Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    T-yS!f. fHf J-
LaSt Years IJisburscment
$511,967.90, an Increase
of $8 1,1 52.76 Over 1913.
Aggregate of $1,575,
021.33 Since 1911.
rrrrtniURGn. .inn. 27. The fourth
nnurit report of tho United State Stocl
,d Carnegie Pension Fund was mado
'. publlo today. Tho report Bhows that slnou
January 1. 1"U, when tho fund was 01
tMIlol, thero has been a total distribu
tion to retired employes of tho Steel Cor
poration In ponelonB of $1,676,021.33. In
13U tho total disbursement from tho pen
sion fund was $311,007,30, exceeding tho
previous year by $80,152.76, and tlio first
' jus of the fund's existence by $230,G10 B3.
3Tie average annual Increase In tho
amounts distributed has been slightly
ever J75.000.
The Pittsburgh district leads In tho
amount paid out. To retired mill opera
tives in the Pittsburgh and Valloy Dis
tricts $222,(538.83 was paid during the year,
leslde $59,395.66 paid to tho coke workers
III tho fields adjacent to Pittsburgh, malt
ing the total $282,6.')1.00.
Cleveland and vicinity ranked next to
Pittsburgh, tho sum amounting to ap
proximately $50,000. In the Chicago dis
trict tho amount was &0.1D7.8C; Now Eng
land, $33,SG5.E6. Tho Iron ore regions of
tho Northwest received approximately
$,000, and retired employes on the cor
poration's various transportation sub
sidiaries draw $12,057.67. Former employe
tt tho Tcnnessoo Coal, Iron and Hallway
Company received $3303.10.
'There are now 2321 beneficiaries of tho
fund. During 1314 thero wero 612 pon
iloncm added and 183 discontinued through
deaths. Tho average pension was $20.40,
the average age of tho pensioners being
C3.S3 years and tho avorago term of
lervlce 23.76 years.
The fund from which tho pensions aro
paid amounts to $12,000,000, being mado
up from tho Carneglo Relief Fund of
$4,000,000 and $8,000,000 which was set
Hide by tho Steel Corporation. No pen
lon of less than $12 or more than $100
per month Is paid.
For each year of service the employe
receives 1 per cent, of his averaso
monthly pay received during tho lost 10
years of service. All male employes
who have been In tho scrvlco 20 yeais or
longer and aro 60 years or more of ago
ro eligible to pension. Women aro
eligible at tho age of CO years. Tho
records show that a great many of thoso
retired have taken up easier work and
add good earnings to their pensions.
Moro than 70 per cent, of thoso on tho
'pension rolls voluntarily requested to bo
pensioned. Only In cases where It Is
obvious that employes are unable to
properly perform tholr work aro they
requested to retire. Tho plan embraces
thoso employes who become permanently
and totnly Incapacitated. If on employe
li Injured whlloon duty he Is taken
care of by the Voluntary Accident Relief
All tho tlmo lost on account of disabil
ity, bhut-down or lay-off. not exceeding
two years' duration In any one period. Is
credited to employes as service. In cases
whero a pensioner bocomes Incompetent
to handlo his funds the pension is pom
jo his wlfo or to a legally appointed
Control of Lands NecesBary to Re
sumption of Government Work.
WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 27. On the
p&ssago of a bill now beforo tho Legisla
ture depends tho question of whether
' Wilmington Is to have a real front on ho
Delaware River. If tho Legislature finds
It can give tho control of certain lands to
the city, then the Government will con
tinue work on the bulkhead begun yearu
ago to Improve the channel of the Dela
ware river.
There will probably be a lawsuit, even
If tho bill Is passed, .before tho city can
Bet control of this river front, and there
Is a question In the minds of many as
to whether It can ever get It unless It
pays a large amount of money for It. Tho
people of this city have voted, however,
to obtain control of tho land.
Several years ago the Government de
rided to bulkhead along the river front
at Wilmington. Behind the bulkhead It
was Intended to fill In, with the. object
of making several hundred acres of now
land suitable for manufacturing purposes.
This land would have been on deep water
and to reach deep water from the present
shore It would be necessary to build a
Pier 1500 feet long.
It wns expected by the Government that
e land owners whoso property faced tho
Wer would assist In building this bulk
head. When It found they were not
Wing to do so the Government stopped
work and It has never been resumed. It
fM.Bal?'-J10ever bY BOmo of the of
,.m of.tho Government, that If tho city
nJaFet cntrl or the land which the
...T?PVno,?tpropo8ea t0 maka nni would
woiiM JJ? bu"d"?S the bulkhead the work
would be completed.
Numerous Meetings Arranged ia
Olty and Suburbs.
uih'j8 ""WsnlifT Is now being taken
up by suffragists and suffrage sympa
hav!rS ln ,hl3 cM Numerous meetings
Ir , .1 h"" "ranged by prominent persona
ei(vq ."J '?cIm circles throughout the
Enn-f ?,urb8.nd nMacent towns, and the
Sf Pr,an3,,3a Society. 35 South 9th
1..1 '. '" "ave speakers on hand regu
ifiy to 'waga a campaign simultaneously
?' wh equal force in all sections of the
Jy and suburbs.
BnTu. XT' Thoma W, Illman, of All
ouis Universallst Church, will address
a meeting- of women In Ridley Park this
wternoon at S o'clock, nt the home of Mrs.
iiiIT. B. Vanlen- Mr. Illman will point
wt that In order to have true democracy
we must grant tho vote to women.
Mrs. Harry Lowenburg will deliver an
jaaress on Friday at Merohantvllle. N. J..
Peaking at the home of Mrs. D. L. Taylor,
rs. Scott 'Nearlng, wife of Professor
"earing-, of the University of Pennsyl
vania, will urge the support of members
rua CM C1Ub f nldle'r P4ric on Feb"
Requests have been made to the Equal
franchise Society that It send "litera
ture to the members of the Delaware
"glelature, before whom the suffragists
oc that State are presenting their case.
A COfitllrriA naiv artfl Aay.t.A of ,if.1.
the old dances will be seen, will take
: W tomorrow evening in the Catholic
yceum, at Broadway and Federal street,
-"uuen. Tjie anair win be held under
Ute auspices of the Cathollo Lyceum As
IatIon, of Camden.
1 J?.1'0' the features of the entertainment
"III bfl a Ulklmal. nl '11.I.....& ... ... IM..
i.tS.V"odc"'e Und- A Japanese garden
6 ff oee.i erected in the auditorium of the
wwunj, where supper will be served.
Marathon Tournament Stnrts Today
on Casino Alleys,
Eight two-man teams will participate In
tho eight-hour marathon bowling tourna
mcht, starting nt 4 b'clock this afternoon
at tho Cailno Rowling Alleys. Chestnut
below 10th street, underv the supervision
of George at. Moss. The event will end
nl nlldnlght.
The sixteen howlers who will compete In
the event are among tho lendltu; pin men
In tho city. The participants have been
practicing for today's nrfalr for the Inst
fortnlRllt ntid hao announced themselves
In tho 'best of shape for tho lengthy
Tho teams will be composed ns follows:
J Trucks-FlcfHl, O Trucks-Johinon,
Hancy-Satterthwnlte, Strcck - Hartley
Fcht-ll. Price, Coxo-I.akc, MrLachllti.
Kltingmullcr and Rndcllffo and partner.
Modesty and Comfort Unite
to Mock at Mischief
Threatened by Short Skirt
of Fashion.
The northeast corner of Broad and
Chestnut streets; a high blustery gale
ouch ns sweeps around tho Franklin Bank
Building on a bleak day; a pretty llttlo
Philadelphia damiel trig and wind
tossed, her smnrt skirt, which fashion
has decreed must stop above her shoe
tops, flapping merrily ln the breeze. And
what has tho combination produced?
A loggln Is the answer.
If you would bo smart, If you would
be warm, If you would be modest, you
must wear legglns this -winter. Tho mod
ern woman, Hko tho little fly upon tho
wall, In tho nursery rhyme, no longer
has a "pottl-sklrt." Lnst year sho fror.o
In consoquonce, this year sho will wear
logglns. And more comfortable sho will
find them too.
"Aro wo going to put In a Bupply of
legglns?" tho shopkeeper raised a super
cilious eyebrow and his tones took on a
lofty pitch, "no, because wo already have
put ln a largo supply of them. Of courso
Philadelphia women aro going to buy
them. As a matter of fact, soma hao
mndo their purchase, nnd others aro hav
ing them made to order.
"It's an open question whether the
women are taking to them because tho
skirts of tho winter aro to bo so unbo
levnbly short that decency demands some
sort of leg covering, or because tho war
has given rise to a demand for clothes
of a military cut.
"The legglns which our women will
don start at the Instep Just as a
soldier's do," Ho got out a long black
leggln of silk Jersey with shiny black
buttons running nt regular Intervals from
tip to top. "And," ho continued, "they
will continue all tho way up to tho knee.
"You know," he went on with en
thusiasm, "doctors havo always said
that the kneo Is most sensitive to the
cold, therefore I think this custom of
wearing legglns an eminently sensible
one much moro sensible than most of
the fads which tho avcrago woman In
dulges In." 1
The legglns which Philadelphia shops
aro carrying ln their regular stock aro
either of black knitted silk Jersey, or of
velvet, however, they are taking orders
for any shade desired. Supposo, for in
stance, you aro .1 woman planning n
brown velvet suit for the piece de resist
ance of your winter's wardrobe. Tho leg
glns should match. Simply take a sam
ple of your velvet to tho shopkeeper and
presto! ln a week or so tho brown vel
vet legglns are yours. .
Onco on a windy day last winter, old
Father Penn up on top of tho City Hall
cast his starboard eyo down to the cor
ner of Broad and Chestnut streets to see
that his children wero coming along all
O. K. In that direction. But tho sight
thnt he looked upon was such that ho
almost fell off his perch. Remember It
was a windy day. and legglns wero not
ln vogue then. However, If tho fashion
makers are to bo believed, tho good old
Quaker may look where he lists this
winter with never a fear of being
shocked, for legglns have como to town.
"Will Be Heard Tonight at Home of
Cyrus H. X. Curtis.
Will C. Macfarlane. municipal organist
of Portland, Me., will give an organ re
cital at the homo of Cyrus II. K. Curtis,
at TVyncote, tonight nt 8:15 o'clock, for
the benefit of tho Settlement Muslo
School, 427 Christian street.
The organ in Portland's now city hall
Is one of the finest and largest organs ln
tho world. It was presented to the
municipality by Mr. Curtis In memory of
Hermann Kotzschmar. Thousands of
persons attend tho Sunday free concerts
which are given from November to May;
besides these, other concerts are given
which more than meet tho expenses In
volved In maintaining the organ.
Florence Hlnklo and Paul Althouse, of
Philadelphia, aro among tho artists who
have appeared In these concerts.
Mr. Mcfarlane was organist and choir
master of St. Thomas', Now York City,
and of the Temple Emanuel for 15 years.
The organ, which la really six organs ln
one great, swell, orchestral, boIo, echo
and pedal contains 169 Btops and pedals,
controlling nearly COM pipes.
Wilmington la Trying to Establish
Truth of Humors.
WILMINGTON, Del., Jan. 27.-Flnanclal
circles hero again are Interested ln ru
mors that the Btreet railways are about
to be combined. For a number of years,
the Wilmington and Philadelphia Traction
Company, which controls tho older lino
and the- electric tight plant, has been try
ing to purchase the line of the People's
Railway Company, owned by the estate of
John Dobson, ln Philadelphia, and R. W.
Crook, of his city. It Is understood, how
ever, that the concern was unwilling to
pay the price demanded by the People's
The rumor that the People's line was
to be sold was revived recently, but later
there was talk that the People's Company
had turned the tables and made an of
fer for its old rival. Both companies re
fuse to confirm either of these rumors.
Mobilization Completed, Conference
Regarded as Significant.
LONDON, Jan. 27. The Marquis Im
perlall, Italian Ambassador: M. Mlsu, the
Rumanian MlnUter, and M. Boskovitch,
the Servian Minister, called at the For
eign Office yesterday and conferred with
Sir Edward Orey.
No statement was made regarding the
purposes of the conference, to which
much significance is ascribed, because It
comes at the completion of the moblliia
tlon plans of italy and Rumania,
Housewives See How They
Are Cheated at the "Learn
to Buy" Show, So Be
ware 1
Dishonest tradesmen, bowarc! Tho gob
lins, In the shnpo of newlv enlightened
housewives, will get you If you don't
watch out. They've ,-got your number"
now, and If jou don't bcllevo It, take n
llttlo trip to tho Lenrn-to-Buy exhibit
which opened In tho City Hall courtyard
last night, nnd hear somo of tho conver
sations that tho dhplny of fraudulent
weights and measures Is calling forth
from Philadelphia's nstonlshed houso
"My land," snld one Interested llttlo
woman, holding In hor hand a half-peek
wooden measure, "who would havo
thought to look for anything Hko thnt?"
Viewed from the oxtrrlor, tho measure
seemed a perfectly norinnl slcd recep
tacle, mado to contain a fult halt peck,
but close inspection revealed n. false
bottotn cleverly contrived to give tho
purchaser Just ono-thlrd less than she
wns pajlng for.
"For weeks nnd weoVs," Hie woman
continued to her companion, "I've been
wondering why my boys have been eAt
Ing so many more potatoes than usual
and now I'm convinced Hint iny potato
man Is ft crook nnd f juit can't wait to
buy something from him to seo It he
uscj n measure like this. Won't he bo
surprised whon 1 catrh him in tho act.
1 might not have him arrested," she
added humanely, "tho very ilrst time,
but" I BUrely will glo him a good talking
From the wooden measures they papsed
oti to tho next counter, where now won
ders In tho form of all sorts and con
ditions of debilitated scales greeted their
eyes. Thero wero scales with tho In
dicator ahead hnlf a pound Instead of
registering tern, and thero were scales
with bricks and wooden blocks attached
to tho customer's sldo of them, but,
strange ns It may seem, In that whole
collection of scales there was not ono
which wns so contrived ns to register
any excess In favor of tlio purchaser.
Tho visitors' oyes opened wider nnd
wider as tho revelations continued.
"Tho mlnuto 1 leave this plnco," said
onn of them determinedly, "I'm going to
tako Chief Vlrdln's mlvlre I'm going
to liuv n good scale nnd a full set of
measures, nnd a cry thing 1 buy here
after will bo weighed and measured It'll
pnv In tho long run, I'm sure "
It every woman follows this one's ex
ample certain gentlemen who hftre had
things their own way for too long ft
time will be forced wllly-nllly Into tho
straight and narrow path of clean busi
ness methods, and a reef of considerable
proportions will be taken ln tho high cost
of living.
The exhibit will last until April 1. and
every afternoon nt 3 o'clock and nt night
nt 8. William S. St Clair, of the Bureau
of Weights nnd Measures, will deliver a
lecture on how to got a square deal from
the merchants.
Weaver Company "Wants Refusal of
Rid Considered.
Announcement wns mado today by tho
conl mining nnd Rhlpplng dim of J. II.
Weaver i Co, of this city, that It would
ask tho Bureau of Mines to mako an
other test of coal to bo used on tho rnnnl
zone. Acting on a report submitted by
tho Itiirenu of Mines, Hccietnry of War
aarrlson ostorday rendered n decision
which prevents the concorn from obtain
ing any of tho conlrnct for COO.000 tons of
"Wo feel certain that If tho most
lgorous tests wero nppllcd from every
point of vlow," said a member of tho
Him, "not only ns to comparative heat
niid other fcotures, Pennsslvanla conl
would siirclv stand tho lest."
J H. Weaver & Co, bid f 2 CS a ton for
C'olver conl, to bo delivered at tidewater,
while the Virginia contractors, W. C.
Atuater & Co, who were successful ln
receiving the award for KO.OOO tons, bid
12 70 a ton
.... 1 . .I., 1
Police Put ft Stop to rierc Combat
on Street Downtown.
Scratched ajjil the face, minus their
hats ond wltlr"nolr disheveled, five boys
stood before Judge Gorman, In the
Juvenile Court today, charged with
fighting on the street. They were ar
rested nt 3d and Carpenter streets, by
Police Bergennt Montgomery, of the 7th
and Carpenter streets station.
Domlnlck Jerome, 13 years old, of Sit
llnll street, who nppeared to be tho
spokesman, told Judge Gorman Hint for
Beveral weeks ho and his pals had been
on the lookout for n rival gang. The
boys wero on their way to school when
they ramo fnco to faco with their "ene
mies" as young Jerome expressed It.
Books, pads and pencils wore thrown
Into tlio gutter.. Stones were exchanged
between tho five prisoners and their
rivals A storekeeper a 2d and Carpen
ter streets telephoned to tho police.
Gergeant Montgomery arrested Jerome
and four other boys. Tho opposition fac
tion escaped. Tho prisoners, Joseph Mc
Allister, 13 years old, of 807 Hall street)
Samuel Waldman, 13 years old, 801 Car
penter street; Joseph Wlnnock, 8 years
old, and Harry Lane, 13 years old, of 316
Hall street, wero held for a further hearing.
Victim of Theft Also Loses JJur Cot,
nnd Other Clothing1. r
"He was a stranrer and they took him
In." .
Thtn, In the middle ot the night, th
man -who took the strange? Into tho Inas
much Mission got up, donned the atran-j
gor's clothes, Including & valuable fur
coat, presented the strnnger'S receipt for
tS9 to the desk clerk, obtained the money,
and, passing through the door, dlaj
peared ln the night.
The stranger, who Is Samuel Schmidt,
of Texas City, Texas, four years In this
country from Russia, awoke this morning;
to find himself In possession of a tattered
old suit, a sweater too small and too dirty
to wear and a scarecrow hat.
With such of this at tiro as he had to
wear to conform with police regulations,
he went to the Detective Bureau at City
Halt and told qt his loss.
"Shall I hang myself?" he asked the
detoottves, and then again, "shall I hane
Wants Dancing; Taught in Bchools
NUTLET, N. J Jan, n-Wllllam J,
Kinsley, a member of the Board ot Edu
cation, Is urging that dancing b added
to the course ot studies ln the local
sahools, a, matter whloh has been re
ferred to the Teachers' Committee.
SToiu: ornxs fluio a. m. ci.osiis at bi.io p. m.
MAir, on nioNR onnrciis filled :
Women's $1.25 Gloves $1
nt B-
Ono-clnnp ilocslcln In white; washable
Women's $1.50 Gloves, $1
Two-rlnsp kill with flat embroid
ered backs, tllnek, white nnd col
ors, also blnck-wlth-whlto and
whlto-wlth-blnrk backs
KirtsT rLoon, niaitTH st. side
Market Double Yclinw Trading stamps Vith Every 10c Purchase Until Noon Filbert
The New February
Victor Records
Arc ready tomorrow nnd comprise
the very fntcst dances, songs, oper
atic and other music of high qual
ity. You can pay for them nt tho cash
price in convenient weekly or
monthly sums. No Trading Stamps.
New Cotton Fabrics for Spring
This Event, Which Is Already the Centre of JJ'ide-Sprend Interest, Has Been Planned in Co-operation with the
January White Sale
Aprons & Cozy Warm
Flannelette Garments
Exceptional Values
Women's 60c
Aprons, ' 49c
Of checked Blnpr
ham In princess
stylo; full, wldo
and Ions', with
rufflo at bottom
and pockets on
$1.50 QO
Kimonos, 70t'
One SKctrlicd
Ijonpr cropo and flan
ncletto kimonos ln 11b
ured effects and plain
colors, trimmed with
satin banding and but
tons. Emplro stylo or
shirred shoulders. AH
Maids' and
Nurses' 4j)c
Round Aprons,
Of flffurcd lawn. Have
dainty rufflo of lino
embroidery, pookot on
sldo and wldo ties.
$1.50 to $3.50 Houso Dresses,
98c to $1.98
One Sketched
Of BinBham or chambray. IIIbIi or
V neck, trimmed with braid and
plain bandings. Other models havo
embroidered yoko effects. All sizes.
"Use More Cotton Campaign" 0r'Jat:Lr:?Z"'"'
-.- ST' If 1 ' v
; -Mi. V
PH a p ml
Delightfully Dainty, Inexpensive Frocks Made From These Textures
Will Be Posed on Living Models Daily From 10 Until 12 o'Cloek
and From 2 Until 4 o'Cloek
'2;i JjJ They can also bo attractively utilized ln the making of undorgarments and
i W ,V joiuiB folks' clothe-!. Tho nlucs are frankly exceptional.
. Cc9 1 1 I
ftflSfcyM I miner, o1 CnrarxiriMO fnAO H
suswvv sn i i iixr, shim ,in r, r eiiriir,.
Galatea Cloths & Chiffon Voile
Dainty plain colors, pretty flow-er-sticwn patterns and smart striped effects.
Uveiy ono of theie materials now. fresh and n leading favoilto for tho warmer
days to come. Como ln widths 20 to 34 Inches.
L t
Cloths. C
Superior quality porcalo In plain
nnd printed effects. Theso como
at 3t incnes wuio.
Cambric-Finished 1 Ohr
Percale at
Now geometrical designs on white nnd dark
grounds; 36 Inches wide.
Also These Extra Specials From Other Leading
Mills of Note
30c & 35c Madras,
For Shirtwaists and
A largo quantity purchased from an overstociceu
' agent. They aro woven of lino yarns In corded i
i whlto grounus, win vary-coioreu auiK".-, uuuu.v, u..... ,
I cluster stripes of blue, lavender, green, brown ana
. . ... An i l ...l.1n 11MU mnVi r Vorv STTinrt-
UlllCIt; .. 1111:111:3 W1UU. 1 111 llinJ ..rf .
50 Cloth-Finished 29 C
Cotton Gabardine .
A new fabric very stylish for frocks and suits. lias
the samo smart appcaranco as the all-wool gabar
dine. Colors Include ...
Green Broiun, Cadet, Navy, Battleship
Gray, Copenhagen Blue, Light Blue, Pink
ana isiacic, .its incnes wiac
85c Silk-and- AQr
Cotton Poplin, t
A highly fashionable pretty dress fabric; soft as
silk and as lustrous as tho most expensive poplins.
Colors Include
Green, Putty, Sand, Battleship Gray,
Brown, Copenhagen Blue, Wistaria,
MAIN Navy Blue and Black; SO
AHCADn inches wide.
II u. . "'
18c Printed Cotton Voile i c
Crisp, sheer and fine. White grounds covered with
large, small nnd cluster (lower printings. Will mako
lovely Indoor frocltH.
In This General
Fur Clearawa
There's an excellent assortment of
handsome styles that will be good for
many seasons, and qualities guaran
teed to give most satisfactory wear.
All Prices Have Been Lessened to
Virtually Half
Fur Sets
SIR lllack SOI 7fi
I'or Sets AiT- I J
S-ir, .Skunk Spp.50
llnccoim Sets C
sa.- French 9 1 C.'
hen I Scln . . 1"
$.() Hudson $OCf
Si-nl .Nct A
$41 Red SOQ 7CJ
I'ox Set.. diH I
SHO Jnpiiucxc 0i."
Mink SetM. . "T1
S1W1 German 97Q.7.";
l-'Hch Set . I
glOO lliiNslmi Kllcli
Set ...9CQ 7K
Fur Coats
945 Moire IltlHfilnn
r..n, 904 ye
Sino Cnrncul Cont,
ermine 37C
trimmed.... '
SI40 HuilHon Seal Coats
$1.13 HuiUcm Sent Coats. .
Premiums Are Valuable
They offer choice from a very largo
solectfon of household and personal ar
ticles that aro new. nttractlvo nnd well
worth one's whllo to possess.
Every Woman Will Appreciate
Such Savinas on
' These aro handsome qualities in the most fasshipnable weaves and colors for the making J
of elegant spring jrocKs
new silks;
$1 Messaline Silks, 79c
35 Inches wide. Splendid variety of tho very latest shades, for day and evening
wear; also black. Beautiful, lustrous quality.
$2 Crepe Meteors $1 AQ
and Charmeuse . .
No Inches wide. In smart now
street and ovcnlng shades; also
$2 Chiffon Failles, 51.63
In black nnd colors; 35 Inches
$1.35 Black Paillette
De Soie, 98c
35 Inches wide.
$3 Broche Crepes, $1.98
12 Inches wide. Latest French
$2.50 Imported $1 QO'
Clinton lnitetas,
35 Inches wide, Beautiful .
nuallty In now shades fori
spring. Including whlto and
75c & 85c Foulard Silks, 49c
Extra fine qualities; largo assortment of stylish new patterns for spring; 23 Inches
wide. .
Sporting; Goods & Auto Accessories
$8 and $10
Mackinaw Coats,
From nil-wool Mack
inaw cloth. Norfolk
style with belt and
Dig, roomy pockets,
All sizes.
$12 and $15
Mackinaw Coats,
f fjji'J
WW- 'fjlJff
soxn Jc qq I azxatt ..
30x314 so no
HIgh-srade. perfect moulded tires. We can not guarantee
am "it; en
b bnui i'Utvui itiuutyM tiouu. vt .
as to mlloaffo pwlne to low prices quoted.
Our Clearance Sale Is Offering Exceptionally
Flue Shoes at Bargain Prices
TFe have not hesitated to cut tho prices of this
aro offering
Women's $3, $9 7
V"V f A. W..U,
Very dressy shoes in tho latest
button, laco and Blucher styles
mado of patent coltskin, gun
mctnl calf nnd glazed kidskin,
withJ hand-welted soles. AH
sizes7, 2 Ms to 8, in lot.
and Children's "Tredrite"
Button Shoes
Patent coltskin, dull gun metal nnd brown kid-
skin with leather and cloth tops.
latest style footwear, and as a consequence
Jl Vtal
r JSk
Men's $3 to $6 $9 65
Shoes CfJJ
A prominent Boston makers surplus stock
Up-to-date models, including patent colt
skin, gun-metal calf and tan calf some
with gray cloth and tan oozo tops. Button,
lace and Blucher styles. Sizes 6 to 10 in
81.KO Value
(sizes 6 to S)
SI.75 Value Sf QQ
(sizes SH toll) lOZf
a Value Sf CQ
(sIzeslHito2) l.O
82.30 Value SO -I Q
(Blzes2'4 to 6) tX.
Boys $3 to $3.50 Shoes, $1.98
Bamplea and Surplus Stock ot the Lehigh Valley
SJioe Company
Patent coltskin. tan Russia calf and pun-metal
calf. Rutton nnd Blucher kinds in lot. Sizes
1 to 516.
Boys' $2 Shoes, $1.50
Patent coltskin and eun-metal calf In button
and Blucher styles. Also hlsh-cut shoes In
lot. Sizes 10 to 13.
Men's $4 and $5 $ QQ
Sweater Coats ...
Speclnl purchune front n large mill.
All color, nud utztn lu lot.
Heavy ribbed, plain or fancy weave;
somo "V"-neck style. AU w)th
The New Stewart
Wnrner Hand Horn.
A loud, clear signal, easily oper
ated. Fully guaranteed. Black,
with hrass or nickel nnisn.
$7 and $8 "Varsity" Shawl
Collar $A QR
Sweaters, uo
All.worated yarn, knitted in the pop.
uir Shaker Knit stitch, with full
size shawl collar and knlt-ln Invis
ible pockets. Navy blue, maroon
nn.i dark oxford sray and white.
Specials in Underwear & Hosiery
Women's $2,2S
Glove Silk
Plain and embroidered: some finished with
French band tops; all reinforced. Plnlc
nnd wnue.
Vests,!. 49
Women's $1.75 Union $1 Og
Suits ,
Half-wool, medium welsht ribbed; in all
desired fchapes. Ouaroiitecel Unshrinkable,
Women's 75c Underwear KQn
Extra heavy fleece-lined cotton ribbed
vesta and pants. Regular and extra
large sizes.
Women's 25c 1 gc
Stockings , , , , A
Full-fashioned and seamless; come in
medium and light weight cotton; also
light-weight lisle. Black, white and
tan. Some havo manufacturer's slight
Imperfections. Three pairs BOc.
i it
Women's 35c "Onyx" Stockings, 25c
Black cotton; have high-splloed heels, double soles
and Rolex tope. , ,,,
rtlBt f -L.WU.lt, OUUlfl MMMMMMMH,
urtains & Draperies
Old Mesh
New for . . .
$1.50 Scrim Curtains,
Fine voile ln white and Arabian, trimmed with neat
lace edging; 2H yards long.
15c to 50c Curtain Mate- 1QC to 39c!
rials, yard xvri ju
Swiss dotted nnd figured mull; white and ecru all-over j
designed madras, also colored madras of Interwoven (
designs, 36 inches wiue.
75c Sunfast Drapery Material, yard 39c
45 Inches wide. Tretty designs; some two-tone effects.)
excellent window or uoor hanging.
$5-,50 Irish Point Curtains, $0 QQ
pair O.tfO,
Fine net, plain or scroll centre, with wide, elabo
rately designed borders.
$4.50 Lace Curtains, pair $2.98
Scotch lace of fine double-twisted thread designs In j
Irish point and Brussels enecis; j;-, yaras long.
$2.50 and $3 Lace $J 75 and $2.25!
Window Panels. ...
Of pretty Scotch thread laco in Brussels lace designs;;
3 yarua long.
3d Inches nlde 81 Jff I 45 Inches trifle JO nti
each ) J eaoh. AiAU
An announcement of stirring inter
est jor nearly every woman owjis
a mesh bag, and now or in the fu
J..-. --i ....'II ......I., .,,) A-1..'W-.n
Wirt? tVili DKIDH IIBVH VULf, '.
bear this offer t mind!
1 1 matters
not whether
yqur hat
has a, broken
mesh, brok-
ATI it h i i 1)
v I
frame or
soiled lining
we can re
al tore It to
uewue.a by
rellnlng 1 1
with alii, nw
kid. reputing It. and mending all the
broken links, it oostB hut the, S 1
reasonable sum ot 1
Gold Mesh Bags
Restored to newness
The regular price Is $3 50.