"y -w9 is EVESnWG EEDGEE-PHIEADBLPHIA', WEDNESDAY, AirrjABT Sldie ' H&U&aqftiqginrqz&'n . PHILADELPHIA FIGHT PROMOTERS WILL NOT OPPOSE STATE BOXING COMMISSION BIL MEREDITH WILL RUN IN BOSTON GAMES FOR PENNSYLVANIA Amateur Athletic Union Makes Special Ruling in His Case and Local Fol lowers Are Satisfied. Ted Meredith, Olymplo 800 metres cham pion, will be nllowed to run for the University of Pennsylvania In tho relay raoo against Dartmouth at the Boston A. A. cnmos on February 0, thus closing an Incident which has held tho attention ot athletlo legislators ot Boston, New Tork and Philadelphia tor a month. This decision was roachod by a mall vote ot the National Registration Committee, which savors strongly of special legisla tion and In no way altera the original decision of President LIU and other ofll elals that a strict Interpretation of tho rules renders Meredith Ineligible to repre sent any other organization than the Meadowbrook A. C until June I, The oharge In front of the A. A. O. is due to a confession of error on the part ot the Middle Atlantic Association Registration Commlttoo, which wrongly advised Meredith that If ho registered from the Meadowbrook A. O. he still would, be eligible to run for Pennsylvania in events open to colleges only. Alter tne caie had been argued on It" merits Ad President kill's ruling barring .Meredith had been upheld by Chairman llublen, of itie National Peglstratlon Commutes and uatlce Bartow a. Weeks, chairman ot tho Legislation Committee, It was reopened at a conference held In this city at the Instigation ot George F. Pawling, president ot tho Middle Atlantic Association. At this conference Pawling explalnod to UU, Rubten and Weeks that Meredith had been misinformed as to his rights when ha applied last August for per mission to represont tho Moadowbrooka In the championship meeting at Baltimore. The Dis trict Committeo erred becauso It had In terpreted erroneously a lotter which OustaMis T. Kir by published on this question In De cember, 1011, when ho -was presldont of the A. A. IT. tA been upheld by Chairman llublen, of PENN WILL ENTER MANY IN INTERCOLLEGIATES March Games Will Give Good lino on Strength of Bed and Bine. The track authorities ot the Unlvorslty of Pennsylvania havo decided to enter every avallablo man In the Indoor games to bo conducted by tho Intercolloglato A A. A."" A. at Madison Square) Garden, MnrcSN 6. Tho samo decision hnB been announced from Cornell, and slnco tho Ithacans and tho Quakers promise to be tho principal rivals In tho outdoor cham pionships In May, tho way they slzo up In tho March games will be watchod with much Interest throughout the college world. NEW TOIUC, Jan. 27. Promise of expansion along athletlo lines was shown at the nnnual alumni meeting of Fordhnm University, held last evening at tho Hotel Knickerbocker. Tho prospects for tho new Maroon gymnasium, the crew and baseball were discussed, and support voted each. Arthur A. McAlecnon, who Is auperrlslna; tho Fordham track meet next Saturday, aa sures the Maroon managers of a surplus of nearly a thousand dollars, which will be turned over to tho etudent body. Coach Jack Mulcnhy received many suggestions and pro mites for the support of the Fordham crew, which he Mill disclose later. BOSTON, Jin. ST. E. X. Hall, chairman of the American Intercollegiate Football Jlules Committee, yesterday Issued a. rail for n. meet. lng of the committee to be held In New York olty Friday evening, February 6, to con sider any euggestlons as to alterations In the playing rules for tho season ot 1019, LJSWISmmG, Pa.. Jan. 27. In the best J- game of the season Bucknell defeated La- r- "TTayetU, 83 to 32, In a game that required an "-.& extra, five mlmitos to decldo the winner. At ;t half-time Lafayette led, 14 to 12, ?- ' 'v ?TJUCJAatSTOWN. llta., Jan. 27. The Williams relay team which will race Brown t the 11, A. A. games In Boston on February 6 has been chosen as a result of team trials lielrl hfirtt VWiIaHrv Hantaln TtmAl r-l-uK Air. and Hayes are sure to represont tho college Sr but there Will havtt to hn nnnlh,, trlt ,n. 3'Hubbell and Vancott to run oft their tie. . , AHBOn, Mich., Jan. 27, Head Coaoh -riMoiosn. lost or tne jucnlgan football team arrived In Ann Arbor' yesterday. Ho naa called a mass-meeting of candidates for tonight, at which the winter training will be laid out ana plans for spring work considered. CINDERPATH GLEANINGS -JfSf-'ll"tSSr,nnSr to Nw ? and vl- y lBlt,''v, ifenwruusiy on wasn- """ 1 miMiny. xao x'D nrnl In afldUlon has a two mflo handicap on the regular list ot events. The distance ot tne rnarainon win pa au i miles, much shorter than the oU race, and In the event of a bllz xara It will be still further shortened. There are ten Jrtzes altogether, the nret being a tola medal and round trip transportation to the FacajnaPacIno Marathon, which will be hela At tin Francisco on September Si next- So? those, who wish something between the two mile and marathon distances, the Bronx Church Houst has arranged an open flvo-mllo road run 'or Washington's Birthday. Thero will bo prizes for tho first eight men. five COYloe prizes; fait time and team prizes and a. special team prize for the nrst team out. Ids of. the New York district. X .special 000 yard Invitation handicap wm be tne feature ot the games of the Fifth Com. ?. xmrieentn ivesiment, on Lincoln's Qoav. Atnour thosa nlreodir nitm fnm ,hi. uiiusuBi msiauca an loq Aiereqiin, xom Hal- ln. Dave Caldwell, Win dough and Hugh, lrshon. . Now that Ted Meredith ha bean rctnrtated In jrood standing to run for Pennsylvanlv there will be added interest In the games of Fordham University. Pennsylvania lias en. lered a team for the college relay and It la presumed the Olymplo champion will be a member ot the team. P. S. A. It. ma in Bad Way NJ3W TOOT". Jan, STHow a number ot timely contributions came to the rescue ot the Public Schools' Athletlo League recently when Its financial condition was so critical that the work of the organization threatened to suspend temporarily, was told by General 1 George W. TVUigato, the league president and van ux iiv xouuLUErs, ax ine iweirtn annual meeting In his office yesterday. The usual subscriptions had been so greatly reduced ow ing to the conditions brought about by the Sarcpean war teat by Sepcemticr the league had only flSO la th bank and owed 12000. it mi then that i00O was received from Thomas V. Bran, 600 each from John D. Itockefeller and Andrew Carnegie and other smaller subscriptions. Debts were Immedi ately paio. tne wont was continued and at the end of the year there was a balance or 1733.33 on hand, nearly double what It had been In January, 1814. Since then the league fcja had fiOOO be eueatlwd to It by Augustus C. 'Brown, who died on January 3, and It Is hoped to use this (lit a the basis of an endowment fund. Defeat Princeton Bcroaflh Players NBW TOKK. Jan. 2T.-3juesh Clvb turned the tables on the Princeton Club yesterday In the second half of their aeries on the Squash f'hib courts, and defeated the Princeton grad. utH by the same score thoIattr had trl. umpbed by a week ago, 1 to 3. Tabs leaves the rlM a tie. Play Princeton at Hockey Today NBW YORK, Jan. Sft-Hoskey followers are awaiting wttb- Interest the outcome of the yate-Prweelon came at the St. Nicholas Illnk tutlght. It will be the tlrst game of the cvHrtes between the old rivals. It Tale wins tha ca&lefit it will hsVA an ve)tAtit chance to carry off lntercbliegUto honors. Coach Uetzger Reappointed liOROAN'roW N W V. Jan S7-Sol M'.'Wf. who ulully Loacfced iho Hctt irbiM. feUwU too last fait, jwUrJ B3ji4 .jactlnj i-y.r contract. uneentn iterlment jf Brooklyn hl taken, on tho annual Seagate atarataen, formerly conducted by the Thir teenth lliraent en Llfirnln. Tlfr,l,,inu -.., central Assumes tLEAD, BEATING OUT NORTHEAST Landa Tlrst Placo In Scholastic Knee. Ward Tops Scorers. VAnsirr. w Central High School ,,,, 3. Northeast lllgh Bchool , ... 2f IWejit Philadelphia lllgh Cohool... 1 Southern High School 1 SECOND TEAMS, Central High School it' West Philadelphia High School... 2 Southern High School 1 Northeast High School 1 I P.P. 1 .780 J .MM i ..m 2 .3.1.1 1.. p.p. 1 ,7fi" 1 .H7 2 .V. 1.1 : .Mo "With three games won nnd one defeat Cetitral High School la lending tho Scholastic I.cnguo race. Tho victory scored by tho Crimson and Gold yester day nftcrnoon over tho Northeast High School's flvo dropped tho Hcd mid Hlnck to second pinto. West I'hllly nml South ern nro tied for tho third position. Captain Wnrd, of Ccntrnl High, re tained his lend In Individual scoring by gnrnorlng soven points. Ho now linn n total of 42 points. Ward's runnlng-mato at forwnrd, Fowlor, Is still second with 88 points, whllo Wallace, tho Northeast centre, beat out Clooland, ot West rhllndeiphla High, tor tho third position with 80 tallies. Central High's second team has a safe lead In tho scrub fives' races. Tho Crim son nnd Gold second slnnir mn Imu won threo out of tour games, following nt Mio luuisiopB or mo varsity. i?;!i inh!l,",a,'.lpnl,a nlh 8!nool will g.t f iL M l? " , i o track pastime February 1 with ithWn,4A" !'ft catholic men. Central in h. miVSSS.1 .,,uh. an,d ih? 1,cn" frMl "fo on tho Mirrors' track schedule. BITS OF RACING NEWS tJSJ k?&nnvU"luJ!a Association of rounty yl?st"rdovJ.a,,m;!t'n'!, t tho, Bingham House, yesterday afternoon, with Walter ltttrkmnn Aui"rff ?,"'' R J- RellomrMge. seer" tnry j. Pa 5rf.e Ln,f,s"rc.t!ry ,of lha en'"" flinty clav iS l'iin; outl n"' tno rrngriim of the thn,Hl?WilJ.cJl1 ndof"iie1 the ralslnp "f ii 1S appropriation from J1000 to J2M0. cultural exhibits and speed trials than In the Sn'theVS1" ?Ur",nf fia rarllcSlnrmphnsI, 2J!-I!2n"rttof legislation that will financially mi2?,1 ih.. """'V, 'nlrs "f the Htato to In -nugurato hetter work, stating tlvat a State will benefit agriculturally from such aid. ItAtlTFOrtD, Conn., Jan. 27 Tho nxoeutlve cm"""? of the Connecticut Fal? ASSetati J' Park trnekr?r'J,yn,t?vW'ft-h,1ra,wh0 Cnarter Oak i.i.Jcf rr.,m tho "rand Clrcu t. Tho date SSfJS" hy. tho stewards was ns mual the heen" in' Jb?r 2y. Charter Oak Park In, been In tho Grand Circuit for 40 years. The ?he1Oena.nc.tr0ctl!l,.Wb"nk Up tla da,cs ? SS C -T""e8hal b'SST vidi; S'T'i .Th0. ontrlM nnnouncSl yesterday will stand for January 2S, Drawings for English Soccer Series u?J?,v' rl" .t.hB "nd round of the Kng JSS.iffT Cap "s t0 b' 1:''e1 on Saturday o?,iVito.l-'ne'"'.mo n.no. Bamcs being nrrrangeif. quite tho feature being Chelsea vs. the Ar senal on the ground of tho former, which will attract all ..London soccer fani, and tax tho holding capacity to tho utmost. Tho drnw follows: Nowcastlo United vs. Swansea, Sheffield Wed nesday vs. Wolverhampton Wanderers, Fulham ', Southampton. Brlghtton and Hoo n. Birmingham, nradfnnl City is. Mlddlesbor ough, Uverton vs. Bristol city, Hull city vs Isorthampton, Oldham Athletic s, no, kdale Bolton Wanderers vs. Mllwall, Manchester City vs. Aston Villa. Sheffield United s Liverpool, Bury vs. Bradford, Chelsei n Ar senal, Bumley vs. Southend United, Queens Park Hangers vs. LeeSs City, Norwich City vs. Tottenham Hotspur. Williams Now Crescent President NEW YOniC. Jan. 27.-ndgar Julian WII V.S)8..""1 ?loc,e4. President ot tho Crescent Athletlo Club of Brooklyn last night, to suc ceed VIIllam K. Cloverfy. Ilescued Last night I dreamed that 1 tvas pitch ing Against the Tiger team; And tico were on and tico tcere out In this aoul-grippino dream; And token I looked around again I almost hit the mat. For a guv named Tyrus Raymond Cobb Was strolling up to bat. And then X thought "I'll walk this baoti, And to clamp on the lid"; And then I looked again and saw What I had, went and did; For all I had to handle now TVas Crawford in his prime; Hut Just before I choked to death' I loohe up just in time. Reader TVe havo never heard what JIr. Hauglrton'fl salary Is as head coach for tho Harvard eleven. A guess would be In tho neighborhood ot $10,000 a year. Tho Brainiest Club Dear Blr Tho old Boston American Ball Club under Jimmy Collins was the brainiest club that ever played. Every man on that club played each play aa it came up, using; his own Judg ment, with no sltmala and no Insldo play, bo Cormlo Slack has told ma half a dozen timed. No other club In tho gnmo ever used Its own natural re resources to better effect. J. T. McQILLICUDDY, Worcester, Mass. The Succulent Statistic Sir Wo have all heard a good deal of lato about the birr amount of money paid out to ball players and the big amount taken In at the gate. Could you give us any Idea of about how much this Is? An estimate will do If you don't happen to have the figures. W. L. II. Any reply to this would be more In the nature of a guess than an estimate. However, as the saying Is Tho average payroll In the major leagues today is about 180,000 for each club, There are 16 clubs under O, B.'s standard, bringing up the total salary list up to $1,280,000. Each club In the O. B, circuit carries about 25 men, to taling something like 400 hall players, who therefore average $3200 each a season. Receipts Against this we have annual receipts, which is an even more extended guess. Last season in the two big leagues there were 2S03 games played 1X0 In the National and 12J8 in the American. Granting that the average dally at tendance was about 3000, the total paid attendance would be In the neighbor hood of 7,600,000 for the year. At an average charge of B0 cents per fan, this would leave the total gate receipts' around $3,2(0,000 Out of this. In ad- 4itltt to the salaries ot tl,JS0,00 th ANNlNCgMLW i I " ' ,...... t . - i . TLL 6JB Obs A Bid I 11 I Job! JON'T "VbO ij I I sonpnue vjitm MY-weid A-HEM, hglio I I Notice? ,v4yTMiM41 I I .SFRitfS HVT' MG'Lt Rve ,Tnr- J V. V I overt it I iojovj BGCAUScl V ' "i; V I HBRO HIM ADMIRING 1 mSS I I .-1 ,im,;; 7,,aone ffuST Litre WMrWA.. C V$WA ia!3' -S0"0' trJ Wmm)y OM MRS, OOE WMM) "OLLO I WW. W)J ALL RIGHT Wmj -1- ' . Wajm J-LZ w S lj2y m " " DOM'T You JUST ) IlM SOOLsD ,1 pon't deuevE I I i-oue Thk wm- it w , ,1H. I You've EVG . VSGTS iVP J rV DGR - V NOTICED l V-g"-? J) US2J fcS4 X) MW L-C m X Mr V uutjiivuod .yvyyi -i i tvT J ll SOMEBODY IS BY THE V0LLEYER Forest Hills scored a victory In the first actual warfare waged In this city to remove tho national tennis championship from New Port to Umg Island, when tho Philadelphia Indoor Tennli Club, nt Its nnnual meeting last night, oted almost unanimously In favor of tho transfer, there being only ouo dis senting ballot In a totnl of 25, Paul W, aibbnns was ro-elccted delegnto to thn annual meeting of tho United States Na tional Lawn Tei.nln Association, In New York, on Fobruary fl, with Instruction! to cost the club's oto In faor of awarding tho All-comers to the Wet-t Sldo Tennis Club. All tho present offlccni of the organisation wcro ro-elerted, ns follows: President, U, Tyson Hutehlns, secretary, Hosmer W. Hanna; treasurer. Tatil W. Gibbons; board of directors, Samuel Sooilllo. Jr , Ijindy H. Brown, C. M, Harlan, T. II. Mnrtln and Dr. I'. II. Hawk. PINBHURST. N. C. Jan. 27. J. D. 15. Jones, tho Ithodn Island champion; Irving Wright, of Boston. C. M Bull, Jr., of Now York; J. C. Hlnchollffo, Jr., of Paterson, and T)r. B r. Drake, of New Bochollo, or N. A. Jlacklnnoy, nt Provldenca, who did not finish their match, are the survivors of yesterday's opening rounds in tho men'a singles event of tho annual midwinter tennis championship, Zulu Kid Wins Bout NITW TOrtK, Jan. 27. Zulu KM won by a shade from Iconic Mantell In a slow bcut, full of clinches and accompanied by hlssei nnd boos, at tho 'Broadway Sporting Club, Biooklvn, last night. owners had to pay the traveling ex penses nnd' hotel bills for 400 men for threo of tho six plnylng months, tho amount of tlmo spent by each club on tho road. At nn average charge of $4 a day for 400 men for 30 days, the total would bo $144,000 for hotels alone. With three Jumps a year half way across tho con tinent" nnd various switches back and forth, tho railroad nnd Pullman fare3 will verge upon another $100,000. Added to this nro expenses for training trips, ground rent or upkeep, and another vast emear of coin Is tacked on. Club Profits As to what profit ball clubs nmass each season wo havo practlcaly no Idea. Last fall Giants' and Braves were nbout tho only two clubs to gather in any kale. Tho Mackmen claim a deficit of $20,000 up to tho, rim of the world's series, where they slipped out of debt. It has been claimed that Black nnd Shlbo havo only made 3 per cent, on their investment of some $000,000, despite tho fact that In tho last flvo years they have won four pennants and threo world's championships. We have taken our share of shots at certain magnates, but we know for n fact that they ijave, as a wholo, made no big fortunes out of baseball. The Giants havo made money, because they had 6,000,000 fans to draw on and Mc Graw has won five pennants in ten years and has always been up there giving the top crest a battle. Charley Murphy made a killing In Chicago be causo Chicago happens to be a great city for the gamo and because Prank Chance and cast gave Murphy four pennant winners nnd two world cham pions. But beyond these two entries nnd that of the Chicago White Box, the financial clean -up has been more of a myth than an actual development. We'll take a. gamble that Charley Somers alone has lost $200,000 in base ball in the last ten years. Baseball Epitaphs 7ere lies the only Tyrus Cobb, Yho fills the hearts of fans with joys; Jlis specialty when on the fob "Was swinging on the butcher boys. And here lies doughty Lee Magee, Who is an altruist, you see; lie's either that or else a liar Ills real name's Leo floerschenmeyer, FRECKLES There are now a million people play ing lawn tennjs in this country. When a game reaches that proportion it is a trifle too widespread to have any cham pionship bottled up In one spot or even one section. And the time isn't very far away when the unbottllng will take placo jvith a. reuonant pop. ALWAYS TAKING THE. BEECHER SADLY LACKING Is No Match for Champion Welsh in Big Battle. NEW YOnif, Jan. 27, Wllllo Beeeher met a champion of tho world In Madison Square (flrden last night, and poor William, thanks i" jtcuuio wclali, got tlv trouncinir of the Bi-anan, to say nothlnr of Wlllla's life. It went jw rounds, Beochcr proved to John tho lanriJCr a nOttnfnMtnn Ihnt lia nftn nTrn n whin. P.1,",1!. I""1 Plenty of It. Only In ono round did "Illle shine, the fourth. In that round ho muddled ,iir. Welsh's actlvo mind a bit when i10 connected with a wicked left hand swing to Welsh's head. Welsh had to hunt tho back trail till tho moon enmo out again. BASEBALL NUGGETS MnnriRer Put Mnrnn hM conforenco with W. V. linker, president of the Phillies, in this city yesterdny regarding the closing of tho denls with Jfoston and Now York. Severn! players from theeo teams nro booked to como to tho i'htllles In exchange for Sherwood Magee nnd llonus lbcrt, but neither deal has been complctod. Eddie Grant dropped Into Now Tork for n chat with eeerctary John II. roster ot the plants yestorday. Tho utility fielder Is on I'Ja way to California on a sight-seeing tour. He will report from thero to his chief at Marlln, Tex. Humors from Chicago predict a deal be tween the nrowns nnd White flor. It Is said that Managers Mcl'oy and Ilowland havo de cided upon tho terms of the transaction, which awaits official sanction by Hedges nnd omltkey. According to gossip, four of the white Sfox veterans will bo traded for one of tho three sterling lefthanders carried by the lironns Hamilton, Ijvercnz or Wcllmnn and Outfielder Ilert Shotton. Hugh Jennings has Just turned back two Tiger kittens. Uetalll, a pitcher from Ottawa, ha been cent to Scranton. Carleton, nn out fleldor from Kalamazoo, was consigned to Witkee-ltarro. In all probability Otto ICnabe will take his Terrapins to Southern Pines this spring. He had planned a trip to Cuba, but tho St. Louis I'edernls beat him to it. Umplro Tom Chlvlngton, of the American Association has put up to tho club owners a piopnsltlnn to return to tho single umplro syttcm. This Is In keeping with tho economi cal policies to be observed this year through out organized baseball. GOLFERS' AFTERMATH There will bo something doing on practically pvery day In tho lino of competition on tha Indoor golf links on tho fourth floor of tho Olmbel Store, beginning with tho 1st of Fobruary. 'All the tournaments wilt bo de cided at medal play, PALJI TOUCH, Fla., Jan. 27. A. F. Souther, land, St. Androw's, won tho consolation final K '" 1?wyfar's olf tourney, defeating V. 11. Smith. Oakland. 2 up. fiouthcrland scored a ill under adverse conditions, leading by 1 up at the turn and winning tho match by holing a 40-foot nppronch. Nnw TORK, Jan, 2T. The annual golf championship of New Jersey will bo held on May it 28 and 21) over tho course of the j3"x -aumy v-ountry triuD, at orange. N. J. This matter was settled yesterday at tho an nual meeting of tho New Jersey State Oolf Association In this city. Ths Essex Fells Golf Clnb Intends to en large Its courso from nine to eighteen holes, and work will be begun ns soon aa tho weather Is suitable. The following officers have been elected by tho club: President, A. Crcssy Morrison; vice president, Henry V. C-ondlot; secretary. II. J. McCord; treasurer, ,?.' vvi.50hr!!Sllcr:J. en'ST"0- It. C. nianlte, Tt. 8. dTspard and It. P. Seymour. At the .annual meeting of the Olen nidge CountryClub trie following dlrectora were chosen to servo for three years: Charles I,. Cnnsklll. Henry o. Crulkshank, Harry D. Smith and Gilbert TV. Taylor. r rrWEITirrtST. N. &TJnn. 27. Mrs. T. Tl. Boyd, of St. luls, and Mrs. J. T. Newton wero tho winners ot first nnd second prizes In a selected ecoro rolf handicap here ves terrtay, held under tho auspices of the Silver SPORTS AFIELD OnAND JirNCTION', Tenn., Jan. 27. Three setters, 1a neslta, liabblebrook nob and Lewis C. Morris and the pointer John Proctor were selected last night to, run today In the deciding series of the national champion. 5j!pneld trials. La TIeelta la owned by F. M. Stephenson, of Chicago! Dabblebrook Bob by tjowls Mec-raw. Pittsburgh, and Lewis C. Morris by H. J. Howe, of Birmingham, Ala! John Proctor Is tho entrv nt X T.. rvt-ti. e TtAlfAn n.w ' " Tex. HOTJSTON. Tex.. Jan. 27., -Harvey iMxon, of OrongO. Mo.. was hlrh amateur sn nd high over all on the second day of the fourteenth annual Bunny Houtn target handicap, breaking 100 out of 200 targets. Harrv Murrells, of Hous on, was high professional, with JS7. Prelnd Is President The, Interdenominational Baseball Iajue held Its regular business meeting at league headquarters. Church of Our nedeemer. ICth and Oxford streets. ' The following officers were elected for the season .of 1P15: Charles J. Prelnd. president: U. It Ltvermore. vice president: Ralph Hoov er, recording secretary; V. W. Morgan, nnan clal secretary; II. Kerr, treasurer. The fol lowing teams and representatives were pres ent: J. A. Henry, ll. o. Kerr, Qreen Street Methodist Episcopal; Charles ICnauer and H J. Morgan, ltedeemer; II. McCllntock, Seventh Street Methodist Kplscopal; B. lluiy. Second Dutch; C. 'Miller, Elks Form BaBebaU League NEW TOnK. Jan. 27.-The Interstate Base ball League of Elka hss been organized with 12 teams and may admit four others. The teams entered represent New Tork. Bronx, gueens. Brooklyn. Jersey City, Bayonne Newark, Elizabeth, Peterson, I'lalnfltkl INearny and Btaten Island. L. O. Wilder, of Bronx Lodge was elected president, Chris Mitchell, of New York Lodge, secretary, ana John A. eloane, ot Bayonne Ledge, treasurer. A silver trophy vill be awarded the team winning the championship during the 1U13 season. Ping Bodle Sold CinCAaO, Jan. 27. "Ping" Bodle, out. fielder of the Chicago White Sox team since Iflll. yesterday was old to.the San Franelsco club of the, Paelfle Coast League, Thla deal returna Bodle to hl home city. ' Temple Prep Wants dames The, preparatory tauxetball team of the Teni' ri v-uitariiij worn stuuee who second or f hlrd class team lo or out of the city or high J school frcjhmeu teama. Thli aggregation I, lUstrMtlm I r wrt.t. I very xast oue. -.reims a&uriag- h AddrtM Jcaesii fossl. SS3 Wilder JOY OUT OF LIFE STRIKES AND SPARES , IL K. Mulford Company, the Drug League lenders, downed Eckman Manufacturing Com pany team in tho flrBt and second, games, but jvero lmdly beaten In tho third, tho latter hit ting the pins In great form, Mooncy and HhleblB stnrred Individually, tho former totnl Ing K3 pins In his third gamo and tho latter n 211 scoro In his Ilrst game. Traband, of Jluiford, toppled over a 2JO scoro In his first gamo; Houston also rolled well, having a SW scoro In his second gamo. S. K. & P. Com pany kept up their winning streak with two victories from Lilly Company; tho latter took tho last gamo by seven pins P. W. B. Com rmny landed the odd gamo of Its series with Wampolo Company. Mather & Co, and Aetna battled for suprem acy In the Inasmuch League last night on Terminal alleys, with tho honors going to Aetna, who outrollcd tho leaders In two Ramos out of threo licfore n largo gallery of rooters, who cheered lustily for their favorite teama. Tho teams aro now tie for tho loadershlp. Itoosters and North American each won two out of threo from Peoplo'a nnd Flro Associa tion, while Reliance, the tallenders, kept up their recent good work by taking three Btralght gnmes from Piatt, Yungman A Co. Coming, of Aetna, rolled tlio highest Indlvldunl neoro of tho plght, 225 pins, In his second gamo. IMcClellatPalso totaled an even "00 scoro In his second attempt. Ledger Five After Scalps The Hvicniko Lcdoer basketball team would llko to nrrange games with fourth and fifth class teams having hnlis and paying a fair guarantee. Address, Prank Hnffcy, Compos ing Room, Oth nnd Chestnut streets. FLOTSAM ON THE SEA OF SPOI To 'Lil Ahtha Th' Mexicans 'll git yuh ef Yuh Bon't Watch out I Perhaps a similar warning: ought to bo Issued to Carranza, Villa, et al, Atlia may turn on 'em. TJnsent Telegrams To Bat Nolson Is your press agent 111? "Wo haven't heard a cheep about you for many hours. A Query Did tho Feds havo tho Federal Court In mind when they picked out a name for their leaguo? This should bo looked Into. Police! Tou'vo Botta, If wo must resort to such tactics, admit that Joe Loomls up as a big contender at tho Fordham games In New York Saturday night. Our Visitors Pat Moran is a wonderful man And so is President Baker, They come to stay for a half a day In the town of Penn, the Quaker, To study tha ills of the aching Phils They pay our toum a visit; Isn't it sad and quite too bad They don't reside here is itt When you figure that Moran comes all tho way from New England and Prexy Baker from New Tork, you can realtzo that they havo the Interests, as it were, of tho club at heart. Of course, It's nono of our business, but we'd like to suggest they could save time and expenses by meeting In New Tork. They Sometimes Do The comebacks flash a bit and then They drop back out of sight again. They all forget the final bell; Who notoT You've guessed it; Abe Attell. Perhaps the shiftiest fighter who ever got Into tho squared circle, Ho wants another tight, preferably with the man who took away his laurels, Kllbane. Or, maybe, he Just wanted to see his name in print again. Favors Ettite Game Body Harry Slmms, 993 Spruce street, pres ident of the South Philadelphia Gun Club and Game Protective Association, Is one of the nrst to champion the idea of a. State-wide organization. Presi dent Slmms read tho suggestion in the columns of the Evenino Ledger and was quick to act. He is of the con firmed opinion that a Pennsylvania game organization would solv'o the question. At this time there is a crying need for an organization with one ob- ,..-. i -,i, JeC ll View. With various bodies 'TOea tnnrosnout tne Btats-s they are now there in very llttlo cn&scf to CAMDEN FIVE PLAYS ON NEW FLOOR TONIGHT Heading to Be Guests in Big Gamo at Armory. Lewis Winch, Charles Crawford, John Lin ton and Allen 13. Burke, Kensington business men, secured tne Jasper Jtnsiern League basketball franchise at a special meeting held at the Bingham House, last night, nnu will play out tho schedule at Nonpareil Hall. Lew Winch, who played many years for the Jasper club, and who Is now one ot the owners, villi manage the team, Iurlng tho meeting tho salo of tho Alpha Club's franchise to the Cnmden Basketball Company, Inc., was rati lied, The new owners are Clarence A. Turn er, Or. Charles 'B. Holm, Samuel Herrman and Charles V, Lmpty. The club opens its now headquarters In tno Cnmden Armory to night, with the Heading Bears as the at traction, A foul goal by C. Strobel won a hard game for St. Michael's over Advent by 20 to ?4. Zlppel, for 'Advent, dropped In 18 from the chalk mark. In tho other game. Transfigura tion gave St, James on awful drubbing and won on they pleased, 80 to 0, In a pair of Lutheran League games last night. Tho Jenklntown High School flo defeated (he Ablngton High School quintet 82 to 24, In tho lalter's rymnaslum yesterday afternoon, Flowers played a clever game at forward for the victors, whllo Itoaclio's caging of free shots was the only thing that kept lila team In the running. Jenklntown High second team beat Ablngton High second, IT to 14. Covenant had a soft proposition In 6t. Mat thew's, and defeated them J 5 to 4, The Saints did not get a Held goal. In the other game Bark Congregational forfeited to Incarnation, as they only had four players. WITH THE CUEISTS The semifinal games of the St. Francis Xnvler T, A II. Society elimination pool tournament were played on Monday evening nt their club rooms llanlel MeCllnlcy dtfented Harrv Kelly In tbe most etclting game ever witnessed In the club, both players making remarkable shots. Kelly got oft to nn early lead by playing n safe gamo. but lot a grent ehanco when he routed on nn open shot, nnd Mcfllnley came forward with a rush and soon overcome hie big load. Tho gamo between Prank Kelly and Frank Foley was not an Interesting, owing to tho reckless shooting of Foley, but Kelly deserves credit for the gamo ho plaved. ... Tho flnnl game will bo played on Mondaj; evening next, between Daniel McCllnlcy and Prank Kelly for 100 points. rortuno chalked tho cuo of George Nell hamer, when ho defeated Wllllnrn II. Do T-angh, of tho Oormnntown room, 100 to 44 In the opening gnmo of tho rtoomkeepors Pocket Iillllnid League, last night, nt tho ctub'B bil liard parlor. Kclthamer did not gnt n very nusplclous start, but camo back strong nnd Piled up a big lead on the Oermantowner, who received the rhnrt end of moHt of the breakB. On two occasions ho pulled nice combination shots, only to lose out by tho narrowest mar gin and leave Nelthamcr with a split bunch. St. Joe Keady for Alumni Tho annual baskottmll game between the St. Jojeph's Collego varsity nnd alumni basketball teams tonight will bo the fenturo number ot tho program of tho Mtrt of n. series of smokers theld by tho class of 1(114 In tho Institution's auditorium. An nltalr of this sort will bo hold annually by tho graduating class of the pre ceding June. Tho new St. Joseph's gymnasium will be for mally opened with tho vnrnlty-nlumnl contest tonight. Among tho players who will repre sent the latter five ore Scnnlon, captain of the 1P12-13 teim: Considlno, Ponnls, Yates, captain of tho 1013-14, team: Loeklo and TInycs. Hnrmony In Soccer Banks According to a wlro received Trom Newark, N. J . last night, thero la not tho .slightest trouble between tho Nntlonn! Lcnguo nnd th United Stntes Footlnll Association, which wns reported to bo the cnfo some days ago In thla cltv In fact, none of the National Leaguo mngnatcs would admit that nnythlng had boon talked about in regards to dropping their nf lllintlnn with tho United States Football As sociation, which Is tho governing body in this country. Women Fencers Meet March 19 At a meeting of tho Executive Committeo of the Pennsylvania division of tho American Fencing Leaguo last night. In its headquarters In the Keith Hulldlng, It wns decided thnt tho nnnual Pennsylvania women's Junior cham pionship fencing meet will bo held in tho gymnasium of tho Temple University, March 10. this year. CJLTSAM agreo on all questions. Tho resultant discord is obvious. With a consolida tion of all tho State bands an organ ization of great importance would bo possible When you take Into consid eration tho number of sportsmen who aro Interested In gamo It is not a far strotch of tho Imagination to seo what a rosy condition tho future hns In Btoro under this amalgamated plan. Think it over, and then let us havo TOUR views. Public Course, Good Thing It. W. Lesley, president of the Phila delphia Golf Association, Is well pleased with the favorable comment which has followed tho announcement that this city Is to enjoy a public golf courso. Thero Is no better argument for pub lic greens than tho statemont of Mr. Lesley, who goes on record as follows: "This public golf course proposition marks an advance In tho use and de velopment of our park system, and tho new links whon completed will afford what hosf hitherto been missing in Philadelphia an opportunity for every ono who desires to play golf under tho most favorable circumstances without expense. The location of the now course, accessible as It will be by a short walk from tho terminals of two street railways giving a flvo cent rldo from tho centro of the city, will put tho course within reach of every ono. "It is expected that this development will have tho same results as the estab lishment of similar courses in Chicago, Boston, New York and other largo cities has had namely, the develop ment of a class of young players of the highest character and the giving to many men and women of tho oppor tunity to enjoy free of expense the pleasures of tho game of golf." A Kansas City sporting writer said Jess Wlllard looked good, as far as ho went the" other night In a four-round exhibition with Al Norton. We aro wondering what he meant. Good News I We wero dellghled today, to know that Ted Meredith, Penn's popular runner, would bo permitted to race for his university at the Boston games next month. Wo felt right along tho A. A, U, would bo .fair with him. Now that the lesson has been much im pressed, let's not have a repetition of the trouble. A word to the wise you know, ' WhaddyetninkoithisP If S. J. Perry's bill, which is to be Introduced In the House at Harrls'burg next week, is passed, Pennsylvania will have a full-fledged boxing commis sion. Wo bellevo such a, proposition would be acceptable fo most every sportsman, though thero aro no black marks on tho books against us with out such a body. COMMISSION PLAN NOT OPPOSED BY; FIGHT PROMOTER If the State Officers pj Boxing Bill, Philadelnh! Men Will Bow to ,i Law's Letter Graceful! Local light promoters do not . i..o u. proviuing n Stale Boxinr rv. I ....,,, uv),uvo lna gflM. , a clean hero that thero Is 0 ncZi'$ one, -Some others bellovo n S R would prove valuable In mar, ?' What McQulgan Think. '., John .T. Tnt.i. -,. . Aii ana matchmaker ntu. J.?' t!wam tho oldest boxlns club In thl, !-! M that a Boxing Commission &? protection for the lighter, h?,.. knowledge he ha8 never heart off 'i boxer complaining nbout the ?,.. 4 ot a promoter hero. "Mloiafl "I believe that Philadelphia Is m H famouslv fmm ,i: 'K! " cettlcr K? Oloaulgan. "and there l no need ik 004 u comm as on. I do not ohi TV- ""Menr- ( fmrn.'tVhrsa1 g"& JM u. lo-round niralr. Then I2.JJ W0UH U lound numbers on tho program1? ft ?".& tm opportunity of vvltnn.wsih'!,Iuli aliow ' hi ono flight than & TZ" event of Ill-round tieht. lney woul " the However, 1 agree that in..... .SMI Would bo a novelty for Philadelphia As, 91 '.would clamor for buck "tSS mat iney would c amor fn- ;.,.' ' "" ' now. 1 nm .,-,,!,!. ik ."""' "Mil 1 than a month of li-rounderi . th mV tho boxing game will bo a'd'L0 i?.",e tho old six-round stunt. . "1 have scon lu-roumt I stLnt. - jU .. 'I1 A'av? B00n lu-round bouts tlm. .,.. .JS honest opinion Ii ??'"".? i uozen-rSund M . uul mv nnnnit nn nine. . --- uua,' us mo iiair-iiozcri-rowid boBuT i S ".. h fighters R0 ancrMK rro'm taVThrff&g round boxers cenrrnllu kam.A Pul.uli)-I th1'!.' . ! , "A ,"' nX K .,1 .?m..i''n.I? pur present slx.reiois J1 urn. wuuin certainly like to liave It i i! a boxlntf commlssUn Is put across Sth iS round bouts, ot courso, then IhTwiffiife promolers will havo to gi?0 the rinV K.1 they want, and thoy surely know whJt il want when thoy want it." ' r niitECTon ponnrn's nmiuiwa 'I Ocorgo D. Portor, Dliector of Publki sifetpl reprinted hero: " "" "' ""'T " 'Tho ptiglllitlo sport In this city Is rosal!? olonit more smooth fy, in fact, on a blulrtasi than nnv ntlmr fii.h, .h , ,v. :' .r B, remarked Mr. Porter. "" "'X .innnJ,,.h,,1,?-c',?.-d0"n't " 3 mid tho fnna havo not made any computet.1 to tho Department of publlo Safety iCi imvu ucen in onico, nbout three lean. iJi nnnil'i'i'V 'lo nnt .e0 " nn organlatlm! 2 control the gumo Is necessary, ,a punishment, nnd. at far ns 1 know, at ilZ' alon met with tho approval of all person lik urcsted In tho trort As long as tlie nut cnntlinieB to run along smoothly 1 do not id why boxing should bo placed under tbe imh vision of a commission. "feevcral persons have asked mo to Intro? i'uco a commission A state temmlBiIonli out of my Jurlsillctlon and will have too proposed in tho Legislature. But as far u n city commission la concerned, I am niMti with tho way the promoters are abldlnrijir tho Department of Publle Safely nillnrjAi Personally, I like boxlns myseir, and be ever I have tho orportunlty i ntter.a a rte': I have never heard of any boxer or tromole tu go back on his contract. As long ti tm j continues the sport will bo clean." m' TO INTRODUCE BOXING BILL"; IN HOUSE NEXT WEEK'S o x :rrrT:.. - I u. u. jTBi-iy, 01 jrniiaoeipnia, sponsor for Measure. IIAnnisnimG, Jan. 27. A bill to pmnS 10-round loxlng bouts in rennsjlvanli. onJa tha suporvlsbih of a State Boxing CommInlcS, will be lntrbduccd In tho House next wE Iteprescntatpo Samuel J. Terry, ot rhlWA' Phla, will present tho mcasuro. ' .X!e commission vvould bo known si-ib) Athletic Commission of 1'enruylvanll I? bill gives it excluslvo Jurisdiction, maninoctt and control over all boxing and spuria mntches or exhibitions, Under Its provUltrJ the State would get 5 per cent, of tbe irfflJ goto receipts. M Penalties for "faking" aro Included In tin bill. For tho first ofTense a fighter woall prohibited from participating la fortttf matches In tho State for six rnonthi. sTIu second nTfennn ivotit,! tnfnllv rll.nuallfr hCs 3 Pennsylvania. ..."SW Tho hill provides for a salary of ftOOOir jear for each commissioner, and 41500 lots secretary. It does not spoclfy the number el commissioners. Tho bill carries an aporejiTOj tlnn of ?15,000, a ATTELL WANTS JUST ONE MORE FIGHT Former Featherweight Thinks H Might "Como Back." f "They nover come back," I the ell adnge, but Abo Attell, the former feather; weight champion. Is following In tin foot; steps of a number ot other ex-utleholiuri by asking for just ono more bout IW Ablo la really in earnest about ttwt Into Bhapo for another rlns match bg putting tho mitts on the shelf. l "I have tho Heart to get uown w j hard training for but one man, i" Aii.11 !.! It tl, Knvao T lllVA Ifl 1HIQ4 will give mo a ehanco to how ajiteg him I will be prerectly willing w q "j tjuiiiv tut duu1" 4j(a 'Johnny Kllbane Is the man I wtat box. Ho should give me an opportunity. to meet him again. I beat Johnny la 10-round bout In Kansas City U'ore.H won tho title from me. I want Mlbine! treat me the way I treated him. l Iu him another chance. . .. ,.fl Attell la doing stunts nt the AIMWh today. Tomorrow, and for the tlnwwz of the week, ho is billed at too .""' LOCAL FIGHT RESULTS Young McQovern, the Port Bltta" tnmwrlBht, defeated aarty jv" "(ja,'tait: bout at the ralrmount Atb''J5rSS 4 niirht Tn ih tlrst and second ro" t,2, Mk llnvam rained blows over Hi wrtrs" X ! ..(HI... .... ...w -..-. ., ....,, nava nrniir,L'Pi uv 11,0 ,v.k, . -- , . ...- , - a- ,.r v. , ttnui ea. servance. Kventua y tnesj ' Hitfltll the attention of Police Sergeant Hjuw. e,. ,-. r.. ----:. -i, - .u. tactics 11 ordered the bout etopped unti "- sS agree not to use tbe ongeroui pun- B2J The serolwtnd-up terminated sbropur" The semlwtnd-up terminateo "r.'"tVj ti second session, after Jack F a"' "jioSrl, noored with a right to the law W ygU&m Br de. rarreu reiuieu .h,;BBoStt jumping to hU feet, and hl "WSJ", M in and sent him dewn and out wna w,l 2hr2oi?s ftS wnitojft 2S "in the other bouts Jim Willi ". .j, Battling Jack Brookes In the WI "53 k Ilrookei oln earne Johnny .mipin eareev, -y ef uuw Tommy fihaip. wnua vopor land, aefiatrS Charley Rear tt niuia fw""' - . JflT- .jwsz.tp&ss sfft. SfiKTkjam amm ait night before a large Allm' LTlndSd for" the i.roalnder of "J JSaT V.,t.w. inflrhtinir won the ii'..reC,SSS S tatterW? ? ?&S?hir2 wwiwWssii'a.-.grig jajy tJ.A n.fr.n liallsv deeming. !"". 111. ' ul,llortlohla. too wca w, against Jakev Ma. "&al? lfteyar, of Allentoyn, .AJJMOTr! WlUl w tae, Jourtn ; . ,r"b"-, "kU A"S w "".' ."' zr,,l .uruihlln. dvlpbla, la the opculng nuinoer ii,n(Dwn. Deat &uw h- "ijaArsssa Y, H. O. A. Mil Arcli St bot4.ss wS1 1 KUU - -i . 1 ''iSiaWll JiJi.&eU w flMMHI i I BcetllclllllllllsalllllHisalllllllilsalllllllllllllllllllllllllsallllllllllli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers