Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 25, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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From New Positions Press
Attack on Czar's Base in
Galicia in Move to Break
Down Cracow Advance.
VIENNA, Jan. 25.
Austrian iujauUs have driven the Uua-
slang from their trenched eouth of Tar
now, nnd a fierce battle Is raging for
pon---lon of the Gallolan city.
lUistlan forces hold Tarnow, doiplto fu
rious attacks, according to an official
statement Untied here today announcing
the capture of the trenches.
The Auttrlan army of defense In mld
Oallcla has adopted offensive tactics at
several points, the most important of
which is Tarnow, on account of the
strong intrenchtnenbi of the Russians
there and the city's value as a railway
Tarnow Is ohout 10 miles due west of
Cracow, and marks the Czar's advanced
position In the campaign against Cracow,
It has boen used ns a Itusslan base of
supplies and transportation both In the
t-ra-cow nnd Hungarian opcrntlons.
Itesumptlon of furious aggression on
the part of Austria in this region Indi
cates a determined endeavor to frustrate
further advance on Cracow by beating
back the Ru-nlan forces at a time when
the General Staff haa Its hands full with
the drlvo against Thorn, In North Po
land, and the attempted Invasion of Tran
flVfanln. "Artillery battles and skirmishes continue
at points on both the Qnllclan and Polish
fronts, the official statement adds, and
in the Carpathians the Russians have lost
several trenches south of the passes.
Official statement also Is made that the
Russians aro working with a big force
on their third lino of defenses, eastward
of Gorllce (In Qallcla, midway between
Cracow and Przemysl) and are surround
ing It with wire entanglements.
Their first line Is weakly manned and
gives the Impression that the Russians
at this Important point of the Galicia
front nro thinking only of acting on the
Some kilometres in front of the Aus
trian artillery line well-built Infantry
positions extend to the palace grounds
of Gorllce.
Strategists here consider that the ter
mination of the campaign Is In sight, and
also forecast the abandonment of the
Frzemysl siege In view of developments
both In northern nnd southern Poland,
which, from now on. It Is thought, will
monopolize Ruwlan attention.
Huge Airships Depart Secretly for
Belgian Base.
GENEVA, Jan. 23.
Two of Germany's biggest and newest
Zeppelins sailed secretly from Frled
rlchrfhafen Inst night for a German base
In Belgium. It Is believed that they will
make a spectacular raid on the Kaiser's
birthday, Wednesday.
The new dirigibles are 86 feet longer
than the old airships, and each Is
equipped with n special platform on which
hydroaeroplane scouts can nllsht, or from
which they can ily. Each Zeppelin Is
equipped with a hydroaoroplane for re
connaissance duty and each cnrrled W
bombs. The airships carry enough fuel
to enable them to travel 2W miles without
a atop.
Germans Stubbornly Resist Attempt
to Pass Plllca.
Development of a new Russian offen
sive, menacing Lodz, wns announced here
Tho battle centres today aro at Wlncenty
now, 10 miles east of Tomaszou, nnd at
a railroad bridge crossing the Plllca on
the main linn leading northwest to Lodz.
The Germans are stubbornly resisting the
attempt to force a passage nt this point,
which Is but 30 miles from Lodz.
Ofllclul reportB of the progress of the
Rusrlau drive toward Thorn assert that
the Russians "are in close contact with
the enemy at Klkol."
A recrudescence of nctlvlty Is apparent
In L'ast Prussia, particularly about Gum
blnnen, where the Germans aro taking
the offensive on an nttempt to Hank the
Itusslan troops now Investing Loetzcn.
One of Pour Participating in Coast
Dash Slightly Damaged.
LONDON, Jan. S3. A private dispatch
from Berlin, received by way of Amster
dam. blatoH that four Zeppelins took part
In. the raid over Yarmouth nnd K lot's
Lynn, one of which was pierced by a
bullet, but not seriously damaged.
No ofllclal statement regarding the alr-
raiu nas Dten given out In Berlin.
LOWESTOFT, Eng., Jan, 23. The fish
ing smack Golden Rule struck a mine In
tho North Sea Sunday and sank. The
crow was rescued and arrived here today,
Vessels Arriving Today
Str Indian, Jacksonville, etc., puatna-cra and
uarchandlM, Mtrchanu-and Minna- Trnpor
tatloa Company.
Sir I.nlnilon, Boston, pautngera and mer.
ChandUa, Merchants and Miners' Traniruorta.
tlon Company.
Otr Conrad Mohr (Nor,), Ben, ballast.
Joirph c, CUbrlel.
Str Maarunidrk (Dutch), Rotterdam, via
JSeatoo, Holland-America Line.
Kir La.ujil, Tampa, etc.. nitrchandlie, Phll-dclpbla-N'w
Orltana Line.
Steamships to Arrive
Nam;, From.
Mongolian ....... ,.,.niow ,
Dominion ...,..,.,,,.Uvrpoo ,,,,,
Waddon ...Bombay .,.,..
Theml.to .... .Itotttrdam ....
BttihI Tyn .........
Flown ChrUtlanla ...
AticJicncra Cruz Grand ..
Oldftald Oranse ...... ..BhJelds
TusUlana - crAirt
.Jan. 3
Jan. 14
Nov. 16
.Dec. 18
.Dec 23
Uec. 28
.Jan. 3
Jan. 0
.Jan. a
Jan. 8
Jan, O
.Jan. 12
Jan. IS
.Jin. 18
Jan. IT
.Jan. IT
.Jan. IT
.Jin. 20
Jan. SO
Jomjborr .....Ardroaian
KHatont Sydney. C. II.
Manchtattr Mariner . ..Manehaater .
HartbatUa Narvik
Skjaldlerg- Copenhagen
Florcstls ......Iluelva
Wleo ..,..,. .Pays!
Htiktatsd SaatUfO ....
WMklnstsstaa Balboa,
lJicthiiB I Cardiff
KtrtuiAW London . . .
Jislta, . .,., Fort Antonla
ttsturfi ...., Shield
Steamships to Xeave
Want. for.
Us,acl:a .............Olajaow .....
.Jin. 2
Jan. S3
'?' 35
Ju m
ujmw) wvtrpoot ....
m ..-.., pMtifJiW ,.,
...... .....,i.,nn ..,,.,
. . 1 JHqcn ,.,,
f f-idswr MBT?ifbff.8ijT .
In Belgium we advanced slightly to
the east of Bt. Georges yelterday. On
the rest of the front there was an
artillery duel.
From the I,y to the Olso there was
an Intermittent cannonade.
On the Alsne front there Is nothing
to report except at Berrj'-au-Bac.
where a counter-attack by the enemy
wna repulsed yesterday morning, the
trenches In dl-pute there remaining in
our possession.
In Champagne wo demolished numer
ous earthworks nnd German shelters.
In tho Argonno, In the forest of l.a
Grurle, n very sharp rifle fire was
stopped by the effective fire of our
On tho Meuae the destruction of the
bridges at St. Mlhlel by our artillery
has been achieved.
In Lorraine, at Ember-Mlhlcl, wo
surprised a Bavarian detachment and
took some prisoners.
In the Vosges and In Alsace a. thick
fog prevails.
The enemy wns forced to evacuate
some trenches south of Tnrnow yes
terday, and we are continuing our
nttaoks on the Itusslan position In that
On other parts of tho Gallclan and
Polish fronts the sltuntion Is un
changed. Artillery battles nnd sMi
mlshes uro occurring nt some points.
Tho situation In tho Carpathians It
unchanged, though the Russians have
been driven out of several trenches
south of the passes.
In southern Bukowlna tho Ru?slnns'
attempt to flnnk the Auslrlnns' right
wing completely fulled. The Rus
sians were defeated and forced to re
treat, tholr rctlr"inent resembling a
flight. The Austrlann captured many
prisoners and large quantities of war
materials Tho Russian offensive In
this region has come definitely to an
In the Western theatre of war ar
tillery battles occurred yesterday In
the region of Nleuport nnd Ypres.
Southwest of Berry-au-Bac wo lost
a trench which we captured a few
days ngo. North of Chalons there
were only artillery duels yesterday,
but Infantry engagements occurred
north of Chalons today and are con
tinuing. In tho Argonne forest, north of Ver
dun and north of Toul, there are great
artillery engngemnts.
All French nttacks at Slartmanns
weller Kopf have bien repulsed.
Battles In tho forest (north of Sonn
helui) resulted in heavy French losses.
At least 400 mountain chascurs
were found dead. The number of pris
oners Is increasing.
In the eastern theatre nrtlllery duels
are continuing on the front and cast
and north of Gumblnnen. Our fire
forced the enemy to evacuate two po
sitions southeast of Gumblnnen. Rus
sian attacks northeast of Gumblnnen
were repulsed with heavy losses to the
In northern Poland there nre no
changes and cast of the Plllca nothing
Important has transpired."
Continued from Toice One
vlctlon here that Germany's losses In
jesterday's North Sea battle were grentcr
than Indicated by the Admiralty's official
stntement. This said thecrulser Blucchcr
had been sunk and two other cruisers In
jured, but that these two got away safely.
Dutch reports said a crippled cruiser,
apparently of the type of th Strassburg
or the armored cruiser Roon, was pro
ceeding nt half speed toward tho Islnnd
of Borkum' off the mouth of the Ems
River. That the German war craft was
one of the lighter cruisers engaged by
British destroers after tho Dluecher had
been sent to the bottom wns the belief in
naval circles here. Tho Admiralty today
had ni further details of the engagement,
but cxprfsf(d confidence that the Ger
man cnsualltlcs would bo Increased ma
terially. Two more of the German battle cruisers
that attempted the dash toward tho Brit
ish coast are reported to have been badly
pounded by British guns No reports
from German sources of the loss of life
aboard the German cruiser that sought
refuge behind the mine area have been
received here, but the Admiralty Is con
fident that the casualty lists ure large.
So far rus Is known only 123 of the Blue-
chers crew of SS5 were saved.
LONDON, Jan. 23. The report of tho
battle ns Issued by thp Official Press Bu
reau yesterday, follows:
"Knrly this morning a British pntrol
llng squadron of battle crulBers, undor
Vice Admiral Sir David Beatty, with a
destroyer ilotllla under Commodore Tyr
whltt, sighted four German battle
cruisers, several light cruisers and n num
ber of destroyers steering westward and
apparently making for the English coast.
"The enemy nt once made for home nt
high speed. They were at once pursued,
nnd at about half-past 9 o'clock this
morning action was Joined between the
battle cruisers the Lion, the Tiger, the
Princess Royal, tho New Zealand and
the Indomitable on the one hand, nnd the
Derftllnger, the Seydlltz, the Moltke and
the Bluecher on tho other.
"A well-contested running fight ensued.
Soon after 1 o'clock the Bluecher, which
previously had fallen out of line, can-
sized and sank.
"Vice Admiral Beatty reports that two
other Dattle cruisers were seriously dam
aged. They wert, however, able to con
tinue their flight, nnd reached the area
where dangers from Geiman submarines
and mines pi evented further pursuit.
"No British ships have been lost and
our casualties In personnel, as at present
reported, are slight, the Lion, which led
the line, having only U wounded and no
"One hundred and 53 survivors have
been rescued from the Bluecher's crew
of SS5, and It is possible that others have
been saved by some of our destroyers. No
reports of any destroyer or light cruiser
fighting have been received nt the Ad
miralty, though some apparently Iirs
taken place.
''Their Lordships have expressed their
satisfaction to Vice Admiral Sir David
Admiralty officials today took no stock
in reports that another naval engage
ment had been fought off Chatham, 30
miles east southeast of London. Rest
dents of Chatham said they had heard
firing "somewhere off the const."
The British battle cruiser Tiger, rated
as the finest unit in the British navy,
was launched in 1913 and has a dlspiace-
JLjIlIs 1 JI 1ujJE o
Best Coal
Egf 87. Store $7.25, Chestnut $7.50
Large Round Pea Coal. $5.60
Largest Coal Yard in Philadelphia
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irnmrTiirnY" ) ' '" ' " "''"Tr 'hir. "' ,n fy hirfffiTriJ
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scotiASd WHrec cuman run was JggS?, -
I 17WVnVPCV- SICHtrD 0V DRITiSK SAOROS lr.itnr a i
Ps5iF"'r "EsHdOT oTYc IV LC Ji mvmtcm? -L.-illi-S,
i Xg- ,tt3KJte.Wi7ll:POOL W .' r . - HELGOLAND Gr JSP
"fefe r&MTBr SU2- .400 Niica2rg.w wflJS. uie.L
HULL "S ' T r J -" !&& , ty-HAMBURQ
sMtm ww ff C T vJ
( D9WkJa.a. 3 c ANTWERP
A German fleet leaving Heligoland was met by a stronger British fleet about 200 miles from the
German haven. The battle began nt this point and :ontinucd to within 82 miles of the shore, where
the British fell back, fearing submarines and mines. The Germans fled rather than face a superior force.
The fight lasted four hours and one German cruiser was sunk. The map shows the course of the fleets.
'Germans Lose More Ships,
Britain Greater Tonnage
A detailed comparison of the reported losses of the Brittth and German
navies since the beoinnlnu of the tear shows that the German losses arc
at cater In numbers, but that this, to some extent, is offset by the compara
tively greater tonnage and fighting value of -many of the British ships de
stroyed. The totals of loss on each side, through sinking, capture and intern
ment, arc 43 for the Germans and 28 for the British.
The larger British ships lost (battleihlps and armored cruisers), with
date of construction and displacement, are: Audacious, 1913, super-dreadnought,
SifiOO tons; Bulwark, 180D, battleship, 15,500; Formidable, 1898 (refit
1013), battleship, 15,000; 11'arrlor, 1005, armored cruiser, 13,100; Abouklr,
1000, armored cruiser, 12,300; llogue, 1000, armored ciuiscr, 1S,200; Crcssy,
1900, armored cruiser, 12,200; Good Hope, 1002, armored cruiser, 14,100; Mon
mouth, 1003, armored cruiser, 0800; Hermes, 1893, armored cruiser, 5600.
The protected crullers and converted cruiser lost, with their tomage, arc:
Arcthusa, 3600; llawkc, ",800; Gloucester, 1,000; Fearless, 3500; rath
finder, 3000; Amphion, 3500; Pagasus, 2135; Oceanic, converted cruiser, 1TA0O.
Destroyers, submarines and miscellaneous craft:
Dcstioycrs Druid, Laertes, Phoenix, Speedy and Bullfinch; gunboat
Xiger; submarines D-5, D-l and E-3; schoolshlp Fish Guard 11 (her loss has
never been officially verified).
In addition, the Brtttih have lost a number of small mine-sweeping craft,
mostly converted 'trawlers, which cannot properly be classed as ruarships.
1'olloiclng it a detailed list of the German ships, all armored cruisers,
lost, with date of construction and displacement figures:
Bluecher, 1009, armored cruiser, 15,500; Scharnhor.it, 1005, armored
cruiser, 11,600; Gneisenau, 1006, armored cruiser, 11,600; Yorck, 1003, ar
mored cruiser, 9050.
The Germans also have lost the following protected and light cruisers
and converted auxiliary cruisers:
Frederick Carl, 8858; Stadgcburg, -U78; Mains, Koeln and Augsburg,
iC80; Vmden, 3952; Koenlgsburg, 33i8; Leipzig, 3250: Ariadne, 2618; llela,
2003; Kormoran and Gclcr, 160i; converted cruisers Kaiser Wilhclm der
Grosse, l.'i,350; Trafalgar, 28,000; Kocningcn Luise, 10,566; Berlin, 17,32-1;
Sprecwald and Princess lllcc.
Submarines, destroyers and miscellaneous craft:
Gunboats Panther, Jaguar, Llchs, litis and Tiger; destroyers S-90, S-106,
B-115, B-111, 8-118, S-119, B-lii, B-126, V-186, W-187 and Taku; submarines
U-15 and U-8, and six others reported; mine-layer Moiore and survey sliip
The approximate total tonnage losses arc: Great Britain, 156,145; Ger
many, ij7,fl0.
mont of 28,000 tons. She is 6C0 feet long,
v. lth a beam of D0!i feet and carries n
complement of nbout 1000 men. Her en
gines develop 100,000 horsepower nnd her
speed Is rated at 28 knots. Her arma
ment Is ns follous:
Ten 12-Inch guns, sixteen 4-Incli guns,
four 3-pounders and five mortars.
The battle cruiser Lion was launched In
1910 and has a displacement of 23.350
tons. She Is 600 feet long, with a beam
of SSV4 feet and carries a complement
of 980 men. Her engines develop 75,683
horsepower and her speed Is rated at 28.5
knots. Her armament Is as follous:
flight 13.5-lnch guns, sixteen 4-Inch guns,
four 3-pounders and five mortars.
The battle cruiser Princess Royal,
launched nearly n year after the Lion,
Is a sister ship of the Lion.
The battle cruiser New Zealand was
launched In 1911, and has a displacement
of 18,800 tons. She is 556 feet long, with
a beam of 80 feet and carries a com
plement of 780 men. Her engines de
velop 46,834 horsepower nnd her speed is
rated at 25 knots. Her armament Is the
same as that of the Lion and the Princess
The battle cruiser Indomitable was
launched In 1907, and has a displacement
of 17,250 tons. She Is 530 feet long, with
a beam of 78V4 feet and carries a com
plement of 780 men. Her engines develop
41,000 horsepower and her speed Is rated
at 26 knots. Her armament Is as follows:
night 12-lnch guns, sixteen 4-tnch guns
and five mortars,
The German squadron was Inferior In
fighting force. The best of the would
be raiders, the battle cruiser Derffllngor.
launched In 1913, with a displacement of
28,000 tons and a speed of 27 knots, It
about the equal of the Tiger,
The Bluecher was launched in 1908, and
had a displacement of 15,500 tons, She was
499 feet long, with a beam of 8014 feet, and
carried a complement of 883 men. Her
engines developed 43.889 horsepower, and
her speed was rated at 25.3 knots. Her
armament was as follows; Twslve 8.2
Inch guns, eight 5.9-Inch suns, sixteen 3,4
Inch guns.
The Oerman battle cruiser Seydlltz was
launched In 1912 and has a displacement of
24,640 tons. She Is 656 feet long, with a
beam of S3Va feet, and carries a comple
ment of about 1000 men. Her engines
develop 100,000 horsepower and her speed
Is rated at 29.2 knots. The battle cruiser
Moltke is slightly smaller.
Book Removal Sale
On or about February 20, 1915, we will remove to our new
store, 1628 CHESTNUT STREET, which, after this date,
will become headquarters for both our retail department and
our publishing business.
In order to reduce stock before moving we have placed on
sale thousands of books at prices which will fill every pur
chaser with glee.
Fiction, Travel, Biography, Essays, Drama and sets of
Standard books at a fraction of former prices. Seizie this
Publishers, Booksellers and Stationers
1210 "Walnut Street
LONDON, Jon. 25. King George today
sent to Vlco Admiral Sir David Beatty a
personal message of congratulation on the
victory won by his fleet yesterday over a
Oerman squadron. Tho entire English
nation Is celebrating tho victory in what
the naval experts term "the most im
portant naval battle of tho war."
The British triumph came at an oppor
tune time to calm tho fears aroused by
the recent shelling of Hartlepool. Whitby
and Scarborough, and tho Zeppelin raids
over Norfolk. The statement Issued In
Berlin today, saying that a British
cruiser was reported to have been sunk
In the battle, was declared by English
naval officials to be an attempt to mini
mize the victory of Admiral Beatty. The
reported loss of tho English cruiser was
flatly denied nnd the Admiralty reaffirmed
Its declaration that the English casualties
had been few.
No Official Beport of Movement,
Says Envoy,
COPENHAGEN, Jan. 25. A dispatch
from Berlin today quotes Dr. Beidlman,
minister from Rumania, ns saying: "No
official confirmation has been received at
the Rumanian legation of reports that
tho Rumanian army la being mobilized."
Corliss Laced Stocking:
Not Kltlo
91,60 or Two for 92,80
Sanllarv, Adjiutalli,
Call er writ for lelf-mtaiur-
mtnt blank No, S.
Phon Lombard 873.
Penn Corlisi Limb
Specialty Co.
JIT Lafayette nnlldlnr.
Cor, Chritnut and stlt ts.
I'hlladclpbU, r.
Wore Enemy's Uniform and
Painted French Tricolor
on Wings of Aeroplanes,
Allies Maintain.
' LONDON. Jan. 25.
That German aero, lanes, engaged in tho
world's first great air battlo over Dun
kirk Friday, bore tho tricolor of Franco
painted on tho underside of their wings,
wns reported In dispatches from the
nrltlsh battle front In Flanders today.
Two of the raiders. It Is said, wero
executed as spies
Aa a further disguise tho 12 German
aviators wore uniforms of Allies' soldiers,
the messages said. It wns because of
this fact that the Germans passed the
Allies' lines nen. Nleuport without de
tection nnd had begun shelling Dunkirk
before they were fired upon.
Nino persons were killed nnd 12 wounded
by tho Germans before British airmen
engaged them and drove them to tho
north. Tho dispatches carry no confir
mation of tho report from Paris that
Benjamin Morel, American Consular
ngent at Duklrlt. was slightly wounded
when a shell partly wrecked tho Ameri
can consulate.
It was reported that the German pilot
and observer, captured when one of the
taubes that raided Dunkirk was shot
down, were Immediately executed. They
wore English nnd French uniforms, the
dispatches stated, and therefore came
within tho definition of a spy laid down
by tho rules of International warfare. The
Press Bureau has no word on tho matter.
the most fully
. .
$650 to $2100
C. J.
Sister Julia Decorated by
President Poincare in Per
son for Work at Gerbe-
By fkedehick palmeu
NANCY, Jan. 2G. Others may Interview
kings and presidents, but I rejoice In be
ing tho first American td Interview Sister
Julia "Soeur Julio" who Is more Inter
esting than most of such celebrities. This
sturdy woman of CO Is heroine of all
Franco. IJncli now story about her touches
French Imagination.
President Poincare and a distinguished
company went to Gcrbcvlllcrs, a little
town In tho Vosges near the front, where
she has spent her life, to decorato her
with the Legion of Honor.
No town In Belgium la such a wreck ns
Bister Julia and her four sisters re
mained In the midst of Rhcllflrc and
through the conflagration which followed,
nursing1 both the French and German
wounded In one of a dozen houses re
maining Intnct.
I found here there, her village sim
plicity unchanged by fame, looklnu aftor
tho sick, or returning rcfugfrs. When I
observed that she was not wearing hen
decoration Bhc said:
"No; this Is my working dress. I havo
too much work to do to put on any uni
form. So I keep my decoration In a box
In my burenu drawer.
"When Monslou' Polncnlre brought It to
mo I could not believe such a llttlo man
could be President until they told me ho
really wns."
And Sister Julia laughed heartily at her
mistake, for Sister Julia who won the
heart of Franco Is not n solemn person.
Through nil of her ordeals she kept
"Another mnn," she wont on, "Monsieur
de de ah, that Is, Doschanol, came with
Monsieur Poincare. He Is president of
something or other In Paris."
Sister Julia was referring to the presi
dent of tho Senate
If anyono suggests to Sister Julia that
they will make a great ado nbout hoil
when sho goes to Paris, she shakes her
head and says:
"My place Is not making tours In uni
form, but hero In my beloved Gerbvlllcrn,
which nil has to bo rebuilt, looking nfter
tho women nnd children."
As those who have received her kindly
mMstratlons extol her conduct her slmplo
reply Is: "I only did tho Lords work
when It camo to mo to do It Why should
Presidents make nn ndo over that?"
All aro welcome to a chair In Sister
Julia's sitting room and sho Is glad to
talk to them If they do not take hor from
her work too long.
The Tonic
Before Breakfast
Tho new vrhlta Niagara grape jutca
beverage. Sparttlincly effervescent.
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I M&iPllffi? ill
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When self-playing pianos first became a
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On the Pianola you can- render in the
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Write for complete illustrated catalogs,
Pithlif S,'.- n.. . J
7, 1 v KAmm
Makes Important Ruling
ase or Koad Operated!
T -
HARniHnirnrj t- . .
fraught with important vonmf
Pennsylvania Public Service Ceml5
today practically decided that a , I $
was bound to furnish uoMb g
quale service on Its line until Ji ,7$
ns the duty Imnoswl m,.. .. .a "5?
tcr shall have been surendered Zt
surrender accepted by the r! HL
wcnlth. CommeS
Daniel C. Brandt and other fe,f,w 1
East Berlin complained to the rv"
slon that the Knot rt.-t... "V. UmiW
""u iiiuiroid rw
nanv refused in tt.i. .. ..
cither frclcht or M.n. . wMl
lino which extends from Ha.t n2l'r
Berlin Junction In a. .. tm '
tho hearing before the ComnuLfi
developed that this railroad bcean .? J
tlon In 1878, nnd continued unu TftZ
bcr 9. 19H, when a receiver, who haa vS
appointed by the Court of Common iw
of Adams county, sold the fraachl,,
Thero wns no dispute bet., .15
parties as to the fact that th.1
has been a llnnnclal failure, and .k8
respondent contended that for thi. ' '
Bon tho company had a right to . .
exerclslns the franchises conferwl Z1
It by tho State. The Comml.brfpohE
out that the granting of the chart., t3
tho company did not give to It a,2
license, which It can surrender wlthoJ!
tho consent of tho State. Ml
When a railroad charter Is grants
tho company obtains the rlgh to JmT
struct the line mentioned In the charto
and when It hns exercised that rlihtit
onters Into n contract with tho Bats t
operate t'ne lino until such time j t.
State hns authorized It to dlscontinn
the operation. '
Tho ordir of the commission It that
"the East Berlin Bnllroad Comrinr
shall, on or before February 1, 1911 re.
sume service over Its line, until utb
time as It shall be relieved from thit
duty In accordance with the lawa of till
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