Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Reckless Infantry Charges to
Win "Birthday Present"
Rcpulsdd on Aisne.
Meuse Bridges Destroyed.
TAIMS, Jnn. 27.
Tlitit tlii QcMnnh army, nttettilitltiB to
cut its Way through the Allies' llntB, has
fetiftered n. severe check Is the declaration
fnttde" In tin oltlclal statement Issued by
this French Wnr Oltlco this ntternnoti.
lh the Perthes resrlons enst t lthelme,
mtii nboilt the heights of Craontie tho
tierrhanii made, rcokless infantry charges.
MTJttfett" efforts to win French trenches as
n, "birthday present" to tho Kaiser wero
rspuided with sovero losses. In tho
Arsonho another German Infantry attack
VM hUrled back after n bloody clash of
German forces on the west bank of tho
Meuse hi St Mlhlel have again been cut
oft from direct communication with the
main body of Germans on tho east bank.
French artillery moti having; again de
stroyed, tho pontoons thrown across tho
river at this point by the Germans.
Ccaroely had the enemy suoceoded In re
placing tho bridges destroyed by French
hells a. few days ngo when the bom
bardment was resumed.
ffrenoh Infantrymen continued yester
day their attack on the Gorman posi
tions on tho oast bank of the Meuse, op
posite St Mlhlol, with the object of cut
ting oft and surrounding the Oermans on
the west bank.
Violent cannonadtng In tho region of
iMauport and Ypros and from Lens
southward to Solsoons was reported to
day. X German aviator, signaling the
position of the allied guns to German
artillerymen near Nleuport was brought
down by Belgian rlflo flro and captured.
Tho War Offloo this afternoon Issued a
flat contradiction of German clalmB of
successes west of La, Basseo. Reports of
a brilliant English victory In that re
gion have boon confirmed, the War
Office announced. More than 400 Gor
man dead were picked up along tho
Bethune road.
Foe Driven Several Miles
West in Fierce Fight At
tacks West of Warsaw
PETROGltAD, Jan, 27.
German forces In East Prussia took tho
offensive on Sunday and gained some
Slight tidvantago In the region of Gum
fclnhcn, but the Russians made a numbor
of counter attacks on Tuesday and re
gained virtually all the lost ground
Fighting was Severo yustcrday about
Fllllkllien, northeast of Gumblnnen. Tho
Germans were driven several miles west
of that town, according to today's official
Statement, Hard fighting Is still In pro
gress at the several poUits within East
FrUssla where tho Csar has a pled-a-terre.
According to the statement, tho Auatro
Gerrrian forces In Gallcla havo resumed
their attacks Upon tho Russians thero en
ergetically, but with slight suoccss. On
the front through Jaslowa, Uzsok, Low
erecko and Maldonk an energetic Aus
trian offensive has been repulsed. Tho
Russians captured SOO men and three oftl-
cars In ono engagement
On tho right bank of tho Lower Vistula,
in northern Poland, only skirmishes and
arilllery duels aro taking placo.
West 6t Warsaw, on tho left bank of
the Vistula, the Germans .are again
showing great activity. Tho War Office
states that the Germans made sharp at
tacks in the region of Borjlmow and
Gumln on the night of January 24 and
on tho folowlng day, but wero repulsed
with heavy losses. Southeast of Sltler
nlewice. at Grabsklerudy and Rouda, two
German batteries were silenced by the
Russian artillery.
BERLIN, Jan. 27. The Overseas News
Agency yesterday Issued the following:
"Constantinople reports that the leader
of the Moroccan rebels, Abdul Malik, has
taken Fez and that tho French have
lost 3500 men In killed or prisoners, to
gether with nine guns and several ma
chine suns."
Vessels Arriving Today
em JJopemoor (Br,), Genoa Ma. Oran, raer-
cfcandUe. Flint, Qoerltif & Co.
8tr. Dlawre, New York, nierohandfie, Clyde
Bteamsnlp Company
8chr. John D. Colwell, Portland, ballajt, A.
V, Curamlng.
Steamships to Arrive
From. Date
. Bombay Nov 10
uoucruam Bee 18
Brvaael Tinn
Vec 23
Deo 2S
Ftnitn ...,..,,,,.,, ...ChrMianla
Aucnencrae ....... .Cruz drAnilii Tun i
Jonubors ,.'Ardroen, Jan. 8
Manchester Mariner , Mani-hemer Jan 0
Korrbotten ,....,.,.,. .Narvik jar! u
SfOoMbors .Copenhagen ....Jan. 11
Florentine., .iluelva Jan. 12
Iff?. ... .,.M..Payal Jan 15
Stlkratad ,. , Bant la fro , ......Jan. 1U
Ji'i'ffi6 Curtis Jan. n
Mackinaw ...London Jan. 17
ranina .... ....Hjiiald ..,, Jan. 2)
WW ...,.......,, LTdrUlIC
..Jan. 21
M:inthtter filler
eater Jan. 28
! Jan. 23
Bteamabtps to Leave
IJ.iiniolon ,
For Date.
.......Clanjow Jan. 2
Liverpool ...... .Jon. SO
Name For. Date
MKhtr Marlher
Jan. so
ter Jan. 3x
Steamships to Arrive
Due Todky
Nafo. Ttoaa. Date
Dae Tomorrow
Europ Narlea
Steamships to Leave
.Jan. l
.'c d'Abtuzil
fsstL ......
Jn sa
Jan gfl
Jan So
Jn M
Jan i
Ju 1u
Ja 4Q
aeriiirttt Officer Jtteseiited IneiM(
Switch Itepori Sitytf.
PAttig, JM. 2t Tli eirctittut.nnces
surtButulliiB the execution bf it. Odent
Mayor of Senlls, whoso shooting by thd
Germnni was described In tho billeltu
ntroclty report, Is explained lil a supple
itieliiary oltlclal Btrtlenienl inatle public.
M. Odetit, according to tho statement,
habitually kept his hands In his pockcls
ami often whistled mechanically when
preoccupied. Tho first Gormah otllccr
who went to tho Oily Hall making
requisitions formerly lived at Bcnlls, and
was known personally to tho Major, Ho
Ordered tho Major to lako his hands from
his pockets and to "show more respect
to a dermnti ofllccr," at which M. Odent
replied' "111 my eyes you aro not an
ofllccr, but n. traitor "
Tho olllcnr In revenge ordered tho shoot
ing of the Mayor
Torpedoes Fired by German
Undersea Craft in Battle
Cause of Injuries to Lion
and Meteor.
LONDON, Jan. 27.
Official admission by the Admiralty that
the British battle cruiser Lion, tho flag
ship of Vice Admiral Sir David Boatty,
had boen badlj' damaged In tho North
Sea battlo with tho Germans on Sunday,
iw well as tho torpodoboat destroyer Me
teor, was followed today by reports that
tho battlo cruiser had boen struck by
torpedoes fired from a German submarine.
Belief was also oxpressed that tho Me
teor, which had to bo towed Into port,
was disabled by a torpedo launched from
a submarine, which was co-operating with
tho underwator craft which attacked the
It Is known that Vlco Admiral Beatty
transferred his flag to tho Princess Royal
after tho Lion had boon holed beneath
tho water lino nnd somo of her forward
compartments had been flooded When
tho Lion reached port In tow of tho
cruiser Indomitable, sho was In a sinking
condition. Other ships of Vlco Admiral
Eealty s squadron had narrow cscapeB
fiom mines dropped by tho German men-of-war.
Tho work of repairing t'no Lion and
Meteor will bo commenced at once
Tho Lion boro the brunt of tho fighting
on the British side, 17 members of her
crew being wounded. Tho heaviest loss
of life on the British side occurred on
tho battle cruiser Tiger, nine men and
threo officers being killed In this ship.
Tho British lost 14 men In kilted nnd 29
High praise Is given to t'ne bravery of
tho crew of the German batllo cruiser
Bluecher, which was sunk. From the first
It was seen that tho Bluecher, because of
tho superior speed of tho English ships,
was doomed. However, her crew con
tinued to man tho guns to tho last, and
tho ship went down with colors flying.
Damago Inflicted to tho Lion Is believed
to havo given rise to the German report
that ono of the British warships had boen
Tho transfer of Vice Admiral Boatty to
tho Princess Royal toward the close of
the engagement was accompanied by an
Interesting Incident When tho British
commander climbed tipon tho deck he
found tho rail lined with crlmy, half
naked stokers nnd bluejackets, whose
faces were streaked with powder. Theso
men set up a cheer and shouted, "Well
done, David."
Russians Only 55 Miles From Provin
cial Capital.
Development of a new Russian offen
sive, nlmed at Koenlgsberg, capital of
Hast Prussia, on the Gulf of Danzig, wns
announced In an oltlclal statement today.
Russian forces operating In East Prus
sia northeast of Inbtcrburg attacked
along a line extending from Malwlshken
to Lasdehnen nnd were successful In
pushing back the Germans. The Russian
outposts now aro within 65 miles of
Koenlgsberg, nearly half the distance be
tween that great fortress and the Rus
sian frontier.
The advance upon Koenlgsberg Is being
made along the route of tho Northern
Railway Instead of by tho more direct
route that Ilea through Insterburg. The
Germans are offering stubborn resist
ance and are being reinforced.
Colonel Marltz Beaten Back In South
African Charge.
LONDON, Jan 27. Tho South African
rebe's under Colonel Marltz, who were
overwhelmingly defeated In a second at
tack on Uplngton yesterday, were dressed
In German uniforms, sajs a dispatch from
Iho force under Colonel Marltz, the
last of the rebels In the Union of South
Africa, made their escape Into German
territory after their defeat on October
27, and the attack on t'plngton. Just
across the border Into Rechuanaland, on
Monday, was their first aggressive move
ment since that time.
Csar Loses Heavily in Two Days'
Conflict Along Three Rivers.
. . VIENNA. Jan 27
Another victory over the Russians was
officially announced here today by the
Austrian General Staff.
In the valleys of the Ung, Latorcza and
Nagy-Ag the Russians have been forced
to evacuate Important heights after re
pulses of counter attacks In which the
Czar's troops lost heavily
Tha conflict along the three rivers has
been very violent for two days.
Grand Duke Nicholas Belnforced on
Jtight Bank of Vistula.
PBTRDGRAD. Jari ST -Reinforcements
are belnjf sent to the amiv of niami nnl
Nleholas, movlnB- along the right bank
of the Vistula to Invade Prussia near the
fwtrew ot Thorn. Only cutpost engage
ments are occurring In this region, the
skirmishing taking place around KiUolu
The Austrians have Increased their ac
tivity a'ong tha. ilne ol the . arpathtajj
Mountains lead nig southeast from the
Uultlm Pa., particularly at Jalutea and
Luk, but lv been repult.
!" "" I.' '.jmim --l- I
Reports from the war front assert that the Kaiser's forces intend to renew a general offensive in honor
of their liege lord's anniversary. The celebration in Germany and in the captured cities of Belgium
will beconfined to religious services.
In tho sector of Nleuport and of
Ypres artillery combats occurred yes
terday. A German flying machine
was destroyed within tho Hues ot tho
Belgian army.
Stories told by prisoners establish
tho fact that It wns not a batnlllon,
but a brigade, that attacked our
trenches to the east of Ypres on Janu
ary 25. Tho enemy lost In that affair
the effective force of a batalllon and
a half,
It Is confirmed that near L.i Bassee,
GUenchy and Culnchy the Germans
yesterday suffered a great check. On
tho road from La Bassee to Bethuno
nlono there wore found tho bodies of
six ofllcors and of 40(1 men. Tho total
losses of the Germans, therefore, cer
tainly represent an effective force of
two batallons at least.
From Lens to Selssons theie wero
artillery combats. In tho region of
Craonno we aro maintaining our posi
tions In tho trenches re-taken by us
In tho course of counter-attacks on
January 23.
In the region of Perthes, Hill No.
200, four violent attacks by tho enemy
were repulsed. In the Argonne, In the
region of St. Hubert, a German attack
was rolled back with the bayonet.
At St. Mlhlol wo destroyed tho now
pontoon bridges of the enemy on tho
Meuse. The day waB calm In Lor
raine and In the Vcsgcs.
In the Western theatre of war only
artillery dueis occurred at Nleuport
and Ypres yesterday. The enemy un
successfully nttempted to recapture
the positions at Culnchy. southwest of
Li Bassee, which wo tool; on Monday
His attack broke down our artillery
In tho battles on tho heights of Cra
onne, which wo reported yesterday, we
wero entirely successful. Tho French
wore driven out of their positions on
the heights west of Hncreuteferme
nnd cast of Hurtbelse, and were forced
back on the southern slope of the ele
vated country. Tho Saxon troops
stormed and took several points of
Biipport, extending over 1400 metres
(1500 yards). Eight hundred and 65
wounded Frenchmen and eight ma
chine guns were captured, together
with n depot for sappers and miners
and much other war material. (The
capture of these trenches was nd
nlltte,d yesterday by tho Paris War
We captured a French point of sup
port southeast ot St. Mlhlel. Tho
French counter attacks wero unsuc
cessful. In the Vosges deep snow la letardtug
our movements.
In the Eastern theatre of wnr a Rus
sian nttack northeast of Gumblnnen
made no progress. The enemy's losses
were heavy at certain plates. There
Is no change In Poland.
The Russians In East Prussia re
sumed tho offensive yesterday lit tho
region of Plllkallen and repulsed the
enemy to the line of Mallwlsohken
cnlv asellen (west and north of
The enemy's activity on tho Gallclan
front through Jaslowa, Uzsok, Lowe
recka and Maldank has Increased,
says the statement. Ills energetic of
fensive has been repelled, however,
1? a bJittle ln whlch we captured
three offlcers and about SOO men.
In the valleys of the Rivers Vne,
Latorcza and Nagy-Ag the enemy has
been forced to evacuate Important
heights after launching counter at
tacks. In which he lost heavily.
fiPlil ' , rSiik. 'mfepJlfi
iwA ra.tsii'iiis
Warm and Comfortable
YOUR house, if you lay in a supply ot
Famous Reading Anthracite NOW,
,A Tnifc rrstil irlxtiAc nfatira 1
r? ;"i a ?. :v? """"'
oiMujic, fv mu in your coai oin is sure
prevention against the coldest blasts of
Winter. Sold by all dealea. Slow bum
ing high grade most heat for the
The Philadelphia
Loal & Iron
ss ,MM-,..AVxAr.mrV .xw,Bjissssssa v
Big Dirigible Falls Into Sea
and Is Destroyed Crew
of Seven Captured by
Czar's Ships.
Tho destruction of a German Zeppelin
which bombarded Llbau on Monday and
tho capturo of tho dirigible's crow of
seven men, ueio olllclally announced by
the Russian War Ofllco today In the fol
lowing statement:
"A Germnn Zeppelin dropped nine
bombs on Llbau on Monday without do
ing any damage. Tho Zeppelin returned
to tho frontier, where she was shelled,
falling Into tho sea near Wlcrgen. Tho
Airship sank, but her crew of seven men
wero made prisoners of war."
According to details given out at tho
War Ofllco, the Germans on tho Zeppelin
put up a fight against capture, after their
balloon had fallon. The following ac
count of the Zeppelin raid and Its Igno
minious finish is compiled from tho of
ficial details:
Tho Zeppelin, which was numbered 19,
appeared at Llbau about 10 o'clock Mon
day morning. Artcr dropping several
bombs the airship turned toward tho
south, with tho evident intention of try
ing to get away. Tho ship was struck
by a shell from a Russian gun nnd fell
Into tho water about a mllo off shore. A
number of Russian vessels set out from
tho shore, llrlng ns they went. Theso on
board tho Zeppelin replied with rifles,
but the flro was of short duration. Tho
crew of tho Zeppelin, consisting of the
commander, threo other officers and the
sailors, surrendered. An attempt wds
mado to tow tho Zeppelin Inshore, but It
was Impossible, and accordingly the air
ship was sunk.
U. S. Envoy's Wife Distributes
Clothes to Needy.
BERLIN, Jan. 27. Among the Items
given out yesterday by tho ofllclal press
bureau wero the following:
Mrs James W. Gerard, wife of the
American Ambassador, has Inspected a
collection of toys and other gifts sent
from tho United States for German chil
dren. "Mrs. Gerard has further put at the
disposal of Berlin ladles a large amount
ol woolen clothing, also received from
tho United States for distribution In Ger
AMSTERDAM, Jan. 27. A dlspntch re
eelved here fiom Berlin says that the
hereditary Prince ot Brunswick, Infant
bon of the Duke of Brunswick, whose
vlte is the daughter of Emperor William,
In seriously 111 The child has been suf
fering from Inflammation of the ear, and
an operation was performed recently
&t ...It-1 ..i.
w? . v.wuui
& Reading
House iMm
a j 6lKra .
-. Jr - .
Berlin Admits Attack, But Says
Damage Wns Slight.
BERLIN, Jan. 27.
Ofllclal announcement wns made today
that tho German cruiser Gazelle wns tor
pedoed on January 25 nenr the Island of
Rugen In the Baltic Sea. Whllo tho
statement Issued by tho Admiralty does
not say so, It Is believed here thai tho
Gazello was nttecked by a Russian sub
marine or torpedo boat. The statement
"According to reliable Information, tho
small cruiser Gazelle waB torpedoed
January 25 near Rugen. It suffered slIiS
damago nnd has arrived at an eastern
sea harbor. There was no loss of life."
Tho Gazello Is a ship of 2645 tons and
carries a crew ot 261 men. ,
A Copenhagen dlBpatch yesterday
stated that tho Gazello was towed to
Saesnltz, Germany, after being torpedoed.
Berlin Allegations of Hopeless Insol
vency Officially Denied.
HAVRE, Jan. 17. Tho Belgian Govern
ment has issued n formal contradiction of
tho allegations of tho Wolff Agency, tho
official news bureau of tho German Gov
ernment, that tho Belgian flnntices aro lh
a hopeless condition.
The contradiction declares that from
the beginning of tho war all obligations
havo been met, nnd the paper of tho Bel
gian bank 1ms been kept at tho same uni
form value throughout,
I - JiiTrE chicago ' 1
NEW YORK to San Francisco time it had in it the ring of triumph,
in a fifteenth of a second! A For a triumph it is, a triumph of
few hours since, the voice of man. science; none greater has the past
for the first time in history, leaped generation witnessed
in a single bound from the Atlantic WJf.h. . ,. ... .... . A
to the racihe! Ihus have the
dreams of the early telephone pio
neers come true!
What a short time it seems since open to the public. This achieve-
Alexander Graham Bell heard the ment has involved the work of a
voice of hts assistant, Waton, come corps of 550 engineers and scientists;
feebly over two miles of xoire from improvements, great and small in
Cambridge to Boston. Within the every piece of telephone plant and
week, Dr. Bell's voice has answered apparatus; a vast expenditure of
thjtt same Watson's voice over 3100 money; all contributing to convey
miles of line from one coast to the other, the tiny voice impulses one seventh
Down swept that voice oyer the of the distance 'round the 8lobe
copper wires from New York through But it is a triumph in a greater
the outskirts of Philadelphia, Up arid sense. Back of and beneath it alt is
down over the Alleghenids into Pitts- the spirit of SERFICE, the observance
burgh and on past the windy city of of public need and the untiring, an-
Chicago, across the plains through swerving energy whick'has its focus on
Omaha and up over the snow-capped the achievement of the tiqmted end
peaks to Denver, Then on, swifter despite all seeming impossibilities.
than light to Salt Lake City and out a- .. ,.lf. D,C , M
across the foothills of the lCockies to h Th.at the spirit ofthe Bell System
the Golden Ga.te City of the Pacific ! organization, which justifies the gen;
J etoua measure of confidence and
That voice of forty years ago reliance that has been placed upon
Was anxious and hesitant, Thi8 it by the American people.
27, lOlg.
Explosives jound OUtelde Zone of
Fola Dase,
rtoMB, iah. 11. As the reuult of nn Ih
vcstlgatlon of tho sinking of the Italian
steamship Varcso off VoXa. by n BUbmht-
Itia rnlhd the Italian Foreign OfTlco lids
ledtned Hint ilie mine wah outside of
territorial waters arid tho ciUrse fol
lowed fay steamships going to Venice. Ho
sldea this the Austrian torpedoboats hear
at htthd did hot Mtfchipt to rescue tile
crew of the VAresb.
Italy now demands the Immediate re
moval of beds of mines off fola and
threatens to send ships to sweep up the
mltits If the tcmbVttl la delayed,
HEItLIN, Jan. 2T. 1'rlneo Joachim,
joutigest son of Kmperor William, has
been unable to start his convalescent
leave, as recently planned, as ho has
been affected with n high fover for
soveral days.
Kaiser Wilhelrn Is 56
Years Old Today, the
"Most Talked of Ruler in
BERLIN, Jan. 27. in commemoration
ot his Mth birthday, Emperor William
today granted general amnesty to hun
dreds of offenders ngnlnst military and
disciplinary rules since tho outbreak of
tho war.
Emperor William II has tho distinction
today, as ho' celebrates Ills birthday, of
bolng the central figure in the war.
This man of whom every ono Is talking
was borri on January 27, 1S59. Ills rather
was Frederick III; his mother, tho
Princess Victoria of Orent Britain. When
his father died on Juno 15, 18S8, after
n short reign, tho present Empcior suc
ceeded to the throno. Ho married
Princess Victoria of Bchleswlg Holsteln,
who Is throe months older than he, on
February 27, 1881. They havo seven chil
dren, six princes and ono princess.
William II Is a many-eldod man. With
a capacity for hdrd work and long hours
combined with a mind quick to grasp es
sentials ho would havo succeeded In al
most any business or profession. As nn
emperor it Is for the future historian
to say whether ho Is a success or a
fnlluie. Until tho war broke out, at
least, he was thoroughly ln love with
his work and nroso at G o'clock ln the
morning In order to do as much as pos
sible. "Wo Ilohcnzollerns know nothing
about dressing gowns," Is a saying of
Ho Is ft prodigious reador nnd oh his
table may bo found Amerlcari, British
nnd French mdgazlnca and newspapers
as well as German. His favorite books
aro those denllng with history and
economics For recreation ho reads Latin
and Greek poetry, Hornco and Homer
being his favoiltes.
It Is ln the rDle of tho military man
that William It will be remembered
longest, and his birthday today sees him
engaged lh a struggle which Is tho cli
max of that training which began with
his boyhood days when ho was given a
miniature frigate, the Royal Lulse, with
which ho might play, Since that time
ho has reviewed trobps, sUporvlsed ma
neuvres, studied tabtlcs and encouraged
military and naval efficiency on the
ground that Mio best preparation for
peace Is to prepare for war. His many
portraits show him almost Invariably In
Timlin a auuu mug, wucu utu
final tests and adjustments have
been made, the gateways of this
miehtV wire snatl will be thrown
Bell Telephone Company
of Pennsylvania
No Peace Unlil Enemy h
Crushed, Foreign Mirml.,
Tells Duma Corrimlllii!
finances Godd.
PETROORAD. Jah. ... -..
ment Btdnds for tt,a scrnpulou ru&' '
ot the Emperor's manifesto. U.. ? m inl '
day war was declared, that so w7iti
lhIo soldier of the enemy riZli i -tl
peco will Dd CdriellisJ hi
In fhun nnM. b..-i ... ... unc'udtd." 1
al.nFote.gnMllsreV.Tar .
Wrtys rtlld Means Committee of h, f,,. . '
yesterday, answered inTltlcs Ufe4
by leading members of I :h8 DmLiMXSl,
IlKlUlrlea wero suggested by thTd.l?y,
nation said tb have been rcach.J ?OT;
aeHrm,nV nc4clietaff that all territwJ't h
dened by German blood" ami ! ' .
Pled by Germany should bfnuSStf'
The committee meeting una hr.RilM '
to tho opening sessions of ' lh ffl?1?
tho State on January 30 and I of tM M
on February 9. or th8 w
"As to tho evacuation of tha cnWt
territory, we are bound by ??.
wWi our Allies," m SiunnoK ton & '
The words of tho manifesto mutt net ft l
limited to Russian territory olb t
No explanation was made' of tin r,
clgn Minister's reforenco to "the -S.5J"
territory," hut It Is regarded hi a & j
once to Galleln wltich.iffiow S
territory. Is characterized hero i!i '
Inhabited by "Little Russians." b"rt ;
M. SazanofT said that Great tlrll.U 5
was bearing conscientiously thfe thmln '4
. 1 ho Assistant Minister of War said th.. j
Russian manliractuiers were moethVi AI j
sfactorlly fill the demands UpTn Mfc
tho Government, and that the arm, Zlf '
clently W"S S mnlntl,ln5l Mil-
Plerro Khrtrltonov, Secretary of skli
nrtd at present Acting Premier sum ih.J
tho .financial condition of the coontlVi1
good. It was Intimated that an . t3
connections between the two countries.
Heavy Artillery Wrecks Huge PttcJ
Near Bethune.
ST. OMER, France, Jan. 27. Thl
heavy artillery of tho British hk, d.
stroyed an enormous gun which the 0r.
mans wero placing on a hill nbout a ml a
behind their first line of trenches and
about two miles from Fcatubert, with
the object of silencing tho English how.
ltzcrs and bombarding Bethune
The position of the blgTgun was marMri
by n British aviator, and tho fourth itieli
from tho British guns demolished It Thi
British gunners then directed their flrj
u u. kiuuii ui uerman artillerymen n
gaged in placing a similar gun b. -hilla
luriner uomnu, scattering them with i i
few well-timed Shells. They also smdshed S
three pumps brought up by the GermahS 1
to emntv writer out rt thoit. ami.a ."
Bombard City as Adjunct to Mllltarf
Thirty persons wero killed nnt tn In.
Jured in a bombardment of Klelco br 5
Austro-IIungarian flying machines. J
Tho air fleet ncted ln conjunction jtlth I
mo miiunry assault on tlio fjputh Poland
cuy, wmen accorumg to Cracow ait
patches has, again beon occupied by thi
AUBiro-uermnn rorccs i
Recapture of this most important rail
road centre northeast of Cracow marM
tho Initiation of a new offensive by the
Gorman nnd Austrian columns ehglgedla
tno invasion or southern Poland.