Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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    r-W" jumnjm1-
Tf--T --, t4"isspai"
No Strings on Millions Dis
tributed by Foundation,
Oil Magnate's Son Tells
m. Probers.
M i i
NEW YOltK, Jnn. 27. Positive denial
Ail John D. Itockcfeller nnd tlio In
lllcrests he represents nre "poisoning edu
ction at the goitrco" wns made by John
n. Rockefeller, Jr., today.
f lie told the Federal Industrial Rela
tions Commission that tlio general cduca
tion't'onrd did not attempt to influence
'educational institutions aided by It as to
that they should leach, or In nny wny
'(Impress any policy on them Ho cm
ptntlcally defended the Rockefeller
roandatlon from tho charge that It
plght become a menace to liberalism or
Democratic Institutions. It wns nlnayi
(rJbjtct to public opinion, he declared,
Hid public opinion would force lcglslatlvt
fcurbinff to It unless It proved beneficial
to American Institutions.
f . . ..
Dealing directly with tho Colorado Tuet
nd Iron Company, Rockefeller Insisted
that It returned very llttlo on the capital
The suggestion that capital receives 00
Kr cent, and labor only 10 per cent, of
J' tho product of labor has a familiar
f sound, but Is a fallacy," ho said.
S Tho gross receipts of tho C. P. I. from
i a 1. 1A1I n,- 91irWIVin Tin ........nit
IfM IU " t.iU T...,vwW,, iio uiuu
Mi 2,000,000. In Interest on debt, divi
dends and reserve fund It paid out J24,
(000O0. Tho remainder went In taxes,
'materials, betterments, etc. This shows
that for every dollar earned 33 cents was
pild out for labor and nlno and n frac
tion to capital for Its Investment.
"And that hold gool In many other In
quiries." ho continued. "Yet I believe
F that a man Is worthy of the highest
wages possible to pay, nnd bellevo ln-
dostrles that cannot support their em-
J plojes In comfort sliouia not exist."
wlien Rockefeller appeared In the henr
t lng room today he was entirely without
! eltort of detectives or guards. He was
. received with smiles by tho crowd of
f'inen and women penned In the front
Tieati, most of whom wero Socialist and
L W. W. leaders.
1 While waiting to be called as a wlt-
i' sees, Mrs. Bella Newman Sllberman, of
If Brooklyn, who was arrested for conduct
fy lag the Upton Sinclair mourning parade
J down Broadway a year ago, stopped him.
S "We Socialists regret class feeling Just
is much as you do." said Mrs. Sllber-
f man, holding Rockefeller's hnnd. "We
y ate hopeful better days between capital
r ttd labor are In sight Labor must have
j; 1U dues. Yet It Is entirely possible that
J tie result may be attained by compro-
B mlie."
t This last statement was resented by
T Mrs. Gertrude Well Klein, a New York
Socialist organizer, who had listened to
the conversation and declared sugges
tions of compromise had no place In
While the women nrgued. Rockefeller
turned to Mnckenzlo King, former Cana
dian Minister of Labor, but now chief
Investigator of the causes and cures ot
Industrial unrest for tho Rockefeller
Foundations, nnd remarked:
"You see that It still Is a many-sided
question "
Later King nndiMrs. Sllberman had n
felons talk on labor conditions nnd King
declared his willingness to listen to
'ttry one who might have a remedy to
Itisrseat for Industrial unrest which will
blM ftiA TTr,.lfnfalln. Tim,n,l n t tnn In ltl
E- During tho afternoon recess. Rockefeller
Ei&aln discussed with "Mother" Jones the
general Colorado situation. As a result,
he will lslt the coal fields there In the
aear future, accompanied by the veteran
M labor agitator.
B "The commission Is interfering with our
Vftmnj1 tn T h.llmrA -n,& oVinl.ln frat
Ltogether," Rockefeller Bald. "We nre
leeking the same ends, and I bellevo
noma bury the hntchet."
; we can agree, said the aged woman.
"And If you will see the problem as you
Jo capable, you can easily .become the
tlfgeot man In Industry In the United
.ttatu. The trouble has been that up to
the present few leaders In the Industrial
orld have been broad-minded enough to
realise their duty."
f"Tut. tut, you flatter me," protested
I am more accustomed to throwing?
glut you seem on the level In this, and
ry worker should be willing to help
7QV, as your success means the dawning
me new day for tho hosts of labor."
K' Walsh read a statement made by
"resident Jacob Gould Echurman. of
pwnell, In which he declared the powers
HK the foundation were wider and
JrMder than even the United States it-
gyi, and demanded whether the witness
tireed with this claim.
,"1 do not," explained Rockefeller, "We
,t limited by the expressions of our
'rtarter, while Mr, Schurman declares the
foundation is co-extenslve with civiliza
tion," -
I Rockefeller AmtmnAmA Ihn PVinnriAtlnn'H
"tht to 'Circulate propaganda for any
Ja H might have to end Industrial un
est. Walsh demanded how Rockefeller
,ww the line between his roles of dis
poser of money for philanthropic work
184 as a rilrAtni nt th fttfnrndn Fuel
and Trn r- .
' Ton seeni to be assuming that men
n industry cannot have other n
wests," Rockefeller complained. "I
JMnk there are many thousands of men
j this country who can bo trusted to
"Mar fair justice under any clrcum
Jne total Income of the foundation last
?r was ts.15'761.61. Of this, amount
IRWiOOO was devoted to Rockefeller phll-
(Wthroplo work,, -which waa taken over
r the foundation.
,'lnally Garretson demanded!
Lf there not a danger that a founda-
s wi inisj character eventually may
a menace tp liberallsmr
re might be such a danger," said
llneSX. fl1thnt,ffh van, MtrnMa Vt
ve public opinion 1 the great iafe-
v or snpuid such a foundation toe
10 prove b. menace, tfaa leftLilativa
EiSS "'' M " Da A t
eut of eaistuc.M
Loses Plea for Inquiry Into His
Snnlty Jerome Removed From Case.
NEW YOnK, Jnn. 27.-Harry K. Thaw
was defeated again today In his long
series of legal combats nlth theVuthorl
tles of Now York Stnte. Supreme Court
Jutitlce Vernon M. Davis denied Thaw's
Plea that ho be committed to Ucllevuo
Hospital for examination ai to his Bnnlly,
nnd ordered him to plead to nn Indict
ment charging conspiracy In connection
with his escape from Matteawan
Thaw took his defeat calmly nnd, stand
ing before Justice Dals, said:
"Not guilty."
Tho court then set Tcbrunry a as the
date for tho beginning of the trlul nnd
committed Thaw to the Tombs pending
the trial.
This n? a small point for Thaw, ho
nnd his attorneys deslrlhg thnt he bo
held In tho Tombs pending the trlnt
rather than that ho be sent back to
Mntteawnn Immediately.
The trial will be conducted before Jus
tice Rartow S. Weeks In tho criminal
branch ot the Supreme Court.
Tho decision of Justice Davis apparent
ly cniiscd no surprise to John II. Stanch
field, chief counsel for Thaw, or to Deputy
Attorney General Kennedy. Tho latter
snld nfter tho brief proceedings ended
that he would make no effort to have
Thaw sent back to Matteawan while
awaiting trial He also sold ho nould
not nsk for a commission to Inquire Into
Thaw's sanity.
Mr. Kennedy hns replaced William
Travcrs Jerome as counsel for the State
In tho proceedings against Thnw Tho
lattcr's friends express great satisfaction
over tho removal of the "Nemesis" of
Stanford White's slayer and predict thnt
It moans speedy liberty for Thnw. At
torney General Woodbury In eliminating
Jerome from the case said ho did not
feel warranted In employing special coun
sel, while Jerome Is said to havo hinted
that ho was tired of bearing Insults "for
doing his duty."
Belgian Fiddler Stirs German Sailors
Outside Sons of Italy Home.
Pathos mingled with humor nt tho 7th
and Cnrpentcr Btrccts station today when
Magistrate Coward was called upon to
pass Judgment on two German Bailors,
several Italians nnd a 15-jenr-old Bel
gian refugee, all of whom wero nrrestod
In connection with a cosmopolitan fight
In front of the homo of the Sons of Italy
nt 22 Beck street. The Belgian lad's
name Is Charles StolnowItz. Ho said
tho other members of his family wero
killed by a Gorman bomb when his homo
In Llego was bombarded, and won the
sympathy of everybody In the station
house. The mnglstralo started n, collec
tion for him.
Since being driven out of his own coun
try oung Stoylnowltz has managed to
eko out a living by playing his violin.
He picked out tho Beck street house,
whero a blrthdny party was In progress,
tj flddlo the Belgian national air, and this
attracted the Germans about the same
time that the Italians began to look for
tho violinist.
When the police nrrlved the Germans,
who said they were Ludwlg Otto and
Otto Lemsch, on shore leave from the
Rlchea nt Christian street wharf In
honor of the Kaiser's birthday, were
holding their own nga)nst Italy, thus
unofllclally brought Into the war.
Most of Stoylnowltz's story was lost on
the Germans nnd Itnllnns so that all
hands wero dumbstruck when the mag
istrate said thev wero free to go. They
were further surprised when they saw
tho "Judge" hand tho young Belgian a
dollar while the policemen present fol
lowed suit with small sums.
HubIc Lovers Commemorate Mozart's
Music lovers throughout the city today
nre observing the IfJth birthday anniver
sary of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, ono
of the most popular of composers. As a
performer the noted musician was a
child prodigy, but he Is remembered and
esteemed more for his compositions, which
havo made him one of the greatest favor
ites of all those who are fond of good
Mnzart was born In Salzburg, Austria,
but has generally been regarded as a Ger
man composer. In Germany a child's edu
cation Is not considered to bo complete
without hearing a rendition of his "Mngle
Flute." "Tho Marriage of Figaro" Is one
of the most favored of his operas. "Don
Giovanni" hns been pronounced by some
critics to be the greatest opera ever writ
ten Mozart's symphonies and string quartets
aro splendid examples of tho classic
American War Correspondent Goes to
Berlin Hospital.
DERLIN, Jan. 27, James Creelman,
American wnr correspondent, Is seriously
III here He was removed to a hospital
today, where It was said he was suffer
ing from heart trouble and Brlght's dis
ELKTON, iMd., Jan. 27. The following
marriages took placo In Elkton this
Alfred Adler nnd Edith Winning, James
B. Uhomas and Laura P. Brown, Charles
O. Nazzarlnl and Estella Llpplncott,
Frederick W. Rlesser and Ella M Ewlng,
Dlmitrl Petrow and Anna Slmpklna and
Nelson Yocum and Mollis Cunningham,
all of Philadelphia; Arthur R. Atkinson,
Hordentown, and Sarah R. Williams,
North East. Md.
Earl K. Johnson, 1810 Caroao st., and Mar
garet F. Brown. 1810 Camao at.
-Edward McAlee, 1.101 S. 4Mh St., and H'len V.
Kelly, 1501 3 40th t
Harry Harris. 3.2tl Fontaln at., and Lena
Wolfe, Shenandoah, I'a.
John J. Duller. 1223 Mascher at., and Mary
E. aatlty. Veii Maacher at
Frank C. Meier. Jr . 145 W, Cumberland t
and Viola M. Oarfrey, 3728 N. 8th it.
SlaniBlaw Suhvak. OS I Marvlne at., and Anna
Wolls, 081 Marvlne it. .
Yladyalaw Donckqwakl, 2R38 Salmon it , and
Maryanna Uoderacka, 283S Salmon at.
Joseph Jiamoaka. 1310 8 Hancock St., and
Caroline Kutavlclute. 1J16 S Hancock t.
Mattlui Skurakl. 810 St. James it . and
Stanlslatta glpolaka, 3210 St James at.
Kailmltrs Luka.ilcwlel, 1021 Brandywlne at.,
andl Stanlalawa Mlcklewlcx, HIT Urandy-
Patrick J. MoDrlda. 2012 Ann at., and Elisa
beth W. Hlnderer. 2i!0 Mutter at.
Caalmlr Ilacbas. BU Cypresi at., and Anna
Bukajwkute, 611 Cypresi at
Jamei If ali. 1003 N. 8th at., and Carrie
K. Miller. 3JM' B at
J. J, Iloaenherr, 31st and Norrls all , and
Clara D. HOeenberf, 1SU3 South at.
Charles Kaellv. IC8 W. Tfcompion . and
Mabel V. Collins, 1K0 N. 7th at
Stanlalaw Plelnlua, 024 Melon it., and Fctro
nela Vencbunai, 024 Melon at ,
Abraham fcevy. 2207 N 18th at, and Clara
Ileanlrk. 23SO W. Harold at
Alexander Lockley. 1&14 S. Uancroft at., and
Ophelia noblown. 81 Armatt it.
Frederick Kuehnlln. 124U Doer at , and Olga
K Bock. IMP N lUndolpft at
Henry A. Kllnilne, tK,0 N 7th at., and Eliza
beth B qoleroan, 141 E. Wellen'a ave.
Harry Wolf. 427 Dickinson .. and BeckU
Newman, 003 S ttu it
Thl following- divorcei were granted today
by Court of Ctomrqon Pleas No. 1:
Marion H Wld from W Wealey Bald,
Harry Bonn from Row Soao.
Flndlar J, Foatlea from Eunice D. Poatles.
Wllhelmloa a", SUnonla from Henry II. Slmo-
Elisabeth O Miller from William Miller
Boil B1at from Jacob Blatt
MtBnl Davidson from William C. Bavldaon.
Harriet. V Hatcher from Charles) T Hatcher
Besala ft. Le-Jllo from WILIam a LeJlle.
May Masker froai Erucat G Mwker.
Independent Republican,
Washington and Demo
cratic Leaders Denounce It
as Political Trick.
Forceful statements In opposition to tho
plan of the Organization leaders to crlp
plo tho power of Independent voters hold
ing tho balance of power by malting
fusion tmposslblo wero mado today by
representatives of thrco distinct parties.
George Wcntworth Carr, Independent Re
publican; State Representative T. Henry
Walnut, Washington party, and Robert
5. Bright, Reorganization Democratic
leader, united In denouncing the plan to
kill fusion.
A bill la to be Introduced In tho near
futuro to end fusion absolutely. To do
this it will bo necesnary to change the
election and primary laws, but organiza
tion leaders are said deliberately to have
planned that step to prevent fusion In
the mayoralty campaign In this city next
fait nnd also to ennblo them to keep con
trol of tho Gubernatorial situation. Un
der the tcrmB of the bill to bo Introduced
no candidate for nny odlco could hold
more than ono nomination.
Mr. Bright said.
"This Is merely nnothor attempt of the
politicians to tie the hands of the people.
Politicians nnd election lnws passed by
them now t'nwnrt tho peoplo at every
move they make for free expression of
their will. As tho people Bet on to ono
sot of election laws passed by tho poli
ticians, tho politicians sot up nnother set,
nnd as tho politicians work at the game
every day nnd the peoplo only now and
then, tho politicians havo been beating
the people out. It reminds me of a con
teat thut has been going on between tho
projectile nnd armor plate makers; pro
jectiles have increased In force as armor
plate has been Increased In resistance.
As t'ne peoplo show more and more In
terest In politics the politicians have to
resort to more ncute and rawer methods
of resisting them.
"In the last fusion campaign in Phila
delphia the Republican machine won by
only about 23,000 votes.
"This was uncomfortably close for the
politicians, hence the bills now appear
ing at Hnrrlsburg In that campntgn 80.000
citizens would not register and 43.00H
would not voto after they did register
Thoso 123,000 citizens would havo elected
the entire ticket, as Mr. Rotan had the
winning ticket nnd he only got about
112,000 votes Thus these bills show that
the politicians never know when those
123,000 citizens are going to wnko up."
Mr. Carr, who was the defented candi
date for District Attorney on the fusion
ticket In 1813, said:
"Senators McNlchol and Vare cannot be
acting In good faith when they would
prevent fusion, for they themselves have
often been candidates on the KeyBtone
and Pcnn tickets, besides running as Re
publicans. This Is not n question of pub
lic policies; It Is a selfish object they
would attain. Tho Republican party In
Pennsylvania has not shown a progres
siva tendency. It has always tried to
change the election laws for Its own ad
vantage." "This Is purely a political move. At
ocry session of the Legislature the Or
ganization rearranges the election laws
In order to overcome any advantage that
may havo been gained by tho other par
ties at the previous election The Or
ganization plajB the game with loaded
dice. That Is what this move looks liko
ti me"
Mr. Walnut said:
"1 have reason to believe that this
measure will prove to be unconstitutional
The men who control the machinery of
tho Republican party are seeking to
tie up all who are In the party. At tho
last session of the Legislature Senators
McNIchol and J. K, P. Hall tried to
amend the primary law so that fusion
would be prevented. This amendment
was rejected, however, by the House, I
see In this attempt on the part of the
Organization to tie up the next mayoralty
election In their own favor In some
States It has been held that a restriction
of fusion was constitutional on the ground
that the Legislature which empowers the
printing ot ballots had the right to say
on how many ballots any one man might
"Hon ever, I think that a bill such as
this proposed might be well contested on
the ground of unconstitutionality,,"
N. W. Cor. 13th and Cherry Streets
Light four slides, 95 window area.
Lowest insurance rate; sprinkled risk.
Fastest elevators day .and night.
Maple flooring throughout.
Mail chutes on every floor.
Most modern heating system,
Land Title Building
Boys and girls of the East Baptist Church, on Columbia avenue, listening to Miss Alice Gamlin, of
U. C.J.'a BfafT f)r ttl,- nlntfnrm until ti.r 0 Mra T? TalVffillnn In tk. pant,. t 4li T?.t. i"1
Depftrtmeiit of Labor Opens Branches
for Purpose.
WASHINGTON, Jnn. 27, For the first
time In history, Uncle Sam today was
operating n real national employment
bureau. In the larger cities, where Job
less men want work or menloss Jobs
want workers, the Department of Labor
this forenoon opened branches to con
nect the two.
Aiding this department wero the De
portments of Agriculture and the Post
ofllce. Uncle Sam, however, does not guar
antee to satisfy all comers. He will
make careful selection and discard the
wrecks of humanity. Ho does propose,
however, to give real aid to the deserv
ing. And with business reviving as fre
quent reports show, tho Government ex
pects to be of vast sorvlce to both em
ployer and employe.
Later the bureau will be used to aid In
the back-to-tho-land movement, and In
assisting police departments In making
a census of the idle.
Blood of Hooked Fish Causes Wild
PALM BEACH, Fla., Jan. 27. Ten large
sharks charged a small boat In which
John D. Crlmmlns and two Negroes were
fishing Ave miles oft shore. Mr. Crlm
mlns, a veteran fisherman, had hooked
a shark and his helpers were trying to
kill tho big fish with gaffs. It was about
10 feet long.
The gaffs drew blood, of course, and
tho other sharks, which had been seen
following at about 30 yards distance,
rushed at the boat.
The Negroos grabbed their rifles nnd
at short range pumped No. 32 shells Into
tho fish More than 20 shots were fired
In the two minutes the scrimmage laBted.
The boat was almost capsized with blows
the fish that reached It struck with their
They Make Futile Attempt to Bob n
The police believe amateur cracksmen
wero .esponslble for a robbery discov
ered today when employes opened the
offices of Louts Hllleman, n soft-drink
manufacturer, at 412-H North Orlanna
street, The robbers used what tools they
found lying about the place, broke the
combination of ono safe that had been
left open, but were unable to force a
smaller ono containing a, small sum of
This Is the second time within the last
three years the small safe nt the. place
has resisted the efforts of jeggmen An
explosion failed to harm It on the pre
vious burglary, and the Intruders who
tried to force It last night with ordinary
carpenter tools found the Job Impossible
The burglars, according to the police
of the 3d street and Falrmount avenue
station, were not professionals and got
nothing for their crime. They left no
clues behind, but the police expect to
make a capture today.
Soldiers Have Narrow Escape at
Fort Standlsh.
BOSTON, Jan. 27. A detail of men nar
,ai1v MPflnird death earlv todav when tha
hnrfaric at Fort Standlsh. on Lovell's
Island, were destroyed by Are.
several soiuicrp, uvcrcuma uy smoue,
were dragged from their cots to safety
. .. (Via nafrlinn mas nwaVsnarl kii
BOUII UltCI iw bMiti unHnniicu uj
the boom of one of the gun at Fort
H. Woolston, pastor of the church.
Canvassing for Subscriptions
Not So Difficult for Those
Employing Common-sense
Participants In the contest of the Even
ing Ledger and Public Ledoeh working
to get Into the list of 60 men and women
who will bo Bent on the free trip to tho
Panama-Pacific and San Diego Exposi
tions are finding that it often pays to
return to prospective subscribers who do
not nlvo their subscriptions wncn first
They are also finding It much easier
to get a subscription from a man or
woman who' Is not hurried nnd who has
time to listen while the contestant points
out the unusually good features of the
two newspapers. Accordingly, many of
tho contestants, when they Islt a homo
and find tho householder busy, make an
appointment for some other time.
This plan, t'ney report. Is working ad
mirably. It Is onto" necessary to uso a
little tact -and even the most difficult
pcrspns to canvass may become sub
scribers. Some contestants have found
persons who were not Interested In the
reward of a freo trip to the coast to be
paid to the winning contestants, but who
were willing to listen to the rccitnl of
reasons why the Evenino LEDOEn and
Public Lfdcieii should be In any home
where It Js desired to keep posted on tho
news of the day, local, national nnd
It Is a good Idea not to bear too strong
ly on the contest question with this type
of subscribers Of course, most persons
are Interested in such an unusual proposi
tion, but fiiat really Is no concern of the
subscribers, and unless you think they
wilt bo Interested It Is often unnecessary
to say anything about the freo trip to the
coast There are bo many of what ex
pert canvassers describe as "talking
points" about both papers that contest
ants, as a rule, are (hiding It most con
genial work to get subscriptions You
may enter the contest, If you have not
already done so, by sending In your name
to the Contest Editor on the blank pro
vided In the advertisement
Lnncnster Mnn Accused of Theft
LANCASTER. Pa , Jan. 27.-Samuel C.
Lentz, bookkeeper for the Rodda Candy
Companj. has been arrested and held
for a hearing on the chnrge of embezzling
U200 from the company.
sH iTni'i-n t
Of tlie Better Kind
Will you come In today to see
this beautifully caived Adam
Jiedroom Suite' Tliero nr four
pieces; lied, bureau, chiffonier
uml triple-glass Toilet Table
All of them are finely made, ns
durable and worthy as they are
artistic. In mahogany this set
Is priced here, at $55 In wal
nut $100 If M)U will compare
with similar offerings elsewhere,
)OU Will Hud these prices 40 So
Jess than others ask. even where
"Bales" aro being held. Our dis
play of Imported Furniture Is
also worth seeing
E. S. Eldredge
Jformerly With John TVanamaktr
' 1015-101 7 Filbert St.
Comoltdated Fumltun Janu
acturerf, nc.
u w
, r J
Bill Would Abolish "Barbarous Form
of Punishment."
DOVER, Del , Jan. 27. Delaware's
whipping post, on which criminals have
been lnshcd since slavo days, again hnngs
In tho balance A bill for Its nbolltlon
was Introduced In the House today. Pris
oners aro now only lashed at the New
Castla County Workhouse, offenders sen
tenced In tho Kent and Sussex County
Courts being sent there for punishment.
Mr. Downwnrd's measure characterizes
tho post as n barbarous form of punish
ment nnd ho contends that Its use has
held Delaware open to rebuke the coun
try over Tho bill wns accompanied by a
petition from George V. Miller, of Wil
mington, who drafted It.
An nntl-bottlo bill, aimed to curb Wil
mington retailers, was Introduced In tho
Senate by Senator Harris It prohlRts
tho carrying of liquor In any quantity
from a retailer's premises. Another bill
prescribes that fishermen may use two
Inch mesh nets In fishing In Delaware bay
and river.
Opposes Pennsylvania Democrats'
Choice for $5000 Post.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. A deadlock la
on between the Democratic organization
of Pennsylvania and Secretary of State
Brnn over the appointment of a sur
vejor of the port for Pittsburgh, a $5000
Representative A. Mitchell Palmer, with
the approval of State Chairman Morris
and other leading Democrats, has Indorsed
George W. Deeds, of Westmoreland
County, for the place. Secretary Bryan
has Indorsed George W. Acklln, of Pitts
burgh, for the Job, and the appointment
is hanging- fire.
Meanwhile, M. M. Garland, the Incum
bent, who has been elected to Congress
nnd will vacate the oftlco this spring If
there Is an extra session of Congress,
is waiting for his successor to qualify.
Mr. Deeds has strong backing for the
place Mr Acklln Is one of Bryan's
stancheBt supporters In western Penn
sslvanla and was loal to him when the
Nebraskan needed friends.
Xad Shoots His Tormentor
NORRISTOWN, Pa., Jan. 27 "Sore be
cause he was twitted" after losing money
at a pool game at Harleysvllle, Isaac
Blank, 15 ears old, shot Horaco Lat
shaw, his tormentor. In the back, Inflict
ing a serious wound. Blank was lodged
In tho Norristown Jail this morning.
A fountain of bub- m,
bling delicious- p
ness. Juice of his- p
cious white Niag- p
ara grapes, grape p
fruit and ginger, p
Hisses .- m
A Non-alcoholic Champagne wa
A new beverage. A new
flavor. Brimful with
exhilaration, healthful
ness and good cheer.
No ill effects. Pure,
safe and soothing.
Served at the Riu-Carlton,
Bellevue-Stratford, Adelphia,
Waldorf-Astoria, Martha
Washington and equally
orominent hotels, and at tha
lesding clubs. Sold by goodl
grocer. We will send sam
ple bottle for 10c and your
grocers name.
esfu,Fwiizi, Xci.uu.ruku.
Missing Secretary of Loan
Association Supposed to
Have Fled There to Es
cape Warrant.
(raou A inrr coisrO!nHT,
WILMINGTON, Del , Jnn. 27, Jacob
Kelsler, the Philadelphia Building and
Loan Association secretary, who Is want
ed on a warrant charging forgery and
embezzlement. Is believed to bs In hiding
in this city. A mnn who displayed n large
amount of money and nmwered Kelsler's
description was seen flvo days ago at
Miller's loan orflce on North Market
Tho loan offlco Is located In the midst
of the foreign quarter, nnd It Is believed
the miming secretary, who Is accused of
having robbed the poor of South Phila
delphia, thoso who worked In tho sweat
shops, has sought refuge among friends
In Wilmington. At the present time the
local police have not manifested any In
terest In the case, duo to the fact that
their aid has not been requested by the
Philadelphia authorities
Herman Miller, one of the owners of
tha loan office, snld nbout five days ago
n middle-aged man of medium height and
build entered the olllco and asked to ba
directed to n lodging house for tho night
In the Jewish section of the city. He
dlsplnyed large sums ot money and said
he had come from Philadelphia. When
asked his name, said Miller, the man hesi
tated a moment nnd nnswered Jncob
Had he substituted a "K" for tho "M"
It would have been Kelsler.
Miller said he sent the mnn to a board
ing house on 2d street. The followlntr
day tho landlady nppcared at tho loan of
flco nnd snld the man did not caro to re
main. That Is the last seen of him In Wil
mington It Is said the man ware two
coats, the outer ono being rather shabby,
but nn undercoat is said to have looked
new. Ho had several daa' growth of
Chief of Police George Dlack said that
unless ho la asked to make a search of
this city by tho Philadelphia police he
will not take a hand In tho capturo of
Kelsler. Ho said there were numerous
places In this city where a man might
easily hide and escape capture.
In the foreign quarter of the city all
knowledge of the case was denied. It Is
possible, however, that Kelsler might
easily hide there while his friends In
Philadelphia are effecting a compromise
among his many creditors. This, It is
believed, la being attempted. It Is hardly
thought probable that Kelsler, even
though well supplied with money, would
expose himself to capture by registering
at a larpo hotel, even under an assumed
name, which would be the first source
of Investigation should the Wilmington
police decide to take a hand.
Institutions Provided for "Wills Ad
mitted to Probate.
Robert Johnston, who died at 1733 Ox
ford street, January 19, left most of his
estate of (140,000 to his brothers and
sisters. v
His will, admitted to probate today, di
rects that the shares for his sister, Chris
tiana Johnston, and his brother, Jacob S.
Johnston, be held In trust, and after their
deaths be distributed equally among th
Old Men's Home, the Old Ladles' Home,
Philadelphia Homo for Infants. Church
Homo for Children and the Children's
Hospital, 2Id street below Walnut
Other wills probated wero those of Dr.
Isaac Leopold, H2S North Broad street,
whose S0,O0O estate Is distributed in pri
vate bequests, Susan C. Alllbone, 4051
Chestnut street, J21.C00; Ernest C. Hunt,
southeast corner 7th and York streets,
J4800; Itoeco Vlnelll, 728 Fltzwater street.
$?100; John Woodburn, 3626 Market street.
Personal property of Caroline B. Lynch
has been appraised at J1MW.62; William
C. Bolivar. I65C5 6S; Emma It. Moyer,
J4633.33; A. V. It. Throckmorton, J3M0; Bo
senla Uauman, I29S3SS; Emma V. Lewie,
12033 48; Elizabeth D. Peeler, 12019.66.
This Week Only!
$10 and $12 for $20, $18,
$15 Overcoats!
$17 for $35, $30, $28
$28 for $50, $45, $40
None charged or Bent on ap
proval. Alterations at cost.
At $28, handsomest Over
coats you've ever seen!
Luxurious imported fabrics
full-lined or quarter-lined
with finest silk!
Such fabrics as these may
not be made by the European
mills for many a dayl If
you've had Qgigat of this
class in mindMit today!
Your size may be gone to
morrow! Just as big bargains, rela
tively, for $17 in these $35,
$30, $28 Overcoats; or in
one of these Coats that were
$20, $18, $15, and now are
$10 and $12!
Spruce up your
appearance at little cast!
Perry & Co., mn.b.t.w
16th & Chestnut Sts,
"' r2f!Lis!fe?feg