Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 25, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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Knlfjhta of the Golden Eagle
A epmpilm-nUry dinner was tndrd to
?Mt Grand Chief Charles K. Williams at 13(h
lVtt kni Qltiird Avenue, on January 18.
Tnre was a reception by the
Sir KnlKht and their ladlei,
unit the following composed
the committee having the af
fair In charge l'nat Chief Ed.
T. Morris, chairman; rant
Chief llhlgway B. Shrnmn,
Past Grand Chief Jot, 8. Oar
wood. Grand sir Herald John
F Ilrounley and District
nranil Chief Charles (1. lluhn.
Chester Castle has suffered the lost of one
Of Its oldest and most ncllvo members In Past
Chief Charles Jlardman Urother lltrdman had
teen a. member of Chester Cattle for mora
than 20 rears, and held office continuously
unlit .lbfltiarv T, vhan hn rMlirnMl.
Pennsylvania Commander', of needing. In I
lull UJiiLurui, iiiaiHiivu mw utiivrin vi Db i.n-
renca Castle on January 14. District Ornnd
Chief Jantea Fredericks was In charge of tho
affair 'After the Installation the members
marched m the Mack Hear Hotel for an ex
cellent supper.
St. Ivmrence cattle Is In n flourishing con
dition and list more than $1(1,000, nil Invested
in, first mortc&grs.
A well attended meeting of Ansonla Cattle,
at Derwyn, wat held January 14, and more
than 40 members of the order were present,
coming from Wt Chester, Ardmora and
Philadelphia to a-slt the local castle to boom
Its membership. Past Chiefs George H, Kami
and William MoFarland had been appointed
rp-Cla. assistants to the grand chief for the
purpose of booming this castle, and they were
present with a team to confer tho thrco di"
rfecs on the new members which tho cnstle
had received, Seven candidates were admitted,
the three degrees being conferred upon tliem,
nd Us applications wero received. Urother
Kano wa assisted by Ornnd Sir Herald John
F Brounley, Pnt Chief Harry Iturgln, I'll-,
trlct Orand chief Charles n. lluhn. Past Chief
Wesley Wallace, Colonel rlw, ouynnt. of the
Klrst Jteglment, Past Chiefs Trank P. Thomas,
Wm JlcFarland, John Vclt and Samuel c
John Mayhne. master of records of Friend
thin Cattle, of Sanborn, 1ms propoiod 27 mem
ters In that castle during the last tfcrc
months, ha has also the master of records of
Itockntray Castle. Oeorgo It. M Shurc.
Captain Hills It. Moyer has commenced his
27th consecutive year as master of records of
Mount Pann Cnstlo, at Heading, Pa,
Royal Arcanum
Th "Arthur 13. Eaton Clots" was eueces".
fully launched nnd In being taken up by the
v,rlrus councils In Philadelphia and vicinity
wiin a view mat tpeiis victory
from tho stnrt It Is the aim
of the board of managers to
eclipse the big "Webster C
Welts Cists." of nio. mado In
IfOl. a record that still Hands
supremo but must give way to
the "Arthur II. Fnnton Clnrs"
by April SO next. i;nch coun-
ctl In Pennsvlvanli I nnlrn.1
off With another council In a membership con
test. The wlnt.lng councils with a membership
Jf or over secrlng a minimum number ot
100 members receive n Supreme nnd Grand
Council price of K40. Tho lotlng councils pro
curing ICO or more new members receive $120
Councils with a membership of 200 or les re
ceive a Pupreme nnd Grand Council prize of
160 for 23 new members, and 1120 for .TO new
members. Individual members In any coun
cil temrlng 10 or more member- will recelvo
a handsome It ova I Arcanum gold watch, beau
tifully engraved, -value $21. There aro a num
ber of other prises such nt Jewels, wntch
charms and watches All contests by coun
cils and individuals clo-e April SO.
Guarantee, Council, No. 1470. met at 1817
worth Broad street on January II and In
dorsed the mo.ement for tho "Arthur n.
Eaton Class." Special arrangements are to
be planned to procure tho quota allotted and
more If possible.
On October l:: last Philadelphia Council had
the rrlvllege of Inltlntlng Clarence C Male
horn, who has proved a valuable addition to
tho ordor. Ills achievement shows a remark
ahle record of IB candidates and his ability
Juta placed him among tho captatna of mem
bership contests.
p. D. O, It. Btoklnger mstnlled the officers
of Havorfdrd Council on January 13. -throe
candidates were Initiated, one card deposited
nnd four new propositions read. Tho Mem
bership Committee Is planning for a total
of 80 new members by April 30
Little Oakdalo Council medo a fine showing
at a special meeting on January in. About
CO members were present to witness German
town Council's crack degree tam confer tho
degree upon sli candidates. Tho perfect man
ner in which this team does the work and
thy beautiful robes make it a pleasure for
both candidates and members. On the side
lines a delegation of tho Carnation Club was
Sn...'mn,J .0 boost tho enthusiasm Brother
Miller, the mott tucccesful worker of this
council; Is covering himself with glory. He
was congratulated for his splendid work nnd
1. deserving of a handsome reward from thn
Higher bodies. A lunch followed the close ot
a. spirited meeting.
.'..,.SJ,11.vfrom the activity In tho Pittsburgh
olttrtct. they are shaping up for a good stiff
campaign for the retiring crnnd regent. With
?5l!,',rin,"I!j"rttlD.ot 70on tny "hould give tho
Philadelphia district a lively chate. but they
-.... .... u,i, ,w,l( pume more ro oeot tne
IJecember figures: Philadelphia's membership,
07: secured 1 applicants: Pittsburgh's
membership, 6R.TO; secured 80 applicants.
The prise winners In the Itoyal Arcanum
decree team contests during November and
December were Gormantown Council team, who
made a record nf TK np pnf rn nn .,.
nnd 25 rer cent, for appearance, or a per
fect score, and the prize was a check for MO.
nl Hnverford 'cam, who won the other prlio
of 50 for ritual nnd elocution, with a scoro of
ev.. i' crni. itoin nc mese prizes were con
tributed by Grand Regent Arthur D. Eaton.
In the contest for members between Phila
delphia Council and Corinthian Council, of
Newark. N. J., Philadelphia Council won with
the one-elded tenre of 102 to 20. these prizes
amounting to 4fl0. Another contest between
Pennsylvania. Council and nxrelslor Council,
of Jersey Cltv, was won bv the former, the
score belrur 82 to 4, and the prize of two.
These prizes wero donated by tho Supreme
Council and Grand Councils of Pennsylvania
and New Jersey. The Individual prizes of
gold watches to members procuring 10 or more
candidates were awarded to Clvdo P. Smith
for 21 candidates, Clarence C. Malcolm for la
candidates. Benjamin P Knowles for 11 enn
dldatea and Allen F. Ztegler for 12 enndidntes.
au membora of Philadelphia Council: John
Paravlclnt for 11 csndldates and Joeinh
Paravlclnl for 12 candidates, members of
Penniylvanla Council,
George E. Miller received a hnndsome told
watch chain for distinguished services In Oak
dnle Council, given by Pennsylvania Ornnd
Council. There la a great deal of enthusiasm
among Arcanlans to procure these watch
Jirltes, several more men having becomo
eligible, for the contests. k
Philadelphia Council with ladles held their
memberjhlp banquet at tho Hotel Walton on
Saturday evening last. This council can ell
celebrate. Urgent J, Dallas Smith, who re
cently turned the government of the council
over to hit younger brother. Clyde I" Smith,
had one of the best administrations since JP05
and hot set a splendid race for the young
officers In this promising council of 1000
Improved Order of Heptasopha
.BflF,nn.lnr wlt.h AhS new. "-r' "J l conclaves
of ifio Improved Order Heptasopha In Phlla
oelphla and Camden are making plana for a
general Increase In membership of tho order.
J1"! n7ir "'"t'd officers are being Installed
durlnr this month In the various conclaves.
and If the enthusiasm and Interest exhibited
by them count for anything, a large addi
tion of membership can be looked for. Quaker
Cltr Conclave. No. 181. at their last meeting
sad on of the largest crowds In rears. The
lowtng officers were Installed by District
wa it waiKV ee veRV
CH;rZ0t)RaB iNHABrTArns
IM IMP. ACT a m lt1 NO M3
inspect Hia LerxeRS
(,iwg that amp eer away
,i irerR. he has peem
knoujh to sertiPAS
7 ' ".' 'in
MlhKZ J5&
.,,, ,1
.''241.W.AJ--ll.i. AHJil, lj w. g--. r- r-r- . .. 1 ,,, ..,,,, . .
w&T&GmsaHBgsms& h Hanr .fe?-;
CTJssm a fe" grass: fliKf teSAi 22Pt?ss IwC;. HSK ,Jm
NW6LL Be fiNTITLED "THC m'f. YA ' mSVA WM. t T6U. YA Trt ?-..' r,l MUOMDER. SUCH' sICTHP.FOStV -' ..,- ..t-- i rA n7g ' - --4 r.-. "SSSaW
The Fraternal Society Depart
ment will hereafter appear on
Monday and Thursday of each
iveek, instead of Friday. Com
munications to the Fraternal
Editor should be received at this
office by Tuesday and Friday eve
nings. The organizations not rep
resented today will be presented
next Thursday.
Deputy. Supremo Archon Albert M. Harley.
assisted by D. V. H. A. 11. J. llartman and
. II. Wagner: Joseph Smith, archon s John
I.leb, provost! John nuehr, prelates Michael
McConnel, Inapeitori J llurke, warder:
Thomas Chamberlln, sentinel; I1. J. llerrman,
flruncleri Jacob Itabel, secretary: John D.
Mlgcot, treasurer: Harry Heldelberge.-, roha
ljorent and .M, I'. Weimar, trustee. A large
delegation of visiters was present, and ad
dresses nere made by theso brothers: II. J.
Hnrtman F, II. Wagner, William H. Hoyd,
Mer Straus, V. K. Hupplee. Huprsmo Trustee
I)r, Walter O. Splcss, Deputy Supremo Or
ganisers H. J. Deduker and Fred W. llrutt
mm supreme inspector narry Jieidelncrgcr.
Quaker City Conclave now has 320 members,
paid out over 11500 In sick benefits and over
siO.OOO to tho uldons of deceased members.
Supremo Archon Morris O. Cohen, of Pitts
burgh, Pa . and Kuprome Secretary Trunk U.
Plcitner, of Baltimore, Md will pay a llt
to Ilaymond conclave, No. SSO. where they
will deliver addresses nnd attend their annual
Knights of Pythias
Barbarosn Lodge. No 13.1. started a cam
paign for Increased membership about two
months ago. A plan tuggestod by Brother
Samuel llerbach and recom
mended by tho advisory
boirrl was adopted by tho
lodge, v. hereby every mem
ber proposing one candidate
who rtccled the rank of
pise wee to bo InWted to a
banquet by the lodge. In
eight weeks 00 candidates
were proposed, nnd as a re
sult 00 members were In
Wted to nttend n banquet nt
. ine .Majestic Jioiei. January
11. The affair wnn a lirnre Miirrpnt. tho flrn-
3rnm covering a dinner, musical recitals, nd
reescs and rcltntlnns. Vocal selections wcio
rendered by Brothers D. Creesman and A.
elHbond Brother Joseph Cohen Imperson
ated Itobert lllllbird in his role of "A Fool
There Wan " Brother Louis Jacoby, the grand
master-at-arms In the Grand Lodge, was tho
toastmastcr nnd entertnlrjed tho members with
his usual ult, keeping tho assemblage In al
most continuous lat-phtcr Addresses were de
livered by Chancellor Commander Sejmour
Katz, Keeper of Itccords and Seal. Leon Shol
gatth, Grand Keprcsentathe Israel K. I.cvy
nnd Deputy cirnnd Chancellor Herman K. Mun-
rer, iienutirui Fouenirs
were dlfttrlbuteii
nmong Uir membcrn with their rcwpectlvo
namra cn;.oepi?Q in roici.
The ftHtherlniT honored Brother Kamuel Kor
bach for tho npnroprlatcnees of his suRPestton,
nnd rnuoKted him to continue hli uctivltlps
In the IoJmc Ho prnlfted tho work ot tho
IoJko. IIh usofuIncEM to the community, tho nld
It his rendered In the uplift of mankind, nnd
made-nn appeal for tho holplesa nnd starving
people in uiip-8trlclen Huropo Ho proposed
Another banquet for the month of April, in 13,
ard ureed the mcrrbera to havo an additional
1(H) rnemuorn b that tlmo nnd to lncrenno
tha membership of ltarharcsn. Ixidge from tlno
to 1000 by tho enr 1017 Thin pounded tho
keynote of tho future actUltles of the lodce
nnd -naa enthusiastically received.
Tha tenth annual mlicnll of Cosmopolitan
I.odRo was held at lain Columbia avenue on
January 14, rifty-four members responded
and 12 expressed by letter their good wishes
for the success of the lodpe. Two of the oldent
members, one no vex having missed a rollcall,
feelingly expressed In perHon their deep grati
fication and pleasure. ThlH feature of the roll
call has been a custom for many years nnd
has become a permanent regulation. Supremo
Chancellor Carllng has complimented this lodge
on tho success of the annual call, and has
advised other lodges to fotiow the same usage.
Irwin II. Ilergev. William McM Cull and
Joseph A. .Lord submitted the following amend
ment to tho bylaws of Cosmopolitan Lodgo,
which was adopted by vote: "Hvery member
ono year after ho receives the Knight's rnnki
(other than a non-beneflclal member or those
mentioned In paragraph n of this article) If
sick or disabled to the extent of depriving
him of follonlng his usual or some other oc
cupation and he being In good standing In
the lodsn nnd who owm less than l.'I weoks'
dues shall upon a report of a majority of the
rtellef Committee bo entitled to receive $3
each eek as sick benefits, should his Ulnen
or disability cover a space of not over 13
weeks, and should he still be unable to fol
low his usual or any other occupation by
reason of continued sickness or disability, then
upnn th report of tho Hollef Committee he
snail no entitled to ine sum oi jw eacn weetc
for tho spice of n second period of 13 week
During tho following 20 weeks of eald first
year of lllne. If his Illness should continue.
tho sum of $2 per week shall be paid, and
should the Illness of tho brother continue In
definitely the brother shall then be entitled
to a weekly benefit of no long as said sick
ness shall continue." This law goes Into ef
fect after the approval of the grand chancellor.
Knights of the Mystic Chain
fleneral James A. Garfield Castle, No. 172,
had Its officers Installed by District Deputy
Select Commander Charles Wilson, who was
ably nslsted by Past Commanders Maurice
Nlehol and Georgo n. French, acting as select
marshal and select chaplain, respectively
Sh9rt addresses were made by many of the
members present but the most Interesting and
Instructive remarks were delivered by Past
Commander "Nichols. It was also pleasing to
see that the castle nss picked up to go through
th chairs such a "live wire" as nrother John
Kills. During the course of tho oyster supper
that followed Urother William S. Hough won
the laurels bv disclosing the fact that the
financial standing nf the castle showed a de
cided Increase, notwithstanding tho aat
amount of expenditure for relief. The mem-
Deri present pieageu inemseives to no their
share to Increase the membership at least 30
per cent, during this year, which will be bet
ter than last year. The officers Installed viere:
CharleK Trammel, sir knight commander; John
nicketts, Ice commander, George Lewis, chap
lain A. N Warner, recording scribe; Jamb
Souders. financial scribe; William B. Hough,
treasurer. John Ellis, marshal; Joseph Dough
erty. Inside guard; William Trass, outside
guard, r a. Warner, .Samuel Davis, trustees;
Jacob Souders, representative; A. N. Warner
Order Knights of Friendship
Protection Chamber, No. 8, has installed the
officers of Welcome Chamber, No. 70. O. 8.
IC. M. George Applegate, of Trenton, and
Companion I larry Bendere encouraged the
companions to work hard for the order.
District Deputy H. C. Thompson and staff,
of Protection Chamber, Installed the officers
of James A. Garfield Chamber, No, 10, of
Taiony, on January 33 After the meeting
Protection Chambers quoit team met Gar
field's te&m. The good playing of William
Mcrtz and N, Pasco did not atop the fast
playing of the Tacony toara. which defeated
the Philadelphia boys three games out of four.
Individual quoit contest of Protection Cham
ber was hotly contested, Ernest Oleblta taking
the honors ot the evening.
f rr . 'ef sy i m i rtt r r - mm-. ir . r i m, i in c -si .-... mm i -- in . m --- m i r i i iu -- jzi. . fwitz; ; -n- . "-h. - - ' i ; i .. . v . 11 i
-yV wM w irUrr-r-iJ sffih -. KX "ijm3SmmLf&s.- ts"m ; Awcioes t sssmegs
i wm umm mh m m liMmmmmmrmr .n "rm-sx
' rr wJL.r ft u ztrnu i vs ' fk ji r. -u.zj-r .ui inusu'v v..--..rw-' t w-fik w i - mmS"rJmrwJmzjjri&jrmix?rM.wtUmm tsw i iv 7."n 1 i .Mi nji wx. jj-" j.-?ijs.s -s , - i .,-
7 Wfct.l. UK UsiTv ?-J. MT-3VW&jK rvJilt ipivuc OhJiv iJftrT O55:-
sTi If. ViScificf i I I I I I I Ws v. JIT H IT " Jjf JW sVTEZSri-JT?' KK(Si( JmX& Yte'AJImr' jtJ!iz- AM !' Sv-!- frJttHrtX jt TOEiSsCanNNC. " w --. ini JVjiSSS-. "- -- "1
Zmw'i xJsm H M U NlUtfta - wmmm-MSmmWmA rag.EgJsr -N1. ;w-iaj JKsst?& " HkB: 5 S) m eW
$LWmd&$. a 1 1 HflftiByi-H aGaPMIi kmmkmmmmmWJWr WMW 7 ykrmm&mw stv57Tf flHH .1 i-S
e Smt ! Ptlra ' hWmmml
?wiBiu--yyoTTg-a--, MM.ni. t 7j 1 && 1 .a - ' -" gfe 4'sy'-4Jtmmm.!iimmiz?sgi wwrjgi 6-taw:agaaj n tkv 3TMimc r r-j , - - at.;-T; xsstv 'Wi- - m
7 a&1 fi .
Loynl Ordftr of Mooso
. .The membership of Philadelphia Lodge Is
highly pleased to learn of (ho reawakened ac
tivity of Quaker City lxjdge. No. .12 Junior
uruer or aioosc. with the
possible exception of Moose
heart, the Junior organization
connected unit tho Loyal Or
dcr of Mooso la Its most nl
uablo asset. Launched but
little more than two years ago,
ine junior .vioose tnrougiiout
the united Stntea now number
many Ihouenndt of soung men
, , , . neiwccn ine aget ot in nnu zi,
and their growth It In kwuing with that nt tho
tenlor organization. Being a "feeder" for the
Ixijnl Onler, the Junior Order Is encouraged,
advised nnd assisted In every possible manner,
nnd lis value Is becoming moro and more ap
parent. '
Bven nt Philadelphia Lodge, No. M, Loyal
Order of Moose, Is the largest lodge of the
senior organization, so Is, Quaker City Lodge,
.." n2,.-5no 'argest body of the Junior nrganlra
tlon Thero nro moro than MO hos ngulnrly
enroled, ond. their semimonthly meeting m
the Parkway Building are rev clnt Ions to those
VJ.t.i.,1 ' nuaueipnia i-ougo who visit thom.
Membership In the Junior Oi-r Is not coi
i'X!l"i,V'y " Joung. male incmbers of tho
IfL. rn'S' Jho Junior lodge p-vys benentt.
.T? i'or ho,l.:l. has regular forms and cere
...u.im.n. unii in nnviseu nt nil times bv a
sympathetic committee from the senior lodge.
Its strong renture Is that upon arriving at tlie
Jff. 1 l, "'"' rnrnplylner with sovernl ntees-
Sffne'Si 'JJW.'.. " "'", r'!m,nr '" flmltted to the)
senior nrgnnlratlnn without fee.
rj i. !' r '"", 'ouennouse. or Ixtdge No.
H. Is the governor or tho local Junior lodge,
tn2 ' 'i'." 0,Uor n! ,hp I'HIIadelplila Moose
ini nSk. VW H)'? '"o'l"" "re Ine connect-
"' "J "i,,nJl'' ",lrv ",ro inborlng to boom tho
junior lorigo ami nnaken ent huslnsm nmong tho
mcmbcrsliTp of Philadelphia I.odge? monB lno
Knights of Columbus
tcrfn?lornthini.mffi!Crf,i ",c I'h"Wphli Oiap
ni....i I'ah'Ptnn L Ciraoii, roriner Attorney
n"nJniil. -""'n!?y..nn Illustrated le"tu
on Henlamln Franklin" nt Immaculate rnn.
miDl-em knltrhf nt thn -.t-J i ..
St"rpet","1!,,,rn,,",v '." ""ed'iVniiv also a
on "?!" H-'fV1' T "tCf- and. Glnird itvenue
u2dTr"; 3"" AS5o"-vo,'e,e,s-"sanXgn
John J. Hal. Iv ehaliSii'VC" iJ7 "!
'.'.""". n.r'"nter. spoke to both in, lien..: "
tho purpn'p n
rfi' ,." " "' nun IM inn IPCUir
I ntlrt (tin. - IL. -.
nti nlm of tho lecture eourse.
i no nnirf.
fniinnll lipid
.;; ".".' nl,".",", .' TI.om.ia n. rohlll
ns ht nt K.hi.'T'S'i 'neetlnR on Vrhlaj
"iji'Ve'st'o'l'r'a'rlr mWm!bm TlrtW
ivinniieito Cnunell villi eelohrato Its 17ih
T'lllH Will lllre. 1.11 "' -..""il-."'" "
iih-i "'..'" n,'"l " rpltimhus limine
Js:"k;?F rriinvrii
The reiulnr mon-l y "meet ",K"S fntho ri Vll JTell
Shield of Honor
hiIhS"i,kcr on -Innarv SO hrousht out n
stamli"'..' n;omb" ' I" friends, notwlth-rmm?..th"eB,.or,n-
T1' clmlrman of tho
reo-T n- ".. Arrnnirenients r. o. Master
i!fm!?CT? .I',hn' mnd? nn nd.lrc-s or vvel
riwn 8t"BS wn! thcn ivm nv" 'o tho
S?t.-i,lnfrs,nundr.r the control of Ornnil Con-ni2IA.R-.
Plcrsn. "ho pre-ente.1 this
Efr "S C''i:tur' A- rnnrn: tilnckfaee come
ri.il'i'. nob',r.t"on: popular annus. D. J.
n.iBnn,roT.I',1",,!..p',muo' HeQulllnn- made,
nrother O jv. n-JCeefe. Merrantllo No. IS
slump sneeeh, Urother T. ri Wall. Ionle.
V" .:. - At "" enneliislnn of tho first part.
Junior Rupremo Mailer Dr Oenrco M Grim
mnrto nn nildres etplnlnlnu the order lis
work nnd aspiration- Khleh was roeelvcxl with
hearty npplnu-e The eommltteo In ehnrie,
enn-lstlnr of rnst nnml Mneter Oeorc w.
Iitilin Ornnd Treosurer V V. MacMurtrle
nrnnd rnnduetor A If. Plerson. Past Mns'er
r n Morris, of No J. nnd Past Master
Thomas J. Inv. of Ni. 17, mnda n eueees of
their iindertnklnff nnd deiervo tho thanks of
tho order.
Order Good Templars
Quaker .City Lodge held a sisters' nlcht
January in. with nn entertainment nnd rniprer
by the ladleB under (tuldanoo or Chief Tcm
rlnr Charles Knorr. Sister A. J. Welchman.
an ndmlrod member of tho lodBe, told ot tho
otperlcncea durlne her connection with tho
orr.ir, of which she has been a member for
over St yiars. She presented Urother William
Sharp -with a vvatch-i.hnrm emblem on be
half of the lodfco tor his fnlthful servlen nnd
vvlheil him continued success. Brother Sharp
impressed his appreciation ot tho gift. Broth
urs C. W Uersmann and ir. Nlcholls gavo
recitations Urother r. Alrey made a Xow
remarks of Interest about the lodge, and
Brother W. Weir eiivo a vocal solo On re
ijuist of Brother Knorr. every one Bhook hands
with Plater Welchman. The discovery was
rondo that it was the birthday of Sister A. II.
Keely, to whom Brother weir prosentod a
bouquet and a memento for each of her 18
venrs. She MushlnKly thanked tho lodge nnd.
on tho request of ull present mado a pretty
little speech.
(iolilen Unit Lodge meets first and third
Wednesdnv of each month nt 1M72 Krankrord
nvenuc. Tho special work of this nnd Quaker
City Lodges has been to send letters to Con
gret In favor of the Hobson resolution on
thf prohibition nuestlon
Tho PcuntTnavlans have organized a lodge,
which Is Blowing nt a rapid rate, which will
meet ontiunday evenings at 131,1 Columbia
nvenuo An organizer, Mr Brodln, sent by
the Ornnd lodgo of Minnesota, gathered to.
nether these Good Templars hung in l'hlla
dolphla. Sweden has Iho largCBt memborshlp
nf any country 223,000. Several membors of
Parliament are members of the order.
Protection Lodge, of West Philadelphia:
North Star, which meets In at. Paul's Bo
formed Church and Goodwill Lodge, of Beth
lehem, aro energctlo In the -work for prohibi
tion. Sons of Temperance
The Order of Sons of Temperance was In
stituted September so, ltUi, In Now York city,
and Is comiiosed of national, grand and subor
dinate bodies known as divisions It standi
upon the foundation of total abstlneneo from
nil Intoxlranta as a beverage. Its endeavors
aro directed along various lines to combat
tho drink ovll, but especially through moral
suasion. It started originally ns a man's
order, but In 1RH3 admitted women. In nddl
tlon to the temperance regulation, most of the
divisions In this State have adopted sick nnd
funeral benefits, and Jhla fenturn Is now being
perfected by tho grand division of Pennsyl
vania. There are 22 subordinate divisions
rr.eotlnir weekly In this city.
At tha annual session or the grand division
held In this city. Charles W. Hampton, nf
Quaker Cltv Division No HO, was oleetod to
the head of the order In this State, his offi
cial title being grand worthy patriarch.
Brother Hampton commenced his official visi
tations, accompanied by his board of grnnd
officers, on January 0, to Champion Division,
No, 35, at Frankford, there helng representa
tives from 11 divisions from this State present
and one division from New Jersey.
Hlar of Promise Division, No. RS. nt Oer
mantown. was favored on .lannary 12. and
notwithstanding the storm there were repre
senatlves from Ave division present.
Nlcetown Division. No 171. at nno.1 aor
mnntown avenue, was visited nn January in,
when representatives from -oven divisions
were present. A program of speeches, vocal
and Instrumental music followed
The quarterly sea-Ion of the Grand Division
of Pennsylvania will be held In the hall of
Quaker City Division, southesst comer inth
street and Falrmount avenue, on Thursday
evening, January S3,
Councils Proviso Hampers
Work in City Institution
With Spread of Conta
gious Diseases.
Petty politics ptayed by tho Republican
Organization Is blamed for the present
crlipled nursing force- at tlie Municipal
Hospital for C'ontncloua Diseases, 2d and
Luzerne, streets. A staff of nbout 30
nurses nro handling 171 acute diphtheria
Immediate modification or ropenl of tho
last appropriations granted by Councils'
Finance Commltee, of which John P. Con
nelly Is chairman, for the maintenance of
tho Municipal Hospital will be asked for
by Director Zleglcr, of the Department of
Health nnd Charities.
Through a proviso Jammed through
Councils by tho Finance Commlttco tho
Municipal Hospital Is permitted to spend
not moro than $0000 a month out of tho
$50,000 npproporlated. Owing to tho spread
of diphtheria within the past fovv weeks
tho expenses of tho ho.pltal have exceed
ed more than $0000 a month.
Physicians at tho hospital said today
tho present staff of nurses was entirely
too small to handle the mnny diphtheria
nnd other contagious diseases. Many
nurfos sold they wero satlsflcd to work
a few hours ovcrtlmo when they know
their services might result In saving tho
life of n baby or a grown person.
Before tho present appropriations wero
granted tho hospital authorities were
compelled to cut down tho staff becauso
they didn't havo sufficient funds.
Dlrector Zleglcr today said that moro
nurses wero required at tho hospital. Ha
has sent a communication to Chairman
Connelly, as well ns to Seloct Council
man Charles Seger, of tho 7th Ward,
setting forth tho oxlstlng conditions,
Connelly agreed to tho employment of
eight additional nurses. Physicians at
tho hospital contend that this number Is
not suillctcnt to handlo tho many
diphtheria and contagious cases which aro
Increasing dally.
In seeking to havo tho present appro-
prlatlons repealed, Director Zlegler asked
City Solicitor Ityan for an opinion on tho
legality of tho proviso passed by Coun
cils which forbids the hospital to spend
moro than ICOOO a month. City Solicitor
Ityan has lnformod Director Zlegler that
tho proviso was lagal. Ho advised that
tho effect of tho proviso bo called to
tho attention of Councils, and also sug
gested that a repeal bo asked for.
"Thero Is no epidemic In diphtheria,"
said Director Zlegler, "although it Is
true that wo have moro diphtheria cases
at tho Municipal Hospital than a year
ago. We need moro nurses, ana I feel
certain that Councils will give tho mat
ter Its careful consideration."
Noted Zoologist and Former Secre
tary of Academy.
Dr. Benjamin Sharp, a noted zoologist,
nnd for years corresponding secretary of
the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sci
ences, died Saturday In Slorehead, N. C,
from an attack of pneumonia.
Dootor Sharp was graduated from
Swarthmore College In 1S76 and from the
Rlcdlcnl School of the University of Penn
sylvania In 1S7D, tvhere he received his
degree of JI, D. His scientific research
abroad won for him tho degree of Ph. D.,
conferred by the Unlvorslty of Wurzburg,
Bavaria. He further pursued his studies
at tho Universities of Berlin and Lelpslc
nnd tho Zoological Station of Naples.
He was a member of tho American Phi
losophical Society, tho Boston Society of
Natural HlBtory, tho Society of Friends
and many scientific and medical societies
of this and other cities. He Is survived
by his widow, two sons and a daughter.
His funeral will take place In Brookline,
.Mass., where ho made his homo for the
last 10 years.
Cornelius Shine, 03 years old, who had
the distinction of being tho oldest resident
of Germantown, Is dead at his home, 211
Haines street. He succumbed Saturtlav
following general debility. He engaged
In landscape gardening ever since his ui
rlval to this country 62 years ago. A
largo part of tho landscape work for tho
Centennial Exposition In 1876 was under
his supervision. Ho was formerly em
ployed on the estates of Qeorgs V.
Clillds, and was tho oldest member of
St. Vincent's Church ot aermantown.
Tha funeral will b6 held from his tats
hotno, Wednesday mornlmr, with servloes
conducted at St. Vincent's Church.
Woll-known Social tender and Clmrl
tablo Worker.
Mrs. John Price Wether.!!, rt well
known society leader of this city, Is dead
nt Pntm Beach, Florida, from an nttack
of heart disease. She left her homo, 2014
Walnut street, on Thursday, In n weak
ened condition, nnd succumbed shortly
after her arrival In Palm Beach on Sat
urday. Mrs. Wothcrlll was C3 years old., Sho
wns n member of Holy Trinity Protest
ant Episcopal Church, and In former
years took part In tho activities of tho
Corinthian Yacht Club. Sho was gener
ous In her charitable gifts, Mrs. Woth
crlll Is survived by six children, J. Cort
Wothcrlll, Mrs. Georgo C. Stout, Mrs.
nrnhnni Wood. John I'rlco Wotherlll, Jr.,
William Wcthcrill nnd A, lleeksher
Wethorlll. Tho funeral services will tnlto
placo nt her lato residence Wednesday,
12 '-lok. Hov. Plod W. Totnklns
will ofllclnto.
For Eour Decades Prominent In Social
Life of Pftris.
PAItIB, Jan. 23. Miss Fnnnlo Iteed, for
four deendes one of the most prominent
American women In Pnrls society, died
suddenly on Saturday ot npoplexy. Her
body will bo rctumod to her former homo
In Massachusetts.
Miss Heed first took up hor residence In
Pnrls In 1875. ICer ready wit won her
many friends. Sho was a sister of tho
Into Mrs Pamn Stevens, a well known
Now York nnd Newport Boclety woman
nnd an nunt of Lady Arthur Pnget.
BOSTON, Jan. 23 Aged 93, Anno Whit
ney, the sculpturess, Is dead nt her homo
here. Sho Is said to havo been tho oldest
mombfr "f her craft In tho country. A
bust of Charles Sumner In Cambridge and
statues of Fanutel Adams nnd lf Erie
son, In this city, nro hor principal con
tributions to nrt.
ASKAM. Entered Into rest, January 23,1018,
MAHQAllET rtnilONO, daughter of the
lato James nnd Alice F Aekiun. Funeral
services Tuesday afternoon, ot 2 o'clock pre
cisely, at her lato residence, 1422 North 12th
st. Interment prlvntc. Kindly omit floral
offerings. Casket ltd will not bo removed.
BAII.TIV. On January 2.1, IMS, HANNAH
M. UAII.nr, widow of 2j. lloadley Ilnlley,
mMmm&m. e mzm
and San Diego
The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger will pay
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i ;;;; Mg
mo aU the "ry Information and subVcr.ptfo'n 'J Hf
25, ljl5
in h.r Mth e?.. Bye on Ttiesdar, t 2
'. iVVrTat.cS.Vl.ncr23l arn ft
interment pnvnu r-tiin-tr
Suverins.?,' 120-Chne.,tn"utt KJfflSSS.nt
it Oreen Mount cemetery.
terment private.
ft! A!n hi s TBlh year.' Due notice of th.
funeral will be given. ..., .
nvnvits. On January 24, 191B. BUM3" A.,
wlfeTf tlTe Mte Jamei Hyrnes. helatlves nn A
Mend ire Invited to Anyh funer at. on
Wednesday morning st 81.10 o clock, from
her lute res dence, 2828 South loth St. uoi
2mn Itequlem Miss at St. Monica's Church
at 10 r. m. Interment at Cathedral Ceme
tery, CONAtVAT. On January 24, -Oik N"B
Xt rofiAWAT, widow of Joseph Conn-my,
and uVhtJr of, the late Marl, nd Nathaniel
Uayne runernl services on Tuesday, at 1
n m . ot her lato residence. 1000 South :um
Ft. Interment private nt Fernwood Cemo
tery. CKAM1'. On January 22, 1018, MATITIN fO.,
ion of the late Jacob and Anna "arbors.
Crimp, Funeral services on Tuesday, at 1
n m., at 112 North Cnmae st. Interment
private, at Cedar 11111 Cemetery.
CltOWlC On January 22, 1918. PATIlIOKj
Cnu.bi,nd7of Lydly. Crowe (nee ltlnd MM
ion oi tne lave I airiciv miu i,un... ....
runorol on Tuesday, at. 8'80 n. tn., from
.018 East sergeant st. Solemn nenulem Man
et the Church of Our lAdy of Visitation .t
10 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchro Ccrno
riSuU-On January 24. 1018, at Williams
town, Pa., JOSEF H. husband of Cornelia
rish fnee Prelbenbnch). Due, notice of the
funeral will . bo Klven. from the parlors or
Hmaniiel Aeher A Sons, 1002 Diamond st.
Now York and Baltimore papers Please copy.
Glt.WlV. On January 24, 1018, ANNA MAA,
lnuRhter of rdwnrd II. and Anna Orpdy.
J-unoral on Thursday, at 8..10 a. m.. from
her parents' residence. 82.13 Cedar st. Solemn
llequlom Mass nt Church of the Nativity nt
10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Ceme-
HA.rf.. On January 23, 1018, MAnT A..wlfj
of tho Into William Hall. .. Helatlves nnd
friends nro Invited to attend the funeral serv
ices, on Tuesday nftornoon. at 2 o clock, at
her late. resUlonco, 1001 Poplar st. Interment
IIIIiKKIlN. On January 24. 1018, AltNOI.D
II. I.., husband of Margaret Ibbeken.
Funeral on Wednesday, at I p. m., from .'1.1
Krle St., Camden, N. J. Interment Hlllsldo
Cemetery, Philadelphia. ,
Ki:i,I,mr. On Janunry 24, 1015, OEOnon
W . huehanil of Margaret Kelloy, of Frank
ford. Philadelphia. Funeral services on
Wednesday, at 8 p. m., at the residence of
his son-in-law, John J Otto. .-k)5 North 1.1th
st Fern Ilock. Funeral on Thursday. In
terment private Oakland Cemetery,
KINHBY. On January 23, 1010, Hon. JOHN
L KIN8EV. Helatlves and friends are In
vited to attend the funeral services, Tuesday
nfternoon nt 2 o'clock, at his late residence,
1022 Spruce st. Interment private, riease
McdtNNIS On January 22. 1018, HOSB,
wife of Daniel McQInnls. Funoral on Tues
day, at 8:30 a. m., from 2010 Sears st, High
Mass at St. Gabriel's Church, nt 10 a. m.
Interment nt Now Cathedral Cemetery
MrI,EE8 On January 24, 1015, THOMAS II.
McLDBS, husband of Annie . U. McLees.
Funernl on Wednesday, at 1.30 p. m., from
his lato residence, SOS East iMbyer st. In
terment North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
M1I.I.EK. On January 24, 101B, EDNA
iOl'IS'V, wira ot Hobort McC. Miller and
daughter of Amanda and the lato John H.
Dourrllllon. Funeral services on Wednesday,
contestant for tho Panama
Jfniuory 2T, nt t u. , T.'lr-r
st wissinomlng-. Interment "iSJw t
NO.,AN.On Jnne i A.. .. 3
wife of John F. Nolsn iv?f KAftlt.
late Mleh-ei .J.A Tr2'.W.?"4nitSii:f:f
uur ,ny or Meroy ciinreh r?1,,t Ml
terment Holy cros? cim?&1 M "' l2
rATIUOK. On January al ....
PATRICK, aged 8S year,21, J?', Jfttr.
friends, alao Keystone ffi J5"tlr4Ss
A. M . of Parkesburr! Pa .-?? , t IJJ
3ence7',98"'c,dar a.. && f 1
Ices on Tuesdnv m.i... .'."", ii2 -1
ih iTr. fci..:.'"". 10'so i:r.. pr.
ParkesbW. JAT "on iK'EJffiff oM
leaving Broad st Btallon i J'W ' tS
terment adjoining cimeUry.1 8:25 a. lj
t'OISAIi. On January i ..
EblZA, widow ot Thomas 'pn A1.8- ftli
service, on Wednesday, i! J0'Mt ITbalV
late residence, 1028 Wm tjL?;m i9
UANKIN. On January Si i, . '
IVwif ."
IttJSIC On, Jnnuary 24, Wis. tis..Wo'
i, ueiDvea nusoami of the ll. i.""3lnj
Husk, aged 78 Jears, Deiat v'.I k'l"! i
are Invited to attend the funeral ..d .'"Wi
Tuesday, at 2 p, m.. from hii'A1. ."'"Wi ..
lis vyainut at., Haddonfleld N. i l"UW
crlvate. at Harlei-h oS " ' lniia
IfArrETt On .T-ni,.... o '.ll!di
??i:LB'in' a o'ciTc'k. VMSS
.criovu, ,-n, uDrmantown ave n" atl
town. Interment private. " "wmj.
S1IINK. On January 23, lflis m.,.
husband of tho late'jiafy Shine pJ?1
Weilneeday, at 7:30. a. 7m. tikJM
jiainea nt,, usrnnntown. Snin,; il aa '
Maes nt Ft. Vincent'. Church itT.11 ,
- ..., emeiery, - '
STKrilKNSON On January 21 mi I
home. -Vnlln Hall, Chester vVii5Vul1 -
LINrf HK1NTON M,M,1.V STfto"i;
homo on Tuwday, th 2Cth7 nt 2 Vr'J! fcl 'H
yrlvln at 'Ka-erT n't'iTs W$f
York papers pleaso copy rB Kf
On January 24. 101s ,.,
p., son
of tha late Ocorro .ifl W- Sl1
Funeral services on tHS.rfHiH
2 p. rr., at his late residence, ilvtil &
'cSLXZ: Frankfor'1- In.erm.nt4toS
TAI.GE. On January 24, 1012. Slim "
TA1.GE. Funeral services on ThoSH' " i
Harry A. Tolao. 1414 Hutler it. iHJ jiK
private, Westminster Cemetery" In,m"nl iW
VAI-KNTINEe-qn January 24.1.1J,SAMtt IK
VALENTINE, son of tho fat I J?h"?V
Tbilisi Valentine, sred 4.1 v.i H? 1 .i
nera. on ft'SrlS, tTrtioT Vw l8l
resldenee, WO North Vogdes?;' 'i.m.llrSlll
t., West Philadelphia. Sol'mn"lM ! '1
Hequicm at Church of our rJ,i.,Mi 4 1
L!Jl.lanV& wr-",.b.t SrA.fcwWB 3B.
herlandlT "" ww Cwy ,
VIH.MVKII11.il. On Jnnuary v24 ion .. i
Ardmore. Pa., EMZABETlf, Vfs .p..! t
V... n.lnVinrf Vnllw.14.. ..'t.!!".?! Ul .
Due notice ot the fureral 'will be firm ""
WETHKHIM At Palm Beach. F orlai. .,
January 24, 1018, ALICE D. WCTIlHUu! '
widow of John Trice Wether!!!. fSSj
eervlces nt her Into residence, 2014 WiIbm -st..
on Wednesday, tho 27th tart., it ii
o'clock. Interment prlvnte.
ZAt'HAItlAS. 'At his residence, HOIS rftr-n.
ton strei t pn limnn '.'I ll13. BAMlliffW
Vrv f ' ts. Further notkt
of funeral will be given. , J '"J
mSwm :J:!.'5 IS
'.. I
sMw - "" - -- -. jit::iii:fe-ag;r ft-iIiHe.'f9C- I -
7- teA3sowrvA'Si:
EEL .ias -sMLi- .:-it,j
-?$& 3-s?&vii3?yEsjgi