fronting ift&gcr JPUDLIG LEDGER COMPANY ' ctnus Jt. ic cunns, Fiestas. Ifohn C. Mnrtln, Trentutf i Charles It Ludlnrton, Vhlllp 6. Collin. John tl. WJIIIm, Dlrertnn. I I Til IT . . SMTOIUAL bOAItDI Cncsll. IC. Cumis, Chairman, 1. K. WHALE.. . .. . . Executive Editor ii r.i. 3011M C MAItTlM., . . . i . .Central nustntsa Manager " PaMlshed dhy at Finuo mm Building, Jhaoj7nac Bqlitre, rhlladdrhla. tttxjKa Crirattl. ......... .Uroafl und Chetftnut Rtrwts Atumic Tlrrv,. . . ....... . ..I'rcjs-Union nn(1dli New TdBtc 170-A, MetrapoUlfin Tewr Chicago. M? Heme iMnriDiM nnlMftii; XojtpoN .B Waterloo Mace, Toll Mall, S. "W. St-flSUT.EXTJSJ IitiiiiiDnlnM....,.,,,, ...,Th ffttrtot piilMlnff w.eiiiK(!Ter Brwair.,. ........... ..The Poi nniMitiic NKW Tons: rtTlrtVn... ....... ... Ttw VYnnt nnltiHnr fisnUx iiomstj-. ......... ....... rriniriennrapM fc ... : .2 Frill Xill Kart. S. TV. ,S2 Rnt Ixnils It Grand fAita Uoimv. ..... wrnscmrrttw Ttims fty carrier. Dti,t OM.1. alt wnta. Tiy mall. fiortrmM Dnulde of T)i(nelfhlft, Merer svhera tortltn pontnee Sa required, Un.Y Om.t, rowrth, ttmnty.flvc ccnia. IJAitT O.vr.T, cm. s-pur. hm fttfiars. All mall null erlptlona payable tn navanee EtL,3000VAlJ,T!T KEYSTONE, MAIN 3000 D A&Btvm an coDWHiniteartons to Knnlno Ix&Otr, Hn&rpmttenct Stun, PMIedetpMa. r rr'M'fnVi.M'i'ir, : ,, clvv ti: BNirara) it ararwrMtMXt'ffi rosTomcr. ak hjcono- CIA MMlSltttt. niiLADtimiA, T.fiTsnxY, jamjaiiv 27. ma. Komo people lvcc& iWiContent by the tncanxUU eratc icny in tcMch Ihcy flaunt their xecll'Jci. tend. icctt-Arcnscd pros perity in the faces of Vic 7c. fortHTtatc. Title of Prosperity Is Coming In EVERY report of large numbers of unem ployed In tills or that city must be dis counted. Notwithstanding that the superin tendent -of a poipel mission In Washington Bays that there nre between 30,000 and 50,000 men seeking work In the national capital, It Is Impossible that there should ho that num ber. Washington haw 350,000 population and about 70,000 heat's of families. The astringent of a little arithmetic applied to the unem ployment figures will shrink them to credible Izq. But there is a distressingly Marge, amount of Unemployment, not only in Washington, but In all other centres of population. It Is Impot'tnnt thnt every poaslblo effort bo to relievo the consequent suffering for tho few remaining weeks of winter. Permanent relief, however, la in sight. Business Is not so good as It ought to be, but It reached Us lowest ebb many months ago. Tho tide has turned, and It is coming slowly tip the beach. The war has raised a high tariff wall around the country, and while It lasts there Is bound to be demand for American-made goods. It Is already reflected In the mills and factories. The uncertainty of tho future delays the return to conditions that prevailed before Congress upset all busi ness enterprises, which must come soon or late, either by an adjustment to the new situ ation or by a return to a tariff which will meet tho heeds of national Industries as well as the necessities or the national treasury. Not only has the war shut out foreign made goods because the making of them has been Checked, but it has created a demand Tor Amerlcan-mado goods needed for carry ing on the war. Russia has recently com pleted tho expenditure of $30,000,000 here. France and England have probably fprnt much more. This money has gone Into tho ' pockets of American workmen. The farmers are getting good prices for their crops, all but the cotton growers, and conditions are Improving for them every week. Confidence in the solvency or tho nation and In tho pur chasing power of Its people Is behind the slow but steady revival In business. This Is' a time for optimism and good cheer, and Tor ft manifestation of faith In the future, wlth dut which no great enterprise can ever be come successful. What the "Great Northern" Means WHEN the Great Northern sails for San Francisco today it became a magnifi cent floating proclamation of tho greatness of this port. It Is a splendid passenger Bteamer, and It was built at a Delaware River shipyard, whero there is a sufficient depth of water to float the great ocean-going craft. It docked at the Philadelphia wharves, and at these wharves it took on its comple ment of BOO passengers from the Eastern States anxious to muko the voyage to tho Pacific through tho Panama Canal. Tho Great Northern demonstrates the ad vantages of Philadelphia ns a Bhlp building centre, as a port of departure for ocean trav elers and as a great commercial metropolis. Patronage the Perquisite of Greatness MR, BRYAN apparently thinks that he is a better Judge of Pennsylvania "deserv ing Democrats" than tho chairman of tho State Committee. Ho has ono candidate for aurveyor of the port of Pittsburgh und the State organization has another. Ho Is doing his best to persuade tho President to name his man, and Chairman Morris and Repre sentative Palmer aro urging the claims of their candidate. But -why should not Mr. Bryan decide who Js to be appointed to office here? Has not he been the candidate of his party three times and have not 6,000,000 Democrats voted for him, and did not Mr. Wilson put him In the Cabinet as the greatest living Democrat? The perquisites of greatness are patronage. Bo why should any one complain if Mr. Bryan wishes to spread himself over the whole na tion, as well as oyer San Domingo? Siege Conditions in Germany THE only meaning in the order of the German Federal Council to seize all stocks of corn, wheat and flour Is that tho Govern ment openly admits that siege conditions are Upon the German people. Foodstuffs are to be held by the Govern ment and doled out in a fixed ration, pro portioned to the population of the communi ties. The order announces that with proper conservation tho nation can be fed until tho time of the next harvest. This may or may not be true. But the available stock is now Mo small that hunger would oyartake the people In two or three months unless this drastic action were taken. This condition was foreseen from the be ginning. It has been part of the strategy of the Allies to cut off all supplies from the outside and to starve Germany Into sub. mission. This is a brutal polloy, If you aioose, but It Is war. It is what Germany was doing to Paris In 1870 and 1871. The Parisians ate what they could get. and they irtendered when they could hold out no longer. The present conflict is conducted on rt'h, a large Bcale that the investment of all fsaany now Is comparable to the siege of m The AiUas have accompIUhed their purpose it am far without proclaiming a blockade of jwrnan poru and without tylnjf up their rblps tn an attempt to prevent provisions getting through. Instead, the? urn fcwceplfig Iho stfts tot pt&vlsltm ships ftfttt oW getting ready to maintain that there Is no civilian population In Germany for which food can be Intended, as tho whole nation Is In arms. And food intended for an army Is contraband. Tho Germans Justify their stjlBuie of food supplies us they Justify violation of Belgium, on the ground of necessity. And tho Allies will Justify their Interference tvltll neutral shipping on tho same ground. If they aro to win, they must cut Germany off com- I plrtoly from tho rest Of the world. There j foro, as tho weeks go by, a tightening of tho I lines may be pxuectcd, and a more rigid search of neutral vessels will be made, lo tho Mid that It Germany cannot bo brought to her knees by bullets, she can bo starved Into surrender. March Election Still the Issue rpiIE determination of the leaders At Hnr-- rlsburg to concentrate on the transit and port amendment and kick the "conflicting resolution" off the track should not be per mitted to contuse the Issue now before the pcoplo of Philadelphia. The action at the capital In no way lessens, but strengthens, the necessity for n March election. Indeed, It leaves the obstruction ists with no legs to stand on. They must acquiesce In the March election or come out Into tho open and lay bare their reasons for postponement. Tho question Finance Committee of Coun cils hns before it Is, Shall the digging of the subways bo begun this summer, or shall It be postponed to an indefinite dato? Just Foolishness IT IS unfortunate that a Judge learned In the law should attempt to hold up to tho ridicule of tho community tho Director of Public Safety, confidence In whom Is a pic requlslle to offlclent work by tho police of tho city. Tho trouble seems to be that the Director has too much documentary evidence. IJe lini repeatedly substantiated his specific attacks on tho laxness of some of the minor courts by citing the record. Ho has been able to show lamentable miscarriages of Justice through the device of tho suspended sen tence. Yesterday, too, ho brought forward tho caso of a man who, It appears, con fessed that ho was guilty of arson on eight different occasions, and yet was sentenced merely to tho House of Correction ami for ono year only. The essenco of discipline Is tho certainty of punishment. Let criminals onco get tho Idea that they can beg oft and there can bo no limit to their depredations. Judge Sulzberger need not expect either the Superior or the Supreme Court to review his Judgment of the Director. It Is not ofll clal and It Is not regular. Resides, a Judge who has lost his temper does not wish to bo reminded of it. Learn-to-Buy Show TO LEARN how to mako money Is a good thing, but to learn how to spend It is bet ter. Mankind is naturally credulous. The average person takes his fellow at 100 per cent, valuo until the contrary Is proved. Tho Bureau of Weights and Measures has done excellent work In Philadelphia, l'l searching eyes have sought out many dis honest dealers, dealers who have based their hopo of fortune on short weights and short measures and have believed that 33 Inches to the yard is plenty for a buyer, or 14 ounces to tho pound. Measures with false bottoms in them havo been found. Honest dealers have been made to suffer by the competition of dishonest dealers, who hnvo been able to offer lower prices per pound because their pound was a lighter pound than that used by tho honorable merchant. Tho Learn-to-Buy show, which opens to day in City Hall courtyard, exhibits some of tho cheating devices. Its purpose is to teach people how to get what they pay for, how to Identify the unscrupulous dealer, how to tell tho honest one. It shows the public how to buy and it assures the reliable merchant some defenso ngalnst the competition of cheats and defrauders. Tho rows upon rows of false measures and weights which havo been confiscated and aro on exhibition offer ample testimony of the need for such an exhibition. "You're Another" Is Not an Answer SOME kind friend cf tho Unlontown banker ought to get the ear of his injudicious de fenders and tell them that they aro not help ing hlR case by saying to John Skolton Will lams, "You're nnotlier!" The financial history of tho Comptroller of tho Currency Is not nn Issue In this case and he may havo been In entanglements ten times more disastrous than those which havo enmeshed J. V. Thompson and his business associates, without In any way exonerating Mr. Thompson or, Indeed, without Increas ing his responsibility. Tho Unlontown bank Is closed, and if It can bo shown that Mr. Williams neglected his duty and allowed It to contlnuo accepting deposits when It was In such a condition that Its affairs should have been wound up, then Mr. Williams may become an Issue, but his responsibility for the situation, If ho is responsible, will not relievo the president of the bank. The Germans may have n gun with which they can bombard England from CaJalB, but they have not got Caluls. That Inexpert hold-up man who got only 7 cents and missed $1000 worth of Jewelry ought to tako lessons of the political ma chine. Senator Root took a good many words to say It, but he let tho Democrats understand that the President cannot be a successful dictator unless tho Senate Is willing to be the dlctateo. Those in charge of tho "Learn-to-Buy" ex hibition in tho City Hall courtyard have dls covered what the housekeepers long ago knew, thut housekeeping is the leading busi ness of Philadelphia. Does not the Fidelity Trust Company of Newark know that It is a heinous offense to make money in the banking business? It would better watch out, or some statesman from Washington will bo after It, The German Government has seized the entire stock of wheat In the country to pre vent its waste, but Uncle Sam does not seem to oare what becomes of his wheat, or of the people who are dependent on it for bread. If men off the Supreme Court bench were polled, the same difference of opinion regard ing the right of an employer to refuse to hire union men would be revealed as tbe court disclosed when it declared a. Kansas statute uneonttitutlonal because it sought to Interfere with the freedom of contract WHAT DOES GERMANY OWE TO AMERICA? Things to Mnke War With, Things to Manufacture 'With, Agricultural Im plements, Even Efficiency Systems. So Said n Man in Motor Car. Ily VANCE THOMPSON Tho Cosmos Club, of Jersey City, met and listened to a lecture on the subject rnther timely of the war. (I might remark that, to mako auro the lecture was Just what It ought to be, 1 gave It myself.) When tho lecturer finished he sat down with what I thought was an unpleasantly self-satisfied air. Then up stood a tall, handsomo mail with gray hair, a nervous mien and tho scar of n schlnegor cut on his check. Having Intro duced himself ns a "German professor from Harvard" ho said he would mnko a little speech. And ho did. lie made a great speech too. Tho club listened Intently, And ho told them (and their guest!) of tho debt this country owes to Germany. I motored back to Now York. The man In tho motor car (it was his winter car) was silent for a. long time. Then lie said ab ruptly: "What In tho answer?" When a man asks a question llko that ho always means to answer It himself, A Boot on tho Other Foot "It Is plain as a plkestnrf," he said, "and I know It. Llko a good many of ub I ImVo spent years In Germany. And I say that wo owo lean to Germany than lo any ono of tho (4ll-.ll Il.lllUim. . U U!lU It HIT UI'llVllH UCI)l to England, France and Italy. And Ger many, murk you, has taken from us a thousand times more than she hn given us." "Go on," I said, "you Interest mo Rtrango-' ly." "Well, Just nt present Gcrmnny Is making war. What la she doing It with? With In ventions due to Amerlcuns." And ho named them Maxim, Holland and the Wrights, the Inventors of tho rnpldflro gun, the submarine and tho aeroplane, which latter was Invented at a time when all tho German scientists were declaring a "heavier than air" wns Impossible. "There you are," ho went on, "oven her own game of war Germany lias to play in terms of American Invention. General von Heerlngen, in command of the western armies, was frank enough to admit a day or two ago that without tho automobile, tho aeroplane, the telephone and wireless teleg raphy Germany would not wage war for twenty-two hours. I think tho telephone is an American invention, eh? And tho aero plane. Now the automobile belongs to France and the wireless telegraph to Italy. The boot seems to be on tho other foot." Education and Art I tried to get In a word about tho German pedagogues, the Harvard professors and tho others, but the man I wns motoring with knocked mo about the ears with a quotation from Dr. Emll Reich, who was (he said) a man of raro mental Integrity. And it seems that Doctor Reich pointed out there was nothing quite so foolish as the American Imitation of German educational methods, which was common in the last century, say ing: "It is scarcely a. matter of doubt that tho Americans entertain far too exaggerated nu opinion of tho valuo of German methods and German research in nil that applies to tho humanities, such as history, philosophy, philology, literature and art." That wns in 1007. It was a dark age in our universities, heavy with German pedantry. That was tho day when the unlearned, even In tho colleges, spoko of tho "thorough German" nnd the "brilliant but superficial Frenchman." These things tho man In tho motor said as the ferry bore us toward tho city. I thought ho was done. It was good enough talk In Its wny, but I wanted to talk myself. "Art?" ho said scornfully. "We don't owo them, much on that score nothing but tho bad lessons of tho Munich school, which ruined nn entlro generation of American painters and illustrators. He Kept on Roasting "And Chemists. VOU SRV? Thero vnll mirm homo to me. Our American chemists take the lend everywhere except In France and wo aro no bnd second to tho French chemists. Out or tho ten million or so Germans In this country I should be surprised if you could find a dozen distinguished chemists. No, the Americans lead." "Don't boaBt, brother," I said; but ho boasted on. "What annoys me most of nil Is tho preten sion of that professor from Haivard that the Germans havo a systomutic and scientific way of doing things which should be to us an example and nn ideal. That Is tho great est absurdity that was over put Into words. Tho modern nnd scientific organization of business In ns distinctly an American Inven tion as is the reaping machine or tho steam boat or tho cylinder rress or the daily nows pnper. We have been tho teachers; wo have taught every other nation. We've taught them how to manufacture nnd how to sell nnd how to total tho scoro on a cash regis ter of American Invention, or mako out a bill on an American Invented typewriter. Sys tem? We made It and Invented tho tools for It. What Is to Germany's credit Is that she has been one of our nptest pupils In method izing business and trade, just as the Jnpaneso aro our nptest pupils in scientifically or ganized manufacturing. Now this Is known to every practical business man on earth. Even a 'German professor from Harvard' should know It." "Why?" I usked: but he had no mind for trlvlalltlesi he was waving the Stars and Stripes gloriously. American Efficiency "What did he mean by talking of 'German cfllclency' to a nation that first gave the word efficiency a real meaning? As a matter of fact we have Invented everything that makes for efficiency, from tho sewing machine to tho incande sent light that hangs above It. Certainly v have bought dyestuffs from Germany; but that was because we could buy them cheap; It is not a debt to German civilization. We owe the Eame sort of thing to Hungary for paprika and to Argentina for leather. "In 'system' and 'emclenoy,1 as well as in science and art, we owe the greatest debt to ourselves. The real trouble with the latter day American Is that he Is too modest, too credulous, too diffident. That is a sad and certain truth. When a foreign professor hec tors him he says meekly; 'Oh, I'lf try to be more UH6 you.' By the way, that Is one reason why the Americans are so popular In Germany; It is because they admit every olatm to German superiority." And here. I believe, we have come with startling unexpectedness upon a great truth. Should you look for the real causes of this watt you might find them la the faot that Frajice, England, Russia even Belgium havo always laughed at these pretensions. I don't say It Is the real causa causnns of the war, but unquestionably It helped to foster the military spirit in Germany. The Flench wits made fun of everything Geimnn the way the Gorman nte, his beer drinking, the clothes ho wore, tho hats and dresses of his womenklnd; and tho English stared coldly nt his nttempts at sport and his Peculiarity of wearing evening dress In the afternoon, at his board and hair: and truculently tho Gcrmnn retorted: "But, by Jingo! I can fight!" He can: and he made his monstrous war machine. And whllo wo were talking the ferryboat bumped Into New York. Said tho patriotic man, "Let's go to Luchnw's nnd drink somo beer and ent an elngemachto herring," OF THE PARTY OF IDEA How Sonic oT the IiIcub Have Worked Out A Question That Deserves n Fair Answer. From tho Iron Trade Hevlow. There's a lot of humor In n lot of things If wo only know It And know how to extract the honey from the flower, For Instance, , A certain man Quite a prominent man Who admits It himself Went lo a city near the centre of popula tion of tho United StntcB and Made an ".musing speech. Among a great many other things ho said: Tho political party that had been in power for over 90 per cent, of tho tlmo In tho past DO years had not hnd a new idea In tho past 30 years. Apparently all tho new Ideas came from the other party. And In tho same paper wo read An account of somo of thes' , "Ideas." Ono had to do with the Indictment and Wholesale arrest of 100 men In Torre Haute, Ind., for conspiracy in the recent Federal election In that city. Ono hundred men constituted practically tho entlro city government, composed of fol lowers of the "party with ideas," from the mayor down, and (to quote tho Indianapolis News) : "Tho men under arrest are all members of tho majority party machine, most of them Habitues of the red-light district." And tho Indianapolis Nowb Is moro a ma jority newspaper than It is anything elso. These men all belonged to tho "party of ideas," apparently And their conspiracy to defraud must have been A real idea. In tho same newspaper we havo much In detail concerning the recent action of the Governor of tho great State of South Caro lina Who, because he could not do as he liked with everything In the State, disbanded the State jnllltla, canceled all the officers' com missions, discharged and pardoned over 9000 convicts In the State penal institution, and then resigned a few days before his term ex pired to escape Impeachment. Another "man of ideas" Belonging to the great "party of Ideas." But. Wo would like to know If tho United States could, In the 30 ytars Referred to by this gentloman, Gain in prosperity, wealth and population, greatly exceeding all records of history. With a political party In power "without a single Idea" What ought It to do In tho way of pros perity With tho party In power That is full of Ideas? There should not be between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 idle workmen in the country Should there? Seems to Us that's a fair question. And deserving of a fair answer. Back to Pompeii From In Ticoraa Tribune. Science is Introdupln rational color schemes Into hospitals. Eventually they may Invade our homes. Then we shall be back once more to the point of interior decoration rtachld by the Romans 2000 years ago and by the Egypt ians 8000 years bafore that. Oo Into the houses on ancient Pompeii, dug UP from the preserving lava of ages, and you And no gloom, no iul ness. You And room painted In wholcsomt blues, and yellowi. and green), and orangi, and reds, each room, a warm, pleasant glow of welcoming light and color, with but a single small, contrasting dcoratlva Xetch In the centra of the wallalmost Identical with the Ideal color arrangement that German science has "discovered" In the 89th century. ' 27. 1015. WHAT IT MEANS "ll mJSQE&i vfcrr i fifth ii MAKING THE PAWNSHOP "RESPECTABLE" Kansas City's Municipal Agency Enables Its Patrons to Borrow With at Much Pride as the Banker's Customers. By RALPn PERRY AilltUnt Suptrlnletitlrnt, Pledge Deitartmrnt, Wrlhrt Loin Afracj. A WEALTHY man may go to hla banker and borro-.,- upwnrd In tho thousands, thereby receiving fitnn the public In general respect and commondatlon; but whon his less furtunato brother negotiates n loan on what personality he may possess from his banker, "tho pawnbroker," the public looks with dis dain on tho transaction. Hero wo aro confronted with a remedial contrariety Interesting of analysis. Tho stig ma connected with tho pnwnshop Is not ono attrlbutablo to Its patrons. It is In a largo measure duo to tho unscrupulous pcopto In the business. Regnrdless of how merltoilous a man's notions may bo In obtaining a loan from tho pawnbroker, ho will exert every pro amnion to avoid publicity, oftentimes rolylng on the pawnbroker's honesty rather than ro celvo a pawn ticket, for fear of having it found on hl.i person or unconsciously expos ing It. Now the pawnbroker, being awaro of tho average customer's foellng in the matter, takes advantage of such conditions and charges usury with Impunity, knowing full Well that his customer would far rather be his Victim than resort to any legal prucosa for help, thereby acquainting the public With tho transaction. No Alternative However, tho pawnbroker's customers are gathered from every walk of life nnd those with this self-pride nre nlwnys to be found In the minority. Tho greatest sourco of revenue In this business 1 derived from tho people who havo no nltornatlvo, those who aro compelled to pledgo their personalty for tho lack of other means of obtaining icndy cash to fulfill their Immodlatn needs and who vociferously denounce tho pawnbroker and his usury but can find no relief. It was, then, In tho first place, to relievo theso peoplo of an unjust burden placed upon them by clrcumstnnces. and to cnablo them to transact tholr buslnoss of borrowing with as much respect and pride as tho bankers' customer; und secondly, to provide a substi tute for tho pawnshop where money could bo had on cqultnble torms, that tho Welfare Loan Agency was established. Two years ago Kansas City had more pawnshops in proportion to its population thnn any other city In tho country. Although the legal rata of Interest in Missouri is 2 par cent, per month, tho universal chargo was 10 per cent, per month. At tho present writing 10 of" tho shopB havo gone out of buslhoas. Ono conforms to tho legal rato of Interest on loans of $5 or mora and tho others now charge in tho neighborhood of 2 per cent, on loans of U00 and upward, nnd 5 and 10 per cent, oh less nmounts. Usury Evil Incurable The work done by tho Welfare Loan Agency has proved conclusively that no amount ot legislation can cure tho usury evil. In less than two years 15,000 loans havo been made, eaoh one symbollo of relief and Rood done, whllo tho criminal records In a like period fall to show any prosecution by tho State authorities for usury. One unsatisfactory phase ot the work la the lack of previous Investigation before negotiating a loan, It this Could be satis faotorlty carried out, Uib unnecessary loans would be abolished and the borrower greatly benefited. It would be far bettor for tho pub lic to manage their affairs In such a way as to avoid the necessity of a loan. But wo muat cope with conditions as thoy are and tit the meantime strive for Ideals and the grad ual evolution ot man's customs and affairs. A moat significant fact and one which must constantly he kept paramount is the averago borrower's willingness to enter Into an unfair contract In order to obtain a loan. To benefit tho borrower ho must be offered tho samo amount of money on his pledge as tho usur Ioun pawnbroker offers, and at a much lower rate ot Interest. Sound BuiiaeM Principles The work of the welfare Loan Agenoy has demonstrated that money can be loaned on personalty at a reasonable and legal rate of jntsrest, on ound business principles with out assuming any of the aspects of a chari table association, and that a return of 6 per cent, per annum on the Investor's capital can De mftae. i In contradistinction to the private pawn- I broker the agency exerts every effort to Pre vent tho borrower from losing his pledfe, Although tho law roqulres plodges to bo held but SO days, It Is tho practice of the agency to hold them from 6 to 12 months befort disposing of them. All forfeited articles are sold nt public auction ovory six months. Be fore celling nny articlo a notice ia mallei to tho customer and oftentimes personal calls are made to his homo In an endeavor to sbts his pledgo from sale. Who Arc tho Borrowers? Tho big majority ot borrowers who forfeit their pledges aro those who livo In rooming or boarding houses and hotels, or the tran sient cIiibh. This Is not due to tho fact that this alass of pcoplo are any worse off finan cially than the permanent citizen, but Is par tially attributable to their misconception of tho terms of tho loan, believing, o most of tho customers do, that their interest must be paid every month and tho pledge redeemed In 90 days, In order to prevent lis forfeiture. Numerous articles eolild be saved from th auction sales if this transient class would keep the ngency posted of their change ot, addross, in order that tho notice would reach them upon the forfolturo of their pledge, A lemodlal loan ngenoy negotiating Icanl on pledges nt equltablo rates and entailing none of the disagreeable elements of a chari table organization is but one step in tho na tion-wide movement to better the living con dltlons of mnn. To give a man financial as slstanco with no obligation for the return thereof on his part, Invokes a greater ulti mate evil than to refuse him aid altogether, An absolute gift of pcounlary aid tends o decrease a man's sclf-respeot, pride, reliance nnd ambition and onco he becomes the rc clplent of this form of assistance he will of tontimes relegato himself to that class of people who make our charitable associations necessary. "If Italy 5hollld Fight." Frank Btmonda, In the New Republic If Italy should enter the war there wouia & an instant moral effect which might bring peace. If this failed, Oormnny would be forcw to surrender her offensive on both fronts nj probably to ovaduate not alone Poland n4 Belgium, but East Prussia and her tram Rhonane territories. Prolongation of the ' would probably destroy the Austrian Empire, hut Germany might endure all and oontlnue to the end, confident that the dissolution of Aui trla must be tho first step In a still more com plete unification of tho Germans of Europe. For Italy this last consideration might wen make for continued neutrality, for if Austria vanished sho would have to face a greater aef many determined to retake Trieste and ootua a window on the Adriatic, and at thf 'BJ time a Southern Slav nation, eager to win Dolmatlft. ready to challenge Italy's title t Albania, REVISITING The Backward path to boyhood days Is never very hard to llndi You trod It quickly when your gasa Surveyed old scenes of boyhood land! While stronger passed and never guesiw The growing turmoil In your breast. That wall you climbed with all your ll)A The whlla you tore your stooklng kneu. Has shrunk to such a puny height You mount upon Its crest with u. The trea that wai too thick to "ihln Uy some odd mean ha gotten thin. This vast expanse you scanned with care, Thth crossed with frlghtoned, hurrying "' Lest trafflo overtake you there, Is now a quiet village atreet. Each doorway wide and ate-pot high Beeni smaller to your startled eye. Old friends that pass look up to amile, whb used to greet you smiling down! A maglo apell, In this brief whlUi r Has somehow fallen on the town. Yet strange! You asem to be again As smalt a boy as you were then. That backward path to boyhood day le never oleaed to them, that eee, It wind by old familiar ways And leads you to a mother kn. Whore boyhood' gentle king and aueta DUpet the year that Intervene. But If that path you oatinot find Blnce they two laid their scepter down. Yet othr paths there are that wlno. Through valley to the Mother Town, Where many dear remembered thing Call childhood back on certain wings, -Burges Johnson. In Harper" Megasmft
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers