INANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA ictmtt NIGHT EXTRA ryoL. i-no. hi. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1915. PltlOlfl ONHJ CflflOT Corixianr, 10tB, nr ins Pcitio Udou Courinr. FRENCH RAZE IRIDGES OYER iHDESE; HALT FOE'S ONSET tempt of Germans to Cut Verdun-Toul Line jBlocked and Wedge at St Mihiel Imperiled by Furious Attack of I Joffre's Artillery ustrians Drive Czar Out of 'Trenches South of Tarnow as Battle Rages for Gali- '' r V' i:ll d Clan Joase rvuiiuauu x abs Recovered in Bukowina Campaign. .Terrific flro from tho French nrtlllcry fcu destroyed the German pontoon Irldires across tho Meuse below St. Hlilel, and tho Invaders' attempts to crosS tho river In force and cut tho Ftencli lines from Verdun to Toul have Ifaln been blocked. At tho same time, lea German salient at St. Mihiel has kn endangered by this attack. iports from Havre that tho Allies tA been compelled to evacuate St. Bsorges, east of Nlcuport, near the Jiorth Sea coast, arc apparently con tradicted by today's ofllclal statement of A Boris War Office, which announces 'gain east of St.. Georges. Berlin now admits evacuation of dee. and Opoczno and retirement to li'itllca. New positions have been tonily Intrenched and heavy artillery wTira directed at tho Russian outposts pra uie river iicikiiib. Fsrlous Austrian assaults havo won tasehe3 south of Tarnow from the Mains, whose oossess'ar of their fiffrjajlclan base is now contested In na'cOTtfhMhfTnrockBrrrKo! jrisn. army of defenso In Gallcla has fiywild tho offensive directly wtst of r&unSjJec River In a patent endeav- W """ """" "'" "" " '""""-" wiuut vracow at a time wnen nis naln forces are busy In the Thorn iHre, Warsaw defense and Transyl Ttnla Invasion. jThs Austrian offlc nl report an nounces capture of Russian trenches In Ue Carpathians south of tho passes, Jjl unofficial reports from Vienna as jkrt that tho Russians havo been ftiven. back from Klrllbaba pass, the Buidwlntan gateway to Hungary, jnicn tney passed a -week ago. German ofllclal accounts speak of THE WEATHER )V remember readlnsr somewhern n. Jn-the name has escaped us which ltcHDea the terrors of a vessel In u rm at sea. Tho elements were doing ir wont A gale driving a heavy rnln (re It had SWent dawn unnn tht. phtn 6d. ertaklnsr md atmlnlni. In ,..-., ((. gj be was fighting for her life In a fcj. landlubber?) Anyway, the captain, Btj.u6 ucoiuo me mate at the wheel, JUied his voice above the din and gW'd In his ear; "Heaven help the tr mortals on the land this nlghtl" m point Is that as you slipped and slid SUif.!. u Btreet on your way home '& . ; vii niBm' you 'were thinking i, 7. , limy pe. v ou aepends on tho point of view! FOTtEflA ST or Philadlnhtn a ..:-:..:,.. : il. f"" '" vbll(tliy - 1 (AM aftemnnn nmhnhl.i .,.... t. -, . .. f. wwtw.p tin iiiny r.Hltnu tnntnh ;i i l.. ....... IJWaay unsettled and colder,- moder- -,,,v, ,uo uteommg westerly. 1" details, seepages. Observations at Philadelphia ,n,7I1! fMtrn Ltur ..r."wti,iMM,,.i,,pU ... tt . ' - Uf ft'wrff-iiin::::;;::;::::::: c-uc, io mile v..!"0 mperatur .i r rani. Almaaao of the Day nt 1 HUl llm.J -.' ' S;10 n m ...... T:14 a.m. T.M P.m.- Ut tomorrow if. iw a.m. Imps to Bo Xlehted ' otner ehlcl a.sop.m. The Tides tr VKnT P'CHMOND. wttr ' "' -:2 p. jn. u, UmorroV::::::::::: Ss-j?- EaTHOT STnEBT wiim rftl.- 4:31 a. m. Ur tomorrow ' '. SH??-""- IlliSDV ISLim " m. ' tomorrow S JM i SSSSw ::::::::: 'llit m. WU. "MHWATBi. Mr 5i " " RAli " ....::::::: ImZZ victory on tho Sucha Ittvcr and at Bnr zlmow on tho front wort of Warsaw, and of checking tho resumed Russian olTenslvo near Opoczno In sou then. Poland. FRENCH SHELLS WRECK FOE'S BRIDGES ON MEUSE Germans' Wedge nt St. Mihiel Undr Fierce Bombardment. PARIS. Jnn. 23. UCrmntl tinnrnnn Itftrlrrnn nn.nnM 4 1... Mtuse, nt St. Mlhlcl, which were partly destroyed Inst week, linvp been blown to '""" ". rengu siiciiB, it wns reportea In Offlclnl lllnnntrllna tn.lnt. Gcrmnn gunners on tho west bank of mo mouse niiemptcil unsuccessfully to silenco tho French nrtlllcrj'. Adilltlonnl guns were brought Into position by tho i-iciicii, nneus ion in tno city of St. Mihiel, Inflicting losses among tho dor mnn ilofrTnlrrn. This nccompllshmcnt by tho French , troops Is ono of the most Important of ... iv-uiit iiKiiiiiiK on ine aicuse, wiiere ...,TU .wl o;Tt:iiii iiiuilliiq been attempting to cross that strcnm ir. uiL-u iiiiu ButiuiT me 1'rencn nno ot ile fense between Verdun nnd Toul. "- " ovv..onvn IUI Ultl F rcilvll troops nnnounccd tills nftcrnoon fncludc ! vit-mijr 111 inu iiik. lor ino trcncnoR near I3crry-nu-nc nnd destruction of i German earthworks In Champagne. ALLIES GAIN GROUND EAST OF ST. GEORGES; HOLD TOWN Reported Loss in West Flanders Con tradicted by Paris Statement. PARIS. Jnn. 25. Unofllclnl reports from Havre thnt tho Allies boil been compelled to ovneuato tho hnmlct of St. Georges, five miles enst of Nieuport, In West Flanders, nre con tradicted In today's official communique, which reports a slight gain cast of thnt village. Fierce fighting Is reported In that region. Sovero fighting Is also reported north of Zlllnbnke, flvo miles southeast of YprcB, northeast of Arms and In the region of La Uolssellc. At tho Inst named point tho Allies maintain their positions in tho face of heavy shell lire. AUSTRIANS DRIVE FOE BACK FROM CARPATHIAN PASSES Hecover Kirlibaba Gateway to Hun gary in Flanking Movement. VIENNA, Jan. 25. Defeat of tho Russian forco attempting to ndvance Into Transylvania from Bukowina Is nnnounccd In nn ofllclal re port. Russian nttncks'tipon Austrian positions In tho south of Dukowln.i ended yesterday by native troops reconquering Kirlibaba and the heights surrounding tho town. Tho Russians retreated with losses. Hostile uttempts to make further prog ress over tho Jacobeny and Kirlibaba passes have thorcforo completed failed, tho ofllclal report comments. Correspondents of tho papers telegraph from the front- that the. Hussion-attempt to outflank 'tho Austrian right wing in southern nukowlna hns been frustrated and the Russians have been thrown back near Kirlibaba. The Austrlans, according to these dis patches, havo captured a number of pris oners und quantities of war material. (Klrllbaba. situated on tho borders of Bukowina nnd Hungary, gives Its name to a famous pass which commands the principal road Into Transylvania. This pass was taken by tho Russians Just a week ago. Jacobeny lies 15 miles south east of Klrllbaba.) German reinforcements have been rushed to the defense of Hungary. TURK AIR FLEET DESTROYED Sultan's Six Aeroplanes Lost In Sink ing1 Stenttiship. rETROGRAD, Jan. 23. Tho entire aero plane fleet of the Turks, which was being sent to Treblzond for use against the Rus sians in the Caucasus, was destroyed when tho Russian Black Sea fleet sank tho steamship Georglus off Slnoub. The vessel carried six air craft. Other War News on Fage 4 120 VESSELS HAVE COME UNDER AMERICAN REGISTRY Most of the Ships Before Trnnsfer rnl Were Owned In TJ. S. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25,-Under the ship transfer act of August 13, 1914, 120 ships havo come under the American registry. This large number heretofore largely were American-owned vessels that carried the flag of other nations be cause of advantages. Tho 120 vessels aggregate -H3.E05 tons and formerly floated these flags; British M Otrroan 22 Cuban -1 Mtlglan fi Rumanian 1 Norwegian .,,,,,,, 1 Mexican 1 Uraguay 1 Only two vessels transferred have caused trouble or dispute. Tho first was tho Sacramento, purchased from the Hamburg-American line. After the trans fer, It was discovered supplying coal to a British man-of-war off the coast of San Francisco. Protests were made to the Secretary ot War by the German Am bassador, This vessel Is now Interned In Chile, The only other dispute that has arisen Is the recent one over the transfer of the Dacla. The situation now Is regarded satisfactory, as the British Government Is satisfied the transfer was bona fide. 3 HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT Passengers nnd Chauffeur Injured When Machine Turns Turtle, Three men were hurt In an automobile accident at 18th and Green streets, yester day. They are Roger Byrns, president of the Union Casualty Company, of 4905 Wal nut street, and Vernon II. Burke, an at torney, of Columbus. O. Michael Dandls, the chauffeur, of 19(1 De Lancey street, was shaken up. The car turned turtle when Dandls was steering It from 18th street Into Green street Byrns sustained a broken arm and Burke a fractured hand. The chauffeur escaped with a few bruises. Dr. John Wanamaker. Sd, and Dr. Eugene Swain, who were passing, took the Injured men into a private hospital nearby, and, after having their Injuries dressed, they went to their homes. Sexagenarian Commits Suicide Hiram N'lblo CO years old, of VOS Market street, was found dead, with the gas luiniU on, in hi ruom at that ad4res early today by B JIumberger, another occupant of the house Nlblo bad been boarding In the house about a year The police are searching fox a son who called uon him occasionally The motive for tfle suicide has nt been determined. BIG AMERICAN GUN SHIPPED ABROAD ON K,''''-v '::) ' $',PH&:4"? ' SUMP ' ! L. I . M ' ' I 4T h 1 KHBRBR VKH HS1 IKtl M M lV5JKT3KJic,Sife- V: g$ Srk. AUS I Ii iM '' Ii 111 ii I i W f n'lii hlis'i tH ttjM:WBH&.l.mtitmftn4a40itamiA imiiMi'mW s5 Ft - KwBS.feJSiE33l I gggOT mmmmmmwMmMMmim k-w i 6&vvwttr?&r!rK&kKwrtiM-Mi inTvxssKttzrw?i&fAm'jb- i.pi r.11 niiiiiiwinwiiiTiiiMwiiniffiRiriorirw w i tlt issmssiwf&smsstt&Mm miniirL.?.&M ltr , ni , 11 l lilli nTiiTr VtoirrfiiiMmm ,ui ,nnf7 ri i ?1?a"p"BHAfirttwin8Kr3rttMA4VT?5BWSMBaB?t,j 1 1r?fM?s4SsIMia mmm&immrziziMcmmfom.-AM This huge rifle, lashed to the deck of the Transylania, of the Cunard Line, aroused much speculation among passengers who sailed last Saturday. No information was given out concerning it, but it is believed to have been made by the Schwab works and is on its way to Belfast to be mounted on one of the new English dreadnoughts. KAISERASKSU.S. TO STOP SALE OF GURTISS FLIERS Embassy Protests Against Shipment of Hydroaero planes to Allies as Viola tion of Neutrality Laws. ---rnrNaTON7TanrHr'ii A breach of neutrality In tho sale of hydroaeroplanes to England by tho Curtiss works at Haminondsport. N. Y., Is charged In a noto today addrcsed to tho State Department by Count von Hernstorff, Gcrrrtnn Ambassador. Tho German Embassy issued this state ment: "The German Government, through Cpunt von Bernstorff, has addressed a noto to the State Department concerning hydroaeroplanes. "The Cmtlss works, at Hwnmondsport, N. Y., havo sold nnd sent to England tho well-known hydroacroplano America and five hydroaeroplanes of tho same typo. Thirty-six hydroaeroplanes of a different typo have been ordered by England nnd are under construction by tho same firm. Also, Russia has ordered a number of these vessels of Curtiss for use In its navy. "Thero Is no doubt, nnd It does not need any explanation, thnt from tho stand point of International law hydroaeroplanes have to be considered as war vessels and thnt, therefore, by artlclo 8 of tho agree ment concluded at The Hague on October 18, 1907, neutral countries nro prohibited to Supply belligerent countries with such vossels. Tho selling of hydroaeroplanes by the Curtiss works, therefore, consti tutes a breach of neutrality. "Hydroaeroplanes are not especially mentioned In The Hague ngreement for tho slmplo reason that this kind of war vessel did not yet exist at that time." THAW SPRINGS SURPRISE, SEEKS TEST OF SANITY Jerome Opposes Motion and Is Ac cused of Breaking Faith. NEW YOrtK, Jan. 25. Harry IC Thaw sprang his promised surprise on William Trovers Jerome nnd other attorneys rep resenting New York State today when, upon arraignment before Justice Davis In the criminal branch of the Supreme Court on the charge of conspiracy, his attorney, John B, Stanchfleld, demanded that the prisoner be sent to Bellovue Hospital for examination as to his sanity. Jeromo sprang to his feet and opposed tho motion, and In the legal battle that followed, Thaw's counsel freely Intimated that Jeromo had broken the word he gave to the United States Supreme Court. Tho argument ended when Justice Davis Bent Thaw back to the Tombs and an nounced that he would take the question under advisement for two or three days. RECEIVER EOB, JACOB KEISLER Claims Against Missing Real Estate Dealer Total 848,800. Creditors with claims totaling $13,600 at ., i,AnHnir tnrinv before Judffe Dick inson, In United States District Court, at which Benjamin nnoerg -wna iiumeu re ceiver for Jacob Kelsler, missing real es tate dealer, of 112 South Ith street, Ber .. T-, finnHMr. counsel for the Sixth until . ..v-... - , ., Street Building and Loan Association, 9ald criminal prosecution woutd be started against certain persons whom he refused to name In connection wnn ineir ueuunaa with Kelsler. Attorney Adolph Elchholz. representing creditors whose claims total about I30.COO, made the application for a receiver, WOMAN TRIES TO END LIPB A Blight Are Jn her store and the lllnesi of her husband Impelled Mrs. Sarah Zaret of 610 Germantown avenue, to attempt suicide today, the police say, by inhaling Illuminating gas. She Is at the Oermantown Hospital In a prltlcal condi tion Her on' Samuel garet, H years old ' discovered hU mother uooonsclous in her room. The husband and father has been ill at the Jewish Hospital for two montlfs. Lest nlt, while Mrs. Zaret was visiting hie. flr caused tW dam age ta A delicatessen tore SULZBERGER CALLS PORTER INEFFICIENT FROM BENCH Common Patrolmnn's Brain Better Than Director's, Judge Says. Director of Public Safety I'ortcr came In for short but bitter 'criticism today nt tho hands of Judge Mayer Sulzberger nt tho hearing of two women charged with being frequenters of a disorderly house. "The brain of a common, ordinary po llcoman who appears in court would bo better at the head of tho pollco depart ment than tho present head,", said Judge Sulzberger. "The Dliector ot Publlo Safety has shown himself to bo incompe tent to fill his Important position. Ho is inefficient Ho has tried to dictate to tho Judiciary, but all persons who coma Into this court will bo treated ,exjictly alike," ffcTTbr poor. No person, no mat tor what his influence or office, will bo given any protection here." STEAMSHIP OWNERS STRIKE HARD BLOW TO TRADE BY RATES Cost of Freight Increased From 100 to 1000 Per Cent., Two Cabinet Mem bers Declare. WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-"0cean freight rates have been arbitrarily Increased to an unparelleled height without regard to the Interests of American trade. "Some business plants havo been shut down as a result of the exorbitant rates. "If common carriers on land wore to practice such discrimination against ship pers and such arbitrary methods they would bo subject to criminal prosecution." These counts are contained In a bitter Indictment against the foreign steamship owners, filed with the Senate today by Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and Secretary of Commerce Redfleld. The Indictment makes a strong plea for the ship-purchase bill, asserting the facts as thoy have found thorn are an unan swerable, argument In favor of an Ameri can Government merchant marine. The Secretaries declare the Increase In the cotton rate of 1100 per cent, on shipments to Bremen nnd of 800 per cent, on grain show, In part, the extortionate method of the steamship owners in dealing with American exporters since the beginning of the European war. An Increase In the cotton rate of 1100 per cent, on shipments to Bremen and of SCO per cent, on grain Is held up as evi dence of the manner In which these steamship owners have taken the Euro pean war to mulct the American exporter. CANNOT REOULATE RATES, And the end Is not yet In sight, accord ing to the report, which says: "Ocean freight rates are still rising and are limited only by the greed of the i Concluded on Pace Tiro American Accents TJio tongue, like the thumb, be trays. Have you ever tried to train your ear to the differences in Amer ican speech, not only differences be tween various seofious ot the coun try, out between parts of the same section or even the same cituf It is a fascinating pastime and is de lightfully described by the well known writer, "Walter Prichard Eaton In Sgrnard Shaw's play, "Pyg malion," Professor Illgglns tells various characters whom he meets what section of London they come from, reaching his conclusions solely from their accents and in flections. Well, London isn't the only place where that can be done. Bo read ilr. Eaton's skit on the edi torial page of tomorrow's Evening Ledger BRITISH LINER SUNDAY MTS FLOUR MILL ON HIS "REST DAY" Workmen Urge Evangelist to Preach, But Instead He Invites Them to Attend Tabernacle Meeting. SUNDAY CAMPAIGN STATISTICS. There will be no services at the tabernacle today. Attendance. Yesterday morning 18100 Yesterday afternoon 20.000 Yesterday evening 20.000 Approximate grand total.... 100,000 Converts. Yesterday morning 313 Yesterday afternoon G07 Yesterday evening 52.5 Total fo date V.OSO Sermons. Preached to date 42 To be preached before close of campaign 75 Collections. Yesterday morning J7I2.C2 Yesterday afternoon 82 iM Yesterday evening 089.60 Grand total 33,003.09 Several hundred employes of the Jlll bourno Roller Mills, Md and Market streets, covered with white dust, shook hands with "Billy" Sunday and Mrs. Sunday when the evangelist and his wlfo visited tho plant today In company with, Georgo C. Shane, executive secretary of the local committee. Tho workmen were anxious for "Billy" to make nn address, but ho told them he wanted them all to come down to the tabernacle to hear him, and, after as suring them of his pleasure In being priv ileged to see them nt work, he called "good-hyo" to them and waa whirled out through Fair-mount Park and through Germantown to the homo of Joseph 51. Steele, chairman of tho Executive Com mittee, where ho and "Ma" wcro guests at luncheon. "Billy" Sunday now has a long-distance convert About 2 o'clock this morning his secretary, Bentley D, Ackley, was aroused by a telephone call from Chicago. Ackley was surprised to learn that the man on the other end of the wire wanted to give his heart to God and had called to "hit the trail" by telling Mr. Sunday of his desire to lead a Christian life. "I was in Philadelphia a few days ago and heard Mr. Sunday preach," he told Mr. Ackley, "and he Impressed me so much that I have since been led to the conviction that I was going the wrong way and must start a new life and live for Christ. I thought over It all day to day, and Anally decided that I'd phone to "Billy" and have It over with. He Insisted on giving the message to the evangelist, but Anally agreed to permit Mr. Ackley to deliver It. "Billy" Sunday had his biggest day In Philadelphia yesterday. He took advan tage of tho monster crowds to hammer homo some more hard blows against the liquor business and the liquor-controlled politicians In Pennsylvania. There were about 53,030 persons In attendance at the three services, and 1413 men and women "hit the sawdust trail" and pledged themselves to try to lead Christian lives. In the afternoon and evening "Billy" did some plain talking to "men-only" audiences that filled the tabernacle when he preached his sermon, "The Devil's Boomerang" or "Hot Cakes Off the Grid dle." In the morning he preached to an audience of men, women and children on "Thy Kingdom Come," and 313 went for ward after he had finished, preaching and expressed their desires to lead new lives. At the afternoon meeting 807 "hit the the troll" and there were SSI converts In the evening Notwithstanding tho storm the big building was overcrowded at both services. Attacking the rum business while Concluded eu I'sio Stjta WHEAT SETS NEW RECORD Prlco In Chicago Market Soars to ?1.454 Per Bushel. CHICAGO, Jnn. 25. A marked rush to buy, with offerings light and reports thnt henvy rains may shorten tho Argen tine whent crop, today caused May wheat to Jump to Jl.43 per bushel. This Is n new record for tho crop nnd tho highest price reached on the local Bonrd of Trade In mnny years. $3000 LOSS IN FIRE Blaze Destroys Office of Brick and Pottery Concern. Fire destroyed tho two-story frame of flco of tho R. C. Remmey & Sons Com pany, nt Hedley street and tho Delnwaro River, Port Richmond, this morning. Tho loss is about 13000. A defective fluo started the fire. An em ploye of the firm, which manufactures bricks and pottery, sent in an alarm from a box several blocks away. Firemen found the mud so deep In Hedley street that before tho engine could be drawn through It four horses had to be attached. Somo ot the furnlturo from the ofllce was saved. STEAMSHIP POWERLESS IN GALE OFF NEW JERSEY V. S. Cutter Ready to Aid Italian I Vessel When Sea Abates. WASHINGTON, Jan. 2!. Tho Italian steamship Angelo Parodl Is battling a southerly gnlo about M0 miles oft tho Jer sey const, due east of Atlantic City, ac cording to advices to revenue cutter head quarters today from tho cutter Itasca. The cutter reported sho had been stand ing by tho Parodl for two days, thnt the coal bunkers of tho Parodl wcro empty nnd that the heavy seas were battering the Btenmshlp badly. Tho Itasca Is at tempting to give her enough coal to make port, but owing to tho heavy sea Bhe fears to approach close enough to trans fer fuel. Tho cutter will stand by until tho sea abates enough to permit the transfer of coal, or In the event of failure to ac complish this relief, It Is said, tho cut ter may try to get a lino aboard tho Parodl and tow her to port. BANKERS MAY CONTEST THOMPSON RECEIVERSHIP Creditors of TTnlontown Man Await Decision in Guffey Case. UNIONTOAVN, Pa., Jan. 25.-Upon the decision or the Supremo Court In the receivership contest of Colonel J. M. Guf fey will rest tho Question of whether the Pittsburgh bankers who are attempting to "squeeze" Joslnlr-Vi- Thompson,presi-' den of tho First National Bank, which closed Its doors last Monday, will contrrr. tho receiverships of Mr. Thompson, I. W. Scamans nnd other associates. Tht Guffey cnBe Is to be argued In the Su preme Court tho first week lrr February and It Is declared that Thompson's en emies will watch this decision, the local recclvershlpi being parallels. Attorney E. C. Hlgbec. of the law firm of Sterling Hlgbee & Matthews, said to day he had been called on tho telephone by a Pittsburgh law firm and asked If his firm would represent the contestants of tho receiverships. A report was received hero from New York today that Thompson had sold u EO.OOO-acre trnct of Grccno County coal to H. C. Frlck for 08,000.000. Mr. Thomp son denied this report. He declared that persons wanting coal must come to him. nnd that he Is not going to sacrifice any of his holdings. Judge J. Q. Van Swcarlngen this morn ing named Senator William E. Crow and T. B. Palmer as receivers for the Palmer Semans Lumber Company. I. W. Semans, for whom receivers were named last Wednesday. Is the principal owner of this concern. The assets are given as (320.000 and the liabilities at (180,000. Third Indiana Bank Closes Doors NOBLESVILLE, Ind., Jan. 23. The Citizens' Bank, at Carmel, Ind., was closed today by order of tho Stato Auditor's office. This Is the third finan cial Institution closed this county in less than a week. WANT SUNDAY IN NEW YORK Delegation of Ministers Coming to Invite Evangelist There. A delegation comprised of pastors of many of the most fashionable churches In New York city will come to this city In a special train over tho Philadelphia and Reading Railway on Thursday to ask "Billy" Sunday to arrange to conduct a campaign In the metropolis in thiThear fu ture. The evangelist Is engaged. It Is said, until 1917, but the ministers Intend to do everything In their power to have the revivalist alter his plans and talk to the New Yorkers after finishing his re vival here. The ministers, many ot whom are In charge of the churches attended by many of New York's multl-mllllonalres, also Intend to ask Sunday to take another chance on making an address at Madison Square Garden. Among the ministers are the Revs. WV I, Davenport, of the Duryea Presby terian Church; AV, De Forrest Johnson, of Christ Episcopal Church; W. B. Mc Bready, of St. Peter's Episcopal Church; Dr. David I, Burrell, of Marble Colle giate Church; Charles A. Eaton, of Had dlngton Avenue Baptist Church; Herbert Shlpman, of the Church of the Heavenly Rest; Lewis T, Heed, of the Flatbush Congregational Church; Carl Relland, of St. George's Episcopal Church; S. Ed ward Young, of the Clerical Conference of New York and chairman of the visit ing delegation, and Alfred A, Roraback of the Church of the Evangel. BUN OVEB BY HIS 0?N WAGON Hugh Gallen, of 1927 South Front street, was run over by his own wagon at 8th and Spring Garden streets today and sustained Injuries that may cause his death. Physicians at tne Roosevelt Hos pital found he had concussion of the brain and a fractured leg. Gallon's horse bolted at Spring Oarden street and in trying to halt the frightened animal he was thrown over the dashboard under wheels. WIXSON NAMES POSTMASTEBS WASHINGTON, Jan. K. The President today sent to the Senate the following nominations for postmastershlpa In New Jersey: Richard J Fox. Grant wood: Louis 3. Langham, Hamaionton, Charles C Stewart, Mays Lauding, Ieaao Klein, Sftlem, f BIG GERMAN CRUISER LOST IN FAST FIGHT ON NORTH SEA British Patrol Squadron Sinks Bluecher, 15,500 Tons, in Speediest Naval Conflict of War. Teutons Say Enemy Also Lost a Warship in Running Battle Engagement Lasted Four Hours and Covered Course of 100 Miles. English Squadron Pursues Attacking Fleet to 70 Miles of Base Fear of Submarines Halts Chase. Tho North Sea battle between the. Germans and British yesterday was n running fight at a speed never before known In naval warfnre. German's fleet wns met by tho Drll lsh approximately 200 mllea from1 the German base at Heligoland. Battle wns given. Tho fighting ended 70 nauti cal miles (about 82 miles) from Heligo land. Ono German battlo cruiser, tho Bluecher, 1G.500 tons, was sunk and probably 700 of her crew were lost. Tho Germans report a British cruiser also sunk In tho engagement, but thlfl Is denied by tho British Admiralty. Tho Bluecher was of slow speed and became detached from the fleeing Ger man squadron. Tho British gunboat t and destroyer 'patrol guaraVngTieilgbland Bight ap parently sighted thd German fleet early In tho sortie1 and Immediately fell back toward tho Brfttsh -coast In Its flight tho patrol signalled to tho larger warships which wero being held nearer British shores. Theso put out to sea stripped for battle. This probably accounts for the fact that the German fleet was nblo to proceed approximately 200 miles before encountering the foe. The fight continued about four hours, or over a stretch of 100 nautical miles. It was ended when the fleets had come within 70 miles of tho German base, tho British fearing submarines and mines. It does not appear that thev wero halted by a fiercer resistance from tho Germans. The Germans, It seems, abandoned Intention to fight when they realized tho superior force of tho British. BERLIN, Jan. 25. The German Admiralty admitted In an ofllclal statement Issued here today that the armored cruiser Bluecher had been sunk In a naval battle between the Brit ish and German fleets in the North Sea yesterday, but also announced that a British cruiser was reported to have been sunk In the combat. The battle was ended 70 nautical miles west of Heligo land. According to the official statement, the German fleet was outnumbered by the British squadron, but the latter dlscon. tlnued the battle after three hours of fighting. All the German ships except the Bluecher returned to harbor. The statement Issued by the Admiralty was: "On the occasion of an advance of tht armored cruisers Seydlltx, DerfTllnger, Moltke and Bluecher, accompanied by four small cruisers and two torpedobtfat flotillas. Into the North Sea, they came Into a battle Sunday morning with Enjf. Hah ftghtlng forces, numbering five battle cruisers, several small cruisers, and 28 tor pedoboat destroyers. "After thre hours' fighting our pppa. nent discontinued the battle 70 nautical miles west-northwest of Heligoland. "According to present reports, one bat tle cruiser has been sunk on the English elde. Of our ships, the armored cruise; Bluecher was sunk. AH the other Ger man forces returned to harbor," The official statement from the Britlsi Admiralty contains no mention of th. reported sinking of a British cruiser la. the North Sea engagement. The Ger man statement, however, was transmitted by wireless to London and "passed" by cable to New York. The Admiralty statement admitted that the British squadron abandoned the light off Heligoland, but declared further pur suit was rendered extremely dangerous because ot the presence of the German mine and submarine fields. The state ment specifically declared there were no British losses In the ships or men. BBITAIN BELIEVES DEBMANS LOST HEAVILY IN BATTLE. LONDON, Jan. 25. Germany's naval forces have been struck the most crush ing blow of the war. Reports that A four-funneled German cruiser, badly dam aged, was sighted off the Holland coast early today strengthened the growing con- Concladed on !' 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