons Opera Club will present "The Mnglo Fluto" tonight In the Acndemy of Music. The opera Is 011s of Mozart's, nnd tho club, in order to do full Justice to tho work has been well trained by Ludwlg Schmld-Fnbrl. "Die Puppenfee," a ballot by Josef Bayer, composer of CO dances, and coached by C. Ellwood Car penter, will precedo the opera. Thero will bo three "toe" solo dnnces. The stage directing has been In the hands of Edwnid S. Grant. Tho tololsts will Include Miss May Farley, so prnno, who will sing tho part of Pamlnn, nnd Miss Viola Biodbeck will sing the cadenzas written for the Qucon of Night. Paul J. Breedy, of ne.ullng, will make his first appearance hore and will sing the tenor role of Pnmlno. Donald Redding will mnke his debut, singing the bnrl tone pnrt of Pnpageno. The other members of the cast are Miss Juno Ruthorford as I'apagena nnd Rudolph Sternberg, basso, na Sarastro. There will he a chorus of 100, which will be chiefly composed of members of the Junger Mnennorchor and Harmonlo clubs. seSfcss lLk. s ' &" f if ' 4 X 3X1 J v t ' - i. 'jQ'Yf'Vh, . : r vyaM f, xj.:. i l'bolo bjr Folia I tujlo MISS ELEANOR JONBS Misa Jones will take part in the perfarmiuco of "Hotch. Potch." which will he kIvgu ia Jeukiutown, tonight. BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA Digest of (1) Recreation "Jim Turns Back tho Clock." (2) Outing "Out Willi tho Gloucester Hunt." S) Century "England, it Nnllon of Mys tery." (4) Saturday Evening Post "Tho Crown Prlnco in Indln." (5) Everybody's "Tho Magic of Wllllnm aillotto." () Collier's "Pickups." SPORTS Sports may bo arbitrarily divided Into thrco classes; do luxo sports served up nt country clubs In silver IovIiir cups; Btrenu ous sports, when you pack your camping kit nnd mnko a business of it, nnd ordlnnry I sports, when you spontaneously rlso up nnd go skating or canoeing, because you feel llko It. Most of us havo to depend on this last clnss of ordinary sports, nnd tho troubto with winter Is that It Interferes with so many of them, Tho prejudice ngnlnst winter Is rapidly wearing away, however, through a growing realization that winter Is a splendid tlmo for packing your kit and going in for strenuous sport. In splto of tho popularity of summer vacations thero Is n constantly Incrcnslng number who find or tnke tlmo somehow for a couplo of weeks In the mountains while tho ground Is covered with ice nnd snow nnd winter sports are on. Thrco men, sedate enough business and professional men they wore, turned boys again for bucIi a trip Into tho Adlrondncks, and ono of them, Phil Reilly, describes the trip with n good deal of sparklo in "Jim Turns Hack tho Clock" (1): Throughout tho Adlrondncks there Is In tonso Interest In nil Boris of winter sports, ana we hnd choson tho week of tho mid winter carnival, with Its storming of tho Ice pnln.ee, fancy skating, hockey games, Bitting ana nil the. other winter sports. At Lnko Ueorge everything centres upon the Ico It solf skating and skating games, ice boating nnd norso racing on the Ice, even tho tobog gan slide ctcnds out upon tho Ice. It wns "il ,.nko- G,corKO that Dunham first felt tho thrill of holding 1111 Iceboat tiller nnd of bobbins his first lnko trout through tho Ice. Tending sot lines on .skates nlso gavo us much nmusement because tho lco wns llko glass nnd wo cut circles to keep warm until tho llttlo red flag told us another whlteflsh, wind or bluellsh wan attracted by the live bait. At Lnko George, too, I first succumbed to tho peculiar fnsclnntlon of tho ski jump. I can resist anything except temptation, nnd In this ndventuro I certainly got nil that was coming to mo. Some howl boforo they aro hurt, others refuse to groan afterward; I did both, nnd will forgive anybody for doing tho samo. How so many becomo proficient In this most dnrlng of winter sports without breaking their necks Is more than I can ox plnln. "If nn octopus could fly ho would look llko you," was Jim's description of my achievement. Riding to hounds, properly performed. Is Just ns scriouB nnd absorbing a matter ns railroad wrecking or bank presldentlng. For tho time being your mount and tho hounds and tho fox are tho only considerations in tho world. In "Out With the Gloucester Hunt" (2), Nelson Rohlns gives a spirited description of this senso of absolute concen tration and absorption. Ho refers to tho annual New Year's hunt In Gloucester, Vo.: Whon they hunt In Gloucester, they hunt. And when they say hunt, they don't mean shotgun and dog, or n cold blind In tho marshes. ; they mean a pack of hounds, a fox, nnd ovcrybody riding. And, further more they don't menu a bunch of fancy horso flesh, trappings nnd red coats. They mean everything from n wind-broken, spav ined mulo to a thoroughbred whoso grand father cnrrled tho colors to tho front In tho Brooklyn handicap. I started for tho hunt In ample tlmo to nrrlvo at tho point from which tho hunt would stnrt at 7 o'clock. Every dog in tho world seemed to havo congregated at tho meeting place. Suddenly, Just as I hnd glvon up all hopo of tho hounds ever striking, ono of them gavo tongue not 20 yards away. Immediately a dozen voices took un the cry. and In hnlf a moment tho whole pack of 60-odd houndB wero In full cry and making miiBlc such ns grand opera novor dreamed. Thoro Is no sight In thn world so full of color, excltcmont or real sport ns thnt of n hunting field undor such conditions. First, two fields ahead, wns tho fox, tall straight out behind him nnd running for his vory life. Noxt, running by sight by this tlmo, wns tho pack, about IB or 20 dogs hunched at tho head and tho remainder trailing close be hind, nnd every ono giving tongue. Then enmo tho riders, racing ns If their lives de ponded on It and forgetting that thoro ever was such a thing aB a brokon bono or a doc tor or a fence. After tho first fenco I forgot, too. Tho chase absorbed mo nnd I thrilled llko a violin string. Everything elso In llfo wns forgotten, nnd my ono nmbitlon wns to bo In at tho death. Wo enmo to whero a hedgo of cedars barred tho path, and thero was but ono con venient opening, and thero a rail fenco barred tho wny four foot high. Eight riders went at that opening, which was only a rail's length wide. Thrco wont down, but I was ono of tho five to land safely on tho other side. It was on tho other side of this bar rier that tho hounds killed. Two others wero standing in a tumbling sea of dogs, and ono of them came out of tho ruck bearing n limp, grny bundle. Plcasanton furnlBhod tho knife, and tho brush was soverod. Cricket On the Hearth While Gormany and England struggle against each other, it Is Interesting to read a German opinion of English sportsmanship, nnd Its rotation to the national llfo, written by a German residing In England, 10 years ago (8): The majority of your workers road little but tho sporting press nnd car for little but betting nnd sport. I noticed as a strnngo thing" that you regarded It na porfectly nat ural for a team of cricketers from South Africa to come to England during your war ulli Mm Tlnnra ana nlnv rriCKAt wniln f:ncr. land was fighting for her life In South Africa. If those young men hud tho leisure to play cricket thoy surely naa tno leisure 10 ngnt. But no; with you sport comes beforo the performance of your duty to your country. I read ono night on the bills of your evening press during tho Hoer war "Brilliant Victory for England," and when I bought the paper I found that It was, after nil, only an English eleven that hnd won a cricket match In Australia. Of German sportsmanship, as set forth by a leading exemplar, their Crown Prince, Frederick William, thero Is an Interesting glimpse In an account by D. R. Freeman of the young Prlnco's hunting trip to India somo years ago, when ho was widely enter tained by British officials (4); For sheer sang-froid, nothing that I saw of the Crown .Prince quite equated his bo. havtor on tho morning of one of tha cheetah hunts arranged for him by the Maharajah of I . It was just before breakfast when one of those remarkable half doglike, half catlike hunting leopards, slipping away from Its keeper, climbed stealthily Into a big ban yan tree, under which tho Prince's tent was pitched, and In a sheer tit of playfulness precipitated Itself Into the midst of a group of officers to whom Frederick William was holding forth on the Joys of student dueling. The fact that, judging from the sounds, there had been high revel at headquarters up to the wee sma' hours may have had some thing to do with the nerves of most of tha hlgher-upa of the party being a pit out of hand that morning. At any rata, without waiting long enough, to see that the beast tho Magazines was a tnmo one, and muzzled nt that, ail but ona of tho party bolted n.i precipitately as though scattered by a bomb. The Pxince-lt hJ .,Th0. ?t0 fcl with a nonchalant shift, of his favorite slope-shouldered stance! coolly proceeded to explain to a rather non plused cheetnh, in lieu of other Ustonera, the Intricacies of small-sword practice, punc tuating his speech with expository passe with his clgaretto In tho empty air. De Lnxe Sports' If competing for a loving cup at a country club Is do luxo sport, then sitting back In a Wicker chair on board ones own houseboat, playing with one's pet cat, may bo termed th three-strir variety. This is tho way William Gillette, tho actor, takes his fun aboard his famous houseboat Aunt Polly, and tho cat Is a very Important part of tho progrnm. as described by P. C. Macfarlano (6): Besldo Yosakl, tho accomplished Japanese gcntlomnn who valots Mr. Gillette, cooks for him, chauffeurs his motorboat and personally conducts his typewriter, thero Is no other being that has the run of the Btnr'a dresslna room, sayo only this cat. At home, on the Aunt Polly, there is always ono particular puss who is In tho closest Intlmncy with the ?ctor:.. JUB.t now iho reigning mvorlto is a beautiful tlger-strlpod animal named Ange lina. Her nccompllshmcnts nro numerous. She nlwnys cats nt table with her master. Her position la with bind legs upon the arm of his chair, forepawa upon the linen at tho left of his pinto. Ilor table manners nro be yond reproach. Mr. Gillette tins seen to that. Ho cnrofully tics a llttlo cat napkin about her throat. Beforo Angelina, in small cat dishes, nro tier favorite foods. Sho watts quietly to bo served until Yosakl has heaped tho plate of her master. Presently Mr. all lotto serves to Angelina her own particular delicacies. Angelina dispatches theso with feline singleness of purpose, nnd, having, licked her Limoges clean, lenns an arched neck toward her dinner companion. This Is tho signal for tho untying of her napkin, after which Angellnn turns, and with 11 flirt of her tnll nt the tnble, Icups upon Mr. Gil lette's shoulder, from there, with another flirt of tho tall, sho leaps over the back of hlB chair to n high-cushioned seat upon a win dow. Such Is tho unvarying "business" of Angelina's exit from each meal. Apropos of Increasing discontent with the baseball situation In this country, Qranttand Rice spins nn amusing fable (G) : Onco upon nn occasion a monster meeting of magnates nnd ball players was assembled. This meeting wns not cnllod to protect tho Interests of tho club owners, nor of players, but for tho general benefit of nn army of 10,000,000 fans the taxpayers at tho turn stiles. Tho object of tho meeting was to see that the main deslrc3 of theso 10,000,000 salr ary providers should be met as far as pos sible. Moral: The year 298G 13 a long way off. AMUSEMENTS Glacier National Park LIFE AND HABITS OP THE HI.ACKFnCT INDIANS TRAVELOGUE MR. LAURENCE D. KITCHELL of the fturpau of Commercial JSconomlcs With Motion Pictures nnd Hand-Tinted Sll3 at the ACADEMY OP MUSIC Wednesday, January 27, 2 P. M. for tho benefit HOME RELIEF DIVISION EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE SentK, r.Oc, 25c and lCc. On Sale nt All Agencies nnd Door Forrest Mat.Today JnS... CHARLES FnOlIMAX Presents The Grent Thre-8tar Combination JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH ACADEMY OF MUSIC t T-i ttt -i it a "k t Traveltalk3 NEWMAN With Actual 1JJ vr LT-L-riX1' war Pictures Friday Bfl Saturday ntM"do WAR CAPITALS Tickets EOc. 75c. $1 nt Ueppo'ft, Amphitheatre. 2 So. GLOBE MARKET STREET AT JUNIPER VAUDEVILLE 11 TO 11 Character tt P T Timely Parodists XlUfcjy Oi, ijtju Topics 8 OTHER NOTABLE A P T" Q ALL FEATURE -ft. J X O ril t..i- O- OI'ERA Home of World's Greatest Photoplay VjIltJBUlUL Ot. no HOUSE CHRISTIANS A T;-rvioc Tlnilv AITS- and 8 10o and 18c 4 limes jUauyjjvGH 7 and & ioc. isc. asa a vT7!T TDTJT Fop. 1 Matinee Tomorrow AUiilJ-l-TXll TONK3HT AT 8:15 SHAnP The Funniest Play Ever Written "THE THIRD PARTY" With TAYLOR HOLMES and WALTER JONES AN INSTANTANEOUS HIT HERE I ACADEMY M.cmFeb. 2 I'M IRVIN S. COBB ,0t the SA,NIILfLUhtTllAVUE,1DB1Taln' On what he aw at the front In the European War Zone Beat Today LULSlJitigy' B- JUt-'lSSJl I1-60- CASINO THEATRE TT4-: 'Hoil-iT See the dreateet Burlesque Matinee Dairy iItt i Town COLLEGE GIRLS AMATEURS EVERY TRIDAY N1CHIT WmIERBl.OONAHA,TON.anTi8I.5B.IA,tP Florence Peremolnick ?,So A REMARKABLE CHILD PRODIOV Assisted by JOHN TllOMl'SON. pianist .uanaguiiieui. a. DAuni.ii TUB Market Btreet. Above lOtts PICTURED. 11 ts 11.15 Edith Taliaferro In "YOU NO ROMANCE" Coming Thurs., Frl , Sat Stanley "TIIK UOUHU U11IL" Week Mary Flckford In "MISTRESS NELL Next PALACE Theatre "WV?: VAUDEVILLE iTSTSJ TJTTnrPn"DT A V favld Uelawoa "Th jf XlU i- yJl i-lrt. I Olrl of tha Oolden West" rtTrGQ EARLU'S DIVINCJ HUES LrtUOO FRANCONI OPERA CO. WTHVCJ JAMES REOAN CO OTHERS IV 111 X O Program Chanced Monday & Thureda THEATRE DAAj lOcJToioH B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE " "A rorcul Btrmon Apafnef Wart" Eve. Ledger HBNUIHTTA CROSMAN & CO. In Stlrrinr l'eaca Play. "Thou Shalt Not Kill " Bl Surroundln Show LA MILO. "The HreathlngMarble pthera BROAD MatToday Eif,rMS LEO DITRICHSTEIN lnl"?P FJ1ANTOM RIVAL" NIXON'S Mllten aad De Lonj Slutera n . -v tt" Ford & ""rruly" Kuufnwo Bo ClRAND M' Kond TtS J J-V.n.x-1 xj Mason ilivray Hlehini Bros Today 3 118. TAB La u. Bine Pluure Garrick IZ MatToday &V. 1,50 LEW FIELDS! !& In THE HIGH CQ8T OF LOVING Mat Bat. LV TJ T P MATINEE TODAY AT 3.18 I IV i. V TONIUHT AT 8 1 CYRIL MAUDE Id 'OKUMPY" TON1QHT. 8. KkiTEY HALL. lTtu it Walnut CON C-O'lIRlEN'a CONCERT BUREAU UtroJuuin Blntars. Pianists, Organists. 118 MO OVyaa Cbtf tu." DUMONT'S Wd8- AND ABCW STh MAT TODAY 10c ill JM P I R XL ETTA POlXARD an , TUB SOCIAL Maim. I hi ?1 I 1 wn& 1 La.?
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