u EVENIHG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JAJtTTABY 28, 1915. Sunday's Sermon Today StTBJECTt ' "LET OTJR MOJEIT SHINE" ( Tt: "tit your light ad h!no before wen that they may see your good works and glorify JW father which Js In heaven." Matthew, vl. 1. 'Th'ey Wilt glorify God because of what they see In your lives. They will glorify Jtljn because of the power they seo In you. Uvlng so oe to glorify 3od was tho brst thing 'Jesus taught Ills dis ciples; and It Is the nrst thing Ho enjoins upon us. "Religion Is the most Important manor In life, nnd it should bo our first business. The tet means that ybu shouldn't shine On Sunday and bo like a Pittsburgh fog for the remainder of the week. Your light should shine everyday and all the time. , "It Is not what you say that counts, nor is It so much how great the thing Is what you do. A man can serve God while driving hogs as well as whllo preaching the Gospel. A man can be ono of the worst sinners as ho sits In the pew" or sings hymns, and lie can be the best kind of a saint while ho Is thawing a water pipe. The Important thing- Is, thn von live for the Lord wherever you are and whatever it Is your business to do. "This Idea mat noming is rcunious un less you are down on your knees Is all poppycock. That Is the trouble, religion has been relegated to a theory, " 'Let your light so shlno before men that they may seo your good works and glorify your Father which Is In heaven.' tm mentis thai God exnects all to shlno. "We can't all be great prcachers-and we, ought to bo thankful for that: wo can t all bo great singers and Its a good tmng that ve can't: but every man can stand for Christ, and let the world know wnero where he stands. We can let tho world, the ilesTt and the devil know on which side wo Btand. I'll bet the brewers don't smile much when they seo your white ribbons. Ho knows where you nro I'll bet there are a lot of church mem bers In town who show so poor n light that ou can't tell whether they arc for these meetings or against them. That's tho reason the devil is having such a good time and that's why he wasn't put In the hospital long ngo. "A man a church member was going up to a lumber camp In the north and a friend salij to him: 'If those lumber jacks find, out you'ro a Christian they'll make sport of you.' Ho went up there, and when he same back 'nla friend said: 'W'eli. how did you get along with tho lumberjacks?' The man answered: 'All right, Tfrey didn't find It out' That's tho iway with so many people who pro fess to be Christians. That's why It's so hardlto hold a revival, the church Is full of that bunch. They're church mem bers' but a stranger would havo n mighty hard tlmo, finding it out If you are a Mason, everybody knows it. You want em to. If you're an Odd Fellow, you wear the pin "With the three links, and every body taiows you are. If you are a Democrat,- and any one who doesn't know it makes' an attack on the Democratic party In your presence, he'll ilnd it out mighty flulcx. "Tho first thing a man does when ho Joins a lodge is to get a pin, and if any body says anything about tho lodge he will stand up nnd fight for It; but there aro a lot of rtiurch members who will see the church and Jesus Christ Insulted and never open their mouths. If they were real men they would do what a man does when he sees his wife or sister Insulted. He'd fight if there was a drop of red blood In his veins. "God and every community have about nil they want of that kind of religion. "WON'T FIGHT FOR GOD. "There aro too many who won't take time to fight for God. Thoy won't take time for family prayer, or for personal work, or for Bible reading, or for prayer meeting, or work In the Sunday school. You eat? Yes, You wash yourself 7 Yes. You comb .your "hair? Yes. But you haven'tAany, time for God. . God expects, us to illuminate this world, but Instead of doing it by our, works too many of us sit around and sing". 'Oh, Think of the Home Over There,' when we ought to be out breaking clods or killing gophers or skinning skunks and snakes. Let your light shine. Virtue is light: vice Is darkness. The light of Christianity will dispel the forces of dark ness and brighten up this old world. A Christian light -will shine anywhere. The light over my head shines Just as brightly here as it does in any other place. It Is an effect, and it comes from a cause. There is a dynamo out there somewhere, and it Is making the light shine. The power of God is the dynamo that enables us to shine. This light up here doesn't say 'Oh, I could shine so brightly if I only were in a magnificent church with stained glass windows and carved pews and a. big organ backed up in the corner.' Nol It will shine any where it is put so long as the power is there. You can shine anywhere if you aro right with God It doesn't make any difference where you are, whether you are In a beautiful church or out in some dark alley pillowing on your breast the head of some girl who has fallen. Chris tians, will shine anywhere. Mere church members won't "Jesus says: T ore the salt of the earth.' Light is for Illumination, salt is for preservation. Salt is a preservative. TVhere you put salt it kills the bacteria that cause decay. It a man were to take a piece of meat and smell it and look dis gusted, and if his little boy were to ask what was the matter with it he would ay, It'a rotten.' But if you would put salt on It you would kill those germs. "When Jesus said: 'Ye are the salt of the earth,' be meant that He Intended us to preserve it from rottenness. "Sin Js a germ that will rot yon, your good name, your boy, your girl. Chris Vanity will klU that germ. So if you sneer at religion you ore a fool. "Jesus tells us, too, that we are c NO. 23 ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE VILLAGE ... .... mm Wlk Li2i - is s: J-Lr ' i w .. i-t.... rrsiinr- -8 -fx H s . v - f? - ; is TrtMT ao' 5",j -Jss Jr- m ' "" ' - W7a5 r Elr a 6Liac TWCc. j B Hto iefwneu-. l. i You UTTte uoKew! mayor -SauiRe- iiilpA , ,-Jl.!,. 1 T3 OF icaven, and 11a mean? us to leaven the whole lump. When ho mentioned leaven, even woman who was present knew that ho was talking about bread-making and sat up and listened to ilnd out whether He had his dope right. Ho had, too. You know how Icaven works put Just a little of It Into n mass And pretty Boon It wilt havo tho whole mass working, and will mako It like itself, There are many kinds of leaven In the world. The leaven of tho Pharisees was working when Jesus Was on earth, and ho wanted Ood's leaven to be tho stronger, If we are the right kind of leaven wo will leaven tho whole lump and make tho world as God wants it to be. "If th s old arth were a lump of dough, wo could Just drop a littlo icaven of Christianity Into It nnd change tho whole mass. KEEP LIGHT BURNING. "Your light may not bo as big as some, but If you keep It burning as brightly us jon can God will be satisfied. When jou havo done all that you can do, that Is enough. I'd rnther bo a match that's burning than a 60-candlo power lamp that has gono out. The smallest light will drlvo away a lot of darkness. Nlf I come into this tabernacle at night nnd not n light Is burning nnd I take a match from my pocket nnd strike It the darkness will be broken away back to the cornera. You may not be able to do as great things as others. You may not bo able to speak Well, but you can let your light shlno by working for tho Lord so that peoplo will know whero you Btatul. What If ou can't sing or prench or pray ns well ns others, you can live right. "You aro bright before God only as Ills light shines through you Tho real light Isn't the thing I see out there In tho pews. What I see is only tho houso you lWo In. It Isn't you that dies nnd falls down and gets pale and cold. It Isn't ou that tho undertaker placed In a colli n nnd burled. It's only the houses you have been living In. You don't see mo hero up on tho platform You only see mo by what I mako my body do. Wo only llvo In these bodies, and when God tells us to mee out wo move that's alt. Wo nro only tenants at will, and It's not your will cither. "You havo seen how this light over my head Is nn effect of a cause You see a man who has been a drunkard, but Is now a sober man. You seo a man who has blasphemed God and who now re spects Ills name There you see tho ef fects. The cause Is tho power of God to save. Skeptics may try to tear down tho Bible all they choose, but a Christian life Is a living proof of the power of God. You can't got away from that MUST HAVE A LIGHT. "Wo place too much reliance upon preaching and upon singing, and too little on tho living of thoso who sit in the pews. We expect a great deal from the leaders In tho church, nnd mighty Uttlo from ourselves. We think the preacher's life ought to bo without a flaw, nnd that the Sunday school teacher ought to bo a wingless angel, and that the deacons nnd ciders ought to be strictly upright, but too many of us think that the people in the pews live llko tho devil. God doesn't call the preacher to a higher standard of llvlng'that Ho docs you. "Listen to this: You must havo a light before you can let It shine. If you aren't right with God you haven't any light. Have you been born agaln7 I don't ask you if you are a church member Christian and church member are not synonymous. If you have not been born again. If the Holy Spirit Isn't in you, you must get right. If you are not right, jou know It. "Morality isn't enough to givo you a light. Morality is only the polish on the candlestick It Isn't the light itself. You may be moral, you may bo true to the vows you made to your husband, you may practice philanthropy, but that Isn't enough. You must be born again. It's the light you want, not the candlestick. "It's tho poltsned moral sinner who Is the most dangerous. Tho society woman who has no religion has a bigger drag for the devil than tho girl selling her virtue In tho red light district. People will follow the cxamplo of tho society woman more than they will that of the poor fallen girl. It's because the devil can transform himself Into an angel of light that he has lasted so long. He talks from the pulpit in the garb of an orthodox preacher. "Are you keeping your light from shin ing because you are ashamed to own Jesus? "You ought to be proud to belong to tho kingdom of Jesus Christ "Tho very first place in which you should let your light shlno Is your own home. The members of our family ought to be the very first to know that something new has come into your life. It ought to make your homes happier and brighter places, so that everybody who entered would be glad you had found a light and were letting It shine. "There Is something wrong with your religion if it doesn't mane your home happier and better. The trouble Is that we are killing it with formality and rituals. Let your light shlno, so that other peoplo will want to light their tapers at yours "Don't be afried to use your light. Don't turn It down as you turn down the gas to keep the meter from running so fast I hate to visit In a home where MEARS & BROWN CITT AND SUnUHIIAN ItEAI. ESTATH Properties Manared Rents Collected. Insurance and Mortrasea Placed. Lists on application. i 202 South 15 th Street DIRECTORS' OF ACCOUNTANTS Public Accountant! BURNS & SF BAKMAN Tha Bourse. Audits. Invsatlratloos. Financial Statements. there Is a fussy woman following you around turning down the gas Let your light burn full nnd bright, so that every body can see It. "You ought to live bo that overy one about yoli, every one who meets you knows that you are a Christian. Do yon? Does your milkman know that you nro n Christian? Does the man who brings your laundry know that you are n Christian? Does the man who hauls out jour ashes know that you are n Christian? Does the newshoy who throws the paper on your doorstep know that you aro a Christian? Does tho butcher know that you aro a Christian? OUGHT TO HE RELIGIOUS. "If you had to get Into heaven on tho testimony of your wnsher woman would you make It? If your getting into heaven depended on your religion, would you land? If your husband had to get admittance to heaven on tho testimony of his stenographer, coutd ho do it? If his salvation depended on what his clerks could tell nbout him, would he get there? A man ought to bo as re ligious In business as ho Is In church. Ho ought to be as religious In buying nnd Belling ns ho Is In praying. "Let your light shlno In your neighbor hood. Every church should bo a refuge for the homeless, tho drunkard nnd tho fallen woman. They aren't, though. Half of you would frooo them up by the wnv ou look at them. "You should love your neighbor ns yoursnlf Love your neighbor "that way. Feed him when ho Is hungry. Give htm a drink when ho Is thirsty. Treat htm as you do yourself. "When tho disciples saw tho great crowd gathered to hear Jesus nnd saw that thoy wero hungry, thoy were scared. They went to Jesus and said: Lord, send them away. Wo can't feed them nil.' But Jesus told Philip to havo the peoplo seated, and ho said: 'Why, wo haven't nnythlng to feed them with. Two hundred pennyworth of bread wouldn't feed that hurfgry crowd.' But Jesus looked around nnd saw a littlo boy whose ma had given him flvo hlsnults and a couple of snrdlnes, nnd said to him: 'Son, come hero; tho Lord wnnts you. So tho boy enmo to Jesus, nnd ho took tho biscuits and sardines and fed that whole crowd, and thoy had nil they wanted, and when they got through thcro wero 12 baskets of frag ments left. ALL CAN BE LOAVES. "You can't all preach, and you can't nil do great things. You can't all bo Peters and Jameses and Johni, but you can nil bo barley loaves and fishes for God. You can all wlpo away tho tears from tho eyes of sorrow. You can all go to church when It rains or looks like rain. That's when tho preacher needs you. No man can bo eloquent to wood and varnish. "Don't look as If religion hurt you. Don't look as If you had on a num ber two shoo when you ought to bo wearing a number five. Don't look as It you were wearing a 22 R. & G. or Prin cess Irene, when you ought to have on a 30. I see some women here this after noon who look as If they had the tooth ache. That won't win any one for Christ. Look pleasant Look as If religion mado you hnppy when you had It "Don't think that anything you do for God Is too small to be worth while. Do your best. That's all tho angels can do. Nothing you do Is littlo. if what you did was tho best you could. If a little thing is all that you can do, then that little thing is a great deal in tho sight of God. God only expects every ono to do his best You won't be Judged on a basis of com parisons. He expects us to servo him ac cording to the talents that are given us. Tho widow's mlto Is Just as great as the rich man's big contribution. If a. mlto is all you havo to give, and you give It, you've given all you could and that's all that God epects. If you glvo a cup of cold water and that Is all that you can do, our reward will bo Just ns great as If you had been a great preacher. WANT ALL THE GLORY. "You must remember that Jesus tells us to shlno for God. The trouble with somo people and preachers Is that they try to shlno rathor than letting their light shine. Somo preachers put such a big capital 'I' In front of the cross that the sinner can't seo Jesus. They want the glory. They would rather bo a comet than stars of Bethlehem. Don't try to shlno yourselves. Let your light shine which is a very different thing. How can you let it shlno? Well, if you are a banker, bo a better banker than that mis erable old sinner across the street. It you aro a horseshoer, be tho best horse shoer in town. "Take and build yourself a castle out of promises of God, and move Into It, and then, when the devil comes to tempt you. Invite him to come in and show him tho pictures on the walls. Tell him that those are pictures of what God Is going to do for you, and ho'll get out in a hurry. Just show him the pictures "Determlno that you will make a suc cess In Christianity, even If you fall in everything else. But if you succeed as a Christian, jou won't fall in other things. HEAL ESTATK FOR HALE West Philadelphia PLAN 7- Magnificent Homes overlook "secuon NASSAU ROAD, BETWEEN 61ST AND 63D STS. SOUTH OF OXFORD ST. Semi-Suburban Houses In the city limits. Ideal homes with an Ideal heating system; no ashes, dirt or labor necessary to keep these houses warm. Within easy reach of city's centre via Elevated, passing north on 60th street: Overbrook cars on Arch street or Pennsylvania Ilallroad from Overbook Station. W. PERCIVAL JOHNSON, Builder ,oso 'a'venue Lasfe- ;680CV QUEEN LOST IN THE VICINITY OP CON . . - The man who h8 tt In him to bo n real Christian has the stuff in him to mako good In other things, Succeed In all that you can, for then you will compel more respect and can go out and win more respect for Christ Be a Bible Christian, "Oh, thero are so many church mem bers who are not oven known In their own neighborhood aa Christians. Out in Iowa whero a meeting was being held a man made up his mind to convert n tough old sinner, nnd after chasing him around for three days he finally cornered him. Then ho talked to that old fellow for two hours, nnd finally the old Bcoundrel stroked his whlBkers and what do you supposo ho said? Ho said: 'Why, I've been a member of tho church down there for II yenrs. Just think of ltl A mem ber of the church for 14 years nnd a man had to choso him for three days and talk with him for two hours to ilnd It out! LIVE. AS BIBLE SAYS. "Don't try to imitate the ways of tho world. Llvo as tho Bible tells you to live. Show tho world that tho Way you llvo Is tho rlgrit way. A mother and her two little daughters moved Into a Btrnngo town, nnd the mother sent tho children to school. She had mado them dresses out of an unusual pattern, and when tho littlo girls como homo from school thoy said that they didn't llko that town nnd that school. Tho mother asked them why, and thoy said that the other glris laughed at their drosses. They wanted their mother to-frtst thorn dresses llko tho other girls. Sho said: 'No: wo didn't como here to follow tho fashions of this town, but to sot tho fashion for It' They did. It wasn't long before tho other girls began to wear dresses Just like the ones they had laughed at. Don't follow tho devil's fashion. Set tho fashions for God nnd stick to them, and others will follow them, "Keep your light burning. Don't let any ono put It out. Guard It as you guard your life. A man who was a light house keeper up on Lake Erlo ono stormy ovenlng looked out and saw a man ap proaching tho lighthouse rowing In n small boat. A littlo later ho heard a rapnt tho door, and, not suspecting any thing, he opened it It was tho man who had bcon In tho boat, and nfter ho had gotten lnsldo the lighthouse keeper found that ho woo Insane. Ho was possessed with the idea that ho must put qut tho lights In all tho lighthouses on tho coast, so he demanded that he be allowed to put out tho ono there. The lighthouse keeper knew that out on those troubled waters thero wore great vessels bearing men nnd women and children, nnd that If tho light wont out tho vessels would be In danger and might run ashore and bo lost So he fought tho Insane man. Ho had to fight him at Intervals until morning came, and when at last tho night was over ho was brulBed and lacerated and bleeding, but lje had saved tho vessels. "So should you stand by your light and protect It. Don't let It bo put out by tho devil. Keep It shining, so that the drunkard and tho fallen woman nnd tho thief may see it and perhaps find their way safely Into the harbor of the king dom of God. 'Let your light so shlno be fore men that they may seo your good work and glorify your Father who is in heaven!' " OBITUARIES SAMUEL T. MOORE Samuel T. Moore, for years a resident of Camden, and before his retirement several years ago a representative of a largo furnlturo house in Chicago, died yesterday at his home, 119 West Holly aonuo, Pitman Grove, N, J. Whllo liv ing In Camden, Mr. Mooro mado his homo at C07 Berkley street, whero his son, Dr Frank Moore, now practices. Ho was connected with tho Broadway Mothodlst Episcopal Church, Camden, and was a member of tho Trimble Lodge, F. and A. M.; Fidelity Lodge, A. O. U. W ; the Wyoming Tribe, Red Men; the Legation ORR BUILT HOMES Offer the Best Investment and Home Combined Torresdale & Princeton Ave. These homes are 2-story twin houses, containing 8 rooms and bath, side yards, hot-water heat, basement laundry, elec tric and gas light. Lots 29x100 feet. PRICE, $3800 Only $500 Cash Required SAMPLE IIOUSE3 NOW OPKN Be carfare from centre oC city. Trans fer from Frankford car to Margaret at. 32 trains dally to Tacony Station on P. It. It. REAL ESTATE TOR SALE West Philadelphia of Bed Cross, Knights of the Golden Eagle and the Shield of Honor. BAMTIEL; D. KINNEY Bamuel B. Kinney, who mahagod tho Baldwin locomotive plaht at Eddystone, died yesterdav at Ills home, 127 North 62d street, following an attack of heart dis ease. Mr. Kinney, who was 61 years old, came to Philadelphia many years ngo 'from Texas wlidro he was connected with tho Southern Railway. He leaves a widow ami a son, .Howard D. Kinney. The funeral services will bo held on Monday night at the Tcnnnnt Presbyterian Church, 62d and Arch streets. The body will bo taken to Stroudsburg for burial. SAMUEL SPITZ Samuel Spitz, who died yesterday at his home, 1501 North 8th street, was widely known In Jewish circles for his charitable work. Ho was amllatcd with tho Jewish Foster .Home, to which ho gave much of his time. For years ho had a meat and produce market at 8th and Jefferson streets. Ho was a momber of Sheklnah Lodgo No. US, F. and A. M and tho Kcn eselh Israel Congregation. Ho Is sur vived by his widow and daughter. The funeral services will bo held tomorrow afternoon, with Interment In Adath Jo shurun Cemotcry. lW MI3MOIUAJ1 JlOOItn. In loving memory of Harry B. MOOIUJ, died January 22, 100. Sadly mNscd. WIFE. STINE. -tn loving memory of our father. Dr. L,. IC BTINE, who departed thin life Jan. 23, 1014. DAUQHTnil AND SON, 3Qeatljg AltNOI.D. On January 21, 1013, KATII AIUNE, wlfo of Philip N. Arnold (noo Abra hams), aged 25 years. Ilelatlyes and friends nre Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. in., at her lato residence, 4010 Oreene St., Oermantown. llltOH'N. January 21, 10115, ELLA ItnOWN, (neo Boyle), wife of William II Urown ru nrral on Monday, at 1 p. m , from the fu neral parlor of Ward J. Phillips, 000 North 10th st. Interment nt Green Mount Cem etery. KIIMEIt. Suddenly, nt New Orleans, La., on January IT, 1011. WILLIAM WALTEll, bus band of Nellla C, Khmer (nee Allen), aged JZ j ean. Relatives and friends, nlso members of the Iteservo Corps and employes In tho office of Director of Public Safety, aro ln Mted to attend tho funeral services on Mon day afternoon, at 2 o'clock nt tho apart ments of Oliver II. llalr, 1820 Chestnut st. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Sunday ovenlng, from 7 to 10 o'clock. PIHIIEIt On January 23, 1010, FIIANCI8 M , husband of MarRaret W. Fisher l"unornl htvIcob on Monday, nt 1 30 p m , nt his lato residence, 1711 North 42d st. Interment PrUnto. roSTEIt. At Los Angeles, Cal , on January 11, 10I!, I1ENHY, husband of Emma Foster. Funeral eorvlces on Sunday, nt 2 p m . at tho residence of his daughter. 4120 Ogdon st , West Phllidelohia. Interment prlvato at Weet Laurel Hill Cemetery . . HALL On January 23, 101B, MAItT A.. wife of tho lato William Hall rtclatltes and friends arn Invited to attend tho funeral sor Icok, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence. 1IJ01 Poplar st Inter ment private IIAMROK. On January 20. 1015, SUSIE, wife of Kills C Hamcon nnd daughter of tho lato Stephen and Annlo McKlnloy. Funeral serv ices on Sunday, nt 1 p. m . at her lato resi dence. 1021 Earl st Interment private at ArllnjHon Cemetery HASTINGS On January 10. 1015, WILL- To Panama-Pacific and San Diego Expositions The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger will pay the entire expenses of fifty persons to both expositions and return railroad fares, hotel accommodations, meals en route, sleeping cars, admissions and provide every comfort and convenience. YOU can be one of this fortunate fifty all you need do is secitre new subscribers for either or both of these papers. The fifty receiving the greatest number of credits for this work will take the free trips. All other contestants will be paid for their efforts at the regular-dgents' commissions. Sign and send in the coupon below. It enters vou in the contest and will bring you subscrip tion blanks and all necessary information. Begin today contest is open till June 30th. CONTESTANT'S ENTRY BLANK PUBLIC LEDGER EVENING ' LEDGER INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA Please enter my name as a contestant for tho Panama. Pacific Exposition Tour. Bend me all the necessary Information and subscription Wanks" TRAFFIC'S ROOM! QNE LARGE HEALTHY DEATHS IAM r, huiband of Mary 8, HMllnM Fu neral on Sunday, at 2 p. m., from 23 N. Lin denwood st! . (SM and Market ts.). Inter- v ment Fernwood Cemetery. HKVEIU.B, At.her late residence. 8MB Drown St., on January 21. 1815, LVA, wlfo of Mathlos Hevcrle. ltwulem Mass on Mon day, at 0 a. m. at ft Ignatius' Ch ureh. Interment strictly private. Kindly omit HIOHLEY. On January 20, 1018. BAIlAH A. HROWren, widow ot Frank M. Hlshu iy Relatives and friends nrti Invited to attend the funeral services, at 'her late residence, 2121 Venango at., on Monday, the 25th Inst , at 2 p. m. Interment prlvato HOOAN. On January 21, 1018, MART wife of Charter Hognn. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. William Lane. Mannlngton township. Salem, N. J on Monday, at 8 80 n m High Requiem Mnss at St. Marys Church, nt 10 a m, Interment at Bt. Mary a Cemetery, Salem, N. J, ...., JKNKINS. On January 22, 1018, THOMAS. husband of Cathnrlna Jenkins. I"""' from his late residence, 2027 North 0th st , Monday, at 8.30 n. m. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St, Edward's Church, at 10 a m, interment Holy sepulchre Cemetery. JONKS At her residence, York roail above Horace nvonue, Ablngtop, .Montgomery County. Pa., on January 21. 1015, LAURA M wife of William J. Jones. I'urther notice ot tho funeral witrb s'yen, , ,. ,. IUiltSHAtv. on January n, ii, ft-""it husband of the kite Sarah Kershaw. Funeral on Monday, at 2 p. m from Campbell a Unnk, near Clifton Heights, Delaware County, Pa. Interment Mt. Klon Cemetery. KINNI5V. On January 23, 1015, SAMUEL D. KINNEY, aged 62 years. Relstlves and friends, also Osark LodgsV No. 430, F. and A. M , nnd employes of Baldwin Locomo tive Worka. ara Invited to attend tho funeral services, on January 25 (Monday ovenlng), nt 8 o'clock, at Tennent Presbyterian Church, B2d .tnd Arch sts. Interment nt Slroudt- IUNb'kY, At his residence. 1022 Spruce Bt . January 23, 1016, Hon. JOHN L. 7N BEY. Further notice of the funeral will be glvon KRAMER- On January 21, 1MB, MAItT J., widow of Oeorxs J, Kramor and daughter of the lcto Charles A. and lirldget Wilson. Fu neral on Monday, at 8:30 a. m.. from 048 Cantrell st. (0th nnd Snyder aye.). Requiem High Mass at the Church of tho Epiphany, at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Ceme tery. KKIDEIl. Suddenly, on Thursday, January 21, 1015, at her residence, 452 Welling ,t Richmond Hill, Long Island. N. T MAll aAROT M , beloved, daughter of Walter Wright and Anna Mulford Krider. In the 04 jenr of her age. Notice of Wnernl later, LIPPE. On January 21. 1018, ELIZABETH A. LirPD, widow of William A. Zur Llppe. Duo notice, of tho funeral will be Klven from her lato residence, 1013 South LIIDLAVi. On January 21. 1MB, MARGA RET C , wife of Furmnn L. Ludlam. Rela tives and friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral on Sunday, January 24, at 1.30 p. m , from her lato residence, South Dennis, N. J, Interment at South Dennis --. MAl.ONE. On January 20, 1018, ELIZA CTH V , wife of John J, Malone (neo Kohl schelber). Funoral on Monday, at 8.80 a. m , from 4050 North 0th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at tho Church of the Incarnation, at 10 a. m. Interment New Cathedral Ceme- MAIITENS On January 22, 1018. WIL LIAM J., son of Anna M. and the lato Wil liam F, Martens runeral on Tuesday, from M47 West Boston nve at 8 30 n. m Solemn High Mass at St. Columba's Church, nt 10 n. m. Interment Holy Redeemer Cemetery. MARTIN. On Jnnuary 20, 1018, nt Mon treal, N a. MARY FORD, widow of Dr. Robert W. Martin. Funeral and Interment McCANN. On January 22, 1018. JANE, wlfo of Arthur McCann. Funeral on Tues. dai. nt 8 .".0 a m , from 1603 North 11th Ft Solemn High Requiem Mass at St. Malachy's Church, at 10 a. m. Interment Now Cathedral Cemetery. Ml'IlKLK. On January 22, 1MB, OEOROE MEltKLU. runeril services, on Monday, at o m , nt the (residence 0f his nephew, William II. Haley; 21 Potter St., Haddon- the BEATHS .".'A.'1' Interment at Hadonai.i'trSfl MS2S!5rSfflsir "A ma. baui,, .j ieMrAVrtfir'rfniiSra .."wTmsi m hie late residence, no W.,T As rifl -vliKlPim WMW"hL. "'! &"" oiis. ;arVKLS m ,.t the r dencVof mV&&, "L&i son, st. Interment privat,.PrwU' 8 "S'SriP,? iM1".1 11- 1018, WILT.,.,.! John cTNase. " VaiJSTEgrfg &3GM day, at 2 p. m , from the paMors ?ni"i-l P. Kuntlg, 2003 West Tlega U,ABWnl strictly nrlvatn "oga at. IntinWfli "SMUyy on'nut ?, .,.-4- . ..... . . 'n'i "f AN. On January 22, 1016, f th .. fS House, nt Plalnfleld, fV, J., FLOnmS"!" daughter of M. r nJ '... Ji""ENCB L. H terment nt Plalnnetd. N j. " " Kna- ti ; SEItOISI,. On January 22. 1015 tk. i BERfJBL. mother of Mrs Henry BA.1-J lunerni service will bo held on llonS.. "-Ml 1 p. tn., nt the residence of wS"?.'. nil 249 west Seymour St., Oermantown ?,.'!' ment ot Muscatine. la. ' ""M. 8in8I.Ell.--On January 22, I01B, Oiurn wife of Ileyrinuer M, Bhtaler, T FeniS! ?J xuonaay, .January zo, at 8 a. m r,VJ Wi2 VI North B4th st . Cnnidsn. M Tm't'rJal.ll 11 at St. Joseph's Church. East' adin,,f! a m. Interment private. " ' U BIIUMAN. On January 20, 1018. OTTft i. band ef the late Tacy A, Shuman, rS Sunday, nt 2 p. m., from 1018 MarrtSW Interment prlvato. ""ion tt. , SMITH. On January 22, 1015. WlTTm. i WALTON, son of ' Walton i ano nSHS ' Smith. Funeral on Tuesday, it 2 bTS from inn parents' residence, 018 Btoui tni i t. Intorment private, Mt, MortMi rt&M sl? -A". T?"uar',2&.. "? "AMtWf' nusbHiiu u, .iuii Aiuiiuy opus, Sged 3(1 ,.!' Sfl Relatives nnd friends, also Sheklnah LmH m No. 240, F. and A. M.l officers and dlrSJi 1 of Iho Harmon a Rulldlnr aiH l, ""! i,B 4tn nra Invllail tn nftnn .. ..! . "OCIS i. 1 vkos. on Sunday afternoon, at 2aoa,eJoeVJ precisely, nt his lato residence. 1501 NfSf',al 8th at. Interment at Adath Jeehuron (22 t STKF.R. On January 20, 1015, nOBEHT ' htcbii, nusoana or uarria e. Btetr Im J41 Payne), Services, on Sunday, January it u 41 2 p. in., at 801 Howard St., Camden, ft V $ Interment at Arlington Cemetery. ... homo, Mnlln Hall, Chester Valley, ois.i LIND HRINTON STEPHENSON. wUolp Jnmes.Loo Stephenson, daughter of Jolw't Mnlln. 'Esq. Funeral sorvlces at tier bora. . s' iu'n.M.:iLM,w rC:a.r- . . 31 nieiii. M!" H''l" "'" neei (mini vm nrrJvlnir &t Frnser. at 138 Mid 1:52, ffS iSiM THOMPSON. OnUnmiarr 20. 1915. Wnx,"f IAJI L. 'rMujii'tjuiN, nuaoana of th IS. 4 Atrnftfl TJ. Thomson. Funeral lAwtsa. J? i Mf nday. J"ary 2jV at 2 p. m.. at hli luj t(; - ns-i.pi 'Mrtiint rVmnrAnr ra"L .VAUi'wiii'uvnii un if uiiunry zi, jjjj 11 jL.i.i&AiisA,.i Bftwivi, who ot isaratmd it .la nt 11 n. m.. nt 0020 Webster st IntenS&H VAT,T,ACB.On Tanuftry 22. 191B, JANHJLfH widow of James AVallooo. n?latlYta and Mm friena'fl of the family aro invited to Attenl 11 n'rlrtpk nreclnfilv. at her late riinrsi in JiS c.itk Ifll at TtirnfTOftnf ntHvAt WJlllr. un January i.', ivio, i3DWABI,a non or. mo miw lenntrn r, i nca mitt ytal v mil. A" uiiwiw u 'iuuwj. . p. in,, irrjra a tho residence m Aonm a. Mamer, Z538 Mo JS.! Si. xiivriiiiciib i cuiuu(i wnieiory, ' rrrcf It Wllmlntrfrnn. nn TTIrnt Mnnf - mtK VU .VZATWYTIT J., wtflnw nt .Ttonh wt.7 i n ntflF1 lonr nf her neo. pSinprnl rt. a? 4 Pyle. 1S00 Wt 10th ot, Wilmington, Dtt Interment private. n - 'ri Wr. m H t .as .lk! .. i py.i 'ii 'SSS SHERIFFS BADGE!! "" "-C m rMf MAWes A Mice ADDITION MV cotLecrriort VALL SouxeMU33