EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. JANUARY 2B 1915. - ; . IK 8 . Itmung HHg tfoitrjcr PtJfltlC LEDCEtl COMPANY CTitt'd a. Jt cuims, tjuibes. Jehfi C. Martin, Tresiurert Churlcs II tudlnitton, ptilllrt B Collin", John D William. Director-- """ " EOlTOniAti BOARD I Ctaus It. It. Ccsns. Chairman. P. K. wTT,At.ET. . Eiccutlra Editor 30UN C JtAHTIN .general Business Manager rubllthxt dally at PcaUo l,tMia nullAlnr, Independence Square. Philadelphia. ttMn Catrsit, .Broad and Chestnut Street AiMStic Cttf ri-t;mo Building- 'TJaW Yoaic ,.... 170-A, Metropolitan Tower CiitiMoo 817 Home Insurance Bulldlne Lomcom . . i , 8 Waterloo riace. Tall Mall, S. Vf. NEWSBWIEAUSI irtaEl BrnwtT .......The Tatrtot nulMltig WantKTOM Bciiuo.. ............ .The roit Building fjrir Tone: BCiB... ........ ...The Tlmn UulMlnic niUN Ddiuu ....no FrledrichKtrajM I.ondov iluntlO.. 2 rati Mall Haat, B. W, Plats Bcsuu.. ..........33 Hue Louis le Grand sunsciuntoN temh Br carrier. Ditti Oklt, nix centa. Br mall, postpaid outside of Philadelphia, except where foreign pontage la required, DAILY ONT.T, one month, twenty-live cental Daily ONLr, on year, three dollara. All mall aub crlptlona parable In advance. BELL, 3000 WALNUT KEYSTONE, MAIN 3000 Or AiArttt all communication to Evening Zfigtr, Irutettndtnc Stuart, PMladttpMa. sxtxud At mx rnitiDELrnii rosTotnca as sccond ctisa uiil KiTTPt. rniLAPKLTillA, MONDAY, JAHUAnV 35, 191S. No woman need be afraid of the man who U alto In love tcith Ms tcork. A New Hjbrid for the Donkey DEMOCRATIC Senators havo made the PreertdcntfB ship-purchaso bill n party measure. Had It been proposed by n, Repub lican Administration tho shaded of Jefferson and Jackson would have been Invoked end lessly In opposition. Thoro Is only one good thing about tho bill and that Is Us perfectly open Indefensibility. Its pnrpooo is to npbutld tlio merchant moxlno; Its effect would be to destroy It. It avowedly is Intended to embark tho nation fax an economically unsound enterprise It proposes a, controlling1 board In which tho Secretary of tho Navy will not havo mem bership, although tho assumption is that ho Knows as much about shipping as the Sec retary of the Treasury. It Is a sod mixture of hysteria, fallacy, politics and prejudice with somo Bops for special Interests thrown In for lagnappo. If tho Democratic party wants to stake Its chances In 1816 on a hybrid of this Bort, it Is likely to be for tho Republicans what Theo dore Roosevelt was for tho Wilsonltcs in 1812. Take the Shackles From Neutral Trade EVERT person who wishes the United States to prevent the sale of supplies to tho belligerents ought to read the admirable exposition of1 the rights nnd duties of neu trals with which the State Department's ex planation of the course of this Government since tho beginning of the war concludes. This splendid document explains every charge of violation of neutrality and meets tho objections of those who have been in sisting that wo have been helping tho Allies at the expense of Germany and Austria-Hungary. It Is clear that there has been a con sistent nnd earnest determination on the part of tho Government to treat all parties with equal fairness, whllo maintaining tho right of tha United States to continue to do busi ness in spite of tho war. There has been no letting down to favor ono belligerent at tho expense of another and there has been no concession In any completed transaction to a demand that tho Government interfere with tho rights of any of its citizens to do .business with any of tho belligerents. Tho critics of tho Administration might say that there have been One or two cases of interfer ence; but 'whatever has been done has been done from an excess of caution and from a determination that there Bhould be no excuse to charge us with favoritism. The Important part of the document is the concluding paragraph. In which it is stated with positive directness that whatever ad vantage Great Britain may enjoy Is due to tho superiority ,of the British navy to tho navies of Germany and Austria-Hungary, & superiority that enables tho Allies to com mand the seas and to secure tho safe con duct of munitions of war. And it is denied that any obligation rests upon this Govern ment to prevent trade In contraband, and thus equalize the difference due to the dif fering1 naval strength of the belligerents. Not only doeo no duty rest upon this Government to take sruch a course, but It would be an un neutral act under tho circumstances and make the United States an ally of Germany and Austria-Hungary. There) la no doubt whatever that this doc ument states tho view of the men responsi ble) for th policy of the Government in 'Washington, and there is no doubt either that all efforts to induce Congress to forbid tho export of monitions of war will bo futile, tor the) Government has not allied ltsolf with tho British and it will not ally Itself with Germany. And It will defend the rights of American citizens to sell their products to Whoever will buy them. If they are contra band, the) purchaser must take tha chances f ratting them. "What the Sea Fight Alcana rnHB important fact to be noted in connec JLtlon with Sunday's naval battle is that It was fought oft the coast of Holland, The British fleet la not hugging the shores of England, timidly expecting a German raid. It is patrolling the German coast on the North Sea in an effort to draw the German fleet out to battle. If It Is foggy on the Brit ish coast It may be clear off WUhelmahaven And a raiding fleet can be detected befora Its gets' far from its base. If it la foggy off Wllhelmshaven it may be clear oft tho Brit ish coast and a German fleet can be re pulsed by the ships at home. There will hot be another Scarborough raid, if foresight can prevent It, Mr. Stotesbury as a Humorist THERE are a few pessimists who, when they heard or read Mr, Stotesbury's speech at the Five o'clock Club, reflected that many a true word is spoken in jest. But the rest of the world, meaning those inter ested In the doings of the Five o'clock Club and its star speaker, knew that Mr. Stotes bury was intending to test their capacity to understand a joke. He maintained his pose jf gloomy and. depressing seriousness to the end in a way that not even Artemus "Ward could havo equalled. Business Is going to the demnltlpn bow wows, according to this exponent of humor. The whole world la out of joint and there la no ine who sewn to have the wit to put ft right Corporations fcav botw compelled to rdms tfcjr dividend trow T Rr eejt. ta 6 per ,b , ftn4 Mao. wttfc HMWe to lvrf aws sefcM tMtwrtfcy hewwMfwi wko wM w ttWn ! t Of ja..r M 11 tf bury know that there are more men who want to- borrow monty than men vJho havo It to lend nnd ha wns taking this Indirect way to show how good but, no, wo Bhall not go further, for the point of tho Joko is so sharp that nn explanation would only blunt It. It Is enough to remark that Mr. Stotes bury surprised nnd dollghtcd his friends In his now rote of humorist. A Squnrc Deal Means n March Election IT IS n remarkable transit program which has been conceived nnd proposed. It involves tho expcndlturo by tho munici pality of moro than $45,000,000, yet bo ad mirably adapted Is It to tho necessities of Philadelphia, so skilfully does It measuro and provido for tho several districts to bo served, so fairly does It balanco public and private Interests, that during tho long cam paign of discussion not a slnglo volco of moment has been raised In opposition to It and ho man has ventured openly to galnsny Its merits. Tho program Is an agreement between tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company and the city. It bears, therefore, tho Indorsement of tho traction experts who aro particularly well versed In tho local situation. Tho P. R. T. Is on record as favoring It, subject to tho approval of a subsidiary, tho Union Traction Company, which has waxed fat on its earnings In this city and Is asked now to do nothing moro than perform thoso func tions which aro a corollary of Its frnnchlso privileges, namely, tho extension of Burfaco lines' normally required. Tho essonco of tho theory that excuses monopoly In corporations performing public service Is that this service shall bo satisfactory, both in operation nnd in extension, to meet tho needs of normal or abnormal growth. Councils has dodicatod ltsolf to support of tho program by the appropriation for tho relocation of sewers. The people In a public mas3tnccting havo de'clared themselves, not only for tho pro gram as an ultlmato thing, but as an lmmo dlato project, to bo begun at onco and rushed to completion. A clear majority of Councils have an nounced themselves to bo In favor of tho whole program, the poll having been con ducted by tho Evknino DEDacn. This majority Is entitled to record Its voto on tho two ordinances now under considera tion by tho Finance Committee The people of Philadelphia aro entitled to record their voto on the proposed $30,000,000 loan and to do It at tho oarllest possible moment. An election in March is what Philadelphia wants and must get; an election In March that there may be no pouring back of earth into tho excavations made for the new sew ors, no discontinuance of tho work onco begun, no postponement for another year, with tho possibility of another winter of unemployment Instead of tho prosperity which the work on so vast a public under taking would ossuro. Unless there aro subtle Influences sapping tho will of Finance Committee; unless In somo mysterious way sinister purposes And support In that body, the ordinances must be reported favorably at tho next meeting of Councils. There is no politics In the un dertaking, for all classes of thought and all conditions of men are united In Its support. For every obstructionist there are 10,000 workers In tho causo, 10,000 advocates of a Greater Philadelphia. It cannot be that this Insignificant minority has made Finance Committee Its citadel and can crouch behind it as a barrier to thwart the will of tens of hundreds of thousands. Tet bo tho matter stands. Finance Com mittee at Its next meeting will show whether It is for transit or against transit, for dig ging this year or at some indefinite timo in tho future, for a March election or a possl blo June election. Let every citizen watch. His aro the In terests that aro to be forwarded or knifed. Universal commendation for our representa tives in the one case, condemnation as gen eral in the other. Which It shall bo Is up to tho Finance Committee first and thoreafter up to Councils. Schools No Place for Prayer Meetings "piLJVy" SUNDAY showed his wisdom XJwhen he objected to the attempt to force the holding of prayer meetings In tho high school buildings against tho protest of a member of tho Board of Education. Thoro are others beside the protesting member who think that It would be a grievous mis take to open the school buildings In this city for "Billy" Sunday prayer meetings. Whether It is right or wrong, need not be discussed at this time, but the whole genius of the American public school system is sec ular and the American people aro most jeal ous of Us freedom from religious domination. Religion must be taught to the pupils In other places than In the schoolhouses of a great city, That tho leader in Jhe great evangelistic movement here kept his hood In a trying emergency is greatly to his credit. Can it be that tho police ara guarding "Billy" Sunday because the devil "has it in for hlmr One of the most gruesome contradictions in these warlike times la the shipment of cannon from Bethlehem. The Arizona widower's pension law Is for the protection of motherless children and not to encourage second marriages. Mr. Bryan seems to be aa much interested in the deficiency Jn Domlnloan funds as in the scarcity of Dominican offices for ''de serving Democrats." " " ' ' " William Peon's autograph sold for $13$ on Saturday, but there are many men in town today whose autograph on the bottom of tho right kind of a document would bring many times that petty gum- When the Cleveland physicist, who has succeeded in eostrucing a pip organ which can pro4uoe elgbt vowel sounda, gets the In strument go far perfected that it can aiag, all uuuble nlth church choirs will eeaae. THE SHINING SENATORS WERE HOUSE-TRAINED Experience in tho Lower Branch of Congress Enables Them to Legislate nt High or Low Speed, Thus Giving Them a Decided Advantage. i.i i ' By EDWARD V. TOWNSEND I FEIVT suro that no one would "got TF X m mo" for saying so I would put down on pnper right hero tho remark that, with tho exception of lew than n half dozon Senators (nnd you might cut that half dozen In two and Btlll bo on Bnfo ground), thoro Is not a member of tho Scnato distinguished by con spicuous ability who has not served In tho House. Or, to put tho proposition In another way, thoro aro only n half dozen or less members of tho Senato who havo reputations aa moro Minn commonplaco legislators who woro liot trained by experience In tho llouso of Repre sentatives by Bcrvlco averaging 10 years. Down nt tho tall end of this piece I ahall an nex n pnrngrnph Giving tho names of Scnn tora who woro former Representatives and tho length of their Hotiso service, becauso 1 had to wndo through tho Congressional Dl lectory to get this Interesting Information, nnd whllo It docs not mnko a very good run ning story In ItFolf I do not wnnt to havo tho result of my arduous labor lost. As ono will sea by critically examining that para graph tho names of tho members npprarlng therein, tlmt Is, Scnntors who hntl llouso training, mako a rather complete list of about nil tho Senators whoso names aro familiar through their official activities. Senatorial Touchdowns It may bo bocauno of this early and oxtcn slvo training In tho gnmo that thoso House trained Scnntors have equal facility In going slow or fast; thoy can dolay the game, or mako touchdowns with amazing rapidity. This statement may surprlso somo who rend It, because thero has been so much criticism of tho Senato for Its dollbcrnto movements. Tho fact Is, however, that In tho nbsenco of any rules to speak of, tho Senato, whon It wnnts to do so, can transact moro business In an afternoon that It Is posslblo for tho House to transact In a month. It Is somo times said that tho Scnato has no rules, which Is not true, Btrlctly speaking; although It Is truo that It runs along In an cnsy-golng fashion a wholo session at a time without any referenco to Its rules or any disturbance resulting from tho fact that It has any. Thero Is no doubt that tho States ropro sented by Senators with Houso training nro better represented than tho others. New York Is an exception to this rule for reasons I will not go Into for fear of making Invidious comparisons, further than to say that Sena tors Root and O'Gorman havo both had training, extending over many years, which equips them to tako caro of themselves and Now York's Interest quite handily. However, measured by brains and legisla tive adroitness, Massachusetts Is probably tho best represented Stato in tho Senato, with Henry Cabot Lodge, who had eight years' training In the House, and John Wln gnte Weeks, who went directly from tho Houso to tho Senato after 10 years' Houso training. And It would not bo a very raw gucs3 to say that perhaps Michigan Is, next to Mas- . Bachusotts, as well represented as any Stnto; and It can hardly bo a coincidence, merely that Michigan Is ono of tho other fow States having two Senators who havo had Houso experience. Norris' Talking ITnbits Tho first noticeable difference one observes In Scnntors who havo moved from ono end of tho Capitol to tho other Is their manner of speaking. George W. Norris, of Nebraska, who moved over from tho House at tho bo ginning of this Congress, when In tho House could talk with that liveliness and emphasis sometimes noticed in a batter who has had a second strlko called on him when ho folt certain tho ball had passed a yard beyond tho corner of tho plato. For 10 years In tho Houso ho hnd tho com mon experience of members having three or five minutes yielded to him to unbosom him self of thoughts which could easily bo spread over tho entire first pngo of a newspaper, and under thoso conditions oven a naturally Blow speaker gets a smart move on him. The training had been too long and too severe to let Its beneficiary abandon Its results at onco and Senntor Norris In his early speeches on the floor of tho Sennto spoko with a ra pidity that astonished members nnd deeply grieved tho official reporters. Ho has already corrected tho habit and now speaks with that deliberation wnrranted by tho fnct that when ho once gets the floor a Senator cannot bo "taken off his feet," as tho saying Is, by anything short of a parlia mentary earthquake. That seldom happens In tho Senate. Durton in the Author Class And then thero Is that vory able citizen who always carries a hammer especially adapted for the purpose of knocking In tho head of pork barrels, Theodore E. Burton, of Ohio. Ho served in tho House for 16 years, during 10 of which he was chairman of tho Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and necessarily had a great deal of talking to do. And he could talk. The ablest of the Houso official reporters had to be right on the edge of his foot to keep abreast of Burton's tor rent of words. But now a coy mntden shyly murmuring: "This Is so suddon!" Is a gatllng gun com pared to tho serono deliberation of Senator Burton In addressing tho Senate,' On Monday, after the Sonato voted not to make the Dis trict dry, Senator Burton rose and resumed a speech on the ship purchase bill, which ha had begun a week before, and tho manner of his resumption was aa if ho had yiolded tha floor for a minute for somo purpose, and he continued as though ho had another week in which to conclude, as, indeed, ho has if ha wants It. By the way, Burton la an author right In the class with Senator Lodge, nnd Theodora Roosevelt, being with them a con-, trlbutor to the "American Statesman" series, his subject having been John Sherman, of hia State. William Cauied Surprise J think thit John Sharp Williams, of MIs slseippi, Is the only Senator who was ever a House floorleader. Senator Williams was minority flour leader in tho House for alac years, arui that experience gave him a outs little manner of havlngNome superior rights wh)ch he carried over to the Senate, to tha surpilse- of his fellow-merabera there. But he has the wit to maintain this assumption in a way which makes the Senate Democratic leader, Kern, of Indiana, view him at timea with alarm. Altogether, I should say that an experience in the IIoue gives a Senator a marked ad vantage over nls fellows lacking that expert enoe. The ex caption to prove the rule la the ease of Smoot, of Utah An Intercut log chap. that eamo Reed Smoot. It will bo recalled that when ho took his scat, In 1003, his right to sit In Congress wnn promptly nttneked on tho ground that ho was a Mormon, and bo cause of somo onths of allcglanco that ho was supposed to havo taken, was not eligible. The effort to oust him foiled, yet ono might suppose that with such a handicap ho would remain somewhat in tho background during hh service Nothing seemed to bo further from tho mind of this banker and woolon manufac turer, who hnd never had a day's experience in any kind of political ofllco before ho was elected to tho Scnato. Possibly it was bocnuso his enemies thrcntencd his right to sit In tho Scnnte at all that ho lesolvcd not only to sit there, but to sit at tho head of tho tabic. Tho plan ho pursued showed a very nice ap preciation of human naturo. So far as ono could observe It tho plnn merely was to mako himself ngrccablo and useful to his fellow Republicans. I havo many times .noticed Senator Smoot when ho would bo absolutely tho only Republican on tho floor besides tho Senator making a speech, sitting near that Senator, apparently In rapt attention and helping him with his data nnd memoranda. Smoot Sils at tho Head I onco hoard a beautiful woman say In re ply to tho question why sho liked a ccrtuln man who seemed to lack likable qualifica tions, "How can I help liking him? Ho has been telling mo that I am beautiful, and that ho loves me, for five years " I never saw tho man referred to, but ho would go a long way in politics by merely working that Httlo plan with men upon whom ho depended for prominence. It wns not many years after Senntor Smoot showed that ho liked all Republican Senators and considered them beautiful, that ho began to oxerclso tho powers and privileges of a leader. Today no matter of Republican policy In tho Senato is considered without Reed Smoot sitting at tho head of tho conference tablo; no partisan debate Intended for cam paign purposes Is conducted without Reed Smoot making tho keynote speech; no Re publican Steering Commltteo Is formed with out Reed Smoot being named Its chairman. Ho Is not a brilliant speaker, but he Is thor oughly Informed on all leglslatlvo matters, and ho discusses them In n vigorous, busi nesslike way, and that air of certainty which comes from tho possession of ample and nc curato Information. Here's tho List Hero Is that list of Senators who served In tho Houso, tho figures following their names Indicating the years of tholr service as Representatives before thoy became Sen ators In Congress. Mark Smith, of Arizona, of course, was not a Representative from tho" Stato of Arizona, but a delogato from tho Territory of Arizona: John Hollls Bankhead, Alabama, 20 years; Marcus A. Smith, Arizona, 10 years; Joseph Taylor Robinson, Arkansas, 10 years; John F. Shafroth, Colorado, 8 years; Frank Bos worth Brandegee, Connecticut, 6 years; Thomas William Hardwick, Georgia, 12 years; James II, Lewis, Illinois, 2 years; .Benjamin F. Shtvely, Indiana, 6 years; Otllo M. James, Kentucky, 10 years; Joseph Eu gene Ransdell, Louisiana, 14 years; Edwin Chick Burleigh, Maine, 14 years; John Wal ter Smith, Maryland, 2 years; Henry Cabot Lodge, Massachusetts, 8 years; John Win gato Weeks, Massachusetts, 10 years; Will iam Alden Smith, Michigan, 14 years; Charles E. Townsend, Michigan, 8 years; Knute Nel son, Minnesota, 0 years; John Sharp Will iams, Mississippi, 10 years; William Joel Stone, Missouri, 6 years; Gilbert M. Hitch cock, Nebraska, 6 years; Georgo W. Norris, Nebraska, 10 years; Francis Q, Newlands, Novada, 10 years; Jacob II. Galllnger, Now Hampshire, 4 years; William. Hughes, New Jersey, 8 years; F. M, Simons, North Caro lina, 2 years; Asle J. Grona, North Dakota, 6 years; Theodore El Burton, Ohio, 16 years; Morris Sheppnrd, Texas, 10 years; George Sutherland, Utah, 2 years; Claude A. Swan son, Virginia, 14 years; Miles Polndexter, Washington, 2 years; Wesley L. Jones, Washington, 10 years; Nathan Goff, West Virginia, 6 years; Robert M. La Follette, Wisconsin, 6 years; Isaao Stephenson, Wis consin, 6 years; Clarence D. Clark, Wyom ing. 4 years. The Illiteracy Test From tl Pltteburgh Poat. According to caiefully, compiled statistics tha highest percentage of illiteracy pniong Suro pean nations la In Russia, Austrla-Hunfary and Italy. That the original bill Ik aimed against Immigration from these countries, dealgayi to bar out these "undlrabls," m apparant The President's opposition to the bill la worthy of more than ordinary consideration in view of the facta. Inasmuch aa most of the unskilled labor which tho country needs is recruited from among these illiterate races, the literacy teat la objected to on economic grounds. Manifestly tho country cannot get along- without this clasa of labor, and to exclude this Immigration would, it ia believed, be detrimental to Ita growth and development Wellington on Battle Nothing except a battle lot can be half so nieanbul u a buttle won -Wellington. NOT ASLEEP THIS TIME DARTMOUTH'S COURSE IN HIRING HELP J New Profession of Employment Manager "Will LTclp to Eliminate Business! Waste and to Keep Workers Out of Blind Alleys. By HENRY WE HAVE had tho science of methods, of materials and of machinery, and In all thoso things Philadelphia, through Its staff of management exports, has been foremost; now wo aro to havo tho science of men. At last tho employe, tho human clement, Is to como Into his own as a factor In industrial and commercial progress. Tho development may require months, ovon years, but thoro scorns to bo general agreoment that Dart mouth, In inaugurating a courso In cmploy mqnt as a function of management, is decid edly on tho right track. It's about time to recognlzo tho fact that tho hiring of largo numbers of workets for a plant or store la not a slniplo process to bo loft In tho hands of an ordinary subordinate. Tho task la ono that demands unusual Judgment and discre tion and calls for a specific training a train ing nkln to that exacted In any profession which concerns tho wclfaro of human souls and bodies. Dartmouth College, then, In Its school of administration and finance, will glvo a spe cial consideration to all problems relating to employes. Tho sources of supply, proper methods of securing help, classification ac cording to aptitude training, guidance, pro motion, labor exchange, and tho organization and functions of tho employment staff will all bo treated In detail. As n leading featuro of tho courso, students will bo given the op portunity to secure actual exporlcnco and make Investigations along tho right lines In representative commercial and industrial con cerns. A Unique Proposition Tho proposition from every point of view Is unique. Thero nro almost any number of business men who feel tho need of better trained omploymcnt managers but no college, heretofore, has offered to help them solvo their problems. The plan has tho distinct approval of tho Employment Managers' As sociation of Boston and tho courso Itself has been outlined by tho Boston Vocation Bureau. In tho opinion of A. Lincoln Flleno, himself a largo employer of skilled labor, thero Is no question moro vital to tho busi ness man of the present than that which involves tho securing of tho right kind of help, tho right men and women for tho right Jobs, and providing the basis for right ro tations. In tho average business houso today tho number of different persons employed during tho courso of a year is anywhere from one and a half to three timOs as large as tho number of places on the permanent payroll. Plainly there Is here an economic waste, a financial leak. Tha causo is largely a poor selection of employes In tho first place, nnd the remedy, which Dartmouth proposes to Bupply, consists in having employment man agers who, on tho ono hand, aro acquainted with the necda and traditions of their firms nnd, on the other, aro trained to know whero to seek, how to obtain, develop and distribute tho employes. Dealing in Futures From the foci that big Boston employers are lending their assistance to Dartmouth in this now undertaking, it must not bo inferred that here is another attempt to exploit tha human worker. The purely material side of tholr several businesses has about reached the limit of efficient management. With them It Is no longer a question of how to get tho most out of their men, but how to ar range affairs so that the men themselves may best grow and receive tho full reward of their ability. If the employe la to be con tented and" his work satisfactory to himself and his employer, he must never, bo In the position where ha seea ahead of hlra a atono wall, a professional deadline beyond which he must not and cannot go. Much of our in dustrial unhapplness Is tho result of a wrong' distribution of employes. In their preaent Jobs niany men and women ara really up a blind alley. Shift them to other depart-' ments, give them moro congenial work to do, and they are Immediately transformed from sullen, dejected help to willing and energetic ejnployea. To arrange affaire ao that fcveryjr nyorlw whj j,avo a future la thus one of tfijI'djMes of the trained employment manager. w Here Is a situation which every bo 'often confronts all department atorea: A girl, neat in her personal habits, normally Intelligent and with flrst-claaa recommendations In re spect to honesty and Integrity, applies for a Job. At onco it la evident that her schooling has been neglected and that her social at tainments are conspicuous by their absence. Ia aha to be rejected because of her de ftcienclea or is she to be hired In the hope that contact Yith people will smooth the rough spots? Right hero la where the trained Judg 9 help come into the squatton. He. neither turns her down nor leaves her to ac- T. CLAUS qulro polish by practicing on tho firm's cusJ luiuvtB iiu oviiua iioi lu u tumiuuillioil school at tho cxpenso of tho company's time. Thoro sho obtains Just exactly what sh", needs to becomo an Ideal employe, and the firm regards tho expenditure ns Justified.' "Laboratory" Studies 1 All such cases as this and the question!,'; growing out of them will bo taken up In ths'v nnrr TlfiWrvirtut V. pnitvao T"ll-n.t,. T7aM ! tho Tuck School, will bo assisted by a staff oh well-known business mon who will contribute. as their sharo tho story of tholr long experi ence. From a strictly utilitarian standpoint, students will piobnbly get the best part 6f their education through tho medium of part- j time work In factories and stores. All ar-i3 rnngemonts aro not yet made, but very soon,i' It Is expected, agreements will be completed whereby concerns In many and widely vary ing fields will allow tho college men to comej into tneir organizations tor a nrsi-nana siuay of employment problems. That the vonturo will bo a distinct success and thnt the results will profoundly affect American business Is tho conviction of Mr Filenc, Meyer Bloomfleld and others eon- nected with tho Vocation uuroau, wnose re cent longthy conferonco with the college i authorities was the causo of the action whica't resulted In tho new course. These men Tvent to Hanover on tho Invitation of President i Nichols and as tho envoys of tho Employ ment Managers' Association, an organization of about 50 Boston business men who doj tho hiring of employes for largo concerns nnd who nro dally feeling a greater rejponjl' blllty for tho vocational guidance of the wen nnd women who work for thorn. These man ngcrs In every case stand high In the coun: ells of their firm. They aro Important cogi In tho executive machines, are making a close study of tho hiring problem In alj Its phnses and aro a unit In declaring that the. employment manager must bo a trained spto clalist and that tho sclenco of securing tM right sort of help is founded on certain vltj nnd fundamental principles. Dartmouth's! task will bo to unfold these principles to the young men who como to its halls in searca of business learning. Socrates in Philadelphia From the Kanaas City Star. ".; Not long ago two gontlemen happened t moet In the street of an Important city. One was d Standpatter, tho other a ProBreMlve. i "Whv Is it." Inaulred the Standpatter, "thM we nre sensible enough to pay no attention tojj the opinion of men on certain subjects, Ii"i medicine or shipbuilding, unless tney are p perts7 And yet we let everybody nave a . learned or unlearned, highbrow or lowbrow, n, the matter under consideration Is an affair or State? i "It Isn't rjxatnnnhls " nrtrlurl tha Standpatter. "Don't be too hasty," replied the other. "WhJJ do we punish criminals? Isn't It became W believe all men havo the capacity to I' J' nhnv tho Inwa? Vnn Irnnw tha tradition tBSt Hermes put the question to Zeus whether Mj .. .. .,.-,..... ,...- j ..vA- trt nnirff a few men or to alt. To all,' Zeus replied. J -X.a.,1 lllf. t,-m oil tft hava n nhftr. OthtMlM cities could not exist, and the race of men 'wW; perish.' " ; - So It waa the conclusion of tha ProjTtMl that the reason for giving all men a snare t the Government waa tha belief that political virtuo Instead of being, like an art, a prlTlW of a few, was an obligation or an. Tha conversation Bounda comparatively taw ern. But It happenB that It was reporito Athens nearly 2509 yeara ago in one oi ia loguea of Bocratea. Freedom of the Seas Ua ,k (a. -.la-a-a. I Yw.m.1 fUII, IU, LIUMUH.H 4M4U.W.. . . . Th freedom of tha aeaa la an Issua Tlt-w ; should cause all neutral nations to unite la ?a tlon to secure and defend It. -t Thji i.nlta.1 i.-niil.ll.ci nt th AttlnriCSn CCS?. tlnenta cannot accept any nation aa ruler of thu waves. THE IUGIIT KIND OF MAN The kind of a man for you and mel He facea the world unflinchingly, And uniltes aa long aa the wrong resists, With a knuckled faith and force like flats, He Uvea the life he la preaching of. And lovea where moat la the need of love; tii. vniM la Hour ta ths deaf man's ears, And his face sublime through tha blind Tho lUjfht ehlnea out whera the clouds Sy 0lrn' .. ... . 1 And the widow's nrayer goea up for nun, ,?s The latch la allnked at the hovel door And the alck roan sees tha aun onco more, And out o'er the barren field he seea Springing blossoms and waving trees, TAllnc- nnlv Ihft rivlrlfir may That God's own servant haa come tpat waye n .... ,i. M.u n It atltl tulnrliilcn omuguiuis ui twin hi - "-; "7, have Through the golden gate where his loved wy Kne. James Whltcbmb "1"' AN EVENING TilOUGlf O that I could a aln once see. We Paint the devil fwl-y he Truth noma s-ood ta him. all agree Sin ia Hat OWMWlU Ui U" Almlght) it wants tho cood of virtue and MM. Oeerja !U"WH- - m