Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 26, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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i - i fi i i Him in i r -i m w m i i r '
Evangelist Wins Because
Christ Is Standard-bearer
1 and Cross Banner, "Lafe'
! Young Declares.
Ex'Unlled States Senator "Lafe" Young
came to thti eitu to tee hit Mend "BIHv"
Sunday "on the firing line." Ite tt on his
way to Europe, where he will write n
eeritt of articles on the war for hit news
paper, the Vet Moinet Capital.
Mr. Sunday was greatly loved In Des
Moines. 31a won the confidence and re
aped of every one In the city at the
start, and when he lett us there wns not
one decent citizen of Des Moines who
was not genuinely sorry to see htm go.
Of course, thero was opposition to Mr.
Sunday and his campaign there always
Is but as usual It camo from the unde
sirable element, and In our city those
who did oppose him did not dare tako
the Held In a radical way.
The newspapers w,ero all decidedly
friendly In their attitude toward Mr.
Sunday. They published everything, and
there was not a slnglo unfriendly editorial
criticism of the man or his work during
or after the close ot the campaign.
I bellevo "Billy" Is called of God to do
the work he Is doing. lie Introduces no
"new-fangled' religion; he does not ad
vocate new styles of dressing the hair or
other changes of fashion; ho merely
points to Jesus and the Cross. His re
ligion has a standard bearer and banner.
Christ Is the standard bearer and the
Cross the banner that Is why he wins.
I believe that the psychological effect
of Mr. Sunday's sermons may be divided
into three distinct phases. At first tho
ijbople are attracted to him by curiosity,
Thero follows a period of suspense, and
thirdly comes tho moment when they
shout "God bless 'Billy' " and give them
selves to Christ. It Is lllto some medi
cines It takes threo doses to effect a
Anothor point, tho Protestant religion
had grown so lax In teaching the doc
trine of Jesus and tho Cross that it looked
for some tlmo as though It rested with
the Catholics to preserve the old beliefs.
Fifty per cent, of tho Protestnnt
churches have been selecting parts of tho
Bible to believe and discarding the rest
they have been editing- their Bibles.
"Billy" says "It's all true or it's all false.
There can be no compromise." He calls
for a long-needed return to the old-time
religion, and his call in being answered
by thousands of "backsliders" and thoso
too low to "backslide."
"Whatever else "Billy" may accomplish
In Philadelphia, one thing Is certain.
When he leaves this city he will have
brightened the hearts of thousands. That
phase of the campaign nlono makes It
well worth while, and when ho has gono
you will realize why the people of Des
Moines loved "Billy" and were sorry to
see him go.
Woman Kills Pet, Then Commits
ST. LOUIS, Jan. 26. Miss Nellie "Wright.
spinster, killed her pet dog, Tina, in
order that she might take it to heaven
with her, and then committed Bulcide.
In a note which was found In her roonl
she said that she was sure she would
be lonely after death and that she be
lieved there "la a heaven for dogs who
have mado llfo brighter for people on
She had taken every precaution to see
that Tina died a painless death. On a
cushion at the foot of her bed was found
the body of Tina. The animal had been
chloroformed and a dog basket was
placed with care over its body.
910,000 Not Sufficient to Stock Ship
for Belgians.
More than $10,000 has been received fcy
the Belgian Belief Committee to be used
In stocking tho relief ship which Is ex
pected to load at Philadelphia this week.
Much more money will be needed for the
third expedition of mercy which will be
sent out from this port nnd the com
mittee In charge Is hard at work In the
hope of realizing sufficient funds to load
the ship promptly.
The work of the Home Division of Be
lief of the Emergency Aid has virtually
come to a standstill. In eplte ot the re
doubled efforts of those who have been
working In the Interests ot this feature
of the charity thero nre not sufficient
funds to carry on the project.
The Philadelphia Bapld Transit Com
pany's earnings will show a substantial
Increase, In the opinion of several of the
officials of the company, as the result ot
the "Billy" Sunday meetings at 35th and
Vine streets. It was declared yesterday
that the gross receipts of the oompany
were now running close to $2000 a day
ahead of tho receipts of the same period
last year.
It is estimated that In the entire cam
paign the company will show gains of up
ward Of $125,000. From U.000 to 20,000 ad
ditional passengers are carried dally.
.nAlJei AtvulTlMflt7
Cor.TAFHC levJetf one
lJTtiWM HAS INC" rin"
FAcep to riNP 00-r mo
h. i mi m-
Theory Used to Terrify Sinners, the
3lev. A. 3U Hussey Declares.
The Day of Judgment and the theory
of eternal punishment In hell are early
Christian dreams" utilized to terrify
people Into leading good lives, according
to tho Bev. Alfred It. Hiissey, of Balti
more, who believes with the Unitarian
denomination that sinners experience
"hell on earth." Tho Itev. Mr. Husaey
delivered a sermon on "The Unitarian
Thought of Hell" last night to the con
gregation ot the Qermnntown Unitarian
Church. Tho address was one of a series
to be given through the week to offset
the dootrlnes being promulgated by
"Billy Sunday" who holds to the old be
liefs. "For the modern thinker," declared tho
speaker, "the ancient Christian dream ot
a Day of Judgment has lost alt of Its
former terror. It Is now recognized as a
part of the old church mnchlncry and a
part of the theology of older days.
"We have learned to regard llfo not as
part secular nnd part sacred, but as alt
sacred, entirely holy, potentially divine,
wherein there Is nothing and nobody In
curably evil nnd Inherently clean, Tho
belief In n future Judgment produces an
attitude of mind which becomes a frantic
groveling at the feet of a capricious, an
gry Deity. It tends to create religious
freaks and slaves. Tho liberal sees that
judgment Is a present fact."
jonn rveuer i ens or ms
Conversion He Felt That
"Billy" Was Talking
Right Straight at Him.
I guess thero ain't many men gone to
the trouble to see and hear "Bill" Sunday
that I have. I hit a freight all the way
up here from Eddyatonc and I'm going
back the same way, I guess. I will un
less they throw mo off, and then I'll have
to hoof it over the ties.
"Why did I want to henr him so bad?
Why, It's like this: Down at Baldwin's,
where I work, wo get tho papers nnd I
began reading "Bill's" preachments. I'd
been reading about him before he came,
but I thought he wan a hot air artist; but
when I got reading what ho really said
it didn't sound like hot air. It was
good stuff, and I know he knew what he
was talking about all right.
I don't take much stock In this preach
er gaff as a rule, but, say, if they was
all like he is I'd be at church three times
on Sunday and a prayer meeting on Wed
nesdays, even if I had to walk five miles
to get there.
Now, listen! I know what I'm talking
about when I say "Bill" knows what ho
talks about. I've had my knocks, nil
right. I was horn on a farm up at Wa
terford, N. T., back in 'ED. My father
and mother was Episcopalians and I was
booked to bo the same, but I couldn't see
that farm llfo, so I ran away when I was
16 years old.
I knocked around for a while getting
Into lota of trouble, of course, finally end
ing up down east in Lawrence, where I
got a Job driving a grocery wagon. Then
I took a kind of braco when I met a
ycung fellow, who taught me to weave In
his mother's house. I was a big, strong
fellow, 19 years old then.
But It didn't last Iong I got rambling
around from one place to another nnd I
was slipping down pretty fast. Then I
fell oft a horse one day and It put my
right leg on the bum. I had wanted to
Join the navy, but, of course, my leg
being knocked out put that Idea out of
the way, so I Just went on the way I
was going,
I hit the booze, I did a lot of betting
and I gambled at cards whenever I got
the chance there ain't much I didn't do,
I guess. I wns drifting from one placo
t-i another, and I guess I've worked about
everywhere In the East where there la
iron workB. But the booze was the worst
of all. I look like I was TO years old and
I'm only 63. nnd pretty well shot, at that.
Do I know wnat I'm talking nbout
when I say "Bill" has the right dope?
You bet your life I do! When he was
preaching up there It seemed as though
ho was looking and talking right at me
every minute, and maybe it didn't make
me ashamed of myself! I was crying
before I knew It, and I was mighty glad
when he gave us sinners a chance to
come up front and say wo was going to
quit the old game and be Christians. I
got right down there In the sawdust and
prayed the first time In 40 years and
I'm not ashamed that I did it, either.
I don't know as I know much about
being a Christian, but I'm going to do
my best and "BUI" Bays that's the most
God expects of anybody.
Messenger Robbed of $3500
NEW ,YORK, Jan. 28. A bag containing
$3504 In money and $5000 In checks for the
payroll of IS. It. Squlbbs & Sons, chemists,
of SO Beekman street, was stolen yester
day from a messenger. A bookkeeper Is
alleged to have met the messenger and
told him he had been sent to carry the
paw! x'cc
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1H& fR.,fffKJ'ff
Actor Rouses Curiosity of
Crowds, Who Think He
Is the Original, Strenuous
Are there two Billy Sundays?
Does Billy Sunday talk on the streets
between meetings or Is someone attempt
ing to start n rival campaign In competi
tion with him?
These questions are puzzling a number
of persons In tho northwestern part of
the city.
For a number of days a man bearing
n striking resemblance to tho strenuous
"Billy" hns been preaching on tho street
corners In most vehement style. He ar
rives at n corner In an automobile, Jumps
to the sidewalk and starts to preach,
whether there I,s an audience or not. His
style is exactly like t'nat of Sunday. He
waves his arms and shouts, and It, per
chance, people peep from their windows
he shakes his fists nnd warns them to
seek Christ or prepare for hell.
Recently the determined evangelist
spoke at 2M and Allegheny avenue, 21st
and Clearfield streets and various other
places In tho northwestern part of the
city. His audiences begin with a police
man nnd a half dozen stray youngsters.
Tho evangelist spoke on the need of a
Christian awakening as he pointed an
accusing finger nt tho policeman, nnd In
a few minutes there were fully two score
of spectators who listened attentively to
the advice.
At one place, the preacher Jumped on
top of a soap box and let loose a string
of epigrams savoring of fire and brim
stone Ho urged lazy men to go to work
and stop spending their time In drink
ing "booze." Ho told gossipy women to
use their tongues In prayer nnd remem
ber thnt no one lived for ever. He de
clared In emphatic tones that no ono ever
wrote a better book than the Bible and
advised hls hearers to stick to the word
of God and there would be no use for
policemen or magistrates.
In many neighborhoods the evangelist
drew big crowds and many were of the
opinion that tho preacher was "Billy"
Sunday himself.
This Impression prevailed until some of
those In the' audience at a meeting at
nth nnd Cambria streets realized that
they had previously seen the man operat
ing a moving picture machine in a thea
tre. "I practice what I preach,"
he said, "so I'll tell the truth.
"I will be 'the evangelist' In the photo
play of that name, which will soon be
produced by the Lubln Company. It
will be a portrayal of the drama written
by Henry Arthur Jones."
The actor then admitted that his name
was George Boule Spencer.
More than 1200 church members from
Quakertown, Perkasle, Sellersvtlle and
PBSowePiASTrt- r.. - eReAK THE NBW3 J ' JPU- y
other northern Pennsylvania t,owns nr
rlvcd In this city at 10:35 o'clock this
morning on a "Billy" Sunday special run
by the Philadelphia nnd Beading Railroad.
After attending tho afternoon service nt
tho tabernacle, a part of the delegation
will return on the special, the others re
maining to attend tho evening service.
The funeral services of Dewey Austin
Cobb, 74 years old, who for many years
was Interested In educatlonnl nnd reform
atory work, and retired from tho manu
facturing business about a dozen years
ago, will be held tomorrow afternoon, nt
2 o'clock, from his late residence, 648
North 50th street. His death, Sunday
evening, was occasioned by a complica
tion of heart and kidney troubles.
Civil War Veteran and Contractor
Was In 70th Year.
Colonel Jared E. Lewis, a veteran of
the Civil War and n member of the con
tracting firm of Comcgys & Lewis, will
be burled tomorrow afternoon nt 3 o'clock
from his late home, D833 Do Lancey place.
Interment will take place at New Haven.
Conn. He was 78 years old, and his
death on Sunday followed a protracted
Illness of heart disease.
During tho battle of Drewycs Bluff,
Colonel Lewis was captured and sent to
Llbby Prison. Ho Is survived by his
widow and ono daughter.
Frank E. Marshall secretary of tho
North American Grain Export Associa
tion and former secretary of the Com
mercial Exchange, died at his home, 6138
Wayne avenue, Germantown, this morn
ing, after a brief Illness from pneumonia.
Mr. Marshall was born In Mobile, Ala.,
67 years ago, and camo to Philadelphia
when a young man. lie was a grain
broker for many years. During his llfo
ho accumulated what Is regarded as one
of tho finest and largest collections of
antiques in the country, nnd was known
as a connoisseur In literature and art. He
is survived by his widow and his mother.
Harry Stewart, a well-known resident
of Lansdowne, whose father founded the
Stewart Cracker Company, of this city,
Is dead at his home, 30 Runuymede ave
nue. Mr. Stewart, who died Sunday night,
was 59 years old. For years ho was a
member of the Lansdowne Fire Company.
Ho Is survived by his widow, two sons
and two daughters. Tho funeral will
take plaro from his late residence Thurs
day afternoon.
LONDON, Jan. 26S. Captain David
Jackson, 103 years old, died In the Home
for the Aged and Infirm today. Captain
Jackson was the oldest master mariner
In Great Britain. The King not long ago
sent him a message of congratulation.
JACKSON. Miss.. Jan. 2.-Captain
Frank Johnson, former Attorney General
of Mississippi and a Civil War veteran,
died here today.
Captain John S, Bishop, United States
rlom the Columbus (Onto) Dispatch.
Army, retired, who served in tho Civil
War, Is dead at his home, 711 Corinthian
avenue. Ho was 80 years old. Ho died
Saturday after an Illness of several
months. Ho was at ono tlmo superin
tendent of tho Cayuga Lako Military
Academy, at Aurora, N. Y. At tho close
of tho Civil War ho was mado a second
lieutenant In tho United States Army and
soon nftcr was commissioned a captain.
His widow and two children. Miss
Florence A. Bishop and William T.
Bishop, survive. Funeral services will bo
hold tomorrow morning from his resi
dence. Interment will bo In Arlington
Samuel M. Zacharlos, 74 years old, who
died Sunday night at his home, 3613
Hamilton street, wns for 30 years super
intendent of vaults of tho Guarantee
Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Mr.
Zacharlas was born In LIngletown,
Dauphin County, and was graduated
from tho Philadelphia College of Phar
macy In 1803. That year he Joined the
Union Army, serving with the Sixth
Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. Fol
lowing this ho entered the grain business
with his father, and Inter was appointed
Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue for
Juniata, Mifflin and Snyder Counties.
Harry F. Torchlana, for many years
secretary and genornl manager of the C.
E. Howo Company, publishers of direc
tories, will be burled Thursday morning,
from his home In Sharon Hill. Ho was
6S years old, and succumbed Snturday to
an attack of heart disease. Mr. Torch
lana was born In this city nnd received
hte early education In public nnd German
schools. Ho was affiliated with the Howo
Company for 15 years, where his brother,
William G. Torchlana, Is president and
treasurer. He was a member of tho
Sharon Hill Board of Health and the
Knights ot Columbus. A widow and
seven children survive.
1400 South Oth at.
ANDRE. In Doyleatown, I"a.. on Sunday.
January H. 1015, MARY ALICE, wife ot
John n. Andre and daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
John V. Allen. Relatives and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Thursday
morning. January 28. at n o'clock, from her
late residence. Requiem Mass at Our Lady of
Mt. Carmel Church at 10 o'clock. Interment
at ndjolnlne cemetery. Carriages will meet
trnln leaving Reading Terminal at 7:30 a. m.
at Doylestown.
ANTHONY. At Edgewater Tark, N. J., on
January S3. IMS. ISABEL, wlfo of Harry L.
Anthony. Funeral from her lata resldenco,
"Wood Lane, Edgewater Park, on Thursday,
January 28, at 11 a, m. Interment private,
Kvirgreen Cemetery, Camden.
ARNOLD. On January 35. 1015, ANNA
IIARUARA. widow of John C. Arnold,
Funeral services on Thursday, at 11 a. m.,
at her late residence. S14U Germantown ave.,
Qermuntovvn. Interment Drlvato,
ATKINSON. At Colllngswood. N. J., on
January 2S. nt 041 Stokes ave., II. F. C.
ATKINSON. Br., husband ot Emma J. At
kinson. Funeral serviced on Thursday, at 2
p m., at the residence of hli son, In-law,
Thomas W. Jack, 020 Haddon ave., Colllngs
wood. N. J, Interment private. West Laurel
HIM Cemetery.
IIAKDKR. On January 3, 1015. PHILIP,
husband ot Isna, Daeder. Funeral services
on Friday, at 3 p. m., at his late residence,
S10 West Lehigh ave. Interment private, at
Mt, Vernon Cemetery.
Water at.
Ill 81 1 or. On January 23, 101B, Col. JOHN
tl. DISIIOP. Major If. 8. A., retired. Fu
neral services. Wednesday. 8 p. m., from
711 Corlnthlsn ave., Philadelphia, Pa. In
terment at Arlington Cemetery, Va.
DOIVKKR, On January 20, 1015, ELIZA-
nETU.M, widow of JoseMi E,J?;f
Funeral service on Thursday, January 28,
at 10 30 o'clock, at 401 North 4th et..
Camden, N. J. interment, Balem, N. J.
MliOCKWAYSuddehly. on Jnuy '24,
101S. CLARK A. nrtoCKWAY. neUtlyes
and friends are invited to .attend the fu
nernl services, on Wednesday stterno,, at
1:30 o'clock precisely, at his late reaMence,
227 West Hortter tt., Germantown. Interment
nitVLWflKI. On January 28, 1B1B, MI
CH AEt. DRYLAWSKI, In his 76th year.
Relatives nnd friends, also Chevra Ahavath
Chewed and members of Congregation Adath
,Jehurun, nre Invited to attend the funeral,
on Wednesday at 10 a. m from his late resi
lience. 32:10 West Berks St. Interment at Ml.
Carmel Cemetery. It Is particularly requested
that positively no flowers be sent,
mitKKS On January 24, 3015, ELLEN A.,
wife of the late James llyrnea. Relatives and
friends nre Invited to attend the funeral, oh
Wednesday morning at 8:80 o'clock, from
her late residence, 2B28 South IBth et. Sol
emn Requiem Mass at fit. Monica's Church
at 10 n, m. Interment at Cathedral Ceme
tery. IIYIINR. On January 24. 1MB, ELBIB D.
HYRN8, daughter of Malfn and Emma Lear,
runcral services Wedncsdny, at 1 P. m., t
tho apartments ot Oliver 11. Hair. 1820 Chest
nut st. Interment at Green Mount Cemetery,
West Chester, I'a. ....
COHII. On January 24, lots. DEWEY AUS
TIN COI3I1, nt hi late residence, 018 N. noth
st. Due notice of tho funeral will bo lven.
COOLING, On January 24. 101B. ANNA J.,
wlfo of Charles W Cooling. Funeral serv
ices on Thursday, at 2 p. m., nt her late
residence, 1118 N. loth st. Interment private,
CItAVHN. On January 20, 101B, AMY M.,
widow of Edmund It. Craven, aged 83 jears.
Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend
funeral seAlces, on Thursday, the 28th Inst.,
at 2 p. m. precisely, at her lato rcsldenco,
1142 North 7th ttrect. Interment private
Ct'HLKY. At Cromliy, I'a., on January 23,
1013, ELIZABETH J., daughter of Mary E.
and lato Samuel Curley. Funeral services
without further notice, from funeral parlors
of A. J. Hair A Bon, Mth and Aran sts.,
Philadelphia, Wednesday, 10 a. m. Interment
at Fcrnwood Cometory.
IIAMIILY. On Jnnimry l 101S, ALEXAN
DER M., husband of Anna V. Dambly. Fu
nernl services at 3021 N. 11th St.. on Wednes
day, .Ian. 27, at 2 p. m. precisely. Interment
DOLAN On January 23, 1MB, JOHN J., son
of Annlo M. and tho late Poter Dolan. Fu
neral on Thursday, at 8:,10 a. m from 1020
Reach at. lllch Requiem Mass at the Church
of the Immaculate Conception, at 10 a, m,
Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
DOVI.i:. On .tnnunry 22, I01B, NELLIE,
datiRhtcr of William nnd Mary Doyln. Fu
neral Wndneedny, 8:30 a, m., 1837 Noblo at
Solemn Hcnulem Masa at Cnthedrol, nt 10
n. m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.
IINOI.ISH. On January 24, loin. REBECCA
L.. widow of Samuel Ankeny English. Fu
neral nnd Interment private, nt Wooater. ).
nF.CHTHH. On January 23,1016, EUGENIE
R. Flerliter, ngod 78 yen! a. Funeral services
from 110 Iona ave., Norberth, on Wednes
day, at 2 n. m. Interment private.
I'l.INHHACIl On January 23, 1013, ROSA,
widow of William D. Fllnsbaeh, Funeral
eerviccw on Wednesday arterrnon, at 2
o'clock, at her lato residence. 2111 W. Dau
phin st. Interment, Mount Peace Cemetery.
IMtlSII. On January 24. 1016. at Williams,
town. Pa., JOSEPH, husband of Cornollafnee
Ilrelbenbath). Relatives nnd friends are In
vited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at
10 n. m., from the parlors of Emanuel Asher
& Son, 1002 Diamond st. Interment nt Adath
Jeshurun Cemetery. New York and Balti
more papers please copy.
Hollywood st.
880 North Marshnll st.
IIELLYEIl On January 24, 1015. LETTIE
F. HELLYER, widow of Valmoro M. Hellyer.
Funeral Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. from 12.1 S.
Franrflln st.. Dovlestown. I'a. Interment pri
vate Tovlestnvvn Cemetery
lIIHIIAltn. On January 23, 1015, ANNIE
M.. widow of Frederick J. Illbbard. Funeral
services on Wednesday, nt 2 d. m.. at her
late residence 407 E. Ashmead at.. German
town. Interment private.
1IINCHMAN On January 23. 1018, MAU
RICE J., eon of tho Into Thomas nnd Ella
IJoiuchnmp Hlnchman. Funoral services on
Wednesday, at 2 p. m.. nt 17 Loxtngton avo.,
Morchantvllle. N. J. Interment Coleatown
KIMM On January 25. 101 B. ANN MARY,
widow of John M. Kclm. Funeral services
on Wednesday, at 4 p. m., at her lato resi
dence, 0247 Larchwood nve. Interment at
MlddMown. Pa., on Thursday.
rCKLT.EU. On January 23. 101B. JACOD C.
KELLER. Funeral services on Thursday, at
2 p. in . at his lato resldonce. 0-10 North
Josaup at, Interment private, nt Mt. Peace
KI.1NK. On January 24, 1016. RUFUS II.,
husband of tho late Emma F. Kline. Fu
neral services Wednesday, nt 8 p. m., at
2337 N. 20th st. Interment Thursday morn
Inp nt Pottstown. I'a
MALONEY. On January 23, 1016, WILL
IAM, husband of tho lato Catherine Maloney.
Funeral on Wednesday, nt 8:30 a. m , from
700 N. 37th at.. West Philadelphia. Solemn
Requiem Mnss at St. Agatha's Church at 10
a. m. Interment nt Cathedral Cemetery
MAXI'IELD. On January 23. 10IB, ALICE
MORTIMER, wlfo of W, E. Maxflold. Fu
neral services on Wednesday, at 1 p. m., at
lier lato residence, B7B0 Pcmberton at. In
terment Hillside Cemeterv.
MARSHALL. On January 22. 1015, HAR
OLD J. J., son of C. Henry nnd Magclo Mar
shnll, aged 22 vears Relatives and frlonds,
nlso Orphans' nest Lodge. No. 132. I. O. of
O. F., Sharon Hill Flro Company, are In
vited o attend funeral services. Wednesday,
Ledger Central will supply you with
full information about winter resorts in
any section of the country. Tell you
exact locations, seasons, attractions and
facilities for recreation or rest. Give you
particulars regarding train schedules
and connections, sailing dates of steam
ship lines for any port, Pullman and
. boat accommodations, cost of travel and
hotel rates en route and at resorts.
This service is entirely without
charge. Simply call at the
Broad and Chestnut Sts.
ram leaves liroad St etatien .."'. A
- oAitEiTVnVT '; m
widow of Daniel MccaffeWif? S"mut,,
rnTttS.! "?Rm Will
at St. Ann's Church at ioT fae,u," !
New Cathedral Cemetery K m' ,"'nB,3
iictji.iiun, . on January ss. ton ... '
beloved husband of lsbeli7 M5i?' JAMs
naral services on Thursday, at a HB V.
. clsely. at 6707 Pino St. " 2 . trl'
M.uAKY-t0n January S8. lata I
l. gri of David and the i,TJPK0'
cany. .Funeral on Wednesdsv 7. ?J Heft
oTjSl Si.eks -aH rfc &
of Bt. Edmorid at io - m BtsSi.:!4 chnS
fcv';-A.n".ll."r 2. M. 10 a? m?f ?n...?lri-
liii'.W,Zi. """! "oilhenst corner It.! l
-0.?nll".-,-.,n,rrn'nt In Konla rti2Jii
riiiSLrsciiAilLEs riiELPs, 2014 win'
1T.'!"T.'-t?''dnlr. on Janu.r. , ...?'
;,'f"1- EL.IKAUKTH FOWLM l".i
jonn. o. l'uray. Funera mil B.ii'
55 m
Newburgh, N,'
8i:ii)i:itn. on
Y on v,in...(:.'
January 23, mi
V daughter of
inter; of Valeria ami aVtiWV
on Thursday, at 2 p m,.?"'
. at. Internum Vest? .
Cemetery, "'" "rl Hm
SNYDER. On January 9. tarn .. .
SCULL SNYDER. FuAeral servlcei V?E1
dAii 9 P. m. .precisely, 'at thsSS! ?
nterment at Rending, i'a. 4 Arcn ,
SOUTHUNr On January 23 lam ...
JI5NKK. daughter of Drf Frank 1 :.NB
M. J. Southm. Funeral si??i5.i."iJ
arternoon, nt 2:30 o'clock, at ih T ..""''-
of Oliver II, Hair, 1820 Chestnut Jir.ffi,Puia
rerment nt Providence. II. ? ut """ ! S
STEWART. On January 25. 1915 itew,- 1
Jiueband of Hettlo Stewart. Funenl .SST'
on Thursday, at 2 p. m at hi. ,!?,lc" . ,
Jence, 30 Ifunnymede ave.. Lsniaa... "J" V
J,nterrj'ntJ'rlV11'0 nt Arlington cim.tJi " A
STUETZ. 6n. Jnnuary 23. lniK".. "
iTiivn a,a .a . 1 ajciiiv .
at Northwood Cemetery. ""TMatj
BU'AIITZ On January 24, 1018. Km pi. 1
VlIE HWAIITZ, niy 'daughter of ft,Ci I
J. SI. Hartiell. Funral services Ml' , I
day. at 1003 North aim t r.VI..?."""'
terment at Dlngen, Pa on Thursday, fj
TIIOHTON. On Jnnuary 23, 1018 Tnnui."!)
F. THOHTON, aon of'the'late blnl.1 ,AJ3
Catharine Thorlon. Funmi A sKIS. M fl
8:30 n. m., from B4I0 Regent st. Iliih Vr.!!.
nt tho Church of the Ries.ed Sac"m,ni if
10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross S,',"
TOICCIIIANA. On Januarv 23,101!. ninnv'
F., husband of Mary A. Torchlana ",, vl
given, from his lato residence, 84 EMt nil-
wnnrt nvn.. Sharon Hill. l t"--1
TR,H?i?"5rSJ? Sn!"Z. &. "'A. anki
.' w" . " . Vi4. ir Rng caur.htw7
of Woolsoy nnd Elliaboth Baxter. Pus5rJii
acrvlcos on Saturday, nt 2 p. m. ,m2t A
parents' resldcnco 2210 Federal st. IoS
inent Mt. Morlah Cemetery
VALENTINE On January 24
1013, SAM.j
UEi, VALENTINE, beloved
Emma L. Valentino (nee Trainer), itd Jji!
yenrs. Relatives and friends, also oftw ..!
members of Los Angeles. Cal., Lodge 09 n"w
P. O. Elks, are Invited to nttend the funirti
services, on Wednesday morning preclwly it J
10 o'clock, at his lato residence, 2611 Corlln a
st. (31st and Cumberland). Intm,.r,i ..,:
ate at Limerick Church Burls! Orootidi -
Pa. Remains may be viewed Tuesday erealtit "i
VANDEGniFT. On January SJ, ijii
nitOVER C. son of Joseph W. and the 15
JflnA Vandoirrlft. Ilesldsnen. ?a Vvaj.v ...
Lansdowne Pa. Due notlco of funeral vrlit
VILE On January 23, 101B, SAMUEL w
belovod nusDana 01 cathenns Vila (cm
Hartranft) and son ot the late Jonoh im
Sarah Vile Residence, 2338 Stone Houii
lane. Duo notice ot funeral will b tins
VOUETtY. On January 22. 1016, SELINAn. J
H.lnni nt Tl'tlllnT, VI II -1a.4 ..--.' f
from 1232 Pine at., on Wednesday, at 12 nooa 1
Services nt Central Prosbytorlan Churca itrS
1 p. m. Interment at Eden Cemetery. 3
VOLLWEIDEH, Entered Into rest, on Jan. I
uary 24. 1016, ELIZABETH, wife of tta"1
late Rcinhardt Vollwelder. Ssrvlces tt tit
residence of hir granddaughter, Mrs. Albtrt
J. King, 42 St. Paul's Row, Ardmore. Pi,
on Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. Interment ml.
vnte. Kindly omit flowers. Automobile fa'i
VfAIIlEL. On Jnnuary 24. 1913. HARIiT,
husband of Ida Walbet (nee Relntckt) ail
ton of the lato George and Margaret WtlbiU
Residence. 4910 Ollvo St. Due notice of Hi
lunerai win oe given.
Vt'AHD. January 28, 1018. JAMES WAnD,
hn.lifinrl of the lata Selina Ward. Punrtl
services, on Wednesday, January 27, at 2 M
p. m., at 4tui. meaner st., raniuora. later,
mont private.
WKTIIHRILL. At Palm Beach. Florida, tl
January 24, 1015, ALICE D. WnTIIEIULL
widow of John Price Wetherlll. Funirti
services at her late residence, 2014 Walnut
st.. on Wednesday, the 27tb last., at II
o'clock. Interment private.
WILMAMR. Suddenly, on January 54, WV
HANNAH E beloved wife of Harry Wll
loms, of Ogontz. Pa. Relatives and friends
are Invited to attend the funeral sendees, tt
the Jenklntown ai, jj. unurcn, on vvesnu. i
day, January 27, at 2 p. m. Intermtnt ,
private. f
ZACHARIAS. At his residence, 8619 Ilaall.
ton st on Jnnuary 24, 1015, SAMUEL If.
ZACHARIAS. aged 74 years. Further notltt ,
of funeral will be given.
- -w,aauh 1 1 hp ufe in ex M nui j .v oc?-?S2"- I s.?w h., i r aj i r an tl 1 .
puaisessAetJDf n
J im&9& -wecuessi 1 fflWI l f.--JK0S& YW F Wl V M V nil 'I , mT-T
h. .kiiii - -f4tr-issF-i0 ww t i- & gattCk. rw . m- - - w vr-rx' - ' jKkwoiw. - 1 '-tf ,fc. 1 'L'la -mw sr xx srvtryNH-ii liv- x rjL-r I 4B mj tl uii iijii 111 11 m I 11 n . -