Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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27, liHS.
rwmor's Daughter Returns
"111 Jo Her Distressed Little
HI Pupils in the Friends' Kin
..i iMtivt Brumbnuch Is back nnln
;ila ." "
In her classroom nntl, nB the result, a
. .. r4i.Il HtinHlta nml 1 74 tl BJmnt
School, on nil."" " """ '" """n
,rt very mucn reuevcu.
Tdty arc the wee bos and girls who
ggitltute tho klnderirnrtcn dais, nnd,
j.. it. execution of ti few Democrats,
Me bout the only ones who were dis
mayed at Doctor urumuaugn s ciccuon 10
Ui governorship.
r... a ilmv thouaht they might lose
thereby their bclovctl teacher, ami no
...... tiniv nlco a substitute had been
not In her P'nce 1' OMe' '" l,1G,r opinion,
fOUld nil tllC place ui .uos uuiuei.
nrk.n she went up to H.irrlsburc for
... nihnrs Inauguration tho cheery
iclioolroom on tho ground floor, with its
old-time "home" brick" fireplace and
krlutit windows filled with green planti
nd prettv Howcis, took on a cold air of
"Snpposo she tlocin t como back?' ono
kitln nunll naked another, "who'll go out
l"c .' 1 ..lie Inn ,i I Ml ,, ,
tn tne ia" " !"" " -"
.ti.i ii iiiVtl button tnv letrtrliiH tin nt
recess?" asked another.
nrl who'll put my mittens on?" said
mother, ccndlng a pair of chubby
.-.,. i null m rnn m or mv pnr.q. Rn
flsnuf, " "
that Jack Trost won't get thorn "
11-. . .1 I- .. It.n hint .,. !.-
"jltlS 1hUCI la iiiuiu iiiiiu just, njutJii
. .l, ct.A la frlnnil. mnl'nor nnd nlnv-
10 litem --- - -
... .H.l flmitirh It mnv qpfm n Htrnnirn
ijilne for tho Hrst Lmly of Pennslvnnla
to be so lar uny nun. mt m,..cwh.ju.h
mansion na this, yet It Is onl necessary
to visit her class while It Is In progress
to jee Hint she has chosen the work for
which sho is most eminently fitted
Toung she cannot bo more than 24
jilr complcxloned and fne "very Imago of
ler distinguished father, as far as tho
contour of hei face 1") concerned, she fits
perfectly the rolo of tho "good fairy"
that the Is so fond of Impersonating In
t favorlto game, and, though her sym
pathetic understanding of children makes
her the Idolized playmate of her llttlo
folk, et her llct Insistence on neatness
nd order and the promptness with which
Iher obey her suggestions they nro never
commands mark her as the ideal teacher,
who has found tho way to mako work,
even lessons, seem tho Jolllest sort of
She Is always one of them She plays
xames with them, sings them songs, tells
nonderful stories, helps build fences with
lay-colored straws, cuti paper patterns
with them, and when tho cuckoo clock
on the wall Jumps out nnd cheerfully
announces that It's cloven o'clock, alio
superintends tho opening of tho lunch
baskets and tho offering of graco to God
tt . .i unnl In Vinr wrl? In Phlln-
ielphla, Harrlsburg has not been able to
lure her from It ns yet.
'I really don't know what my plans
are for the future," she sai, conslder-
lrg the question of tho new duty as mls-
tress of her father's official home, which
l. soon or laie sue inuy uu l-avwu .v,
II; "but I can say that I am going to
Sj tuy here, at least until the end of the
t school term "
Ex-Attorney General Follows Ex
ample Set by Bishop Rhlnelander.
A refusal to allow the use of his namo
's one of the vice presidents of the meet
ing of the "Amcilcan Neutrality League
of Philadelphia" has been received by
the organization In tho shape of a sar
castic communication from ex-Attorney
General M Hampton Todd. Tho meeting
Is to be held In the Academy of Music
tomorrow night
In his letter "declining tho use of his
' H9mn in uttrih nnrnnSA" Mm dX-AttomeV
K General asks that, inasmuch as no munl-
Btions of war can be shipped to Germany
Kit present. If It would not bo more to
mo point to state that tno purpose or
the meeting Is to bo the urging of the
passage of laws to prevent tho shipment
not these articles to cither England or
K France.
Although Dr Charles J. Ilcxnmer, pres
ident nt in namnn.Amnrlnnn Rftl.lV
IMs said to have sent Invitations to Con-
f. fressmen and others to attend tho meet
i log, he denied yesterday that ho had any
tonnection with the movement
"I have no Interest in tho meeting, dl-
t lectly or Indirectly," ho declared.
h The dispute as to tho sincerity of tho
EKotlves of thoso back of tho arrange-
r, """ ii me uh'ciiuk, IircciiMiuicu uj
K Bishop Philip M Ithlnelander. was ndded
id uy me sending of a statoment yester
day bv Prnnpla R CnTr Boprptiirv of
Bthe league. In reply to the head of the
IL'rrOtestant Pnllnnnnl nlnnAfla nt P.nnBVl.
fetanla, Insisting that tho gathering was.
i arranged as a pro-German one, but
aa strictly In tho Interests of peace.
IlBoy Scout War Correspondent Scores
H' a "Scoop" in West Philadelphia.
&r A clean "urnnn" wah "nut over" on all
Rthe reporters In the city by August Paget,
ci iroop 73, Hoy Scouts or America, wno
u no ivcNiNO Le do un's special war
.correspondent In "West Philadelphia. Not
f papr In town had the "story" of a de-
iructlve Are In a blacksmith shop, lie
tinning with the personal pronoun, ho
!!U the "story" In true war correspond
ent style, pear him;
regret inat at wins ana vine at.
their at the nuarrv their was a flra.
j? The black smith's placo was all burn
f OOWn. Th Hr.p Anflnps finmA frnm
list and Thompson St, West Phlla-
oeipnio. No one was hurt. They do
not know what started It. It waa in
names. The flrermen put the flames
out and It rewent In flames. It waa
Put out about In ?i of an hour. About
eight o'clock the Are started.
The Cenanc AvlHAn.lv HaIo.aH .Iia aftA
1" the conflagration.
Aetor's Bouncing Boy a "Twilight
Sleep" Infant,
NEW Vnnw ion m nii. d,a.i. u
r. d Wolf Hopper a visit yesterday
artemnln nnfl tAft a hAIHAl... .nK.. l...
iirs. Hopper Is at the Lylng-In Hospital
t Jith street and 2d avenue.
Tbe baby li a "twilight sleep" Infant,
--...-, ween purii uiiucr o jibv puinivss
Uerni&n mndinJ .ulifAli tins haan nrnn.lna
Iaj. ...WV..W1 IIIIIVI, .,UA uCG)l jJu..,I.CU
pin such remarkable results here and In
furope Her husband Is delighted and
fof ne always was lucky, '
r A bOV" ha rrlOf? ' Weill TValll niJ,o
Iews Is too good to be true."
Or. Ross McPherson. of the hospital
T .a "Pedal'st In "twilight Bleep," says
u, y ' a'ngularly bright and lusty
. dida t feel a particle of pain," mur
gurcd Wrg Hopper to the nurse last night
SMn be awoke "The method, 1 mar-
. i aid not know a thing until I
f W a minute ago."
Federation lender Also Blames Fatl
ure of Proper Organization.
nT& M!!ChlC' head ot th nn.yl
a . '"K Tradca Prtniem of tho
Amertcai. Fedemilon of Labor, today
old 0f conditions within the ranks ot
'no i branches of the builders orllie
cty. and laid lh6 1)rnc,ral blame for
'ho hard time- to general lack of con
"rtcriro ln trade and money conditions
""I Ihr, lack In this ctly of proper or-
mn1b!!lL0n RTn ,heao tr'l" "Is "
.nM crn ll"tne,1 l0 bv J- K nonch.
whn M.Clt;, Mr' noft(;h nPProvcd of
w nt his collaRue said.
Our nrc,f,,iln(i.. , ,.. .... .. ..
. ,.," -n"uira iiiciuucs Mriuaiiy an
nml E ,ul t,eM or houses except masoni
thorn U'y"" T"nen "rc ''Kht' ""'
i m. . .nb(.l'1 onp-fonrtli lc's building
t ? . '" rr ".,n" nt thl "mi! Inst Jenr.
nut ucnthcr hns a good denl to do with
;,u1",bfr forking each .lav, and tho
fn f r,lon of mon out of work fluc-
Ae from a ,0 0 ,cr cent.
..,.. mc.n' na a n,lD- nro ln a ROO'1
iH .i bcc"U!,c our nges are better
than those of many of the men now out
PUV! . ait m" Pen'o arc. n n rule.
liroviilPiit. Wc are not calamity howlers
ufin "Pretty well when work ceases.
I hilndelpbi should hac been about
tho last clu t go bad In the building
trndcH, but It wns about tho nrst That
because labor Is not so well organized
here as In manv other cltlo. If It were
conditions would be about equal here to
what they arc In Chicago and San Trnn
clsco. ','VVo. havo no relief funds nor any
thing llko them. Our men calculate, ns
n rule, to make enough in one day to
live two days when times nro easy nnd
monev goes qulrklv. so when tho pinch
of hard times comes they are in a better
condition than many trades to Inst
"I don't expect any Improvement be
fore pprlng, nnd then I think times will
bo good agnln. They are alwas slack
ln winter with u, so wo expect It."
Fight Lasts Ten Minutes and Victory
Hosts With Policeman.
A fight with blackjacks between Police
man Mnrnhv nf tli 19,1. j t-- ,
stntlon, nnd 'William Jackson, a Negro,
L ka Doum mil street, ended this morn
ing In favor of tho bluccoat at 17th and
nalnbrldgo streets Jackson, who wns
released onlv three das ago from tho
Eastern Tenltcntlary nfter serving n
three- oar term for highway robbery, ac
cording to tho police, wns held In $S00 ball
for court by Magistrate Hagcrty today.
Tim mnn le iimit-ml r-t ...,, w ,-
on Mrs Jnmes Beckett, who keeps a llt-
iii, niuro at tno gomnwest corner of icth
and Balnbrldge streets. Last Mondny,
the day ho was released from prison, the
police say, he went Into tho store and
when Mrs Beckett turned her back
struck her over the hend with a black
jack Tho woman was so badly Injured
that physicians at the Howard Hospital
had to put IS stitches in her head
Murphy saw Jackson this morning
dodging Into n doorway near 17th nnd
Tin I ttllfll'VA ci-nnln FTti -.nH !,! ,.
cape when tho policeman approached,
llllf 111 A nKlArtnni 4aaIh-.1 I. I A !-.
ll.d iltll. fnittcnn rrnl tn 1,1, 1(.
...u ,.' uuvnnvii jUl IW lll- 1VI.I itH illUI"
phj came up, and drew a blackjack. The
iuT.il luusiii imrm-iu-nnnu ior iu meiniuc!
before Murphy managed to stun Jackson
with a blow ocr the head.
Xarge Classes to Be Graduated at
Midyear Commencements.
High school girls arc cutting down on
their dressmaking bills and many of the
bos who will graduate at tho mid-year
commencement of tho -arious Institu
tions havo been watching expenses be
cause of tho growing popularity of trips
to othor cltle3 In class groups. Many of
the graduntcs aro anticipating some in
teresting tours.
Boys and girls to the number of 775,
who havo completed their four years'
course, will bo graduated at the mid
year commencement exercises of the pub
lic high schools From tho Girls' High
School, 17th and Spring Garden streets,
17D pupils will recclvo diplomas Ex
ercises for this class will bo held on Feb
ruary 4 at the Academy of Music
Tho first class to bo graduated from
tho West Philadelphia High School for
Girls will contain between 60 and 7G mem
bers The commencement will take placo
in tho school auditorium on tho evening
of February 11 Graduating exercises will
bo held at tho West Philadelphia High
School for Boys also on February 11.
Commencement exercises at tho South
ern High School for Boys will be held
tomorrow afternoon, when 70 bojs will
reecho diplomas. At tho AVIIllam Penn
High School ISO girls will complete their
studies and grnduato on February 12. On
tliu same day 33 membcra of tho graduat
ing class of tho William Penn annex at
Northeast will recclvo diplomas. Cen
tral School exercises will take placo at
th. Forrest Theatre on February 9.
100,840,000 Bushels in Stock on
January 1.
WASHINGTON, Jan, 27. More than
half of tho marketable supply of potatoes
of tho 1SH crop remained ln the hands
of producers and dealers on January 1,
1915, tho Department of Agriculture an
nounced today.
This Is the largest supply held over
from tho preceding year for five years
and has brought potato prices excep
tionally low, the department says. In
the States which produced 78 per cent, of
the American potato crop, 1M.818.00O
bushels were held In stock compared with
123,392,000 a year ago.
Mrs. Jenney, of This City, Asks Brit
ish for Information,
Mrs. Anna Jenney, 3211 Carlisle street,
fears that the Canadian aviator reported
killed recently when his machine fell
near Paris while reconnolterlng, was her
husband. Captain Lloyd Jenney. who ac
companied the Canadian expeditionary
force to the front. Captain Jenney, who
is 23 years old. Is well known In Phila
delphia. About two years ago he came
here from Gait, Ontario, and married
Miss Greaves, the daughter of William
Greaves, of this city.
Cable dispatches state that the aviator
killed was "Captain Jannary," but as the
record fall to show on enlisted aviator
by that name, Mrs, Jenney has asked the
British authorities for Information. The
only advice she could get from abroad
was that she would have to wait three
or four months before Identification could
be made positively. The Jenneys have a
young child,
Engine Co, lieutenant Carries In
valid and Children to Street.
Prompt action on tho part of Samuel
Graham, lieutenant of Engine Company
No. 26, saved the lives of a woman who
was U in bed and four other persons,
when fire started In their house at Hitter
and Dauphin streets
Graham, who was off duty, saw smoke
pouring from the second-story windows
shortly after midnight and carried Mrs.
Kate Ludwlg, an Invalid, and her chil
dren. Ann?, Sara, Jacob and Hoffman,
to safety The loss was small.
Reported Price Involved, In
surance and Stipulation
Barring Trade With Al
lies Threatens Neutrality.
WASHINGTON, Jan, 27,-Compllcatlona,
Involving bad faith In the salo of the cot
Ion steamship Dacla, threaten to widen
the scope of diplomatic problems con
nected with the sailing of the cargo from
It Is alleged that tho Pacla Iibb been
Insured In Hamburg for tM.000 and an
Investigation Is under way to tletfrmlno
whether thero Is basis for nn assertion
that tlio Insurance was placed by tho
Hambiirg-Amcrlcrtn Company. No doubt
exists In wetMnformcd circles hero that
the TiO.000 Insurance was obtained ln
Hamburg when It wns found Impossible
to obtain such protection for the hull
from tho rcdernl Wnr Bisk insuranco
Bureau or Mom nn American company.
The Gocrnmont was willing to Insure
enly the enrgo of cotton.
It Is understood that the British Gov
ernment has certain definite information
regarding tho source of the Insurance nnd
tli.it It suspects that tho Insuranco wns
placed by tho Hamburg-American Com
pany. Should this chargo bo proved, tt
would bo used on ovldcnco before n. prize
court that the sale wai not of that gen
uine nnd complete character which both
this Government nnd Great Britain re
gard ns being required by recognized prin
ciples of International' law to mako a
transfer of a belligerent mcrchnnt vessel
to n neutral ling bona fide during hostil
ities. Furthermore, It is contended that docu
mentary evidence exists that tho sale of
tho Dacla was mads under tho stipula
tion that tho ship should not bo used by
tho new owners In trade with or botwocn
British nnd Trench ports. This In Itself
would destroy the neutrat character of
tho status of the Dacla as a essel trans
ferred to a neutral flag during hostilities
nnd would. It Is said, Justify the British
Government In seizing tho Dacla and per
haps in confiscating her.
Tho price of $1G5,000 paid for tho Dacla
by Edward N. Bneltung and his asso
ciates Is said to be considerably loss than
her vulue It Is declared that tho own
ers of tho Dacla aro to bo paid M90.0O0
for the transportation of tho cotton from
Galveston to Ilotterdam In these circum
stances tho owners would receive $23,000
more than tho purchaHe prlco of tho
vessel for tho maiden ojnge under the
American flag. Tho aluo of the cotton
to be transported la understood to bo
about $760,000
GAIVBSTON, Tox., Jan 27.-At 3
o'clock yesterday afternoon tho steamship
Dacla left Pier ui and steamed to Bolivar
Boads, where sho dropped anchor, pro
pared to sail at any mlnuto orders nrrlvo
for her departure.
Tho agents and skipper of tho Dacla
will not divulge the rensons for tho delay,
but they assert there are certain mysteri
ous papers en routo from Now York
for which tho vessel must wait.
Tho local representative said today:
"All this talk about the owners or skip
per losing their nerve Is rot. Tho ship
will s.ill for Botterdam as soon as cer
tain details which wo cannot discuss nro
arranged Tho boat will not sail today,
but Is likely to sail at any hour to
LONDON. Jan. 27. Fear that the "ne
farious system of secrot diplomacy" may
cause a breach between tho United States
and Great Britain was expressed In a
public manifesto Issued by tho Executive
Committee of tho British Socialist pirty
today. It called upon tho British Govern
ment to mako public a "full and clear
statement" regarding tho points now In
controversy with tho United States.
"Wo view with nnxlety ,tho possibility
of serious friction between Great Britain
and tho United States as an" outcome of
tho controversy over maritime rights and
questions of contraband," read tho mani
festo. "Wo suggest that tho Socialists of
both countries formally protest ngalnst
the continuance of this system of secret
diplomacy that already has brought such
grave results."
U. of P. Professors Tell of Experi
ments With Mice.
What Is the spleen?
This organ, together with tho appendix,
has long been one of the mast baffling
of mysteries to medical science. Two
University of Pennsylvania professors.
Dr. raul A. Lewis and Dr A. T. Margot.
told tho students of tho Unlveaslty Medi
cal School last night that thoy had been
making experiments for moro than a year
and were now able to add to medical
knowledge the fact that tho spleen has a
relation to the digestive system.
They arrived at this belief after care
fully watching the effects which a dally
course of human spleen has had upon
the digestion of mice. The results wero
thus summarized:
"Tests of the blood of spleen-fed mice
show that the coagulation of the blood
Is much slower than ln normal mice. The
showing of blood coagulation Is about
the same as that which takes place when
the mice are fed portions of the human
The professors said they had no way
o" knowing how the food appealed to the
Philadelphia Association Will Prose
cute Fraudulent Bankrupts.
A movement to Increase materially the
security and protection of mercantile
credit In this city has been launched by
tho Philadelphia Association of Credit
Men, At their quarterly meeting, held
last night In the Manufacturers' Club,
the members voted to create a fund for
the prosecution of fraudulent bankrupts.
For the purpose of bringing rigorous
proceedings against cases of this sort,
the 400 members present voted to In
crease the membership dues from 15 to
)a. rresiueni snyqer ucieu as loast
master at the banquet held in connection
with tho meeting,
B. B. Boblnette, who returned recently
from Belgium, where he supervised dis
tribution of food from Philadelphia relief
ships, spoke on conditions in that country,
The seventh annual dinner ot the
Traffic Club was held last night In the
Bellevue-Stratford. Charles W, Bowman,
president of the club, presided, and
among the speakers were Congressman
Allen, of Mlislpplppl. more widely known
S3 "Private" Allen; R. V. Taylor, vice
president of the Mobile and Ohio Ball,
road, and B- J Cattell, who was toast-master.
Store Opens 8:30 A, M.
Store Closes 5:30 P. ill.
ii Slils n''::;''i' I iilillii
Tomorrow Comes the Test of the
Celebrated February
of Furniture
And tomorrow will find us ready! Ready with the proof that this is the greatest
furniture sale ever known. The goods are a proof there is no gainsaying, and the goods are
here more goods, better goods than any sale ever held; more goods because the repute of
Wanamaker furniture has traveled far and is ever bringing new demands; better goods
because we have, especially of late years, found many ways of having furniture, already
good, made still better and priced loweiv
There is more improved (warrantably and specifically improved) furniture in this sale
than there has ever been in any sale, furniture of a kind that you cannot duplicate outside
of Wanamaker's, because Wanamaker's is the only store that sells enough to make it worth
while for the factories to put so much excellence into their product and to take so much off
its price.
That is a generality based on facts and the facts speak for themselves.
What Do These Facts Mean To You?
For example, we bought twenty-eight carloads
of furniture from one maker alone.
From anotheiv one thousand bureaus.
These are just two items in the sale.
What do you think it meant to a maker to have
twenty-eight carloads taken from his factory at
Rather, what does it mean to you?
Is it not bound to mean economy? Good, real
economy, with good legitimate reasons back of it
reasons that anybody can understand, because it is
plain that when a store takes twenty-eight car
loads of furniture from one maker at once and a
thousand bureaus from another, the size of the
order easily compensates both makers for letting
go a large percentage of their usual profitwithout
letting the quality down even by a hair's breadth.
There Never Was Such Variety
There is no part of this Sale, from one end of it to the other, in which you will not
find at least three times greater choice of desirable things than can be found outside of it
in Philadelphia. , . . k , . . i
There are many parts in which the choice is ten times greater.
Yet all these acres' of furniture are but the floor samples. Back of them are great
warehouse reserves. But there is need for every bit of furniture in our possession. Many
large groups are scarcely large enough. This is especially true of the
Great Assortments at Half Price
greater assortments than any sale ever held. Sometimes half price spells undesirability.
Not so here. This furniture is not only desirable it is exquisite. 'V
In addition to the several trainloads of new purchases, our entire regular stocks,
with the exception of certain patented bookcases, are in the sale at special February
Look well at the goods shown here! Mark you, we said the goods the goods inside
and out.
Choose to your heart's content, all selections made tomorrow, Friday and Saturday to
date as from the official opening of the sale on Monday morfl!flK
fFifth and Sixth Floors)