Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Director Invites Pro
posals to Relocate Sewers
Now in Proposed High
speed Loop.
No time trill be lost now In making
an enrly start on the proposed rapid tran
sit system. Bids for the relocation and
reconstruction of sevrcrs In the transit
loop ore advertised In today's nowspapers.
Supporters of the plan sav this action
by DJrector Taylor, of the Department ot
City Transit, nhows his Intention to live
up to the spirit and letter of his cam- ,' hand 243 responded. These brought tin
pafgn for high-speed transit. I totni tor t10 day up t0 wo nd the gran.l
As staled at the Town Meeting In the , .... . ,. .,., , ,.,, wui. .1,..
Academy of Muslo on January II, tho I tolftl for lho campaign to 6318. While the
DIrctor will be able to "make the dirt majority of those who "hit the trail" In
fly'1 on March 20. With the work thus the afternoon woro mothers or middle
Ma. ted ho Intends to keep It going to j oged women, In the evening most of them
th finish. Supporting him In this plan wore young women and men
Is a. majority of Councilman of each
chamber. They have been placed on
record by tho Evening Ledger In favor
of a special election In Mnrch that the
citizens may vote for funds for high
aoeed transit.
It Is declared that If these men will
stand by their guns, regardless of tho
power of political obstructionists, the
high-speed fight Is already won.
Citizens In all parts of tho city cay
they will no longer tolerate suffering and
Inconvenience to suit the wiles of poli
ticians, In addition to tho majority of
Cuuncllmcn nho favor a special election
In March, overs' burlness men's organiza
tion n tho city ha3 gono on record for a
March election. .
There are still a few Councltmen who
arc noncommittal. They will be invited
to appear before the business organiza
tions of their district to be asked whettior
they aro for or against tho special elec
tion In March.
Continued from Pace One
Light If he backslides tho souls of a
hundred perrons may go to hell."
Arrangements were completed today
for the reservation of tho tabernacle for
threo Saturday afternoon sermons for
tho school children of Philadelphia.
Next Saturday tho pupils residing in
Sunday School districts 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13
and 20 will attend. On tho afternoon
ot February G the reservation will bo
for children In Sunday School districts
14. 15, 16, 17, IS and 19, and the Saturday
afternoon following, February 13, dls
trlyts No. S, C, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are to
be Tf "learned.
"Billy" Sunday Is pleased with the
progress of tho Philadelphia campaign.
Ha told about 40O ministers and membors
Of the General Campaign Committee he
was delighted at a conference In the
tabernacle today when the past and fu
ture of the evangelistic work "was con
sidered, The only fault he had to nnd
was with the church members for their
lock of Interest In personal work and
the constant demand (or reservations.
He admitted his hope for Improvement In
tho work of the church members and
In some cities of 100,000 population,"
he said, "there have been more personal
workers among church members than
yuu have here with your population of
3,600,000 and your hundreds of churches
.Almost all those who 'hit the trail' como
forward themselves at the invitation ex.
tended from the platform. You and your
church members ought to bring hun
dreds to a desire to Accept Christ."
Because of the constant demands for
thousands of reservations that cannot
be made, Mr. Sunday declared it was ne
cessary to "whittle down on them at
"Don't ask me for reservations for
church members. I can't supply them,
and I won't do It. There aro enough
church people who come as It Is. They
are not the. ones we really want Wo
want tp get at the sinners. Church mem
bers will bring their friends and then
gab, gaze and do nothing.
The refusal of tho Hoard of Educa
tion to permit the members of the Sun
day party to work among the high school
pupils In the schools brought forth gen
eral protest from the clergymen, and Pro
fessor Homer W. Rodeheaver, who has
charge of the work among school and
college boys, severely criticised Simon
Qratz, vice president of the Board of
Education, as he seemed to place the
blame for the refusal largely upon him.
Professor Rodeheaver dectared'that he
had been Informed by mothers that ci
garette smoking and drinking of Intoxi
cants was rapidly Increasing among pu
pils In thq Philadelphia BChools and in
schools In other parts of the country.
Fop this reason he was anxious to get
mo nwrit aiunea in me local institutions
Of learning.
The Rev. Zt. L. Seasholes, pastor of
the Falls of the Schuylkill Baptist
Church, suggested a resolution criticis
ing Mr. Orate be adopted, but tho sug
gestion was voted down. It has been a
Jong standing rule of the Board of Edu
cation that no religious services of any
character should be held In the school
buildings, Tho reading of the Bible Is
tho nearest to religion that la reached In
the schools.
When Mr. Sunday asked the ministers
to do some personal work among mem
bers of the choirs, a clergyman told him
that whenever they tried the ushers
"dhoned" them away. And, In reply, the
evangelist made It plain that he thought
there were too many officious persons at
work, and too much red tape.
"I'm going to pull out my Jackknlfa
spne of these days and cut all this red
taps off." he said.
Mr. Sunday la going to break his life
time tule In Philadelphia and mention
the names of persons he believes are
working against the advancement of
God's work In this City. He declared hi.
Intention to do this last night while ha
wa,s preaching his popular sermon on
"Motherhood" for the second time In one
day, peforo an audience that overflowed
from the tabernacle Into the streets.
The assault upon the local enemies of
OotJ came after ha had referred to the
Influences at work to oust the Bible from
tn$ public schools. He had referred to
this during the afternoon sermon, but In
the evening bis anger seemed to have
increased tenfold, and be Jumped upon
a chair and yelled:
The river of America could run red
with blood to their banks before I'd give
n, Inch to that gang. I know these dirty,
jotten influences are at work In Philadel
phia, and I'll bawl them out. too. one of
C thjae. nights. Yes, I'll bawl them out ln-
mvmuuuy. iuu - us sneerea wnen I
fiitd Philadelphia going the wrong way
M mi ner wnavs wnai, an rant. Don't
KW target that. '
Am i the fttTOKjJ, "Billy" swayed
tt (Mfttr a-mllsnea tt night with him
. femfrltiiT mm Ml "itothwhaod." Time
ftas time Bils tb sset&M? and tho
;jpgfcnK auptonr Afl wM-tlir w-r
,atePbiMiijjaL fmt0$-vaimvs
3bP-!Hb4 j il an HbrMC W fai
2 p. m.Mr. Bundoy delivers his
sermon, "Let Your Light Bhine."
7:30 p, m. Mr. Sunday delivers
his sermon, "Power,"
Yesterday afternoon .....
Yesterday evening .......
Approximate grand total, ,
Yesterday afternoon . ....
Yesterday evening .......
Total to date.,,,.,
Preached to date...,.
To be preached before
close of campalpn ......
Yesterday afternoon tCOO.O't
Yesterday evening (iOO.S'i
Total za.jai.62
the evangelist scored his strong polntn
In favor of the mother?.
When ho had finished and asked for all
who wanted to declare their Intention tu
eorv a(1 " m forward and tnko hi
Delegations for six Presbyteries Will at- i
lend the services in tho tabernacle this
afternoon, when Mr. Sunday is to preach
on "Let Your Light Shine." Tonight he
will talk on "Power."
Organizations to be represented Include
the Presbyteries of Philadelphia, Phila
delphia North, Now Brunswick, West
Jersey, Chester and Now Castle. With so
many deacons nnd vlBitlng clergymen
present, "Billy" may be oxpectcd to do
some "bawling out." Ho delights In arous
ing tho church oftlclalo and pastors to
more active service.
Following last night's meeting he met
the choir, the ushers and secretaries and
gave them a lecture In which ho criti
cized some of the work of the uxhors,
urged tho secretaries to stay away from
tho "glory rows" until ho asked them to
take the nnmes of the converts, and lam
basted" the choir slntters for "sticking up
there In tho lott and not doing a bit of
personal work."
Tomorrow afternoon and evening Mr.
Sunday will preach to men only, and will
give his famous sermon, "The Devil's
Boomerang, or Hot Cakes Off the Grid
dle." Mrs. Sunday, wlfo of the evangelist, will
speak to a meeting for women only In the
First Regiment Armory, Broad and Cnl
lowhill streets, tomorrow afternoon at
2 o'clock. At the same hour a meot'hg
for young women only will bo held In
the Metropolitan Opera House, Broad and
Poplar streets, when addresses will bo
made by Miss Frances Miller and Mrs.
William Asher.
Billy Sunday Sermon In Full, Pngu 14
T. 1 , A 1 1
WPnfV-PlCrnt CCUSed nr;
weuiy cigiiL rwt,uocu ui
Murder Armed Guards
at Fertilizer Plant
Roosevelt, N. J.
ItOOSEVELT, N. J., Jan. 23. Twenty-
eight deputy sheriffs who figured in the
fortilizer strike riot In which two strikers
wero killed Inst Tuesday aro In the
county Jail at New Brunswick today
charged with muider In the Hrst degree.
The prisoners wero picked out by the
strikers themselves as tho men who fig
ured in the spectacular charge in which
the two strikers were shot down.
No addresses were taken by the offi
cials, as It Is known none of them Is a
resident of New Jersey.
Armed guards still patrol the com
pany's plant. Admittance Is refused to
all. Officials of tho company have re
fused admittance even to Federal agents.
It is charged by Patrick F. GUI and
Daniel T. O'lleagan, special investigators
appointed by the Federal Industrial Iso
lations Committee to investigate condi
tions here.
"Wo were met at tho gate," said
O'Reagan today, "by a guard who said
his name was Smith. We told him our
business, that we were Government men,
and asked that ho take my card to who
ever was In charge.
' 'To with you and your Govern
ment," he replied, slamming the gate
and shoving me backward as he did so."
Industrial Workers of the World work
ers appeared on the scene today. Their
appearance was not welcome by the
American Federation of Labor officials,
who have been In charge since the
Engineers, oilers and firemen employed
at the Lelblg, Armour & Williams and
Clark plants quit work today. They told
officials that soma tlmo during the night
letters threatening them with death if
they continued to work were left nt
their homes. In some Instances, they
said, the writer of the letters threatened
to dynamite their homes.
Many of the engineers and firemen
failed to report for duty, and the few
who appeared walked out early In the
forenoon, They said they did so In re
sponse to the entreaties of their wives,
who feared dynamite attacks.
Governor Fielder today reiterated his
statement that the most rigid Investiga
tion would be made Into the deaths of
the two strikers,
Itoosevelt officials were fearful lest
the public funerals of the two victims
might arouse tho strikers to violence.
Additional precautions wore taken by the
Many Prominent Hen Attend His
Many of Philadelphia's most prominent
men, politicians of .the city and State,
and a large delegation of representatives
from fraternal and other organizations
paitlcipated In the funeral services pf
William J, Mllllgan, chief clerk of Select
Council, which were held today at Beth
any Presbyterian Church, 22d and Haln
brldge streets. Tho pastor, the Bay.
George F. Pentecost, presided, assisted
by the Rev. William S. Graham and the
Rev. George F. Needham, who haaded a
group from the Friendly Union.
The services were a striking tribute to
tee memory of Mr. MUUgan, who died
suddenly at Harrls&ur on January 1$ at
the jf ef M. Several carriages were
Deed to carry tb.e flora! rtMneniUiuraticw,
test, by the many friend of the dead man,
who km cc.flctd with, tn polltliwl life
et ytaMU mm PfeUatfelf M for
trT V agillya !BR98SS9'5!
so ICl.
President of the Mayo Men's As
sociation, which will give charity
ball next Monday evening.
Continued from l'tiffo Ono I
Chiis. Mppincott estate i:i2,:.Ul '
l.iiiiuoii h. Jannoy SOU WO
UMth A. Inucn iiiti,.'lij
K. Usitr llnnuy lul,-(Ul
liclct, lluhlivll lZS.d'l
riiirnnnm ucii'i' ennto !,) I
Uinr.UInc II. Ilcik'll
uau uuiim
Kllmbrln N llrooku lUwlo
taumli IJ. Unit
Hinry 1'. .S'uirls eatalo
U.u. V. Nurria
Mury Hilrs I.uwlii entnto
John 1). JUtt'onl eatatii
ItTl. (,!)
iiuiiry 11. Houston eatalo
t.v.i.j ii, uuiimuii csiuiu U.d'V..-
balliu S. llouitton tatnto B.'U.OUU
Joiiii O. Johiiftuti T.lOuiu
Kills U Williams 440.110
Malcolm Uuyil catutu Slil.-'Ji
Mury O. llonry lnl.MO
Klclinru 8. lirot.lt l'4U.iuo
A, In C. M. Thomas 2i:,.l.t-t
Mm. If Green 11'1,4iK)
Win. V. K i'ii tint' liil.lili
Loulsn II. llilnin U1.IC0
llwsv (.' Culua -o.ouu
Kllzlh T. Siotl L 4111,100
Jnmu , lioiuuck ....i L'2r,,cuo
Wm. L l)u Hols lxi,.iiO
Win r. Ualu 1,10,1 ,5
JIurKJrot V. WlK'Inn SUS.lS)
Wm 1'cpner catnto lbii..l s
Jao. E. Heyl tllj.00
Jno (.irtrtlliuT. Jr. IMiL.tuo
Harry rt. l.hret UW.711
llenr)' H. flunios .. l.t.Ldu
Alice O. Jlrock 4ll,l,iW
Hunter llrooku 41K1.B7U
Wiillnm UuoXnell 1,.i;i.;i
A. J. Cacautt l,5.'il,W7
Cofllll LMIkct 1!UV-V
John II. Uoarnloy IllltA'uS
John Dolieon 3,ftU,:il
Thomas ljlaii 1,J1,878
Thomax Drako UDO.COU
Hunr' U l'unda 4.l,:i.V)
John N. ilutchlnaon 7&7.1.M
ThomAs MoKeun ltTU,7&
Char If llucalenter Ot',l,4U7
Ainlrow M. Mooro . ns2.r..vi
alary S Nowbuld 4.1J,.II0
i:ilza ott ii'ii:,i
lAloxls I, du I 'out Il.iiili, UM
Thomas Itobb 277,11X1
tnarlfa II. ItoBera , .'irei.Wio
Anna I), tx'ott r,l.,D
Kilgar K. Scott 4Si:,Sl,i
IMHrlon O. ceger 21H,".7',
j.. j. niuiey lk.i,:iu
IMino Ihnmson 71'.tiai
kluirlfs Thomson J1',.M?
Frank IO. Tliomton 7.1H.11)
Hainan u. Trupp 1,ik:u, isu
Thomas 11. Vvanamakqr , 37U.10O
-vniiRm r. w.irne sm.oio
Mlrlan 1). Trupp 1,ik:u,1S
Mary D. Wentz r,71,;l-
james Doniuu Cameron 4iu,u.'u
llannnh U Carpenter '-'4'.'. til.",
Alfred M. Collins nua,'Jl
J Uinls Oroier .Slj.mw
John T. r 1 er :iu., 1U-'
Henry I.. i:ider :Mx,:!40
Yunnle 11. Klthlan 40(1,80
B:ilittUth w. liarrett :il(),llK
Joseph B. ailllngliam 1117,1151
(Mary Huston 1111, 40
Alexander Ralph 4.VUU)
BamuM It. Shipley 1'71,JU1
IJ'hlllp It. Theobald 4l,.ViO
Stunrt Wood 470.1ZJ
IWIUluin Amen aitate 117(1,750
Ilunrd Spooner estate Ml'J.O.'J)
William u. Clymcr uji.Mi)
A J urexel estate ll,4.'Ki,;;.)
Charles II. lUdKWay trust 374, 4W
Jos. W. Urcxel Uotato L',1111.540
W. 11. Kcmblo Estate S7I,S0
Chas. LennlB tCatate r,ii,:,.i7
Alexander Illddle Ilstato 7IU.7HO
Kodman Wanamaker U.12,iOi)
Alien 11. Willing EHtiitc MI,.M)0
J. Dundas Upplneott Kstato Mi.tH'S
OSJw. T. Dobbins r.Btalo 4St,60i)
J Oeden Ilortman Kslate S70.4UO
Clco. C Thomas. Jr 340,140
Hcrnard N. Karren Estate 4.in.1iV)
Anna Ulanchard Kslate.., Cto.lSO
Clms. Henry IlldBWuy Estate 418.SV)
Kellson llrovvn Slil.TU!
Anna F. Hronnlns Estate ,1.1ti,li7U
Blnry B. Converse 3U7,tCll
Isabel U. Co.ie rjtt,l
Jos. Harrison, Jr 437.II17
Wm. Massey atluVSJ
John K. Heed .121.142
Pamuel Slmes COS.BOo
Thomoa Eauipeon SI.H.'J)
Jlolen C. Thorpe x; 1,1 Id
Collins W. Walton :H.2.I3
a, II. WrlKht 7ol,0
Ailne M Walker I'enneld .l.yiT.IS'J
W O. Warden Estate 2,177,7."0
Sarah W. Warden 72(i,T43
Theodore I". Jenkins 2O.1c0
dm. FlaBK 17i!,0nn
Herbert D. Aliman , .'1O0.OUO
XV. If. Wetherlll 1.11, 'inn
Paml B. Pels aiiRooo
Oeo. II. WIlEon Estate 251,808
John fl. Wentz HTn.Kn
WDmer Atkinson IH!i..V)0
Wm r. ISemrnt 125..VIO
Clarence 8. Uement 181,7411
Wm Ilogrir, Jr., Estate S'JI.Kki
Win. Iturnham 4711 . M.I
U II. Illchards 2H7.2CO
Anna II. Hplesel Estate '., .211 sj
John M. Fries. Trustee 'J."1S,.1(V)
John T. Knilen 271I.SOO
Anna 7. Harris Estate 241,nin
Kdmun.l Wrlxht , 2ni,i.v)
Alfred Mnllor ,, :ri,N)
Anna W. B. Keator. . , .. ,, 42H.II50
7dw. T. Ktolesbury .VlT.RfO
Chan V. Auilenrlecl .,.,, iMi,rtr,n
Alexander Bliiipson, Jr 2111, H12
Frank A. Freeman H2.1V10
Fr!erlek SIcOnen nu N30
I. D. Cnsanae estate 201.1MKI
aij ,,. 0iil(,ll .......,..,...... irk.II'Y
James A. Doielln 12S4S1
Catharine A Wentz , ('.'.. mi)
Walter A, V. DaMs I84.i
Chis. C. McCalian , J12NVI
llulalrh niankenhurir 20,(V)0
I.uerella I.. Dlankenburg- 21 .vn
Martin Mulonev , rl.lL'5
ner,rire II. narle, Jr l.in.noo
Francis T. Huilv Darler estate 2m.rA1
Holes Penrose im.mo
M. Clementine fiorlo 422.0iiO
John K. MeCurdy estate .VI OT7
Aim If. P.ee.1 2flT,l2
Hlen M, Btlllwell yil.173
CharlemaKne Tower estate 2,718.141
William J. SlcCuhan 2.272 c
Tho books will be oponed for receipt of
taxes Monday. They contain the realty
as well as the personal property assess,
ment returned by the real estate assessors
on which the taxation of the city In 1915
will be levied.
Four mills on the dollar Is the per onal
property tax on all stocks and bonds
other than those Incorporated In the State
of Pennsylvania. Personal property sub.
Ject to taxation In Philadelphia Is esti
mated In excess of lfOO.onn.000 for '9!3. al
though definite figures Mve not been mads
public. The personal property assessment
for 19H was 569.2,5M.?5, yielding a reve
nue of 1512,49140. .
Jt was made the basis far additional
pity borrowing tor transit by a recent act
of the Legislature, and the one-quarter
of the tax that formerly went to the
9tate wilt now go to the ejty with the
other three-quarters.
Convict Ship at Ban Diego
The convlst ship Success, which left
here a month ago In tow ot the steamship
Cricket for Ban Francisco via the Pan
ama Canal, arrived at San Diego, Cat,,
Working on Huge War Order
HARTFORD, Conn.. Jan, S.-Reporta
from New Brt mv i,h t tlw North and
Ju44 Kawtfaetarlng Company Is running-
njMt Att d? auiDg Mr tmlua total W 1
ftmjm is sMtattry, parflwar, fte.
$17,000,000 ORDERS
Prospective Business
Amounts to About $40,
000,000 Last Fiscal
Year Will Show Remark
able Earnings.
UK' i, Jan. 2.1. Tho Htudebaker
oiporntiou has actual unfilled orders on
land aggregating $17,000,000 and piospi-o-'f
business amounting to about JIO.OO),-
According to reliable imports, war or
" nho Httiil to account for a largo par
entage of the buslncat.
It Is estimated that the report for the
sa) year ended December 31 will show a
lanre eiil.il In more than 10 per cent,
n the common stock after paying 7 ppr
cent, mi the ptcferred stock.
Du Pont's Working Continuously
I'EN'N'SGROVE, N. J.. Jan. 23,-Tho
plant of the E I. du Pont do Nemours
Powder Compnny, at Carney Point, is
running 21 'nours a day on spcclul war
orders, giving work to 2300 men. Now
mills and mngHZlncs ore being erected
nlong tho Delaware river and tho benc
flclnl effect or this activity has spread
to surrounding towns nnd villages.
Lawyer - economist Advo1
cates Giving Employe
Voice and Vote in Affairs
of His Employer.'
NEW YORK, Jnn. 21,-Louls D. Bran
dels, Boston lawyer and economist, told
tho Federal Commission on Industrlnl
Relations today that nn "Industrial
democracy," In which tho worker has a
voice and a vote In tho management of
Industry, is tho only BOlutlon for the
struggle of labor and capital.
"Ho must not only have a voice and a
vote, but an active participation In the
business," he .in Id.
llrnndcis sifid concentration of Indus
try In tho hands of big concerns had Im
proved the physical condition of labor
through better plnnts and Improved ma
chinery, but "had not Increased wages
ns rapidly as conditions warranted."
Ho said there Is one fundamental
cause for unrest "tho conflict between
political liberty and industrial ab
solutism." "Kvcn tho strong unions aro hardly
nblo to cope with tho potent powers of
finance," he continued.
"Profit sharing cannot solve tho labor
problem, there must bo an opportunity
for tho men also to dccldo their economic
welfare," the witness declared.
Rrantlela nlso blamed "absentee land
lordism" of tho great Industries for most
of the difficulties between capital and
"Thero lo no such thins as an "inno
cent stockholder," he asserted. "He Is
always morally responsible.
"No man has time to be director In any
mora than one largo corporation. LcavinK
management of labor problems to nn 'ex
ecutive' is a relic of the dark ages," he
Hrandcis declared he had found ono In
htnnce where control was vested in a
t'llmio which held less than ono nor cent.
of the stock. Wide distribution of stock
ilivlUes lespunstbllity to such an extent
that labor suffers, and constitutes the
gravest danger, he said.
Asked to apply his detulls specifically
to the United States Steel Corporation,
Brandels said there was "a state of
mind among those In control similar to
that of tho Czar of Russia."
"They may mean to do well," ho ex
plained, "but they look at problems from
the autocrat's angle."
"Can large corporations bo trusted to
bring about reforms themselves?" asked
Chairman Walsh.
"No large corporation can be trusted
to reform conditions," tho lawyer
nnsweied. "The growth of power has
been Inconsistent with safety. Workers
have not tho power to work out their
own reforms."
Brandels said In his opinion the "cry
ing need" Is for laws to curb concentra
tion of Industrial control.
"The Rockefeller and Sage Founda
tions," he continued, "have a zealous
purpose to aid humanity, but I have felt
gravo apprehension of the ultimate re
sult of these foundations' powers. We
do not know In what hands this power
may get."
Brundels blamed both capital and labor
for many open breaks. He asserted that
capital's "failure to understand" had been
Its principal fault In dealing with strikers.
"Capital n many Instances honestly be
lieves it Is standing for the highest of
principles In refusing to deal with labor
unions,'" said Brandels,
'Labor, too, has made the same mis
takes," Brandelfl said. "The worker gen
erally thinks his employer Is earning
Immense dividends a condition that usu
ally does not exist. Few workers ap
preciate how great are the risks of busi
ness. Natural distrust and hatred of
being subject to the power of the em
ployer, constitute labor's other mistakes."
"Would you bo a unionist if you were
a wage earner?" WelnstocU asked.
"Decidedly," Brandels answered.
Brandels was asked what he would do
Jf an employer, If threatened with an un
just strike.
"Fight to the end,'1 he said, after ex.
plaining that he would try to resort to
arbitration first.
"There are unions as well as corpora
tions that you can pnly deal with by
war," said Brandels, "There are bad
unions and bad corporations."
Monday will be "Rockefeller day" at
the Investigation. John D. Rockefeller,
Jr., Jerome D. Greene, secretary of the
Rockefeller Foundatlen; Ivy L. Lee, who
was said to be the "press agent of the
Operators" in the Colorado UtrJie. and al
lowed author of the parallel distributed
hy the opMtor, re to. tj(U A- Bar
t$B Jlenburn, ehairman of tfce Jw York
S-tovk BatiJtangt, also ku tisa tumaioued
tat Jluaday
m .-.i F
& v .'Hi
Seventeen-year-old boy, who lta3
Inherited $150,000 from an uncle in
Wyoming. "The only thing 111
buy is an automobile," he sayBi
Seventeen-year-old Boy Cnlm When
Told of Big Legacy.
"The only thing I Intend to buy Is an
nutomolillo and I'll stay right hero In
town and finish my cou-so nt tho Ameri
can Business CoIIcko."
This was ttn decision Emmctt Novln,
a 17-ycar-old Western boy, said he had
reached today nftcr going to bed Inst
night with a telegram announcing that
ho was tho solo heir to n fortune, be
lieved to bo upward of J1M.00O, left by a
wealthy undo who died several duys
ago In Casper, Wyo.
Further verification of his good fortune
renched young Novln today at his homo,
4D.T0 Gormnntown avenue, from his father
who wired Hint hesldo the f)0.000 In ranch
lnnds and other property owned by the
undo In Wyoming thero Is about 50,000
woith of real estnto In ienver, Col.
Emmett Is a nephew of tho Rov. J. D.
Ncvln, rector of tho Romnn Cnthollc
Church of St. Francis of Asslssl, German
town. Ills father wiih formerly a police
commissioner In Denver, but Is now in
terested In gold mining.
Continued from 1'iikp One
Ha kind undertaken by any vessel from
an American port since war began, near
ly six months ago, In Europe.
If' tho Wilhelmlnn is detained or seized
tho AS'. L. Green Commission Company,
of St. Louis, charterers of tho vessel and
shippers of her cargo, will, according to
tholr counsel hre, file a protest with tho
American State Department declaring
that tho cargo l conditional contraband,
denying the rlsht of n belligerent war
ship to confiscate It, nnd requesting the
United States to demand the Immediate
lelenso of ship and cargo.
Tho Wllhclmlna's cargo consists of
000,000 pounds of wheat, 810,000 pounds of
corn and 450,000 ponds of bran and lard,
beef, pork, hams, pickled tongue, dred
fruit, peas, bcnn.i and oats. Its value Is
BERLIN, Jan. 23. Tho nowspapers here
without excoptlon comment with satis
faction on the North German Gazette's
statement from the Government, pub
lished yesterday, regarding tho salo of
weapons and ammunition to tho Allies by
citizens of tho United States. Tho Tage
blatt declares that America's reputation
In affairs of political muruls Is at stake
for thu future and tho tone of tho rest
of the editorial Is similar.
The statement published by tho North
German Gazette referring to a memoran
dum of the German Government Htatcd
that while tills admitted that "tho pre
vailing principles of international law do
not cntltlo Germany to oppose supplying
of war material to Its rnemlcs by neutral
pilvnte persons, the trade In war material
with England and Franco has assumed
such dimensions as to Jeoruidlzo the neu
trality not only of the American Govern
ment, but, Indeed, of the American nu
LONDON, Jan. 23.-The Spectator, In a
leading editorial artlclo entitled "A Great
Danger," expresses "anxiety and alarm
at the way In which wo aro drifting
toward tho danger of a collision with the
United States."
This artlclo speaks In prnise of tho good
feeling toward Oreat Britain of many
prominent Americans, but it resents deep
ly the "Indifference, indeed callousness,
toward Great Britain and Its ense shown
by t'ne Government of the United States."
Comparing the present situation with
that which existed at tho tlmo of the
Slidell and Mason arrests (1S61), the Spec
tutor says that British statesmen wero
as much at fault then as American
statesmen ure now, but happily Queen
Victoria and President Lincoln prevented
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-Statc Depart-,
ment olllclals today temporarily dropped
consideration of the case of tho steam
ship Dacla, which Great Britain says it
will seize on her1 voyage to Jtotterdam
with a cargo nf cotton..
With all matters preliminary to the Bait
ing of the ship arranged, It was pointed
out there was nothing further to do but
wait for the taking of the vessel by a
British man-o'-war,
A formal protest then Is expected to be
lodged with the London authorities, and
the legal fight to have the ship declared
an American vessel will be started.
Acting under the belief of the Admin
istration that the purchase of the Dacla
from her German owners was bona fide,
the Treasury Department ordered the col
lector of customs at Galveston to Issue
clearance papers to her, and with her
hatches sealed by the Government and
her cotton cargo certified, a;id Insured,
she was due to start today on her precedent-making
Pentlst Accused of Pacta Witb "Soul
Mates" Pays Wife ?12 a Week,
Mrs. Salome Horter, of HS North
Wanamaker street, said today that she
and her husband, Dr. William B. Horter,
a dentist, accused by detectives of bavr
ins signed contracts with two "sou)
mate" In Pittsburgh, had not become
reconciled. Horter was brought back to
this city last Wednesday on a churgs
of desertion.
The dentist was ordered to pay flS a
week tor the mpport of hla wife and tbeir
rhlldres yesterday by Judge Brown In the
DesitUun Court Mrs. Horter said today
ibat she wm satisfied tth that amount.
Leaders of Business and In
dustry to Outline Publicity
Campaign at New Phila
delphia Dinner.
Two definite plans to ndvertlse Philadel
phia nt home nnd abroad ns tho "world's
gicatest worjtshop" have been ngrccd
upon by tho committee of Industrial lead
ers In charge of tho New Philadelphia
dinner to bo given tho Manufacturers'
Club on February 9. Representatives of
tho lending business Interests of tho city
will assemble at that tlmo to give their
idens Upon tho best methods for publish
ing to tho world Philadelphia's Induutrlal
Tho first plan agreed upon by tho com
mittee Is tho adoption by all lnrce busi
ness houses of tho Rlognn "Philadelphia
the World's Greatest Workshop." By
having this slogan on stationary, Ernest
T. Trigg, tho chairman of tho committee,
explained ovory city, town or hamlet
to which business letters aro Bent will
bo given a now thought regarding tho Im
portance of this city.
The second Idea, Mr. Trigg explained
today, was a small sticker, neat but nt
tractlvo, to bo nttached to nil business
mall. Just what will bo printed on tho
stickers has not yet been decided, but In
general form It Is thought they will some
what rcsemblo tho Red Cross Chrlstmns
, Among t'nosq who havo accepted Invi
tations to spenk nt tho dlnnor nro:
Alba B. Johnson, president of Baldwin
Locomotlvo Works; J. Howell Cummlngs,
president of tho John B. Stetson Com
pany; J. S. W. Holton, president of tho
Philadelphia Maritime Exchange; John
Gribbel, president of tho Union League;
Samuel Curwen, president of tho J. G,
Brill Company; George W. Norrls, Direc
tor of th,c Department of Wharves, Docks
and Ferries; Edward J. Cnttoll, city sta
tistician; James E. Baum, president of
the Supplee-Rlddlo Hardware Company;
W. W, Altorbury, vice president of Penn
sylvania Railroad Company, and Charles
H. Harding, vlco president and treasurer
Erben-Hnrdlni? & Co.
Continued from T'niri One
ho was 18 yenrs old he was admitted to
Yale. He remained there a Bhort time,
leaving to study Inw In tho office of Al
bert 8. Lotchworth.
Ho devoted much tlmo to literary work
and took an active part In literary and
debating societies. Ho was admitted to
the bar In 1S72, and for several years most
of his work was In the civil courts
though on sovoral occasions, by appoint
ment of the court, he defended persons
accused of murder.
Ho first held office ns a member of tho
school board In tho 13th Ward, having
been elected when ho was 25 years old.
He was sccretury and later president of
tho board and was also a member of tho
Board of Education,
In 1SS0, when Georgo S. Graham was
elected District Attorney, Jlr. Klnsey ac
cepted tho post of third assistant. The
duties of his office were so well dis
charged that he was later promoted to
second assistant and then first.
Whllo In the District Attorney's ofllco
Mr. Klnsey was nominated by the Repub
lican party for the oillco of Register of
Wills. Whllo the rest of the ticket wns
elected, Air. Klnsey was defeated by
Wulter E. Rex by the narrow plurality of
576 votes.
Whon Charles F. Warwick resigned as
City Solicitor to become Mayor, Councils
unanimously voted, on March 2S, 1893, to
elect Mr. Klnsey to succeed him. At the
end of the same year he received tho
Republican nomination for the oillcc. At
the polls ho was elected by a majority
of 33,1)37, the laigest plurality Philadel
phia had ever given a candldnte for a
municipal olllce. He wits re-elected In
1S93 and the two following terms.
In 1907 his life's desire was gratified
when Governor Stuart appointed him
Judge of Court of Common Pleas No. 1
to succeed Judgo Riddle. Because of hla
long experience ns City Solicitor. Judge
Klnsey was considered one of the most
capable JurlstH that ever eat In the Com
mon Pleas Courts of this city.
Mr. Klnsey married Miss Janet Bellas
In 1S73,
His library contnlncd 10,000 volumes, In
cluding some of tho larest in nny private
collection In this section of tho country.
He was a member of tho Union League,
tho Union Republican Club, tho Pennsyl
vania Historical Society, Academy of Nat
uial Sciences, the Flvo o'clock Club and
a number of other scientific and literary
Man Asks Police to Find Daughter,
Who la Thought to Have Eloped.
Tho police havo been asked by Fred
erick Gastrock to look for his daughter.
Mildred, 17 years old, who disappeared
from her home at 2228 West Allegheny
avenue this morning and is believed to
have eloped to Elkton, Md , with George
W. Dye, 20 years old, of 1317 East Colum
bia avenue, who also left his homo today,
Gastrock reported the disappearance at
the Mldvale and Rldgo avenues station.
The girl la employed at 13th street und
Olenwood avenue. She dgs known Dye
for several months nndj according to her
father, he has been a frequent caller at
the house. A few days ago Mildred
asked her mother what It cost to go to
Klkton by rail. When her mother Jesting
ly asked her whether she Intended tu
elope, Bhe sad that she wanted the In
formation for a girl friend,
At the Dye home, it was said ho had
left home last night with his week's sal
According to Mr. Gastrock, hla daugh
ter complained of feeling l and slept
downstairs most of the night. Tills morn
ing he heard the squeak ot new shoes
and came downstairs to Investigate, He
ound the bad? door open and a suit case,
which was packed with Borne of the
girl's beat clothes was left behind.
Stoker Locked Up on Charge ot Prac
turlng Man's Bkull.
Magnus Georgeson Is locked up at Cen
tral Station, where he may have to face
a charge of manslaughter, and the Eng
lish steamship Cuyaraga will not be able
to sail today as the result of a forecastle
brawl, in the course pf whloh Williams
Mines, one of. the crew, received a frac
ture of the skull. He Is at St. Agnea' Hos
pital, where It Is said his condition U
critical. Both men are stokers.
Polloemen were summoned by the eap
tatn to the ship this morning to quell a
disturbance on deJlc When they arrived
Mines was lying on the deck uneonsolous
and the police say aeorgeson was still
po.undlnif his head with his flit.
Blease Militia Order Rescinded
COLUMBIA, 8. C, Jan. H. -aovwnor
MuuHng h4 Uaued an pr4 MscliMtag
rjat ot en-Oovem Bleas dlsbndlns
ttis State fiiiiul.
Will Make Direct Appeal"!
Through Publicity iff
Legislators Attempt to Di$H
regard Pledges.
1bom a s-nrr eonnMroscBNT 1
".,, ia., Jan. 23, Publicity
Is ono of tho principal weapons which
Govornor Brumbaugh wilt use to foe to
hla standard any Senator or metnr,..
tho House who might show n disposition 4
to fight tho legislation which he intend. 1
to try to enact during tho prrtent session. '
Tho Governor's plan Is to appeal di. "
rcctly to the constituents of tho Penrose. '
MoNlchol-Crow members of the Legisla!
turc, if these members opposo his prognta )
of legislation. He announced some tlm A
ago that ho would make frequent trips!
Into vnrlous parts of Pennsylvania to dl, !''
cuss legislation with tho voters them-
selves. Now he has let It become kneim '
that ho will freely and frankly dUcue
legislation ana win nok for the Ideas of
tho voters through tho medium of th
Doctor Brumbaugh announced a month
ago In Philadelphia, and later at the Du- '
nucsno Club dinner In Pittsburgh, that ht
Intended to spend a considerable portion
of his tlmo during the next four years
meetings tho peoplo in every section of J!
Pennsylvania, so that ho might learn
through first-hand Information their needs ,-'
In tho way of legislation.
This, added to tho lator information that
the Governor will freely discuss legijla, ;,,
tlon through tho newspapers, has caused "i
considerable commont on Capitol Hill, and"!
many leglslatlvo leaders sco In the an- vl:
nouncoments a. plan of tho Governor's to M'
develop a most powerful weapon to use '
against those who opposo him. j
Whon local option, child labor, work-
men's compensation, employers' liability n,
nnd tho other measures to which he is
pledged como bofore tho Legislature, .!
leaders hero expect tho Governor to carry 3
any light that might develop straight Into
tho home districts of tho Senators niM
members of the Houso who oppose him.
wnen me ngut is on, if any fight de-
vclops, tho Govornor Is expected first' to "
try publicity through tho press. If that ,'
does not havo tho desired effect, he Is
expected to take a short trip to the homo '
district of tho Senator or Ropiesentatlve 4
and deliver a short speech to the con- f
stltucnts of tho legislator. Ho would ask i
tho people of that district to suppo'rt the j
measure. I
Organization Formed Here to Oppose
A new woman suffrage society, to op
poso nil forms of militancy in connection
with tho movement for votes for wom$n
and for tho discussion of educational, po
litical, legal, social and economical life,
has been formed In this city, The new
organization Is headed by Mrs. J. D.
Thntnns. Intn nrpfilrlrmt nf th IVftmsn
finffracv nnrtv nf the Cniintv nt PhMnriot.
nhla. 'St
Men os well as women are entitled to
mombershtn In the society, nccardlne la''
President Thomas, who, In reviewing its 'H
objects, expressed tho opinion thnt the
vote will be given more readily to women
who aro Intelligently prepared for the use ?;
of tho ballot. H:
Tho following officers wero elected' ':
Vlco presidents, Dr. Alice Norton, Mrs.
John D. Moonoy nnd Mrs. Solomon; sec
retary, J. Stewart Knight, Jr.; treasurer,
Miss OlRa Gross: directors. Mr.q .Tah.
nl.lrtu ffinrtoenaTrl ft.a Ui.rnA, Ch,,.,! I -
Dougherty, Davis J. Walsh. J. Stewart
Knight, Jr., Wilson Ulolock; and auditors, "
Mrs. Sweet and Samuel A Dougherty.
Widow of Fnmous Evangelist Was
in 84th Year.
Mrs. "Sam" Small, widow of "Sam"
Small, tho noted evangelist and later 4
editor of a newspaper In Atlanta, Ga.,
died yesterday In the Northwest General
Hospital of heart disease. She was taken'
111 several days ngo in her apartments at
1707 North 2-'d street.
Mrs. Small camo to this city several
years ago. Her husband came before the
public more than half a century n.'o. when 9
he addressed a Masonic convention at M
HmiRtnn TYftH. IllRt nftRl thfl tnivn of M
Poh'npf TrtYnu l-iml ltac, nlmnit tvlDpd tm
."."" ..-" "" -"".. -" "'-J -W
out oy mo ravages 01 yeuow lover aim 5
Thieves Got S250 in Gold Coin
Thieves who broko Into tho homo ot
Albeit C. Kline, of 2557 Bouvler street,
cot 1250 In gold coin. Kline Is an as
sistant foremnn In the Hole & Kllbunii
furniture faetury and his salary la psm;
In gold. He had the money In a bureau1
on the second floor.
Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer-j
scy Ita n or snow ana coiaer voiiism,
riunaay partly ciouay ana iuu wi
moderate to fresh west winds.
The storm that was over eastern TexM
yesterday morning has made a phenom
enal movement northeastward to M
Ontario, causing general preclpltatlsa
over Its entire course. The temperature
have risen rapidly In the Atlantic Btai"
t,n,l mn,l nr thft TltfA l-Afflnn. With S COTM
responding drop n the Mississippi and tbljj j
central and lower Missouri valleys. tn, ,,
temperature:, extend 'southward in
T'lnlr. aiaiom tn nontrul lvnnSOS. Wltll
fjeezlng nearly to the Gulf coast tWjH
morning. A moderate disturbance v
western Canada has caused rapldy riu
temperatures In the districts unaer w
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Observation made at 8 a. m., Eastern tlm
Station. 8 a.ro. n't. fall, wind ity W fVs
AMIeno. T,. JO 20 . M K Snw .
ft J"?"?.. "'A'.SJ .V, - SSr '1 Hat
VwS.SfaSi-": 28 M 02 SB filwtUt.
hhlcazo. Ill I .18 HVf 8 t1r
Cleveland, O.... 22 ss ,zs w
34 Snow
Des Molnn, U.. 3 fi NW
Dntrolt, Mich... H 14 M W
Duluth. Mlnn...WU2 . w
tUiveaton. Tex.. 86 38141 N
Ilsttera., N. C. BS 43 . S
Helen, ilont... 8 J NW
Huron, 8 D.. 12 1J .. W
Jacksonville, tia. 4 40 . . B
.',..,. rMu tin II !! .04 W
a i idar
14 Cloudy
2lt ClHLT
21) IlaJn
10 CUiudT
4 Cloudr
8 Cliur
4 ciuuify
to Clear
14 Snow
2o ciouay
W cioudjr
i22tavtiu: 'ICy.T 20 20 t? NW
2Q 201.63 N
'lenn.. 41
Maw Orleana... 04 M ."4 avv
New York 40 2d .08 8
North Platte. ... NW
Oklahoma. Okla. 12 M J-
rhUttdelDhl .. 44 28 .. ?
iWUrtA.: Jgv
Punlaail, M. .. W 1 1
6 dear
10 luto
H Snow
9 Clear
Qutfettc, Cud -fl '4
Salt lAk Ulib- A A
San Bela. .. 44 44
.(rantim P .. tf
TaBU, St.. "IH
i'U,ii Jff.a
Ji' '.
i !""". ,!. ' "S Ti n. NK
nw ia cur
VI 8 CltM
g i .-ier
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