Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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. '"?,?VBaff
" "Si - . -"",- -' -" "i- ''-'' a 1
rrl'A PnrH,
he MII'H 'V
Officifil Chaperqne
- lifeo.rv1lnr1nr fnrnn- 191ft
iPout of France hy England, Jockey
ft ' ",' Take, one qf those lmnl old
- uincripn uv hh iitjHHHim ill n
fliai inclusion to meet the nn-
Kl at Mrs, Grundy. Ono of the favor
FT.theifl U P. iWirMwe tho dmnl pid
F'SSS at lunch with tho dismal young
W'WSX.nt them with his wife? and
l2juc tha ypung lady as the Bpouse of
fflrlend Wl'o P'tPPeVI t bo hnngltiB
wi TO provide Irtenty of amusement
Stio more acts, transplant to a spot
rXi hv the frenVs h,ctrqthcd. Then
SK everybody ort- Thu rcsuU ls "over
fff& athr8 : "Th0 Tlllrd vw-:
Si -.ctbrB weren't satlsllod with this,
&irtu.nlly. tho farce at the Adclphl
Zi very close to being really amusina
p litf Hmo- They Introduced soma
fla 'a llttlo Shaw a la Amcrlcnlno:
Sever you women have anything
tf.,!..i-.i.f miten to do. you call It
ima. A mllllant suffragist as a foil to
i'lr J.. ,i, la tevlnf In win a
, rows irh v-" ,.''" ,... ",",,,:
KM ""ess the K table with
S dismal old husband. Care must bo
Kn' Influenco may pot com.o off Just
t! the real Item. That Institution of
J Sir restaurants,, the bfflplal Chapc
Sot Elinor Oazzaza Unable to speak
Frar- of English, ho Is no trouble In
ii IMW. " anv dipiculty arises ho In
Sjucis perfectly as tlo lady's husband.
Sinnly trouble la kptsplns a supply on
fel Tout dinners, three lunchos and
K" .uppers a day undermines tho con
diMUoq fylshtfyHy. Qt pqurae. thpro has
r?. ono nthor comDllcat on to make a
L,nd tlm is when thlB Third Party
fea out to be a. ouns gctitlemup pp a
t who forces mrpscu apa "wp on
F. dUmal husband's homo and enjoys
ktaielf hqgelV till his (lanceo appears
Ti"oDDortunltles for fun In all this aro
Mk ehougfi. Tho producer of "Tho
kj,S'party'r thoueht well to add to them,
!; nmnlv of reculatlon comic effects.
Ril get stepped on, and collars torn.
fjphpiis squirt abpvit The principles
im (lawtra "" br'!ai1 f" Mip lr- Tllev
oih and stutter. One pf them performs
icon marvelous gymnastics in the way of
inW ana nuernpin iv vaixv.
rk ra'allv novel feature of "Tho Third
pinV however. Is the gentleman of the
trantlc3, IJr. Taylor IJomcs. Walter
ailleep a stff pace", but Mr. Holmes la
totrao to lift It all into Holds of giddy,
Mr irgteequery. There Is very llttlo In
iM W of liupiproua exaggcratlpn that
li doaan't accomplish with faco or feet.
Et 'makes his amorous tendencies the
Sdlculoui exuberances of youth. Ho gpts
lay wltl evpp tpe nullcst qt his llpes by
iAnetOKonulnely amused over them that
as one can have the hpart to disillusion
!io. tip maKes me two last acts, onp
m explanation that s oply exinaled by
iln consummate stuttering feat in "The
Hpilon." If Wr. Hplnies pver learns to
Siiclpllos h"s effulgent talents, hfi will so
fjK 4pt( maybe he will anyway.
Philadelphia's "Critic" in New York
! ff4 yttle, Theatre's product!0'! Pf "The
Critic"-seems to have done very well on
jti IjrsJ presentation In Now York. The
reviewer of the Times seems tho only
53 Kfi incllppd, to, iinrpserved pralw
rUr. Payne himsplf gives a good per
formance In the rolo of Mp. Pqff, tho
Itcorrlglbly complacent author of "Thp
Eptnljh, Armada " He very nmuslngly
SfluU Puff's cheery resiliency. Wlll
Uq Moulton, Lawrence Grant and Whit
hul Kane dp nicly In minor roles, but
Kr. Anaerson falls of u neat performance
Jl Bangle."
ITh; Sup, recalling Drew, low(8. Sfat
fefi, 1ehan, allack and all tho fa
us players who have appeared n
fttrldin'8 little masterpiece, sppaka vpfy
w!dy n tho work of the cprnpany.
m Trlhune catches Just the npje In
?W feo Phlladelphln cppipjiny speks
fefto, when it sppaHs of "thp spirited,
raucklng production so badly acted by
H$WHnt cast of plnyers Mr, Pnypp
M waerflbled. Tho piny, of conrsp, is
to have such tiismat old Homes
Inhtf !lW t0 Whip0. ' mnl old
All with dismal young ladles ami get
ill!" " . i. rri.nt Id Ilia llislnnii f
Br -..I nr il iimv ,si .,v ........'. k
iB rmm tlie premise or
The End of the Fog
jTFgnilqzyl Lazy! Lazy! That's, how
it'l ?W g.n$ a tlnv vpiee.
Iad, I apt lazy, very lazy," hummed
g'Mr little voice, "npd I Yant to takp
LlH r'?ut away."
iq t am tired, very tlr?y whlspereu
hMl.. -
"and I want to stop nml
U flp sleepy,
j murntpred,
Ri'y farther."
I dop't
want to
liS MYer ponlfl gu(is,8 whp was tnlklng,
8gJ van? No? Of course not! For you
Igj! pevpr gnpss that rainflrona vrtmU
ttlrwRyl nntthpyfliq. LlBtonapd
twhut else they sold.
WPPP?r Whqt (n the world, (a. the
ffa,(w with, us?' ?i?e pijp Blpppy flrop'
Uy I feel like scampering down
the sky, 1 feel so gay and frisky.
SUftflay J pan hardjy pia.Ke myself
gj Wht cpn he the matter?"
id Stirn T (!nn'r Wtinw" rpntlofl Oia
Mlnflrop. "J nnly hn9W ? feel vry
'I Vp,'re (lmogt AlWn to th.at
Hid the first drdn. "when wo get
'. let's ston and nak tha trea about
aybe she knnwn -whnt linn lmnDndd
..i. .: . 1: ' T . ."j '. ' ';
-VniM " "r """r "-- ""- iipf --
fe raindrops. drizle4 slowly dPWh'
2S. Dow" nFr the trpei a H!a
PlfJ.Wt tht feeU seod to gtopf suld
fcL , thought ? never wquja. get down
S U sky,"
Hflidn't fisflm an Inner ill A Inst ttmf".
JUirVvt. "."" " ""'? V'" '7.TT "'"' '
i-r iHt Btper nron iMuri "on now
g " are flnally ipro, let'e ask thi
la tree
E tin ba tWn mnttctf urltVi llal'l
! Ifiey nestled un close to tha tree and
ttrffl lastly, "Plwie. dear Mend
Ul Ul why wa ara so lazv. Why
iHrth 8asmed to a Ptl ft Inng wy
Si ma Iky tnrlnv and whv iva Ara 0
&nf ' "" "-
WSUnd. 1 lEtl.nl " 'Pha last lima ha.
3M ty yu m ta rthi who
3 f With you ti'
lnflropi iQoed at papri Qthr to
mKl m& M mv ausiwa th
il Wba danced and frolicked all the
I w Who tanaed sou from three
J wha da.eb.sd y9B tp the ground
?J H.yi me fitnH vh--,W
flpn't need to tell u apy
tiru84 tfe JndlPW H tJ-
iXtmiw.Vrtrt!.,Tv,JlJVvw.iftwwif. wiWAWttAi wnJj
At tl?c Broad in "The Phantom
too well known to describe, but Mr.
t'nyno'a cnrpfully priulo pioductlon do
eorves a (.pccial word. It wns carried
olf with such ii nlei'ly thut Its voix -;iiii-ostness
and sincerity saved It ftom tho
usual blatant burlesquing th.it mats ho
piany performances. Mr, Payne had tho
chief rplr, that of Mr. Pijff, tho original
press agent and npthor p( tho tragedy.
His performance was thoroughly enjoy
able. Other Ventures Alonjr Broadway
liroartvtay productions of tho lagt four
days hnvp varied all the way frpm a
mammoth Indoor circus at tho Hippo
dromo to a French drama for Mlbs Bar
rypipro. Tho lattpr, "'fho' Shadow,"
Which was described In this placo from
Its llrst performance in Atlantic City,
received almost unstinted praise. Tho
Times calls It a "lino play," and M1&3
Itarrympre'h a "superb: performance."
Tho Tilbuno says. "Considered as a
vehicle for Miss Uarrymore, It is un
doubtedly the best sho has had. It gives
her scopo for a display of talent as an
pmotlonul actress that none would bc
Hpvo she possessed. eon those of us wl)0
saw her playing in 'Mid-Channel.' Her
Dorforinanco was truly remarkable. So
"'icmarknblc, in fnct, that It givts thp
play an Interest far beyond its deserts
as a pleco of dramatic art."
Guy IJolton turned up in New York
this week with two llrst productions to
his credit. One was the "book" of tho
nnistcal comedy, "Ninety In tho Shade,"
vl)icli created much tho Impression of
nmuslng entertainment which tho reviews
in Detroit, reprinted In tho Dvenino
Lcoocn last week, led ono tp pxpeet.
HIb other piece, a full-fledged drama,
"The Fallen Idol," did not get off with
out somo harsh criticism. It seems llttlo
Improved In plaiihlblljty or power elnco
it was llrst presented, Bem,l-Pllv.ately, In
Now York nioro than a year ago under
tho namo of "Suttee." As tho older
tlt(o suggests, thp play concerns, a
woipnn who jmmolates herself on tho
nltar of wifely devotion aftor the llame
has been long extinguished. The cat,t,
which Includes 4lbert pruning. Dnms
den Hare nnd Janet Decchpr, coro.c3 in
for warm praise.
In the Vaudeville Theatres
l)lp war nlny and itsually the anti
war Play Is UpiUnS a rcatly welcome lp
vaudeville Hard times In thp "Ipgltl
mato" have driven Into variety a num,
ber of dramatic Htars who have supplied
the best of acting for these wnr pieces.
This week Philadelphia sees Henrietta
Crosman playlpg such a plecp nt Keith's
in "Thou Shalt Not Kill.'' Soon wo may
gether. "wo know noty who you mean
ypu meap ph M.r. 'Vndl"
"Tq be s,qre I dR!" replied tho tree,
"nnd wloro Is ho today?"
Tito raindrop looked around. Nowhere
vas, p, breath of air stirring. Nowhere
was. n trace nf old Mr. wind!
"I guess ho isn't here today," said ono
alniroji? can't vijou rn(n without a
'wind (0 toss them about,
raindrop, "is that what'e the matter with
The old tree laughed. "Well, I should
say it waBl" she exclaimed, "and mat
ter enough that Is, tpql Jtaindrops can't
enjoy a rqlll Wi'nRut wnd tn tps them
about-Just remember thp,tl TJiis e poth
Ine hnt a fogl"
The raindrops looked around and sure
pnqHRhl tn every tree was clinging ft
thoneand ia?y ralndrqps. Hut Jtut then,
ojd Mr, W'nd arrye4 apd the raindrops,
dried up and blew away I
Copyright, 19 IS, Olara Ingram' Judson.
52d, Above Market
Matinee ?t?Q
6;30 19 U V, Wi
Coming Next Week
Uy Sjieclal
hnyo th pteaaure o witpeselnc Allji
Nazlmoya'B perormapcq df "W
i?r,l," tv teno lUtlfi play which 19
printed In tho current Issue of the Con
tury Magazine.
Tha ainho this week s pihlMine Q.P
of the most npvel nnllhel nets In vaude
ville, Marzulla's birds havo lilaypd close
to. tho top of tho hill n thB besl ot
Variety liouses, partly pcrhahn because
elpglng and talking parrots, are nlwny
n drawing card tor ptillOreti, but largely
beennso tho lady's paiqqupttes perfnnn
same gymnastics wji'eh nro nute n hrl
llant ns npy yoorll2ln(,'s of their ha!'
brothers. Those apparently cppisy
white blrds turning backwalil sonier
snults along a narrow board mak;o ns
rare and Imposslblo a sight as vaude
ville lmldfl today.
The Higher Criticism
"Sty nunt wnntB tq hear tho I'floettcri
dnemnierung' ngnlp."
"Has sho heard It onco nlrendy?"
' Ves."
"And she wants tp hear It again?"
"t'u-huh "
"Is she hard of hearing?"
- From "The Third Party."
For the second tlmo In a year tho
splendid talents of tho Metropolitan
Oprra company were wnstcd upon Phila
delphia. Tho qpera was "Ilorls fDdi(
noff" and to Bit through It, In the midst
of last night's audience, was an cx(t(lstp
torture. Tho opera; was glorlopsi thu
audience wns cither stupid or offensive
Thero were, ot com sc, those present
who appreciated tho opera and thoso
Who kept silent that others might hear.
Hut the audience asi a wholo sat through
tho splendid npectnelo without a mur
mur; tho groat choruses won not 11 hand
ot applatiie. And thero wero so Hhnmp
futly many boxes In which tho nudltora
chattered through tho pprrornmpcc, ef
fectually spoiling It for all within enr
hot, that one wondered why, If they
wanted to talk, tho good pcpple did not
stay at home. Upon tho dlBnstcrn of this
night comes tho announcement that un
less tho subscription for tho throe sup
plementary operas, dops not go pp tr0
mcndously within thp next ton days the
opera of February 0' will bo tho last of
tho season.
How good nnd great "IJorls" was last
nght Is almost beyond tho power of
wprds to tell, Tho drama of It Is almpst
all Invisible, as most great dramas are.
Tho murder from which tho action
Bprlngs. Is donp years, before tho play
begins. Scene after scene appears to
Ipiyo no connection with tlic plot, ypt
tho cilimilativa tenor and gri)iideur of
tho wholo cannot be mistaken. Tho
tragic gaiety ati'1 the tragic agony of
tho Czar works in. atom by atom, untl
the dire nnd awful end. Beside it, run
ning wltji It at times, standing apart
apd accentuating Its. high lights, ls thu
music, which, fpr orchestra, plngors and
chorus seems always to be breathed and
created each separate moment to com
plement and fulllt thp piece. Set in thp
magnificent splendor of ancient Moscow,
Its barbaric color and Its appalling level
reaches of white, In thp snow-eovcrcd
fprest, tho qpera was tho most grapd,
tho most impressive, thp mqs,t evocative
work seen hero this year.
L'ach detail was Just; eacli singer had
made his part, giving It character and
distinction, so that we had no sad spec
tacle of Hoyard and l,eas.ipt talking tho
same language. (Iow wonderful tho
musical characterization, too, whph nses
no tags, yet distinguishes each charaptor
hy accent and idiom!) And above them,
of necessity, was the chorus to which
the management Justly accorded tho llrst
encore. It ii iho tame chorus which has
been heard hero before, of which the
work has bepn ponslsjtpntly praiseworthy,
yet last night It was lifted by tho great
ness of tho work it) which It Is tho pro
tagonist to a higher nnd nobler plain.
When tho people speaks, but ono other
voice can bo heard. That Is tho voico of
tho King. So In this case the work qf
Adnmo Dldur, who sapg Uorls, alone
must bo mentonpd. It is not fair to
Judge his voice by ordinary operatic
standards, because he willingly fore
swore its triumphs to keep within tho
limitations of thp music. Dramatically
his Uors was mora terrible than any
representation I can recall, oxcept the
Oswald of Paul Orleneff. Exalted and
terrifying in Its strpngth lp010 exalted,
in tact, and more terrifying, than the
llguro pf tho folk, his representation
made one wonder whether It la not Hora,
nftcr all, who is tho hero of this ppera.
But one knows who the villain was.
He, collectively, made Mr. Polacco rap
twice for silence, at the beginning of
each spparatp scene.
Today's Music
The busiest slnglo day of tho musical
season has five separate concerts sched
uled. In tho afternoon tho series of con
certs for young people will be continued
at tho Llttlo Theatre with nn exposition
of the uses of orchestral Instruments as
they were developed by certain com
posers, in the pvenlng the Benrpns
Opera Club will produco "Thp Magic
Fluto'1 and the ballet recently done hero
by Anna Pavlowa and her company,
"Die Pupponfee" This will fill the
Academy. At thp same tlmo the Treble
Clef, with Elsa Lyon Cook and Frank
Glttleson ns soloists, will give Its con
cert at Ilartlcultural Hall. For tlie bene
fit qf the Settlement Musical gchopl, an
organ recital will bo given by Mr. Will
C. Macfarlane, at "Lyndon," tho homo
of Mr. Oyrus H. K. Curtis, at Wyncote,
Pa. Finally, Miss Florence jteremolnlck,
the vRlnIst Who pliiyed rpppntly before
the Ilusslan Ambassador at tho Belle-vlow-Stratford,
will give a recital at
Wltherppoon Hull.
PvtJfcf fa piqnaf.
BUnsriiHlc HPd
Kcnulnrton and
I'ranktord Avei.
Carurft St. and
fiprmantimn 4f
flS.I mnd
Homo pf Wurld'i flr"1 rhofoptori.
Rtd St. and
tfl aluslflg Ave.
Kensington and
AHrshenr 4res.
C3tl an (J
llaerfuril At.
GERMANTQWN ?;5Trffl."'
II Pttf p iitmuyfiiii jifu.
mirninpC Aveauti ism bi. sau
trB tSIWHW Theetre liiUne J-
16-8J HarWft
(?rina.nlf)Wti Atb.
m xjipgyiucCH o.
41tt and
I-anttt Ait.
Wirt'n T3
fl IrPHOTO PLMtffl
f n q IL L X Ir-Sil
t .... - 1 -...,. -. . i.
Now that they have tllmrd "It's a
Long, Long Way to Tlpperary," wp can
expect u photoplay version of "Pceptnit
Through tho Knotholo lp Father's
Wooden Leg," "Hurry! Oct a Hammer;
There's" a' Fly on Baby's Head," nnd
other popular songs.
But that Is not nil. Onby Deslya haB
been filmed In four parts that Is, the
Mm Is nunrtcrcd, not Miss Gaby. And
then, too, fqr light nmuscment, a nlm
nrqdllcpr anpqnces releases qt "Twi
light" (no relation tp the slepp of that
name), "DayllgliV' ''Firelight," "Moon
light" nnd "Candlelight'" He might havo
Ipcluded "Gas Bill" In tho program, and
everybody would havo gnua home un
happy. As a matter of cold fact tho market
Is glutted with too many cheap, Innrtls
tic, hurriedly prepared Mips. Subjects
nro getting senrcer, and, us predicted
several times In HiIb column, the pro
ducers arc killing the golden-egged goocc.
Thero are too many producers for the
diminishing number of photoplay houses.
This Is not pessimism It Is a barn re
cital of actual conditions. The flrijt fever
heat of tho moylo craze has abated so
far as the public 1 concerned, nnd movie
producers have npt yet awakened to tho
The public wants the best in lllmo, us
It wnnts tho best on tho speaking stngo
Tho photoplny fans havo (lirlvcd at yearn
of discretion They know whnt Is good
One of the Edison film stars.
and what Is not. They have been spoiled
by tho producers. Now, tho latter will
hfiyo to pay the penalty In hettpr and
costlier films. The photoplay word needs
theatres like tho Chestnut Street Opera
House, the Stanley, Ilegant, Locust,
Globe, Belmont nnd others which ppt an
oply the very best In films. And tho
public ls willing to pay for flrst-grado
movies. Tlipsp houses prRVo It h" their
erpwded attendance.
Spoiled n Good Scene
John Inco, of tho Liibln Company, al
most got a double-tolnted climax In his
big scene for "Tho Attorney for tl;p
i-l . iibi . '1 lie play Is a drama filled
w'ltli ti Ills and In the climax a touring
car, containing- jtuci i-iayion ami a
chauffeur, dashes half-way across a
bridge, smnshew through tho guard fonco
and plunges Iptq a creek soma 40 feat
bolow. Miss CInyton'3 understudy, a
gopi-looklng, wpll-dresscd dummy, en
acted thq Una) plunga.
To get tho right light effect Ince took
his company to tho bridge early In the
mornng. The car was. stationed on the
sido of a hill a short distance from the
bridge, ready for tho sensational pluigo.
tpco and his threp camera men -were at
tio far slue Rf the bridge, hunting a
good location for the cameras. Suddenly
somo one shouted "Look out!" From the
opposite direction and traveling nt a Joy
riding rato of speed came a touring car
contnin'ng two men and two women. The
Lubintes hustled out of the way. The
car shot onto tho bridge, skidded, ripped
tnrough tho guard fence apd dropped into
the creek.
Ince and his players hurried to the
seen0 end grpatly to their astonishment
found t)ip four people aivc. They were
badly bruised and shaken up and one
man had a fractured wrist. Inco's par
took them to a nearby hospital.
"Isn't that rotten luck," said Inco to
1ih assistant, as the Injured quartet was
driven away, "that was exactly what I
wanted for my scene and they came
along five mlnptes too 1,0011."
Fifteen minutes later the Lublp car
was sent through the bridge and wrecked
In tho creek.
Wltp w"nnts a Wife
Kleanor Woodruff, wh has Jpst Joined
the Vltagraph stock company to play
leads, has a chanco for somo moving pic
ture pctor or Bturdy Texnn cowboy to
become a kind and loving husband. Just
before leaving for Texna with the Vlta
graph Company, who will produco Beveral
pictures with scones laid around Fort
Clark, slip received a letter from a lady
In Shubenacadle, Nova Scotia, asking if
she copld recommend same unmnrrled
"movie'' uctpr who was respectable, hon
est and 1'tnd as a husband-
" am lonesome,1' continues the letter,
"and wunt a, partner. T am a respectable
A Fttctgry Magdalen
1 itll
llltl Toten
'Yy "Q WEB
MONEY ft,3ra.
TjlJie'a Punclwd Rpmwice
When the Erth Tremble
'rF :lwmFP n
m - 4lll
4, 'jp5f
lady and hard Working girl. I ntn 2T
years old, havo reddlsh.brown hair, nrny
blue eyes and weigh HO pounds, f will
be so thankful to you If you can find onp
for me t om writing you bepauso I Baw
you In p. picture lafit night nnd yop
loqked bo klpd I thought you might help
"P. B. T Jtint read In tho Halifax paper
you aro golpg to Texas. If ypu can't get
me a moving plpturo nctor, a Texas cow
boy will do, as I dearly love to rldo thp
broad plains."
Miss Woodruff has posted tl)o letter on
tho bulletin board at the Vltagrnph stu
dios and Is awaiting developments.
"Tho Lady ot the Snows"
Kssnnay Is making olnborato prepara
tions for tho production of ono of the
most beautiful multiple reel photoplays
oer produced, "The Lady of the Bpows,"
dramatized from tho novel of Edith Og
rtcn Hnrrlson. wlfo of Carter H. Hanlson.
Mioor ot Cliicugo. This In tho llrst of
Mrs. Harrlpon's novels to be dramatized
for a photopln, but others will bo put
Into film form later.
"The Lady of tho Snows" It a pictur
esque atory of lire In the Canadian Woods.
With Its many dramatic settings It is
wonderfully well adapted to photoplny
ait. Tho pint evolves about the search
In the Northern woods for n missing
heiress. Tho gill s betrothed to nil
Hngllshipau she has never eeon, accord
ing to the wish of their families. He
hunts for her In nln, finally Joins tho
mounted police fprco of Canada and falls
in lovo with and weds a girl lie meets.
Then It is found that she Is tho missing
I Al!lM'HI- The Third l'art)-." with tnjlor
limine unit l.uii i-i unuva t uuiHtruua
arco of tlio fu miliar triangular variety. Sea
review S-1B
rtltOAI) "l ho Phantom lilv.il." with Wo
lltrli:listcln nriil Laura Hopu Oroes UavM
Hotanro'a proili ctlon or f irwic ifolnar'o poin
cdy of Ihr wltu vlio dreams of the rerurn uJ
a lornir lner 11a a Bleat lartpit of I11
tcicitfiiK men. niul then flntls tho really
pnwile. Tliorouchly intcrtnlnlnK. ... 8'ri
FOIIUUST - "Tho (ilrl From t'lnh," with
Jillla Sanilcrgon. IiomtM llrlan and Joseph
nn Hum l'aul Uuhcn9' rjnsllati musical
comedy of Mormons, old ami ouhk. In 1,011
uoii. hook and music of uneven value, some
times very guod. Imlcul Ptrformanco ex-
OAIirYlrK "Tho Itieli CosVbf IJovlni;,',"vvlth
Low rielda. tho Utrntun comedian, In a
"atalKht" faree. which amis with BiinUry
middle-aged Gentlemen who And themselves
all paving blni-Kniidt to tho samp woman tor
u "past" which never existed. Review Thurs
day 8113
KlltTIl S -Henrietta Crosmap In, "Thou Shalt
Not Kill. Cddlo l.contni nnd Jiahcl tu
sail and I-a MIIo. A bill of tha uauul
vnHic - I. and 7 13
LVniC "Urumpj," with Cjrll MuuJc Tiia
hfHt of KnglHh comedians In n dctectlvo
play of suspenso and amusement. whUh nar
ratps thu exploits nt 811 of an old inmlnit
lavvvcr An nniuBlng and rnBroaslnsr play,
vitalized hy a singularly eklirul piece of
Impersonation S13
VVAI.NUT ' September Horn " A musical
comedy of Cldcapo orlBln. with a famouo
model posing ns the original or tho notorious
painting 8.13
"mily' Sunday, tabernacle, 30th and Vino
streets. I" rce.
Society of Surgery. Gynecology and Obstet
rics, Hahnemann. CoIIpro. Free
Mnrkbt and 40th Rtrects Duslnoas Met, 7
South 40th Btrctt. Tree.
Count Medical Society, College of Physi
cians, 22il and 1-110 w strectt, Ppoo.
Iii.niocratlc Club
I-t tales' nUlit, Master Plunbora' Association,
Hotel .delphla.
Installation of off leers, Lidleq of Maccabees.
liii I.u Temple.
1-octurc. City Club.
Ulinu, "Music Piute,' nchrens Opera Club,
At-adoniy of Music, 8 o'clock
Maxtor's Flro iiouaea. Independence Hall,
S o'clock
iialm-Tuppanl Society, 231), Walnut street,
81Q o'clock.
Annual meeting, Pickens Fellowship, Walton,
lieu n ion, St. Josepha CpUcgQ Alumni, 17th
and Stiles streets
and San Diego
Tlie Public Ledger-Evening Ledger wU pay
the entire expenses of fifty persons to RQtn
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accommodations, meals en route, sleeping cars,
admissions and provide every comfort and
YOU can be one of thi?
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Begin today contest is open till June 30th-
FUftM nter my nama. a a, 9onat8,nt for tho Purtsraa,
faclflp exposition Tour,
,',M,,f' ,t t!H,,,!,UM'lt,!l!l,t!,llM,.I, ,,,,,,.
. ....ialltati4lililllillltltllil .
Hand rn th peoesaary InforroaMon and. mhjierlpUan Mqhaj I
ri 11 -, - a. fa tmK!f' " 111 "Jtt tUlM . jSWB?fe. BfPHlBk. .Bi
" ' t
Kuilorn I ttt an
nn rirnJtrlH
nt an, tarU
ape. iter lanitr
l tihlA In n oold tnl
ht ha illicouet-rii. Halt an hour ,o(tr
irorillnfl 0 ti death of hef huiband. r.w
ilprn' mothtV, a ttont ro) ivalKer filth a
circus, i scitra u'un vrrijpp, h, """ "
Zuilorn oml the fortune tram tn" minf,
Moh Inter 0rna to te rorth llfl.OM.tfCP,
are itll to tha ouarrflonsMj) of Ptank
Jicenf. a ctrcua man and thr crothtr at
I,...,--!- ..J.ru ....,.... ..l..ti iirnm.
oiiuvr'l a TiiuiMtr ..niniiu, i.u...m "il
(c 0 preat htauiv, rraon" tntatt ot IS.
Tljf iiitcfr. lund has set MmuV "P a) a
limaa musiic, aim i Known ni uoin;
-4tt, Atcides t ld creed that Zudora mutt
ill betprc the cpmn dilo of jIoh ot
her ureat priwn, so tliat (I tnflt ", ?
Mm, thi nizt t Mil. rttid prtmllitoon
t?lp rilr) ta hare her nontu tn hit Itandt
three vcare longer and ta oi nolnlna ta
ativ one about the fortune. Ifattqm All
ttct an obstacl to Ms tcheme the r;r
on 6 Jdhn Slol-m. a voting lawyer for
whom Ztidora fins taken a ancv, emit he
conmnmls the arl lo p( tfio man out 07
her mind .Storm tomes fp ak (ilsam
Jtt or the hand of hli niece. At Aril the
crj'Jlal aatcr iclll not lliten to (ho nror
osal, dul Zudora jnntiM tnnt 1 the can
net marry Storm she ttilll marry no mi.
''Well, uil." snlit Itaitam All. "if lou
take such a eland I'll compromlso. Solid
mi nrif to cases and vou eqn marrv Mm;
fall tn a tlnple ca$e and yow mil's r
nounce Mm." . ,
Zudora, utlna the knowledge pained
from venre bf association mUh her uncle,
unravel a series of fcaffjlnn mustcrlcs.
llateam All (a dying elowW. lie em
ptova a double, icho alj tn lots ictln
this aiisawa num.
B.MIID (pit hmqU pulled In two vnya.
To even hint to this woman ttmt ho
desired to shield Zudora for purposes of
his own would ha tho BBtiltiff of Zudortv'a
ileath warrant. Anil ypt ho needed Mrnp,
I)u Val, for sho had control of an organi
zation whoso ramifications reached across
the Continent. Ho wanted John Storm
out of the way, and Mmo. dn Vat was tho
ono ultimately to accomplish this.
'X'el, what Is your plan In regard, to
Zudnra?" ho asked curiously.
"I contd very easily send Zudora oft on
tho sama train with tho Van Wick child."
"Ah, yes; that Is easy enough to say,
Dut how to got her to the train'"
"She does not know mo; at least, I don't
think Blie saw too at Chicago. I wl Klvq
a ball. Oh, you need not smllo. I live
two lives. If you will. In my own horns
1 am a woman of comfortahlo Incomo,
who Indulges n mystics as a pastime.
Many noted people como to my house.
And I've an Idea of ono way pf brlnstrB
Zudora. I will send her dn Invitation.
Ynu will urge her to come, but not Insist
ently. Sho will then rpcejva ah nnony
noii3 notp saying that If sho wishes to
know what has becomp of th.e Van Wick
boy sho will find tho Information af rny
house. Oh, nothing will point to me. I
know my business "
"I'll havo to admit that," said Bnlrd,
listening. When lio had t(ipso chats with
Imp. Du Val ho was not always suro
that there was not a third person some
whorp near. Hut he never committed him
self, never confessed that lie as not.
HaSHiim All. Ip certain degrees ho ad
mired this handsome woman, but thoro
was always a bit of fear of her. "Your
Idea Isn't a bad one "
"I'll give the ball on a chance, nnyhow.
It Is up to you, Jim, if you wish to make
uso of the Idea."
Alone, tho woman smiled. It was not a
pleasant s,mle. Thero was no man In tho
world, who could foot Tier- Bnlrd. wns fall
ing ip love with Zudora; and wop to the
little fool for crossing her path, oven It
unconsciously. Slip wanted Jim Bnlrd, for
her own, and she was determined to clear
tho path of qll obstnples In his direction.
Zydora off tho scene, sho wns quite con
fident that, her own powers of attraction
would not fall upon barren ground.
Tho Van Wink family was distracted
Desplto precautions that had cost thou
sands, tho bpy had been stolen. The
father knew that to recover tho boy he
would, havo to dig doep Into fcs purqe.
That ho was willing enough to do, but
what ho wanted tp bo sure of was that
the payment should be ilnal. He did, not
wish to bo hounded nnd pursued hy that
terror of uncertainty, of suspense. He
was willing to pay In prldo apd money,
but ho wpnted security apd pence n
Tho poltco were scouring the city, hut
they found not the slightest clue to the
whereabouts of tho boy or of thp char
acter of tho abductors After a week
of misery, some friend suggestqd that tho
fortunate fifty all you gj!
services of ona JlB,am At, ha myt0
detective, or tho services of hi. niece,
should ho secured. The father was re
luctnnt, for he held oil t'nesa mystlcji ns
contemptible mountebanks who thrived
upon thp croilnWy of fools. Hut h$
metropolitan police had failed, and ho
wns not a man to leavp any qtone Un
turned tq recover rla fcoy, ft)C ftpnlg ot
his ore.
flo ho nnd Mrs, Van Wlpk dp6J4 to
pay Hansam All n visit. They summoned
the car nnd started out for Hassam AH'
holiso. Zudora impressed them bpt)i far
more than the mystlo himself,
"Do you think you enn "help us!"
"My niece will neo wjiaf sho can dp,"
said Uassant All, or rpthcr Hassam Ajl'n
"Hut a young womnnl" said Van Wlok
Hnssam AH laughed. "Slid rany loo(
frngllo, but wlrp looks fragile."
"Dut theso men aro desperate, charac
ters." "And will bo thp last peoplfl In h
wor)d to suspect a fragile retJpB "rferfB
being on heir trail."
"hon't worry over tho fact that I aja
a wompn," sold Zudora, amitlnff. "I can
tako caro pf m.ysplf. I h,a,vp; bepn, abo
to do so thufl fnr. If t la possible, $ flnS
tho boy l'l do It,"
"And remember," said thq fathof,
"thero is no depth to my ppckotboaU S9
far ns that hoy la concern"!' gut Qad
help thopo dastards If thoy" aro ergo 5
hlml well, wo'll tryst tho casq to ypu.
MlssBIIao-"! tJI
"JCceno," said Zudora. "Zudora, Keapa.3
"Qood luck, arid, God blosa yofi, Zuqora,
ICeone," sa'ld tho motfier.
"Poor thing!" Bald Zudora, when thai
parents had gone. "The most fles,plcabj
being In tho world Is a kidnaper. It ta)
a vllp gamp; and thoso rnen tW1Lrl6!
fer tho exact fato pf murderers. ThlnK
ot tho llttlo boy, suddeply bereft oi
mottier Iqvo, surrounded by BtraBtffl)! nifg;
nclng faccsl It is horrlbe"'
strnngo 1
it(anapmg was a (ow c-(mo ao jar as, tj
fng children away from thtair parents and
holding them for ransom, with, threaU
pf mutilation or doath. Ho djd not a4g.
bowpver, that between kidnapping 'antj
abduction thero was a wlda "dtftersjhce n
Dlgplflcanpe. Thq tptli !?. 3MrA WSJI
woarylng of this gnmo le, was p'a!nR'
Ho wanted to bo himself, to play "4 garua
of his own; ho was young, and' ho
wnntod tho liberty that we'rit with yoptK
There yna np doubt jp hla Irp) tpg
Kccno, tho real Hassnm All, was dying.
Ho might Uve for several monthB, but
nevertheless ho had his ticket for the
long Journey, Balrd determined to play
tho game out tp thq ep3; fo,r- Ifassam
All had prqtnlsed h.lrn a Jiondsomo bit
of monoy for his loyalty. Mo"haa seen
tho will, but not without a certain d.qubt.
Wills could bo destroyed nulU as easily
as they could be made.
When Zudora received tho Invitation
to Mmo. Du Vol's ball shq was ptjzzlep.
She had among her acquaintance no
woman of that name. But sue fqund, hT
namo in tho blue bpok anfl deplfled tp
attend out of mcro curiosity. 6h.e, cajlpl
up Storm and asked h(s afvpe anil Wftg
surprised to learn that he hnd h,cer t;
vited also.
"I think we'd better lgnoro It," hq ad,
vlsed. "But I havp so little aniuspnipntl1' sh,,
pleaded. "And It w( bo a ltrh 'r Veto
of us."
"All right, swpctheqrt, wo'lj go. In
deed, I'd like to find oyt wrjy we. V,etil
wero Invltod "
Zuflpra went about the Iiousq next day
humming. So long as John wajs gpffls;
sho was bound to havo a good. t'W It
tho Du Val ball. It would be as, she iad
ald, a lark. Then cqmo trip hyiterlfiHs
note, warning her to keep away from the
Dl Vn house; and this notp wag s,lgtu:d
"Prom ono who knows whpro a "yip
Wick ibpy ls." Nothing, Zudora de
termined, could keep Iter awn" npw.'Bveri
In this short time It was evident tjjat tfi
kidnappers had heard that her scrvfecs
had been engaged; and It looked qs It
they feared she would pick up samp In
formation at the Du Val ball. Of t.M
npte alio said nothing to either PtPfffl P,r
her uncle.
On tho night of tho ball sho was rqthor
u; prised to learn that Hasqiini AJ ws.f
also going,.
"But were you Invited. unco?"
(Continued Friday.)
V? I
i ;