IMiger NIGHT EXTRA VOL. I NO. 113. PHlLADBIiPIHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1915. PRICE OlOD OBNT Coristonx, loin, jit ins Pnsuo LtMts Commxt, NIGHT EXTRA IKIELCE FALLS BEFORE DRIYE &F CZAR; GAIN OF 33 MILES t Russians Retake South Poland City and Block ft' flbYtnn C,Yn nn T.owpi Vistula Menace to Ivangorod Removed. Bloody Battle on in East Prussia Campaign. Murks Rally in Caucasia and Rout Russian Pursuers in Attempted Flank Move ment St. Mihiel Again Menaced by French Ad "vance. 'Klelce, in South Poland, taken by ij Germans rccontly, has been ro- etptured by tlio Czar. Tho German finny In Southern Poland has been Ipuihed back 30 miles at soma points. Iloss of Kielco blocks tho projected ISrtve against Ivangorod. Sanguinary encounters continue on the 40-milo front along- which tho Czar J, menaces East Prussia. Pctrograd of.- "; JcUlly announces contact with tho en- x emr at Khorjelo, a frontlor town of North Poland, 25 miles northeast of MUwa, which brings tho Russian army to the East Prussia border at another fit point. 6, Cossack outpoBts have met the en Ltmrat Klkol In tho advance on Thorn. l;E.:Itroffracl assumes that tho Germans i'tHII make their stand at Klkol, 23 balks southeast of Thorn, on account J.'the heavy rolnforcemonts rushed to 'aw front., The army of General wsneois, moving ngalnBt the rear of tSi' Russian Thorn column, Is" making . very slow progress, Petrograd, says. L Austrian forces nro concentrating In f Bakowlna for a stand and the Russian llavuuon of Hungary has come to a VmyZ.vv ' rav Turxisn forces, re-forming after their IfliSht In the Caucasus, attacked and Ertipulsed the Russians, says a Con stantinople official report Tho Rus yUns are In night, It Is said. (This to contradictory to yesterday's reports tct Russian successes.) The French, after having been driven THE WEATHER Raskin was not the only man of letters l,Wao found Inspiration in the weather. John Clreenleaf TVhtttler wrote a poem, Eunoaj others, on "Snow Bound." It teuns to mind about 6 o'clock last night, Ifor the first lino tells all about how jjw snow had begun In tho gloaming." .fToir remember, don't you. Jennie Some- lbodysi temperamental rendltlont It at tts last "parents' night" you attended Itt your offspring's schoolT) It came to hand, we say, at E o'clock, but not Wln, for Instead of the local flurry fwYtrlng field and highway with a Bnes deep and white," like Mr. Whlt Utr'l went on to do. It hemmed nnd eJ, stopped altogether, changed Its gJna and started In again, Anally suc waUng In a most humiliating manner Jj a new rise in temperature; all of jttlch Proves that writing poems on rtuea of tho weather may have been i rJtht a half a century or so ago, but would be a poor business, we aro hero ! sutt, In 1915. lis fact, successfully It can't be donel FORECAST tFor Phtln.lalnMr. J .J.- I,.. . ....v..tu unu, vicinity gnroHj cloudy and unsettled, bight K, Mild temperature. fvraeiaua, see page . Observations at Philadelphia .- . S A. M. 6? '. '.'..'.' '" Bouthwaet. ISralles .rv.DiI.i0n ,-. . u'-,." Cloudr .......... ..Trace ftatauin tempera tiira n f SS' IS A m "" ' . .... 7 percent. j- f .-urrew . :rtm. lamps to Be lighted an4elh vehicle,...., BrtOp.. xne Tides lr-fli.t KRT RICHMOND. aV'Lm i.,l!T. rv? Blrt V.JI tomorrow ami ST "" Wlr tomorrow ........... ia m Will -SIB8fNUT BTUKKT WHARF. ISi w3ilr. l-JSOn. m. ir tomorrow 8a m. ,.. B I5WNB. ,"; " .::::::::r:::":,l:S'S- "" toawrow ,. nu BRJUXWAIMB. i tiin " Sr"f!r JKloudy back a Bhort distance In tho forest of -Apremont, havo resumed their attaok upon St. Mihiel. Their guns havo wrecked tho pontoon bridge across tho Meuso nnd tho now ndvanco threatens the German position nt that point. In Alsace, flcrco fighting continues In tho vicinity of Cemny nnd Hartmnnn swellcr Kopf, nnd German nssaults hnvo been repulsed, according to Paris claims. Tho battle In Flanders Is continu ing fiercely, but with only slight changes In tho rolatlvo positions of tho lines, Tho Allies havo made a small gain near Lombaertzyde. CZAR RECAPTURES KIELCE IN SOUTH POLAND CAMPAIGN Drives Germans Back 33 Miles Brom Base, PETROaRAD, Jnn. 23. . Two armies In Southern Polnnd are dealing heavy blows to tho Austro-Qer-man troops In tho government of Ktelce. The city of Ktelce has been recaptured by the forces of General Ruzsky. Taken by tho Germans when their heavy reinforcements threatened to engulf the P.usslan troops on tho cast bank of the Plllca River, KIclco was held by thorn for less than a week. It was evacuated bo foro tho advance of two Rucslan ti.'mtcs. ono of which drove Its way nort.i of KIclco as far as Lopuszno, while another advanced over tho Lysa Oora Heights to strengthen the forces oppoalnguh") Aus trlans on the Nlda River. Tho rapid advance of thesa two armies rendered tho Germans' position In and about Klelce untenable? and they have fallen back from this former bnse to a front running through Oleszno, Kurzetow and Sccemln. Tho projected Ivangorod drlvo has been abandoned. While the Germans effected their way in gond order, thoy havo been forced back 33 miles Along tho hills Just east of tho Ml lea River they havo mounted guna, appar ently Intending to make a stand there. TURKS, REFORMING, ROUT RUSSIANS IN CAUCASUS Plank Movement Bepulsed; Czar's Forces Flee. CONSTANTINOPLE, Jon. 23.-Defeat of tho Russian army In the Caucasus Is an nounced In an ofllclal statement Issued by tlio Turkish War Ofllco today. Ottoman troops have now taken the of fensive and aro pursuing tho Russians, the statement ndds. It also tells of a victory over English forces, supported by three gunboats on tho Shat-EI-Arab River In Arabia. This fight was reported three days ago from Constantinople, the Turkish claim ing success over tho British. In the Caucasus tho Turks foiled a movement against .their left flank, and the Russians were forced to withdraw1. (It Is possible tho Russians, following their victories at Sari Kamyah and Ar dagan, have withdrawn for the new offen sive" upon East Prussia. ALLIES SCORE SLIGHT GAIN IN FIERCE FLANDERS FIGHT Germans Bombard Berry-au-Bac In New Offenslvo on Aisne. PARIS, Jan. 23. Tho fighting In 'tho new battle of Flanders has become so fierce that a gain of even a few yards by the allied forces Is regarded as Important. An ofllclal communique Issued by tho French War Oftlce this afternoon emphasizes the fact that a gain of 100 yards has been mado In the region of Lombaertzyde. In an attempt to establish their posi tions firmly on the south bank of tho Alsne, the Germans have opened an of fenslvo, with violent artillery fire, against the town of Berry-au-Bac. A. German attack to tho northeast of Beausejour, west of the Argonne, has been repulsed and the ofllclal statement reiterates Its claim that the Germans have been completely checked at Foun tain Madame In the Argonne. A hot conflict Is In progress near St. Hubert. RUSSIANS PRESS ADVANCE AGAINST EAST PRUSSIA Cossack Outposts, However, Are Halted Near Klkol. PETROGRAD, Jan. 13. Sanguinary encounters between the Cos sack advance ot the great Russian army now menacing the German fortress of Thorn and Oerman forces southeast of Klkol were reported In dispatches from the front today. Under a murderous Are from a German Infantry regiment, the cavalry was forced to retire, it Is admitted here. The Ger mans wheeled light artillery Into position to support -tffe riflemen. The Cossacks were permitted to advance to within a short distance from the German Intrenrh ments. Then a galling rifle and gun nro was poured Into their ranks. The outposts having clashed, retrograd confidently awaits news of the beginning of one of the greatest battles fought In Northern Poland since the beginning of tho war. Earlier in the week the Russians were sweeping toward the Prus slan frontier without meeting any serious resistance. The Germans will make a stand near Klkol, about 23 miles south east of Thorn, it is now believed, ind a general engagement all along the tf-mlle battle line will begin there. Russian scputs today reported that the army of General Francois, moving from the Mlawa region to attack the rear of the Russian army moving on Thorn, is making slow progress. Heavy reinforce ments, however, are coming to Francois' aid, and It Is thought possible In Is await ing the arrival of these fresh troops be fore moving his main bodies. Unfavorable condition In Bukowlna con tinues to Interfere with operations to the east, tho War Office declares. AUSTRIANS WRECK RAILROAD STATION HELD BY RUSSIANS Heavy loss of Wfe In Assault at Checlny, VIENNA. Jan. 23. Austrian shells destroyed a railroad sta tion in which several hundred Russian soldiers were Quartered near Checlny. in southeastern Poland, it was officially an nounced today. The loss of llfa was fighting in the region of the Nlda River was reported to ba progress las satisfactorily for the Austrian, (OBi V? ?Jw; m i Photo by Outekunat. JUDGE JOHN L. KINSEY JUDGE KINSEY DIES AFTER AN ILLNESS OF MANY MONTHS Members of Family at His Bedside When Jurist Passes Away at His Home, 1 622 Spruce Street Judge John L. Klnscy, of Court of Common Pleas No. 1, died at 11:30 o'clock this morning at his home, 1622 Spruce street. Judge Klnsey was unconscious toward tho laBt. When his physicians vlBlted the sickroom this morning thoy called Mrs. Klnsey nnd told her tho end was but a few hours off. Sho remained at his bedside until her husband died. Immediately after his death the Court of Common Pleas was notified. The court then announced that all cases slated for Monday will be discontinued until fdrther notice. The dates for trial of these cases will probably bo announced Monday afternoon. Judgo Klnsey's death followed nn Ill ness of many months. Ho becamo III early In the fall. For a tlmo he was at his summer home, but later, when ,hls condition became; complicated by rhou matlsm and a nervous breakdown, he was brought to his city residence. Judge Klnsey's condition became serious more han a month ago, although It did not occo'slon any great alarm. Ho gradu ally weakened, however, and last Monday hin rnmlltlon took a turn for tho worse. He sank gradually until death cujn( today. Judgo, John Lipplncott Klnsey was born in Frankford on August U, IBM, and was in public office since his 20th year. Ho was In turn a member of the school board, a member of the Board of Educa tion, Assistant District Attorney, City Solicitor and Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas. Judge Klnsey was a descendant: on his father's Bide, of one of the earliest settlers in Frankford, In which section ot Phila delphia he was raised In an old family mansion. His father was William Klnsoy, Jr., and his mother was before her mar riage Mary Btarr Lipplncott. His an cestry was Scotch and English, and his parents wero members of the Society of Friends. After attending a school In Philadel phia Judge Klnsey was sent to a board ing school ot Haddonfleld, N. J., from which ho was graduated with high hon ors in English and the classics. When Concluded on l'nso Two U. OF P. FRESHMEN CONQUER "SOPHS" IN THEBOIL FIGHT Outnumber Opponents Four to One and Win by Score of 38 to 15 Four Hun dred Battle in the Mud. Four hundred members of the fresh man and sophomore classes of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania battled In a sea of mud In Museum Field at !3d and Spruce streets this afternoon. In the an nual bowl fight. The freshmen, out numbering the sophomores nbout four to one, won the first half In exactly one minute, and the second In 10 minutes. Tho final score was 33 to 15. Every man of the 100 was spattered from head to foot with mud. Fully a third had to drop out of the battle after being thrown to get the plasterllke earth out of their eyes. ... The first started promptly at one o'clock. Although victory for the Fresh men was Inevitable, owing to their su perior numbers, the lower classmen de cided to show a little finesse along with brute strength, and when Robert King, their bowl man. was shoved over the goal line, It was by a ruse, roost of tho T5 Sophomores being yards away battling with another group of Freshmen. Horace Bustler was chief marshal and his assistants were James C. Patterson, Herbert Shoemaker, Vaughan Merrick, R. B, Ferguson, T. C. Price, Paul Brown. iu- Tnwnsend. Clem Webster and Charles Beelback. It had been piannea iu noia we ngm on the quadrangle, but at the last minute Museum Field as It was feared tho strug. gle woulu spo t .uA flr.t hitlf tha Freshmen trv tn shove their man over the goal line before the Sophomores can crown him with the bowl. In the second half the side having the greater m"i"' v n w.f , vunf after a ecrimmftge yrixiM. Three Dead in right Over Arrest i.ssr rim .Tan. 23. J. J. Proctor. deputy sheriff: Joe Brewer, white, and Lulu Woodward, a Negress, with whom he llveo, are ?cu, uu w. uuwucn, sheriff of the Municipal Court. Is x- .... i frhA raixtili: nf . free.fnr. al! knit and pistol flght which ocwrrod today wBen wnjcws soutut u ti ... wnmjin for bavins urcvlouily oh struct Kgal WOce. U. S. SHIPPING INTERESTS IN TANGLE WITH TW0JATIONS $200,000 Food Ship and $800,000 Cotton Cargo Defy Threat of Seizure in Momentous Step to Test Status of American Exports Great Britain Hopes to Block Supplies From Ger many While Germany Re sents Sale of Arms to Foes. Sailing of Dacia and Wil-helmina. American shipping Interests today nro Involvbd In pressing Issues between this Government nnd both Great Brit ain and Germany. Serious diplomatic crises lnpend, and complications nro predicted on both sides of tho Atlantic. Great Britain is determined that America, shall not provide supplies to Germany that will enable that country to prolong tho war. Germany resents tho shipment of arms to countries of tho Triple En tente. Cotton and wheat cargoes from American exporters aro bound for Ger many. Great Britain undoubtedly will attempt their uelzure, Tho Dacia, with cotton, sails from Galveston. Tho Wll helmlna, with n 200,000 wheat and food cargo, has Balled from New York for Germany. Great Britain suspects a Gorman plot In tho transfer of German ships' to American registry and tho beIo of Ger- .man ships. London newspapers fear a t clash with tho American Government. Reports say that tho many Interned German ships in New York harbor are planning a dash to sea and that British warships are lying in wait to prevent ttyo coup. Tho American Government has as sumed tho war risk on the 800,000 cot ton cargo of tho Dacia. It has de cleared tho food cargo of tho Wllhol mlna Is only conditional contraband. Secretary Bryan's advice to tho owners of tho Wllhelmlna cargo Is: "Foodstuffs are ranked as condi tional contraband and may be lawfully shipped to territory of belligerents when In fact not destined or Intended for tho belligerent Government or Its armed forces." Tho British i.oto of January 10 admit ted that foodstuffs' should not bo de tained and put Into a prizo court with out presumption that they were ln- tended for tho armed forces of the enemy or the enemy's Government. But while expressing an Intention to adhero to that rule, the British Gov ernment added: "Wo cannot give an unlimited and unconditional undertaking In view of tha departure by those against whom we are fighting from hitherto accepted rules of civilization and humanity, and tho uncertainty as to the extent to which such rules may be violated by them In future." Millions are Involved in the question at Issue in disposal of the cargoes now under way nnd th) disposition made by Congress of the Administration ship ping bill. MUSI FOOD SHIP BISKS VOYAGE TO GERMAN POUT NEW YORK, Jan. 23. Risking possible seizure by British warships lying oft the Atlantla coast, the American-owned steamer Wllhelmlna, flying the American flag and loaded with approximately 300, 000 worth pf foodstuffs, consigned by an American commission firm to Itself In Germany, passed Sandy Hook at 6:17 o'clock last night, on the first voyage of Concluded on l'ro Tiro DACIA, STEAM UP, HELD STILL IN GALVESTON PORT Cotton Cargo Cleared, But Halted In Proposed Voyage, fJALVESTON, Ter Jan. U-CIeared for Rotterdam and with hatches sealed, the former German steamship Dacia, now owped by E. N. Breltung, tho New York and Cleveland capitalist, did not sail early today as scheduled. The Dacla's steam was up, but for some reason the vessel was held back. NEW YORK WINS FIRST IN INTERCITY RACQUETS Philadelphia Team Meets Defeat In Opening- Bound. NEW YORK, Jan. M.-New York de feated Philadelphia in the first match in the Intercity racquets and tennis contest played here today. The scores were 15 10. 15-1, li-J, U-. Th New York team was composed ot Hecktcber and Water bury. Bromley awl Cass&tt reprweaud I'bllideipbui. BABIES CHECKED &ssssa.:u k. ... Mothers attending "Billy" Sunday's services are able to check their children as well as their umbrellas. The youngsters are looked after in the nursery by a corps of experienced women. The picture shows how a number is attached to each child, a duplicate of the tag going , to the mother. JEROME HAS THAI; STARTS WITH HIM ON TRIP TO NEW YORK Leaves Concord, N. H., for Boston, and Prisoner Will Be in the Tombs Early Tomorrow Morning. CONCORD, N. II., Jan. 23.-Harry It Thaw left this city on tho 2:2S o'clock train this afternoon for Boston, In the custody of Sheriff Hornbeck, of Dutchess County, New York, after Judgo Aldrlch, In the District Court, had reversed his decision granting Thaw a writ of habeas corpus, William T. Jerome, special pros ecutor for New York Btate, Thaw's "Ne mesis," was In charge of the party. At the last moment Jerome changed his plans and decided to go to the Touralne Hotel with Thaw upon his arrival In Bos ton, remaining there until the departure of the midnight train for New York. Thaw will be In tho Tombs tomorrow morning. After the transfer of Thaw to tho New York authorities had been completed, Thaw went to tho Eagle Hotel, accom panied by tho New York nnd New Hamp shire officers, where he was tho guest of Sheriff Drew, who brought him from Man chester, N, II., at luncheon. At Drew's special request, Sheriff Hornbeck granted this favor to tho man who had been in charge of Thaw slncfi his capture at Colebrook on September 10. 1913, nnd who wished to extend this courtesy as a fare well to Thaw. With Jerome were Deputy Attorney General Franklin Kennedy, of New York, and Bernard Jacobs, New Hampshire at torney for the special prosecutor, and with Sheriff Hornbeck was Detective Lanyon, of New York. A large crowd surrounded Thaw when he boarded the train at Manchester, and the station In this city was niled with a crowd when he arrived. The prisoner was hurried Into a taxlcab and taken to tho Federal Court under guard. Jerome handed the mandate of the Su preme Court vacating the writ of habeas corpus granted by the District Court here to the clerk. The mandate was read, and Judge Aldrlch, who granted Thaw the habeas corpus writ, handed down a rescript reversing his former decision and returning Thaw from the custody of Drew to the custody of the Sheriff of Coos County. Following this proceed ing tho prisoner was turned over to Sheriff Hornbeck under the extradition papers signed by Governor Felker In 1913. The entire transfer took only about 10 minutes. Thaw was without legal counsel of any sort, entering the Federal Court accom panied only by Sheriff Drew and a deputy. He appeared cheerful, TWO HUGE U. S. CANNON SHIPPED TO BRITISH NAVY Transylvania Carries 16.1-inch. Quns for Warships. NEW TORK, Jan. 23. Two 16.1-lnch guns, the biggest cannon ever manufac tured in America and shipped to a for eign nation, were lashed to the deck of the Cunard liner Transylvania when she sailed for Liverpool today, They were consigned to the British navy and will be taken to the Harlan & Wolf Shipbuild ing plant In Belfast, where British war ships are now under rush construction. Each gun is 63 feet long and weighs 731$ tons. They represented part of the big order for war supplies which Charles M. Schwab obtained for the Bethlehem Steel Company shortly after too outbreak of the European war, The Transylvania also carried the Inner skin of a battleship turret, which was consigned to. Harlan & Wolf. TAKES POISON, BUT REPENTS "I tried to die," gasped a man who staggered into City Hall today and begged the police at Central Station to send biro, to a hospital. He said be waa Theodore Pass, and had run all the war to police headquarters from his homo at MS North ti; street, after taking a doa ot poison-' He was takea to the Hahnemann Hojpltal In time to have the polou pumptd "Vt And save his Ufa. AT TABERNACLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX ASSESSED ON ABOUT $600,000,000 Holdings Listed by the Board of Revision Show an Impressive Total. Fhlladclphlons, subject to taxation on the nsBcesmcnt of their personal property for 1315 nnd the amounts of their per sonal property holdings, are listed in tho assessment books of the city transmitted at noon today to the Receiver of Taxes by tho Board of Revslslon of Taxes. Tho estate of Thomas Dolan, late presi dent of the United Gas Improvement Com pany pays tho heaviest tax on personalty, tha assessment subject to taxation being estimated at 19,341.878. The F. A. Drexel estate Is assessed at JC. 450,350 In personal property. The per sonal proporty holdings of Mrs. Anna M. Walker Penfleld, wife of Frederic C. Tenlleld and daughter of tho late William Welghtman, of tho flflrm of Powers and Welghtinan, chemists, fs S3,S37,182. Other large assessments are J2.718.Hl on tho estnte of Charlemagne Tower, nnd S2.272.C00 on the estate of William J. Mc Cahan. Edward T. Stotcsbury's personal property holdings are assessed at 537,600. Mayor Blankenburg's personal property is assessed at 320,900, while that of his wife Is placed at $25,600. Tho amount given by Senator Boles Penrose, subject to taxation, Is 3150,000. Assessments follow Mary D. Diddle J212.014 Lauremo I.ewia , 7i2,tiiiO Lewis A. lilliy 3.17..-.0O Wm. II. Darnea l'i!s,4us Harriet C. I'icvost lUMiilO W. W. Wlllbank estate liil.KX) C. W. McNallv estato 2U.1.1KU I.GWII Audpnreld 112.&00 i:mma II. Chllda 1I1S,4(H) Adelaldo K. Cirruih , 148,000 lienor Van Hclt 132.0.K) Sonhfa. I Ofandlcr KSA.ono Geo. V. C Drexel Cluis. C. Harrison, Jr. OIKJ.IMU 130.000 Concluded on rase Two CLEVELAND IN GRIP TODAY OF DRIVING SNOWSTORM City's Traffic Crippled by 24-hour Downfall. CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 23,-Cleveland today la In the grip of the worst storm of the winter. Snow has been falling for nearly 21 hours, crippling street rail way and Interurban tramc. and threat ening to interfere with telephone and telegraph communication. ' Every snow plow In the city worked all last night to keep the streets open. All trains from tho West and South are from 50 Imnutes to an hour late. P. R. R. PLACES BIG ORDERS Railroad's Action Gives Proof of Prosperity, Another substantial indication of pros perity came today. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company announced orders for 10,000 tons of steel rails. Pennsylvania especially will profit by these orders, as Virtually all the big sttel mills are in this State. The orders are divided equally among the United States Steel Corporation, the Cambria Steel Company, the Lackawanna Steel Company and the Bethlehem Steel Company, Each firm Is to roll 1000 tons on last year's specifications and another 1000 tons on revised specifications. After the completion of the first order it Is said the Pennsylvania system will place others 19 times as big, for 150.000 tons. Engine Plunges Into River; a Bead PORT JERVIS, N. Y., Jan. 23,-Engl-neer Benjamin Samuelson, John, E. Mllner. fireman, and W. Fredericks, brakeman, of Dunmore, Pa., were Vjlled today when a locomotive on the kilo Railroad was derailed at Glen Byrie, Pa., and plunged into tho Lackawanna River. 2i.i-pou.nd Baby Expected to Xlve FREMONT. O. Jan 38. -Mrs. deorge Riser's two-and-a-quarter-pound boy baby will live, according ta belief of last alsjfat, is "perfectly ntattay and otherwise normal f SUNDAY HITS AT SHAMS IN PLEADING FOR MNGIAGE "Failure of Christians to Do Their Duty Respon sible for Church Being Backed Into Corner by Whiskey Soaked, Hog Jowled Politicians," He Says Urges Employers to Pay Girls Sufficient Wages to. Allow Them to Live Hon estly, in Inspiring Sermon, on "Let Your Light Shine" Church members who pretend to be Christians and llvo lives that prove them to bo hypocrites and who cause the church to be criticised by those outside It, got "theirs" from "Billy" Sunday at tho tabernacle this afternoon. Ho was preaching on""tho themo "Let Your Light Shine" beforo an audienco that filled tho Beats and standing-room of tho big structure. Prominent among thoso pres ent were delegations of visiting clergy men and officials of churches in six Presbyteries In and around Philadelphia. In his attack on "sham" Christians "Billy" Bpared no ono. Tho failure of Church members to provo themselves t6 bo real Christians ho blamed for the complaints -heard agalnst-itho churches today. Because some Christians do not llvo up to their profession they do tho churches more harm than those outside could possibly do, ho said, "If people are simply church members they probably will not shine In al -places, , but true Christians- -will," he shouted. "It Is becauso of the failure df Christians to do their duty that the church Is backed into a corner by -the 'low-browed, hog-jowlcd, strength-sapping, whisky-soaked politicians." "BE SQUARE IN BUSINESS." At the same tlmo Sunday urged the church members In business to play square with their employes and the em ployes to play square with their em ployers. While he made an earnest ap peal for honest pay, he also mads aa earnest an .appeal for honest work. "The merchant who claims to be Christian and does not pay his employes a living wnga Is a hypocrite, and his light will not shine, at all for Christ. And tho man who claims to be a Christian and robs his employer by doing as little work as he can and getting as much money ns he can force from tho boss is every bit as much of a hypocrite." That was the way "Billy" Sunday weighed the problem between tho employer and the employe. "What about you merchants who keep your clerks working long hours over counters? If you had only your chances of going to heaven dependent on tho tes timony of those clerks, would you go? I don't believe ihere ure many girls who are working for 8 per week, a dollar per day, wearing the clothes thoy are wear ing, paying the room rent they nro pay ing, and doing it all on the small salary. I don't believe they oan do It and live square. If they nro driven to make a little money on the side to exist, who's to blame? Who has driven them to do it?" The evangelist urged his hearers- men and women who profess to be fol lowers ot the Lord Jesus Christ to stand bravely before the world and let It know that they are Christians and to live suah lives that all those who see them will want to be like them. "Don't be a coward. I hate a sneaking coward," Sunday sneered. "Why any per son should be ashamed to stand up and let the world know that he Is a Christian I have never been able to understand. Why a man or a woman la ashamed of the fact that they are living decent lives I can't understand. "There's too many lobsters who refuse to allow It to be known where they stand. That's why It Is so bard to koep the devil down. If they were members ot the Elks they would allow It be known. If they were members of the K. of P. they'd al low It be known. If they were Masons or Odd Fellows tliey'a allow It be known. If they were Republicans or Democrats they'd allow it to be known. It is the duty ot every Christian to look after his Concluded on Tase Tw XOST AND PQUNi THBnrj 18 AWIDB-AWAKK dru atora tteai your noma inn win accept Leaser want afle, at office rates. Ads. an talephonad to lb Bveniko Hoosa every hour LOST Wednead evenlnz. black nip from au- tomoDua aianuin nt muq cMuiaom na ward. no qutatlons akJ. call A U Talker. OOJ Mariner and Mercnant 1314., 8d aiti Cuest nut Ptiona Lombard BOO. LOST Tburaday matron's pollca badit. h. twaan Frunt ana Oilord and Front and 11 tar. itetum Annt L. McXMoakcy. 10th Ju. Ilea DUtrtU. yi9iitand-Mir- LOST Lut night, black fcas, leavlnj 10th anl Spruce to 3Ut, Walnut, to Merlon Mbtral reward tf kaya and papare are returned iq ion Bprow LOST-Oatweea 3 and 4 p. m., Jan. ti, 11(14 Xllow lady'a pockatbook. Probably In Wu. amakar'a. Kawatd PIS PanmylvanU JBUt LOBTThuraday, silver niaab, Itw conUlntnj raoney and coin checks. Catharine, nwr tlu, alutd tor aaaoclat'n. raward. 8130 Oatbarta. LOST Small black ttrrlar, with atuddd etjl lar, aaswars to Prtnca. reward, sain Csaut nut. EBST OameoTTiroocli. Jn 18, in or Bear T&W. Scle1 Howard, 8&30 Pin. LOST S-aton diamond rliia. lUward Wr turead tQtS0C North Broad. LOSTrindU bull terrier, from XVyamatfllT reward Phone Ovurbrook j"t W Z&tIT- WaUh chamu fttward U rgtumi ta WW Lannun M- T) Lancoy at LOOT Fistainliy pin, Jan li, VJWi r ' Tteward. Lawrui.-s Baldwin (J t i Of ar clMJVUl utf Mw-ii-t j js so? j. 'tvrrw :;;'.".'.:: iJi Jt .