Pfksp5 FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT imttn VOli. I NO. 110. PIllliADEIjPUIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1013. PKIOE ONE CENT : CortuariT, 1015, bt thr Pdimo Lsdoct Comfamt. - . KAISER SEES FOE REPULSE ON BIRTHDAY bDcsperate Assaults Fail to Break Allies' Front North 'of Aisne French Once More Demolish Invaders' Bridge Across Meuse at St. Mihiel. ((Russians Half Way 'to Koenigs- berg in Now Drive Czar Forces East Prussia Defenders i West of Gumbinnen, But Loses Carpathian Heights. i Reckless charges by the German in ifantry along tho western battle front, 'delivered In a desperate effort to ob "taln a striking1 victory on tho Kaiser's birthday, havo everywhere been re pulsed, according to tho French re- ports. Tho fighting was particularly violent In tho region of Perthes and Craonne, north' of ""tho Alsnc. At Craonne tho Germans still hold trenches that they captured on Monday, GERMAN LIN I but further nttempts to advance havo been checked, tho Paris War OfTico f, maintains. jf At St. Mihiel the French have again -wrecked tho pontoon bridges that tho I', Germans had thrown n cross the Mouse f In their persistent attempt to advance. I Kgcnlgsberg again has become tho , immedlato objective of Russian opera - tlons In East Prussia. The Czar's out posts are now 65 miles from tho East Prussia capital, nearly half the dis tance between tho great fortress nnd the Poland border. Russian counter-attacks havo neu tralized tl!e advantages gained early In the week by tho resumed German of fensive In the region of Gumbinnen. Bird fighting continues beyond PI111- ; kalian, also In East Prussia, where tho sauve rorccs havo been drlvon several iles "westward. Along the Qallctan front, from Jns lowa to Uzsolc, an energetic Austrian offenslvo has been met with vigor and (jftieavy losses Inflicted on tho assailants. auurp uermaii auucKS nave Deen re pulsed west of Warsaw at Borjlmow, . Oumln and Skierniewlce, where the in vaders' activity has Increased, as It has In South Poland. In that zone un official reports say the Czar has been driven out of Klelce, In an assault in which Austrian airmen participated. Vienna reports tho gain of Important heights in tho vnlley3 of the Ung, La torcza nnd Nagy-Ag. Tho conflict has been violent along the three rivers for two days. GERMANS BEATEN IN BLOODY FIGHTS ON RULER'S BIRTHDAY Bullous Attacks Along Franco-Belgian tines Beaten Back. PARIS. Jan. 27. Heaps of dead, victims of a series of reckless and bloody charges against the Allies' Intrenchments, formed the Ger- THE WEATHER Monday's child la air of face; Tuesday's child is full of grace; Wednesday's child la ful of wot; Thursday's child haa far to go, Now. let's a ton a moment and eo back "to January twentyseventh, 1869. Fifty Mix years ago that Is, and the day fell on mursday that year. "Thursday's child haa far to go " The ICnliAr Is EC veara old todav. and iU'i cloudy at thatl FORECAST For Philadelphia and vicinity Unsettled tonight and Thursday; colder Thursday; gentle to moderate northeast winds, becoming variable. For details, see page S, Observations at Philadelphia ; Urometer .8..".."'..' S0.10 v i?m?wtur r 30 K"1 ....'... .Northwest 14 miles lky ,,,.', ,...,, , Cloudy Frtclnltation last Jt hours , None ; Humility .... .j, & '.Hlnlmura temperature ..,.,.....,,.,,,..S3 , Mulmuio temperature , ,..S8 Almanac of the Day ,Wn sets itomorrew) 4.58a.m. Xamps to Be Lighted ?IanM and Tehlcles r.,.,.,,. The Tides potit niciiunHn ?".. wlt,r, &1h Jlii?.. V- 'H??-5- ar,- -- vuv.(vt. ........... ... u.ti. Sk. ,U. L - CHESTNUT 8THEET WHARF Kfej. win 0.2lp.ra. Jlh water llSln ' -water tomorrow , aaOs'. ml wi.v. . BJSBDY ISLAND iiiS.w,rr "nnmrrowj i.saa.m rt natar tomorrow 8:11 a. w. 'w. . WKICAliWATBR ktSfZE" JHF.I 2- KcLOUDY rt watar taiertijr.'.'.'.".'j."' SMa, $l man army's birthday present to Emperor William today. Inspired by tho presence of the Kaiser near the battle front, German forces made simultaneous night attacks of unusual ferocity upon tho French and English Unci from tho scacoast southward near ly to Rhclms, according to advices hero today. The fighting along tho wooded heights west of Crnonno was moat furious early today. Desperate Infantry nssnults upon tho French positions followed a celebra tion nnd song service nlong the German trenches, supposedly In commemoration of tho Kaiser's SOth birthday. Strains of "Dlo Wncht am niioln" wero still drifting ncrofls to tho French lines when tho Oerman nttnek suddenly broke on tho French left. Tho Germans wero within 300 yards of tho bnrbed-wlro en tanglements before they wero discovered. Searchlights wero played upon tho ad vancing Germans. Machine gmis poured a withcrfng fire into their ranks. Tho German charges against tho French lines were renewed hourly today. FRENCH AVIATORS' BOMBS DRIVE FOE FROM TRENCHES Fliers Co-operate With' Infantry n Attack Near Craonne. PARIS, Jan. 27. Violent fighting of tho most spectacular sort with Allied aero planes flinging bombs Into thickly massed German trenps while tho French Infantry charged into tho confused ranks of the enemy Is reported from Craonno. Aeroplanes have been put to various uses In this war, but this Is the ilrst tlmo that they havo been used directly as an attacking agent In conjunction with Infantry movements. Tho Germans had Just made a success ful charge and had penetrated the French trenches between Hourteblso and tho Foulon wood when several French airmen went aloft. Tho filers gained a point above the lost trenches nnd rained down a deadly hall of explosives. The Germans wero thrown into confusion, for they had no wny of meeting this attack. Tho French infantry then charged with bayonets fixed, and without firing a ohot drove out tho Germans, TURKISH MARCH BEGINS AGAINST SUEZ CANAL Advance Guard Clashes With British Near Atkantnrn. CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 27. It Is officially announced that tho Turks have begun their advance ngainst tho British fornes guarding the Suez Canal. The statement says: "Fighting has occurred between the Turkish advance guard nnd British troops near Atkantnrn. A British officer was wounded in skirmishing yesterday. LONDON, Jan. 27. A dispatch to the Evening Nows from Its correspondent there, declares that considerable activity among the British defense forces of tho Suez Canal Is mnn-i ifest. Troops are assembling nt points on! the canal and warships. Have be.en pass ing through the channel to points which may be attacked. Civilians are leaving tho neighborhood. A British aeroplano recently dropped a bomb on a Turkish advance party, which fled. ATHENS, Jan., 27. General Jemal Pasha, former Turkish Minister of Marine, has been appointed commander-in-chief of tho Turkish forces In the campaign against Egypt, accord ing to dispatches from Constantinople to day. Three Turkish army corps are reported to bo marching on Egypt. WAR FOB, RUMANIA SOON PARIS, Jan. 27. The Petit Journal an nounced today that M. IstratI, a promi nent Rumanian statesman, had authorized It to state that Rumania would enter the war. within a few weeks. Other War News on Page 4 WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE FROM M. R. GUGGENHEIM Respondent, 20 Years Old, Is a Grad uate of Columbia. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Suit for divorce from M. Robert Guggenheim, a member of the family of copper magnates, has been brought by his wife, Mrs. Grace S. Guggenheim, A motion was made In the Supreme Court to put the case on the February calendar and was granted. Mr. Guggenheim is 29 years of age, was graduated from Columbia University n few years ago, and has been Identified with the Arm of M. Guggenheim & Sons since that time. FILIPINO REBELS HANGED General Noriel and Two Aides Pay Penalty of Political Murder. MANILA. P. ! Jan. 27,-General Nor)el. the Filipino leader, and two other men, who were convicted with him of a polit ical murder in 1812, were hanged early today, Friends of Noriel, Including Agulnnldo, had rriado strong efforts to -prevent the triple execution, but the American Gov ernor General, Francis Burton Harrison, ordered it to proceed. ' ARRESTED, COMMITS SUICIDE Aged McKeesport Man Hangs Him self in Cell. McKEESPORT, Pa,, Jan. 27. John Kundson, GO years old, despondent over his arrest on a charge of drunkenness, committed suicide In the McKeesport Jail today by hanging himself to a bunk In his cell. The death cord was made from a hand. kerchief and a shoe string. 'QUAKE RECORDED IN ENGLAND Seismograph Indicates Disturbance in Turkey or Greece. LONDON, Jan, 27. A sharp earthquake shock was reeorded todayby the seismo graph the West Bromwloh observa tory. It was estimated that the seat of the disturbance was somewhere in Turkey or Qr$ec. SUFFRAGE MEASURE PUTS ISSUE BEFORE VOTERS NEXT FALL Philadelphian Introduces Bill Passed by Legislature at Last Session Farmers Oppose School Tax. (rnoii a RTArr cosnrsro.sDr.NT HAR1USUURG, Jan. 27.-The woman suffrage amendment to the Stnto Con stitution wns Introduced In tho House today by William II. Wilson, of Phila delphia, a Vare lieutenant. Tho amend ment wns referred to the Judiciary Gen eral Committee without discussion, This measure passed the 1913 session of tho Assembly nnd If approved by the present session It will go to the voters for Indorsement or rejection this fall Reimbursement of farmers nnd dairy men for all cattle that havo been or will bo killed In the campaign to eradicate tno loot anil mouth disease was provided ' for In a bill introduced, appropriating I $538,000 to the State Live Stock and Snnl- I tary Hoard for that purpose. The Federal Government Is to defray half the amount In each case. These two bills and several ot'ners. In cluding one to amend tho School Code to piovldo that tho school tux Bhall be levied in the same manner as tho munic ipal tnx, wero Introduced during a 20 mlnuto session after which tho House ad journed until Monday night nt 9 o'clock Tho school tax revenue will suiter a depreciation of about JC3.000 If tho bill which Representative Dunn, of Phllndel p'nla, Introduced becomes a law. This bill puts tho school tax on the same prin cipal of assessment as tho municipal tnx, which Is now levied on Improved city property at tho full rate of $1 per jtoo. The Board of Public Education levies Its own tnx for educational purposes nnd Is authorized by tho School Code to Im pose a tnx of not more than six mills ori tho dollar and not less titan five. FARMERS OPPOSE TAX. Farmers in tho outlying sections of Philadelphia have for some time chafed under this provision of tho school code and have been waiting for tho Legisla ture to convene to endeavor to havo It changed. Thirty-fifth Wnrd agricultur ists have been agitating for such a change, and the matter has been brought to a head by action of the Farmers' Im provement Association of Fox Chase. This association Interested Representa tive Dunn nnd got him to have such an amendment drafted. In effect. It amends Section 251 of the school code so tnat tho school tax levied In districts of tno Concluded on Face Two WOMAN MURDERED IN NEW YORK FLAT; MAN FOUND SLAIN Janitor Is Arrested on Sus picion After Leading Po lice a Chase Says He Hid From Wife. NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Miss Marlon Franklin, a stenographer of Wllkes Barro, Pa., and a man believed to be John Christopher, an engineer, were beaten to death with a hammer in an apartment 'nouse at 115 East 111th street. The police arrested Joseph Krlegleer, Janitor of the apartment, on suspicion. He denied knowing anything of the murders. Miss Franklin had been in this city for three months and lived with the Krleglegers. A birthday party was ar ranged In honor of Miss Franklin's 30th birthday anniversary, and this party ended with the murders. Tho body of Miss Franklin, fully clothed, was found on the floor of a bed room. Nearby was a blood-stained ham mer and hatchet. The man's body was found in tho basement near the furnace. The police believe that It was tho mur derer's Intention to burn Christopher's body, but that he was frightened away before he could hide the evidences of his crime. The man's body was found in an ash pit in front of the furnace. In a corner was a heavy iron shaker used in the furnace. Blows had been struck with it. Mrs. Krlegleger came out of the house early this morning and said to Policeman King, according to tho bluecoat: "My husband beat up a woman in my apartment. You'd better call an, ambu lance. I think you'd better come down stairs first and look at a man there." Since then the woman has been unable to make any coherent statement, Krlegleger, when caught after a pur suit iin which shots were flred. Bald he had been hiding from his wife. Mrs. Krlegleger, the police say, said she had applied peroxide to the woman's wounds. The man and woman had been dead many hours. Mrs. Krlegleger said she "must have fallen asleep," when asked to explain. In the dead man's pocket was found a letter written to him by Miss Franklin. It reads: I must see you alone. I tried to get . you on the telephone, but could not. She was terribly beaten up, He has the heart and soul scared out of her, Something must be done. I think there is a way to help her, and I will do all I can. Though the letter was unintelligible in the main, the police believe that it re ferred to the relations between Krleg leger and his wife. She Is said to have been often beaten by her husband. Christopher, the male victim of the double murder, was a resident of the Union Course Section of Queens, where he was active In the Ladies and Knights -Of Honor and other organizations. He was married and had five children. It was stated by one of his sons today that Christopher had recently been working tn New York and nothing was thought of his failure to arrive home last night. Womfttt TJnknown in Wilkea-Barre YJLKES-BARBE, Jan. 27 -Marlon Franklin, who was found murdered in New York today, was unknown here. Diligent lWH'j br tho P0" "P city officials has fa1 to establish a previous residence here of the woman. FINE AMERICAN luore than 500 passengers, among them many persons of prominence, were aboard the Great Northern when she sailed hence today on her maiden voyage to San Francisco by way of the Panama Canal. Her speed is 24 knots an hour and she is one of the largest passenger and freight vessels in the world. LUNATIC SMASHES DELANCEYST.DOOR; RAGES ABOUT HOUSE John Moss, Jr., Into Whose Home Maniac Broke, Says He Believes Man Was "Frenzied by Sunday." "Billy" Sunday religion, the tardiness of tho police. Director of Public Safety Porter's politics nnd all Philadelphia newspapers came In for a cnustlo verbal broadsldo today from John Moss, -Jr., a broker, who lives at 2211 DcLaiifcoy street, after nn Insane man nnd broken Into his homo by smashing the plalo glass of tho front door. Mr. Moss has "a very nice shoo" left behind by tho visitor. Tho man, Inter arrested by Policeman Anderson, of the 12th nnd Pino streets station, and sent to tho Philadelphia Hos pital by Magistrate Hagerty, gave his name as Howard McCnskey, 23 years old, of 2231 South 23d street. Ho babbled In coherently when arraigned for a hear ing. Residents of Do Lnncey street were aroused early this morning by tho shrieks and howls of McCnskey as ho walked through tho street. He thrust his fist through the plate glass window of the front door nt tho house of Mr. Moss nnd "raged through tho house," accord ing to Mr. Moss, to tho fourth floor. "I think it Is an outrage," said Mr. Moss. In describing the occurrence, "thnt Director Porter can't pay more attention to his policemen. If ho'd do this nnd pay less attention to politics It would bo a good thing. It is nn outrage. "Two other persons, neighbors of mine, telephoned to tho police, but It took be tween 15 nnd 20 minutes for them to get here, and In the meantime the fellow was raging through the house. "He smashed un thlnes ami leff n.ii. all through the house. Three men came In with a policeman and dragged him away after ono man had telephoned twice tor me ponce. Anci i telephoned, too. ' "I think ho was crasy with "Billy" Sunday religion or drink. I don't know. Ho didn't say anything about Sundny, but I think some of that Sunday slush worked him Into a frenzy. And I'm dls. gusted with tho newspapers. It would be a good thing If they'd stop filling up their columns with that slush and print news, I'm sick of It. "It's a pity this street can't have police protection, and I'm going to write a letter about it." Mr. Moss then wanted to know if Mc Cnskey was a white or a Negro. On being assured the man was white, he con tinued: "I thought so, hut wasn't sure. I have a shoe ho left mere. It is a very nice shoe, too," he added, SEVEN FIRMS OFFER BIDS FOR SURVEY BUREAU AUTOS Four Cars to Be Furnished for Use of Employes. Proposals for four automobiles for use of employes of the Survey Bureau were opened at City Hall today, Seven motor firms bid to supply the seven-passenger car to be used, at the City Hall office of the bureau, and the three four-passenger cars for district surveyors In the suburban sections. There s Q09 available for purchase of the four cars, which will be the first sup plied to district surveyors. The following automobile companies submitted bids which will be considered before the award is made: Gomery-Schwarti Motor Company, of fering the Hudson car; the B. R. Block son Company and the Chalmers, Wlnton, Cleveland and Ford agencies. Five contractors bid to reconstruct the nine-foot Mantua Creek sewer In the Zoological Garden, for which (50,000 Is available. Bids for reoonstruetllng inlets at (1000 and for test borings at (000 were also received. TJ, S. Strike Report Delayed NEW YORK, Jan. 27, Chairman Frank P. Walsh, of the Federal Commission on Industrial Relations, announced today that the report of Special Investigator Frederick F GUI Into the strike situation at Itoosevelt N J . would bo deluvsd. In the meantime the investigation there will bo continued. STEAMSHIP SAILS 3000 STEVEDORES WALK OUT; DEMAND HIGHER WAGE RATE Longshoremen After Share of "Exhorbitant Freight Rates" 10,000 Men May Quit. Three thousand stevedores of almost every nationality went on striko today nlong tho Delaware River front. Tho men demnnd a share of what they call tho cxtortlonnto rates being charged by shippers. There was no disorder, but the pollco are keeping close watch of the situation. Tho men are employes of Charles M. Taylor's Sons and Murphy, Cook & Co. It Is behoved tho walk-out will spead along tho entire water-front. A largo fleet of vessels would be tied up should this happen. At present about 10,000 men are engaged In tho work of loading nnd unloading vessels. At noon tho men em ployed by tho Independent Pier Company and tho International Mercantile Marine Company were still nt work. I. W. W. TO LEAD MEETING. The strikers, led by members of tho In dustrial Workers ot the World, nre to hold a meeting In a hall on Catharine street above Front this nfternoon, They win hold a parade and endeavor to get those now employed to walk-out. Vessels on which all work has ceased aro the British steamship South Point, taking on a cargo of Hour at Pier A, Rich mond, for tho relief of stnrvlng Belgians; tho Caterlna, discharging a cargo of china clay nt Glrard Point; the Knierlne, loading grnln at the Port RIchmoiTn Ele vators, and the Beachy, unloading a cargo of skins and hides from Calcutta at Pier 48, South Wharves. , Work la progressing on the loading of the American Line steamship Dominion nt Pier 63, South Wharves. This vessel is scneuuieu to leave under "rush orders" for St. John. N. H., presumably to take Canadian troops to England. At Pier 31, Hnuth, tho British steamship Hopemon Is working without interference, as Is the Scandlnnvlan-Amerlcan Lino steam ship California, at Pier 23, North. WAR BROUGHT ON TROUBLE. Ever since ocean rates have begun soaring, the longshoremen have been dissatisfied. While the scarcity of ves sels has worked to the advantage of the steamship ownern. It has been disad vantageous to the longshoremen. In stead of regular employment, many of them have had on the average of but two days a week work for the past sev eral months. At present the men are paid 30 cents nn hour. This was received as a result of tho strike two years ago. They now demand an Increaso of 10 cents an hour. The men employed as grain levelers are asking more. They claim their work Is exceedingly dangerous and exacting. They base their right to nn increase on the rate being paid per bushel for grain transportation on the steamship Kather Ine, This rate of 31 cents a bushel Is the highest for a similar Bhipment in the history of shipping. Under normal con ditions, the rate is about eight cents a bushel. "MOTHER" JONES COMES OUT AGAINST WOMAN SUFFRAGE Says It Will Not Solve lahor Prob lems, and Attacks Prohibition. NSW YORK, Jan, 27.-"Mother" Jones, who is devoting her life to the alleviation of workmen's burdens, came out against woman -suffrage, today. "At first I favored it; for I thought it would help, but now I see that it Is not any solution of the prevailing Ills," she said." "Mother" Jones also attacked national prohibition because it would throw so many persons out of work. CARPENTER PAIXS DEAD William B. Harris, a carpenter, of 6615 Chaster avenue, fell dead of heart dis ease on tho steps ot the Nurses' Home, Germantown Hospital, today. Harris was oar.-ylnv his chest of tools up the stair. He stooped over to put down the chest mil fell dad. He was W years old. GREAT NORTHERN DEPARTS ON MAIDEN VOYAGE TODAY Steamship Rendy o Take BOO Pas sengers to San Francisco. Hundreds of persons will assemble this afternoon on Pier G3, South Wharves, at tho foot of Washington avenue, to cheer tho departure of tho Northern Pacific Steamship Company's big steamship, the Grent Northern. The vessel leaves at 4 o'clock on hor maiden voyage, going to San Francisco via the Panama Canal. Sho will carry 600 passengers. It Is ex pected thnt the voyngo will last about 17 days. Stops will bo made at Colon, Bat boa and San Diego, Tho Great Northern was constructed by the William Cramp Ship and Engine Building Company. Her sister ship, tho Northern Pacific, is scheduled to leavo on her official trial trip In a few days. These vessels are tho fastest, finest and largest passenger nnd freight atcnmshlps over built for tho American merchant ma rine. Every modern convenience for tho safety, amusement and comfort of the pnssengcrs has been provided. Tho method of hnndllng tho cargo by elevators Inatend of the usual cargo derrick-boom hoists Is looked upon as the last word In freight lifting. Ench vessel Is capnble ot making 21 knots an hour, which places them high on the list of tho world's fastest merchant ships. Captain Abman, commodoro of the Great Northern fleet, hns been placed In command of the Great Northern, nnd will guide her on this trip, The vessel will pass out tho Delaware Capes about mid night tonight. WHEAT CONTINUES TO SOAR May Closes at $1.48f nnd July Goes to ?1.33. CHICAGO, Jan. 27. Wheat today con tinued its sensational advance, making a now hlgn figure in the first half hour of trading. May opened nt (1.4Ci, & over last night's close In fifteen minutes it ndvanccd to (L47H. a now high mark. At 10 a. m. May stood at (1.4714. July opened at (1.31T4, a full cent nbove yesterday's close, advanced to J1.32H tn fifteen minutes and nt 10 a. m. stood at (1.324. Other grains were strong. TWO DEAD FROM GAS Man nnd Wife .Found in South Twenty-fifth Street Home. Two persons wero found dead at 900 South 25th street early today In n room filled with lllumlnntlng gas. A defective gas stove was tho cause, the pollco say. Pierre Petrovlch, DO years old, and his wife, Rcllglna Petrovlch, wore tho vic tims. Augustus Levin, who occupied the second-story rear room, noticed the odor of gas nnd notified Sergeant Farley, of the 20th and Federal streets station, who smashed tho door. The woman was lying on tho floor. Evidently she hnd struggled to get to tho door, but had collapsed. Tho man was In the bed. Physicians at tho Polyclinic Hospital prouounced the couple dead. They had no children. "STEAMSHIP MEN BELONG IN JAIL SAYS REDFIELD Secretary of Commerce Calls Rates Extortionate. GALVESTON, Tex., Jan. 27. Secretary of Commerce Redfteld, In an interview to day, declared the present ocean freight rates were extortionate and that the steamship men "belonged lnthe peniten tiary, where railroad men would be If they attempted such extortion." Ho declared that certain steamship companies were breaking contracts with Impunity and robbing the people. P. R. R. DECLARES QUARTERLY DIVIDEND OFTi PER CENT Payable February 27 Several Offi cial Changes Made. The regular quarterly dividend of 1H per cent was declared today at a meet ing of the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania allroad on stock ot record February 1, It will be payable February 27. T. Dewltt Cuyler, of Philadelphia, was elected a member ot the Board of Di rectors of the Pennsylvania Company, which operates the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburgh, at a meeting of that body. He will fill the vacancy caused by the recent death ot N, Parker Shortrldge. The Boards ot Directors of the Pennsyl vania Company and. the Pittsburgh, Cin cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway elected S, H. Church yesterday of both companies to succeed the late S. B. Lig gett. The appointment will become ef fective February L Mr. Church Is now assistant secretary. Other appointments confirmed by both boards were: J, W, Orr, assistant comp troller, promoted to comptroller to suc ceed J, W. Renner, retired under the pension rule of the company; J, W. Roberts, superintendent ot car service of the Vandalla Railroad, promoted to gen eral superintendent of passenger trans portation to succeed Charles Watts, pen sioned: B. R. Young, chief clerk to the first vice-president, promoted to. assistant secretary to the same official; A. M. Marlon, chief clerk to the general sup erintendent of foreign transportation, promoted to the newly created position of assistant o he same official; S. M. Rankin, chief clerk to the general sup erintendent of passenger transportation, promoted to the new position ot assis tant to he same official, and J. L. Mason, assistant secretary, appointed to the ad ditional position of superlntenden of the employes' saving fund of the Pennsyl vania lines west. ITALIAN STEAMSHIP MISSINO WASHINGTON. Jan. 27.-AU trace has been lost ot the Italian steamship Angela ParodI, out of coal and drifting help lessly in the Gulf Stream. The revenue cutter Mohawk, unable to find the Farodl, is returning to New York, according to a wireless message to revenue cutter headquarters here today. "TOWN IS GOING TO HELL," CRIES "BILLY" SUNDAY Church Members Who "Put Repentant in Icebox", Scored by Evangelist in Stirring Sermon. "Devil Playa in Backyard Whifo You Sit in Pow," Ho Shouts," Urging Charity to All. "Tou sit in your fine homes and see the town going to hell without raising a finger to save It" These cutting words wero only a few of tho caustic remarks "Billy" Sunday hurled nt Indifferent, church members during his sermon in the tabernacle this afternoon. Ho was preach ing on "Pcrsonnl Work" for the third tlmo since ho came here, and never here tofore hns ho boon more severe In his criticism of those who "sit still In their pews whllo the devil plays in the back yard." He urged nctivlty, enthusiasm nnd sin cerity In tho lives of church members, . "You need courage," he said. "It's hard to do personal work, and you enn always count on It that the old devil will be around the corner trying to head you off every tlmo you drive a spike home for Christ's church. "It will surprise you to see many per sons lie to get out of personal worjc That's the devil In them that makes thera try to evade helping us. It's a shame so many persons who want to shine tn buspi ncss, In piofesslonal life and In society' nre In hiding when they are called upon to do something for Jesus Christ NEED OF ENTHUSIA8SI.I "You'll never accomplish anything" worth while for God without enthusi asm," he shouted. "Formality! Is chok ing religion to death. You want to get awake, get allvo for Christ and to keep your friends out of hell." "When a man knocks a base hit nnd drive homo a winning run and breaks tho tie score, you yell like a Comanche inuian anu carry the hero from the field on your shoulders. But when a prodigal sen makes a base hit for God and j nomo run from the hogpen of hell to heaven wo put him In the Ice Lox. It's so foolish. Drop-your dignity nnd be true." Again Sunday asked all to help make Philadelphia a better city. He declared the tabernacle (was erected to ma)to the city purer, soberer and more moral, and insisted thatT'it Is going to' -do this U Christians will come out for the cam paign and help to boost it "After you do your best you'll feei like doing better. I always do, I always want to preach a better sermon, than I have after I stop talking, God expects ou to get busy. The man who lives for himself alone will have the privilege of being mouiner, and perhaps Bote mourner, at his own funeral." He urged Christians to be sympathetic: not with tho sins ot the non-Christian, but with the Individuals. "God hates sin and the devil," he said. "He will not compromise. Have sym pathy with tho girl who Bins, but not with the sin that ruined her. Get down on the ground where the others are and help lift them up. You're not much of a Christian yourself if you sit up on a pedestal and consider yourself above everybody else and watch men and women go to hell." A delegation of clergymen from New ark, N. J was present In the tabernacle this afternoon. The visitors urged Mr. Sunday to conduct a campaign, In their city within the next 12 months. They ore to meet the evangelist for a conference this evening. The Rev. George G. Vogel, a district superintendent for the Methodist Episco pal Church, heads the delegation. Officials of the Sunday Campaign Com mittee, following an Investigation of the excitement In the tabernacle lost night when several thousand persons caused a disturbance when they wero unable to get to their seats, said today reports ot the excitement had been exaggerated. The matter was discussed at a meeting of the officials in the campaign headquarters this morning. The excitement developed when per sons holding tickets were admitted to the special entrances on 19th street and then preented from going to their seats. Doors IS and 19 are set aside for the admission of persons having tickets for party reservations. The police and ushers were unable to control the crowd clamoring for seats, and it was only after the women began to faint and their screams caused the Concluded on Fate BU "SHIP BILL LAW IN 2 WEEKS" Democrats Say They Can Wear Out Filibuster in That Time. WASHINGTON, Jan, 27.-The Demo cratic leaders of the Senate made plans today to get back to work on the ap propriation bills, confident of their ability to wear out within two weeks the Re publicans who are filibustering on the ship purchase bill. Consideration ot the river and harbor, executive. Legislative and Judicial appro priation bills will be taken up gradually The Democrats say the shipping bill wilt have been passed by February 10 to 12. There was evidence today that the ma jority had made its last threat of night sessions, and that beginning tonight the Senate would be held to long hours of debate each night? until the minority should agree to a vote on the ship juea tlon. "When a speaker gets through and there la none ready to take his place w shall demand a roll call," was the warn-; Ing Issued by Majority Leader Kern. 120,000 Turks to Raid Egypt LONDON. Jan. 27.-A Reuter dispatch from Athens states that three TurkUh army corps, 120,000 men. Is marching on Egypt XOST AND POUND IjOST TurQueUo matrix necklaca, (4m o ratd tiy eenutUan tidi, Biih: bemttutt WwarijtfW ht LOST A Wt"FreMhj3ler7wS mmSt TMitn, Mr- L3, lm North 3Ut tt hlw lglB North 28th st. Kwt) OfAtr GPmHStd Ad s fam l am li I '.1 A
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