Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wtwfr--rayj yyjwujgwqijg
Former President Declares
Private Capital Will Not
Be Invested in Competition
With United States.
Demands From Tokio Re
garded as Threat to Na
tion and Likely to Arouse
World Powers.
' 1
Necessity for Prompt Action 1
by Councils Shown by 1
Leaders in Every Branch of
Business Activitv Will
Speak at Meeting on Feb
ruary 9.
Losses sustained by Sag ,
rifice of Time.
Minim i niiii i .
' i ' ... ,r , X
mmsS: ! iSilSBWw
' Untied hrtts Start Correspondent.
. CopyHht 101. by United rr.)
i,NKW YOItK, Jan. M.-I)elermlhed op
ipllllon to the Administration shipping
illl, pending Ih the Senate, was declared
iro toddy by William Howard Taft.
In nn Interview with the United Press,
the former President vigorously com
mended tho filibuster against the hill, led
by Senator Burton, of Ohio.
"I nm positively opposed to the ship
ping bill," he ald. "Do I think It will
pais? That Seems to depend now on
the, success of tho filibuster."
Mr. Tftft parsed throtigh this city from
N Haven early today on his way to
the University of Virginia to deliver a
lecture. Ho In Intensely Interested In tho
shipping bill In Its relation to commcrco
and economic conditions,
"American private capital will cortalnly
hot bo Invested It) a business which comes
In competition with the Government," Mr,
Tntt said. ''That Is exactly the situation
presented In tho shipping bill. I am
vigorously opposed to Government owner
ship In any form. I have had some ex
perience with a typo of Government
ownership-the Panama HallroAd and tho
Panama Steamship Line. Ilut they were
Of a different character
"I rigred with Senar P.oot. 1 do not
know how lent: the Itep-lbllcan illlbucter
In the Senate can prevent passage of tho
bill, but Senator Burton linn had con
siderable experience as a tlltlbustcr
"it also depends on the extra session
question Every one, I think, wants to
avoid n lesslon after March 4 held solely
for the purpose of passing appropriation
hlennures scheduled for consideration dur
ing this short session, but which might
bo blocked oy in unbroken filibuster.
"i can see no good In tho shipping
rr.HiBUre, and my opposition to It Is un
alterable." Mh Taft refused to be drawn Into any
political discussion. Ho flatly declined
to comment on President Wilson's npeech
it Ihdlannpoils.
SIxty-lU'c pounds below hi weight as
Presldehk. Mr. Taft appeared In perfect
physical condition. He seemed happy In
his rote of college professor and private
citizen. Ho smilingly said ho was. Ho
traveled alone, with a handbag and a
Continued from Thru One
first class shall not be less than 2V4 mills
nil hot more than 6 mills on the dollar
of total assessment.
THo propbsed amendment nllows tho
School Board to graduate the school tax
according to tho condition of Improve
ment of the property The assessment
Of school tax will, therefore, If the Dunn
oftietidment passes, probably be 5 mills
tilt Improved property, 3 mills on suburban
property and 2V4 mills on farm land.
Oh tho eve bf the Introduction of tho
amendment suffragists held a meeting
which picked the House chamber last
hlght. It Was noticeable to the leaders
that a bitter tight has been planned
against thdm If they nttempt to defeat
the Httietidlnehl at the polls.
Scnfttor Mdses B. Clafep, of Minnesota,
was the principal speaker. He" delivered
n cieari-cilt argument for woman suf
frage. He was Introduced by Speaker
Ambler, Mabel Cronlso Jones presided,
ttnd also spoke.
tiovernor Brumbaugh today continued
his Conferences with the heads of de
partments regarding the mate's tlnanccs
Tho Audltdr General has been asked to
, adbnllt figures on the estimated decrease
In the? State revenues for the next two
years. As soon ns this Is In the Gov
ernor's hands, ho will 'confer with Sena
tor Clarence J, Buckman, chalrmnn of
the Senate Appropriations Committee,
arid, James F. Woodward, chairman of
the House Ahnronrlntlons Committee. In
flttrl ways and means of Increasing tho
evehue and Keeping the appropriations
Within tho estimated Income. Until this
has been arranged the appropriation
rrielstit-fes will riot be noted upon by the
Tile Teher recess appointments, which
include the Public Service Commission,
will be informally discussed at a meeting
pf the Senate Committee on Executive
Nominations, to be held Hi Philadelphia
next Saturday. Governor Brumbaugh's
ftlltude toward the present personnel of
he Public Service Commission Is ex
pected to become known at that time..
Governor Brumbaugh from time to time
Will fconfer with representatives of the
labov Unions of Pennsylvania regarding
legislation affecting worklngmen. John
Bonner, of Tamaua, and James Oates. of
Pittsburgh, will represent tho labor
uiiibns at these conferences. The Gov
ernor, ut d conference In the Executive
Mnnalqr) list night, asked the labor men's
committee to confer with Attorney Gen
eral Brown with a View to hastening work
on h fair compensation act.
One, 11 Years Old, Had a Cracked
Inner Tube.
Six sections of fire hose out of 21
examined were found defective today at
tho headquarters of the Fire Bureau,
Juniper and Bace streets, In tjie test cf
old hose. The hose so far tested Is the
property pf engine company No, 27, 22d
street and Columbia avenue,
All hosa more than three years old Is
to to tested by Edward Horter, df tho
Bureau of Fire; There are 69,000 feet In
the department, and It Is estimated It
Wbultt require two months, working day
and night, to do the work.
The three pieces of hose found defec
tive today all were old. One, the inner
tube of which was cracked, was mi
years old The two others were 8 years
om i-in noies were rouna in them.
Each sectldn, 80 feet long, IS to be sub
jected to a pressure bf 200 pounds. The
Did section that was broken was under
ITS bounds, at the time. J. H. Howland.
ehftlheer for th.e committee of lire pre
vention, df thi National Boart of Under
writers, said that. In view df its age, the
host stood the test weil.
A Governor invites sunUAy
"BUly Sunday and Mrs. Sunday re
ceived art Invitation today from Governor
Hatfield, of West Virginia, to attend the
annual reception) to be given members
of the State legislature on Friday night.
Owing to the Philadelphia campaign wqrk
th evftngeliat found It necessary to de
cline the Invitation. Mr. Sunday and
Governor Hatfield have, been friends for
a lone time. It la aald that the campaign
of th evangelist In West Virginia last
jfedr was largely responsible for Its vot
tiiS t? go "dry."
Thieves Rob Norristown Residence
NQItmSTOWrJ. Pa, Jan. I7.-Jewelry
and clothing valued at several hundred
dollars and SO In cash were stolen from
the home of Aaron Bwarti, Jr, a son of
Judge Swartz, of tha Montgomery County
..-nmon itas Court, on pekalb street.
ums mght while the faujllj was away
it j IWiue I
Mayor Blnnkenburg will spenlt nt tho
"New Philadelphia Dinner" nt tho Manu
facturers' CflUb, on February t, when too
of the leadlhg representative of this
lity's banking, manufacturing and mari
time Interests meet to launch tho cam
paign td ftdvcrtlso Philadelphia as "1116
world's greatest work-shop."
It was understood for some time that
the Mayor wouid bo present but hot until
this morning was It announced that ho
would bo one of the speakers. The com
mittee In charge today nnhoiinccd tho
following list of speakers:
Alba D. Johnson, president of Baldwin
Locomotive Works
J. Howell Cummlngs, president of tho
John U. Hletscn Company.
Cyrus II, K. Curtis, president of the
Curtis Publishing Company and of the
Puulic Lnoor.n Company.
George W. Norrls, Director of tho De
partment of Wharves, Docks and Fer
ries. J. S. W. Holton, president of tho Thlla
drlnhla Mnrltlmo Exchange.
John Grlbbcl, president of the Fnlr-
mount Havings Trtm company nnu mo
Iloynl Electrotype Company.
Samuel Curv.cn, president of the J. G.
lit III Company.
Levi L. Hue, president of the Philadel
phia Nntlonnt Bnnk.
James E. Baum, president of the Sup-plce-Blddlo
Hardwaro Company.
W. W. Attcihury, vice president of tho
Pennsylvania Hnllroad Company.
Chnrle II. Harding, vice president and
treasurer of the Erben-Hnrdlng & Co.
William L. Turner, vice president of tho
Quaker Lace Company.
Dald Klrschbaum, president of the A.
B. Klrschbaum Company.
Edward J. Cattcll, city statistician.
Ernest T. Trigg, chairman of the com
mittee, pointed out today that In In
viting speakers It had been the thought
of the committee to select men who were
widely known In tho particular field In
which they were engaged Each man, In
a flve-mlnute address, will explain why
Philadelphia's branch of the Industry
he represents leads tho world, and each
will explain tho course of development
by which this pro-eminence was nttnined
The form of the Invitntions was agreed
upon at the meeting of tho committee In
tho. Bourse yesterday afternoon. These
will be sent out lntc this week Tho
dctnlled plan of the campaign will not
be made public until the time of tho
dinner, when co-operation nnd help from
all present will bo sought
Measures in legislature Would Ee
strict Delivery to Licensed Dealers.
UARRISBURO, Jan. 27.-Two bills wcro
tntioduced In tho Legislature yesterday,
one by Mr. Scnsenlch, of Westmoreland,
In the Senate, and the other by Mr.
Gingery, of Clearfield. In the House,
either of which will, If passed, do away
altogether with case beer and "family
trade' In Pennsylvania.
Mr. Scnsenlch, according to accounts,
had the "spenk-easy" and the club In
mind when he offered a mensuro pro
hibiting hreivurs, distillers and whole
sclers from selling their products to any
one except licensed liquor dealers. In
addition to this he explained t'nat tho
primary object of his hill was to pre
vent the wholesalers from sending into
mining towns, whero there are no li
cenced saloons, liquor by the wagon load.
The Gingery bill Is along substantially
he same lints, the ponnlty provided
being u line of J1000 and the loss of llcenso
fjr live years.
Exhibitors' Association Finns to Or
ganize a Lobby.
HARRISBima, Jan. 27 Manufacturers
and exchnngo men nre conducting today's
meetings of tho Pennslvnhla Motion
Picture Exhibitors' Association, which is
holding a three days' session here for the
purpose of organizing a light to repeal
the State censorship law.
The organization of men engaged In
all branches of tho motion picture busi
ness was perfected at the two meetings
held yesterdny, with the exception of the
election of otllcers. Th y will be elected
at this afternoon's meeting.
Tomorrow a committee of five will be
appointed to tnko chnrge of the light
against State censorship and taxes de
clared to be unreasonably high. Thlu
commltteo" will organize a lobby.
The 50 motion picture men who are)
attending the session are confident that
the act will be repealed. They say they
have tho support or senator I'cnroso
and other Republican leaders
Eight members of the Legislature at
tended the meeting held In the Bolton
Hotel last night, and all pledged their
support of any plans tho association
might draft. They are Senator Joseph H.
Thompson, of Beaver, and Representa
tives William H. Wilson, Harry L.
Hackett nnd Isadora Stern, of Philadel
phia, and Wallace B. Benn, Norman A.
Whltten, William Dodds and A. C. Stein,
of Allegheny.
Measure Amends Stage and Omnibus
Law of 1876.
HAItniSBUItG. Jan. JT.-"Trackless
trolleys" may become a rtallty in Penn
sylvania f a bill Introduced lit the House
this mornlns by Representative Blemuhd
J. Oans. of Philadelphia. Is passed.
The Public Service Commission some
time a?o refused to permit a corporation
to operate "trackless trolleys" In the
small towns in the I'erKlomen valley, be
cause the law aa silent as to their reRu
(atlon. Oans' bill amends the stage and
cmnlbus law of 1ST8 eo as to place the
same speed regulations and Impose ihe
same licenses as the automobile license
taw of 1911
The "trackless trolley" vaB first pro
bosed in Pennsylvania about 13 months
ago. The scheme was to have eleo-tricaJly-propelled
vehicles which obtained
their motive power from overhead trol
ley wires run on the streets 'without
tracks. The purpose was to eliminate a
large part of the cost of maintenance,
and do away with tearing up of streets
to lay tracks.
NBW ToilK. Jan. IT -William it. Har
ris, formerly vice president of the Amer
ican Tobacc Company, and associated
with tho Pullman Company in Chicago,
died Monday at bi borne Rt Irvlngtqn-on-Hudsou.
N Y , In his 60th year He
wa at one time chairman of the Britlfb
American T-.ba. m Company end took
active cart in obtaining foreign trade.
Here Is the largest gun ever made Itt this ctjuntrjr, It was photographed at the Watertown, Mass.,
Arsenal, where It was taken to haVe a carriage tnade. It will be Sent to the Panama Canal for coast
defense. It fires a shell weighing 2370 potihds a distance of 10 miles. The shell Is only J4-lticH less In
diameter than those fired by the famous 42-centlmetre howitzers of the German army.
Condemned by State Agent
and Will Be Converted
Into Fertilizer Storage
Men Lose Heavily.
Nearly 6000 pounds of meat, stored In
tho warehouse of the Delaware Storage
and Freezing Company, was condemned
today by Puro Food Agent Robert Sim
mers ns unfit for public use. More than
9,600,000 pounds of lamb, beef and veal,
held up when European nations at war
who wcro expected to buy It accepted
lower prices offered in Australia and tho
Aigentlno Republic, Is being examined by
tho Government agents. At the olllcc of
the Delaware Company olllclals refused to
make a statement.
Beside the meat which came under the
ban today, Mr. Simmers said this morn
Int;, he had Just completed tagging 11,00)
pounds which is unsalable in Pennsl
vania. Owners of part of tho meat con
demned ns decomposed objected to his
decision and ho says ho had to call In
Dr. C. A. Schaufflcr, of tho United States
Bureau of Animal Industry, to pass
Judgment on 2302 additional pounds of
beef, veal and mutton. This, which .was
stored in tho Delaware warehouse, was
ordered sent to Point Breeze where t
will bo converted into ierini... "
agents s.iy somo of the condemned meat
had been refrozen In order to give It a
Miltlclcntly fresh appearanco to sell lor
sausages. . , .
According to Sir. aimmern iu' ""'-,
houses are loaded with an unprecedented
stock of various kinds of meat. Penn
svlvania laws permit beef to be stor d
four months; veal, three months; mutton
and pork, six months, and eggs, eight
mTheht'lmo limit of thousands of pounds
of this meat is expiring dally, according
ti he inspector and nearly 20,000 pounds
were inspected during the last week. Meat
wnlch Is condemned as being unlit for sale
In this State Is sold In other parts of the
country, according to Simmers, and somo
of It Is shipped to Europe
Several large dealers, It Is declared, will
lose small fortunes as n result of a mis
carriage of their plans. These business
men, it Is asserted, former n plan to sell
a large percentage of the country's sup
ply of meat to tho warring nations In
Em ope and a considerable quantity of
the carcasses aro stored In the Phlladel
nhla warehouses
European buyers, having obtained lower
prices elsewhere, refused, despite the ef
forts of agents who made gpeclnl trips
abroad, to contrnct for any of the ship
ments which wcro held up here. As It
will he Impossible to arrnnge for tho
sale of tons of tho meat oven nt reduced
ptlccs It is Mild much of it will have to
be used as fertilizer.
Dunn Thus Describes Measures Pro
viding: Semi-monthly Pay.
HAIUUSHUna, Pa., Jan. 27 -Representative
Jnmes A. Dunn, of Philadelphia, a
Vare lieutenant. Intioduced n, hill In the
House todnj', to have the city employes of
Philadelphia paid semi-monthly, Instead
of monthly. He Introduced a similar
measure yesterday, applying to Phlladel
phli County employes.
Both measures are aimed nt the loan
ulimkH, he said. Under tho system of
mummy payment, many city and county
employes are forced to borrow from loan
sharks for their current expenses, nnd
their lives aro made uncomfortnble by
"hounding." With a pay envelope an alt
lng them twice a month, Instead of only
once, very few will have to' borrow, he
nrgited, and in addition to being a con
vrntence to the city and county em.
Ployes, the new system of payment would
help to keep them out of the clutches of
tho loan sharks.
Size of Collections nn Indlcntlon of
Thero Is no depression )n mercantile
business In Philadelphia If the amount
of taxes collected hy tho mercantile np.
pralsers nnu returned to tho City Treas.
urer for 1015 can bo regarded as all Indi
cation. The total mercantile tax collections
thus fir n January nggrognto $31,611.81
an amount far in excess of the payment
during the same period of 1811. The
growtii of mercuitllo business In Phila
delphia Indicated by the tax returns, hp
occasioned surprise to State and city om
cials, Smull storekeepers have paid the bulk
of the; tax this year, the larger corpora
tions usually paying their taxes in March
and April.
Gompera 65 Years Old Friday
WASHINGTON. Jan. CT.-Samuel Gom.
peri, president of the American Federa-
5i?P ,fiAabor' pday J" celebrating his
Mth birthday anniversary.
1'rejldent Wilson today congratu
lated the JJmpetor paernvaki on
hl$ SBth birthday. Ill cabUgram
"In behalf 61 the Government and
people of the United States, 1 have
the hleasttre to ,piWf to four
tajetty cordial MlqitaHoni on the
QKntvefsary of MUr birth, qj im
af my duH good wltn'et for your
Governor Elected President of State
liortrd of Agriculture.
HAimiSBURd, Pa .inn. 27 -The
Pennsylvania State JJoaiil of Agriculture
today elected Governor Martin O. Brum
baugh president, and the following oth6r
officers for tho coming year:
Vice pfMlc(tntt-F. v. Ksrrlck, llrndford
County. J, v. Vot.r-g, Frhtiklln County, nnd
c. H. Ucnltt, Tiori county
Sooretnrr N. II. Crltctiflcld, Secretory of Ag
riculture. Altnnt secretary It. J. Weld, Warren
County. ,
mouitltc Committee 9. 8 Ills holder. Arm
rtrong County; U. P. Karnw. lork County: V.
fl. t'cnstfmnchrr, Lehigh County. Ilortnnl 1.
MrCJownn, llerkn County; M 11. Naelncy, Mif
flin rounty; A J.i Kfthlor, I.) coming county;
Clark H. lloncr, Perry Count. Mathew IlnR-eri-,
Juniata County, nnd John Snocner, Schu l
klll County.
Tho morning was given over to ad
dresses ov rror. n. A Surrncc. Stato
Economic Zoologist, and Dr. Joseph
Kalbfui). secretary of the State Gnmo
Prices, Too High, a Danger
to This Country. Says
Statement of Shane Bros.
& Wilson Co.
"Vt'hy should tho prlco of wheat go up?
It should not," says a statement Just
Issued by tho Shano Brothers & AVllson
Company, exporter of brcadstuffs, of thin
city, to Its foreign correspondents.
Foreign buyers have been offering too
much for grain nnd flour, according to
tho statement: tho prices offered and
paid havo been too largo nnd it Is only by
an analysis of the truo situation that the
market can bo returned to a normal con
dition. "While tho crop harvested In 1914
exceeded that of 1313 by 128,000,000
bushels, the totnl available supply
for tho crop jear exceeded tho
preceding year by only 11,000,000
buUicls, for (ho reason that tho carry
over on July 1, 1914, was 14,000,000 bushels
less than tho preceding year.
"There Is no doubt that the little
wheat remaining In this country for ex
port will command a very high price.
There seenls to bo no limit to the prlco
that foreigners ore willing to pay for It,
nnd Indeed this Is not astonishing when
one considers that tho European crop Is
S.'5,O0O,O0O bushels less than last year nnd
two of their main sources of supply are
absolutely closed to them. Australia,
which Is generally counted on fur 00,000,000
bushels. Is qulto out of It on account of
Its crop failure, and Itussla's outlet to tho
Mediterranean 1b closed. Unless tho Allies
can open tho Dardanelles to permit tho
passage of Russia's grain to tho hungry
millions In western Europe v,o aro likely
to see very much higher prices for wheat
than havo already been recorded."
It Is great to bo a member of tho Ail
Star Aggregation of International Knter
talncrs that Is when one walks down
the main street of a email town and has
glory reflected from the bill boards. 8lx-teeu-ycnr-old
Charlco Lehrer. of Crome,
N. J , thought so. That's why he went
on the stage.
A mnglclan came to Crome. Charlie
helped him and was fascinated. In re
turn, tho magician showed tho boy a
lot of tricks. Charllo went on the stage
at one of the "amnteur night" perform
ances, and while he was changing cards
into eggs and dlco Into chickens, the
manager of the All-Star Aggregation of
International Entertainers saw him. lie
offered tho boy an engagement nt a big
salary and the ldd was billed with the
adjectives whfch only a showman can
command. The show appeared In such
widely knowh towns as Island, N. J.,
Hahway, Lambortvlllo and other munici
palities which appear in small print on
the map.
it appears that the itmabitautB, who
were disturbed by the high cost of living,
did not appreciate tho A. S. A. of I, n.
This caused friction among the manager
and artists, and In the complications
which followed Charllo was forgotten and
loft near Metuaheji In a barn.
From then on he slept in stables and
performed tricky for the natives of llttlf
hamlets, Finally ho found himself in
Tacony. That'B where Policeman Sess
meyer found him hungry and tired. He
brought the boy to City Hall, The younif
magician pei formed a number Of tricks
for tho police. He tumid wntches Into
eggs and. vice versa and read cards with
out seeing them nnd made things disap
pear with a pass of his hand.- Hut as
the magician could not make a full meal
appear, the police bought him one and
he made It disappear In a decidedly
normal fashion, lie waa sent home.
A man whn admitted lie had an un
quenchable thirst was brotlght before
Magistrate Glenn at the Fqurth and
York streets police station, ilu state
ment was borne o()t by his condition.
"I can drink it as fast aa the brewers
make it," he said. "I can't get along
without It."
"Hear 'Billy' Sunday and hit the
trail." the judge suggested.
"J m hppeless." said the prisoner
"Whaf your narrie.?"
n p. Rfrdiy tele we Jujlse asftid: "Do
you want to stop driukinji"
"Tss," said Turner.
POLICE &tn iPivf
$20,000,000 MERGER
Largest Independent Compa
nies in Wheeling District
Take First Steps Toward
WHRnM.Vr), W. Vn., Jan. 2T.-Pro-llmlnary
stops hao bean taken to con
solidate the La Uello Iron Works nnd tho
Whpellng Steel nnd Iron Company, tho
two lntgest Independent concerns In tho
Wheeling district
Tho proposed new company will have a
cnpltnl of about 20,000,oo0 nnd the deal
will embrace the new tin plant of tho
Wheeling Sheet nnd Tin Plate Compa'ny,
nt Tlltonvillc, Ohio. This company la
about to be merged with tho Wheeling
Steel and Iron Company.
20 Engines Contracted for In U. S. nt
$18,000 Ench. .
NEW YOrtK, Jan. J7.-A contract re
cently has been closed between the
Greek Government and an American
company for the construction of 20 loco
motives of the Mikado typo and tenders
for the lines of La Soccto des Chemins,
do Fcr HclenlqUes.
Tho locomotlvos aro expected to be in
use by the end of 1915 nnd will cost nbout
J18.000 each.
France Buys Many Pairs of Socks
Sll'AHO.V, Pa., Jan. 27.-A local com
pany his obtained an order for l.COO.OOO
pairs of woolen socks for the French
army. The company has leased a mill nt
Corry, Pa., and another at Niagara Falls,
so as to complete the order In time.
R. R, Extension Under Wny
MOBILE, Ala., Jan. 27.-Extenslon of
tho Illinois Central tracks from Coving
ton, La., to Gulfport, Miss., thus creat
ing a lumber port for that system In
competition with tho Louisiana Missis
sippi, Is under way.
Cannot Recover From Self-ndmtn-istered
Poison, Physicians Say.
When Park Guard MncEste was patrol
ling his bent behind Handolph Mansion
In Falrmount Park today, ho stumbled
across tho form of a woman stretched
out on tho ground unconscious. Her lips
were badly burned and near her hand a
bottle, which had contained poison, was
pnrtly concealed under a newspaper. Tho
woman was takqn to the AVoman's
Homeopathic Hospital. She cannot re
cover, physicians say.
MacEsto thinks tho woman Is a shirt
waist operator who has been out of work
since thu Inst strike of tho shirtwaist
The woman Is about 30 years old. Sho
was drested In n blue chinchilla coat, red
sweater, blue dressing sack and black
"Three months In the House of Cor
rection then."
Toetry and policemen don't mix well,
especially early in tho morning. When
Policemen Anderson und Boyle heard
John Brunor quoting Longfelldw and
Shakespeare It atoused their Ire. But th
presence of tho bluecoats did not deter
the poet In the least. He blazed forth
louder than over' and then launched Into
an oration about the rights of mankind
and tho futility of success, windows
wete raised and other voices filled tho
air. Bruner replied to his critics on both
Ji Is Ef thf BKeet- T"en th6 Policemen
smtlon. h I2t" ana I,,n8 slreets
Mh.at . l, your occupation?" asked
Magistrate Hagerty.
"Work and I have never been ac
"i.t1e,d' ,"al4 tl,a l,oet loftily. a
Judge ,"uce you," said the
"Vou can learn all about It In a three
months' stay at Holmesburg,"
n,A HI1 .waa, samn In the middle of
the cat tracks on Germnntown avenue
and refused to pay attention to the
warning gongs of the trolleys. Police
rnan Davis pulled him to he sidewalk
The granger handed him a card li
bore the words, "I am deaf and dumh
vnen the (nan was brought befor
Magistrate Pennock ho started to talk
In the plbn language, but his ringer
thumb" y 8e6mi,d ,Q "" S
"This Is the fellqw who blew open the
"wink Pstomce." said Davis with
"That's a 'frame-tip,' " shouted the
prisoner in angry mood.
"Three months," said the Magistrate.,
Fortified with the memory of 11 dl
JK" Jhat his smllo had wbn from
Philadelphia magistrates, Rdward BeeX
lie, an old mun with a ilk ng for ratn.
walked sheepishly to the hearing room
rail at thk lfth &nd Vine .freets poliS
station 1 agistrajj sm.y sat behind
.us (. 41c 4wura severe.
the eri
the other hoariat s.
guess you'd better Sta off ft for a while
or we'll send you to th Ilouse of Cor
tieiton. You're dlsehariitt
BMchlle heard, the vfo'rde unmoved. He
edged closer to the rail.
r8jr. Jvldge," he pleaded, 'ain't you
got e. spare dime tor a drink'"
rpur Honor," said Heechlie, looking nn
at him, "I'm here again, i tool ft llltle
too much list nllii" fi,i Ti ,?.,'"!
n that had been o ai.Jt,;! .
"-"-"-""" fc
.VEW YOfttC, Jan. 27. Cabled advices
received hero by houses having impor
tant connections In tho East servo to
confirm press reports of tho indignation
felt among nil classes of Chinese society
ngnlnst Japan, provoked by the de
mands of tho latter nation as formulated
in tho bote handed to the Chlneso Gov
ernment on January 23, through the
Japanese Minister.
This paper set forth 2t "roquests," tho
most Important of Which nro:
That China surrender to Japan all ex
isting concessions In favor of Austria
and Germany nnd bind herself not to
grant any futuro cvonccsslons excipt to
Japan; permission to build a railroad
through n coitaln district of north China
bordering on Manchurfa and turn over to
Japan certain "highly valuable mining
privileges in the Ynngtso Vnlloy, and in
Shan Tung and Fuklcn provinces.
Compliance with the demands pf tho
Mikado's Government would dmount to al
most a surrender of Chlneso sovereignty,
giving tho Japancso A grip on certain es
sential avenues of national wealth which
would nullify tho efforts of tho central
Chinese Government. It Is commonly
expressed that Japan zones of Influences
would rapidly become virtually Japancso
The spirit of tho Chinese people Is also
sorely chafed bocauso of the report as
siduously circulated that the Chlneso army
Is to bo reorganized by German officers.
This Is absolutely denied In tho highest
China is watching with anxious eyes ho
apparent preparations of Japan to retain
its hold on Klao-Chau and the other
points In Shan Tung Provlnco, which has
been taken from tho.Gcrmnns. Tho fact
that Japanese forces have secured a defl
nlto footing In n rich district of China
Is a thorn In the side of all Its Vast popu
lation. It is the culminating Incident In
n series of aggressions which have im
bued tho peaceful Chlnamnn with a flar
ing hato of tho Japanese.
In attempting to prepare an answer to
tho noto of the Mikado's Ministers tho
Chinese Government Is confronted with
nnother dimculty. Compliance would In
evitably bring a storm of protest from
other nations having Important grants In
the flowery kingdom. Investors through
out the world would combat tho proposi
tion that China give concessions exclu
sively to Jnpan.
Thin situation brings to a climax troubles
which havo been ponding for a long while,
and may scttlo onco and for nil whether
China will submit to practical sovereign
ty by Japan or will risk the chnnces.of
another conflict with its powerful neigh
Henry S. Bracken, of Ottsville, Tried
on Eorgery Charges.
Mrs. Mary Schloy. a sister-in-law of the
late Hear Admiral W. S. Schley, took tho
witness stand beforo Magistrate Nightin
gale at Doylestown, today, and gave tes
timony that may result In the conviction
of her son-in-law, Henry S. Bracken, of
Ottsville, on n series of forgery charges.
Bracken Is being tried on three charges
preferred by three workmen In Ottsville.
Bracken, three years ngo, eloped with a
niece of near Admiral Schley and tho
daughter ot Mrs. Mary Schley. Mrs.
Bracken, young and pretty, sat near her
lulsband this morning during the trlnl,
and sovcral times went to him with words
of encouragement.
A check for $6.75 was offered in evidence,
that was said to havo been drawn to tho
order of Asher R Purdy, a carpenter, of
Fcrndale, and Indorsed by him. Mrs.
Schley, on tho witness stand, acknowl
edged the check was handed to her
by her son-in-law to Indorse. Purdy said
he has never seen that check and denied
tho signature was his own. District At
torney Boycr said ho would show this
check was later cashed by Bracken.
Testimony was offered which, it la be
llovod. Is Intended to prove Bracken be
came involved because of a lire whlcn
destroyed tho house on his farm at
TInlcum. A mortgage was held on tho
property by Edward Worshakl, of
Jnmlson, who nlso held the lire Insurance
policy, this ne rerusea to give to Bracken
to secure money to rebuild,
Tho complainants are Willis Kilmer,
Asher Purdy nnd Jacob Overpeck. They
charge Bracken with forging their names
to 11 chocks from a man named WurB
tall, at Jr.mlBon, Pa. Tho checks were
In payment for their services In restoring
a Bucks County property recently par
tially destroyed by fire.
Bracken, who Is 30 years old, had an
Interest In this property. Ho superin
tended the work of rebuilding for Wars
call, it Is charged, sending him a list
each week of the workmen employed and
receiving checks payable to the work
men. The complainants charge they have
not recelvod their checks and that
Bracken has Bigned their names and
cashed the paper.
Bracken met the former Miss Alice
Schley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charles
Schley and niece of the noted nnval of
fleer, nbout three years ago. She was
then 19 years old and had Just beerf
divorced from her husband, a wealthy
Southerner. A romanilo courtship en?
sued between the young divorcee and
Bracken, who Is n Scot, and this cu.
mlnated suddenly in an elopemetit and
Ex-City Clerk Aska fc23,000 Dam
ages for Ealse Arrest.
ItEADINa, Pa.. Jnn. 27 An echq of
the sensational arrests of Councllmen
and city officials n October, 1913, wherj
they were charge.d with graft by Burn
detectives, who operated with a dicto
graph; waa heard today when Lincoln, s;
Kamsey, former city qlefl1' started a suit
for 38,000 damages against Mayor Ira W,
Stratton, alleging Improper arrest, nam
sey was ncflvilttsfl by a Jury a year ago.
He resigned as city clerk under pressure
by the Mayor.
"Scotcli Day" at Rotary Club
"Scatch Day" was elebrate$ bj the
Hotary Club at Its weekly luncheon Jn
the St. James Hotel today. Ilition U
Whyte was the speaker and gave an ad
draea pn Hoberl Burn, whose birthday
waa Tuesday. John Oribbel. president of
)he Union, League, was a guest, pf the
ohlb. J. J. Scott Anderson presided,
Chinese Conducted Speakedsy
WILMINGTON, Del., Jap. CT-Wc-ng
CJuong, a Chines restaurant keeper, was
convioted In City Court today on four
charges of selling liquor without a llciue,
He was fined 1100 and costs and sentenced
to lays In Jfcll In on case and sen
twee was impended In the three othetl.
Every day that the city Is denriv a
high-speed transit the people nfvu,lti'
phla lose 91021. Councils caf. niti
i..l- ..,. "":
passing th, oM
r--.i-. -.-I in N nnnce cal n t..
run i nt special ir .
. Hi.tk.. .L.'"" io :
TRANSIT ?wfT.fiffi
j :i " , ."" luiwi
PLAN SASeltdlhSi?
Through V"S
c r I m I . i i uu
exchange tickets alone the city lo tL?
000 annually. In addition to this the hul
dreds of thousands of HiTji-. tn. .,.."!
a year by loss of tlmo In traveling' Thu 4
Is based on nn average of 15 cent, jj '' ''i
Tho increase In realty values, nhleS '1
would be brought by tho aubway.eliVt ' 1
lines nnd tho tax returned to the clty-on '
sucn incrensca values as shown by com
parlson with West Philadelphia and hleh
speed lines in cities, would nmoual
aooo.ooo. l M
Tho loss on exchange tickets,, Iom of
tlrno nnd loss of increaso In realty vIum
mnko n total yearly loss of $3,733,000, Th!
pro rata loss for one day Wotlld Uler.
foro bo $1021.
If Common Council pnsscs the special
election ordinance on Thursday, Pebru.
ary 4. it can be passed by Select Council
on Thursday, February 11. A few days
Inter the election can be advertised, Tht
advertising must continue for id diyj
excluding Sundays, nnd would cont!mi '
until March 23. Three days later, March
20, tho election could bo held and on th'
following Thursday, April 1, Common
Council would pass tho ordinance making
tho loan available. Tho loan would'havt '
to bo ndvertlsed for four weeks. Thlj
would bring tho procedure up to April
21, and on the last day of the adveftlilm
Select Council could pass the ordinance
making It posslblo to start work lmm',
Tho widespread interest In the trandt
question has convinced the members of
Councils of the determination of tha
plo, nnd It Is generally believed no polltl
cal subterfuge will bo attempted to block
the progress already made.
Germans Here to Celebrate Ifi Honor
ot i)ay. 1
Tho B6th birthday ot tho German K&fifr
will bo celebrated In this city tonight by T 1
votrans who have served at any time In
tho. German army. Nearly 200 fnmbln
of the 12 German societies In Philadelphia
will meet at Casino Hall, 2d street and
GIrard nvenuc, to banquet and do honor
to tho German Kinperor.
Maglstrato Emoly will speak on tho
present situation In Europe and the Hv. '
Georgo Bomboffe, pastor of the St. Paul'
Luthern Church, 3d ahd Brown streets, l
will discuss the life of th8 Emperor. "
William Yost will preside.
Former Penn Pjtqher Gives Up a
DOVEIt, Del., Jan. 27.-For the flrU
time in many years, a Legislature ikuV- !
cure is untitled, ns Daniel J. Layton. Jr.,?
of Georgetown, former University of
Pennsylvania pitcher, resigned the ofllco
ot Attorney to tho Senate today.
In a statement accompanying his '
resignation, Mr. Layton said his private
practice required his attention, Tho
Senate attorneyship pays between 1(200
and 12000. A successor has not been
Michael Grimes, chauffeur for Henry
Tatnall, of Bryn Mawr. vice Dresldenl of
the Pennsylvania Railroad, Is In tho ' 1
Mcdlco-Chlrurglcal Hospital as the re
suit of an nccident in the garagq of tht M
Automobile Club, 23d and Ludlow street',
when lie was caught between two ail to- a
mouues ana ills leg was cut. urrnic
who Is 31 years old, lives on Montgomery
avenue, Bryn Mawr.
The explosion of a small heating lunpf
containing cyanldo of potassium, caiiied
considerable excitement In the Horn -tt
Hardart lunch room at 11th and LudloW '
streets at noon today. Itudoiph Bow. Hl
North Park avenue, wjlo was msnlpw
lauug mo lamp, was susnuy uurncu " w
was. removed to tlio Jefferspn Hospital ti
The cause ot the explosion is umenown.
Official Forocait
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. .
For eastern Pennsylvania and N
Jersey; unsettled tonight and Thuredw:
colder Thursday! gentle to moderate,
northeast winds, becoming variable.
The crest of the Eastern area of hUf
barometer has moved to the Quit, pf ah
Lawrence, hut the pressure has Hflt V
oreaaed materially oyer the Eastern Mr
of t'ne country durjng the last fi hours.
However the temperatures have H"'"
slightly at most places and toaMMf
has Increased over the Atlantic BtW f
An intense cold wave has moved ilw I"
Missouri baajn, from he far Nortnwat
The barometric pressure is above
(nches over the Dakotas. with a .te,ra.P ,
atyro degree below efa reported from
Wtlllstori and degrees below Won M"
Appello, directly porth of. WW"'.rt'li"
Canada. Light snow a failing n "
advance bf the cold .Area.
U. S. WeatHer Bureau Uulletla
Station. 8 a.& fflLWfejJ II
Sm 8i::t iMI
.oi H t sv0,.
pi B8 I
.: he iJ nw
North PUtU, , , J
Oklahoma... Okll. SO RC
Philadelphia, ?9 fj
fioriiiiid. M ... SI
:. r .! ass?
l'ortlaoa. pre.
71 1. ni m rwij
,?: 3 v w 1 rmu.
Frocl K II M 1 r"l
?&-,. M .
Wlnolp ,
B' soro.
i M