ns"V U EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANTTAEY 27, 1915. '" FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD PRESENTS ITS FIRST REPORT Declares Quick Recovery From Financial Chaos Re sulting From War Due to New System. FEDERAL DOARD'8 CLAIM8 FOR RESERVE BANK SY8TEM The hurried opening of the Fed eral Reserve Banks toon teas Justi fied by subsequent evdnts. The new system, caused such a re lease of bank reserves and increase in confidence that New York com mercial paver in two weeks dropped from above 6 per cent, to 5V4 and 4 per cent. The formation of the paid ex change and cotton funds rendered material service by restoring confi dence and stabilizing value. Had the Federal Reserve Banks been in operation at the begtnnlng of August they, instead of the clearing houses and the United States Treasury, would have sup plied the great volume of currency vihlch teas called for. The Reserve Banks' duty is not to await emergencies, but by an ticipation to do what it can to pre vent them. There is no reason why the Fed eral Reserve Banks should not earn their expenses and a fair profit be sides. Impatience to show results should not be permitted to tempt those in charge of the Reserve Banks and to precipitate any unwise action. WASHINGTON, Jnn. 2T. In Ita first annual report, for the period ending De cember 31, and dated January 15, declares tho quick recovery from the financial chaos caused by tho outbreak of the war Was due to tho new banklns system. "Seldom, If over, has tho banking- and business community of tho country found Itself In a situation of such uncertainty and perplexity" as It did on August 10, when the board began Its work, "The whole situation demonstrated afresh, and to a striking degree, the dependence of our banking system upon the call-loan market." Emergency currency and clearing house certificates In large volume were Issued. The tendency to hoard cash was again being manifested by country Banks. ORGANIZATION HASTENED. The board found It necessary "to enlist the hearty co-operation of all tho mem ber banks In two matters which were deemed of fundamental Importance: First, payment by tho member banks In gold out of their own vaults of the re serves they were required to contribute to the new banks, thus diffusing the bur den of providing the cash resources of the Federal Reserve banks; second, the adoption of a discount policy , which would prevent the accumulated strength of the banks from being dissipated and protect their resources." On Monday, November 16, the new banks ' opened their doors for business. At the end of the first week's opera tions, there had been paid into the re serve banks a total of Jl,487,O0O, of which a very large percentage was either In gold or gold certificates. The opening of the new banking system was hurried on account of war emergen cies, the report states, but events had since shown thnt the opening of the In stitutions was wisely timed to synchronize with the restoration of activity In Amer ica's export trade. The Federal Reserve banks were able to begin business with substantially all their deposits In gold and without pressure on the general business or credit conditions. "With the system thus established, the question of a discount policy Immediately became urgent. In response to a tele graphic Inquiry, each bank submitted Ita views with respect to the rate of dis count thought to be advisable for Us di trlct. Upon tabulation nnd comparison of these results It was found that they did not vary greatly, the rates ranging from 5 to 7 per cent, for 90-day paper." It was decided to fix the rates of dis count at from BV6 to 6V4 Per cent. The rates thus Initially established were sub sequently lowered from tfma to time, the lowest rate thus far approved being V& per cent for 30-day paper. RELEASE OF FUNDS, From the beginning of the war, there had been an abnormal reserve situation. But the change In requirements released funds which had been held idle by the banks in observance of the law. The release was very large, how large cannot be estimated, "owing to the fact that reserve accounts in the existing system of correspondent banks are so closely and complexly Intermixed," and the In crease of member banks' lending power was correspendlngly larger. Loans were extended more freely, dis count rates fell. The opening of the reserve system en abled tho banks In the larger centres to reduce the rate, and within two weeks prevailing Interest rates for the best paper fell as low as 3tt and 4 per, cent. In some parts of the South banks were able to obtain accommodation at rates as low as VA per cent. "Appreciation of 'the fact that when the new lending power should all have been absorbed there would still remain the great credit potentialities of the Fed eral reserve banks, furnished a balo element of confidence which helped to NO. UStsn '.coke! Heme's VWHrVr x wiROTe to HIM ! "MR-. Co M.TF5 AFFI C THe ocp oAtoTR.ee on coTTAae-cneez tw AT MlPMlerlT Voo HIUL HeAR 80flETHHa To VoUR iHTereJSsrr: JSsA UKBRBBJHii IbkX, Hii :'i SBRwr '-') 9 Ik , J3m I K mkW H fapm WHBy t .,! tHrl-fr H I I A iMKiiH I ' , MBsLW u PPr . a 1PIM w ' ffMMmu ' FREDERICK )V ALLEN tower the abnormally high rato of In terest." Successive discount rate reductions were made, until the low point was reached December 23, and 4V& per cent, for 30-day activities, npproved for tho Federal ro servo bank of New Torlc. In regard to tho gold exchange fund tho report says: FOREIGN EXCHANGE. "One of tho earliest nnd most trying consequences of tho war was tho de velopment of a highly nbnormnl nnd artificial condition In the foreign ex change market." Tho board called a conference of rep resentatives of clearing houses of nil re serve cities on September 4. "The Investigation undertaken by the Federal Reservo Board and tho confer ence above mentioned disclosed tho opin ion that the current indebtedness of "the United States to foreign countries was to be stated at approximately $500,000,000, a sum the maturity of which was spread over a period of months. "A committee of bankers appointed at this conference subsequently recommend ed a plan for tho formation of a gold fund of ?100.000,000, which was approved by the board on September 19, nnd n let ter was Bent to the presidents of the clearing house associations throughout the country under date of September a, 1914, In which subscriptions aggregating this sum were asked. The Federal Re- servo Hoard had been requested to allot tho pro rata of the contributions to bo made to each clearing house district, and such allotment was made. Action upon inese allotments was prompt nnd effec tive, nnd a total of over $108,000,000 was subscribed." THE COTTON SITUATION. At tho end of September the cotton market was still completely disorganized. "As Is well known, about 60 per cent, of the total cotton production of the United States la annually sent abroad. An unusually large acreage had been planted, the season had been favorable, and a very large crop was approach ing maturity. These circumstances would In any event have depressed tho price of cotton." New York city banks agreed to pledge ?5O,00O.O0O to a cotton loan fund, "provided that an equal amount re raised through the clearing houses in other than cotton producing States. The plan provided that to the $100,000,000 thus to bo raised should be added a further sum of $35,000,000 to bo contributed by banks in tho cotton producing States, provided that hfi Sinn. 009,000 should be called for in proportion a.z the S35,000,000 should be subscribed nna paiu in. The board sactloned this plan on October 2-1. Tho new banks were thus able to open In full confidence that they would bo relieved of undue strain. CLEARING HOUSE CERTIFICATES. An immediate result of the war was the Issue In many cities of clearing house certificates, and a large volume of emer gency currency was Issued by the Secre tary of the Treasury. "The total amount of the emergency currency Issued aggregated about S3S0.000, 000. The channels of circulation were thus filled before the end of the summer " The emergency currency Is being rap idly retired by natural process. "Some 2SO,000,000 have already been withdrawn, thus leaving In circulation less than 1100,000,000 at the date of this report. It la expected that with the lower rates of discount now prevailing at tho Federal Reserve Banks and with the con tinue- increase in the rate of taxation to which emergency currency Is made subject, there will be a gradual conver sion of such currency into Federal re. serve notes so far aa the existing notes are not redundant, "Had tho Federal Reserve Banks been in operation at the beginning of August they would naturally have supplied the great volume of currency which was called for, and they would have derived the profit for the service rendered." "Wider open market operations will shortly be provided for, to give "ample employment for all funds which exper ience may demonstrate the Federal re serve banks can safely and properly Invest" The report says that the question: "What Is" the proper place and function of the Federal Reserve Banks In our banking and credit system?" naturally suggests Itself. Are they "merely emer gency banks," to help In times of stress: o." "simply additional banks which should compete with the member banks, espe cially with those of the greatest power?" They are Identified with neither ex treme. A reserve bank's duty "plainly la not to wait emergencies but by antlcl. 26 ASTHMA SIMPSON, i--sTiari,l ll'"Vtrf 'VfTTTT i w --a, I flB&2ysiHFS-' " ' i v-' .f4-- t-Z--- mt-r-T&-'iviti$pR&tP lTT--',- -.--ja -i, imj ljqjz?-J I 'r -- Hv m -JTHA-r fe m&tmmW ..SAYNOTJ 'iMBlli ' .ffiMWfflllU BeiKa Sr4eAKVA0QTj I lou,HrA- . m Now aluvougottaN--. ' r--J I H mi I O InlW W ' vjt!'. whv nqtcoms "y L,"rJ " mjtiXorJ-miwm Uhthat m i1 . .& wmk ? i u &ii rmmm'- J I n . -. ajin.. m r-r- ii - a- --- I II II I ' - i -n 1 1 !isw - I . r - P I1IU , 1 m I l-f7-I f -73- ' -VF -aa J ??- KTHAAKeVATLTiXQl.' ? "7" I ' 1J&8&X ?Vl "11 5P - 1 ifciiiiiii in 1 1 in 1 tw'Xi-Tsv "" -''--- 1.1 'hie mm$sr UJi-J' fL v stsmmmim-' W& -r npiv xm Ni!BxsA h.&idoor.? ' .;siF ,umm iaw ,'&m ,;'AK' WALTEQ, GLBEQI H. WALTEQ 2CHLICHTEQ. SOME VETERAN ATHLETES Members of the organization known as the Veteran Athletes of Philadelphia will hold their annual banquet tonight at the Hotel Majestic at 7 o'clock. The glories of the past will be re viewed and a merry time is as sured. Walter Gilbert1 is chair man of the Banquet Committee. VETERAN ATHLETES TO HAVE ANNUAL BANQUET TONIGHT Recital of Past Deeds to Be Interest ing Bit of Program. Veteran Athletes of Philadelphia will enjoy titer annual banquet at the lintel Mojcstla tonight at 7 o clock. Preparation has been made by the committee to make this urTalr tho most mctcssful In tho history ot the novel organization. November 111, 1914, a get-together time was held which nan served to y.hct the appetites of the men who were once famous in many brnnchea of sport. Good, bright talks, reviewing past and present athletic happenings, with vaudeville turns and other entertainment will keep the veterans Interested patlon to do what it can to prevent them." In times of oxcesslvo Interest charges it Is the "Imperative duty" of tho board "to secure a wider diffusion of credit facilities at reasonable rates." "Tho resources of a reserve bank, to be useful for Its peculiar purposes, should always be available. They should be mainly Invested in short-term liquid In vestments; these to be "marshaled In a steady succession of maturities." A STEADYING INFLUENCE. Only with ready availability can tho system protect business against "harm ful stimulus" or "unnatural restric tions." "It should at all times be a steadying Influence," never the Instru ment of a selfish group, keeping credit fluid. Reserve banks' resources should neither bo kept Idle nor should all of them be used all the time "to quicken unwisely the pace of industry." "There ia no rea son why they should not earn their ex penses and a fair profit besides." "To Influence the market a reserve bank must always be in the market. "Impatience to show results should not bo permitted to tempt those In charge of the reserve banks Into precipitate and unwise action." The sensitiveness of International finance demands piudence "oven if the European situation were leps clouded than It is today," but where extraordinary condi tions warrant, "it Is tho foremost duty of tho board and the banks to act prompt ly and boldly." CLEARING OF CHECKS. The board declares the collection and clearing of checks a difficult problem. It was the general opinion of the directors that transit and clearing operations should be restricted to easily manageable proportions In the beginning A few of the banks have widened clearing activ ities, but "the whole matter is still to be regarded as In a condition of develop ment. "Habit of long standing In the Ameri can business world has established the check In its preference as the most Im portant and convenient constituent In the circulating medium. To give it wider currency and a freer flow to and from THE VILLAGE QUEEN tSM , WA f&DEBICK Z MU20HAV fa tEa5ggsr-a -r- . n ; C ' : J-.3..I r s rl" -i.-ai 3i3&l . . I ..... U ' -- g.- I- - -- . . .-ii I -. w.,. ,ICO C5fT mTx a n , ec v i - . w la". - i-v1 mm .-zr . , imii n bhji ia Mr r r bs --f I . I iik 111 .-, m-rzjM .--' "" TERQETT f&DERtCK 1. WU25HAW every part of tho country, so far as this can bo done without opening the vtay to abuses, la In line with tho furthor development and requirements of the American business system and will re ceive tho most careful attention of tho board." Tho conditions upon which Stato banks may bo admitted nnd the regulations un der which national banks mny exercise functions of trustee, executor, etc., are declared to bo under careful Investiga tion, with a tentative selection expected shortly. , "Slnco the passago of tho Federal re serve act, there have been convertod Into national banks 93 State banks and trust companies, with a capital and sur plus of $9,151,306. There have been ad mitted to the system as members thereof 9 Stato banks and four trust companies, tho aggregate capital and surplus of tho 13 Institutions being J17,8S4,000. "There are pending at the present time applications from 51 Stato banks and trust companies." UNIFORM ACCOUNTING. A uniform accounting system has been adopted by the banks; dally statements are forwarded to Washington, and lists of bills purchased and discounted; thus credit analyses will show tho distribu tions of funds among the different classes of business which are applying for them This work will fall to the division of reports and statistics. Neither that nor the division of audit and examination fully organized, but will be rapidly de veloped. In regard to expenses of tho board the report says: "An assesement of four-tenths of 1 per cent was levied on the capital of tho reserve banks to meet tho estimated ex penditures of the board during the six months beginning November 1, 1914, on which date the total capital waa $107,760, 100. "It should be observed In connection with this statement of expenses that nearly 50 per cent of the total assess ment upon the Federal reservo banks has been for the preparation of a large sup ply of Federal reserve notes. This ex pense will probably not need to be re peated In the near future. "There Is much yet to be done, but the work cannot bo regarded as experimental In the sense that there Is any uncer tainty as to the outcome." FIVE YOUTHS ACCUSED Must Answer Charge of Offensive Conduct Made by Two Women. Five Phlladelphlans, ranging In age from 18 to 22 ears, are held In the Arl ington police station under $300 ball each for hearing tomorrow night on the chnrge of Insulting Mrs Helen Connor and Miss Elizabeth Meehan In front of the Hunt ingdon Valley Country Club last night. The men were nrrcsted by Mounted Po liceman Kenney. Tho defendants are Roy Moore. 251 North Sarlaln street; George Berkhelmer, 27-14 North Wamock street; Herman Dons gen, 3029 Germantown avenue; Ray W. Njce, 015 Huntingdon street, and Charles WIcland, 2914 North 7th street. TO DISCUSS "CASE OF BECKY" The drama and "The Case of Becky" as staged by David Bolasco, will be dis cussed tomorrow night at tho regular meeting of the Lyceum Institute, which will be held In the Keneseth Israel Alumni Building. Prof. Edward T. Relchert. of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, will be one of the speakers. He will take up "Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde " There will also be a musical program. Among those who will appear will be Mrs, Walter Dalslmer and Mr. and Mrs. Russell King Miller, who are well known in church and musical circles. .TAMFJ) H. "IS THERE ANYTHING THAT dON TRAFFIC -T- FUNERAL OF JOHN M. MACK WILL BE HELD SATURDAY Prominent Business Men find Poli ticians to Attend Mass for Contractor Business merl and politicians from many partn of the country Will attend the funeral of John M. Mack, contractor, and one of tho moat notftblo figures In tho political history of Philadelphia, who Is dead at Ills homo In Torrcsdalo. The polU tlclon had been suffering from an ailment of the tlvor for some time past, and nil hope of prolonging his llfo was given up last week. Ho was 61 years old. His widow nnd seven children survive Mr. Mack, and all wcro at his bedside when the end came yesterday, Mr. Mack retnlncd consciousness to the end and made several suggestions relative to hi? fiineral. It will bo held on Saturday morning In St Dominic's Catholic Church, Torrcsdalo, where solemn requiem mass will bo sung, Mr. Mack waa ono of the founders of tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company and of tho Asphalt Trust, the formntlvo period of tho latter having been responsible for a revolution in Venezuela In attempting to ncqulro vast nsphnlt deposits In that country. Ho was credited at different limes with being the brains of every big political movement In Philadelphia, nnd although mui'h maligned nt times was generally regnrded as one of the most forceful figures of late Philadelphia po litical history. In tho Centennial year he organbed tho AiacK i'aving company, which was an aggressive bidder for nil kinds of paving work during tho administrations of Mayors Stuart and Warwick. Forced to relinquish this source of lncomo when subsequent work was obtalnod by the Asphalt Company of America, ho formed the National Asphalt Company, and a commercial war followed which cost tho former company Upward of $25,000,000. FUNERAL OF JAMES KOHN James Kohn, who was burled yesterday from his home, 1931 Moyamenslng avenue, was u member of the Philadelphia bar. and waa affiliated with many charitable organizations and fraternities. Ho was graduated from tho Law School of tho University of Pennsylvania 14 years ngo. Mr. Kohn, who was 40 years old, died suddenly Sunday na result of a physical breakdown. Besides hla Widow ho is survived by his parents, who live In Brldgcton, N. J and a brother, Georgo Rolind Kohn, and two Bisters, of New York. OBITUARIES MRS. AMY M. CRAVEN Mrs. Amy M. Craven, widow of Edmund P. Craven, and who for 30 years managed tho Sea Side Home, Cape May, N. J., died yesterday at her home, 1412 North 7th street, from general debility. She was 85 years old. Aa a member of tho Ternplo Presbyterian Church, and for many yenrs on tho board of managers of tho Presbyterian Orphanage, Mrs. Craven spent much of her time In charltablo work. She la survived by four children, Horace G.. Jeromo B. and Georgo F. Craven and Mrs. Georgo W. Golden. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late resi dence. FREDERICK CRANE NEW YORK, Jan. 27,-Frederick Crane, artist and chairman of tho Art Commit tee of the City Club, died Monday at tho home of his nephew, Byron W. Baker, In Jnmalca, L. I., In hla 68th year. Mr. Crane waa alao a manufacturer and presi dent of Frederick Crane Chemical Com pany, of Birmingham, England, and had Bpent many years in that country. In art he was noted for his pictures of mountain scenery. He was a member of tho Advisory Board of the National Child Labor Committee. MRS. JACOB RISTINE Mrs. Anna Morrison Rlstlne, widow of Jacob Rlstlne, whose parents were among tho earliest settlers of Bryn Mawr, died yesterday at the home of her niece, MrB. Howard Blng, 21 North 36th street, following a brief Illness of pneu monia. She was In her 76th year. The funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon, from tho residence of Mrs. Blng. JOHN CAVANAUQH THOENIXVILLE, Pa., Jan. 27. John Cavanaugh, for many yeara county chair man of tho Democratic party In Chester County, died yesterday nt his home at Planebrook, near here, from Injuries re ceived accidentally. Ho waa 72 years old and unmarried. Beatljg ANDRE. In Doylestown, Pa., on Sunday, January -4, 1015, MARY ALICE, wife of John It. Andre and daughter of Or. and Mrs, John V. Allen. Relatives and friends are In vited to attend tho funeral, on Thursday morning. January 28. at B o'clock, from her late residence. Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church at 10 o'clock. Interment at adjoining cemetery. Carriages will meet train leaving Reading Terminal at 7 ,30 a. m. at Doylestown. AUH11N. On January 20, 1015, LILLIB M wife of Charles U. Austin. D. Vt ot Toms River, N J. Funeral sen Ices on Thursday, at 2 p. m.. at MJI chancellor st, Interment at Ithaca, N. Y 11AXTKK. On January 25. 1915, ANNIE OIUICHT. widow of Thomas Iloxter, native of Edinburgh, Scotland, residence ot daugh ter, Mrs. Fred W. liemer, East Rutherford, N. J, Interment private, on Wednesday, at 2 p. m at Mt. Morlah Cemetery, BUYER. On January 25, 1MB, EMMA J., wife of N. Edward Ilojcr and daughter of lato lames D. and Rebecca Jane Uod, Fu reral services. Thursday, at - p. m at 27 Wells ave., Ulenolden. Pa. Interment prl ate, at Mt. Morlah Cemetery. BROADHENr. On January 25. 1015.SARAH E., wife of Thomas Ilroadbent. Funeral services, on Thursday, at 11 a. m., at U71S liranqywine si. imerment at west l-aurel 11 III cemetery. ce BROWN, On January 24, 1015, SARAH widow or uenry jaciuon Drown. Funeral services, ton, l'a, round. Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at Eddlng- interment in vanaegrut uurtns heaths JlltirfcAWSKI. On January 25, 1018, Mt CHAnL.BRTLAWSKr, ,ln his 76th year. Relative nnd friends, also Chevre Ahayatti Chesed and members of Congregation Adath Jeshurun, are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday at 10 n m ( from his late resi dence. 32.10 West Berks t. Interment at Mt. rarmel Cemetery It l particularly requested that positively no (lowers bo sent. ni'fc. On January 25, 191B, JACOB M. DTH husband of Imogens Bie nnd son of Alfred 1'. and the lato Batah. Uyo. Funersl on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from 01B7 Rhlnehart st. Interment Mt. Morlah Cemetery, CKKAI). On January 2B, , .1S18, . MAItTf CERAD (neo Robinson), widow of Joseph H. Ccrad. In her 87th year, Relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr reter Deltr. f007 West Susquehanna ave. Interment private, at Arlington Cemetery. COTTMAN. On January 2(1, 1015, AMELIA, wife of the late George W, Cottman, Due notice of the funeral will bo given, from her late resilience, 8035 Tork road. CKAVKN. On January 20, 1D1B, AMY M.,l widow of Edmund R. Craven, aged 85 years. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend funeral services, on Thursday, the zsth Inst., at 2 p. m. precisely, at her late residence, 1442 North 7th st. Interment nrlvnte. CITNNINUIIAM. On January 24, 1MB. PAT RICK J., husband ot Mary Cunningham (nee anllosher), late of Anduragh, County Done gal, Irelnnd, Funeral on Thursday, at, 8 30 a. m., from 251 W, llogn st. Solemn Requiem Mass nt St. Veronica's Church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. DUNNE. On January 22, 1015, TERRENOE. son of Terrence and Bridget Dunne, of Cloughlelgh, County Tlpperary, Ireland, Fi neral on Wednesday, at 8 a, m, from 151S B 21st st. Solemn Requiem Mass at the Church ot St. Thomas Aqulnns, at 0,30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. D1KISH. On Januaiy 25, 1015, OEOItOn DYKES, aged 77 years. Relatives and friends, also Anna M. Ross Post, 04, O. A. It., are invited to attend the funeral, from, his lato residence, 844 Union at,, on Thurs-' day afternoon, the 28th Inst., nt 2 o'clock. Friends may call on Wednesday ovenlng. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. nII"i:. Suddenly, on January 25, 1015, WILLIAM IIENhT, husband of Kate John ston Egce. Furjeral services on Thursday, nt 3 p. m at residence of slster-ln-lam, Mrs. u, W, Hansel). Montgomery ave., Nar berth. Pa. Interment private. IT TIERS. On January 25, 1016, WILLIAM n., husband ot Anna 11, and son of William E, and Sarah J. Fetters. Funeral aenlcca nn I' rlday, at 2 p. m., at 040 N, COth St. Interment private nt St. Paul's Lutheran Cnmetery, Ardmore, Pa. rUKIA. NICHOLAS FURIA, 32 years ot age, of 811 Catharine st beloved husband of Emma, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Eusebjo Fiirln, died en January 21, 1015. Funeral services villi be held on Thursday morning, January 28, nt 0 o'clook, at the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsol, Christian st. aboio 8th. OUADY On January 24, 101B, ANNA MAY, daughter of Edward II. nnd Anna Qrady. Funeral on Thursday, at 8,30 a. m , from .(l!Mft rAa a, llAlnnin T,nn,,l&. ,. n Church of the Nrtivlty, at 10 a. m. Inter ment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. IIAM.IN. On January 23, 1015, ROSE V, daughter of the lato John and Ellen McCann. Funeral on Thureday. nt S:30 a. m from the resldenco ot lur brother-in-law, Michael Krausc, 2.J0O West Montgomery ave. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Elliabeth's Church, at 10 a. in. Interment at Now Cathedral Ceme tery. II01'rMAN,-On January 20.1015, RUSSELL L., son of the lato Elijah and Margaret L. Hoffman, In his 01st ear. Relatives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on Friday, January 20, at 2 p. m preclsoly, from his late residence. 2403 North 17th st. In terment at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. IIOY-IIOUCOT. In Downlngtown, Pa., on January bs loio, MADELINE D , widow ot James F. Hoy and daughter of late Xavlor and Cathrlno Boucct. Funeral from 418 West Main St., NorrUtown, Fa. High Re quiem Mass at St. Patrick's Church on Fri- . day, at 0 .TO a. m HI'NT. On January 24. 1015. CATHARINE v., wlfo of I'atrlck Hunt and daughter ot Francis and Isabella O'Neill. Funeral on AJodncsday, at S 30 a. m , from 1113 Cantrell ft. High Mass of Requiem at the Epiphany Church, at 10 a. m.l Intern ent at Holy Crosfi Cemetery. JAMES. On January 25, lOfB, JOSEPH, son of Charlca and Katio James, runeral on 1; rlday, at 2 p. m., from his parents' resi dence, 4210 Salmon at , Uridesburg. Inter ment at Oreen Mount Cemetery. J9,C.lis- Sud(Jenly, on Januiry 24, 101B, GEORGE W eon of Wilfred II. and Henri etta Jones, runeral services on Thursday, at 2 p m.. nt 2210 West Norrla st. Inter ment private. KEI.LEY. On January 24, 1015. GEORGE .. nuii,anu or Margaret Keiley, ot Frank :?.r(v Philadelphia. Funeral services on Wednesday, at 8 n. m at 5-KI5 North l.ltli Jt , 1 ern flock. Funeral on Thursday. In- ... "l ,,iviv, ui. uiiKianu uemtiery. KELLY. On January 24, 101B, JENNIE, daughter of the Into Joseph and Bridget Kelly. Tunerol on Ihursday, at 8 ",0 a. m , from 282'! Boudlnot st. Requiem High Mass at tho Church of tho Visitation, at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. KLEINLEIN. On January 21. 1015. ELIZA J., wire of John Klelnlefn and daughter of Margaret and he late Thomas Mahaun and mother of Joseph T. Long. Services on rlday, at 1 p, m., at resldenco, 210 Dick inson Ft. MACK. At his residence at Torresdale, on the 20th Inst., 1015, JOHN M MACK. Itela. tltes and friends aro Invited to funeral. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Dominic's Church, Holmesburg, Saturday morning, at 10 o'clock. Interment St. Dominic's Ccmo tory. MARSHALL. On January 20, 1015. FRANK E. MARSHALL, nged 37 jiaro. Friends of the family iro respectfully Invited to attend tho funeral services on Thirsday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at his lato residence, ilS.14 Wayne ave, Germantown. Interment private. Kindly omit floral offerings. MrCI.EN'AGHAN. On January a.1, 1015, MARY E daughter of Mary (neo McGinn), nnd the lato Michael McClcnaghan Funerni i.n Thursday, nt SMO a m . from 20.11 South Ilouvler st. High Mass of Requiem nt the Church of St. Monica, nt 10 a. m. Inter ment nt Holy Cress Cemetery. 3!cCOY, On January 20. 101B, JOHN C, husband of Frances L McCoy, runeral on Saturday, at 8 a. m , from 1711 East Mova menslng ave. Solemn High Mass of Re quiem at the Church of the Sacred Heart at O.'IO a m. precisely. Interment at Holy Cross Cemetery MrDKKMOTT. At Mt. Alto, on January 25. 1013, JOHN McDERMOTT. Funeraf on Thursday, aj 7-'I0 a. m from 244 North 4th st Mass of Requiem at St. Augustine's Church at 8 30 a. m precisely. Interment at Holv fro- Cemetery. 1-iVriKitHiiN. On Jnnuary 25, 101B JEN NIH R. 8. PATTERSON, wife' of James M Patterson. Funeral servlcex on Thursday, nt 1 30 P. m precisely, at Manoa, Delaunro Oountv, Pa. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. FI.AMf. On January 24 1015, I1ENHARD Hon of John and Bertha Plank (nee Traband) x uurint Dn,i, C3 vn IHWrB'lUy, Bfc X P, m. at 2W1 North 7th st. Interment private at Northwood Cemetery. ' fli'ICKSALL At Mt Holly, N. J.. January 21, 1015, ELIZABETH D. QUfCKSAI.1, daughter of Ross W, and Clements Oulcksall. Funeral from 00 Sladlaon ave.. Mount Hollv N.' Vl" i,,Th,url'!ay' .at - P' m- Interment" at Mount Holly Cemetery. RAN'KIN On January 25. 101B. ELIZA. ISETH S. Klfo of OeorgeW. Rankin (nee Idell. Funeral services on Thursday, at 2 n m., at l0!l East Sergeant st. Interment pri vate, at Greenwood (K of P.) Cemetery HICIITER On January 23, 1015. nino. LINE RICHTER (neo Eberfmrd). widow of Franz X. Rlchter. Funeral services on Frl. day, at 2 P. m., at the residence of her son Frank Rlchter. 514 Clinton -t Camden N r Interment prhate, at Evergreen Cemetery' RITTKR On January 23. 1015, EMMA M RITTER, widow of Oeorgo W. Rlttor. Fu neral services on Thursday, at 1 p. m at 1741 South Water st. Interment at Oreen wood (K. of P.) Cemetery. " SIITII. Suddenly, on January 24, 101B OEOROE W son of Charles P. and Mary Smith. Duo notice of funeral will bs given. from the residence of hla parents, 234 East Ashmcul st Germantown. SOIITIIItN, On January 25, 191B. JANW JENKS. daughter of Frank L. and Jane MT J. soulhrn. Funeral services on Friday afternoon, at 2 SO o'clook, at the apartmenti of Oliver II. Balr. 1820 Chestnut t. Inter ment at Provldepe. R. I. ,er T(M-W?,r-0&.Janu?y sy l0"- SAMUEL B. TALaa Funeral aervlces on Thursday, at DOESNT ANTICIPATE?" " MEATUS 2. P m , t tho i-.m... r - Harry A !!. til! "'.". l t k private. nt Weatm.SstV"?.'".! L bg " ld& ' orBam.fe'lT'Jr,?0' i10 Uftfl friend. ii.lz'. rlppe ff.i. PLl (. on .Friday, the Sth, $ unrffSl lv, at her ate rcMdene. i ,? "!itrH3I aven,,e, chmnul i,,.," &1 S AMW-LASr.SA ii' T:SH mWiZW.T-:is itiiiiS B tS 2.L rh.Ttifia."Wmw ices on Thursday, at 2d m F'Wnr?' lvmitvt n ... ul ircw JP: iTalrson'ES terment private. ' c" and llh ts TO N. oth st Camden. N. J. rA.JS-. tnmSi' nmaen cemetery. nnnt at I It'll ,,! . "- ias'f oence, atio Wallace at,, w... "a., .rtiu po'emn iiequiem Mann at o. """Mphli. Church nt 10 a, m. int.rL.8''. Arifhih iffia. " "' "C""ifi Widows' AsyTiTrn. fir itfitiiA.?' 8- An'.n John .Willi, and I daughter "SU'i Mo Ja f.nA M&y Do?m. 0" cSuntr1 Willi! t rrom 1414 Christian at haUw.- ? I. m J auiem at St. TerJlvi ChuEn ! R&M b husband of Mary B Yni,-iiOHCB n.,1 -D5e nStic. of fun,raTw' & HuT'Si UDL M, ZACHARIAS" Kea 7,' ,!!" 8Al Uvea nnd friend aro iniiVi,,:fl- U.I funeral services, on Thursd ,",,B8 Ual 2 o'clock, at his late reslnV. ML "WmI ton st. ii. interment pr vats. pviS;:"'! remains on Thursday; fiVrTu fil view o'clock. CLASJF.?P RATES .twvi AJJ BUNUAT 1111a uriLH TYFB (or like this) ij wno insertion ,,,,,... is- .. fi Three insertions In a week. I laUoKlH8' Seven consecutive insertions'. 10a Sl!r. Situations wanted, three Inter- WUtl, tlonn In ft 1valr . .. 'jt "W PwUmI THIS SIZE TYPE (or like th!jj Permitted In all classifications ,., ? and Situations -Want.d, Lost and 55$ ?!' One Jnlertlon ...... ... v 4 Three Insertluns In a wfc. " 7i,i "!" Seven consecutive insertions.. .lBo SJi!! All rnl.. --. ,.... PWIUt 14 agate lines to the inch. " ' m",m". DEATH NOTICES-elther paper 10 lines one time Three Insertions ,,,, DAILY ONLY I :, In Effect December J, l$t , '43 COMBINATION -RATW for insertion In both the morning and ,Talai papers ox same day: nbj ... . a rUbLIU LEDGER -a (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER "' (EVENINfll Add four cents per line net to rates glrn HELP AND SITUATIONS TVAKTEn1 ADVERTJSINO IN THE PUBLIC LEDQm MAY BE INSERTED IN TUP. nvpfflSS CHARGE. WITH0UT ADDIT10nTE There is a drug store near youll tinmt tl.it- ...lit A....,...,- T .J r .4tt .. """ " .h.i.ciji. cuger want aus at omce rates, HELP WANTEB EEMALE Ti.i.a3,S?e;Ahr."f'??'7w ,; ".'""' ."J-y-.."""' . AM- n o ti i Z "" " xeiepnonea to tat' mv.m iuitm- every Hour. CHAMUFRMAID, wash. Iron: reference. 1320 Walnut st. small limilfl CLERK Young wuman. who in ranta ,, neat penman, quick and accurate at Mrurti1 and on detail, whn nan nn,rnla ariain- n... chine and calculating machine: salary HO-ltS tltn Visa TUnn T ... n-.-i.-i ti - - Chestnut ats. ' - OCX) KINO and house woirk in apartment; na cfrl 1ntnrla ia unary; lTench or Swedish kI lady. Room 230, IMbllo Ledger, Wedntiaa, at J p. m. EDITOR FOR UTERARY MAGAZlN-tttt under ' Business Opportunities," ad. "lM.A1.0lm gunm ia, t,Apt;ri3m:u. etc.. in toqay i ,iiiuaa HOUSEKEEPER, nrl fnm snealclnr Fr.nftS Pref.; give cxp wages cxp. F 044. Lea CtnyJ HOUSEWORK Woman to go to Cap, FS until April 1, two ladles In family) so luu. urj. ji , iveuger mnce. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkecprs an! clerks can obtain valuable Informa tion about securing positions by In terviewing Mlsa Lean at Ledger Cen tral. See her at once for this free nriWcc, as tho Commercial Depart ment is constantly securing good po sitions for Ledger Adcrtlscrs. WANTED, by family of threo adults la ofj near Chclten ave. and MorrU t.8 mumown, near uncnen ae. una jiorrw w a capable vhlte woman to do cooking snaJJ general hotisonork Interview M s KeW.' Household Registry Bureau. Ledger uldrrBI Bth and Chestnut sts.. Thursday, at 3 cVIocHMI WOMAN about 30, for position requiring cloM nttentlon from 0 to 4. must be rtlJnftH educated nnd prepojseeslng, , best city cre dentials rather than buslrcss exirfritnce n eentlal: one willing to learns MUrjr, P weekly PS5, Ledger Offlce. HELP WANTED MAX- THERE Is a wide-awake Drug Store near roj noma mat viu accept mu. a-. - nrrirA rates. Ads. are tcleohono to tat Public Ledger every hour; HOSIERY riNISHER Wanted, a man hajtly! had good oxperlence In the packing room a hoslory mill, capaDie oi taaing care , dozen a day; atafa where o" "fST perlence and glva reference. Addrets I Ledger Office. - piilii, jmiumu ot .n-oMi.i-"., .,-. -7, -i.-,, mono- .to sell notion specUllles "i.'t.'us on strictly commlsiion basis; jl",-7S 20 pounds. .. State line, now carr 1.3 and bo, often territory is covereu. ,..., Box L '---. Ledger OJflc -T"... .-... .V " -i ....ui., .-. nri rellltit strapper for a hunting table, who can jHM W. It , St. JJavwa. ra. IJVIKMV,,. ".-" -ZIr no samples. M 443. LedgerCeetr"; -J SALESMAN with oxperlence .."SjSSJi shippers In I'lUJadelphla. .I1n.yaMW morning, air, utter. m -,,i - - SALESMAN or solicitor onprlntlngcontr.tU.l on commission: "" l'W!"l.,PT SSca If possible. B 8.. '-PSJr-rM BALEsm-NMeTTT-Sear; PgOo-1 co m .nun.cauona cowmwiui. t - llohla man fa BW PU ' muit Uve ..ood , habit. ,Vefir;l! i"n.m ?h. 'Pfinc.' F-r-7tur.- ana tW Princ i, Pa. Co., Ilaifeton, fe: u JM!lPiiffJffiM , - ' . -A $?. sHaHraBRaHHa-