Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 25, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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jlly" Hod Lots of "Gin-
" and Always Played
5"Clcan" Game Won-
3cr on oases.
Lball lout one of Its star whon
.. ,.-.. wmtttt titi Hin ffntriA In
k& ft preacher, Hut I am sure hli
(Ji . ...,.. .. tn. h !.. Hurt.
MMt dono more Rood for the world
wjfrhs n ever bo paid for.
te.it." Bunrtsy Is tho mnn of tho
H I O" ln0 "v cvrryiiuu
tha mn In baseball circle tninK
I ef him. Tnoy nre proua to sny
'. rtnrs n uruicnoiuimi imnviNin
fBV,r for while he wns plsylnB ho did
rS So raise the stamlnrd of tho unme.
BftlniiT "Hilly" Sunclny when he was
.n nlayrr, He was n. member of the
i&fofllon ClilenRo White Box when I
Iff isrln on the Wm.hi.ninn ini,
Si the time the Rfimo inrwi unm u
rJxmtr. "Hilly" wn" always on hie toes
Will, liend wns nlwnys up, Ho was
Set whnt wo cnll "Klmter,' nnd I can
8W the hall player In him In the
Sfjret that linvo been taken In the
fe'WMiY" A "CliKAN" PLAYKIl.
Bsilly" waa always a nulot, fair, clean
M player. He left the decisions to tho
Sflf- ' never beard him illsnuto the
lr-,... j..i.inm wlii-tlicr lia was called
r(i ii bao runner or on a play vrncn
!.., in tbo Held, And "Illlly" wns In
la pretty close plays.
illS Dd lined to take liltn down the
KJllnei like n streak of llnhtnlnjc; If
Z,t were any fumbling- of the, ball, ho
iuld almost Invariably bo aafe. It wan
di a nileatlon wliothir Sunday or tho
r.i readied the base Hrst. wnen I was
Kjlr ""I bB"8 for tne WnablriKton
:., "WIlv" sometimes seemed to Ket a
,Ui thn worse of nn umplro'a JudBmont.
jothe did not grumbleor dispute the de
VjUini. He ncceptert' the piny a the
Sire (w , and the1 most that I ever
tan b'm ? wol, "' thount l ,ln,J t,int
tu teat."
fnroNDpn" ab nAsrciiuNNRii.
R barunnor "IJIUy" won n wonder.
fillwye used good Judgment. Ho wan
Ht' liter base-running; honors, and did
5Jjrr logical n baso on tho Drat pitched
15i 'ir always looked for Ilia start, and
m record for stolen bases wni Rood.
II always was afraid of "nilly" Sun-
fir nuti, ,,v " - -- - -....
Kill on me, and they say ho stole four
tiMi on me In ono name. I Ruesa that
i 10, because he jtenorally perched on
on'I base after ho onco reached first.
IHluiSay was noi n long inner, iiu mi
Ifmrp over the Infield. He waii an es-
pallr Rood buntcr, nnd his speed
'jlcibltd him to bent out the hunts to
ifenen I look nt his pictures now I can
Ffrntli sprinter RettlnB Into nctlon. Kvl
hfnlly he still has tho vim that mado
;Un ft treat ball player.
-ffijnday was n now typo of ball player
Sii day. CarouslnR and dissipation
Ktremuch more common then than now.
jKUtnen who play tho samo today nro
illicit Invariably Rood, clean living fcl
Joni. I remember Bunday almost from
thl lime that ho Joined tho White Sox,
hi I never heard of hlu taklne part In
1'Uroutal. Ifo nlwuvB wanted tho boya
tt keep straight. He had tho IdoaH about
San llvlnc that ho preaches now.
ITOiea "illlly" was playlnt,' with the
llcno White Box ho lmd some won
tfctful players for his team-mates. Dal
mnple and (.ore, the other outlloldors,
Vr both stars. Sunday was faster
llu either, and added much to his repu
IHKn by his darlnc In tho field. "IJIUy"
UK chancre and he often was hurt.
gt teams did not carry as many men
5Jiey do now, nnd when a player was
rt he often had to play before ho
Jru really well It took real grit, ond
tihity had tho urlt. He was what I
Quid call a star. He was a Kontlcman
w)h field, a hard, earnest player, nnd
(mm well liked by nil who know him,
veiny" Bunday woe a credit to me
Jireiteu of snorts. I also know that his
luctflty and ability have dona so much
mat i raiiK mm among mo Krcai
the tame trust ond confidence lhat you
have tn the skillful eurReon to whom you
entrust your child for an operation "
To Illustrate this point more fully the
evanRellsl (old a loiiehlm story of hi
nnxlety when his own son had to ro on
the operating table, bringing It to ft close
by asking;-
' What doen It mean to bellevo In the
Lord Jesus t'lirlef Why, It means tn
trust Him as I trusted that surgeon, to
trust Him as you trust ymr doctor, I he
builder in Inillded votir home, the
banker who takes care of your money "
"Thla fiower of Hod saves from the
ftullt of sin and aleo kerns yim from the
power of sin. The drunkard must have
some help to keep htm from the power
of sin. If he didn't he'd be falling off
the water, wagon Ml the time. You may
Itutulnto a man so that electricity cannot
harm him, nnd If vou give yourself
completely to Jesus Christ then all tho
devils In hell can't drag you from lllm.
"A sinner lends a better life, nnd they
en,'r It evolution. A man stops swearing
nnd resorts to prayer, and they call It
hypnotism. A man suddenly quits
licentiousness, nnd they prate of psychol
loy nnd the psychological moment. A
fallen woman turns from the evils of her
ways and begins a life of virtue, and
they say It Is science that does It and
sociology, It Is the power of Clod Hint
docs It. I want to dip my pen In tho
blood of the Bon of (lod nnd blot It nil
out and write It Is the power of Clod that
does It.
After pnlnrgtng on the possibilities of
spiritual power and drawing n. pnrnllel
between tho great steps which have been
mndo In thn development of power from
tho forcci of nature with those that
mlKht be made with "the power of tho
cross," ho concluded tho sermon as fol
"And you can get the benefit of tho
power only by obeying the law. If you
would get the JicnelU of wntor then you
must nbey the lawn of water. Bo with
tho Chrlotlnn life. A lot of men are so
clmo to hell now they can smell tho
fumes, but won't give Clod n chance.
You're a fool. Why don't you oboy tho
law of Clod nnd see If this power of Clcd
will not deliver you from swearing nnd
boozo Ilghtlng7 You nre the btgeest
fool thlB side of belt If you don't.
"You needn't arguo ns to whether or
not I havo been born and you needn't
argue an to whether or not I havo ever
been born ngiiln. I know I wns born of
my mother, nnd I know I wns born ngaln
of tho Spirit. I am ns sure of ono as tho
'Put God to the tost He says: 'If any
mnn comes unto Me, him will I In nowise
cast out.' "
Tolls Women Importance of Ohrlntlan
Influenco In Home.
"Mn" Hundav iirnv,1 mnMixlvMv ves-
terdnv afternoon, when she spoke to nn j
aggregation or ono women gathered to
gether In the 1st Iteglment. Armory, that
i shi can do n little "evangelizing" nn her
j own account when tho nrrnslnti demands
I With nn audience composed solely of
i women, young, old. married nnd unmar
ried, Mrs Himday look nn her tonic "Sal
vation," and so enrnestly nnd slnrerely
did she Impress upon them the necessity
of clean, wholesome lives, with a liberal
admixture of work and prayer, that when
he concluded 21 iif (hem mode their way
to the platform nnd dedicated themselves
to Ood.
"There Is n whole crowd Of people In
Mils rlty." she told them, "not dolnjc the
snap of their flnners fur find. It Is nnr-
' Ocularly necessnry for wives, nnd evmi
more so ror mothers, to be good t;nrisiinti
women. There can't be much of n home
without n fhrlstlnn wnmnn In It."
Wbllo Mrs. flutirtny's meeting wns In
progress, Mrs. Wllllnm Asher spoke tn
1000 more persons In the Metropolitan
Opera House, Twenty-flvo "lilt the trail"
rb the result of her effective spenklng.
She spnko of the necessity of believing
In the gospel of Christ and of their duty
to roclety. Next Bunday Mrs. Asher will
deliver her well-known lecture on "Pur
ity" nt the 1st Iteglment Armory. The
meeting will bo for women only.
Store Opens 8:,10 A. HI.
Winday's Sermons
Continued From Page 6
fy. mouth aid oyeB, Down tho street
arae a wealthy woman, tjlio iook one
lc and said, 'My Ood, Is It you. Frank?'
tol till wlfo cams up and kissed him.
KSh called two policemen and a cab
4 etarted with him to hor boarding
tyjie, They broko all speed regulations.
ft called rive of the best physicians and
Jit? llttcned to the beatlnc of his heart,
' two, throe, four, five, six, seven,
eljht, pine, ten, eleven, twelve, and the
Mora suldi 'Io will bo n dead man In
Wit four hours.' HI) ft told them to tell
Urn what they had told her. She said,
ifrink the end Is near,' and ha said,
Send for ISI1I.'
KThey telephoned me and I came. He
Mi; There's nothing In the Jlfe of yeara
I care for now. I can hear the
wuheri cheer when I make hit that
S3 the game. Hut there it nothing that
Mil help me out now) and If the umpire
! we out now, won't you nay iv few
f?(4l over me, "BIU"r He atnitftfled as
Hlial yean ago on the diamond, when
m;wm to reach home, but tho CJreat
Jjaplr of the universe yelled 'You're
-lf and waved him to the clubhouse,
u4 lb great gladiator of the diamond
no more.
lit eat on the street corner with me,
ox, 2S years ago In Chicago, when I
uooa-uy, boys, I'm through.'"
Saturday Evening
i Saturday night Mr, Sunday chose u
i Je I. Corinthian. I. Ui "For the
Jibing of the cross. Is to them that
yn, fqollahnesi, but to u which are
4, It ! the power of Ood,"
1 Ppened hla discount by showing
fower In the one thing which men
J? trjvn after ilnce the world fcegan.
' wundfty ahowad there waa but alight
''n foollahnta and power, all
l seeming foolish when we nro fools.
lext cornea like a word of Judg-
he MflM. "It rflvM.M the wnrtil
' (WO Clftliea. Ill vr1 nnd thn Ink
Wt a, foolishness, to the unsaved Is
JW ef the highest order because of
8. m in uinii a noniix to you, you
"It to be alarmed."
Hr Sunday then dwelt upon the need-
; "i arguing tne power of the
i drawing a Darallel between the In-
'! DOWer Whlfh ftHvi III. (rAll.v i
mjh i hill and that which guide men
g n maxe pf sin ana anguish on
fz. il" th,n mpliMUed tb neeetalty
eandenc m ti,i power. yin:
w niHi vuraen wm loamy i
k . guilty eonlnc, and pn look
yrona anil lr l all irnn.
JM ir vt Oo4 Wvm from tlw guilt
r-j - g sci mi Mivmion yti must
Continued from I'ngp One
spenklng to tho men, Bunday shouted,
with nil tho power of his plerelng volco:
"I tell you, gentlemen of Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania's a blot on the map when
It comes to the whisky proposition."
And nfter he hud yelled this sentence
there went up n long, loud cheer that
made tho rough pillars and rafters of
tho tabernacle tremble. Tho ovangellst
wuved for silence, but for almost half
n mlnulo his nudlonce kept on cheering
nnd applauding. When thero was aulet,
bo continued:
"1 tell you Pennsylvania Is the worst
whlsky-dcimlnnted Statu In tho Union."
Then crime another burst of applnusc,
at the close of which "Hilly" said: "Tho
reason you hnven't got Inws to piohlblt
tho llipior traltlc In Pennsylvania like
you've got to prohibit murder, stealing
and seduction Is because jou'vo. got n
lot of politicians who uro Just pnwnu on
tho chessboard of that filthy liquor gang."
And annln there wna n cheer.
The preacher made a strong nppcnl to
the clci(,ymen and church members to
practice whnt thoy preach and to help
bring Pennsylvania Into tho "dry"
columns "no that her nninfl may be
clenr.'il of the stain that has come upon
It through tho llriuor-made laws." Stand
on the pulpit, "Hilly" waved hla arms
and dccl.ired:
"When I'm through with Philadelphia
you can tnko me to the Brhuylklll or the
Dtluwaro and, nftur tyltiK a millstone to
my neck, drop mo ovtrbonrd. When tho
water covers me you can eny 'there goes
a mnn who wnsn't afraid to tell tho
truth.' And I Intend to keep on telling
tho truth so long n Ood gives me breath
to preach Ills word."
Onco In tho evening sermon Bunday
nguln swayed tho great throng of men
when he Jumped to the top of the pulpit
and fired thl challengo Into the faces
of the audlenco:
"No man alive can say that I preach
from the pulpit anything I don't practice
In my life. I dofy the whole gang!"
And then followed more cheering. Ho
had the audience with him both during
the afternoon and evening, ror he was
keyed up to his highest pitch, and his
acting aroused great enthusiasm. Once,
In order to Illustrate n point In his ser
mon, he plunged to the sawdust nlslo In
tho front of tho platform, taking the
Hoveu feet at n slnglo leap.
This Incident occurred when "Hilly" was
explaining the need of men becoming
active In tho Interests of all that Is good.
Some of tho kind he has designated a
helng "better dead than alive."
"What thnt Ind of men should do,"
ho yelled, "la to go down to the river and
got aboard n ferryboat nnd rldo out to
the inlauie or me river, men may uuhih
to dlvo Into the middle of the river,
shouting an they go over the rail, 'Here
goes nothlnBl' " A he snlil these word
the uvengellst took the leap, landed In
the sawdust on bis feet nnd then trotted
up tho steps and continued to throw hi
hot-shot Into the devil.
His talk on "The Devil' TloomernnB:
or, Hot Cake Off the Griddle," wa a
plaltl man-to-mon talk, He talked Just
it plainly aa though ho were discussing
the subject with a little circle In the back
room of a poolroom-a place where It I
not considered bad form to apeak plain
ly In defense of his unvarnished lan
guage, "Hilly" said!
"There are too many Jackasses who
can't find It possible to talk to men nlong
plaln lines, nnd that' why I have aked
you to come to tho tabernacle." Ha de
fied hi critic to Rive a single reason
why he should not talk plainly, "when
there are so few minister who dare.'
Jn hi attack on me liquor uuiiiw.
Sunday wa supported well by the choir
and audience, which Joined In lnglng hit
great "antl-booxe" song, "De Hrewer'a
lllg Hor Can't llun Over Me." '1
evangelist became so enthused when he
hit the liquor toplu that he almost forgot
to preach, according to schedule, on hi
set subjeot.
"Billy" Sunday'" Influence Btlll
Strong In Ohio Town,
"nilly" Sunday' converts lay con
verted, If a report from Bat IJyerpool.
Ohio! tin be believed. Mayor V. A.
Bohrelber, of that ally, shocked t
poiter ct Annette Kellerman, ghovliig
'the diving Venus" In flesh-colored tight.
ordered It removed by , policeman, say
ing that the lithograph "I beyond a
bound of dssenay and n't help but
havo demoralising effect on our young
Mayor Bohrelber, it U ld, wa among
mini.." unnttav1 convert when tnu
evangelist oonduoUd campaign In Kat i
Liverpool evral year ago- Bver lno
that time he- h been a leader of antl-'
saloon battle in that elty and last year '
wa I'rohlbltlon candidate for Congres
Not only doe th Mayor remember Sun
day' tirade against whisky, but also
hI .iidi hurled against the stage, and '
the Mayer aetlon yurdy in ordering
His poster ruv4 frwn sight I aaid
ti, m but uotkvr mRrtlfwtaUwj r bu
New Jorsey Church Members Pre
paring; for H.ovlvn.1.
Many churches In Pntorson, N J., will
bo closed throughout the six week tn bo
devoted to the "Hilly" Bunilay campaign
In that city. A mass-meeting was held
yesterday at which plans for tho tovlvnl
wero considered, tho result being that,
with Iho exception of Bunday nehools,
tho city will he abandoned to "Hilly"
and hla doctrines.
The Hov. R. II. Kmett, n member ot tho
Bunday party, returned to Philadelphia
from Pntorson today and lepmted tn
"Illlly" thnt tho ground for the 1S,000
tabernacle In bo crecteil there will be
broken this week. He also said thnt the
people of thnt city vtern determined to
pay for thn expenses ot the campnltii I
during the first week of tho icvivnl
Tho excitement over thn romlng cam
paign Is running high In Peterson Tlie
liquor establishments there havo already
begun iloslng nn Sundnys, It Is said The
step has been taken voluntarily by tho
Many "Trail-hitters" Now Member"
of CoiiKregatlons.
Evidences of tho effects of tho "Hilly"
Bunday campaign wero shown yeslerdny
when mnny persons wero received into
Philadelphia churches who nnd boon
"trail hitters" In tho tabernacle during
tho Inst tuo nocks.
Tho majority of converts, numbering
several hundreds, snld they hnd never
bicti members ot churches either In this
cltj or elsewhere. There wore also mnny
from local and out-of-town churchn who
had r solved to lead Christian lives na
tho result of Bundny'a preaching nnd who
renewed their old pledges to Christ nnd
the church when they wero welcomed
Into active membership yesterday
At Kt. Matthew's Methodist Kplscopnl
Church, Md and Chestnut streets, tho
pustnr, the Hov. Itlchnrd Uadrllrfo. re
ceived eight "trail hitters" Into full mem
bership yesterday, and he has received
cards of double thnt number of persons
who nro to be received Into tho churolt
"I believe tho Sunday campaign Is going
to do Wonderful good for the churches
of Philadelphia," said the Itov. Mr. Ilad
cllffc. "Kvcrywhero they ure receiving
Jjjow members, nnd the old ones In many
ntrcn iiiu uiuunrii iv ktcul iiuuviiy tnuii
they havo known In year. I bcllovo tho
benefit will bo far greater than could
now Ijo estimated."
Reformed Ministers Commend Evan
gelist In Letter to Him.
A strong letter or commendation wns
sent to "Illlly" Hundny from tho no
formed Ministers' Meeting, 15th and Ilnce
streets, todny.
"After thice weeks of observation," the
letter rends, "tho ministers feel In a po
sition to Judge Bundny'a doctrines nnd r
hla work. The nttnoka on him 'come from
thoso who aro known In the community
ns rejecting tho claims pf our Lord nnd
Saviour, Jchum Christ, nnd who form nn
Insignificant part of the life of our city.' "
The communication conclude lay snylng
"Wo wish to tnko this opportunity to
commend you and your work and pledge
you aiiow our fullest co-operation. Wo
bid you go on In your ussnults upon tho
strongholds of sin nnd Katun. Clod hless
you." Tho letter was drawn up by tho
Ilev. James -M. B. Isenberg, pastor of
Trinity Hefnrmed Church.
Mnn Surrenders After "Hitting the
Trail" In Tabernacle,
Hdward J Farmer, an alleged deserter
from the United States Marine Corp, for
merly stationed at Portsmouth, N. II.,
wa among thoso who "hit the trail" at
the tabernacle Inst night. He went to
tho League Island Navy Yard today and
gave hlmsolf up to the authorities. Farm
er said he deserted In May, 1901. after n
slnfilo year In the service, and declared
he wa willing to lake whatever punish
ment wa coming to him,
Farmer met bergennt Taylor, who wa
"on tho gate" at the navy yard, nnd told
hi atory. He said ho wanted to "cut out
the booxo" and thought a year In Jail
would do blm good, vIIo will have a pre
liminary healing today", nnd In about two
week will be arraigned before n court-martial.
If you would hear the modern
thought In regard to
The Conception of Hell
Copi and hear
Rev. Alfred R. Hussey,
of Baltimore
Germantown Unitarian Church
Chclten Ave, and Greene St,
Organ recital Tl3 ta H
soloist, Mrle Btoue I.uujjstou
You can Judge men and women to-
gnception. unworana m-
SSuVei of "1- ?Br. and hope. It
f.a made religion protesquii sys
tem 'of re-ward antl punishment.
Unitarian Christianity tanda for a
rial and vital expression Jpf thwe
Sno-ntlon conalstent with moral
ffdgment and tb. thought of growtE
ior literature visit
The Unitarian
18 U N. lagan Square
Store Closes 6;S0 P. M.
The March of
The old reputation of A. T.
Stewart, whose shoes wc Htnntl
in at Now York, or the hUIII
of forefathers long pant and
gone, or the Itnsty nnd oft
timet foolish imitation of
other storekeepers, w h o s e
Ideas come before the public
eye, will sudlcc us In advanc
ing this business to the ideals
we have conceived for it.
It can only urow upon its
own capital of iih'UH and lony
thought and hopra and en
deavors to attain the poRRilrili'
Hen of development.
It cannot be a secret
growth, for all our people
must bo cognizant of it, and,
in fact, growing with it, and
ouirgreat public interested in
wlmt they have helped to
establish here from its begin
nings will know and feel the
inspiration of something that
lias not stopped at its old mile
stone, but which goes on
growing and growing nnd
bettering and bettering in a,
dozen ways.
There is but one thing for
men or women to do who
cannot grow; they must go to
where they can grow, or into
the retirement tliuy may have
already earned.
January S5, 1015
White Sale
Tn Good Selection Still.
We have reordered many of
the best-liked kinds for the
benefit of those who have left
their buying until this last
NiRhtjrowns D8c to $10.50
CombimitionB $1 to $2.00
Coraet covers 2fic to 8Gc.
Drawers 2fic to ?1.7fi.
And there aro still some of
those quite remarkable white
petticoats at $1 nnd $1.35.
(Third Floor, Cenlnil)
for Dancing Frocks
White net Jlouncings with
opalescent sequins, (lashing
with rainbow colors, 83 inches
wide, $5.25 to $8.25. Also in
25-inch widths at $4.25 to
$5.50, and bandings, $1 to $3
a yard. All of these match..
Cream lace flouncings, cra
quelo mesh in doiicnto pat
terns outlined with silver
cord, 12, 18 and 26 inches
wide, and quite unusual values
at $1.25 to $2.75.
(Muln I'loor, Centrnl)
The Sale of Furs
Tho assortments of small
furs are still good in tho Fur
Salon the black fox, black
lynx and nntural skunk lend
ing, because these arc tho
most wanted of all our staple
But we have, besides, Hud
son seal (sheared muskrat),
beavers, Russian fitch, civet
cat, pointed and red fox. All
prices aro a third below thoso
of tho early season,
(Third 1'Toor, Climlnut)
Just Six Days to
Buy White Sale
Good styles for spring In
L. R. corsets aro hero now as
low as $1, $1.50 and $2.60.
Some aro specials, othurs aro
reduced from regular prices
because of broken sizes.
Nemo corsets, specials at
$2.50, nro the samo styles that
at other times havo, sold for
exactly double.
Brassieres, n few very
dainty kinds of embroidery
and lnce, are now marked $1
to $3, which is nearly half
and in somo cases even loss,
(Third floor, Clint nut)
New Spring Silk
Stnt by Our London
Colored clillTons, ono clcllcnto
tint over nliotlior in being used in
tho now "robes d'liitcrlourc."
Chiffon or nllk voile Is n favor
ite mode over rolorcd chnrmoimo or
Tho now quaint full skirts for
enrly sprlni: nre niniln of soft nllkn.
Dolly Vnrdcn effectfl will bo
much worn.
Other fnnhionnbla silks nro
Hiipple crepes do chine, Klnco tnf
fclim, clmrinausc nnd white China
fiilkfl tor lingerie.
Every one of these silks,
including tho flowered while
taffetas ,for Dolly Vnrden
styles, are here and in truly
wonderful profusion nnd in
the high-grade qualities for
which this silk store is noted.
l'-lrl Klimr, Chestnut)
A sale of some fine new pianos and
player-pianos is being held in Egyptian
Hall. They include Schomacker, Einer
son and Lindcman instruments at re
ductions of from $55 to $175.
More of the $5
In the pretty circular stylo,
buttoning down the side, front
with self-covered buttons and
having a wide crush belt.
Black, white, gray, pearl, sand
and electric blue.
(First floor, Ontrnl)
in Inexpensive Mountings
This Winter very many
people have been buying these
simpler forms the stones of
just as high a standnrd, but
smaller in size and the mount
ings quite unostentatious and
in very quiet taste.
A platinum bar pin, net with dia
monds nnd pearls nt ?55.
A la Vnlllere of crystal, set with
onyx and small diamonds, $75.
An open-work platinum dlnnor
rinu sot with diamonds, $75.
A plntlnum dew-drop la Vulllorc,
A thrce-stonc diamond rlnR In
English sotting, ?0B.
(Jcrrrlrr Htnre, riirstnul nnd
Celebrated February
Sale of Furniture
The sale formally opens in this store always on the
first business day of February next Monday. But for
convenience sake we have arranged
Three Days for Inspection
Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday
There being ample stocks, customers may on thoso
days designate their selections and give their orders, but
the transaction will date from February 1, and no deliv
eries of February Sale furniture can be made before
that day.
From the
Underwear Sale
Women's Underwear
Lnco-trimmed union suitB, 2Cc,
BOc nnd 05c.
Medium-weight cotton vests nnd
drawers, 25c; oxtrn size, SBc.
Medium-weight cotton union
suits, BOc; extra size, 75c.
Ribbed merino nnd sllk-und-merino
union suits, $1.
Glove silk vt'sta und bloomers,
$1.75 u garmont.
Glove silk union suits, $2.25 and
Men's Underwear
White wool shirts nnd drawers,
HIuq ribbed merino shirts nnd
drawers-, $1. ...
Merino union suits, "seconds,"
Imported nll.wool shirts and
drawers, $2.50.
Children's Underwear
Merino shirts nnd pants, 60c and
75c, according to size.
IMnln Floor nml Hulivrnjr flaller,
Market, antl Mulntny Fluor,
In the
A miscellany of good couch
coverB, tapestry in various de
signs, and of single pairs of
wood silk and mercerized cur
tains, all repriced at a third
less than usual,
Coueh covers $2 to $6 each.
Curtains $8.50 to $7 a pair.
(Fourth Floor, Cbesluul)
Silk and
Lingerie Waists
Spring house cleaning has
already started for many of
our best manufacturers, and
these are somo of tho good
things that have fallen to our
$3.95 for pretty black or navy
blue chiTon waists ovor white chif
fon and trimmed with fllot lace.
$3.85 for morning blouses of
cropo do chine nnd washable soft
taffeta. Light and dark colors and
plain or embroidered.
$1 and $1.50 for lingerie vollo
waists, low neck and long sleovcs,
plain and fancy styles.
(Hunt nu! Writ Alslrs)
t Reduced
Voile and Swiss flouncings, 42
Jnchos wide, aro now 35c a yard.
Hmbroidared Swiss flouncings,
25 inches wide, aro now 25c,
Other voile jlouncings, 32 inches
wide, nre C5c a yard.
(First Floor, Chestnut)
Young Men's
115 of the finest young
men's Buits in our stock
hnve been" brought out
and reduced to $16.50.
Fine winter suits of the
highest grades to be had
in ready-to-wear clothing;
medium light colors, not
loud or extreme, butabso
lutely correct in fashion as
well as in fabric.
Sizes 34 to 88 chest
(First Floor, Market)
New Low
Prices on Men's
Motoring Furs
Coats, robes, gloves and
collars a good many dollars
Motorists arc quick to take
advantage of this sale, but
there is still fine choosing at
savings of a fourth to a third.
Fur-lined coats, $75 to $285.
Fur-surfnco coats, $13.50 to $100.
Fur-surfnce gauntlets, $2.25 to
Fur collars, $5 to $20.
Fur robes, $25 to $115.
(Meii'a l.onilnn Shop, flnliiTnjr
(Jnllrr?, Chestnut)
New Decora
tive Linens
Scarfs, luncheon sets, tray
covers and lunch cloths, a di
rect overseas purchase of
more than three thousand
Scarfs with lace insertion,
lace edge and three rows of
drawn work.
18x30 inchos $1 ouch.
18x45 inches $1.25 each.
18x54 inches $1.50 onch.
Others of a finer grade of
linen witlt scalloped edges and
embroidered dots
18x30 inches $1 ench.
18x45 inches $1.25 each.
18x64 Inches $1.50 each.
Scallop-edged lunch sots of
13 pieces, one corner embroid
ered for monogram $3 a set.
Fine hemstitched damask
lunch cloths from 1 yard
square at $1.25 each, up to
li. yards square at $2.25
Fine hemstitched dnmask
tray covers, 18x27 inches, 40c
(First Floor. Rhrstnut)
Disposing of
Possibly you may find only ono of
tho stylo you like best; possibly
there aro only two colors left from
nnother group; theso nre tho rea
sons why such really fetching
dresses nre priced so low,
In the $5 group aro bluo and
black serges, with pleatod tunics,
nnd othor models combined with
black Batin; pretty sllk-nnd-wool
poplins; navy bluo or black char
mouse frocks, und smart brocaded
serges combined with black satin.
In tho $10 group nre fascinating
llttlo dancing frocks nnd evening
satins, or marquisettes over silk,
with ruffles edged with beaded
In the $20 group some very hand
some evening gowns that enrly In
the season you could not buy for
twice this price tinsel brocades,
PinlirnMered chiffons and very
beautiful lacea in styles In Ilrat
fushlon now.
(First Floor, Crutral)
These Are the Shoes You
Save a Third On
Women's shoes at $2, $3.35 nnd $3.05 includo prac
tically every kind of shoe anvoman would want. Street
shoos and dress shoos, with plenty of patent and dull
leather button shoes with blnok cloth tops, and in the
$3.05 group a remarkable lot of the fancy top shoos so
much in demand. Spring styliw, too, not old stylos.
Alert's shoes at $2.85 and $1. In the first group aro
a smart" black calfskin laco shoe and a hjaek kidskiti
Blucherlace mado ovor the Army last, AtM is a fine
assortment of the bettor sorts of ahooSvfor all kinds of
Wear. (Mala Floor ami Huhnar (iullfrr. Market)
fiitili UOB ueeiev in im wot
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