Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13
(fSpjpiPMiSW! mmm wy; 'wwim ijpf yji,vi' u jiff ,wiAnWHHtiwypi EVENING- LKnOBlt-PItll-Anijl'Ll'ttlA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1015. 18. MMII1," ""liPniWHIW MASSING OF OOK PRICES FALL jDLLOWM PASSING OF STEEL DIVIDEND JlPoiiiinoit States of Cororu- llon Reached Mmimum; preferred Dropped Over 5 Points. rgtv yoiilvi Jan. . j.no suspension 'rjMaend payments oh United Htnleg ;bi cottonon caused tin Abrupt eliaiiRo Msi shedtilatlVo situation In the stock Mtitl today, Thn niarket was flooded nitintr orders soon after tho oiion- f!nd prices Kolteraliy dropped. Ni r did tB toor traders sell, hut tl A Not 10 ffet thdt rates for sterling exclintiRo ml Liu.! Indicated that Europe was lln- rfiainic some of her lioldlnRB of AincH NX. ,7iciirltles. This liquidation was SrUculttrly I" united States Bteol com ' . ' till anmn nt tlio Preferred- ntncli IrAmerican plSiWl' , ton SUgar ., Jfiil'co Pel Lin will e somo of tho preferred- stock ill alio sold. TS nmrACV VIUBCU onuno "'it .. to- nttd rocovercu iiuiii w, uir !'" m, ill Aiv. Willie Bomo lew which iinu ucen Krone throughout the session mado gains Krir the closing of yosterday, ltcadlnsr Covered to Us, but wns oft 3 points, lT . ....Ivix.'a rtfirtl? ttttlnil Pnpllln LulUd 150 for a rccovory of !4. It wnB Kjj ijj from yestorday, however. tnsnean xjccp. s" viwavu a iumi. 83Wt Third Avcnuo 1 ai nn, Amtr SUgar ReflnhlB 1V4 Up at 10Si, and Petroleum H up ot f.7. whin tho mnrket obctled thcro was a ills crowd In United States Steel com- - rtMrt nnnr v nil liiiihu 111 luu uiliwii il once offered tho stock nt tho minimum tTtCS 01 uw.tii ra .. - ... ...., ...... iMy. Tho preferred stock, on which ike minimum price Is 102, sagged ore 2W, joints on thB first sale nttd then dropped farther for a net loss of B'i points from liis final yesterday, nt 102. One broker in the Steel crowd announced that ho ..u bft inn nf IP. nhrl nl nnnn tin hn. jfcime the centre of a struggling group Juno inlistea iney naa boiq 1110 siugis 10 In 1 mt.1. nhlii ..i... nnttlA.l 00 VifenWiM.. Jim. ino WlttllBIW vvao nmiitui k uiuw;ia 6tchlng to see who Would mako tho p.Th's market became a llttlo stronger In mhe afternoon on the announcement of B.i . .lll.u rtlinktnvl,. 1llHl4l1ll Vl. 'i,n pnnsvlvanla Itallroad. Many stocks IcitiJo fractional advances from tho low ef the morning, nut Business was iigiu ind the market very quiet. Ptflisk beforo tho closo It was announced tht the Norfolk ana western naa uc iifM the regular quarterly dividend. fcThe ofllce of tljo Stock Exchange was Alleged with Inquiries In regard to Ifrobable action In reducing tho minimum price 01 oiera common ueiuw 10. j-iiu MnWI(tn nf Ilvo ias at work rleht after tie opening studying the character of l&e oueriugs anu aucenuiuinK ui wuul Jeril 4 demand could reasonably bo ox Mctsd. It was generally believed that !f I reduction in tlio minimum price would I? J '. l..l U... .l.n .111 nnltnn n.ni.1.1 rlnt Kb announced until after tho close. te.IHire was a speedy revival of tho trad IBS, group on tho New York curb, where United States Steel oommon was first P'tjblid at 46ffl7 and later after sales were Ci&ue at 40, me hiock wa oucieu ui (SS. In the afternoon tho stock sold down' to' (( bn tho New street curb, whtlo -COO lihirca were offered at 44vs A fair moi)ht of stock enmo out on olTers. The iUDrly In tho general list camo nl- fuost wholly from accounts in which United States Steel common wub car ried 111 conjunction with other Btocks ihd. Iti the absence of a market for Steel c8Hra8n It became nfceessary to liquidate 6ther Issues in- order to protect these ac counts. Weakness was not confined to Steel I shares, bUt throughout tho list In gen ijeral, the railroad Issues being severely fiffected. nodding made the largest do- fcime, losing 3T4 points to uvi. union iPaclflc lost 15i to 110. Canadian Pacific Nagged off 2 to lBliH. .Amalgamated Copper was a very weak Kfeiture In the Industrial group. It dropped m poinis 10 oj;s. v uivvAa niilll siuuu uuk ill 1.11a iiininc. jjii the only Btrong Issues were Bcars-Iloc-lou'clc, Third Avenue, Mexican Petroleum Hi American Sugar Itodnlng. Sears-Hoe- JJlCR, jthlch was the strong feature In the market yesterday, continued Its advance, tuning 4V5 points 'during tho morning MBston. The rise was based on tho fact .that a special meeting of the Hoard of Directors has been called for next Sat urday In Chicago, when the board will ieclde on the disbursement of an extra dividend to stockholders. ViOemahd sterling rates hardened, ns did raws for murks. Call money loaned at I per cent and In the afternoon at I'd ner tint. ft. COTTON MARKET WEAK ces 0 to 14 Points Lower nt (EV Close. )io, iuiuv, jan, ST. There was more tereat displayed In the stock ticker than ' the. staple on the Cotton Exchange this norninr, and the weakness of stocks af wled th$ cotton market. Cotton opened lito l nnlnt ilmt'tt nml ilnptltifwl in n tint kit of about 9 nolntB Immpdlntlv after Ijy call. Here a rally of a point or two Ipeurred. The market was featureless 'MM operations dn bdtlt sides were scat- urea. tin market closed 6 to ll points lower. mt t V. cloa. Open, !(lgh. Low. Close rjh ., 8.J1 i.u) kh 8.41 B.l liai bbI q ut a wi q n3 u rn 'M. ,..,,,.., UM OJll SUM SilJO Slud 5"T D.2U V.tl V.a U.JI U.1J Rafter ...... u.au U.S3 U.U3 U.i'l VM NEW YORK OUBB JJB CBppr WUih-Amerlcan T old si new fsWaell C-JnioU j'e'tVd ",',','.','. fete ...-...- (Mitt TW MIMIIIIIIIIMIII W Elevator .1. teM-iU"'..:;::-: MifJJ efOflt-Sharln'r'nVw';; i.'T "Yenanq ..,...,.,.. ::::: .V J1W, m Asked, ?i 5 3iJrUrrd v run ueli mm . 3 . 03' . w . os .101 3',, M . . 2H A I Mi US 4 El 1 BANK 0LBARIN03 Pmaai with corra- 1B13. IS' 4k tlflrlnca ladav comraro oar laat Iwo yearfi. W M w4 .K fork .s,iiiS &s:ii,is' S0O.lJM.WS r,m nv ti ti bnro-BiAiin i.fcTV tQRK, Jan. rr.-The mlitee i "P "ow rK oiook amnniisu t"uoeq this afternoon tnat tna mini- vntt of united Htutes ateei com 1 hw been reduced from S to 13. BW YOBK BUTTER AND EOOS ,., I. WiWHo.: Htata Jan. 4T.-HUTTEH. Market yj!1'' WS9 pacUagea. crearaary et :ft" hUhee ai-oxtni. ,13uSio.: Tjute. rij imitation crtmery, yttah eilra l!rl Iflc : rrtih firata ....r"-. TTTT' i..?.T'. .T2 iV. IW'tVJSSaft, ffiSi.'iWBf"1 i taagej, N. J.t Belli Bonds ; 1 two huilJini U 'o Owfi CmaI a br A Va. Yolk tank it si .j; :.Lji kjE jefl-'Uf&ejit usai&$ wir STEEL DIVIDEND CAUSED SHARP BREAK IN STOCKS-GRAIN PRICES LEAP GRAINS IN 0HI0AGO NEW YORK STOCK SALES tov. Clone. 27U ?? 9!J ran 27 B4U . as, 27H 0l!i 40 114li 1HM 44 24 2:iM 2.1K fO 44! 24 24 2.T O'f WIN . , Uatanle. ItUli. AlMIrs tlold Mlnti I8) 27'1 AllUChalmert. ........ lU 0 i AttililMirlatedt'oiipct .. C7 IWl American lleetSucat .. :4tj mi ArncrlcanCarl 29! 2j'l Atrlttlcan Can pref ..., Uf, 1)5 American cat a found 47H 40'f Am, Cat&Kdy.pret...l)f, 11414 American Cotton Oil.. 411 4fi Amfcrlcah Locomotlto. . S0JJ 2i Am tilde & Leatii. brcf . 2i 2fi) j Am Ico,. 24 a:S J Ametlcarl Mnsced 10 0!f American Smelllne .... r,2f 112 American Smcltluff Pretlm I lt)2H lt)2'l 102', 'Spsar 107 t:8!i 1U0W. 10SJS American suwr prof... 114 114 llM U:il( AmMctlKdy aou 2fl)f iOH 10H Amctcar. TclAtel....l20H 120VJ 1105 Ut American Tdbacco 2:il'f 2.m!f 2.10' 2.1I)SI Am 1 Woolen pref 70 70 78U 78'f Aiioconua topper 27!j 27!f 205. ?!"!"on-; 410'f IWll A.l?.0!U Llno 107 10.VJ I alllmoh) & Ohio 74J 7.U alllinoto & Ohio prof . 72J 72!( lethlehenl Hiccl ptcr..lo;ll( I02' ijiuukijnuas. . .j 2U I'JO uanK or cnnimprri. . . . tiviu JlfooMjn llauld Transit H1H llutlrrlck 27U lll!4 MM 72)4 7 47! t allfotnM I'clroleum. . . 17! California I'ct prof 48)4 I70)f H7 ( 27)r 17 Aft Cthadlan I'aciflc 105)4 101)4 -rairai j.eaincr a-lll 34 Ccnlral Leather pref. . . 103 104 C'hesAOhlo 40)4 4M( ChlcacoA Alton 0 0) Chlno Copper anil SO Chltaso Oicat Western 11J( 11)4 OhlcGtWwt pref 31 ,'ii ChlcDEoAtll AHt Paul. 02)4 1)2 Chic Mil & Bt 1' pref . . . 127U 12SIS v.uicn80CB wormwest. .128 127 -oi uei s iron 2o,'f Urlo 23 Krlo Ulptcf ,T7 KrloSdpror 30) wonsoi uas Corn Products Corn Products pref. . Del I,ac & Western . General Chemical... Ocn Motor Ocn Motor pref Goodrich Co (lrca Northern met urcat North Oro Cent 205S ll.Ut 10.-H 7.1 72 48)4 I01J4 101J4 128!f 120 108)4 10SJ4 80)5 87 27W 27!f 10't I0H 48 48 1G2)( 102M .'III 33! 4 103)4 104 44 44!f OX 0i LOOAL SECURITIES SUFFER SETBACK; SUPPORT EVIDENT Pennsylvania Sells $49,000, 000 Bonds Drop in Storage Battery, Cambria Steel and Coat Shares. 35ti 11)5 Kim liOLi im 31 01!( Outccnhcim cij iiomcttaKoMininc ....118 Harvester NJ InterBoro-Jlolropolltan Inlertoro Met prof .... Indiana Slcel Indiana btcel pref , International Paper.... Inspiration Knnsns City Southern.. Laclede Oa.t Lackawanna Steel Lehlcli Valley L & M Tobacco pref. ..110 I.orinarU pret 118 Louisville ti Nashville. .1 10)4 Maiucll Motor'. 10J4 Maxwell Motor 1st pref fi,1!l Maxwell Motor 2d prof 21 Mercantile Marino 2 Mercantile Marino prof 014 2W4 22)4 MM 2!)U .HOW 110 .. 0! !)V(i .. (i7)f f0) .422)4 422)4 ..iofi)4 men .. 04 03M .. 0SJ 00 .. 31 30U ..110J4 110 3.1f 3214 BOJf 11 7) J 05 12 f)2)f IB 70 8)4 18)4 23 0 30 13811 13(lf US 128 1 12NS4 127 127 2I!J 2211 no 2S'5 24 'i 22)4 30)4 2014 117!( 118)5 00)4 12)4 02 IB 70 8J4 1S! ?.'D4 03 0 r.ou 422 105 02)5 0SH 20'f 111! 11,' 30U 31 40 4D4 117U 117)1 05 05 UH 12 51 52)1 0 f0!l 422 105)4 03)4 05!1 21H li 70 mt 23 05 30 15 70 8)4 18 23 05 30 Minn A St Louis Minn & St Louis pref. . M Sill's sb At.. . . M St 1' & S S M pref. . Mexican I'clroleum ... Mexican I'ct pref Missouri Kan A Tex.. Mo Kan & Tex pref. .. Miami Copper Missouri 1'aclflc Montana Power Co ... rational Biscuit.... National Lead N. Y. Air Urafce Nevada Consolidated .. NY Nil All New York Central NY O& West Norfolk & Western pref. North American Northern Pacific rnclflcMall l'cnnsylvanla l'cople's Gas 1'lttsbureh Coal 1'lttsuurch Coal pref. . . l'rcEScd bteel Car l'resscd Steel Car pref. . Pullman Co Kay Consolidated ltcadlne Kepubllc Iron & Steel.. Itcpubllc I. S. pref . Hock Island licck Island pref 12 Itumcly Co prof S llfi .128 . m)5 . '3 . 11)4 . 32 . 101. .. J H ... 40!1 ..1304 .. 47 .. (8 .. 13 .. MM .. 02J4 24 85H 07 100U 105) 21J4 21 1071 10711 110 118' 18J4 17J1 (7M HSH 33 :i2! 102)1 101)4 164 154)5 1751 151 21)1 78 H 1M 117 110 17)1 51)1 21 ni (1)1 IDS 25 114)1 128 07)1 74 nj 31 18)4 13j 45)4 127)1 41114 67)1 12H B4 01)1 23)4 85 110 134!1 l:l5?i 118 118 117 117. 118)4 no HUi 1G4 54 20 1)1 0)1 11)4 25 Ul'I 128 05!4 74 1U5 31 im 12)1 45 54 20 1)1 0)1 Ills 25 11451 128 07 74 11!,' 31 18)5 12)1 45 127!1 127J1 4055 40', 67 12)4 53)1 011J1 23 85 00 67Ji 1214 53)1 0OH 23)1 85 CO Seaboard Air Lino 1514 Sears Koebuck 103 Sculhern laclllc 87)1 Southern Hallway 17)4 Southern Ily pref 01 J4 Standard Mllltns 40)1 Mudcbaker 41)4 Studebakcr pref 05'4 '1 enncssec Copper 31 Texas Company 135 Texas I'aclllc 13 'I hlrd Avenue 4414 Toledo fit L & W prer . . 8 Twin City UT 00)4 Union Uau & l'anor. . . . 5)4 Uhlon I'aclllc l.'UJ l-UJl united Hjslnv ... 12)4 12)4 United ltyslnv pref ... 3 1 . 31)4 USltUbber fi7Jt 57 U S Steel 51)5 W US Steel prer 103 10551 Utah Copper 51 5331 Wabash 115 1)1 Wabash pret 3)1 3)1 V estcm Union 03 02.'1 Wisllncholl5eElcq 72! i 71 Wcstesn Maryland 20)4 211 Wells Farco W 2 Woolworth..." 03M 02 Total sales, S53.000 shares. 1754 140H -0)4 7W1 !i l!l 4'1 15 107J4 fcOll 17 01-4 17 41"! 01)1 31 134 134 40' I 8)4 00J5 5)4 103)4 10354 21 21 10551 1UII51 HSU 118'1 1751 1714 tO 05 32 3"' 101)5 10l4 154V4 154h 10)4 17 147J-S 147J4 IU54 10M The chief news of locnl Interest todny In the financial district wns the hiinolillci" meht Hint the rolinnytVftlilii ltrtllroftd had sold to tJiihn. Loch & Co. ln.0O0.O0O of tin conmilldntcd Hlld How llrst morlnnKc i'A per cent. Roid bonds, dua Aumint 1, idhu. Till sale now clofea tho itiortrtano which whb ninde In 183 mid lllnltcd to 100,000,COO. Tho new honda were ituoted on the OUll) nt ica'i. Aside from this mid tho miiiouneeiiieitt ot thfc reBiilnl- dividend oil t'ciinsytvnnlit stock, t'lillndclMHn's rtttontlotl wns con ceitrnlcd on the brenk In Wnll Street. Tho locnl market reflected thn decline In New York this mornliiB nnd most of tho nctlvo lenders sitftornd recessions laiiBlnft frottl n. fraction to a point or over. Ill several instances minimum limits prevented mure- oxtciislvo breaks notably In rtnpld TrnttRlt, Union Trac tion nnd, of, course, United Htntcs sltfel. Cmpbrln Steel fell 2 pointo nml nt 0110 tlmo Klectrlo ltftttcry not ns low hs 4T"-t compared with 13. Inst nlclit's closhiK price. Later part of this loss was re covered and support was pvldcnt throUBh out tho list nl the lower levels. With tho problem of the United States Steel dividend settled, the tlnnnclnl dis trict awaited with pome anxiety tho ac tion of tho Pennsylvania ltnllraritl bonrd or directors nit tho ipuirtorly disburse., liltnl. This wns nntiouiiccd shortly nftor 1 ij'cluck at the l'ORtilnr li pot cent, per nnnuin into, nnd tliercnftcr tho local market quletcl down mid became fetendy. The action of Pennsylvania stock was Rood. Comparatively Utile wns of fered and thero seemed to be support nf considerable magnitude nrotiilil C3. On t'no other hand Lohlsh Valley and Head ing were weak and Lehigh Nnvi;ntliiii also suffered modernlcly, toRothcr with l'hiladlphi.i Company, l.chltrh Volley Transit preferred, Ylirk Itnllwiys pre ferred, Bahlwin Locomotive preferred nnd Phllndelphla Klcctrlc. An Interesting bit of news was tho statement that tho Kalians, Nntural Oas Company, a sitbsldlttry of the United Has Improvement Oolnpnny. would ask permission to increase Its rates to con sumers. The receivers stato the company cannot meet Its obllBntlons with tho present jiilccs tlxed by the city. United ;.'is shares held very well todny In vlow of tho general depression. No sales of International Smokeless Powder occurred, hut thn stock which sold ycstcidny over tho counter ftt 31 was offer ed down to 20. Illds .'or Du Pont Interna tional bondfl at 07',-i found nono orferlliR. The directors arc expected to act this ii.nnl. It, ..nt.,,.! Hni. .Tin illaenllll lull MUnll.. j ..i-iji. in ciiii.ii,ii..iiin .nv. IUO..VI... i"'" Hon to stockholders. Tho vote to lhiuldnte cannot bq, tttkclt without "0 days' notice, so It will not coino up at tho annual meet ing February !). It Is believed the II nuldatlni; valuo of the stock will have tc bo reached by appraisement. Tho not as sets on December 31, 1913, wore something over $2,000,000. Tho preferred stock calls for $CCO,O0O. leaving only $1,100,000, for tho 1S0.OOO shares of common, or something less than $10 a share. Hut slnco that time thu assets have Increased nnd the value of the present contracts will have to be taken Into consideration, li 1)4 351 11)4 105i W!4 1014 00)4 47 40 04 30H 13U4 13)4 43 8)4 00J4 5'4 UOlt 12)1 31 55)1 '48 lU.'H 2J5 1)4 3 02)1 70J5 18)1 82 U114 Ti IM 351 14)4 107 85 10)5 10)5 17 40 04 31 132 13)j 40)1 SM 0OH 5)4 110)1 l-'Ji 31 55)1 48 103)1 53)1 IM 3 024 J0J4 10)4 82 U151 LOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALE3 V- fIrtqA B05 Arnal Copper .... Goo Ainal Copper ,. GO Am Pf WH4 T llald Loco Pr..l03 BUI Cam Steel ..... H ico inlno copper ,u ill... .e. rihln .. .. 2 Con TrilC N J.. US Klua, atoniBO.... lo Intcrboro Alet... loo tna Co N Aln. . . Hi Ke) alone Tel... so Keystone V X c 10 to pre; ..... a Ihlsh Nv,t c, v 1-ehlgh Valley.. 411 u V Tran pt... 3iHi Mo 1'acirtQ. ... 40 North . Central. 10 t'rewel 8tl i , , tl l'enna llallroajtB.lv,, 'l l'enna Salt AlfB 0 i tihiin. c.a ;i;i CO l'hlla Klectrlo, . W 4UO-I KTtr ctfs. 10 4V1 Tenopah Mir.inr TH 7 Union Traction. SB JO United oas Im i'i , 155 U 3 Stl t 100 do pref 2tO War ir &S ... 014 15 do pret ...... 31 BONDS. IAt prev. aale. 1000 Am O b K . S3 SoOO City in 1M2 ...100 lOfrt Oltv 4s 1IH3 ..100 QflS Oaro Steel scrip 0T WOO Oon Tr N J 3s. .101 Hfiou iniersc ffjii. ' , SOOO Mi N cpns 4H. WS 10000 Leh Vel CI S;;li 2 U V gen ca iVS Jf MM Rblla Op crlp..nl , lSoa Phlla BU 6.. 10214 1000 f W Si H t 0 4s 0T Illttli. Low. 0103a.' .U &l(i &JI Vi At J U J IUO',1 f 05 iw i ipl ml 33M sin :s3j 43U 4lltS IM T2H K'i K'l V2li V W 1?!S 13 4 ih iJii liu i f rf i (E S)5 ni usii 23H 23 a5 2 1SH 15U 1SH S3)l M) 3?5 SQH m h s 00 1)0 00 33. : :i3 j.i za ziy. I K.IA i R.l,l K.lfl 1 IS T"n 39 3 h Si 81T5 8JT1 4S 4S 4S 1111 1011 10.1 30)5 sola suli High. Low, Close. 100 100 nl) 1001! 100V, 101IU )4 104V5 lOluS idn J a m M m oVa Kit u ust mi 1 OIK lDlK 1( m ojn i 9j ih In itii ' BAB SILVER KBW yonK, an. M romw!la bar, all V& was oft 4c at 4S5ic per ali. I Ua dh tr -Oliver was quoted at SM. per oufee. To Increasa Bank's Capital BAL.TIMORS. Jan. 2T.-A special m of tha stocltholders oj trie iwuiurui bi Bank tvhlch recently abMrbeg tna Howard lanis bai been call for 1TM.M.W. 0, to vote o lucreasing tee capital frBri sm e AT.iKr, rOBEION EXCHANGE tadiBg Oeui N8W XOBK, Jan. VA strojur tons 4 velotUd tn the foreign McbaflM mirkKaJtet ; ,m-nir.L- in tea eutiy (iscuBi terttsc nve4 UP t I 1 -, mfEn snSB: rrni oiUM JfR mi Jf4,tMJ HALF HOURLY SALES 10 to 10.30 A. M. 1 Cam Steel.... 10 l'enna 03;t JO do Itl'S 0 IleaUlnir .,..7t 10 Tono r.el ..1 .Via 10 l'hlla llTto Kit! 20 1! S Slecl.. 2f 10 Ton Mill 1S Tono Mln ..1 11-10 10 Culnb Steel .. 4:t 4 8 1354 .114 ISO 13 IT H Steel... 48 Ml Ktoc Plor in i!n . . . 4t .-. k'nv Tut n., n.. .,., t , in ,1. . ,..!.. ' '' ..! IS Tono Mln ... 7W 2 Ih Vnl i.s(4 10 ti S Steel... 48 lo I.eli Val Tr pt 23 1(H) l'enna Wi 3 Klec t'tnr 4S,S no do ran 100 U S Steel... 4S 20 .do MH HI I.eh Vnl .... (iM4 J2 Leh Nav t c 74 10 JtesdlnB 7IU It" dn T4 1-1 inter Met.... 12 10 up 4 20 ltcadlne Tli 140 Tono Mln ..7 11-10 2 Baldwin pf..lO.'l 20 l'enna r,!H 43 Ins Co N A. 21(1 BONUS. $200(1 I.ehluli NavlRtitton cons 4!ts. . l(O0 City 4s, 11)1.1 20( Helh Steel 1st eit 3s 03 Cambria Steel scrip 10.30- to 11 A. M. "1 II a Imn S2 23 Tonn Mln n ...., M'.nA lt fdl ll.iinn 'fl 1, LflllUll .till... ". .-. . ..,.i, ..'"V itu . r'nntmt- f.rt 1S Vnrl IIvm nf .teii 10 Chcs & Ohio. 43T4 W l'enna M 111 un vai it nt - " i-nun ui ... .1.1 40 Nortn cent.. .: iy; ".mo er. .. j-? '" 1 ej ." Baldwin prof.lli2! 20 Key Tel t e. J:i 30 Camb Steel.. 4271 ;i i.iec .itur. ... H -20 Key Tolo . . . 1.1'S 10 I'res St Cnr t)2'5 . nsm .100 VI .no loft Am Conner. 10 Key Tel pf. 211 Leh Val . . . 10 do 20 do enna 0 .1.. 33 Ins cV.v'XI! GO l'hlla Bloc... r.3 112!? ns s as BONDS. JinOOCon Trao N J Bs 3000 city 4". 1UJ2 11 to 11.30 A. M. 10 BeadlnK 7JH 2pn do .... (I Penna M'.l 30 l'enna .. IK) Phil B T t 0 10 BONDS. $136 Camb Steel scrip 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. 43 'Wi Vi 21 S3H BUM ioo!5 10 B3!t 20 I'ennl .... 0V4 10 camb steel, c... 12M 100 Am Copper. .... IP'S S Camb Steel. 2CO warwicK, . 100 Mo I'aclflc 10 Warwick . BONP3, $12 Camb Steel scrip neci) Belh Slecl 1st ext 3s. riK rniia l;o svnp . B7',4 5354 BTV4 101) 111 "iri l'hl pi nil serin 2000 Leh Val sea tons 4!fj3. .......... U7)l 12 to 12.30 P. M. BOO BeadlnK T4 W Aln Copper. . . Bill lit I lli Ittl 9 JrTA us 7i 100 cam Stool... 42 loo U S Steel pf.lM too I'hll K T t c 10 3 l'enna S3 3-B ::i6!! r N J. 7211 Mln. ,T 11-10 S3 ::::::: M 100 100 BONDS. Mono Jnterstato Bwys 4s. ...... flCO) l'hlla Ejee Bs 12.30 to 1 P. M. 23 Cam Steel... 42K 13 Tono Mln. Tll-lfl loo do '2U5 7 l'enna M W jteauiiiK "" v... BONDS, t IIKIO Am Oaa & Kloo 3s 1000 l'hlla V' B t c 4s 2000 Interstate Itwys 4s X to 1.30 P. M. a Penna 33'4 20 do ...42 1 Union Trao.. SO 10 Ih Val Tr pf,23 100 Cam Bleel... 43 CO Am as ....looii BONDS. $1(000 Leh Val coal Bs , P4H 1.30 to S P, M, s 8 Penna , B3K 3 Penna, , Kill lPal(..M-pO do...! Si BONDS. T Cam Btesl serlp STii 2 to 2.30 P. M, s ijph v4 t 0. T4 100 Ton Min ... I' wRfc-aiiiaffi.: Id do 81i ( U h l I,.! 0 u u imp.. BONDS. I Panna, cons 4 s 1W8. .. ,HU in M. 2.3P to B P. M, 043 Two Bel 10 Union Trac 1AO ilri 20O P0U Ble 1 lt-10 IOO I'onlui B3U ' , n tit inn t.i.11 1 n fr n 1,1 ' iff VX irSttn" 1Vc V SB in llJAjtlni .7315-1 BONDS. '9 mm 2. !: ::::-:::::1ffiiS Valley fwi am H H NEW YOKK MSiCAL MARKET s&ias viM.23, liJp 3.1 NHWYOhK BOND SALES .n i . . . . . lltRh. Low. Close, lpoo Ani iMck A Imp 6S..HMU lo.lli imt t . . . V,,,v" ' Ul tF .... 03"! Ol OP, "wfi rtiner lei cvt 4)J tutft s" 1HW A BUM) A 7WHI A mour Co cniHJn tchlion 4 .2000 A ? "'if 7WX) Atchlsoll 0 4l4t U2 n'l 02 ,Hi l.l... m lip pi'.: IV 4l ilM).. ttiid Ul',1 I'll Ban Co i.lne rlt in ... . ., ... . llOOiMlalt & Ohio ai,...'.'. 8i iiu 2iKxi Bait a. o.avtn M., liofi I7IWI Bait ft ru iiio on ev 4ite . mi I' LICAWV 4S.. 02 ill l.'ilKIII Belh Klnl la Wto Beth Steel rfil m BOO 111 rioUti JtAn Tr in. let' IS. . I'll'l 3S.. OS . I I II lilt!' fill i tost if 2U 1D0O Chi ft l:rln 1st 0s.... 71 tWHl Ch at wet 4s 73 .UNI cii t W Hid 4s m .-piihi fii B & q jt 4s i' lorn nh it x, -v ..h ji mi MUXl C It (k PI 1' den 4 (.. HU t 2000 H M A fit P Cp i"p. . . . imil S.VKI c M ft HI V cv 3a w I Ilf .8 :U4 82 4 Mils Oil m t IK)' l"0 St fl IS.I iuu i uroukn it 'i' 3 ini"t . ntr 2oui ilrooit un Klv In ns.loo IIHMI ttllitl Tan ltM Ka bit. UJI .vnl rem (In r.a nuli nil liiiin 120U1 cent l.wther lis n!t WIM tjo'f 11 52' 52 p.S il vu t I'll 7i Nl .nun fi! 1 'OlHI I'rnl Par Ul J nv 2I00H Clics ft Oh cy 4Hs.... 7S!i ft JJERNARD RUCKDESCHEL Newly elected 'vice president of the Haddington Title and Trust Cotnpnny. FINANCIAL BRIEFS lie Witt t'tiyler wnn eW-ctoil to tho t'enn nylvniiln Cotiiprtny lionnl to miccvod llm Into N. t'ntltpf aiiortrldce. 9. tt. t'lnttcli wim tnndn occi-etnry of the company nnd tlio l'nn Hntidlo Hucccedliii! O. II. Umrett, itccciiPcd. Tile llrler 1 1 lit Stoo! Compnny will Issue $2,000,000 bonds. ' John V. Hrnwn retired ns president of the Maryland nnd I'ellimylvnula Itnlltond nnd wns tdlccceded bS" O, II. Nnlice. Mr. Urown will rclnuln ns u director. tho bonrd of mrtliiiKcrs of the .Vow York ton Kxclmmie ntinniiuccH that iilil-xtylp contrnrtfl will bo neither called nor (liioicd nrtef Fchrunry n. Tho niiiuuil icport nf the Twin City Itoplil Tinnslt Company shown ktohb earn Intfi" Incipnned $129,110. Tho net Rain wnn $1 l.sfSI. and tho surplus, nfter nil deduo tlona, was $127,120, an Increase of $01,872. Tho minimum price on American Cities preferred stock wns llxctl at G7. Adolph O. ItoseiiRnrten wns elected to tho hoiuit of tho I'hllntleiphin Trust Bnfo Ueposlt and liiBtiratnje Company, suo ceedlnp; tlio Into N. Parker HIiortrlilKe. Tlnlo for deposit of WpstlliKhoiise Mn (.hlno Compnny stock for axctlniiKP Tor WcstlnBliotise Electric & MnnurneturlnB Comprtny., which expired Tuesday, has been extended Up U nnd Including Fob rlinry 9. Tho iiiliitinl report or tho Cntmnbiis Rnllwiiy, Potter rtntl Mnlt Company: Ot-OM enrlilnss, $3.0C0,29S; opcratlns ox pehflcs, $1,657,(1111; net onrnliks, $l,40MiT9, and HiirpliKi nfter Intel est charges. $025,"r)S, from which won paid $4IS,1S3 In dividends on tho prererrtd njld common stocks. V.. XV. Clark wnn -lcctcd president of tho Pennsylvania Wnter Company, sltc (eedlti' J. 13. Aldrcd.' Jit. Aldred also rcHlsned tlio presidency nf the Consoli dated Ons, Klcctrlc Light and Power Compnny, and wna nucceeded by tho vice president, Herbert A. WliRuer. Charles M. Colin wns elected vice prcsutont. The New York State Hallways Company hn sold to J. P. Morpun & Co. $2,923,000, 1st 4'4, part of an authorized Issuo of $50,000,000 of which there nro now out standing $15,671,000. Thu proceeds nre to he used In reimbursing the trcrtsuFy for moneys nlreii 'y expended. A Btockholder of tho International Smolcolcm Powder Company flBurcd out todny that If tho company was liquidated iindtr iho most favorable circumstances, nt, say, twice Its book value, which would bo $l,000W, tho. stockholders could not expect more thnn $18.8.1 a share for tho preferred slock of tho Pu Pont Inter nation Powder Company. F. I.. Mnrrtntctte, formerly with Clark 1.. Toole & Co., of Chlcngo. has becomo associated with aeorse S. Fox vi bons. According to the iron Trade Itevlow lilph ocean frclRbls nro Interfcrinu seri ously with business of not only tho United Stntes but Urent llrltnln and other nations. Inquiries for about 30,000 tons of stecl-mnklni; Irons have been re ceived from Kniilnml. It Is doubtful, how ever, whether much business can be dono In exportlnR pig Iron at piesent ocean freights. The plir iron market In ibis country In quiet, but lu some centres consumption Is Increasing. ItcKUlnr Norfolk and Western dividend. Philadelphia National nalik stock sold at auction at $123 per share, a ealn ot $22. William CJ. Stover wns elected a direc tor of the Merchants' Union Trust Com pany, rcplnclni; Alfred 1. Phillips, deceased. 24S.VKI 131.00 C M ft Ht 1' CV 414. .-ptJOO C1 5t P fd 4VIS. 47UH1 fill It I ft I' col 4s. 2(110 Mil It I ft 1' 4s.... nipd triii it it r, 11.11 Ml con tint cv 0a w I. loon Corn Punt Bjl BW4.. Slam Cnmlfrlaml Tel 3s. lim Del ft llud rrd 4s. lllHl Den ft BIO or Is... llliiO Den ft It U ltd 3s.. MOO Ills Secur Corp 3s.. ItsH) llut'ollt Pond 41l.. 1HH) Brio RHi 4 7tK.ll Etlo conv 4s Her A 2201X1 Bile coliv 4a Scr II. UiirtO Ucnorul Motor Os. Ml'oil Often liny deb II.... 20iri ill Steel deb lids.... is. . . 100(1 III ivntrul rM IKKJO III Chi Jt 31 CriKi ilisp Cop cv lis...... IpiHlO Inep Coo cv fa 10l.. Ssmid tnterti Met 4Us nono Interli It T u-r . Mono jiuer Mer Mar Ilia.., S.3(n inleml i'nper CIS .W! tnt Alcohol 3 1I0OI Japnn now (1 sta HJs, 7(I0 K C Ft 8 A M Is..., icon Unn City So 1st 3s.., mono Kan city no rs iiiki Kinss Co Kiev in sin lit :Si . KlH .113S . Ul . 11J4 . 7S . 7 "''. . HI i Itl'i, . 112 . I1.-P ..10l : 1-4 ! im . IH',1 . tt?' 4 73 80 1W4 .818 2.11 nut. I t.V 2!) 74 73 SO UUH IH'.t I01H UKlU 102 117 MSi 2-iy t'0)(, PS 37'4 llllfj 100 7S 72H OS Ol'i S2'j ii3(5 mil ii P7', U.I ' (j 7S r fa tjlfs IB 14 totli cii'i St IISK iisJ4 :"it 10 111 1 1X1 IIS 1K1 S2I") too lot 1)2 112 MARKET OOfflUE TO MOVE UPWARD .loiu tot t .iiilij mill 1224 122'p; KS 7ni LSH11 I.acka Steel 3s 1013... 100 401)0 IJiclede lias 1st 3s...ioi 7HO0 I.nke Ph del) Is 1H2M. !.2d ocoo Lake hi don is iiin...iw INtOll Mb ft M T Be nornl l.orlllnrrl 3s 2000 Ijjrlltnrd 7s ., . .... 4000 Urn ft N At Kn 4s. . tono Mo Knn ft T 1st Is. 14(Ki Mn Knn ft T 2d 4s. 2000 Mo K ft T 4"4 "JIJS .-.000 Mont Power (Is Wit; 2000 Mo Poo 4s 10 - MUtO Mo I'ae cv 3.,., 4l'i I'ooo Mo Pac col 3s 11117. ) 03 mopo v v coi- n lo.-ji our. 570110 N T CUV 4MB 1IHX IUII-.I I " iniHio N V city i'i inl.. ! . ',,u. IllOO N Y i:i!V 4U N(lV 'rpT.KMP.i 1UV ... .i ..:..:-- . h ,, i o4' -.i. .-... 1,".'P '$ lostt lo.iij :.?. ".' ivi'i llljt UK'S tr.'lj lU'i 101 'i lllh I'OtS os l'21i ss5 in.-., llllli 112't 4M,i Nov ;s ir a p i 20(10 Uf lias 14O00 N V N 11 ft II (Is Iii.vmi N V Buy ref 4s.. 17000 N V llwy ndj 3s K0O N Y Ctnlo 4fts.. 40(10 N Y Tel gen 4Ufl. I'lWll V'ta . tv..-. (d ,... ,.WI rt. ,. IB. , ippipip nun ,v i o. i -.a,. i? 120X) Nor IMC prior 4s 02J. POLO Nor I'flo urn 3s Ol-H I.SOII0 tiro ft Cnl 3s 10IJ4 II i vs 100 0M imi Ss'(, 1IM1 llllji SI ss Ttjn iil'lW 'P Itilj nit's S.p 1 lli.M 72 t ...Hi .100 ft "'Ti 120(10 IMrltK- Tct 3s 12100 Penna cv nus :kii Pcnnn Is 101s IIKK) I'cnni 4i 1IKS1 1IXKHI Public Kerv NJ 3s... noon Itny Con Copper lit. . ltlKKI llpp IMIm 3s 11)01... 1000 ltc. I ft a 3s 11110... 4m ) Itoclt Iflnml Is woco itr.ck Island rrd Is.. 1IKSI By Kll 8,ks 3d 1IWI. 3O0U Si I. I M ft Olf 3.. ."KHI'I St I. ft H V Ken 3.1. . .'W(K) Hclltll Bell 30 illl"Ml Fnulh l'nn cv 4s 72.MSI do cv ret f I" ,1s... loooil Pniuh I'ae rfd 4... Mmo Soutii Hwy Ren Is.. 3000 !-outli llwy con 3s... IXK) Texas Co cv l3 13000 Third Ae M. 30300 Tlilrd Ave nal 3s. liioo Tol Kt I. ft. w Is... Itxn Tnl St 1. ft W .'!',!(... I MS) If H ltul'tisr (Is ssnon ti s meet 3s 2300(1 I) S Htccl loir 3s NX") Union I'nc ct 4s 110(1 Cnlon I'ne cv 4s. (Kioil l.'iilnn 1'uc rfd 4s... lien Vii ltu-v 3s 2(HI M'nbusli Is .. 171X10 Walmi.h 1st Ss UIOO W Clics ft 11 44s 1014 SSJ. 1::ikk.' West Mil 1st 4s JJi'.i ItXHX) Vest Union is 02 IWO West Union 3 OU'J Totnl snles, $2.4.s,O00. ul Hilt 113 Vi 7 4llVi 31 MJi oil's 1)2 111", I01H T no liP)4 I'4 loin mo is 72'i IIS on S2Kj 1IHI 101 l.2t l'2 101'i loi'i 122 SS -n-n 37 0.IW -ill UK) lol'j :, 10314 72t? Mil ios(5 l.p?l mv, ItC'i iii'l lol'l H71, 1IX) OS 0211 SSI,'. lO.Vli WlVj n2'i si l?l '"'Ji yiSJ.5 Ml'a no i loiiji iw't 117' IW't Hi. 1'ija i'cy salt S2I4 wr, ti:iJ iisjj noli SIS May Wheat Touches $1,485 and July $l.33. Profit - taking Causes Slight Reaction. CHICAGO. Jan. 27. FUrtlior Impetus wns Klven to tlio bulllMl fever In tho Brain markets todny by tho ttiiarantluo embargo, put Intd effect by tho Governor ot Illinois, nfcalnst shtiinbuts ot Brnln. hay nnd straw, etc., out of 14 counties In the State, except on permission from the ntUMnrliloB. The order resulted from mo pthvnletico of 'oot and tnollth dlscaiie. May wheat touched $l.48T4, airalnst yen tcrdoy's hlnli record of $1.164 ntul a final prlco ot tlMM. and July touched $1.MH, coiupnred with yostorday'H hlRh mark bf $1..11"i, and n llnnl tpiotatlon of $1.30T4. Mar todny ended nt $U8wm. nnd July hi $l.33Vo"i. Most of todny's business was In July. The trade recognized the luck of stocks hero available for delivery on tho old crop months. In spite of the fact that all cash Brain handlers appear to be buyltiK tho cash article freely from tho North west. The reaction from the befit prlcen was duo to prollt tnklns. Arrivals at ArKcntlno points nro liberal, resulting tu increasing stocks und more disposition to meet bids. Tho hope pre vails In 1'urope that ArKPiitlno will lie able to'rollevp tho strnln In the Bltuatlon. Japan Is blddiuR Tor whent In ArRctitlno. Tho winter wheat belt or the United sit.Ues has a good covorllii? of snow and Is safe from Injury by zero temperatures. Thus far the plant tins been favored by Kood conditions In the main. There wits a Hhcrril trade In com nt the now hlKh levels, May tottChlliK 81U ntul July SiK At one tlnle the mnrket under prollt tnklnif went below yester day's close, but the itchinild wns nctlvo and limit prices were V, to 1 cetit higher. There was a IiIb trade In oats, Mity tmiphltic ofB.6 nnd .inly DSH. lteports from WlnulpeB had It that the Crthadlntl Im port duty would be taken oft at n mectltlR of 1'aillatiient In l'Vlnuaiy. Final prices were 1H to ITic. hlBher. It is reported that the Canadian Parlia ment has decided 'to remove the Import duty on American ortts. Provisions strtrted weak on a decline or 25c. In Iioks, followlliB larRe receipts. In-vestdl-s nlld Btoclt yards trndcrs absorbed the oflerliiRS. Lending futures ssnscd ns folloivs PhiladelpJiia Markets OUAIN AND FLOUH UllEAT. ltSeelptd, 178,618. t)Uh. .Tht hisrket turtht-r advsncM 3f, unaer a good de msnd and stronger outsida sdvlces. uuols. tlonsi Car lots. In exnort Hvator.-(o. YvsMh nut .i.lvi l... Ma Mil 4....1. t rulsd flrm, frith h fslr demrtneV ptT tlnni! cnr lots. In otboti tisl-Stor Nd. 2. tt and Jsnosry, soffSIci sfsiuncr, T8470Hc.t Wo. 8. 77H1J7BI(,C. .Or lots lot loenl.,1;?, JJ t loctlon-No. S yellow, hff, iWB92ti stfttmef. yellow, neiv, S0t4Wl.s NO. .Ttjw How, T7ft78e.j snmplo yellow, hw. 728 IBo., now cob, 4r 70 lbs., WJ?82o, ,. , , , was fair nnd tho 'market ruKMl nrm at tils late advance. QnotAtlona: No, 2 .white. COS red, spot nnd January,. $1.481.81i No. S Md "vssicin, , si.Oica.ra; J1O1 1 rortnrn iraiuin, xns ,mr- O0j4o.! standard -white, H)l',4c i No, 3 wlitl. ,ffi 'wasseate nd hlfhr. ..W ,quot at 11.1801.23 per tush., , its tq qualltK In ' port oleiator and at $1.0581.15 for Btnall lots of nearby eraln la bap. ,. fc ,. PI,Ult-Ileclpls, B30,bhlS,.nd JURCMTB Ibsi tn sacks. Domahd ll(ht. .but Irtll llmlls nrmly held. W quota per 100 lbs. In Ajwjd, Winter, clear, $rtff0.23i 1I0.1 strnlgiit, iawt 0.731 do., patont, $0.7807 Kansas. Mralljt, Jute sacks, $U.oooo.83i,do patsnt. Juiaclis1 o.oortT.13i sprlnir. nrst clear. tyHwnt, "li,aA" straUlit, $0.T!UlCtOt 6i.. patent, 4a.00flt.Mi Bo., favorite brand, r.9.VfT.0.lt , cl y m . cbolco and fancy pntont, $7.3307.031 cltrmtjls, tcnular (trades winter, clear, , $0110.231 d.i siraUbt, ia.3DitJ.75i do., patent,, $3i7Mf7. . , ItM! I'lAitin. There 'was llttlo tf-aihit. but supplies wcro small and values Werwilli suitntned. W Quota nearby and western in wood at $0.30 ; 7, as to Quality. PROVISIONS Trndc slow and largely of a jobbtnsr ehjr- flLtrr. hilt Vlllllna lit.irt.lilw fltilit. OUOlattOtlSt City boet. 111 sets, smoked and a Ir-drfflrt. ?A'tf tvesiern neei, in sets, smuKou, otw.t city beof. knuckles and tenders, smoldvl nir-orieo, UTr(!.l do., esiern M"t lencerB, sniospa, v2c,v ww 20C do., and knuckle , an ,t I.h.I... .HinllM n?fT linnn. $3132s poik, family, $22.noi2:. paros, t1!lUlJfl4e..t .J-.li."lJ50.t?. city cured, h.s to brand fl. . . Clilt'll, IPJUltQ, wise, 12lHU21ic.t d other htlms. smoke nnd nvernite. i4l4V4o, 20c. nllc; do Idilitp, nccui cured, mra .. ,... ...i.,.' . uo... iiips, livll',c.l no... pura ciu, ,"l)p' rend-r.-d, In tierces.. llntHlvM.. do., purf clt, dercpl, In tubs, llsJll'Ac. nvcraKp. 14fn4Vio.i hams, smpked, westsril id, 14liu 'So. boiled, boneless, UO ; plcnlo sdouldcrs, H..P. cureci. . looses loft bicakfast tncon, as to brand and nvhrae,1Clty cured, .17lMc.i do., .Western. curod..,l"tfl-se.i lard, Western, renned, tlcrecs. nBllUB.: do.. pura city. uk.?tt. Wllcilt- 0icll. lltgll Mny 1.U.J1 l.ts't, July 1..'U4 l.!H 1 orn mow oenvcry)- . nsii .100' . on)! . Wt . 40'S Unas .10.11?. . . JOI.1 . . Illlt' . . sn . . no . . ns' . . 211 . .11X1 IKI 117 nun 7!lt'j 10'i i( pp". voi5 f-2'5 so 4lU'j 102 102J. 101IJ liui, III.H. Ill Jll BX1 in SS' 1171 I! oo'.i 1III1S ioh 0M4 21' 100 ! l SK?l 1714 Ii7'5 li: OO'.i STEEL DROPS IN LONDON Passing of Dividend Caused Fall in Price; Americans Irregular. LONDON, .Inn. 27. TIioip was a slump In United States Steels on the Stock Ex chnnep todny, followlnfi the nctlou of the directors lu passlns the dividend on tho common stock yesterday. IrreRularlty marked tho dealings In other American Issues. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Jim Butler MAcNfttnara Midway Mltiuh VSxt Montana , Northern star Tonopan Belmont ,,,,...,........ Tonotiah Blct Tonopall Merger Tonopah Mining Itrtcue Bula West Knd QOLDFIBLIl STOCKS, A tlanta Blue Bun Booth llulldos con comb Frao Dlalnondfleld 11 B It?!'. norenco ...,......,,... cioldftelrt Consolidated GolAHeld Merger jumbo Ext Kawanas Oro Sand Ken. suver i'tcK :::: MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Asteq ktmberly. tHvadVltlll Nevada Wonder ... Bid, Ask. .71 .73 .Ol .03 ,00 .00 .27 .23 ,31 .::! .15 .l 4U 4H Si -"it va T-ti ,011 .07 .32 .81 ,8.1 .30 .07 .1)0 .20 ,2S ,03 .111 .07 j3 .OS ,10 .01 .03 .0.1 .OT . l JI2 ..Tt 1.10 1.13 .an .2!. .IS ti .11 13 .08 .10 .04 .05 .07 ,00 .33 .3.1 1.47 1.30 BANK PASSES DIVIDEND Textile National Decides to Defer Sentlannual PAyment. Tho Textile National Bank, Kensington avenue and Huntingdon street, has de cided to pas the semiannual dividend of 3 jier cent, due at this time. For the last several years the bank had been pavlnff dividends at the annual rate of 8 per cent. Trie bank was organised In 1306 and began aying uivioohus w bvu""us.i. .no .u.- 10(1 Atl... rtn.l.l. ht .tin k.1.1. U. 4MI'i., PJoi " "MB Wt". hat the dlreetora ot the bank had lded to pass the dividend In view of a general UUBtuttea uciivag,pn, a. .ita J deemed it wise ta conserve the Irt' itlon'a resources until better oonaltlpni .11 tio uid. however, that the dlvl dend was more than earned In the last eix mdnths, and this U borne Out In the statement 'of the bank'a condition to the Comptroller ot the Currency. To Sell New Jersey and Penna. B E, J, St.--VU etuineUi per NSSWARK. ti. 1, SB.Jif&.VU&i irMT&irr l, rtbefft !, the St feuftiw.iitr' Amnl Copper Atchison ........ lUilt fi nhto Can Pacific Che s .1- Ohio Chicago Ot West Chi M & St I'uul. 1 enver Bto .. Krln do 1st prof Illinois Central ... Mo Knn ,; Tex... N Y Central Norfolk Jt West . N T tint H West. Pennsylvania Loii.lon N. Y clofe. equlv. . ,-'Pl ... OSIJ Soli 70 ..1IKI .. 4S .. 11 . . 03 . . I1H :: M ..103 2IU T3i 10t P2 I) S2K 30'1 107!t loifs, Ji -in - ii ...... -ti .i", va -.(I PnTJ 1A j-ciiniMiiiii" ..p.-. ;"p.yp :- Ilpaillm TS i 132(i H Koutb llwy iJHk i.ss Hoiith I'ailflo RtllJ H M lS"54 OS'l. .. iinion I'acinc U S KU'Cl . Consols '.li -Decrease. rlncrcaee. ERIE TO INCItEASE INTEREST Seeks to Raise 4 Per Cent. Bonds to 0 Per Cent. Basis. NEW YOIllC. Jan. 27,-Tho Kile Unll road made application to the Public Service Commission ot the Second Dis trict for authority to increase to G per cent, the rate of Interest on two Issues of bonds which cover essential portions of the two main freight lines between Chicago nnd New York. These bonds nro $7,400,000 Rrlo and Jersey tlrst mort HBgo Is and $6,000,000 Geneseb Itallroad tlrst mortgage. Both Issues are now owned by Erie and placed as security for note Issues which mature this year. The purpose of the company in asking for the Increase In rate of Interest Is In order that It may be reimbursed to an nmount more nearly representing ex. jiendltures which tlio company has mnde In constructive mileage. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW "VOllK. Jan. 21, Trading was nutet on the Coffee Michanse at the opening. I'rlcM were unchanged to I point higher. Sales, 1000 "t)i"enlnB futures: March, B.t3S0.25c.j April, rt.K(ile.i May. 033 bldi June . offered Kit lild; julv. 7.28 bids August, T.MrJdi 8u tember. 7.47T.30c,; October, T.5U7.3Sc; De cember. T.OOflTJWC; English Railway to Issue Bonds LONDON. Jan. 27. The Metropolitan District Railway la seeking authority to Issue 3O0.000 debentures. Boston Awards Bonds BOS'PON, Jan. 27. The City of Boston ,4rd- sft a&ar u Sanget. lolntllV at lOS.aiT. The only otber Efil ig That ol U. U Day and Batabrook Co., joinny, iw-iw. per cent, bonds to BIOflget &. nam x p-u. qa "urus c Bank In Western Peintia. Closed WAYSBSBUnO. Pa., Jan. !T.-Tne Fartaers an4 Mtefisnlcs' National Bank of Siufit W Ft UreSie County, has been closed fey ordsr ai thl tSird of dlreeton. A notice poeked on lu ir .tti that the bonk wilt be cloied in3rlnTtcly. It was organized In. lrtut, has gaplUI "f (i.000 and depo.lta Pt $350.000. MEARS & BROWN ciw anu suntmnAN jieai. estatb froperiies Aianageo titun (.ioiujjjua. m Insurance on Mortgages Placid. Lists on application, 202 South 15th Street UlKEOTOltY OF ACCOUNTANTS Certliltd I'OblltS AccouutanU 5PJlKii SPaUSifAS sVallU. JnvUf ffi6sT?laJietil btatsmeots. Mm- July ... .Cats May . . July ... l.nrd Janunry iMny . . July, .. Jilnuury 51uy .. July .. Pork January May . . . July ... 'Bid. ' M1K SI 4; 3SU 3IUJ Uin ."2 Ixnv. 1.4IK1 1.31H 37J4 30k Close, l.IS'n siu bah, Yes. close. ...10. SO ...11.03 ... L.J.7 ...10.27 ...10.17 . ..1H.3I1 . ..1S.S7 ...l'.l.lll tASKeO. 10.02 11.12 11.27 10.0(1 10.12 I'l.OO IS.-3.1 PHI7 10.33 10.N3 KI.77 11.03 n.MI 10.2.1 111.13 1S.30 1S.M1 10.10 bs 'SuS 10.02 t'O 37 11.111 tlO.S2 fll.22 10.!l7 1 1 0.1 10 lO.ai l S7 0.37 111.27 10.37 110.47 1S.47 1S.27 ill.l-j is.!7 111.32 11). 1,1 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS rlllC.UlO. Jan. 27. IIOCIS Itecelpts, 30, 000: iivtiketN, no trndlns;. Mlved nnd Inmticip, soiilt.i. good lein. $il.:,.oiil.30i 10U11I1 heavy, KI.Txif)il.2ii: llcht f(l.I01IO.OO; pigs, 53.23tlil.30; lull!. fll23f)ll30. .... CATTI.i: Itciclpts. 1.1.000: markets Mirtluc lowor. Bccits, ;.l.T,1iU; cov and bclfcru, XI.23?(S; Hto.ltcrs nlld renters. $1,301)11. IO-. Texalis. $0117 40; enlies. $''1110. HIIBBP -ltccelpts, l.i.Ctm; matkets. lie. loer. Native and Western, $3.73t0.30; lambs, 0.23Jf..i.',. LIVE STOCK RECEIPTS CIUCACIO, Jnn. 27. Livestock ruhs nt tlu. varloui centics today follow; Hods, cattle. Sheep. chi. i. a. yds r.o,i)i.o 111,000 1.1,1.00 Kiinms city 11,000 0,000 11.010 Omaha 17.300 3.IW0 17,000 St. 1.. N. St. Vds t.i.lHiu 3.1.011 l.i-oo Ht. JOTopll S.30) 1,200 11,300 Oklahoma City 3.000 ."i.uon Fort Worth 3.0UO 2.310 coo Sioux City 12,(00 3.0U) 300 kcltlo rcndercil HEFINED SUCJARS Drmind fnlt and vi1upa flnerB list pricr-B-. Htainlani i nm iiranuitiini. -i i..c noiw. ftvtluners .. 4tKc; nolt 8tal DAIRY PRODUCTS ItUTTIBt. outside advices wets, strong aim with light orfirlngs nnd li (air demand prices of rancy solld-pttckail crfamery and prints ndp.nnced ,1c. Quotations! Western, tresli. eolld-pnclted, cr.amery; fancy spoell, 33c; extra.. ,a2Ulcic.j extra, llrsts, :lc.j. Jlrsts, 20,'.; seconds, !752Se. : laclo-pncked, 2l"U2.lc. na to iiUttllty! neatby prints, fancyi title. 1 do,, awiage extra, :149:13c. t do., .llrsts, r.l!l32e,; do., seconds. 21!t)2Uc. Special brands ot punts Jobblnij at 4H13c. ,. ,., ..... KtltlS. Fresh stock was rriot-s pUnlltill and rurthor declined 43c. per calo. Ouota? tlous: In free cases, nearby, extra, 33c. per doa.; tirats: $.so per stahdard case! ,nearby. current rccclrti, $0 per case: Western and KmitliHCStcrn, extra nrsto, $.30.upcr basej firsts, $1) per case; Southern. $8.10rtf per : inucy fclucted candled ftcsli eggs JoDbln Bt !l3:i7c. per don. . . ,1 . ,. CM l!I',15. Offerings light ahd.lne Mr ket firm, with demand Mir. quotations! NeW rork, full crcahi, earlier . tecelpts. aho ce. Kl'ic. ; do. do., current make, .choice. ImM do. do., fair to good, UV413o.; do., part skims, o13c, POULTRY I.IVB. The market firmly, held,, at Iho Into advance, with demand fairly active. QUO- lauons: l'owis. ,na'iu 1 'HVf,','".':' J1J; 11 tic.; young chickens, 14'13c.: tilHtey. Illf 17c; (Uicks, lsjtloo.: geese, UJilOc.: gulheas. at to ipiallty, per pair, 45D53c; Pigeons. Old. per ralr. 224123c.; do., young, per pair, 171W. 1 liltKHSKIl. Offerings or. ileslrablf stock I light nnd tho market lor this description, flf.n) under a fair demand. Quotations: Fresh-killed ! turkeys, dry-picked and ilrj-l'ackHi-Panqr, nenrbv. 21c; do.. Western,, 21 c. if Kir to good, isii2dc ; otd touts. 10c; fowls. 12 to W, dry- plcltcil and dry-pacliea-tSclecleil heavy, ltc.; uclglilnif 4'SSt..,lEs. nrFece, ISc.i.do., 4T4 lbs I apiece, l7Vsl; do., O'.iut lbs. .apiece, IBtolTij.t ! 1I1., 3 lbs. and under, 1213c,i fowls, bblf, , dry-picked anJ dry-packed-Westtrn; dry- iilckvd. I'.iil.l lbs. apiece, 17ct do., od j i Im., ice. : do., do.. :iU ibli.,.i4c: no... do.i 3 I lbs and under. i:fl):te.: old roosters, dy 1 idrked, l:i"ic.- broitliiB chlckertsearby. UiU'J IPs. rtplcre, ni22c.; do,, fair to good, , liltllSc; teeterh,l'4fl2,lbB, UplcCB. ,20c: dp.. Mir In Mfi'io. ItftlPc: thkltcrtn. ury-Wcked aim dr-pnclied. In boxts-Mllk-fed. 3i )e 38 ,tbi. to dog. 17c. mllk-rcil,.,37 to lb. to dot., 17c.; iiillk-rl, 43 to 47 lbs. to dot., 17b.: rnllk; led, 4S lbs. to c'o.. me.: ntllK-fcd. oo.lbs. and 01 cr. lllc: corn-fed. 31 to 42 lbs. to 1I01...I.TO Lmc; corn-fed. 43 to. 47 1. to do.: .IOC.; I lorh-fcd, 4S lbs. tn dos... i7c, corn-led. ISO IDs nn.l over, ik" . chickens, dty-Plcked ihd j dry-p,icked. Ir, bids -Selected heavy. l$c.i 1 Menem, corn-fed, 3 lbs. and over, 17c: IJiSst 1 lln A., ,,-r.i J !... loaimc! Western, torn. led' S'-j lbs., 13'ic. .Western, cotn-fed, SMflS lbs.. HUt3e.; ilockB extra, 10U17e.: do., ordinary in good. ISffiac.j aeeie, nearby. i'oz -White, neighing uto 12tbs. per dos.. rt40fi3' white, Melrhlnn I) to 10 lbs. per doi $.!0ff4 30i white, weighing a ,os, per an., l38.:iil: do,, do., 7 lbs. .per ooz... $2..',6lJ2.tiO; do., do. ilfliPj Ihs, lie ami No. 2, nocrT$l.23. 1?1U33U FRUITS Offerings fairly liberal and,, the ftir ket nulct and . barely, steady, Gusta tions: APiiICb. New. . York... per bbL Jrccninei. s.'s.nu: ivuiff,. eu-.io; f" SECURITIES AT AUCTION The following sccurltlos uere sold by Barnes Ji U.llmul, tiucttoncers, today: & shrs. l'hlla., Her. ,4 Norrlstown It. It. Co,, par $30 $112 170.1 shrs. Sinnrlurd Buller Bearing CO. com., lilr J50 , SOo 3 shrs. i-'reAso. of l'hlla., par 130. 320 3 shrs. lire Asso. or I'lilla.. par $30. $.120 100 shrs. l'hlla. Tr. Co,, par $30 7S $300) Noriolk By. S Bight Co., 5 per cent., 1st cons, nitga.. coupons May an.) Nov., duo 101!) PCH 3000 Chattanooga Its'. Jt l.g.Co., .1 per cent.. 1st nnd refunding mtge., coupons May and Nov., duo lbSii. 83 2000 Commonwealth Power. It. B. & Light Co., U per cent, ronvertt tile, coupons May and Nov,, due May 1. BUS 1)0 1000 Dallaa Oas Co.. 5 per cent., 1st mtge.. coupons May and Nov.. , due 1023 SDH 2000 Bvansvlllo oaa & Elcc.Co., 3 per cent.. 1st and refunding mtge., coupons Juno nnd Bee., due IM2. 02H 2000 Mahoning & Shenango By. A Lg. Co., 3 per cent.. 1st cons, and re. funding mtge.. caupuiis Jan. and July, duo ll10 03H 1000 Bnchester By. A I. Co.. 5 per cent., cons. mtge. coupons Jan. nnd July, due 1031 07 2000 Camden ft Suburban By Co.. 5 per cent., 1st nitg".. coupons Jan. and July, due 11)4(1 1024 looo Bryn Miwr water co.. 11 per cent.. drcci 1 iipiporlii. $2112.30; Ben Davis. It.SMrlr Spn $I.7.'iff2.4at jlnblwln. $1.7302,5.).' other.gooa tnthiB nrletlvs. $U73f 2.50i niMium $lr.Wt tipples, Uestern. per .box. 73c.O$IJl3: apples, Delaware nnd Pennsylvania, per hsjnpr,.?oV ic,; lemons per boxt $2 2.3(1 i oranges , Flor Ida. per bot, $1.23112,50:, tangerines, li'lorida. per strap, $'-'f!3l grapefruit, Florida, per. box. nr: iiiiitniiinra. per trato Porto BJco ii.wim 2.7.1: Florida, $t2; cianboirlfS, fancy lift varieties, per bbi.. $:t.30M4.30; eranbetttS. 'ape Coil, cnriy. uiaca. per oui., fit, i-ran. errles, Catie CoJ, early black, per.crate, 73c.f 1st mire., coupons Jan. and July, 111111 100 due 3000 Georgia By. A Ktec. Co.. II per cent, refunding and improve., coupons Jan. and July., due I'llO. 8000 Penn Public Ser. Co., B per cent., 1st mtgs., coupons Feb. and Aug. due 1002 1000 llagerslown t.g. ft lit. Co., Wash ington Co . Md., 8 per cent. 1st mtge, coupons Feb. and Aug. due IIUB SOOO Northern Cent. Oas, Co., fi per cent.. 1st and refuniltna mtge., coupons Teh. and Ana.. Due tons Osh's. Commonwealth I'nw, By. & t,r. Co- Pf-. PT $lon mhra (tplmont Drlvlnr Club Sshrs i'hlla. Nat. Bank, par 100.. 423 l'hlla. en ror uuar. siort. 01'4 00 8714 89 70U 30 ti ,.nnli,.rrle. Jcrsev. tier crate. . rJl3C. ! pears, Sew York.. Kiefler, per. hot, $l02 itiawbcrrlea, Klorldn, .per i 2310e. VEGlilAbLEcJ lemand only moderate and market nlthput Important cliaiigc. . Quotations! white potatoes icr UK 1 ...... tiKulrnt PIIWIISl... MV, " f""--" "7i'j2r"iin v;.ir.i7- wit iv 1UIKC. l..w, Hl.muHi. w, v. bUsh,-l'eniisylvanlu. .iU(iq.lc.: .New, Xotk, a irjallty. 43it32c; nMte.potdtbes. Jetsev. basket. :iott:i3c.:. sweet potalpics. Delaware, per nan per, mree, 1 bncet pnlatbes, Easts 1. riv-i-ii rcr purrei. rfu. ore. ner ultreL No. :. 1..V)11.,5: sweets.. Jerst No. 1. $3.23t.:i.3u; no, z. 120:, IK. t sweets, Jersey, per tier bushel. 70U73o.i bag. $1,30! dn., medium. $1,23; do., seconds. baskti oaaooc.l onians. 1 do., choice., per 100-nouhil cdhim. tr ico-hduno bjjt. si. tier lUli-uouml tar. li: cabbage, Danish, per jyn. .1121.134 .c,ulinowr. New Vork, per crate. 7Sc.$j.23i spinach. Nor- rlusi'pi I01K. Per (iarivi. ..,,", .""Wi ..ui,mi...i V-nrVoi: TSflUOo.i lettuce. Formal pcr.bMkst. $24; beans, norlda. PerJbuktt.ntt.aoSil.3l): peas, Flotlda..per baAeUl.SOItV-Bjll.eggplsot lAorlda. per box, il.SOttSi cucunfbers. ifjor fA"7,.V basket. 'll.taii3.50! sousab. norldl. rer basket. 11.3082:, peppers. Florida, per Mr iler $21(2.30; tomatoes, llgrids, per carritr. lilicy. $itJ3.s6 cha'ce. $lt.60rcenr inorid. -;...-.. ..T.v 1,. v-i. Sl.voif i.J(pi ug netr ,.v.m, .111 per s-ID. oassei, nr crate. SI.OUI.OOI uo, bunch. 33SOC.I mushrooms, $101.20. Rehearing on B. R. Merger TBRNTON. Jan, 2T.-T4.U1 L l'snrtsylvi&t Billroad Company has asked lbs state UMtJ of Public Utility Commissioners to conslfber 10 shrs tans, nar Ills) KSl in shrs. na rby Bs nk ...- 33 lasnr. Am. wiw"ix i'i"." v-u.. Wash.. D. C. nar $100 2? shrs. Cnntlnental-Eqult. Tr. Co., par a ., , lshr. ?d SA Sts, rass. By. Co.. 23 shrs. Jflm B. Stetson Co, com, par ioo , Co. pref JOiH MOO slits. Arltona tn. Mln. On,, par $10 pic 5fil) North Sorlngfleld Water Co.. R ner ctn".- l' (ip.'c iuuihjh b,i, and Juty.due 102S , 0 shrs. Mutual Trust 271 02 2I1K 330 Eg l.EOAIt AIIVRKTISRMKNT IK THE COLItT OF COMMON I'M5.1S Na. 1. fur Hie Cuuntv at l'lilladeinlila. Of lleceiuber Term, 1914. . 3IQ. Holies Is .hereby given that an application will be mads, to the above. Court on Friday, March 8lh. 1111. l 1 ft'clock l, m., un4r the "Corporation Act ot 1874" of the Com monwealth of Peensylvanla. and the supple msnts thereto, for the chajter of an Intend ed corporattna to be called lemon XI lit An- nnil Inter: retatloii; to condULt .divine, eiangei lutt, ta M training tchouls UflirKn i-ii-i;. zi . W,.,MV, .Huwua ILUU sirilcea wherever oriMttunltv rovlda gad inauitaln hcjuM and iiwpn. for chili ofiors. vangellits ana missioaariea; to clUjl)h tvaatul oi mtna rwini, .milt tvt.-uisiB; anu aged persons. h.bll nfkyei and to that majni for aecomplls sral tct do all till edla sue the I his tnMtbU to advin Uod on earth and to vinHiim at bis rtgbta&usruiM in to neort tor the puri lo n" e aoa mJjy ot b tjeassti use au .proper UU BnJ lu .in. EWsi I men. and lumltiuii nl.iv all tsa rbcliU -T 'Zi. it 1.. . .-...,. fcl. . .T ..L.ZtZ. lie 1K.I.. a. p. v, Aawiiitnj uix UJi.l,e nit i ns w on file in tAt .. JiAMSA. SulteltW. 'Ttas frPe4 l'rWhoiiotir onstructlon M anch , itallway, I nit ai'i'i. ,iiM. .i tv , ......i t,i.l,n JIiuIa m,1 lin. llahph Pemberton and Hlghtatqirn Ballrnad and.lhe vintinrn. and New Lisbon Railroad. Therv was no opposition to the merger, but bp board decided to aak for further data a to the operation of the various lines before an nouncing its conclusion. Price ot Befitted Oil Cut NEW TOBK, Jan. 21, The Btandard Oil Compsny announces a reduction of 23 points In quotations' tor refined oil for export, both In bulk and cases. "I Fundamentally Correct The principle that stability shall be the tlrst requisite in art investment U ausolittely Botind. The desire for a liberal re turn Upon an investment is natural. Adherence to the principle and attainment of the desire ia ideal. Se oiler a fir$t lien oh ea. shed successes, guar an. teeing stability and a liberal return, This ia the Ideal. Our booklet will Interest you. The Wriite InfeiUng CeBttfaoy W4M.TER WHETSTONE PhlUdelpbla Manager Morris Building, FMUtUlftUK m i pte etct stasia.