Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Irpr. si, 30! "He that wlnneth souls Is
"There are many people who want to
win somebody for Jesus and they are
waiting to bo told how to do U. I believe
"ther are hundreds and thousands of peo
ple -who are willing to work and who
know something must be done, but they
nre watlnjr for help, I mean from msn and
"women of ordinary ability. Many peopto
arB kick and tired and disgusted with Just
proposing- religion; they are tired of trot'
ting to church and trotting home again.
Thoy sit In a pew and listen to a sermon!
they are tired of that, not speaking to
anybody and not engaging in personal
worlf, they are getting tired of It and the
church Is dying because of It: there Is
nothing to that. A lot should wako up
and i go to the rescue and win for Jesus
"I want to say to the deacons, stewards,
vestrymen, Prudential Committee, that
they should work, and the place to begin
Is at your own home. Sit down and
write the names of flvo or ten friends,
find many of them members of youVvown
church, and two or three Of those not
members of any churenj yet you mingle
with there peoplo In the club, In business.
In your home In a friendly way. You
meet them every week, some of them
every day, and you never speak to them
on the subject of religion; you never bring
It to their attention1 at'oll; you should be
tip and doing something for CJod anI
God's truth. There are always oppor
tunities for a Christian. towork for God.
There Is always a chancTHpi speak to
come one about God. I am not olng to
theqrlzei weiyarp dealing too much n
thedrlcs and speculations. This or, that
interpretation of soma ddjsma or doctrine
is not going to g,iyiffyou th;ltunl powr.
comb OT-pn wSa. .
"Tou Carry your rcljglort-wlth 'you "by
the "bare truth; he"JojtrcniJd out fonGod
Have a heart to hajt-'talk' with some
people and wln'theitu'to"C$rYst. The first
recorded words of 'JcsusAre'these, "Wist
ye not I must ty about'my&jtljcr's busi
ness?' Ho was Jovst dnd' tbeyfound. Mm
Bitting In the "tcropjo tnri tie had tho
old Pharisees and db$prs of the law tied
up In a bunch. That whole bunch had
brain fever trying ,to keep up with Him
and -He was only 12 years old His mother
found Him and said: 'Son, don't you
know wo have been searching for you?'
Ho answered, 'Wist yo not, I mint be
about my Father's business?' and from
then until now He. has been calling us
to go forth and dot His workj Mothers
should plead wlthther children, and'tHey
in turn siioum picaa w)tn tneir frierra
tor religion.
"The trouble Is wo are too lackadaisi
cal In religion. Indifferent and dead and
lifeless. That Is the spirit of tho com
mittees today In tho church. I think Jthe
multitude In the church will have to get
converted themselves before they caM
lead any one else to Christ. It Is my firm
conviction after 1G years of experience
In Vie work that half tho peoplo In the
church have never been converted, have
never been born again I take up a bot
tle pf water, uncork It and take a drink.
That Is experimental. One sip of water
can convince me more of Its power to
slake thirst than 40,000 books written on
the subject. You know quinine Is bitter
because you have experimented; you
knov fire will burn because you have
experimented; you know ice will freeze;
it la cold, you have experimented.
"A man must experience religion to
know God. All you know of God Is what
youfread In some book or what you heard
somebody else talk about; you haven't
llvefl so that you could learn first-handed,
so niost of your religion Is second-handed.
There Is too much second-hand stuff In
tho church. It Is your privilege to know
and' to have salvation. Jesus said to
Peter, 'When you are converted strength
en thy brother.' You are not In a po
sition to help anybody 'else unless you
have helped jourself. God doesn't save
on the Instalment plan, A man Is either
on the road to heaven or on tho road, to
hell. God doesn't do things by halves.
"It has been said that God made the
blrjs without wings and they hopped and
crept around but didn't sing, and after a
wh(le God put wings on them and they
commenced to sing. Not on your life.
When God mado the birds He made
thefn all. God does not have to double
on the trail and back-track. When the
Lord does a Job he Mulshes It right and
you can't Improve on It. The trouble
with a lot of you church members, you
pend too much time dreaming over
'The Lady of the Lake,' Milton, Bacon,
Shakespeare, Chaucer and a lot of such
things you can quote Shakespeare by the
yard for the devil and ho will give you
tho ha-ha. If you take the word of God
He will take the crown So many church
members know nothing about the Bible.
A preacher will take a text from the
Bible and get as far from at as the east
It from the west, A young preacher Just
out1 of the seminary said, 'Must I con
fine myself, my preaching, to the Bible?'
Just like a shrimp would jay, ,, 'Must I
confine my roaming"' to the Atlantic
Ocean? Imagine a little minnow saying.
Must I confine myself ,tOi the Atlantlo
Octant' Must I confine myself to the
Bible?' Just as If his Intellect would
exhaust It In two or three sermons:
"We have cut loose from the Bible, and
nny man who Is living contrary to the
Bible lit a sinner, whether he feels like a
sinner or not. Every man who Is living
contrary to the laws Is a criminal,
wh&ther he feels like It or not. A man
who breaks the law of God Is a sinner,
and Is on the road to hell, whether he
feels like It or like a saint. Jesus came
Int& the world to reveal Ood to man. and
mah reveals Him to man. The only
revelation we have of Jesus Is through
the BILIe. You have got to know Jesus
to know Ood; that's how I get through
there There Is no revelation for God to
make of himself greater than He has
mode through Jesus Christ, It is not
possible for the human Intellect to have
a greater conception of God. Every man
needs Christ, Jesus Is the Saviour that he
neds and be has got' to know the Bible to
shOW What It Is that ninWoa Tviiu tk.
Saviour He needs a saviour and now Is
the time to accept the Saviour and ba
asved That's what the Bible says.
Then you need the Holy Spirit, With-
our, Him you cannot do anything. The
plflt of Ood works through clean hands.
Thtre are too many dirt hands, too many
The most skilled nalntern ueimr ',
Wlihest grade, zinc-oxide paints gerve I
?&! ellfrt Wrttlf sttrl t ,n !.. J . f
dirty peoplo trying to preach a clean gos
pel I have known men that have
preached the truth and God has honored
the truth, although their lives were not
as they should bo. But God hohorcd the
truth and not the people who preached
tho truth. But If they had been Chris
tians themselves then God would havo
honored them more, because Ho would
have honored them ahd the truth.
"If jou don't bellove me, then believe
tho truth Itself, By their fruits yo shall
know them. You bet your life tho devil
had nothing to do with my coming here.
Ho had nothing to do with sending me to
Philadelphia. Nor the devil's gang. I
didn't come by the Invitations of the
brewers, the saloonkeepers and the gam
blers. That gang didn't Invito mo to town
They had nothing to do with It. They
have no use for me; nor I for them
"Prayer. Three-fourths of tho church
members have no family prayer. I will
bot my life ngalnst a canceled postngo
stamp today that half the peoplo hero did
not rAi! thn Illhlft nnr tirnV hnfnrn
you came here. You wash jour hands,
wash, your face, comb your hair, dress
yourself; you got your breakfast, your
dinner, yOUr supper. Yes. Did you read
tho Bible? Tip. Did iyou prny7 No. If
you cared for the physlcnl manhood and
womanhood the same way that you enro
for your spiritual manhood and woman
hood, jou would be Judt as dried up and
useless and Weak- physically as you are
spiritually. I havo a physical nature that
demands food and care Then, too, I
have a spfrltual nature that deminds food
and care, and the Word of God You
tetyour spiritual life starve That Is the
reason your pews are full of driftwood,
that Is the reason that religion Is but u
"Pray God to give you power. Pray God
to give you power to carry on His work
after you have become converted I don't
preach a sermon1 that I don't pray God
'for 'help, and I never finish a sermon that
I don't thank God that I havo preached
lff T neverllrilsha sermon but that I ask
for power to carry on tho work strength
to carry It nlorg. So I get ready by pray
ing. I never preach a sermon that I don't
soak It In prayer.
"Pure hearts If I havo any Innulty In
my heart the Lord will not come In. Wo
need o wise head. Wo need horse sense In
preaching We need horse sense In what
we do. I think God Is constantly looking
for a company of men and women that
inro constantly ntlve. There aro too many
dead ones He needs men and women
that aro alwas at It, not only during tho
revival; we need to be full of faith; dead
In earnest, never give up, a bulldog tenac
ity and stlck-to-lt-lveness for the oauso of
God Almighty.
"That Is what God Is looking for. Men
have done things Just for the applause of
tHe ivorld. Newton would study all night
to get a sentenco to embody a thought.
Reynolds would sit for 38 hours without
food to get tho right word to w rite an ode.
Wesley used to travel from G000 to 7000
miles a year on horeback in tho das of
Itlnernnt Methodism and get most of his
i est and sleep right in tho saddle. Bcachcr
Cartwrlght, an Itinerant preacher in Illi
nois In the days of Lincoln, traveled from
Cairo to Heland, III , riding horseback
what would he do7 Ho used to havo to
swim rivers flvo to seven times a day; he
would have to find a foot log. take off his
clothes and leave them on the opposite
bank, come back and get his horse and
swim across; night would overtake him
and he would sleep on the prairies, lying
down there without anything to cat.
"The church of God has not smelled
gunpowder for ISO years; that Is what is
the matter with It; It has become proud,
haughty, arrogant, self-centred and apa
thetic to men's lost condition; there Is
not a church in Christendom that has not
occasion to thank God for Lyman Beech
er. He preached and John Newton was
converted. Scott heard Newton and
Scott was converted A peddler went to
a home and sold a Bible where thero was
a little boy named Richard, who read It.
Richard Baxter wrote 'Saints' Rest.'
Philip Coleridge read 'Salnte' Rest' and he
wrote 'The Rlso nnd Progress of Re
ligion Wllbcrforce read the 'Rise and
Progress of Religion' and ho wrote 'Prac
tical View of Christianity.' Doctor Chal
mer read 'Practical View of Christianity'
and he wrote the "Expulsive Power of
New Affections Doctor Chalmer got tho
Idea for his book when riding In a West
ern stage coach, nnd he noticed that tho
driver whipped the off mule whenever he
came near a projecting ledge or rock
when they were going along tho gorge
2000 feet deep and he beat him Ho said,
'Why do you abuse that mule?' and thq
driver pointed to tho ledge of rocks In
the path, 'I'm afraid he will shy and fall
over, and If I beat him Just before we
come to it It takes his mind off It and he
goes by,' and thus Doctor Chalmer got
the Idea of expulsive power of new af
fections Get Jesus Christ and tho cards
will go out. Get Jesus Christ and you
won't need to do the cheap skate leg
Bhows. Let the Bible come In and the
novels will go out.
"There are five classes of people, and
this classification will touch every man
and woman In Philadelphia, New York or
London. Many work In every com
munity who cannot attend church. If
you get In a railroad town there are lots
of people who must work on Sunday.
Certain work muet be done on the Sab
bath Christ recognized that fact when
He walked through the cornfield and
plucked an ear of corn and the gang
that walked after Him, seeing Him pluck
What Is Heaven?
To Learn the Unitarian Thought on
This Subject Come and Hear
Rev. Alfred R. Hussey
This Evening at 8 o'Clock in the
Chclten Avenue and Greene Street
Organ Itecltul, 71-13 to 8
Soloist, John J, Joyce, Jr.
The thought of heaven has been
one of the most potent Influences
In human life. It has been the solace
of those who felt that they did not
get their deserts here. Jt has been
a special reward In the future for
special raiin. jiui is it not time tnat
a larger and more vital conception
takes the place of the crude doc
trine ot the past? Is It not time
that the outcome of the moral life
nere anq now oe piciureu wjtn eucn
Vividness and insight as to turn peo
pie from sin and uplift them with
the vision of the Joy of goodness
and truth!
Wednesday Evening, Rev. E. H.
Reeman, ot Lancaster, Sperka on
Soloists, Henri Merriken and
JJertrand Austin, 'Cellist
For Literature Visit
nnd rat the corn, cried out, 'He breaks
the Sabbath; He eats corn on the Sab
bath,' Those old scoundrels would not
give Him anything to eat, but they
tagged along there and He turned about
and said; 'If you had oxen and they fall
In a pit on the Sabbath, will you leave
them there or will you take them out?
Don't you lead your horse to water on
tho Sabbath or nny other day; then have
n little horse sense.' Some peoplo think
if they don't build a flro on tho Sabbath,
but sit around nnd eat a cold lunch they
nro honoring God. If somebody smiles,
thoy say! 'Oh, don't smile on the Sab
bath Doesn't the Lord hnvo a hard
llmo of It? But for the flvo classes,
which Include alt of you:
"First, those who cannot attend church,
nnd you will always find some! some are
sick, shut In, aomo havo to work In
hotels nnd restaurants, the maids In your
house- hnvo to get your meals, the rail
road men have to go out, the furnaces
must be kept going In tho steel works.
"Second, thoso who can attend and who
do not nttend church. Thero aro a mil
lion people that can and don't nttend
church Some fellows never darken the
church door until they die nnd they
enrry their old carcass In to have a
largo funeral; It Is no compliment to
nny mnn, nnd It Is an Insult to man
hood nnd disgrace to the Individual that
he never dnrkens tho church door But ho
darkens tho door of the grog shop nny
"Third, thoso who can and do nttend
church and who are moved by the
prenchlrig There aro lots of people who
come out of curiosity; some one tells a
lie nnd they say, 'Let's go down nnd
hear that fellow. Billy,' and they come
down to find somobody stringing them;
they find I nm preaching the truth to
them, for a fellow knows the truth when
he hears It. A saloonkeeper down hero
said! "I dnro not go, daro not hear him
any more; If I do I will lose my Job He
knows -what I preach Is tho truth and he
knout ho Is dead wrong, nnd there nro
multitudes like that
"Fourth, those who can go to church
nnd tli os o who do go to church and are
moved by the prcnchlng and comlcted
hut not converted. Every man that hears
tho truth Is convicted. That saloonkeeper
The correspondence
Journal with its
greater by 110,845
HESE 110,845 letters were letters
of inquiry asking for something the
need of which was inspired by the
magazine, and asking in a spirit of
earnest confidence in the magazine.
Some of the departments in which there
were notable increases were:
Architecture and Art
Children's Department
Miscellaneous Fashions
Hair Questions
Home Dressmaking
Minister's Social Helper
Mother's Registry
This increasing volume of inquiries
means that Journal readers are reading
the magazine in a mood not only of strong
confidence, but also of responsiveness, keener
attention, a stronger and stronger tendency
to act.
Advertisers, too, are feeling this same
increased responsiveness and getting better
results than ever from the columns of the
The Curtis Publishing Company
! convicted, ha knows what I preach Is
the truth nnd he knows he cannot do tha'
and be a Christian. Talk to thoso men
about Jesus Christ. Get them to take
their stand for righteousness.
"Fifth, those who can and do go to
church nnd are convicted by the preach
ing nnd converted. They need strength
ening. They are converted now but they
need the benefit of your experience. You
sav. 'Wluro will I find these people to
talk to them?' Where won't jou find
them? Where can you find a place where
tney aro not7 xou will only find duo
placo whore thoy nre not, and that Is In
tho cemetery. night In jour neigh
borhood, right In your block, how many
aro Christians? Hi your husband a
Christian? Are your children Chris
tians? If they are, let them atone
and get after somebody else's husband
nnd children. Don't sit down nnd thank
God that your husband and children nro
Christians. Suppose I were to say to my
family my George, my Nell, my Paul,
mv Helen are Christians! 'Wo nre nil
Christians, let the rest of the world go to
the devil.' There is too much of that
spirit In tho church today,
"Go from house to house. Go to the
people In our block. In your place of
business Havo you said anything to tho
telephone girl when you called her up'
You are quick enough to Jump on her
when she gives you the wrong number.
Have you said anything to tho delivery
boy to the butcher? Have ou asked the
milkman? Havo you said anything to tho
newsboy who throws your paper on the
doorstep at night? Hnve you called them
up at the newspaper office? Have you
said anything to the girl who waits on
you nt tho store, to tho servhnt who
brings your dinner In at homo, to the
woman who scrubs your floor? Where
will you find them where won't you find
"Notice these facts! First, out of Jesua
Christ thero Is no salvation; second, that
alt have sinned, nnd that nil who camo to
repent shall not be cast out. None Is
saved unless ha Is born again Re
membar faith, and not feeling, saves tho
people. I never talk to any man, 'How
do you feel?' No,slr. Feeling Is tho re
sult. Faith Is required, God requires us
to believe to bo saved. Obedience and
blessing always walk arm In arm. They
nover fall. Tho Blblo Ib tho only guide
Thero Is no salvation In hell The man
that preaches future probation lies. If
tho man don't settlo it before he dies,
he never has a chnnco. It Is nil over with
It. What Is tho use of mo ruining my
1913 1914 Increase
10977 31792 20815
17489 20515 3026
25102 41903 16801
25676 36548 10872
8981 10583 1602
10212 12319 2107
4639 7229 2590
5732 8030 2298
19184 22146 2962
36775 59520 22745
throat If these old sinners hare a chanco
to bo converted In the other world? Let
them go.
"When you look around and see young
men nnd women with their characters
forming, and realise that they are form
ing for life, It astounds and distresses
us how so many men and women can
be so different People come to me and
snys 'Mr. Sunday, you work so hard, I
worry about you. Great Godl You are
so laay I worry about you. Tho Indiffer
ence of a lot of people astounds mo
forty million times moro than my energy
nstounds you. How you can see peoplo
go to hell nnd doing nothing to save
themselves I cannot understand. They
won't wait upon the Lord to renew their
"1 go home many afternoons so tired
that I think that I won't come back at
night; but I come back at night as fresh
as n daisy. Why? Because the Lord re
freshes me. And no mnn or woman tries
nnv higher or works any harder than
I do. This Is not egotistical, but the
truth. , .
"Bo natural. I try to be I have no
moro pulpit mannors than somo others
have on the street. Just try to be folks
all the time. If there Is anything God
loves It Is folks; and not tho codfishy,
floggv aristocracy. I don't havo one tone
of voice hero and another when I go
to the grocery. ,.
"Hero Is something you can all do.
Invite the unsaved to come, and talic
with them In private. Speak with them
nt home. Write them a letter. I wouldn't
send anybody a postcard. I would spend
two cents Instead and send him a letter.
With all the means wo have In this city,
It should not be hard to reach tho un
Continued from Tage One
should onco more be under the protection
of tho family altar. All thoso Interested
In tho Philadelphia campaign were urged
to get busy nt once nnd to try to help
savo tho tens of thousands In every walk
of life.
With more than 9000 converts credited
to his first three weeks' preaching, "Billy"
feels greatly encouraged. But leaders
of The
for the
in the organisation work of the Phila
delphia campaign ate anticipating that
the Interest In the campaign will con
tinue to Increase and tho number of
"trall-hltters" will grow each day. It
is pointed out that tho campaign of "per
sonal workers" Is Just beginning to bear
fruit and the M.000 men In the Bible
classes, organized by the Rev. George G.
Dowcy, have only begun to bring th4r
delegations to the tabernacle during the
last few days,
This Is going to bo a busy week for tha
special workers of Mr. Sunday's party.
"Jack" Cardiff opened the campaign for
this week with a meeting held at noon
for tho employes of tho Haines & Cad-
bury Company In their plant at 1130 Rldgo
avenue. Tho Rev, J, W, AVelch held a
meeting nt the same hour for students of
the Hahnemann Medical College.
Mrs Robert Stover will hold services for
high school girls each afternoon In th-i
central part of tho city, while Miss Rose
Pctterolf will conduct dally meetings In
the outlying sections.
Mrs. Stover's rallies are to be held for
the pupils of Sunday school district No.
R In tho Arch Street Methodist Church
this afternoon. Those of district No. S
wilt meet In the Central Congregntlonnl
Church on Wednesday; thoso of district
No. 7 In tho Chambors-Wylle Mcmorlnl
Presbyterian Church on Thursday; those
of district No. 8 In the Holy Trinity
Church on Friday, and those of district
No 3 In tho Grace Baptist Temple on
Saturday. All these services will begin
at 230 o'clock.
Miss Fctterolfs schedule for the wcok
Today, nt 10 s. m, district No. IB,
In North Frankford Baptist Church; at
2 SO p. m . district No 2, In the 29th
Street Methodist Church; at 3:30 p. m,
district No. t, In the Gethsemano Baptist
Tomorrow, at 10 a. m., District No. 20,
In tho Asbury Methodist Episcopal
Church! at 2:30 p. m , District No. 18, In
tho Centenary Methodist Episcopal
Church; at 3 30 p. m., District No. 18, In
tho Calvin Presbyterian Church.
Thursday, at 10 a. m District No 14,
In tho Fourth Reformed Church, Rox
borough; at 2 30 p. m., District No. 12, In
tho Tioga Presbyterian Church; at 3 30
p. m., District No. 13. In tho Cookman
Methodist Episcopal Church.
Friday, at 10 a. m., District No. 16, In tho
Market Square Presbyterian Church, Ger
mantown; at 2 30 p. m , District No. 0, In
St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Church;
Ladies' Home
during- 1914 was
than it was the year
the latter part of
with four advertisements, averaging' if
less than a quarter page each, received
10,000 requests for a booklet.
Another, running half
30 inquiries a day, each enclosing 5c or 10c
for booklets. A color page used by this same
advertiser brought 5500 mail inquiries for a
special booklet and thousands more were
received at retail stores.
During the month of December alone an
advertiser who has been using quarter pages
or less received 13,312 inquiries directly
traceable to the Journal,
sample offered.
Still another, whose business is primarily;:! i
through dealers, found that in 1914 the direcf J
orders received from Journal readers in 1
towns where his goods were not on spk, '
brought1 in $3500 more than his advertising .J
cost. To say nothing of a large increase ij
in his sales through the regular retail chan- 2
"i8'8 P- ; District No. 10, n th v.i
Chambers Presbyterian ChurnS ln JT
? 8 r'ct"v &!: t.sV'clMi
a.i"u"7 """?- 1 In the Mi 5
Shurch.' YenU ""' BpUoi-H
Affaa flfiui . .
Bible class In thejlabernaclo every .fi"?
noon nt tho close of tt.
" " c"e ot th8 service. 7,Jt
h.0i'ip"on ot Saturday, lead.'ci
as follows!
Tdday, Bethlohem Presbyterian Chnwi..
tomorrow nt Temple Lutheran ChSl"
Thursday at the East BapMst S3?
Kensington, and Friday, Tr!lSlU?!h'
theran Church, GermantoWn. Lu
Miss Jean B. Lamont will conduw .
class for Roxborough In' the Fourthtu
formed Church. Manayunk, this ?'
nnnn niu tnt. a,.,. tLi.. .'.. ."." .Slwr.
uollond Memorial Chapel tomorrow .,
noon; for Trankford intho SH.''"
Methodist Church on Thursday nki?B
the ML Hermon Reformed I Chur,1 5
tne M
r-T va.
Tho business women's noondav m. .
ings, in ennrgo of Miss Francos E inn
and Miss Florence Kinney, b.2?
t nucd In the Chambers-Wylie ft ,,2
rlan Church and the First Presbv..
Church tomorrow, Thursday and ptM.W
Luncheon will bo served front 11 tl?:'
o'clock, and there will be meetlnn
11:30 o'clock to 2 o'clock. moe,In Wmh
rinv. n. l.t. -. ,1 . f nJI
Miss AIlTo Miriam a'ainlln. Z??''l
nounced for 3:15 o'clock this afUrWl-J?:,
or 3:45 o'clock this afternL;fP'
Montgomery Avenue Jkm,' . H
nd at 4:15 the East J
Tomorrow afternoon
lero Will b n. m.d. . 'i1
tno East Mc
Church, nnd
Allegheny Avonuo Baptist Church '."
at 4:15 In tho Port Richmond jStteSS l
Church. Tho eorlv m.ni. . """Mlit
cnurch. Tho early meetings on Thnr, -day
will be held in tho Emmanuel nil
formod Episcopal Churrfi. . .i.'i V t
meeting in tho Providence Mm!Jj . ,
Church. On Friday at SilToPetoWm
boys and girls aro to meet In th eh!
Avenue Methodist Church, and at l".
Mies Gamlln will bo at the Lehigh AvVmJ.'f'
Baptist Church. "gn rtnu. .,
Mnss-mootlngs for teachers win .... ?
tonight and Thursdar irniL -? V
,.. ..u muiBuay evening, at . a
ck. Tonight tho meeting wl I b l ! ll
Frankford Avenue Baptist Ch?vi ' 8
on Thursday It will bo In thSSffif l
and on
Baptist Church,
ISt jnurcn. TOmnrrnw ...,.L.:i .' i
tho srnnn hnur fl n.ll .'?' , ill
n masa-mcoting for parents in tHe Sum 'l
merfleld Mothodlet Church, and on FrfaaC
evening she will havo another parent? '
meeting In tho Fnlrhlll Methodist Church. !'h
Mrs. B. N. MacMllllan will h JiT- .1. t
for tho boya' and girls' meetlriii! ' "1
Ofllflr P.UW Rilnfln "KT - '
.j .... j, .i,UWb on .rage 14 ij
"T 1
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1914 one manufac
pages, is receiving
each enclosing 10c J
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w . ?.w. . viusiva uom
fthttu End Decorating , ,
IBIS N- LogiK Square
b. a " L " ' ' LI !t U Mill ,1 I HIILI .J I -