Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 27, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Suggestions From Readers of
the Evening Ledger
Ilk fl lftSP'ir J
V $1 w Y VJB I f V
77ie Woman Who
It Is a Btrnhge ahd curious fact thnt tfie
discontented woman la nlways Iho ono
Who has least reason or cause lo bo dis
contented. She Is nearly always the Idle
woman, too. Her hnrd-worklnf: friends
listen to tlio rccllnl of her woea with utter
amnzement. "That woman has ecry-
thlng that tlio heart of woman could pos
sibly desire," they will exclaim, "and yet
she Is hopelessly discontented. Isn't it
extraordinary? If sho only know what It
meant to lens; for tho very necessaries of
life, sho would Btop bemoaning1 her fata
Tho way sho always does If sho falls in
securing a few of tho luxuries."
Among tho spoiled daughter's of luxury,
then, Is tho discontented woman most
often to bo found. And the reason of her
discontent lies In tho emptiness of her
mind. Sho need not necessarily bo n
stupid woman to reach this stago of dis
satisfaction. Quito tho reverse, In fact.
Somo of tho most discontented women
who have over lived have been exceeding
ly clever. Yet their minds wero empty,
for they declined to harbor any Interest
ing Ideas or north-while hobbles. Their
minds wero empty so far as tho best
things of life bo, and tho spaco was filled
with foolish and profitless thoufihts of
emulating nnd eclipsing their neighbors,
Once upon a tlmo a younff man met a
very delightful and Interesting young
woman. Her mind wai as nttractlvo as
her outward appearance and that was
saying a good deal. Sho was earning her
own living, and very successfully, too, as
o. Journalist. Tho young man promptly
fell In love with her Yes, she was charm
ing. She had never boen accustomed fo
much adulation, or praise, and sho had
always worked hard, and dono without
so-called "pleasures " But Hhe had al
ways been very happy and contented,
When this young man married her, he
took her straight into a life of ease, nnd
even affluence. His llttlo brido had liter
ally everything that the heart of womnn
could possibly desire. Her new homo was
exquisite, sho had a husband who Idolized
her, and nt first she was brilliantly
But after a time tho luxuries and the
ease and tho comfort became matters of
courso. Sho stopped noticing them. The
things that had at first seemed so new
and delightful nnd thrilling began to bore
her. Llko little Oliver Twist, sho began
"In tlmo of war tho women of Eng
land provo themselves as efficient as tho
men," said Mrs. Pethlclc Lawrence, tho
celebrated English suffrage leader, while
she studied tho photographs of somo
English suffragettes in tho Evenino
Ledger. Her quick, tense sentences and
decisive gestures snowed her enthusiasm
"Oh, yes, I know every ono of these
women. I could tell you each one's name.
There, for Instance, is Vera Home, In the
front. She and I worked together. You
know, this movement is tho first attempt
to get a corps to 'protect women This
was the Idea of the Honorable Mrs. Evel
Una Haverfleld, and she began to train
these girls at her own expense. They are
expert horsewomen, drivers and mechan
icians. They do special dispatch riding,
and their readiness to take charge of the
Women nnd children In a town which is
under flro nutkes them invaluable.
"This Miss Homo I Bpoko of is not only
a skilled motor cyclist, but a mechani
cian, too. Why, Just before I came away,
nho' was riding out near tho mobiliza
tion Headquarters, and sho came across
three soldiers whose machines wero crip
pled. She got right off her own motor
and set to work. I toll you, It wasn't
very long before the machines were In
perfect order. ,
"Mrs. Haverfleld was in charge of la
whole remount corps during the South
African War. She saw the horrible suf
fering of tho horses and would shoot
thern herself rather than see them
linger Jn pain on the battlefield. She has
trained theso girls herself, and they are
capable of taking caro of horses, too.
It tOOK a good While to hrlne tho no...
rnent to recognize the value of these
brave women's work, but that Is the case
with every movement in England."
t,.T?;. "Y!100 PPed on the arm of
XrrepX."1"'"6"' and
t ,',T'!nen ia n,n,Blan1 a" all the stronger
it JSS pPsU,on- T&V Profited by It.
iLK, i"1 moto de"nnlned and more
capable In the end."
rnmUL7.? do .B0 wa.ny En8"hwomen
S22S.- r toJ ?peak t0 the American
women on the suffrage question, for In
stance! "Because the United States Is, so to
peak, the country of the tomorrow," an
?," - JTa- Jwrence, enthusiastically.
Here the women will set the standard
wk WJloll worIa- Ana' be8l(1 this,
both Washington and California suffrag
Kts have told me themselves that they
owe ihelr acquisition of the ballot to the
example and enthusiasm of the English
"Vou know," continued she, "I came
ovm to this country to spread the
Woman'a Peace Party movement In the
tnlttd States. When tho motion waa
r-n-r r-F CSi-, rv
jlil y. z?- ym j t. sm
x- n $'fvwi JVi rsm. irzKsz itf & k At-mt :mn
Is Never Satisfied
to nsk for more. And her husband always
gavo It her. Of course, he did, tho Infat
uated, foolish creature! So she'd keep on
asking for more, nnd more again.
Human nnturo Is pretty much tho samo
alt the world over. We are always hoping
for something v.o havo not got, nnd look
ing forward to somo Hearing goal of hap
piness perfected.
' lloiio springs rtornsl In tho human breast,
Mftn never Is but nlnuvs to bo blest."
So this Idolized wlfo kept longing and
longing for "now" things. After n lime
theso were nearly nlways foolish things,
too. Mrs. Smith was giving a certain
kind of pink luncheon whero tho gifts
ero all carried out In French enamci
Jewelry. Couldn't sho give a mauve din
ner with more expensive gifts than thoso
of Mrs Smith 7 Her fond husband meek
ly consented for quite a long while And
then tho delugo en mo I
Tho llttlo wlfo had been growing more
nnd moro discontented Tho more sho
got, the more 'ho wanted. Things ceased
to bo valuablo In Jiomsclvcs, but only
took on n vnluo In proportion us they
excelled thoso of her neighbors. To
ecllpso others was the wlfo's watchword.
Sho traveled not becatlso she enjojed It,
hut because the other women of her sol
did It, and because It therefore was
"tho thing" to do. Sho went down to
I'nlm lleach regularly every season be
cause others did it. And sho was al
ways discontented, too. That was tho
extraordinary thing about It Nothing
could plenso her. Somehow, llko nil dis
contented women, she had lost the pro
portion of things, her ratio of values
was all out of gear
Then tho Inevitable happened. Her hus
band grew tired of his vlfc's perpetual
discontent and of horsclf. "You wero a
bright. Interesting girl when I married
you, Mary," said he, with tho brutal
frankness of which a thoroughly goaded
man is capable. "And I gavo you every
thing tho heart of woman could deslro. It
only brought you discontent. So I'm
going to leavo you. Porhnps ,when I'm
gono you will find tho old happiness
And Mary was broken-hearted. She
learned her lesson too late. For her bus.
band really did leave her. Tho sympathy
of peoplo was with him, too. Ills wlfo
really had been very trying.
Tho discontented woman should stop
short and consider her ways Is the fault
not entirely her own? Is her mind not
groping after tho worthless things of
life, and leaving tho higher to polish-
No wonder, then, that she is discontented
Sho nlways will bo until she mends her
ways. Let her count up her blessings
nnd appreciate her opportunities Then
In a fuller and a deeper life sho will
loam the true proportion of things nnd
tho pleasure-bringing value of tho llttlo
trifles which mean truo happiness.
presented to the American women, they
called together delegates from all the
Important women's organizations In
America, and drew up the agreement to
promote peace throughout the world.
This peace, of course. Is based on the voto
of the mother-half of the world. Men are
fighting against each other, and ob con
servers of the race, we feel that wo
women are needed.
"When men aro fighting brother against
brother, no bond of kinship can stay
them. The universal motherhood of
women Is the one lasting bond, and on
that we build our determination to buo
ceed. We are the natural custodians of
the race, and for the sake or humanity,
Insist on our right to representation In
the governments of nations. Our hands
must be free to build up a surer and safer
structure of society. The failure of male
statecraft In Europe Is complete. The
structure of the new world must be built
on the foundation of that peace which
shall supervene when the accumulated
resources of civilization have been eaten
up by the war and the llfeblood of
humanity almost drained away."
One leaves Mrs. Lawrence with the
deep and lasting Impression of a woman
who Is very, very much in earnest, and
Is capable of bringing to a successful cli
max the great work which she Is doing
for the world.
For th following- siuruestlons sent In by
Waders of the EvifdVB I.r.lltn prizes of l
anl CO cents are aunrded.
All suggestions should ba addressed to Wlen
Adair, fcrtltor of Women' Pone, Evriino
Lr.ixir.n, Independence Square, l'nlladelphla.
'V prle of $1 has been nnnrded lo Mrs.
K, Tyler, Jr., ft I Ml Henry ulrret, , (Irrmnn.
town, Pa,, for the following sumtcstloni
To economize on stove polish nnd save
labor In polishing a etovo or range, mix
mo ponsmntr nasto with tlrv snnti nnmlpr.
Any sort of soap powder answers the
purpose, nnd Mio shine obtained Is fnr
better than when tho polish nlone Is Hied.
Also, It your chimney or stovepipe clogs
up, and you do not wnnt It to burn out,
Just throw n plcco of zinc on a bed of
llvn coals, Tho acid gns formed mnkes
tho soot which has collected on the sides
of chimney drop awnv. You enn gel n
handful of trimmings from any plumber
or tinsmith nt no cost.
A prlrn nf ISO eenta hn been nwnnloil (o
RlrnournplicT, bo 1DR, Heicrlr, N, ,T for
Wearing a fresh wblin nnini in im
oiP.ce every day mnkes tho Inundrylng of
them quite nn Item of expense. Fre
quently, at tho end of the day, I llnd tho
front of my blouse still Immaculate,
while the sleoves are crushed nnd grimy,
so I have hit upon the nlnn of luivlmr twn
sets of sleeves for each wnlst. The
waists themsehes me of heavy linen,
tnllor-mado, with mannish set-In sleoves,
the stitched Beam around tho nrmholo Is
of doublo thickness, so It Is very easy to
uiiiicn tiny snaps nil nrouml the slevc,
which fastens rlosoly into the nrmholo,
hidden by the doublo thickness.
A pH'p of CO rents linx hern nunnlril to
Antm Kennedy, im ftmtli filth street, l-lill.
ndeliilila, for the ftilloulnc MiiBRrstloni
Hero Is a good Way to rid yourself of
a troublesome corn:
Put a small slice of tho Inside of a
lemon on tho corn, squeezing a smnll
quantity of the lemon Julco on it also.
Wrnp a small piece of cloth around tho
toe. Take tho whole thing oft In the
morning, nnd nt night renew tho nppll
cation again. Do this for about three
nights and nt the end of that time the
corn will como out of Itself.
It seems thnt the ncld In tho lemon has
the good effect of rotting tho corn.
A prlro or SO cents hns been nvmrdcl to
A Iliislness omnn, Urciel UiilldlnK, for the
following suggestion:
A "run" in a stocking can bo nicely
mended by buttonholing both edges on
mo wrong siae, maKing close, oven
stitches, being careful to put In a few
strengthening stitches at tho top and bot
tom to prevent spreading of the "run."
Then draw the edges together by insert
ing tno needle In tho loops formed by the
B CLAVER MORRIS author of "John Bredon. Solicitor."
Ouy 'Wlmborloy, ton of Anno, tho Marchion
ess of Wlmberley, nnd heir to the vast Wlm
berley cstatci. Is In clanger of death from two
groups of conspirators. Ono croup la led by
Dick Merlot, a cousin of Guy's, and VortlBan,
aclenco master af 2Iar?tre School, where Guy
Is studying-. Tho other group Is led by a
uoctor Anderson, also of tho school. John
Erlclsn, head of Harptrce School Is engaged
to Ann Wtnibcrley. ills Bister. Mrs Travera,
Is lmoled In tho first plot. Yearn ago John
1-rlclgh killed tlio man who had betrayed his
jlstcr and let nnother mirier for bis crime.
VertlKan alone knows thlH, and blackmails
Crlelgli Ixnl Arthur Merlet Is watching over
the boy, but lil vlcllaneo Is Ineffective After
eoieral unsuccoKiful attempts, Ouy Wlmberley
is kidnaped Mrs Travera' denies all knowl
edge of his whereabouts Sho la withdrawing
from the pint, berauso her Hon Jnmcs N In
loin with Guj's sinter. Jonn Wlmberley. Pro
paring to pay a ranrom. Lord Arthur waits
on a desoHte Island but. Instead of the con
spirators, ho flndi n dead man, Doctor Ander
son. News comes that Ouy Wlmberley nnd
Dick Merlet wero drowned off the coast of
Spain A dav Inter on attack Is made on
Lord Arthur Merlet, who Is next In tho suc
cession A year passes. John Krlclgh has been com
pelled by Lord Arthur to break his engage
ment to Anne Wlmborlev Lord Arthur suc
ceeds to the estates. Join la still In lovo
with James Traers
James has composed n. great opera.
He took a lottcr from his pocket and
gave It to her. She stared at tho address
on the envelope" "James Travers, Eq.,
21, Firs-road, West Kensington." Then
she drew out the letter slowly nnd un
folded It It was from tho secretary of
tho syndicate who had produced his opera.
Inclosing a check for roynltles, and ask
ing him whether It would not bo better
to let tho public know his real name, now
timi tno opera was an assured success.
Tho lines danced and quivered before
her eyes as sho rend. The blood rushed
Into her face, nnd receded, leaving It very
pale. James Travera rose from his chair
and came towards her.
"Joan," he said passionately, "all this
is nothing to me if you do not lovo me."
She looked at him for a few seconds as
though dazed by the splendor of his suc
cess. Then she gave n gasp, as if she
had suddenly awakened and como to Ufa
again. She hold out her hands, and he
took one of them and drew her toward
"You love me7" he said, looking
hungrily into her eyes. "For myself nor
for this?"
"For yourself," she answered, "I have
loved you ever since that day In tho
He put his arm round her and drew
her close to him. She kissed him pas
sionately, as though they would always
belong to each other so long as they
A few minutes later Jean made her
way back to the house. Her face
was flushed, her eyes alight with
triumph. She walked as one who trod
on air. It seemed to her aa though all
the glory and the riches of the world
were here If she chose to stretch out her
hand to take them. For more than a
year she had been trying to stifle her love
for a man whom she knew that she could
never marry. She could have faced pov
erty, but not absolute destitution. And
she could not possibly have married
against her mother's, wishes. She loved
) Mr
ft it WjA ,V ', v l ' v ' I x5&9S3&ft
Ml JfL t - wzms&
Am BiflSiHw Mi mw
i ill Ml toBH
l Ml 8 ill t f 1 Hvlillw
l i in 1 IWhSSb?
jfcjtH&L ft if f HI I KBmffil$
-sJl$ ITi ill fx il Las4Ufl '''l
her mother too well for that and her
lovo was greater now that she was an
only child.
But now everything had changed. Her
mother had made it quite clear to her
that James Travers' humble position in
life, his lack of money and of prospects,
made him qulto Imposslblo as a husband.
But now James Travers was the equal
of any one In the land not rich, per
haps, as yet, but on tho certain road to
riches. And he was famous. For one
person in tho world who had over heard
of Loid Wlmberley thero must havo been
a hundred to whom the name of Paolo
Luvinl was already aa familiar as that
of Chopin or Schubert. This had been
no ordinary success. It had been some
thing wonderful, phenomenal. And James
Travers had been thinking of her all tho
time, had been working for her, trying,
as he had put It, to climb a llttlo nearer
to her. And now ho had como to lay
all his triumphs at her feet. Ho had
climbed far, far above her, oven as
great genius Is nlways far above the mere
accidents of birth or wealth.
As Joan entered tho drawing room Lady
Wlmberley, looking up from her needle
work, noticed the change that had come
over her daughter's face.
"Your walk has dono you good, Joan,"
sho said gently. "You seem to havo
captured a little of tho sunlight and Im
prisoned It in your eyes."
Joan laughed, and seating herself on
tho arm of her mother's chair bent down
and kissed her.
"Mother, dear," she snld In a low voice,
"I I havo something to tell you. I havo
Just met Mr. Travers."
"Joan!" sold Lady Wlmberley sharply,
and sho rose to her feet.
"Oh, mother, dear, pjeaso don't bo
angry with me. I havo so much to tell
you such good news,"
"Joan, I am exceedingly angry with
you. It was very, very wrong of you.
You promised "
"Mother, dear, I did not arrange to
meet him. I walked down by tho lake
and he waa thore. He is staying near
here with the Carlows. Ho was coming
up to the house, but ho saw mo down by
the lake. Mother, dear, ho Is rich
successful famous."
Lady Wlmberley smiled at her daugh
ter's enthusiasm.
"Tell me all about It, dear," she said.
"I'm so glad tho young fellow has got
on. I was afraid he wasn't Inclined to
settle down to any steady work."
She seated herself on a sofa, and Joan
stood before her, her hands clasped be
hind her back, her face flushed and her
eyes sparkling.
"Mother, dear," she said In an excited
voice, "Mr. Travers Is Paolo Luvlni, the
composer of 'Laon and Cythna.' "
"My dear child, Is he mad? Are you
both mad?"
"No, no It's true he's shown me a
letter I didn't believe It nt flrBt. But It's
true every word of It. Isn't It splendid
"It Is, Indeed, Joan. It Is wonderful.
Oh, how glad his mother must be how
proud of him."
Tears came Into the girl's eyes. Her
mother seemed to Imply that the success
of James Travers only concerned his
own relations.
"And we are proud of him," she said
almost fiercely. "You, mother, and I
we are very proud of him."
"Yes, dear, of course," sold Lady Wlm
berley, but sho did not look up from her
embroidery as she spoko.
Tho girl's upper lip quivered. For a
few moments sho Btood there motionless.
Then Bho seated herself on tho sofa by
her mother's side, and put an arm round
her neck.
"I had hoped oh, you do not seem to
care," she faltered. "Mother, don't you
undorstnnd what this means to mo?"
Lady Wlmberley dd not answer. She
oven pressed her lips tightly together.
"Mother, dear," Joan continued. "You
do want me to bo hnppy, don't you7"
"Yes, dear, but you will not be nappy
-If you aro a foolish llttlo girl. I had
hoped that what happened more than a
year ago was only that it was nothing.
Joan, you wero a child then. You are a
woman now. You must seo thnt it is im
possible for you to marry Mr. Travers."
The girl ross to her feet, nnd there was
an angry light in her eyes.
"Ho Is ns good as wo are," sho said In n
low voice "Ho is greater than if ho hod
rank and wealth. The world will think
him grenter, mother, if you wero thinking
of what the world will say."
"I am not thinking of that, Joan,
dear, lou know I lovo you-that you arc
all I have to lovo. Your happiness Is
orerythlng to me. I want to seo you
married to some man with whom you will
be In sympathy n man who lias been
brought up as you havo been brought uu
who will understand your ways of living
and thinking. This Is not snobbishness,
Joan It is common sense."
xct you, mother," said Joan slowli
wero engaged to Mr. Rrieiirh?" '
wero engaged to Mr. Erlelgh?1
iaay wlmberley winced, as if
daughter had struck her. Then
smiled bravely.
"That was different, dear," she said.
But there was no conviction in ,
of her voice. How could there foe, when
she knew that the only difference be
tween the two cases was that James
Travers was an Illegitimate child, and
whatever his wealth or his genius, there
was that bar of birth between him and
the daughter of n proud and ancient race.
Joan looked at her mother for a few sec
onds without speaking. Then sho said:
"I do not think it was different, mother.
And you know it was not different. There
Is some other reason. Mother, dear, you
must please tell me the real reason I
am not a child"
(Continued Tomorrow)
Copyright, 10H. by
the Associated
oR tStT3ettM
fU Gxadt
1ro. . Sitfrrt,
MZG Walnut SL.
I nm going off for the week-end to
Lahcwood, and feel ever so much hotter
at the mero thought of It. I really have
had rathed a bad tlmo with grip. How
over, It Is now ft thing of tlio post. Quito
a number of us aro going down to Loko-
wood together, and I havo got a very
smart now suit for tho occasion.
I think that this suit Is rather original
In stle. It Is putty-colored, and tho
skirt Is five yards nround the bottom.
Tho bodlco Is very plain nnd close fitting,
with a narrow black velvet ribbon car
ried from Just above tho waist line over
each shoulder.
Tho sleeves aro very long and closely
fitted, nnd qulto a novelty In fashion Is
introduced hero, for a strap of tho ma
terial goes between thi thumb and first
finger of each hand, giving a decidedly
quaint effect.
Tho collar Is very high, and two little
wings In stiff white batlsto como Just
below the chin. I am not at all partial
to high collars, by tho way, but any othor
sort would look odd with this rather
unlquo suit.
The hat which I shall wear Is of black
hemp, turned up slightly to tho loft, and
an upstanding black quill la Inserted
through the front of tho crown.
I have Just seen a "Tipperary" military
suit, and really It was exceedingly smart.
"Qlrls got far too many clothes nowa
days," said mamma decidedly when my
Across the
Dolly Vorden silks are being shown In
an exclusive Chestnut street shop. They
are 8S Inches wide, and are the popular
flowered models. Thoy come with a white
or cream background, with floworlngs of
pink, blue, yellow and lavender.
Gloves to be truly fashionable must
fasten with a buckle at the wrist, clasps
aro tabooed. A very attractive style
cornea In sand color, and the buckle Is
gold. These cost $2,00.
Now Is tho tlmo for tho mld-seoson
evening gown, and crepo de chlno is Just
tho thing for IL A 42-Inch material, In
a charming shade of mauve, is only $2.00
a yard.
Another type of girdle Is being shown
at one of tho largo department stores.
It Is mode of crepo de chlno, with a wide
"tail" shirred on tho belt-line In tho back.
This Is gracefully knotted towards tho
end, and tho crepo do chine comes in
pink, lavender, and bluo, shaded from
the faintest to tho deepest hue.
Another largo storo Is having a sale
of children's dresses, and tho clever shop
per can find many a dainty frock for tho
girl of 10 or 12. One particularly at
traotlve frock was plain white, with a
collar, cuffs nnd a girdle or white mull,
with hand-embroidered dots In palo blue.
This little gown sold for $2.
A little mid-season hat Is mode of Delft
bluo grosgnln, with a small sand-colore'J
The Promenade Is
Pavlowa's Next Lesson
This new Russian step is the sixth nnd final
figure in Pavlowa's standardized one-step.
Details will be printed on Thursday, January
28th, in the
A New Suit 1
how suit came home from th. i..J
"When I was your at, I w?t!S
If I had one-quarter of the n"Bgg
you possess." u,oef,t!ut
But, all tho same, mamma w... .
gestlng additions to mv .,. "
alwayn says that It 1, every won. ! A
to look as nlco as i..im. . .aolWi
admit that I do Ilk. .. "'J
pretty things, and. reallv. in .v "
ent days one needs a wid( '
clothes, ytnT of
"Where would the trade of , ,1
bo without you silly women" ..J0??;
Joe. who Is rather an old besr wt!oI
but at heart Is th nn. wJ"l7iI
generous of men. "Lt ,, rir,,e,,J
nil they wont. Woman's flr.t 41 J
to bo beautiful, anyhowl" i
He Is coming with u. to IW.!
nnd has hernlded his arrival by T1
foctly enormous bouquet n .- I
Beauties, duly tied up with plnkrtbbori
unoio joe lines the. new fajnleos h.1
m ' ; .:. Z'a" w wafeJ'
"' "" ""' " "'a youth. CerUlnfr
they havo a quaint, cld-fashloaM iv!
anco in the wearer. The mw :
for Instance, looks absurd la ths J!3
... -....., , w, method of
halt-dressing must be very jjsj,, i
novo iur mo new military styH fa'
bow on tho Dec, ma -rartiolor.4 trrtU
to lend & touofc of color. This only ceit.
13.73. v
A cluny lace brassier win nttke-gj, eU
waist look new, espeoialty tf ym bay th,
kind that has a white linen body. Tk...
sell for $1.75 up. '
a siMra xamonaiBSBfrrs.
I, J t franR surrender.
W&M,.i.t,,S vowfni of thy mouth.
With Its silence tender.
Elizabeth Barrett Brownim
Without Shrinking
For over half a CflAD
'Hininitm'"w,,1,H '
century a house- wwii
noin necessity. lm
trailing stamps for each
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