EYEffnsrG LEDftEft-PHTLADfiLPinA, MONDAY, JANTTABY 25, 1915. 1) if r-;, ".-l-" Socia Per&onal r L,r .ncnnement was nnnouncel yesterday of Riles nna shflrP,esB TayIor nnd Frnnk L(j Tnyior, lio Is " daughter of Dr. E. Sallow Taylor, of Indian Queen lane, mtitto Fmbef of dennarttown's most exclusive set. Wallace, a scientific engineer", now of rltts f nj Mass , Is the nephew of Mrs. Herbert Cas : .' . iiltlmnre. Ho Is a irraduato of Cornell 1 &W,ty and a member of the Philadelphia gantry UUO arm v.u.vi. L n,.iniil Keen Ashton, the Mlscs Ashton l&fjW Emma Ashton Dorr, of 234 South 23d EJtt Will navo ukh ii "'""' titsday. after 4 ociocit. E.i intm klntr Van Itonsselacr. who is now hns In NoW Torlt' Bavo a unlclle narty on ffiorday evening in nonor oi irs. ivninryno KB Itenssolaer Wyethe, her niece. Another Sejt of honor was Uurton Donnoll Ihmlics, of i city. Instead of dancing and tho usual SUrWlnlnc. Mrs. Van Rensselaer had tho Seer Jdama to speait to ner guests. it- . nL.jnMA niinlittinti rMnli wilt nivt n r". KTIIS I"1 "" - c--- -- Pj-iion on Friday afternoon rit tho clubhouse, fyj DUrlchsteln and Miss Laura Hopo Crewca. tte board of governors of tho club will re- &. ...- ..to.. A,intin. ilinan nn thn linflfd (19 ine huww' -....v.-m - - - - ir Mrs. James Large, Mrs. Samuel Chew, Mrs. Mortimer Brown, Mrs. Mnhlon Kline, Mrs. Ed "..j Tiiwpher Flnck. Miss Frances Grlscom Bij Mrs. Clarence Clark Zantzlnger. f.r- tii n. Fltler. of 135 South ISth street. nBu. JM leave today for Virginia Hot Springs. Mrs. flltler was Miss Viola 'Watklns before her gjrrlaga several yenra ago. -n ir TTn1tlnfiViMfi. nnrnmn.inleil hv hor IKNrs. "' -"" ' " 'K,Ujhter, Miss Janet Holllngshead, will leave Waclnesday for California by way of tho canal. WT2- TTnlllnnolinnfl on t i-f I n e.,1 nt rltnnnr IJilSI jaL iiutimboiuu x...w ... -. te'siturday night, followed by dancing nt tho Riverton Country Club. Mrs William Wiltshire will leave this week fcr Cincinnati, where she will visit her parents, 'if. and Mrs. Weatherhead, for several weeks. Mrs. IjOUIS LQ xioy liepuurn uruvtu in una Br, and Mrs, Lewis II. Adlor, at tho Belgravla. AT.ONG TUE MAIN LINE mmhooK-Mr. and Mrs. William H. Fol- Wir, 2d, and Miss Dorothy Folwolr, GtlG Over- BrooK avenue, win icavo ouuuy, jnuuaij' o, for Lake Placid. sdf. ana Airs. jeorKe wuwiti xuiimnu u .uioo I Ttllldge, of 843 North C3d street, have issued cirdj for a tea from 4 until 6:30 o'clock on Feb- Taary n. jiKBErtTIl Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lalra en tertained a children's party on Saturday In loner tf their son Donald's birthday. Those present were Miss Betty Hepler, Miss Janet Sllepler, Miss Marie Montague, Miss Constance Montague, Miss Helen B. Stokes, Miss Helen 5ler, Miss Virginia Harris, Miss Helen GU- Wm JILss Constance Diamond, Miss Annette Eellly, Charles tnain, w. ii vjooncy, noDerc JBoUer, M. C McManus, Warren It. Italnear ut jeremian uasey. OffnfD Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Cobourn, of Ma- flfand Highland avenues, were given a de- mttful surprlso party Saturday night In tho Kr of a dinner-dance. The occasion was the tfoartteath weddlns nnnlversary of Mr. and Mro. ootourn and also their joint birthday annlver- The table was decorated with white sweet Ms and ferns Those present were Mr. and Jftj. Robert Stewart, Tr., Dr. nnd Mrs. Frank Jitter, Dr. nnd Mrs. John A, Colgan, Mr. and Jfra. George Clarke Gibson, Lulgl Rlenzi and U Kill Schulpe. Jhe Associate Members of the Cynwyd Club jtil meet tomorrow at the clubhouso for their Waal Tuesday bowling match. IAYNE Mr, and Mrs. George F. Justice are Uc$lTlns congratulations on tho birth of a son. Rlr, and Mrs. Parke Shock have closed their Jgsldence on Midland nvenuo nnd taken apart- pMra, Arthur Beres, of New York city, was g truest of Mrs. E. J. AVendell during the CHESTNUT HILL Mrs, Reed A. Morgan, of Sunset and German- tawn avenues, has been chosen chairman of the Red Cross division of the Emergency Aid Com $tee to succeed Miss Henrietta Ely, who re Jtoed on account of Illness in the family. JlT. Md Mrs. Frederick Rlmnnln. nt TUnn 1VII. b drove avenue, spent the week-end In At- Laac City, 4V ftnd Mrs. JTnhn TT Panlrntsl M nt Ww j Stenton avenues, will entertain at dinner y 8aturday evening,' January SO. U?'. and Mrs. John Law riniinm nt w.. Ei avenue, are being congratulated upon vM-vn oi a on. GERMANTOWN l unusual number of charity affairs havo lev iUTan"a ln Germantown, among: them a, Man. Which too. !. o. j... .... it. . aobUe Club, the proceeds to be used for l BabUx TTn.r.U.1 v,r --.j Wfti 77 wh0 t00k tab,es wero' Mrs. Arthur g"-oum, Mrs. A. Brockway, Mrs. G, "W. g'9rd. Mrs. J, b, Carnett, Mrs. William g-M treeman, Mrs. Herbert C. Fisher, Mrs. K. Roi Harper, Mrs. George F. Hodskln, Mrs, & B4 Hoard, Mrs. John Humphreys, Mrs. ffi H"y,lrJ Mr. -VIUIam H. Klngsley, t 4'urwice uicknlan, Mrs. William H. JJn ?. Mrs. .Samuel 1?. Laird, Mrs. Albert S. el, Mrs. Rtnni.. ir..i ,.. ... , i. -..., i "irs, iiuutri x. K"Uni. Mrs. George ?L Pain, Mrs. Harry .man, sirs. WlUlam T. Steel, Mrs, G. omitn, Mrs. John 8. Sinclair, Mrs. AJ W. TUUnghaat. Mlaa Hlsln Tiliin.i,..i n.r. 1? WoUtenhQlme, Mre. LeBarra'wiU Mrs. William Wundm- Ar rt.o.i.. tr Wjnan. Mrs. Charles 1L Skinner, Mrs, James MUs Catharine Cooper Cassard, of 338 Pelham Md. win ..- i x.. . ... fi8HB . Hotehkls,. of Nw York, and MUa !- rnaris, of New Orleans, a cousin of vanwro. Mr and Mrs. Harry Lippincott 'M entertained tnformaUy yesterday for sj """ cam l as Qatharlna m jP ffejlna, ButtervHjrtli m ,.mH..,i h Jjf T T i 11 I kitchen shower on Saturday night at her home, 143 I'elhnm road, In honor of Miss Beatrice Mood, whose mnrrlngo to Harry Buttenvorth will take placo Wednesday ALONG THE READING Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Fisher King, of Wil mington, will be tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Waters, Jr., of Washington lane, Jcnklntown, for over tho Paint and Powder Show on Thursday night. Mrs. Truman Campbell, nlso of Wilmington, will arrive on Wednesday and will be tho guest of Miss Margaret Waters for several days. Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry Stetson, of Juniper avenue, Melrose Park, will leavo on February 1 for tho South, where they will remain for about n month. Mrs. H. Clay Dlngec, Jr., of , Washington lane, Jcnklntown, left yesterday for Northum berland, near Sunbury, Pa., where sho will visit her father, Edward C. Lyon, for sovernl days. Miss Gertrude Gilbert, daughter of Mrs. George F. Lasher, of Itydnl, loft last week for Atlantic City, where sho will romnln Indefi nitely. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Ruth Hnwcs, of 5123 Lnrchwood avenue, entertained the members of hor bridge club on S.lturdny night. Those present were Miss Isn bel Hubcr, Miss Mary Hudson, Miss Beatrice Vnrney, Mls- Marie E. Smith, Miss Florence Hudson, Miss Anno McKnlght, Miss Dorothy Curbing, Miss Louise Lewis Myers, Mrs. Wil liam P. Qulg, Mrs J. Edward Smith. Jr , Mrs. Samuel Tnt6r, Harry Mitchell, J. Jones Hud son, Jr.. Edward Ferr, Jr., James Wendell Phil lips. ,4nmc5 WtlHrd, Jr., Hnrp.il Barnes, Tred cilck Mofnt, Do E. L. Filklns, Clarence A. Hut ton, William P. Qulg, J, Edwards Smith, Jr., nnd Samuel Tator. Mr. and Mrs. William Deerlng, of 4022 Spruco street, had ns their guests over tho week-end Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Creamer, of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Karl P. Huf aro occupying their new homo at E9th street nnd Baltimore avenue Mrs. Huf was Miss Georgia Myra Varney, of Wheeling, W. Va. Her marriage to Mr. Huf, of 3021 Germantown avenue, n well-known Illustrator, took placo on New Year's eve. Both wore students at tho Acad emy of tho Fine Arts a few yeais ago. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mrs. George R. Jenkins, of 1422 Euclid avenue, has Just returned from Atlantic City, where she has been recuperating from a slight illness. Miss Llda Lengert, of 110S Diamond street, has as her house guest Miss Mary Hughes, of Cape May City, N. J., for whom tho hostess gavo a very attractive card party on Friday, ROXBOROUGH The January meeting of tho Roxborough Cur rent Events Club was held at tho homo of Mrs. Charles Frederick Miller. Tho Interesting literary program was inter spersed with music. Tho guests Included Miss Elsie Davis, Miss Jessie Rawley, Miss Jessie Morris, Miss Ethel Lush, Miss Iva Hampshire, Miss Hettle Sheldrake and Mrs. William E. Shappell. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Rudolph, of River road, are entertaining their daughter, Mrs Plerrn Smith, and her young son, of West Plttston, Pa. ENTERTAINMENTS for the debutantes aro becoming few and far between. There aro only two listed for today. The most Import ant, ono will bo a dance and supper given for Miss Mary Stuart Wurts by hor paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Stewart Wurts, ln their home, 920 Pino street The guests will not be limited to the debutante set, but will include a num ber of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wurts. There will bo 150 guests present. Miss Sara Beecher Flnck, daughter of Dr, and Mrs, Edward Beecher Finck, will be tho guest of honor at a danco to be given by Miss Rosalie McMlchen, of Rosemary, Overbrook. TIOGA Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Berllnger, of 3213 North 17th street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Helen Burkardt Berllnger, on January 23, 1915. Mr. and Mrs. Irvln Stum Bchleslnger and Mrs. Julia Rosenbaum, of New London, Conn., will receive after February 1 at their new home, 3345 North 17th street. "' Ralph Bingham, the well-known entertainer, who has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Jennie Bingham, of 3411 North 19th street, gave a re ception last week for a number of friends,' I FRANKFORD A delightful little musicals was given Satur day evening by Miss Esther BInker, of 1661 Conklln street. Miss Anna Richmond and George Jemllng, who are both from Ithaca, were tho guests of honor, Mr, and Mrs, George Klrk patrlck, Mrs. Charles Castar, B, Harrison Knowles, Miss Edna J, Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds were among the guests present. Miss Alma Brown, Miss Eliza Brown and Miss Sarah Brown, of S012 Frankford avenue, aro at present vlslUng their aunt, Mrs, A, B. Mansur, of Indianapolis, and will not return for several weeks. SOUTn PHILADELPHIA Tho marriage has been announced of Miss Teresa M. Burke, daughter of Peter Burke, of 1438 South Broad street to Thomas E. Bruder, of 140 North 60th street, last Wednesday morn ins at 9 o'clock in St. Rita's Church, Broad and Ellsworth streets, tho Rev. M. A. Sullivan, O. S, A., officiating, Tho bride was attended by her sister. Mrs. Jabn Stack, as matron of honor, and Herbert Bruder, brother of tlje bridegroom, waa best man The coupU are at present traveling in the Southern States, and will b at home after March 1 at 1433 South Broad street. 1 -M m I I I I I'l ;, i i i i i ii ii,, - - i PIP .irinn iiBWWKwumwuiuJ UJUiAU-utl!.Ji-i-iXJJJL"IJI ' ' "' sfc Hi i 'JJjj'U'i J I stimuli, jLJm,mmgaaMiiLHjLi,ii,a,4)iJ-JMUiuiMi'"ynr- SIRS. CIIARLHS A. LUTZ '''""" hr M"' Mrs. Lutz, who is the wifo of Lieutenant Lulz, U. S. M. C , riunrlniiiril last week nt her home, 2327 South 21st street, in honor of her sister, Mrs. 1'r.uicis Howe, il Chicago. CHARITY AFFAIRS German-American Dall and a Concert Will Be In the Program of Charitable Affairs Today A concert will be given today ln Mrs. Wulter Lipplncott's ballroom, ntt120 South 21st street, for the benefit of thoso mado destitute by tho war in France. Mile. Cccllo do P. Hlsuour, Offlcler d'Academlo Francalso, hns arranged tho concert, nnd tho program ls in charge of well known artists, both amateur and professional. A number of prominent women have inter ested themselves In tho affair, and tho pitron esses Include Miss Mabel Brico, Mrs. Strieker Coles, Miss Helen Cndwaladcr, Mrs. Georgo riltz-Chandler, Mrs. Stanley a. Flagg, Jr., Mrs. C. C. Hnrrlson, Jr., Mrs. Arturo Heorcn, Mrs. Robert M. Hogue. Mrs. Robert J. Hughes, Mrs. Walter Lippincott, Mrs. Ernest LaPlace, Mrs C. Clark Moore. Jr., Mrs. Joseph B. McCall, Mrs Charles Mortlmore, Mrs. Beverly Robin son Potter, Miss Fanny Rosengarten, Mrs. Jo seph II, Rellly, Mrs. Edward A. Schmidt, Miss Elizabeth Slnnlckson, Miss Mary Slnnott, Mrs. Henry Gordon Thunder and Mrs. W. Reynolds Wilson. Arrangements havo been completed for the twenty-eight annual German-American Charity Ball, which will be hold tonight In the Acidemy of Music. Tho proceeds will bo devoted to tho Citizens' Permanent Relief Committee, to aid tho destitute unemployed of the city. Tho boxes have all been sold nnd the affair promises to be a great success. Tho board of managers includes Rudolph Blankenburg, president; Sam uel S. Fels, Alba B. Johnson, Hugh McCaffrey, George D. Porter, Edward T. Stotesbury, Char lemagne Tower, vice presidents; Dr. James M. Anders, Albert Baltz. Harry R. Baltz, Dr. II. W. Banks, W. Bruce Barrow, Maurlco W. Beckhnrdt, John Cromwell Bell, Abraham SI. Beltler, Henry A. Berwlnd, Alexander Diddle, A. J. Drexel Diddle, General AVendel P. Bow man, T. Albert Caldwell, Harrison K. Caner, Samuel Castner, Jr., Georgo Mason Chichester, Travis Cochran, Thomas Do Witt Cuyler, Henry M. Dechert, Dr. F. J. Dover, Frank Dlsston, Louis H. Elsenlohr, George W. Elklns, Adel bert K. Fischer, Caleb F. Fox, Edgar Fries, Adam Gelbel, Jacob Glmbcl, Lincoln Godfrey, Emit Guenther, C. C. Harrison, Wnlter Horst mann, Werner Itschner, II. D. Justl, Georgo W. Kendrlck, Jr., C. H. Krumbhanr, Jr., Dr. Louis J. Lautenbach, Prof. Marlon Learned, Herman Loeb, Joseph B. McCall, James P. McNlchol, John F. Maher, Martin Maloney, L. Webster Maltland, Richard Wain Melrs, Clarence B. Moore, J. Hampton Moore, Dr. Joseph A. Moore, Joseph Morwltz, Captain John S. Muckle, Dr. Joseph S. Neff, Arthur E. New bold, George C. Newman, S. Davis Page, Frank Thorno Patterson, S. W. Pennypacker, Boles Penrose, J, W. Pepper, Charles riatt, Jr., Colo nel Sheldon Potter, Harry A. Poth, Earl B, Putnam, A. Raymond Raff, Lewis A. Riley, Frank M. Rlter, W. II. nookstool, Joseph G. Rosengarten, Harry P. Sauers, Edward W Schmidt, Henry P. Schneider, Walter M. Sharp less, William A. Sinn. Charles P. Slnnlckson, W. Frederick Snyder, John Stafford, Edwin S. Stuart, L. B. Stong, Jesse A. Tllge, William S. Vare, Emlle R. Walllser, Edward A. Walz, Charles Newbold Welsh. Dr. James C. Wilson, Robert J. Wlnsmore, Otto C. Wolf, Otto Wolff, George R. Yarrow. The Women's Permanent Emergency Asso ciation of Germantown and tho ladles of the Site and Rello Society have sent boxes No. 8 and No, 9 to the McAU Mission In France. The box for little babies Is ln special need. Con tributors are asked to send socks and caps. The women of Oermantown are also urged to Join the ranks of thoso who are sewing and knitting on Fridays from 9 until 1 o'clock. Con tributions of money, which are sorely needed for material, may be sent to Mrs. Walter Penn Shipley, 4TT Locust avenue. All material are to be sent to the headquarters of tho asso ciation, the Wlster mansion, Vernon Park. CAMDEN AND VICINITY The marriage of Miss Katharine Elizabeth Ormsby, daughter of Edward W, Ormsby, of Merehantvilie, N. J., to Joseph Atley Tlnsman, t of Philadelphia, will take place at 9 o'clocK Thursday morning. January 38, at St. Peter's Church, Merehantvilie. The Rev. P. J Clune, pastor, will officiate. The bride will be given In marriage by her father and will be attended by Miss Laura V. Tlnsman as maid of fconor and MUs Marlon A. Sieator and MUs Claire 8. Vanaraan as brides maids. The bridegroom will have as best man Charles G- Ormsby. After returning from their weddlns trip, Mf- wd Mrs- Titwman will re side in Hamsburtr, . wain THE wedding of Miss Holm Trego Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Walter Trego Bindley, of 1602 North 15th street, to Colonel Samuel Davis Foster, of Pittsburgh, will tako placo tonight, nt 7 o'clock. In tho home of tho brlclo's paients In the presence of the lmme dlato families. Tho Rev. Dr. William Holloway Maine, of tho Memorial Baptist Church, will olllclalp. Miss Brudley will be attended by Mrs. Eugeno S. O'Connor, of New York, as matron of honor, and tho best man will bo Colonel Andiew Ber ger, of Pittsburgh. A largo reception will fol low tho ceremony. Miss Bradley will wear a beautiful gown of whlta velvet, mado with n court train. Her veil will bo of tulle, nrranged with a coronet, and sho will cany a shower bouquet of white orchids and lilies of tho nllcy. Mrs. O'Connor will wear a gown of heavy pink satin and crepe de chlno and will carry a bouquet of Killarney roses. After an cxtenslvo wedding trip Colonel and Mrs. Foster will bo nt home, 21 South Front street, Harrlsburg, Pa. EMERGENCY AID Merion Dranch Met This Morning at Home of Mrs. M. J. McMinamin. The Mellon Brnnch of tho Emergency Aid met this morning at tho home of Mrs. M. J. McMinamin, corner of Old Lancaster road and Highland avenue. Since the organization of this branch, two months ago, more than ?70 worth of sewing hns been given out to unemployed women, and within the last week several chlldien unable to attend the University Settlement Kindergarten, becauso of Insufficient wearing apparel, have been supplied with now and warm clothes. Recently ono of the members of tho branch gave an Invalid's chair which had previously been used by her little daughter. X silver plate on the chair bears the Inscription "Phyllis' chair," and In future Jt will become a com munity chair to be loaned to any woman or child In need of such a comfort In times of convalescence and who Is unable to afford the luxury of one. Photo hj Cubut 4 Bicun MISS DOROTHY S. HACKETT Mim Hackett is a popular member of the younger set, who will take part Sn we of tho chorute of Tad? and Fancies," which wH be given on February 3. BEST THOUGHT IN AMERICA Digest of (i) Independent, "Women for Poace." (2) Saturday 'Evening Post, "Th "Tho Bravest of the Brave." (8) Tho Bookman, "Clubwomen's Read ing." (4) Metropolitan, "Good Money." (5) Town Topics, "Tho "Widow on Pro hibition," WOMEN Woman's relation to tho wnr hns been tho grimmest lesson of the present conflict. That tho women who nre most holplcss In prevent ing It should havo to benr Its heaviest bur dens liaB been nn appalling realization. It 1b tho women who drnln war's bitterest lees, not only tho Belgian women, whoso homes have been lcclcd to n great wnsto to make n fitting setting for tho war, but tho waiting women of England and Germany, whoso homes are not yot Invaded, but who aro wait ing In contrast to tho helplessness of theso women. It li thrilling to read of tho construc tive attlludo tuken by our American women, while there Is still time, In tho formation of a Woman's Pence Party, umlor tho presidency of Jnno Acldams Tho Independent devotes sovernl pnges to tho Woman's Peaco Move ment, nnd Rpenklng editorially says (1): On Sunday afternoon, Jnnunry 10, 3000 women crowded Into the ballroom of tho Now Wlllard at Washington, D. C. They formed themselves Into tho "Woman's Pence niny, mo nrst in tho world. They Issued a manifesto, unsurpassed, we think, ln power and mornl fervor by anything that has been Issued hero or nbroml since tho Great War began They ndopted a platform rndlcal, sound, Rtntesmanllke, conBtructle. Though i not a lino about tho conference appenred the next morning In five of the six leading New Yoik newspapers, which found spneo f(i devote (13 rolumns to tho man-kllllng In Europo nnd tho alleged reasons why the I nltod States should Inrrenso her army and niiy wo think the conference bo Important that we publish In full the final document Issued by It, and we urge every ono of our women renders to Join tho party. Tho Peaco Party's "Declaration of Princi ples'' says In part: We women of tho United States, assembled In behalf of world pence, grateful for the security of our own country, but sorrowing ior mo misery or all Involved ln the present Btruggle. do hereby band ourselves together I to ilemnncl that war should ho abolished. I Wp demand that women bp given a shnro ln deriding between wnr and peace ln nil the courts of mwi debate; within the home, tho school, tho church, tho industrial order nnd I tho State. I Protesting nnd Demanding So protesting and so demanding, wo 1 hereby form oursoKes Into a national or ganization to be railed tho "Woman's Peaco Party." In addition to their platform, they passed tho following resolution. "That we denounco with all the earnestness of which wo nre capable tho concerted attempt now being made to forco this country Into still further preparedness for wnr. Wo desire to make a solemn appeal to tho higher attri butes of our common humanity to help us un mask this menace to our civilisation." Tho party organization: the members shall he: 1 Local groups wherever they can be organized, each to pay $5 annually Into tho national trensury. 2 Sustaining mem bers, who shall Individually pay $1 annually Into the national treasury. Until the ap pointment of a treasurer, dues and contri butions may bo sent to Juliet Barrett Rublee, 1105 16th street, Washington D. C. Theso officers were elected: Chairman, Jane Addnms; honorary chairman, Carrie Chapman Cntt; vlco chairmen, Anna Garlln Spencer, Mrs. Henry Vlllnrd, Mrs. Louis F. Post. Mrs. John Jay White. Among tho most powerful and vivid arti cles describing tho war are those written by a woman, Corra Harris In her "Bravest of tho Brnvo" (2), sho has summed up very skilfully tho position nnd temperament of each of the various nationalities of women In volved In tho war. Sho writes: The Belgian women have been the literal victims. They have been scattered to the four winds of tho earth. They have been trampled in the dust by the feet of an Invad ing army. I have seen women who wero forced to witness tho execution of their hus bands, women who ran screaming with ter ror from their burning homes Into a world filled with German soldiers. I havo seen not ono or two, but literally thousands of them who were famished for water and starving for bread. I have seen children less than two years of ago who havo been with out food for four days, young babes ln their mother's arms, whoso breasts had been dried by tho awful terrors through which thoy had passed. I have seen women accustomed to every comfort staggering Into a strange land, without shoes on their feet nnd without n centime In their pockets. Ono must entertain the highest ndmlration for the German women. In a sense, they aro no less the victims of the Kaiser's army than the Belgian women. They Impressed mo as tho greatest women of Europe, the most pathetic In their bondago to men. They wero by far the most thoughtful, tho moat capable, tho most helpless. They had tho mournful sense of sibyls ln regard to their position. They were not hopeful, they wero only patient. . They had the brains of scholars and philosophers, the seer spirits of poets. Thoy wero tho slaves of the order of thlng3 thero. This war Is tho great op portunity for the women of Germany, And they have met It with courage. They aro filling men's places ln every walk of life. They aro no longer at the bottom, but at tho top. Of all the women In the world nt tho pres ent moment, what the French woman Is and what she does are most Important. Of all the women I have seen, she ls tho least self conscious. Sho does not think of herself nt all. She Is the last perfect stroke In this torrlflo picture a little figure In tho back ground, standing Ilka a spirit In the deeper Bhadows, with dark oyes looking serenely out of a set white face: with red lips firmly closed, not smiling, never drooping, always looking beyond the hour of this tragedy to the France of her faith. She belongs, as Im mortelles belong, above tho graves of tho bravest; ns hope transfigures despair. Such dignity and such repose havo never been sur passed by the women of any nation Invaded by a hostile army. Clubbing the Clubs An article which, thought It may not be popular, ought certainly to rouse comment, belabors "Clubwqmen's Reading" (3) with tho entire courage of Its convictions. Jt la the first of a series and ls called "The Malady," The other two will be "A Diagnosis'' and "Tho Remedy." Mr, A. E, Bostwick appears to bo more than a mere antl-suftraglst, though just what ho Is he does not reveal In this urtlcle, He seems, however, to ba very frank, and quite brave. Unfortunately, the horizon of our women's clubs is that of the puddle Instead of the ocean. When I assert boldly that at the present time the majority of vague and illogical readers are women, and that women's clubs are responsible for much of this kind of reading, I shall doubtless Inour the displeasure of the school of feminists who seem bent on minimizing the differences between the two sexes. Obvious physical differences they have not been able to ei plain away that men and women should have minds of the same type is a physiologi cal impossibility. Why the feverish anxiety of tho girls eol-. leges to prove that their graduates aie mar rying and bearing children? The fact is that the problem of the education of the sexes is not yet solved. Educating one sex alone didn't work; neither, I believe, does the present plan of educating both alike, whether In the same Institution or spa- Thero is forceful summing up of faots re lating to the minimum wage question by Bonla tvien. In "flood, Monty (4): Has a. Stato the. right to ion: Its Industries the Magazines to pay its men workers a wago sufficient to lead a decent nnd henlthv urn? Thin niinv. tlon ls to bo decided in February by tho United States Supremo Court. What It Respectability In a half-frivolous, hnlf-satlrlcal article; "The Widow on Prohibition" (Gi, the, widow gently chaffs nt the widely varying codes of respectability. For Instance, at Houston, Texas, two ladles at 630 ln the afternoon went Into tho Hotel Blank for an early dinner. The order wf.s given, nnd in finishing, tho hostess, a stranger ln the town, said "Bring two cock tails," and told the waiter how sho wanted them made, Tho waiter hesitated and then snld, "Very Borry, madam, but we are not allowed to servo a cocktail Unless you havo a man with you." The woman, as indignant as amused, Bold Impulsively, "Oh, very welt, order a man any man for whoso respecta blllty tho manager can vouch--a bellboy or porter until we drink tho cocktails." Tho poor waiter wan so distressed that pity di vided with Indignation. But tho hostess de claring for personal liberty, and that thero was undoubtedly some individual interpre tation of a Toxns law, cnntoled tho order for dinner. Down to tho ofllce they wenf., and nsked to see tho manager, Tho manager was not In. Tho hostess, who Jind traveled about a great deal, said to tho clerk that sho had never but onco run against that rule ln a hotel, and that was In Chicago, where thoro had been n hotel and annex, designated ns "Proper" nnd "Improper," respectively. In tho "Improper" this rulo obtnlnod, nnd ono time tho manager himself camo to tho rescuo nnd became tho escort. Just then U friend a man appeared on tho scene and saved tho 'situation. As they turned away to go to another dining place, whore mdrals for women wore not gauged by with or without a malo escort, tho would-bo hostess was told that tho Hotel Blank had for Its' manager tho former manager of tho "Im proper." AMUSEMENTS Glacier National Park LIFE AND IIAJ3IT8 OF THE DLACKFEBT INDIANS TRAVELOGUE by MR. LAURENCE D. IOTCHELL of the Thirrmi of Commercial Economics With Motion Pictures nnd Hand-Tinted Slides at the ACADEMY OF MUSIC Wednesday, January 27, 2 P.M. for tho benefit HOME RELIEF DIVISION EMERGENCY AID COMMITTEE Scntn. SOc, 25c and lie. On Sale at All Agencies and Door ACADEMY OF MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ' ORCHESTRA I.EOrOLD STOKOWSKI, Conductor Symphony I Fri. Afternoon, Jan. 29, at 8:00 Concerts Saturday Evg., Jan. 30, at 8:15 Soloist: riUTZ KnEIBLER, Violinist rrnxniAM Overture, "Manfred" Op. 115 Schumann Concerto In D. Op 77. for Violin and Orchestra, Brahms Symphon No S, ln C Minor Beethoven ticom now on Sale at Heppe's, 1111) Chestnut, TONIGHT GERMAN-AMERICAN CHARITY BALL ACADEMY OF MUSIC DOORS OrEN 7 :45 BAND CONCERT. 8 :S0-0 VOCAL. & INbTItl'MENTAL. HsTHODUCTOIVIVO-lO UltAND MAUCH. 10 I'. M. TICKETS (CJcntleman anil L' Ladles). 85 00 KXTHA LADIES' TICKET. S1.00 SPECTATORS' TICKET. AMPHITHEATRE. CO Ct. A PLAY and DANCE TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 8:15 P. M. Bellevue-Stratford Ballroom PLAYS & PLAYERS in a Notablo Performance, Followed By -a Dance for the Benefit of PROVIDENCE GENERAL HOSPITAL Tickets at Bellevue-Stratford TTO'RT?'E,.ST Thls & Ne5tt Weelf' eves. siis. X' VylXll-JUX Matinees Wed and Sat. 2:18. CUAltLES ritOHMAN Presents The Great Threo-Star Combination JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH GARRICK-Tonights?! I ,.. A II WOODS Tresents LEW FIELDS In the Blot of Laughter THE HIGH COST OF LOVING Popular Price Wed. Mats. Best Seats 11.80. GLOBE MARKET STREET AT JUNIPER VAUDEVILLE II TO 11 Character tt o t Timely Parodists HOey S JLee Topics 8 OTHER NOTABLE A P T Q ALL TEATURB &. J X O BROAD Tonight 8& w5fflS.t. DAVID nELASCO Presents LEO DITBICHSTBIN In the Brilliant Comedy by Fereno Molnar THE PHANTOM RIVAL PVioefnnf Qf OPERA I Homo of World' VneoUlUt OU HOUSE I Greatest PbotopUyn CHRISTIAN JL 4 Times Daily !:: ? a?fcff ?g g; ADELPHI Beginning Tonight The, Funniest Play Ever Written "THE THIRD PARTY" With TAYLOR HOLMES and WALTER JONES BE WISE ! BE THERE 1 BE HAPPY LYRIC Beginning Tonight FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY I CYRIL MAUDE IN ins URKAT COMEDY SUCCESS "GRUMPY" METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE ' METROPOLITAN OPERA CO.. NEW YORK tomorrow BORIS GODUNOW Mmes. Ober, Delaunols, Uuchene, Cox. MM- Dl.lur, Alihouso. Rothlor, Bada, Eurula, HeUs. Cunauttot Mr. Poluco. Bull 1109 Chestnut Street. Walnut IU3S1 Race 07. THE Market Strett, Above ICtn PJCTUHEB, 11 to 11 IB Bdlth Taliaferro in "YOUNQ ROMANCE" Coming Tours Frl . Sat. Stanley I Naxt Week Mary Plckford ln 'MISTRESS N E J PALACE Theatre lilSKl VAUDEVILLE 25."g,r Jr xlU l urij-a i oiri of ti aoian ww rTrOC! KARLE-B DIVINQ LILIES LivUDO fuanconi opera cu, TTPVa JAMES REGAN CO 0THEI iVJll X O Program Changed Monday & Thursday THEATRE 'f 10c ray B, F. KEITH'S THEATRE " " BSSSATIOSAl, MATURIS SHOW ' Henrietta Craanaa & Co.: La. SIUo. LtMln Lcona,M & Miolu RtuMil , Joan R, Cordon 4. Co, , toaiu LiwX Other Star Acta NIXOWS MJUonand D Lob SIsiars m i-k a -ktt-v MlJ Troly" Kauf mai. Broi (TR, AND MM f tp VJiVfU-ll-' Masea ft Murray SUeaara 8w EMPIRE C BO. OTONtS BTTA BOLLARD fcnJ TH HS (KXMA1 u jA0imsj sag G$tx&im oats V 3