Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 25, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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Mtl.llj S llllilll'WMI'll
(Of Jk
Tho girl grafter Is not to bo confused
with tho girl vampire. For the vampire
traffics In liumnn hearts, just for the sake
of (he sport, end Is altogether an undo-
slrable young person, ethically speaking;
while the girl grafter traffics In goods of
a much more material and satisfactory
An engaged damsel, who was a bit of
a grafter, was talking the other day. "Oh,
no, I don't Intend to marry Jim for some
time yet," said she, decidedly, "Long
engagements are best, you know, for the
sake of tho presents! Jim Is so Infatu
ated Just now that really he will give
me anything. Mot that I ask htm for
things, of course. But ho can take a hint
Very quickly, and I manage that tho
hints come to him." '
Another girl grafter then gave her
view of tho matter, "I quite agree,"
Said alio, "and the more oxpenslvo
a girl can make herself to a man, the
rnoro Indispensable docs she become In
his eyes. This Is positively true. I've
tested It ever so often. What a man
gets easily he doesn't value. Correspond
ingly, what a man spends little" on ho
doesn't value. So when I go out with
men I see to It that I am a pretty ex
pensive luxury. No cheap restaurants or
trolloy rides for me. No thanks. I know
better. I walk right Into taxles and on
to the best hotels for dinner. It costs
quite a lot to entertain me, and my value
goes up with tho money spent on my
amusement. Believe me, girls, I know."
Thus speaks the typical grafter. Her
theories are rather pleasing to herself,
but rather disconcerting to her male ac
quaintances. We all know tho typo of girl who Is
forever celebrating anniversaries or "hav
ing birthdays." I knew a girl to havo
12 birthdays In one year. On Inquiring
how she managed this feat she calmly
Bald that a monthly celebration was as
Rood as a yearly one, and more satis
factory to herself from the material
point of view.
"You see, only the other day that
Quy Wlralxrloy. son of Anne, th Marchlon
ess of Wlmberley, and heir to the van Wlm
Dcrlsr estates, la In danger ot death from two
groups of conspirators One group la led by
Dick Merlet, a coualn of Ouy'a, and Vertljan,
science master at Harptree School, where Cluy
1 studying. The other group la lod by a
Doctor Anderson, nlao of tho school. John
Erlelgh, head of Harptree School Is engaged
to Anne Wlmberley. ilia slater. Mrs Toners,
la Invoked In tho first plot. Tears ago John
Erlelgh killed the man who had betrayed his
sister and let another suffer for hla crime.
Vertlgnn alone knows this, and blackmails
Erlelgh. Lord Arthur Merlet la watching over
tho bor, but his vigilance la Ineffective Arter
several unsuccessful attempts, Guy Wlmberley
la kidnaped. Mrs. Travers denies all knowl
edge of hla whereabouts. She Is withdrawing
from the plot, because her son James la In
love with Guy's slater, Joan Wlmberley. Pre
paring to pay a ransom. Lord Arthur waits
on a desolate Islnnd but. Inatcad of tba con
spirators, h ftnda a dead man, Doctor Ander
son. Newa comes that Ouy Wlmberley and
Dick Merlet were drowned off the coast of
Spain. A dav later an attack la mado on
Lord Arthur Merlet, who Is next In the suc
cession, CHAPTEB XXIII-(Contlnued)
Ho rejoined the others In tho car.
"Drawn blank," he said. "The fellow's
there has been there slnco 6 o'clock. We
must look elsewhere, my lord, for the
gentleman who Is such a remarkably good
They drove to the station, and while
Lord Arthur took tho tickets the detective
pnd the Inspector walked to tho far end
of the platform.
"You'll havo to ferret out this, Russell,"
said Murray, "But do It quietly."
"Tho chauffeur will talk, Murray. Ho
wlll,see the holes In the glass of the win
dows." "You must see to that tell him to hold
his tongue. The windows must be taken
out and kept, and you must label them
'right' and 'left' and 'Inside' and 'outside.'
It seems to me, Russell, that .the whole
lot of us have been on the wrong tack
all this time. I'll take the matter up di
rectly I come back.
"And you agree to going halves, Mur
ray?" v
"I'll fix that up when -we come back."
"No, now you've only got to give me
your word."
"Well, I give It to you. of course, sub
ject to official, approval."
'Of, course,"
Five minutes later the train steamed out
of the station. Russell returned to the
car which was to take him home. A tall,
gaunt-featured tramp "hastened to open
the door.
" 'Ad a bit of haccldent, guv'nor, 'alnt
yer?" he said, when the Inspector de
clined to give him a copper. "Some bloke
'as run "Is stick through your windows."
Russell leant his head out of the win
dow, "Police station," he said to the
"Oh, lor," muttered the tramp, and he
shuffled off Into the darkn.ss.
From far and wide the great folk of
tho county came to the little church
yard in the grounds of Monksllver to do
their last homage to the young Marquess
of Wlmberley, And there were humbler
folk In their hundreds farmers and farm
laborers, and servants, great masses of
them, more than ever the church or even
the churchyard could hold. They clus
tered round the gates, the men with bare
heads, the women in tears.
And the whole of Harptree School was
there more; than 5Q0 boys In all, and the
masters, and many of the Harptree
tradespeople. And there were reporters
from the London newspapers, and even
men with cameras, that the crowd looked
on with hostile eyes And far away on
the very edge of the throng "was Vertt
ssn, end not far away from Mm a de
tective In plain clothes
Never In the memory of living men had
so many people gathered together to pay
their last respects to any one In that
place. There were those who had seen
two Marquesses of Wlmberley laid to
rest, and the old Peer had been a Knight
of the darter and a member of the Cab
inet But nothing had ever been seen
like this no such numbers, no such gen
uine grief For nothing touches the hu
man heart so deeply as the death Of
tnoss who are, bom to a splendid Itfherl-
rc and ars cut off in their childhood
the, hand of death. The young heir
tq a great estate has many friends and
rt enemies. The whole countryside
ftfiiefi him grow up with affectionate in
uisL "He will b Hke his father," they
y, if his faOie'r was a good man. And
.1 they ta not ilke hU father they firmly
thieve that the eomlng-of-gej of the
fcetr -win alter everything for the pet
tw The su shone brightly on trie scene, as
th ,!Btt was lowered into the grave, and
"us M tngymaot his voice trembllni
mpUk mm d ow0w, read the last few
h,j4i of tb tortaj srrte Aa l(-jf wind
Uw trvm th Wit no . fte-waver
m .- -Mi wmhI W ha Wistar was
-a., j. " . t UM wva
young tea planter who Is home on fur
lough Inquired artlessly when my next
birthday was," she announced, "I knew
he Intended to give mo a dog. I didn't
like to dash his hopes by telling him It
wasn't till the 20th of next November,
so I decided to celebrate It on the 20th
of this month Instead. Tho dog duly ar
rived. I was pleased, he was pleased,
the dog was pleased, so Where's the
Another type of girt grafter leads her
mate acquaintances regularly around tho
stores. "What a beautiful dressing case
that Is, Jim!" she will exclaim rap
turously. "Oh, I Blmply must save up
enough money to buy It. If I economize
on my allowance for two months I'll
manage It. Isn't It perfectly beautiful?"
And Jim Infatuated, foolish Jim Im
mediately effects the purchase, His Uttlo
friend Is overcome with amazement and
delight. Why, she'd never for a moment
Imagined surely he didn't think that
she was hinting no, she really couldn't
accept It was far too kind, etc.
But she takes the dressing case nil tho
same, In spite of her timid protestations.
She nlways had Intended to take It, if
Jim could only bo Induced to make the
purohasc. And she know that she could
induce him, ,too, and without his know
ing It. Yes, the little feminine grnftcr Is
Bound Chrlstlmas jmo tho girl grafter
Is very busy trying to change some of her
"changeable" Christmas gifts Sho Isn't
a bit shy about walking Into a strange
store with a book she has received and
doesn't want, and asking that It bo taken
back and some of tho money returned
that was sent on Its purchase Qruftlng
needs a whole lot of nerve, but the girl
grafter soon acquires that
If her male acquaintances are poor or
too hard up to be very useful she discards
them or keeps them as a sort of reserve
for between seasons or dull dajs when
nothing better Is avallnble.
Unfortunately, the girl grafter Is sooner
or Inter bound to bo found out and left
alone. It takes a tremendously olevcr
girl to play the gamo satisfactorily for
any real length of time. Sho generally
ends like the dog with the bone In his
mouth, who, on looking In the water, saw
reflected thcro another dog with a similar
bone, and dropped tho first to secure the
second, thereby losing everything. Graft
ing Is a pursuit that, sooner or later.
ends disastrously, and tho girl grafter
should be warned In time.
were singing, andall over the countryside
there was the promise of leaf and flowers,
"I well remember," said one old farmer
onlhe outskirts of the wood, "how his
young lordship come to our house one day
and lie suy to me, 'Dolland,' he says, "can
you tell mo why everything be so Jolly In
the spring?' and I says to him, 'No, ray
lord, I can't say as I do, but so It be"; and
he say, 'Well, Dolland, It bo because the
days bo gettin' longer, and we be lookln'
forward 'stead of lookln' back.' "
"Aye, the poor darlln'," sobbed the
wife, "and that's what It bo now, I reck
on, with him. He Is lookln' forward and
seeln' wunnerful things."
The crowd began to disperse, the hum
bler folk on foot or In their carts, the rich
In their motor-cara and their carriages.
An hour later the churchyard was empty
sae for two men who were filling in the
grave. By their side a mountain of flowers
rose nlmost ns high as their heads.
"The new markis be ono of the right
sort. Bill," said ono of (hem. "I've heard
say that he be offerin' ten thousand pound
to any one as bring them scoundrels to
the gallows,"
"Not gallows, sure, but prison. Well,
If he offered ten million he couldn't bring
his little lordship to llfo again."
"That be true, for sartln'. But if ten
million would do It, he'd find the money."
A yeat later Anno Wlmberley sat before
the fire In the drawing-room at Monksll
ver and worked steadily at a piece of em
broidery. By the window sat Lady Joan
Merlet, her eyes fixed on the sunlit lawn.
It had been raining all day and every
thing Bparkled with drops like diamonds.
The sky overhead was still black with
clpuds, but near to the horizon there was
a level bar of clear sky, and the setting
sun threw a warm yellow glow over the
earth. It tinged the girl's face with gold
and flooded the whole room with light.
Her face was pale and there were tears
In her eyes,
Lord Arthur Merlet, now Lord Wlmber
ley, had gone abroad on, one of his "big"
game shooting expeditions. He had par
ticularly wished his niece nnd slster-ln-law
to remain In possession of Monk
silver, at any rate until he returned, and
aa long afterwards as they chose to stay
In their old home. Before he had left
he had had a stormy Interview with
John Erlelgh, and had made It plain to
the headmaster of Harptree that unless
he at once broke off his engagement, Lady
Wlmberley and the whole of England
should be told the truth about him. For
two aays ana two nights Erlelgh had
hesitated. Then, after a terrible mental
struggle, he had given In. He had writ
ten a letter to the woman he loved, say
ing that he considered that the death of
Lord Wlmberley was entirely due to his
own carelessness, that he had been
warned to keep especial watch over him,
and had failed In his duty, and that,
under the circumstances, he thought It
would be better for the engagement to
be broken off. Lady Wlmberley, numbed
with the pain of her terrible loss, had re
plied In very few words.
"Perhaps you are right. Jack," she had
written. "I do not blame you for what
has happened, but I do not think that I
could love any one or marry any one
again. All power for love seems to be
dead in me. You have your work In the
world a great work, and you must devote
all your thoughts and energies to it, I
have ray little daughter and the memory
of my dear, dear son,','
On the receipt of this letter his resolu
tion had broken down, and he had hurried
up to -Uonksllver to tell her everything
and fling himself on her mercy. He had
found the house shut up. Lady Wlmber
ley had gone abroad with Lady Joan,
washes flannels, Wan- CQAP
kets and woolens in JV
a. marvelous maontr.
.il-lMM. xrntrnM thum look
'tww nui nn"u w w.v
Ask your
atwi -j-..t sh
A(i ykM kfjr --7 &&: jmsh
A cnrT?n AGnPPiWstof.i1M?-1yjmd
They were going to travel, and all letters
would bo forwarded. Ho had written to
her once nnd had received no answer.
Then he had flung himself heart and
brain and soul into his work. There had
been a little to make up after the kid
napping of Lord Wlmberley nnd for two
terms he had had to light with all his
strength to keep the school up to the
mark. It waa as prosperous now as It
had ever been
"I wish wo had stayed In Italy, mother,"
said Joan after a. long silence. "Why did
we return? I hate this place now I hate
"My dear child you havo only been
back a week, and It has been raining
most of the time; I thought you wanted
to como back. You said so again and
"Yes, mother, I thought I should like
It, but now I am here oh, I can't bear
It I can't bear It without Guy."
Lady Wimbcrley's lips moved ns though
she were going to speak, and a shadow
seemed to pass across her pale, calm
face. She paused for a moment In tho
work that sho was doing, and then pu
another stitch Into the embroidery.
"it's all so different," the girl went
on. "If we can't go abroad, couldn't we
ll7e In London? One thinks too much
down here. I am to be presented In June.
Couldn't we go to London now?"
"No, Joan, dear. I have been away
from here too long. Wo have duties
down here among our own people. Ther
Is so much to be done, so many to think
of Joan, my child, we have to bring hap
piness Into tho lives of othera,"
"Well, In London, mother dear, there
are plenty of people who wnnt a Uttlo
sunshine in their lives."
"The people hero have the first claim
on us, Joan. They are our people some
of them bound to us by ties that have
lasted for centuries."
Joan rose from her seat by the window.
"I think I shall go out, mother," she
said, "now that It has cleared up Just
for a few minutes,"
"Very well, dear; I dare say the fresh
air will do you good."
Joan kissed her mother and left the
room. Ten minutes later she was walking
across the lawns toward the lake. The
yellow sunlight threw long shadows over
the grass. The sky overhead threatened
Dominic models are truly
fashion's forerunners. There's
an individuality in these new
spring modes that places them
above all others. This week ends
the opportunity for these spe
cial price concessions.
50 and $55
New Spring
of finest covert, gabardine
English and Cheruit checks.
$50 and $55
Golf and Sports Suits
(of white serge, golflne and
other popular cloths)
$10 and $12
Imported Linen Skirts
Author of "John ISredon, Solicitor.
more rain, but for the moment she waa
walking through a land that was flecked
und splashed with gold.
Sho passed through the trees that bor
dered ono end of the lake, and, iulkin
round tho edgo of the water, enmo to a
small summer house on the far side. In
tho old dajs she and her brother had
bpeen depvoted to this Uttlo plnce. Thoy
had furnished It and hung pictures ot
their own on the wpalls, and kept a great
many of thelrtre nsurcs In an old writing
desk that was also used as a table. In
turn It had been a fort, an lmpregnablo
castle, a palace, and even, by a stretch
of Imagination, a ship.
As sho came near to it she saw that tha
door was open and something moved In
the shadows within. Sho paused, and her
heart beat very quickly.
"Ib that you, Cross?" said Joan, Cross
wnB tho name of the gardener who had
kept a key In the old days and tldlod up
tho litter mado by tho two children.
A young man came out of tho shadow.
It was James Travers, and his face was
very pale.
"Oh, how you frightened me, Mr
Trnvers," sho sold. "I couldn't think who
It was."
(Continued tomorrow.)
Copyright, 1911, by the Associated News
papers, Limited.
.Your Gas Stove
A sheet of tin, fitted to the size of your
gas stove, placed over the top of tho
range, will Impart heat to several sauce
pans placed upon It at tho expense of
only one burner being alight.
For the Cook
When making mush, do not thicken It
too much or the mush will be harsh and
unpleasant to eat. Quit thickening before
you think It thick enough and it will be
about right.
Iruo. . Sitfrt,
142& Walnut St.
Dominio cuts, fltt and ptrionallv
superintend thi making ot each
and evmrjf torment. '
A. a
wy 1
, 7X
Suggestions From Readers of
the Evening Ledger
Tor the follonlns suggestions sent in by
readers of the i:vrclo T.KtrtEn prizes of ft
anJ 50 cents are auardod.
All suggestions should bo addressed to Kllen
Adair, i:dttor of Women's Pane. Evknino
Liioeb, Independence Square, Philadelphia.
A prize of SI lias been nnartled to Miss
Josephine C Deter, 01(1 North 33d street,
for the following HUggestlou:
A little economy can bo practiced In tho
way of cleaning whlto or colored satin
danco slippers. Instead of sending them
urn usisn iin r sm lsniaaTssassumaiir i Msisssaa i in 1 n nrr r rnsfcj r iwmmtmammaaamamaammmmamir WW I I ir I V
fir.Mt Slinnpr fiata CDS
'. , ,
a. oaiu oi twau rairu 01
Women's $4.00 and $4.50
Satin Party Slippers
Some have beautifully beaded vamps; others plain vamps
with chiffon rosettes; all have finest hand-turned soles, French
heels and kid linings. v
Absolutely correct in style and just what every woman
needs to "make her costume effective. All sizes are here and the
fit is perfection.
This is the second half of the greatest slipper sale ever held
in Philadelphia the first lot sold out in a few days, so come early.
wjr l
I have Just received ft present of two
delightful negliges, and am rejoicing over
them. They nro so suitable, too, for a
person recovering from grip nnd at pres
ent confined to tho house llko myself,
Tho first ono is of pate pink crepe do
chine, mado In thd kimono style, the" neck
In a deep V shape, Tho sleeves nro cut
short Just above tho elbow, and ore fin
ished with n, deop frill of Valenciennes
lace. The ncgllga Is very short nnd round
the bottom Is a deep border of lace. A
ribbon of dellcato pink silk fastens In
front In n loose bow, nnd the wholo effect
Is as pretty ns possible.
'flip other negllgo 'Is In nn exquisite
shade ut mauve silk. It comes Just to tho
waist line, and a largo collar of fllet Inca
In worn, .The lnco Is embroidered with
tiny rosebuds In Shades varying from
palest pink to deepest mauve, nnd a
larger choux of lavender satin formB tho
fastening at tho baso of tho collar.
"I don'l think I havo ever seen you
wear anything that BUltod you better,
Dorothy," said mamma, when sho came
Into my room with some wrotched medi
cine, and perceived mo sitting up in bed,
arrayed In tho now neglige. "Certainly
theFo styles nro very becoming,"
"It Is a pity thnt It should wasto Us
sweetness on tho desert air," I said.
to tho cleaners, It may bo dono very
easily at home. All the blackening stains
and tho usual dirty footprints of some
gnllnnt youth can easily bo removed
With warm water and pure, soap, Ivory
preferred, scrub the slippers rltii a small
stiff brush, giving special attention to tho
worst Bpots. When all Is covered with a
lather wash off with the brush and dry
with an old towel. Put shoo trees In
them to prevent shrinking and hang them
before the heater to dry. If tho neather
is favorablo, they may bo hung upon n
lino outsldo to dry.
A prlrn of K0 cents tins been awarded to
Hn, Inlne Dillon, R110 CliTlnllan street,
Philadelphia, for the following suggestion:
To remove the stains that so persistent
ly dlsflguro knives and Bpoons, rub tho
spots briskly with a typewriter rubber.
Thcso erasers aro a mixture of soft rub
ber and fine emery and not only removo
the stains and tarnish fiom all kinds of
metal, but give tho article treated a splen
did lustre without scratching the surface.
A prlzo of ISO crntr has been nunrrirrt to
Mls Alma Seeley, .1140 North 13th xtreet,
riillatlelplila, for tho following suggcstlom
Seeing In the Evenino Lenann prizes
offered for helpful suggestions, I beg to
say thnt I find tho best way to keep a
whlte-onamclcd bedstead clean and new
Is to saturate a soft cloth with coal oil
and rub over tho bedstead thoroughly,
retracing with a clean soft cloth This
. . " qJS
Mailed any where if you enclose 10cextra,in stamps
or coin. Be sure to mention size wanted.
"Desert nlr?" said mamma, lau.hlJ
"It doesn't strike mo that you . .T
an deserted, for this room seenu to Z
neighborhood. And that reminds me liti
you may expect at least four met, hT,
afternoon, for when I wns eA ' .. '
town I met Allco Smith mid some ttLHw
. mu.o, (,... ..u announced that Bh Vr..
coming mound to seo you again "
Tho girls arrived at 4 o'clock, tM
cheered mo up Wonderfully, Alc ,f '
very amusing girl, and always hai 11!
latest Items of Interest Rl, .t-i ..
-.., u.,iaies lest
Bhc has Just broken her engngement .
...... .,.....,, uUt ..u imo wm Dclleve her i
as Jim still appears with her vn.... 'it
und Is ns dovotcd as ho always was. Sort
ono nsked him tho other dav If if !'
true whether tho engagement was ttm V
broken, and ho Bald ho wasn't quit. ur. S
as Alice had broken It so often, but hs'd;
gnmercu up tne pieces, and what wai fctt
of It wus stilt "on," It seems a curious
pian, out evcryoouy nas a different way
of managing their own affairs, nn in..
Is exceedingly competent to eniHno.- .1.
nrfnlrn nf llu, hpnrt.
Wo had a very amusing afternoon tad'
between tho visits ot my friends and th
sift of these two nrnttv nm.11... . .
that I really must got up tomorrow and
,uibfc fc.,w ito uhi u. vicum or grip,
method does not In any way hurt thj
enamel, but makes It look new and bright s
A prize of 150 tents lias been awarded (a 5
jr. O. lynn, -1001! Arch street, rhKdllrtfti
for the follotring suggestion 1 ""(
I have found a way to mako old veWet "
look like now. Havo a well-heated Iron, I
turn flat side up, have a piece1 of muilln J
which has been thoroughly soaked In lult- 1
norm water, with a clothes brush handy
Placo tho wet cloth on hot Iron and bavi i
velvet ready to place right on this with
tho right sldo up, and brush with thil
nap; keep moving so that It will not !
burn; when cloth becomes dry, wet sgJa 1
nnd continue to do so until velvet U
steamed satisfactorily. By taking velvtt a'
after this process ono can mirror orpanntlB
it by plnclng samo on an Ironing board
nnd have Iron very hot, and only run Iron,
ono way that Is, with the nap. Not?, toi
panno It, tnko wet cloth and place Itl
right over velvet to be panned, and Iron)
witn not iron wun nap or velvet.
A firize of fiO cents has been Atrnnf.! tula
Mrs. irari', 1(101 enango street, for thlSl
Having several white crepe de chine,
waists that had become yellow after
several washings I decided to try an ex
periment to whiten them.
To tho last rlnso water I added a tabl.
spoon of peroxide ot hydrogen. If you
hong the waists In tho open air for five
minutes bring In and Iron on wrong side j
until perfectly dry. You will be mori',?m
tnan satisfied with results.
wfM. ?&
mm I
HI 1
pi i