tv m pwi)fgiSni jfwpiup M ytfOj "W5p EVENING LEDaERPHlLAPELPnlA, MONDAY, JANTTABY 25, 1015. 16 pwPP-pp pRIAATAIHT jHHKRYBSYSTJiM w OF THE VICTIM MLl as a Physical, Men- R and Moral Disease t May Be Overcome Proper Education. iy vr. H. SHANE, M. D. hjttctan at the "Btllu" Bundav set tabernacle. Rf lh cases wo treat In the Tab- P?t- . .. ! Ietn rt ttA fnM ft,r but ns o, rulo wo do not uso JJJhJ In deicrlblns tho ailment, for yfWago person It Is a term of re- "?, feiri 1 a physical, mental and if&Mase. H charactcrlBtlo aymp J abnormal craving for sympathy tltmcnt. It Is manifest In tho Sintei for cold, tho dipsomaniac's St for whisky. Tho woman who Is jtp by tho services hero until the Si and physical tension la so great ns (luff lull",", -..- -.... .- ..v....7v ,2? tangible than these. They all havo -., rooL 15ik demon of hysteria has been at- 5 t develop and possess them they TtlfcMe objects, Indeed. They will do Jm to gratify their cravlnc for synr presort to all kinds of tricks to nt Situation to themselves and suffor Sj Mronles Just as tho "dip" will sac ij ranch-In fact, almost anything to at, )li desire. murotlc taint, If not controlled, may fcci a vice that grips with crushing xt, put Jnis, lino nu vices, may do over-,- by croper education and a thorough CffiUniling of them. 2ott ' me cases mar. coma to our at- !i re young gins, xi parents (ana -ti'ini. too), would explain to these fetoU, when In tho early stages, what IrWlney are drifting Into, 1 am nuro icf woman would bo saved untold tfiih in later life. MJil ou BCO " "ere is only a fimoll part of the manifestations of jtnrable. It goes far deeper than that, i rbolo moral sense seems to bo un shed. In so far ns their gratifying Sir desire for sympathy and notoriety imcorned. It Is similar to tho "braln nn" of a paranoiac or the drunken de kii of dipsomaniac. Wemeath It, all Is an unstable ner lairitem, which can bo controlled to jipat measure by tho will In tho early ton. Left to Itself, It Is as dangerous fatti individual and friends as the man rl the automobile "speed" mania. Si man never took a drink of whisky !"toiiJd never become n "dip." Tho kin neurotic taint mny bo there, and Bfiould be unreliable, but not to the iej degree. JWitalnt Is best Illustrntcd In tho !arftt habit. A good, sound, normnl, taly" and vigorous man would not be JaMed with the trifling stimulation of upper pipe. Tho cigarette "fiend" Is it ft!, border lino nervously, and can iHiwjred by trifles. Ho usually goes p!rces ,oon after beginning the vice, i Of Jhls same typo Is tho hysteric. Tho rariiw)io is subject to tho disease is toaraJ,to a hard light in life, but can mqutf If she will. Such a person iboild la the object of pity. 1 4'tmd Imagination which Is not con HtJ iy facts or reason and which Is fjorimmptom thnn tho fit Is usually tulag.Do not feel contempt for such irac'rather reserve It for tho parents JIMfdiap, who allowed them to grow ijfMil-and ungovorned. not taking the ail and trouble to teach them self- enroi at an age when It can bo done. ' '. . 7 MEMORIAL TO JOHN WELSH Wev&rd on Wissnlilckon Avenue fgped by Germnntown. Citizens. 13?e.boulevard on Wlssahlckon ave gua memorial to tho lato John on. president of the fine arts commlt siUhs Centennial, in 1S7G, ambassa WwOreat Britain under President aja i and member of the Park Commis V u proposed by citizens of German Wti an amendment to tho present fa to widen the avenuo. JUiMw project would savo several jWleent oak trees on tho old Welsh JWf. ?Tne Sprlngbnnk," below Kitchen wlUnder the present plan tho trees Wba -destroyed. To Bave them It Is WM,thftt Wlssahlckon avenuo be anjdjto form two thoroughfares, with 3-i"4,ln the centro of the boulevard i s distance of two squares. ISonttra Smith, the present owner of M.Springbank," and other relatives "tacendants of Mr. Welsh, havo of J't09 necessary property, and tha gLJM bden approved by the German PWitnut Hill Improvement Assocla aJ tha Germantown Site and Itello WiwhIch havq nppolnted commit gaeSer the plan to tho city. K CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY 'jSKniS TYPE (or like this) jJtoMrtlon; In a week..,. J2J4o per line fwnitcutlve Insertions.. 10a per line lffl:nted. lBtwek.,,,! 10o perllne jg SIZE TYPE (or like this) itaSSfJ11 J!.1' elintions except Help sjMSSI Wanted. Lost and round, Ter- SSSSrtlenf ln a week.... ITHo per line ltoniecgtlve Insertion!. ..16o perllne tttott. a,faU ,neau,eraen, llW'vn ns&aysr1' p"- BOo . B , . fl.OU Mt DAIUY ONLY Wo Dteimbtr i, all PftlfntM k nv iSJu.i'llUJN KA't't 5St. a ""'h " niornlnsT and evenlnsr ri t . PUBLIC LEDGER (MOnNINQ) pyENING LEDGER wrtcest. ptt jin, n,t t0 rat glven ItKttta? BITUATTONS WANTED .tag without additional sl Is a drucr store near vour iB'nrm W"J accept Ledger want r" rates. 5$li& W A TumraTl Di-E.'ffjr irn gr 'T-4-uiiuuic Sl?. VJbermald. 2 white etrlei ex- 1st; i'jjJiJ" required M 209 "Led. On" 11.. U.lwii. Drur Hla n... ,'.. ,W ,' Ledi-er" Wnt Ad t T' Ads ara tilMhanail n (ha 'every tour ri!i'?w.uh young couole in ub- SuwiVIt1 tul o a.MUt.wlth S"',7. vu. Ilr Bid . J Moeri.ix.u.1 white for ooulilo rSS? ' 'lermu or 8wl ur- i.uuirva ljlt w Lfhljh v f"S? . oo " Ko In 'b ewmwy. riUdiih,M ABoly XI o'clock at Tin sjwa illmid utpbia ! "HI .j.. SiSO w. ft li''LO U'tt'LOit HELP WANTKD EEMAIiE STRNOOrUritnns. bookkeepers nnd MlJIki,cftI! obtain aluablo intorma t!SJi.?ut ,cur.lnK Positions by In Jorylewlng Miss Unw at Lwliter Cen ini..SM " onc for. this frea Sr.. ; a" lhB Commercial Dcpnrt mii.l,501"t5ntl'' ""rln Rood do sltlons for Lcdcer Advertisers VllSlf. (i,xu for general housework: small . ramlly; reference R)o2 Wayne ave. otn. HELP WANTED MALE TWiIll:iL a wlde-siwak. Uruc Store near your SfTS tha.1 wl" accept I-edner Want Ads. at fffi "I" Ads ore telephoned to tho . i'upiib l.plmr etery hour. ,lS9i'JItu,l','lltll!n',,.)'oun;en! reliables oer ..rpunent yos.i tolicltlnn. ZSO Land Title Pldg. S'ES, !:y.NA0J5!iante,l by Philadelphia tLflr,0' jr.hnrdwaro trade desirable! must be f-".1"? ? of handling sAlen corresimndence and lnsinlim and malntalnlnu etnclent followun sjsiem, advertising nbllliy -vrlll be recognised! """. an excewionl ouoortunlty: sslary to -.... wui f,qw. i ju. linger ;enirni. BALCSMAN We havo an oMnlnx for an A-l rnlesinan who linn had euerlonce selllnie Prtmlum advortlsingi state auallllcatlons. M . Il-M, lanr central. BALHSMAN or solicitor on printing contracts: v.. .'ni , stnin exi. nna rE. 11 tiobiiuib. u II, , ""B" user Oftlce. w.AfJ.T1:1)0ne crayon, one stlpplo artist, one Hall two-color, one Harris oftset nreesniani nrst clas? state reference and salary first letter. Uugler Llthographle Company, Mil uaukco. YOUNlt MAN with oxporlenco ln office work and bnoKkcenlng, active nnd energetic! good position. Address, giving eiperlence and efrrcncojJHI, Lodger Ofnce. SITUATIONS WANTEDFEMALE TLRun iV a wl.lo-nwnke drug storo near your home that Mill accept Ledger Vtnnt Ade. nt ufllce rates. Ads. nre telephoned to the j'Hbllo Ledgerecry hour. ATTrStfEANT for InvaTlT'or Institution work. iaurcss JO"JJ.istst. I rerorencej U1JSINE8H woman, "with 14 years' experience In double entry bookkeeping and general office nork, wants position as bookkeeper! esper'nlly experienced in newspaper accounts rca'ilrlng monthly statement of operations. For full particulars address L 23.1. Led. Off, CHAMIfBIlWOIlIv (colored) In adult family or housework In small npmt. f 186, Led. Ofjlco CIlAMIIHIlwrtHK and waiting-Competent, re"- llable colored girl; beat ref. 1' tan, Led. Off. CiCK--tlerman voman wishes position: can furnish best references, Hint 1'hlladelphla. prcferred. A 17, Ixidger Office. COOKINO rind dovnstalra work, eettled col- ored woman, cxp.. refs. 2031 Turner st COOKING and donnstnlrs work; sleep out; capable colored girl 7mi South Mole t. COOKINO and doivnetnlrs work, coinp.; Oer-rnan-Protfstnnt, rifa. M Mil, Ledger Office. l)flt:SSMAKUIt of Notv York desires cngoge'ts; monlng gowns specialty 1'hono Wal 41)02 W. DIfi:SSlAliB"ll, perfect ntter, BUlts remodeled; swift, accurate, trw N.47th St., Delmont TOD'L LUtKi'SMAKINd Ladies' und children's dress mnkf r. $2 per diy. Uar. 71.11 W. SOT X. 40th st. I.liUCATr.lJ North German frauloln, experi enced, wants to tnke caro of children: music: willing to travel, highest references. Inoulro Mrs. Ulntt, southwest corner Surrey and cnt- noracs foil pliono7.l82 U, Atlnntlo City. rilt8T-CLAS3 (ferman cook, North Oerman iniraerj' gov'si want situations. 12H1 N. Cth. P1VR years' exp. ln clerical work and stenog raphy; competent, reliable. F nil, Led. Cent. OIHL desires position, general lioustwork; good cook. 1300 N, .loth st. OI11L, 1(1, Clor.-Amer., wishes position mother's or Qrossmaker's helper. 1332 1'nrrlsh st. OinUS (2), white, wish positions: ono tin cook, other chttmbcrwerk nnd watting; In country; bent references furnished. HSU Lena st., Oermantown UIItT.y (2) want positions, chlldniirse, chum lWYtork; ono half grow n. 23.U N.Cntnuc. GOVKUNrS or mother's helper;" German Prot , languages nnd music. Pit. Walnut BIOS. IlOl'snKDErmt with lonKexpcrlenco In man aging gentleman's large household, trust worthy, capable, excellent In all kinds of cooking, wishes position with her grown dauBhtcrJo iisslsLA 110. Ixlgcr QIIIco HCirStfKKKprai Experienced woman wlihns tosUlnn ai general supervisor of household, or especially caro of motherless children Call or address 4C04 ralrmount ae Uelm't 2t'37 13. HOUSEWORK Colored girl, capable, experi enced. Call 707 S Molo st MANAGING housekeeper matron In lnstltu tlon: good seamstress, ref. r 135. Led. Off NCAT. refined white girl wants n placo for general housework In somo adult family; uptown preferred. Call Tioga riTW Nf'ItSi: or Tight chamberwork Colored girl nnnts position inn .imnion at NtfltSK (undergrad ) wlshei perm pos.; mental nnd paralytic cages specialty. A 1211. I.ed Off. STr.NOOnArHnu Ttecent graduate, slight experience: can do neat and accurate work. Phone "Miss Dean." Ledger Central. Wal nut 3000. KTUNOOnAPHEIl with mfg. and literary exp. Is seeking on opportunity: enmp., nocur . relUblo, excel rofs. F lf.fl, fdger Central BTFi.N'OOrtAPH Bit, with technical experience; capable AX references K 8M. Ledger Cent HTKNOOltAPHnit, comp and conscientious den pos moil sal. ref A 11R, Lodger Off STrWOOTtArilRIl Ilrlght capablo beginner: nign scnooi grauuuie unt, r,. x.n m. TllANSLATOIt nnd stenographer, knowlodgo of tho prlncLpnl com'l languages exn.. wlshen position with export concern. B nr,7. Led Off. WHF3N IN NRKD of an experienced office as sistant, bookkeeper, stenogrs-pher or clerk, cnll up Walnut 3000 nnd consult with Miss Denn. of the Commercial Department, who has a list of high-grade, experienced girls eager for positions. Avail yourself of the free scnlco to Ledger Advertisers NOW. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE THERE IB A WIDE-AWAKE drug store near your homo that will accept Ledger want ads. nt office rntes. Ads, nro telephoned to tho PuliUo Ledger every hour. A YOUNG MAN familiar with use and re pair of heavy farm and power machinery, nnd a graduate nf the International Corre spondence Schools In soil Improvement and farm crops, desires position ns farm man ager: 12 years' experience on farm, refer ences exchanged. Add. L 224. Ledger Offlca. AM I WORTH AN INTRnVICWT Efficiency mnn. 10 years' experience as man ager and high-class salesmnn in the Far Hast, wishes to get ln communication with large manufacturing concerns which need a man of tact, energy and one able to Improve business conditions. Speak Spanish, and would be ready to establish business ImSouth America. B TS4, Ledger Central. AN OPPORTUNITY knocks but ones, but this young college graduate In M E.. with selling experience, desires to hear that KNOCK NOW. Shall I hear from you, Mr IJmployerT 1" a,,,,, tujn ciiwtti AUDITOR, expert bookkeeper, comptometer operator; Interview earnestly solicited. F 241, Ledger central nOOKKHEPnit, stenographer and clerk, 12 years' experience; reference; ealary 112. F nu, j.euger cemmi 11UTLKR, houseman or cook (colored) ; experi enced and best refs. P 120. Ledger Office. BUTLKlt. colored, competent houseman; ref. erence Apiuy a".u nmi .,wv,. CAUPENTEK wants Jobbing, alterations or new work; estimates given. J. P., 2040 Mllllln st Phone Dickinson 4ma t. CHAUFFEUR Japanese, careful driver, good mechanic, wishes position as chauffeur, valet or generally useful; willing, sober refer ences. P 866, Ledger Central, CHAUFFEUR White, careful driver, good mechanlo; honest, total abstainer; 8 years' experience; Al references. Arthur Parker, is e wiown i f . . n. . CHAUFFEUR desires re-engagement I abstain. er; 14 years' exp. I Ihor. mech. : ex, refs. 1020 French St., or phone Locust 1182. CHAUFFEUR Oentleman desires to plax his chauffeur, excellent driver: sober, honest. r lUble. DoctorlllerWolllngfordL Pa. ClIAlJFFEUR-KiP.r.eneyo man: goo , r. CHAUPFBUR-Neat. colored! 8 years' .xp.j make own reualrsi good ref. II 0. ledger Off, 5oLl,ECTOR and conndentlal mam can give bank and commercial reference, to your en tiro satisfaction; also any bond required. A 48., Imager Jirsncn, aw .v. uintm k,. ELECT II iCAL salesman; worked for all larg est Juic-ly house. In Pblla; thrtftyi be.t ref. jfilOO Lilger Branch. 2283 Columbia svs, t'AltMtll. white, married, man, Protestant, mall family wants position on gentleman's oountry place as working foreman by April I 2? aooner. test reference., fl. A- Henry, ilalvern. Pa. R. D. No. 1. HAnBENKR-Flret-clasa vegetable and flower sardener. married, no children, auu experl inod milking cow., wlshe position private SlicS 1 "nod reference. 234.1 N. Philip rt. - x INVEaTIOATOR . with T years' expfrlencj with large corpora tion al. forms of Investigation, can bring you ffi"i.'-' whole or tart limy. P 245. Led, tent. liAN'ABB wishes , position as good plain JiiiV or Wi entire ohare. of bache or iLfts V M 1M4 Vine st MANryoun. intelligent, wants situation; any eiriclty most .cautious and obliging, a "h igerCeatral ETTkTSIH Will work cheap right now. aatU- rf$r5 work Beuetker 1018 N. 4th SALESMAN vauna mm, 10 rears' aelllnx experlenee with iCrt5 lfS. wl4 aoovu-ln.taaoa la this aj ..SkLtint 8U.LM d"f an lounnew with r- Suftbff'uSSiS J?W L Cf9t! , srrfflNOGRaPHHR cotoPffUntj lapli accurate; SITUATIONS WANTED MALE B!i!',wIAnD ,'or malL flub, . years In elty S!?lll J?'- refs. p 143, Leaser central. UNIVERSITY student wished clerical work evenings; competent stenographer, bookkeep; i ".jears' experience; speaks Spanish. U 741. Ledgerbentral. ou? MAN-Ati experleneed and educated youns man of three years' experience do sires a position with a first-class flrmt can Iterate the .typewriter and alo understands "'."'nds of clerical work! best of reference and willing- to work for a fair salary with a chance for advancement. A 135, Ledger . .Office. TOUNO MAN, S2, married, desires a position J' any kind paying a modernts aniary: has 2f. ."Perlence at walling, cooking, driving, mjchlne shop, etc.; can furnish first-class .w-riciiiva. a i, ixioger iTince. Y0.V,' x,'w- 27. seven years' ofllce and Je1'1,ins experience, seeks commercial position nJ,ln manufsctiirlng concern: hard nnd con- SCientlmia vnl,At klat.AB, M-K.1i,nili,l. nn nlv. . lection to lesving'city. p B3, ledger Central. TOUNO MAN. 54 years, single, good education, anowledge of bool-keeplng, abllltr to handle a r..',i vi rreponsibiiuy ana trusi oesirw, n advantageous change. A 120, Ledger Otflce TOUNO MAN. 20, reliable, rfeelres position . with wholesale house. 2340 T. 21st sC ATJT0M0BILE8 Tnr Pnle CARS bought, sold nnd exchanged; $2 a month storage while selling; sold free of chargo. Oarage. 802-m N. Both. Call Mclmont 4R81. FOUR Overlands, roadster, l-pass.. 2 tourings, forwloor; per, or. Ridge Auto, . 14j4Rldge. ROADSTER S12S, fully equip ; Rulck runabout for SlSOi per, order Ridge Auto, 1414 Ridge. WHITING runabout, per. order; number of othera to select from. Ridge Auto,1414 Rldga. Wanted A FORD TOURINO CAR wanted: demountn Mb rims: cash, O. II. IIIVIN, 20 8. r,2d st. MOTOIIBOATS AND SUPPLIES MOTORHOAT TENDERS, S1.B0 n ft.: reliable, seaworthy. Bright Bros., 2409 N. College. BUSINESS NOTICES Wo can nfford to remodel or repnlryour furs much cheaper than the largo de- FURS partment stores We give you expert workmanship. Phone llelmont 2,184 W. CIIAS. J IIOOSS, S137 Arch at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLORIDA An opportunity to participate In a syn dicate being1 formed to purchase for In vestment a tract of virgin timber and farm land, sltusted In Manatee County, which Is one of the richest In Florida. This land Is adjacent to llradcntown. tho County Scat. For Information, address M 214, LEDGER CENTRAL. OKLAHOMA OIL LANDS A splendid oppor tunity Is offered to Investors to purchnso wholo or part Interest In Oklahoma oil pro ductions. These properties were purchased by our scents at first hand and nro now producing oil. This Is not a wildcat sale of oil stock, but n bena fldo chance to buy tht'ro oil-producing properties. SAMUEL W. Mc CtrbN, 837 Real Fatate Trust Building. DENTAL PRACTICE for sale, doing a cash business of nearly $4014) a your, established 14 years; ln u gro.vlng suburb of Philadelphia; population about 10,000, one other dontlst: best location ln town; will sell practtco and rent office, or sell both. M 312, Led. Cent. WANTED, nn associate In municipal develop ment work; I have valuable contracts with municipalities; largo profit accruing, dcslro man or standing and ability nnd ono Inter ested ln chic or municipal work. !M 251, ldTer Central. $1K) WILL BUY half working Interest ln manufacturing business already thriving nnd on Its feet, profer mechanic or one mechnn I -ally Inclined, but good business man will be accep t ed. P t'21. Ledger Offlco. WANTED, a partner with some capital to In vest in timber. Wrlto for full particulars. THE BERLIN LI MUER CO., II. D. Adnms, manager, Mllford. Del. WANTED Intelligent Investor, with services, for guaranteed film manufacturing nnd amusement concern; no trlflers. Room kit). Heed Building. WOMAN PARTNER In going business: half lntciet for small assessment to Increase present sales. M 255. Ledger Central. PATENT ATTY will exch. services for nny useful commodity. M 251, Ledger Central. I'OR RENT Floor for wholesale business or mfg. 400 Commerce st (near 4th & Market), Wanted PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER desires to locate In office building-, vicinity Broad nnd Chestnut, where work Is light; small salary; Al reference. 1734 N. 27th. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH PEATirERS AND TANCIES CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT.IBIO Chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY DRESSMAKINO taught, short, prac. courso. McDowell 307 Dcnckla Bldg.. 11th & Ma rkot Hemstitching done while you wait. A. Reich- ard Iil3 Chestnut Pictorial Review patterns DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD FISH NEW tMPOHTATIW fine singing Oermnu canaries, $3 each, every bird guaranteed good singer: cages SI upward. The largest nnd best stock In the city to select from. Birds can sarely be sent to all parts by express. E C VAIILE, .1111 Market st. FOR SALE ANTIQUE COLLECTION English export, obliged to return, offers 350 genuine articles pncrldcinlly. comprising fur niture, mirrors, glass, china, etc. Inspection this Wfcekopposltfl Vernon Park Musoum.Gtn. ANTIQUES Chairs. 100 yrs. old, S4; mnhng. bur., S10: bric-a-brnc, COc to 5. 735 Walnut. BILLIARD, pool, comb 2d hand, bought, sold, rented, ex'd. Keafer, 320 Olrard aye. INSTRUCTION FRF.NCH In threo months by refined young Parisian lady; easy conversational method; terms moderate. Mile. L. Berthln, 1503 Arch 110 a. m.-lO p nU. DRAMATIC ART. ELOCUTION, EXPREH tlon. Phone Belmont 3110 W 1728 Chestnut st. , Tuesday and Friday, 3 to B p. m. Musical OPERATIC tenor desires pupils; choir, oratono and opera. C 308, Ledger Office. OLD GOLD BOUGHT, SOLD DIAMONDS BXCHANOED. WINDOLPH, APPRAISED. 28 N. 12TH HT. STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack PHII4A. Inc and shipping. 8870 Lancaster ave. WANTED FURNITURE. CARPETS, PIANOS PART OR ENTIRE HOUSEHOLDS BOUCJHT REST CAH PUICBS PAID MILLER A CO. 1820 RIDOB AVE. PHONE POPLAR 4S83 Kl IPMITI IRP Antiques, pianos, etc., part rUKrUIUIVE or ,B,r, house bought. Kens. Furniture Co.. 8148 Kensington ave. BOOMS FOR RENT THBRFB a wide-awake drug store near your horn, that will adept Ledger Want Ads, at office ratss. Ads. are telephoned to the Public Ledger every hour. DALTIMOliB AVE.. T410 Private family has a very desirable room, light and warm! pleas. ur. Photo displayed at Ledger Central. 5a1IING.8218-Tvvo first-floor rooms: suit Mrs. Belle McClsln. Mansger BAHINil. 8810-Rooms. jurnisneu or untur- furnished broad n.. wuH-W H!!-. .r&teSVK photo dUpUvA t Lrtdyw Central ( TUtOAD B.. 64 W.-urpUbtd roomi rtu. WAokri. ..;I3WL Ifiti umiih- edi convenient to bajhl walnut vy, 1VV, numiia. TT ' r wAw'vrsssstsssii rff. I nVliK ortfffi PlAiaint Ttxunt. furn.. un UAV""' vtrithTF Is-CrA no hk-n.! nh. turn with or wunou. tru n .iu., uu. KpnAIl AVE.. 4ou6 Desirable furn. 2d-floor C5A,V reflAJd" nslghoorh'd Woodland 478T W. PhIMTNUT'. 4480 Eoiceptlonal vaeancle.; Sarin cheerful rooms, cony. 'L, surface 1 jgSjrJ&s' C2M. Aoto dl.prLed Cent. FTlEaTRDT. 1604-lUwms, (lnle or en suit.. -.:-.-...- 9.41 7mp5T?fii'lP ifci-Well-furnl.h.d single and CdaEubT.Nrfns7lMJ!!lr- . FlfSRHrK" 2043 lLexlngton)Largs W-Door C filnt with prlvatebath amallerjoom. JnlNTdjf OiOCaW' MmforUWy ruroUhea C&Stloa.: refuied surrouodlngs. single r-nm. I'noat M' --: tront room i?j5 wus7!rsiS2& :ninii ivu 42111 (bet. fine xmh.j sua. 08AQB AV !; tiwiernlr furalahed. - r.rr7lr", liar Pine anil Bllt.V Su KTriOj-M 28 Furn. Iront rooms, private PAiffi fl.1 Jr.. from 82d. st L noloe tSvtc "iinft Nvath furoiht.ti room iu private ftoil. i 'iSVl wutUwi, ejuwaure, pfcwa. ROOMS FOR RENT PINE, ltos- Nl'-elv furnished sinslo momi all conveniences phone nhklnson H3d D. PTnI:, 1S3J 1'nrlor rooms; Also others: bright and cheerful: runnlna; water, corner house. PINlT, ISOit-'NcwIy furnished double and sin- Rle rooms, pest service, pnone. 8PIHNO OARDRN, 2U0-2d-Story jSllllo furn. I bath; tight housekeeping It desired SPRUCE, 1413 Two coiv rooms: neatly fur- nlehed:convenlcntl phono Bpruco 41SS SPRUCE, 2022 Desirable suite, with prlsvta bath; open fire; phone; owner. Sl'ltUOrl, 402!--Now!y opened, very attractive lurnisneu rwmai , 'mituuniwai 1 n'g t.m, ! ........ ... ,n . i-.a... M,Mr.. .,a.ri rooms, completo for housekeeping, linens and silver supplied, Phone TlogaJSIt W, WALNUT, 5732 I-arge, light 2d-etory rooms bay window; corner house! nice section; eon v enlentj photo dlspla) cdnt LedgorjCentral WAT.'NTf?; 4301 Second floor, imfuf.. .bath: south, exposuroi plessqnt rms. Preston 2720U. WAfNUT, WJ2 SlnaTe nnd double rooms, at tractively furnished) hot-water heat; phone. f,2d and BnnsomFurnlshed Y. M. C. A. shower Imths: near 1; nil the comfoite of home. Phoni Belmont tflfll, Key , West 3HII UTH, N., tl33 furnished rooms, well heflted. linunekenln. Induing. coll s . Pon 3042 D, fiflL-i BT7Soo--iiieaiitlfiil siil"ie, with private Dim: llgnt nouseseepins; u ueeireu, liil'H, 8, 317 2d floor front private family ihe nnntieles. reasonable. Filbert f53 lSTli, N., Imo Two desirable, comlortabTy rurnuricd rooms: wen neaieu; pnotn iiiepiajna nt I-d, Cent,! home conking Poplar M lDTrrr"rrnn5II)6"lr5"Jlo unfurnished suite, vlthbath; private family: steam heat. iSTH. 8 . ftt4 Nicely furnished front room, nextto bath: ale o prnfeeslonsl offhe. 17TJI, N", 3335 Modern furn. rooms, single or en sulto: prlvnto family Tioga 0S7I D SsTd" rf, 2l?l-slngte"or communliatlng front rooms; privato; reasonanio. uinmonu new, lfiTII. next "p, 314 Nicely .furnlslicd front "room to bath, also prtifessloinl office 40TH AND SPRf'cn Beautiful fum. front c'imblned sitting nndbedroom Preston 2201 ! 61Tllf S.. 4111-Two 2d-stnry front, com. furn rooms udults:lousckeeplnK,phone IN OTrard Estate, prlvnfo family will let'double room, with connecting room If desired, ref erimces exclnnged M 3W, Lodger Ccntral. ONE or 2Rentn""can havo Turn "front mom nelghborli'd .ISth & Ponelton IHrlng 132 W BOARDING THERE tS A WIDE-AWAKE drug store near jour homo that will accept I-edgor want nds. nt offlco rstos Ads. nre telephoned to the Public Ledgerevery hour; CEDAR AVI! , IUU2 Deslr. fur. room, with gon.l tahlo board, prlato Wooilland 2.133 1. CHESTNUT" 401S Nicely furnlBhed rooms, with board. nlBo table board: convenient to elevated and trolleys.Phnno Pre3lon mil D. COLUMBiA AVIJ.7 240ii Nicely "furnished thlM-story front room; twin bed; goodtnble. DIAMOND, 20O7-'lisceptronn"l rooms, Mnglo or jenH'Hto, running vatcr; excellent meals, ph FAIIIMOl'NT AVE . IMS Boarding for Hdles nnd gorUcmon conveniences. Poplar 3227 W. IIAKKL" fit22 AtrnvtHc" furnished 2d floor front rm., warm: comftbl , prlv. Wood. 3257D SPRUCE. 1221-211" (Brlsmondo) Puni. rooms. slngloensultejirlvnto baths, table board. SPRUCE." 1230-Attmctlvo rooms: also sulto with private linth: table board. HPIH'CE. 102"i ll.ichelor's npnrtments, two rooms and hath, electrlojlght, table linrd. SPRlfci:, 12.'0-lMrnlshcd Vulle"on27l floor, prlvnto bath, excellent table, phone WALNUT .Til I-Uins" doublo and single room 1 75 up,tnhlo boaril. phone. WALNUT, 3M-, Pleasant rooms hot-wnter heot: beautiful location: excep. table; phone WALNUT, ion Desirable furnished rooms. except, table board: convenient. Baring 717 WALNUT 4I01 A fow very dcslrjblo vacan cies, furn. or unfurn.KOod table, phone. WALNUT. 1123-Sunny rooms, rlent hent curlier houso, table bonrd. 1'reston .-,i2." D WALNUT, IM1 Kurnlshifi foomr with hoard desirableJooatlonneurJ'L" rcfs. exchanged, ioTH. S7, 'lll-llmibh-'rnom, 2d floor- privato bath: uthors wlthjioard. Walnut 723S W I2ril. N. 203S Pleasant room, married couple 3rKentlomen: jtood tnblo. phono 10TH. N.. 11120 Pccond-story front room: su- pcrlor table, prlvnto family, modern, phone 2JD. N 2 !iio Itellncd couple or two gcntleimn can hnvc 2d-Iloor room, with hoard. 4UTII hT . s ino-Aitrncllvo rooms for those who appreciate a good home, mud., prlv. nnd conv . good t.ablo. Photo display at Led Cent SOTH. N 121 A few warm, sunnv rooms for those wno appreciate a goou numu; moti . i-- neighbor . kA table, photo. Listed at Lcl Cent, APARTMENTS VENVNtlO W., 1S01 2d floor. 5-room npart ment, all new, parquetry floors and papering vnung mairled couple preferreil, reasonable WALNUT. 122J-2I (Kenwood) Deslrnhlo vacs . slnglo or n sulu-, prlv. baths will chiinK to suit tenant, moderato rnt Walnut S184 PARK AND COLUMBIA AVIV (9. 17 cor ) i pnnmfl Bc-,in,l. tlnnr front, steam heat. ?-" SPIUN'O HARDEN, l.Ml Light housekeeping furn . running water. jingle rooins. phono SPitINO HARDEN. 1010 Excellent ants, mi different houses. jirno furnd: kitchenettes CI! fl.TON AP aITTM ENT3 3218 UAR1NC1 ST. Two first-floor rooms: suit dentist or docto- or npartments. MrsJlelle McClalnmanager TWO Inrge. conunun.. unfurn. rooms, with bath: 2d floor; hot-water hoat: can be occu plod nboui March M:ill, Ledger Central I irirvlC HP Al Handsomely furnlBhed LIUfN b rlCAU npl, 1213.1S Locust HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 1"10 nTTotH ." "rooms "and bath, hot-water "iieat J20, several smaller apartments: sum mer rates Waldman. 11 10 airardave. STaSTER" ST., 1 f-O', Hi cond floor: mo,lern housekeeping ap.irtmentB hot-water heat DIAMOND. 20l0-lst floor: 6 rooms, hardwo,,,! Ilonrs. Inquiry first floor Phone Dla.4.n Foit"VACANCir.S ivnd complete Information of all apartments free, consult . , APARTAltiNT BUREAU 13th and Spruce sts. Phono Walnut 930, or write for "Apartment Directory," January Rdltlon. Eree. KENT APARTMENTS N. ,5 BT. Housekeeping apartments, 4 rooms and bath, tX!.5Q month: Janitor servlco. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OERMANTOIVN MOUNT AIRY AND CHESTNUT HILL Pelham Trust Co 0710 Qermnntown avo, "iioici: nro'icrtles In nil sections of atn.. Ml wilrv Chest II.: nil prices Write for speelsl list J II Chadwlek a Co.. 5018 Uermaniown Amhlrr. l'n. T.V1' sneclnllxe In suburban property along the P & It. Bethlehem nnd branche. i'r? P?aU?eUsrbannd &? X.:' W .atlsfy any reasonably purchas . We h tton Va 6 ATBB. l-iiVi miles .nation, a. u. llt-alo WCIl . "gairr. ijt NKW JKHBKY .ii..nit- rUv w .1. nuniuiu win -' - - TiKAiriTR(LCiNS-Atl. City, Ventnor. Plea., antvllle Absecon: cottages lots, hotels: .ale, f int. exch: Rruckmann, 3l6 Quar. Bldg . At- lamjcwuy. SNAPS in cholco cottages, hotels.lots. eto. risle rent, iie. Choicest cor. lot Ventnor. 11000 be" cost. Druckmann. 310 Guarantee Bldg, lladdonflfld. N. J. -HA.VB BEVERAL KINE PROPERTIES a, "barialn prleea WM. CAREY MARSHALL. rji Federal st Camden. Woc.iI h u rrl lelght s. N. J, HbVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg O.-.. .1..Wi. nrlrea. John MavheW. lau ill iwu .- ' PENNSYLVANIA rAnSIS iikS ACltia. local on, land, buildings, water and railroad facilities, all first claa.i ba. SH.1".focrn,.hi..ri50.Pana"2 giiW "ATVHA'ir" your wanin it, Chester Pa iBfiwS'M1 ft'siitfo'nrrh Urwi " H Thompson WBthesirJ, REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT West Philadelphia 46TII B., 218 New .Ide-yard house, "rms, " bilhs billiard room; hot-water heat; hard r.,"'nV,. 217 B. 4Bth st, Prlca 8300. , REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic C1U. H. 1. ii evrv ii cottages, apartments, eta., to ULn7i'tor PBlidelpVia properties. OIIAS. KFEL L. 33T jenMuveAtlantla Clt REAL ESTATE FOR RENT iptfcg'gA fBa"r.'"at; yH,tnrleWarehonse. Mfg. Moor. THREE SMALL FLOORS, ntrjl ; goad light "eat 1 low rent. P- Hgg 1317 PBtva. Bldg Af5i!P"iJt-5r. HOTELS, boerdln houses, coinages, etc., to meet every requirtaienL A Moor. 4u tt riojitt MORTGAGES CHOICE AU&atlo City mortgages for talsi tw? uod uwriat.L lfbwal dlsoouat. gil, Pre OfBce Xtlastlo Sty. iSQ,tt60 FOH 11 Nl Kl' MaKTQAOEsl Utl. u lUUIitLi. '" uuusui w i ' .....-,.. 3S jrtii U&tt cr, D A DDI R Siefia. YWXV lJ f JljBL M. JL Pii -y M.- irf ct-rI un" ' . U THE PADDED CELL vsv f i. - v 'v fiffrr eVv, "" " "" " wa am. a v rwssrO i 1 LasSsM syV'" " v i , . l- s?. ,f ctzr ;."s-a r , ry . - -CCT-....V S L H - ' nJ"'..:-:r ,! tstmpoon, "Tho w'.iw? Oil, yes. Ilia bally wnw audi n nulsanco, deuced hard on a fellow, too. Only fancy having" o confine, oneself to domestic vest Ribs!" Detected "My dear, did you inako this puddlns out of the cookery book7" "Yeo, love." "Woll, I thought I taBtod one of the covers." Sacred Hoart Itcvlovv. JAN.26 WKr5 DIARY IQU PlOM'T GO TO -rHe REOULAR TlMC. PA WVS &1CK ArJO HE ANOHI3 SMM.U SMITH FIFTY CENT WIZARD Q.OICK dHOAJeRA? X MOHfY AND A HALF I 1 p"Wi TETRlbRAP-"" tfKlW ,;5H)K CHLtA I Dr. picm-Ar8 you "going to call m V"rin Ml r - V "' consultation? '.if Jlfy.rfl, C5i 9 --ti Dr. Bolus-I think not I don't bellsv UU I Ki!li20CTfl - 0 a'SIREEOA J r tho pntlcnt has that much moneyNew " pSKe 3? j. York Po!! ls- - 11)1 P W,r R -2Lxv k Mnintainlnff a Balance Ss' A, I & -sSJrSr-T-- ? '!fir:ffiiv (W "Do choortul. Look on the bright side V-0 UJh && Nrnrr-3 ('5 -s .' of thing." TOAy O l '' ,- "l do- But my Partner looks on the 2P 'r . f ) 7 fill " dark alJe' Every flrm should have a SB-igSp2 '" L5 f K i A pessimist, you know." Exchange. omn murtiMtUT C non. RUSSIAN NVf -... JU !"rwmHMtWll RUSSIKH ARtAf M6(f HE DIDN'T GET A CHANCE. mttWt otnrAa. MBouBt . Ethel-Did ho tell you when he pro- 5"" ?,'" t-"0 HAUS " 'J DW "h- o,HaoSH SSTtSS wSTSJJ ayoh.rt UttJ OUST A fl-AC) "eo SCAir . Mls - .,,ri(in,"'ll'' ... ',',? m L.ntr tti .., gl Wltll US. -Lampoon. Edythe-Np, indeedt He was going OUR OWN WAR MAP to, but I told him bo first! Wlllle-Toacher kept me in because H'i-feWI I couldn't And Moscow on the map. SK?I!5Si;? '63311" Mother-No wonder you couldn't 4VK&$aS5!&& SiS 'U'-Tn' oulr ffKJt WlS Obliging Ind.v,dua,-Co,d bit of a Job you'vpe got there, magp? JSUfc. that way! ter nip along and get yerself a drink. I'll 'old yer baynlte fer yer. ANY DAY IN THE WHITE HOUSE, NOW ll j I S WM -'-.JPfc22& j&Sf I J. Tf ." B f . 7LV V f iJE V I 4f ( A TRUE DIARY OF A BOYJ .SCHOOL TODAY EITHER. (3WT l GOT OUT OF BED AT THE DAY WAS RAINY AMD THE SWOW IS HALF GOfOt? , LET ME LOOK AND HAWTJLE HIS Bl5 COWBOY REVOLVER AND VAJGSSOrJ, I'M THINKING OF GETTING A, LIQUID PI-STaL . IT OUGHT TO -SHOOT SIX. SHORT HAVE -4-.5"0 TO SPEND. GOT4- IN CHRISTMAS SAVINGS UP AND I0f ALLOWArvCe EACH VAJEEK. rhe uven'Oi; Newa PHIDB QOFTIl Pl.t'' 'TiF FALL !LooV.e4 thq Tart TJje Governor's wife wa tlUn Bridget about hr husband. "My husbauwi, Bridget." he aW, t prouUy, "U the UauJ of the guto tntutta," t Ol t'awght as much, wa'aja.'" 44 Brldt cbeertully. "Ain't he go W Irift njUios loukr' Southrn WuasR'S J ( vtermiitwii