a EVENING LEDGEB-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY, JANtJABY 26, 1915. Biemttg gJ& Wb$w PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY cyhus . k. cumis. rwnn, Jehn C Martin. Treaaureri charlta II I.iidtrn:ton. jflllp ft. Callina. Jfthn U. Williams Dlr-eclnra EDITOniAt,rjOAntt Ctafg II K. Ccmis, Chairman. P. H. WHALE . Exeeutira Editor tM . M I M JOHNc MAJITIN General Bualneai Statiatpr H i . - i i .i , Published dally at I'l-nuo Lirarn HulUlntr, Independence Square, Philadelphia, I.wxjtit CesnuL . . i . tlroad and Cheatnut Streets AttANTIO Cltt. ......... i .rrttfVnton Building; Nuit toix ,,,... ..,.170-A, Metropolitan Toner Cmcldo. . . . .......817 Home lnturahee TJulldlnj London 8 Waterloo riaic, Tall Mall, S. W. NEWS BUREAUS: HiRniaiicito Beano ........ .Th ratriot Building wBHiNoros DcntAU. .............. The fost nulldlni f.'KW YOK Bl-MAO,. ...... ,...,.. Tha Tlmr Building BsitUs Hdhbiu no rrleilrlchttraxKe J.os-pon IIcbmo ..SI Pall Mall Bant, 8. W. lUm BCBEiU. ...... 33 lluo Loula la Grand suBscmrnoN terms By carrier, Dilt.v Ovt.T, tx cent. My mall, postpaid feutalde of Philadelphia, errept uhcre foreign po-tar l rqulrcd. Dailt ONi.r, one month, twenty-nve centaf Djii.t ovlt, one year, three dollara. All mall mib acrlptlona parable In ndvance DELL, 3000 WALNUT KEYSTONE, MAIN 3000 IW Aititrti all communication) lo Evening Ledger, Independence Square, Philadelphia, ixiiiutD at Tilt riiH-lnrLnll rosTorrics As becokd- CLASa HAtt, MATTES. MHLADhU'lllA, TUESDAY. JAMJAHV 16. 1915. Any man can be busy with non-essentials ; it is the man who is busv with essential things that counts. Millions for Port and Transit SENATOR FARE'S withdrawal of his sup port from tho "conflicting' resolution" and h!a actlvo Indorsement bf the so-called Tay lor amendment removes whatever harrier thcro mar have been to placing Philadelphia finally In a position of financial Independence. Tho amendment, If ratified by the people, gives to the municipality a borrowing ca pacity, for transit and port development only, equal to 3 per cent, of tho assessed valuation of taxable property. The effect of this Is to Increase tho complete borrowing capacity from 7 to 10 per cent. This gives an absoluto Increase of over $66,000,000, moro than enough to provide tho $40,000,000 for transit and tho $25,000,000 for port improve ment. In addition, as these great municipal projects become self-supporting, proportion ate amounts may bo deducted from the gen eral Indebtedness In computing borrowing capacity. The authorization of 63$car in stead of SO-year bonds reduces the annual sinking fund requirements from 2V& to 1 per cent., and It is provided that Interest charges during construction and during the (list year of operation may bo capitalized. Tho proposed amendment proposes to wrench the financial shackles from Philadel phia, to froj tho municipality, to aid It In tho accomplishment of the splendid enter prises It contemplates, to make possible a supply of capital commensurate with the necessities of tho metropolis. 'With tho "conflicting resolution" out of the way, the adoption of tho Taylor amendment seems to bo assured, and with It tho futuro of the municipality. Round Pegs in Square Holes ROUND pegs in square holes and square ! pegs In round holes! Among tho millions who read Senator Root's oration In tho Senate yesterday, par ticularly that part of It In which he declared that "no crime Is so wicked as consideration of our foreign affairs with a view to party advantage," a goodly majority, we surmise, camo to one certain conclusion, namely, that llr. Root, valuable as he is in tho Senate, would be ten times more valuable at tho head of the Department of State. It Is a pity that a nation which boasts a man who measures up to the best traditions of that high office should be out of It; whllo another man, of comparatively trivial at tainments in statesmanship, holds' tho rudder during one of tho most critical periods of our diplomatic and commercial history. Surfeited With Wonders TTTE ARE so accustomed to wonders that VY the successful transmission of the hu man volco from New York to San Francisco by telephone hardly stirs tho emotions. These who thought of such things at tho time knew that when Doctor Bell talked from Boston to Cambridge over the first telephone line, there was in his Invention the poten tiality of transcontinental conversation. And tho rest of us have taken the gradual Im provements In telephony as a matter of course. The man in tho street will be only mildly interested In the announcement, when It comes, that It is possible to telephone across the ocean. One has only to look back to 1875, when tlie first practical telephone was made, to realize how far the world haH moved. There were no electric cars then, and no electric lights; no electric elevators and no electric table toasters or warming pans'; and no great factories with all the machinery operated by electric current transmitted 180 or 200 miles from the generating plant. There was not only no practicable telephone, but there was no wireless telegraphy, the most marvelous and awe-Insplrlng Invention of civilized times, Which makes It possible for the laboring ship on tho trackless deep to raise Its beseeching masts to the heavens and cry for help and have its prayer heard and answered. There Were no submarines and no airships. There were no illustrated dally newspapers, and no moving picture shows and no talking ma chines; and no great war engines and no war rending a continent and millions of human hearts at the same time. The won ders and the tragedies that have developed since 1875 are almost past belief. Most Powerful in Peace AMERICA'S responsibility to tho world is JCX stupendous. Death and destruction are common enough. Earthquakes come and go, hurricanes and storms'; the Blnklng of a Titanic stops the world short In Its rushing; famine and floods, epidemics and panics play their part in the tragedy of the human struggle. They are taken as they come, with all their suffering and grief; tho strong men of the world grip anew their (asks, the weak ones thejrs, and the wheel keep on turning. The catastrophe In Europe, however, has dozed the participants. They have cut loose esrery tie to sobriety. They are arguing with a new logic, preaching rjew doctrines, new becauso outlawed agea ago, and they are ruehlng madly Jnto a twin bankruptcy, finan cial nd intellectual Their arts are being slaughtered In the trenches, their sciences uprooted and their initiative consumed, They are filling rota upon ruin and tearing up the fabric at clvilbsatioa. Ym whoto burfim at International eoa sxrvsthin 1mm 1mm ttu-wu en the United States. There Is a narrow path for II to tread, vindicating its own rights and at the same lime giving Ainplo proofs of Its sincere neutrality. That it, on nny account, should bo hurled Into tho conflict is unthinkable. Not by goad or taunt and not by nny other means can that be brought abou, for our International duty Is sreater than our na tional duty, our power In peace greater than our power in war, our npproachlng function In tho family of nntlons so clearly defined that to neglect It by following the madness of Europe would bo to pull tho temple down over our own heads nnd tho heads of tho rest of humanity. cpikc and Repudiate It 0 "IE thing is certain: tho days of tho seven seas without an American ring floating over them nro at nn end. Tho merchant marine has become tho vital Issue before tho country, by far tho most Important with which our statesmen havo to deal, and the problems connected with It press for a solu tion. Tho enormous Increase In ocean freight rates; which In some cases nro ten-fold what they woraa year ngo, Indicate our helpless ness. They drive tho Administration to tho conclusion that tho only remedy Is purchnso by the Government of fleets of merchantmen, to bo operated, It may be, nt a nominal profit; although tho President himself has suggested that such vessels should be used In un profitable trade only. Tho logical conclusion Is the rporse. By the magic of general war thcro ha"5 hten brought nbout nn abnormal equalization be tween foreign and American vessels, For tho first time In ilrcades, even under our op pressive! navigation laws. It Is possible for American merchantmen to bo operated nt a profit. Ships have become attractive lis nn Investment. They promise a handsome yield, even If thcro Is a material reduction in rates. Since August a tonnage of approxi mately half a million ha3 been brought under American reglstrv. This In spite of tho un settled conditions existing, mainly In respect to tho Interpretation of marine law. Should the Dacla case be decided In our favor, nn Immediate Increase of hundreds of thousands of tons In our marlno, purchased by prlvnte capital, could reasonably bo expected. T.et the Government guarantee to privately owned ships the samo protection that It would givo Its own, and a deluge of money would offer for Investment. Nor are there any ships available for purchase by the Government ! that private capital could not buy. It Is, then, particularly a time to encour ago general Investment In ships, and most obviously a time not to prevent It entirely by putting the Government into competition with private enterprise. The Administration scheme proposes to keep private American capital off tho seas nt the very moment when such capital, for the first time In years, Is ready for the venture. Tho Senate, as the citadel of conservative, deliberate and wcll dlgcsted statesmanship, should spike the proj ect and utterly repudiate It. Doubtful Status of Hydroaeroplanes THE protest of tho German Ambassador against tho further shipment of hydro aeroplanes from tho Curtlss works to Eng land must bo considered carefully by the State Department. It Is not easy to dee'do offhand whether a hydroaeroplane Is a war ship or not within the meaning of The Haguo convention, because no such vessel existed when that convention was drawn. Tho subject should bo approached with an open mind, backed by a determination to be fair to all the parties concerned. Tho fair minded citizens of the country will be disap pointed If tho Stato Department attempts to quibble or indulges in any form of special pleading. "We must conduct ourselves in such a way that wo can retain our self re spect as a nation, whatever may be tho ef fect of our course on any of the belligerents, "With this general principle In mind the Gov ernment in Washington cannot go far wrong. Docs Not Heed Its Master's Voice THE people voted $1,000,000 for new hos pital buildings at Blockley. Presumably they knew what they wero doing and did not expect Councils to nullify their verdict. That, nevertheless, is1 what Councils Is doing, for It refuses to perform Its ministerial func tion of formally appropriating the money. The Johnson contract was a bad enough thing, but It has been sidetracked as a vital issue, and thero Is no longer oven a political reason for holding up the money, It would be a splendid thing for the municipality If Councils represented Philadelphia Instead of somebody or something else. Cardinal Gibbons continues to manifest his usual sanity by denouncing the literacy test In tho Immigration bill. Chancellor von Bethmann-Hollweg Is still explaining that when ho said "scrap of paper" he meant something else. Judge Sulzberger calls Director Porter In competent and Director Porter returns the compliment, so that honors are now even. The report that Special Consular Agent Carothers was shot In Mexico Is denied by Mr. Carothers himself. He was not even half, shot. The nations have already borrowed all the money there Is In tho world. They may pay the Interest, but they will never pay the debt. That Democratic Governor of Michigan need not worry about plots to defeat Wilson for renomlnatlon. The friends of the plotters are the men to worry. Pegasus was the first flying machine, but he went cavorting around the sky before The Hague Convention prohibiting the export of war vessels to belligerents had been framed. Marconi has been recognized by the Italian Government and becomes a member of the Senate. It takes the world a long time to identify genius, but It generally gets there finally. Representative Gardner Is taking particular pains to let it be known that he does not In tend, to violate our neutrality by calling out the army reserve. He merely wishes to give a dinner to It so that he can see what the It men look like. Mr Bryan will doubtless make tho ncenry explanation to tly( diplo matic corps s that the i3amooitraUiiH way not h misunderstood. MOTION PICTURES AS EDUCATIONAL COURSES "Extension Work" in City nnd Country Shows People How Tilings Arc Made. Motogrnphy Utilized in Agriculture, Industry mid Civic Enterprise By FRANCIS IIOLLEY Director of tlie Unrein of CemmercUl Economic, IP THE clock of time turned backward and mado us all school boys nnd girls again, how many of lis from preference would study tho old-fashioned textbooks which strangle all Imagination with tho shackles of words? Words mean llttlo to a child; It Is tho pic ture that creates tho lasting impression, nnd with chtldren of a large growth tho samo Is true. Most of us prefer Borne sort of Illus tration In tho books we rend, bo It but a dia gram to make concroto nnd vivid that wh ch otherwise Is but nn abstract thought. Even statements of facts of historical events aro but words Unless they create In the mind nn Impression of reality, of vividness. T. at which tho oyo bolloldi stamps on tho brain an Imprint more 'nst ng than that which Is simply read about. It 's the old axiom of ex perience versus tradition We can not nil In nctuallty experience tho thrills, tho horrors, tho delights, tho tenors of being rescued by handsome outlaws frrm tho crushing whno's of the onrushlng train; or of having vnBt millions left to us by tlu fortunnta death of an unknown re atlvo who makes us his Icnoflclnry. But by means of tho moving pictures wc mny assume theso I "Ready to Went" experiences. With our eyes we see the thins on tho screen and tho Imprint on our minds Is so vivid that wo leact to It ns though It were an actual per- I snnnl experience. How rftcn do wo heir In I tho Juvenile pollco courts tho plea of tho delinquent, "I Baw It In tho movies"? Whether this is a perfunctory excuso or not, It Indicates that nctlon seen by tho cyo, re corded on the hrnln, fosms an Integral part of our minds and becumes a stimulus, an In- centlvo for future action. The Public Wants lo Know The philosophy of education has changed from thnt of the superintendent of one of tt-o large high schools of Philadelphia, who de rlnred very recently that If ho had his wny thero would not oven be a blackboard In his school, for the e.t- rnnl Imago destroyed the mental Imatte. If this old doctrine bo tiuo how few Imnges we must havo In our minds; pet haps this accounts for some of the mental nbraslons which occur among our acquaint ances. Tho progressive scientific Instructor keeps ahienst of the times. The public Is moro In terested In conditions of the material world than in higher mathematics. Four-fifths of I the children In the sehoo'a and oven a greater percentum of tho parents prefer to study thoso things which vitally Interest them. City sanitation, the filtration of tho water of tho community in which they live, is not only only Interesting, It is vital. The Public Ought to Know If the Government has tho privilege and the rlcht through legislation to investlgito the business relations of the great corpora tions and to ascertain whether or not they are In restraint of trade, how much moro hns the public the right and privilege to know under what conditions things aro made nnd produced; under whnt conditions labor la callcl upon to serve. Mothers have the right to know whero the food which Is given to their chlldien Is prepared. The president nf a great coal company, in explaining how Impossible It would bo to show coal mines, stnted thnt all you could see 11ns an American with his face black as Ink crawling on his hands and knees through a hole in the wall, with a pick and shovel, climbing up on n ledgo and thero picking all day In tho coal with tho dust so thick that you could not seo him two feet nway. We suggested to him, if that were tho condi tion under which he worked his men, wo did not blame him for not wishing to disclose, to the public at large the conditions existing In his mines. Ho then offered a picture of a pumping stntlon pumping water 300 feet bo low tho earth's surface. But when wo asked to show a pumping station pumping air to tho poor miner on the ledge so that ho could be seen three feet nway he declined. A coal mine Is aa easy to motograph ns a lunch table at a picnic. The Bureau of Commercial Economics has been founded primarily to disclose by mo tion pictures, to the whole public, not only to thoso who can afford a college course, but even to the poorest of the poor, how things nre mado and under what conditions they aro produced. Afraid of the Truth Motography has produced all sorts of in dustrial films, some truthful reproductions of conditions actually existent; others manu factured for the coming of tho motographer. Wo have had films presented to us containing a playlet, a romance and a horde of people emerging from n factory at the ringing of the noonday bell. Investigation has proven that this mass of humanity was an excursion carrltd to tho factory for the purpose of being motographed. But the weaving of a playlet or a romance around an Industrial picture does not relieve the manufacturer of his responsibility. The paying of large sums for the circulation of such films through the medium of the motion picture houses does not answer the requirements of the public for Information; nor does it Justify the ex emption of such manufacturers from their obligations to display under what conditions' they produce tho output of their factory and shop. More than 250 of tho largest manufacturers and producers of America have furnished films to this bureau, showing honestly how tho product of their factories is made. In every Instance where a peremptory refusal has been given to motographlng an establish ment, investigation has disclosed that es tablishment Is not of a character which lends itself to motography, and the reasons for this aro the unwholesome surroundings under which the employes work and the unsanitary conditions under wlptch the output of that factory reaches the public The experience of the" last year has clearly proven that every Institution that manufac tures a product worthy of respect Is willing to show Just how that product Is prepared, for 'motography reproduces truthful condi tions, If It is not trifled with. Stato Aid for Motography The 62 great educational Institutions of which this bureau Is composed, located In nearly every Slate of tho Union, have under taken and assumed the burden of dissemi nating vocational. Industrial, commercial and geographical information through alt their pjmmqnlty centre? and In every rural district wlthla thlr Jurisdiction For this isrvlco nuim Ptafs mak- libs'a! ai prfipririt on. Tli WATCHFUL WAITING , - wl fLjill XVANIA If. , cture : I Ji'i i '1)1 wirVfA'lfrirt'Vy W3r ft 1 Uz." Cvi nfrTs jr JT a 'ZAM . ' universities display the films in their own Institutions, thus affixing their seal of ap proval of the character and quality of tho films nnd then send them out In tho hands of competent professors to show to tho com munities. Tho agricultural colleges of tho States show the agricultural films and other educational films, nnd then send them out In tho lands, nffixlng their seal of approval, disseminate them through tho medium of the State Grango organizations and rural communities, Ihus tho bureau Is able to reach at a low e tlmato more than 1,000,000 persons a month and acquaint them with the conditions that exist In the industrial world. This method of Imparting Information helps tho manufacturer to prcduce better .jcods, for ho will hnvc the pick of the best work men in tho country, who will seek to find a home and employment In the Institution which has tho most consideration for his no!. f:i-e Though It Is imposslblo to toko the pub lic Into every factory and shop that they may discern conditions' for themselves. It Is pos sible to take the factory and shop Into every household through the medium of motion pic tures. PORTS OF PHILADELPHIA AND ROSTON To1 the VAItor 0 tht Kvcninn Lrdacr. Sir: If the figures on shipping In tho port of Boston In my recent article on tho development of Postnn nnrt were wiong, ns your correspon dent, George F. Sproule, thinks they are, I am only too glad to stand corrected. Tho error, If there was one. must fall on tho shoulders of tho Boston Tort Directors, from whoso most recent reports my figures were taken. But I think that Mr. Sproule has In mind tho flKures for n different year from that reported upon by the Ho-ston Port Directors uhctliPr or not thelt figures are correct. Tho totals submitted by the Boston Port Directors covered tlie year 1D13, a point which I may not have mado ns clear as I thought; whereas Mr Sproulo takes the totals of 1014 In his letter upholding Philadelphia's claim to second rank ns a port. Bight or wrong, the figures I quoted seem to mo not the material point In my article. I nm only too willing to concede to Mr. Sproule what ever honors belong to Philadelphia The Inten tion of my article was to set forth to Phlla delphlans. or to nny others concerned, Boston's encouraging example of self-Improvement. It seemed to mo less Important to compare Boston with other ports than to compare Boston port todny with Boston port before this energetic de velopment was undertaken. Since the war Bos ton has lost heavily In shipping; but tho loss Is onlv temporary. And, ipgardless of tho ftmires nnd of Boston's relation to Philadelphia In totals of shipping, the advancement of Boston port, nchlevod In the face of that discouraging public Inertia which so often blocks largo public Im provements, Is a model of enterprise that nny city In tho country mny copy with profit. That was what my article aimed to say. I hope the figures quoted did not obscure that point. BURTON KLINE. Boston, Jnn. 23, 1915. SUNDAY DOES NOT FRIGHTEN To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir Your accounts of the "Billy" Sunday meetings at tho tabernacle are about as ac curate as It Is possible to be, and In printing these sermons your paper and the other papers are doing a world of good.i Tou are helping the evangelist in the great work In which ha Is engaged for the uplift of mankind. I muet take exception to the article In your paper of January 20, taken from an Interview with the Rev. Mr. St, John, of the Unitarian Church. In the Interview many Incorrect state ments wero made, In fact, absolutely untrue. Mr. Sunday Is not endeavoring to frighten anybody, nor does he frighten anybody. He simply preaches the plain matter of fact gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, and the people nre rushing In the thousands and tens of thousands anxious to hear the word of God preached In the language that every man, woman and child can understand. When he speaks of a little child twelve years old going up the sawdust trail and having no Idea of what he Is doing, he Is not correct, as there are many people living today who date their, conversion back when they were much younger in life than 12 years. There Is no vulgarity put Into the mouth of Jesus, Mr. Sunday simply wants the people to do as Jesus would have them do, and Is voicing the word of God when he says, "God calls for all men everywhere to repent," and Rny man, no matter who he may be, that can not see the great good that Is being accom plished by the Sunday party In this great city of Philadelphia at the present time certainly must have a perverted mind. CHARLES H. BARRITT. Philadelphia, January 22, 1915. PHOTOPLAY DEPARTMENT To the Editor 0 the Eventng Ledger: K Sir We havo noticed an unuaual activity on the part of the Evbnino Lbdobr and the splendid display that has been given to photo plays. I would like to say that In the courts of my WOO-mlle trip, and after Interviewing many of the prominent newspaper men of this country, I have noticed no better presentaUon of the Industry than is now being given In the EvENiNd Ledoer, and I feel that the work you aro doing and the good you are accom plishing will be of lasting benefit to a great many more people than perhaps we realize, Iwcaute this induatry Is getting to be knawn aa a great educational txmerk to the commu nity CARL H PIERCE, Special Representative, Bcwortb, Inc. Nw Tort, January 7S, IMS, TELLING WHERE A MAN GOMES FROM You Are Betrayed by Your Accent Sometimes It Reveals "What Street You Live On Pleasant Pastimes of a Detective of Peculiarities in Speech. By WALTER P'lUK. IIIGG1NS (what a namo for ahoro!) In Shaw's play, "Pygmalion," enjoys a pleasant evening by telling various characters whom ho meets what section of London they come from, reaching his conclusions solely from their accents and Inflections. Prof. Hlg glns isn't a Joke, cither. "Phonetics" is enough of a science to be put already to prac tical use by the French police. The tongue, like tho thumb, betrays. Have you ever tried to train your car to the differences In Amer can speech, not only differences between various sections of tho country, but between parts of tho samo section or even the samo city? It is a fascinating pastime. Ono of the most curious evolutions of American speech Is tho so-called Bowery ac cent which the slums of New York are sup posed to havo produced, and to be producing constantly from the American-born children of foreign parents. This speech Is peculiar to New York In many recognizable ways, and yet, on tho other hand, it has features which appear to characterize the "tough" dialect of all cities. Its most characteristically Now Yorklsh featuro Is much tho same os It was n generation ago, when Ed Townsend wrote his famous Chlmmy Fadden stories. Thccom blnatlon of either i or c with the following consonant r as in ptrl or skirt or perfectly Is its leading variation. Ooll Is often used to represent the curious fato which overtakes girl on the East Side, but as a matter of fact it does not correctly represent it. Perhaps tho German umlauted o would come nearer goel If you pronounco with your mouth a bit crooked, your nasal passages slightly closed, and your throat constricted. Indigenous American Accents And yet tho oddest part about this perver sion Is that In reality It does not appear to bo the result of foreign dialects reacting on English, but to havo been copied from the native New Yorkers, much as the Southern speech Is In part at least an unconscious copy .of the negroes. It Is common, with varia tions which Prof. Hlgglns could easily de tect, to Jews, Irish, Italians, In tho Bowory districts; and It Is common, In a much less nasal and pro'nounged degree, of course, to tho genuine native New Yorkers. By that Is meant tho rnen and women who were born of Saxon stock in Now York city and raised In its schools, Thero are far fewer of such people than you would guess, but those who aro true New Yorkers (and Brooklyn Is Included here), un less they havo made a positive effort to over come the trick, almost Invariably pronounce their it's and er's with nt least a hint of this odd perversion, no matter how gently reared they are. It Is common to people of 60 years, and to school girls, so It must havo charac terized New York speech for at least three generations. I know a school girl In Brook lyn today whose speech In this respect Is as different from the accent, say, of President Eliot, as cockney Is from the speech of Lord Rosehery. Yet she goes to a school where there are none but children of native families, of gentle blood. The source of the Bowery ac. cent Is evidently older than the flood of Im migration. A Dawth in a Rath tub The New York speech, too, Is almost In variably characterized by the flat a and the exceptions to the rule are found In a certain social set In the upper strata, so that If you hear a peculiar kind of broad a In Sherry's you can almost predict without turning about the kind of little mustache the user will be wearing. Even this stratum, "however, doesn't do very well with the broad a, I re cently heard a New York rector who read, "Dust to dust, and aashes to aashes." The true Bootonlon, of course, says simply ashes. It reminds one of the man In Ade's fable, who took a bawth in tho bathtub. It Is an open question whether thefbroad a or the flat a Is going to become the standard of American speech, if we ever have one. There can be no question but the broad a Is far more musical, and in heightened dis course far more eloquent. "Qraant, we be seech Thee" Is far nobler than "Grant, w beseech Thee ." But already there seems to be a strong tendency to restrict the broad a to certain classes of people, even In sections where It hae hitherto preyailed. It (4 UH al most universal In New England among the native horn, and whether a, man cornea from MiUadelphla ttr Washington can sa tea he 4 PRICHARD EATON termlned solely by the way bo pronounce! his a's. But tho Southern speech. In other respects often so musical, Is apparently more and moro Inclined to the flat a, and It Is prac tically tho standard of tho West. A Sign of Philadelphia In regions whero both uses aro common, It Is almost lnvarlnbly the moro "aristocratic" class who uso the broad form. I have fan cied that of late this was becoming mbre marked in Philadelphia. ' There are Innumerable minor difference) In speech throughout America. The people ot tho Piedmont region of tho South, for ex- V- ample, do not talk like thoso from Alabami or Mississippi. It Is only people from tin southernmost regions, tho black belt, who travel by the Sea Bodo A Line. Tho people 'cj Atlanta aro less soft of speech, and much moro rapid, than the peoplo-of Charleston. Il' is almost always possible in the South, also, to distinguish tho difference between a mAn ono of whose parents was born and reared In tho North, and a man both of whosa parents wero Southerners. Tho Idiom Is th same, but tho former man does not polish off so many corners of his words. The New Englander, of course, can tell tho difference between n Cape Codder and a New Hampshire farmer before they have spoken ten words. They both pronounce down as If It wore deown, but tho nasal twang la on a different note. One of tho most curloiis dif ferences In Now England, and ono which oc curs within tho smallest radius, Is that found In Harvard College. In splto of the great geographical rnnp;o represented by th student body, tho predominant speech at Harvard Is Bostbnlan In character that Is, It employs tho broad a and Is fairly well standardized on dictionary models, through tho debating clubs, unconscious Imitation, and the example of the professors. But thero Is one section of Harvard known as "the Gold Coast," where the majority of tho socially elect live, men of wealth, family position, and with that same touch of uncon clous arrogance which characterizes their mothers. The Gold Coast lies along Mt. AU' burn street, and the curious accent these men u have evolved may be called the Mt. Au burn street accent. It Is not exactly EnglUh, though It has a certain relation to the speecS you hear at Oxford. It Is the Boston speech, with a dash of affectation. These men al! read the Boston Traanscrlpt. Yet that alone does not describe It. It cannot be described yet onco heard It will be always recognized. I dare say Professor Hlgglns could stand In Harvard square and tell almost whet dormi tory each passing Harvard man lived In. Cer tainly almost 'anybody can tell which eoclal layer ho belongs to. Nor does the accent de sert these men In after years. Like the pe; cullar angle at which they tip their o&ti when they sit In their clubs, they retain. If till tholr hair le gray, A-CHANT OF LOVE FOR' ENGLAND , This "Chnnt of Love" was. of courw, K gested bv Ernst Llssauer's "Chant of Hat' familiar through the spirited veraion of Mr. Archibald Henderson. A song of hata Is a song of Hell; Some there be that sing It well. Let them sing It loud and long, We lift our hearts In a loftier son: r ' We lft our hearts to Heaven above, Singing the glory of her we love England! Glory of thought and glory of deed, Glory of Hampden and Runnymede; Glory of ships that sought far goil. Glory of swprde and glory of aoulil Glory of songs mounting as birds. Glory Immortal of magical words j Glory of Milton, glory of Nelaon, Tragical glory of Gordon and Scott; Glory of Shelley, glory of Bldney, Glory transcendent that perUhee not Hers is the story, hars be the glory, Kngianai Shatter her beauteous breast ye may; The Spirit of England none can Yl Dash the bomb on the dome of Paul . Deem Ve the fame of the Admiral falls? Pry the stone from tho chancel floor. , Dream ye that Shakespeare shall live no more Where Is the giant shot that kill Wordsworth walking the old green miwi Trample the red rose on the ground KeaU In Beauty while earth eplne rounOi Bind her. grind her. burn her with ore, Caet her ajhes Into the ei She ehall eacape, eh shall aspire, She ahall arla to siak men frees She ball arUe la a eacred acorn, Lighting the lives that are yet unborn. Spirit supernal, splendor juraat.