EV&NIKG IiEflQfltt PHILADELPHIA, FIfclDAY, JAKtJABY 22, 1015 w "BILLY" SUNDAY'S SERMONS a " - -u 1 iMJg , . waumtoj m. V . us&bK fed Ml vfyA Toddy's Sermon SUBJECT -"MOTHERHOOD" xbdUM 1:1)1 "Take till child and nurae M tor m, and.-1'will glVB thee thy yrmres." 'Tho atorr o Hoses Is' one of the most Nautlfill and' fascinating In nil the world. It taken a hold on us and never for an tantant doei It lose its lnterost, for It la 80 graphically told that onco heard It Is Tr forgotten. - "1 havo often Imagined tho anxiety with vhlah that child woa born, for ho came Into the world-with.' the centence of death kinging over hlm for Pharaoh had do creed that tha malo children should die, and the mother defied even tho command f the Kins- and determined that the child should live, and right from tho begin Sine tho battle of rlghtagalnut might was fought at the cradle. "Moo mother was n slave. Sho tiad no work In the brick yard or labor In the fiejd, but God was., on her sldo and she Won, aa the mother always wins with Qod n her side. Beforo going to work sho had to choose somo hiding place for her child, and she put his little sister, Mir iam,' on guard while she , kept herself from being seen by the soldiers of Pha raoh who were seeking everywhere to murder the Jewish male children. For three' months she kept him hidden, pos sibly finding a new hiding placo every tew days. It Is hard to Imagine anything more difficult than to hldo a healthy, growing baby, and ho was hidden for three months. Now ho was grown larger and moro full of llfo and a more securo hiding place had to be found, and I can imagine this mother giving up hor rest and 'sleep to prepare an ark for the sav ing of her child. "I believe tho plan must have boen for mulated in Heaven. I havo often thought flod must havo been as much Interested In that work as was the mother of Moses, for you can't make mo bellovo that an vent so Important as that and so far reaching in 1U results over happened by luck or chance. Possibly God whispered tho plan to the mother when sho went to him In prayer and In her grlot be cause she was afraid tho sword of Pha raoh would murder her child. And how carefully tho material out of which the ark'' was made had to be selected! I think every twig was carefully scruti nized In order that nothing poor might Sat Into Its composition, nnd tho weaving Of that ark, tho mother's heart, her soul, her prayers, hor tears, wcro Interwoven. "Oh, If you mothers would exerctso a& much care over the company your chil dren keep, over tho books thoy read and the places thoy go there would not bo bo many girls feeding the red light dis trict, nor so many boys growing up to tad crlmlnnt lives. And with what thanksgiving she must have poured out ber heart when nt last the work was 4ono and the ark was ready to carry Its precious cargo, moro precious than If It was to hold the crown Jowels of Egypt. And' I can Imagine the last night that baby was In tho homo. Probably somo of you can remember when the last Bight camo when baby was alive; you can, remember the last night tho coffin stayed, nnd tho next day the pallbearers and. the hcarso .came. Tho others may av slept soundly, b'ut thero was no deep for you, and I can Imagine thero was no sleep for .Moses" mother. TMr are whips and tops and pieces of trlng And shoes thit no little feet ever wear; There are bits of ribbon and broken wings And tresses of golden hair. There are dainty Jackets that never are worn. There are toys and models of ships; There are books and pictures all faded and And marked by tinier tips ?t dimpled hands that have fallen to dust et we strive to think that the Lord Is Just. Tata feeling of fltterness fills our soul; Bometlmes we try to pray, ,. That, tho Iteaper has spared so many rowers " And tahen ours away. . , , And we sometimes doubt if the Lord can know How our riven hearts did love them so. But we think of our dear ones dead, Our children who novor grow old, Arid how they are waiting and watching for us In the city with streets of gold; And how they are safe throujth all the years iSom sickness and want and war, fVthank the great God, with (ailing ears, JToi- the things In tha cabinet drawer." A MOTHEU'Q WATCHFULNESS. "Others In the house -might havo slept, ut not a moment could she spare of the precious time allotted her with her little one. and all through the night sho must havo prayed that Qod would shield and protect her baby and bless tho work ha had done and the step she was about to take. "Some people often say to. me: 'I won der What the angels do; how they employ their time' I think I know what some of them did that night You can bet they were not out to some brldge-whlst partjr. They guarded that house so carefully thati not a soldier of old Pharaoh ever crossed the threshold. They saw to It thai not ono of them harmed that baby. "4t dawn the mother must have kissed felm good-by, placed him In the ark and hid "him among the reeds and rushes, and with, an aching heart and tear-dimmed yes she turned back again to the field and back o the brickyards to labor, and wait to seo what God will do. She has dona her prayerful best, and when you have dona that you can bank on It that God, will not (all you. How easy it Is for God to give (ha needed help, no matter hovy hopeless It might seem, If we only bcli?ve that with God all things are pos sible, no matter how Improbable, What unexpected answers the Lord would give to our prayers I She knew Clod would Ilfla h?r some, way; but J .don't think she ver dreamed that God would help her bj sending Pharaoh's daughter to caro for tho 'child; but It waa no harder for God to send tha princess than It waa to get th Smother to prepare thfi ark. What woa Impossible from her standpoint was ar for God. THINKS ANGELS HELPED. "Pbaraoh's daughter came down to the watr to bathe, and the ark was discov ered. Just as God wanted It to be, and one of her maids was sent to fetch it tott often wonder what the angels art dohis. think some of the angels herded the crocodiles on the other side of the Hlle to kep them from finding Moses (Hut tstlng hliq up. You can bank on It, mH heaven was interested to see that not at hale of that baby's head was In fra, There weren't devils enough iu heii t? pull en hair out of its head. You mn fk sure, the angels were not out to wtm bridge or whist party then. God taut something for them to do. The ark ms kvoogbt, and with feminine ourlolt U;s sliin-htar of Pharaoh had to loot intu tt ta Ms 'what wh there, and when they rjtnjt t cove Ur W Irtasi a rt- tty tarty tor, Uatef uj ita - al4 auL'sjioy Mm tmmm, an svb W wt -b r wm wing ink aiming w it m ires wn a girl. The bnby looks tip and weeps, and those tears blotted out all that was against It nnd gavo U a chnnco for Its llfo. I don't know, but I think nn angel stood thcra and pinched It to mnko It cry. for It cried nt tho right time. Just n God plans, Clod always docs things nt tho right time. Give God n chnnce; Ho may be a llttlo slow at times, but Ho will always got around In time. "The tears of that baby were tho Jowels with which Israel was ransomed from Egyptian bondage. Tho princess had a womnn's heart, nnd when n woman's heart and n baby's loans meet somo. thing hnppons that gives tho tlovll cold feet. Perhaps tho princess had a baby thnt had died, and tho sight of Moses may have torn the wound open nnd modo It bleed afresh. Ilut sho had n woman's heart, and that made her for got sho was the daughter of I'hnrnoh and sho was determined to give protec tion to that baby. Faithful Miriam (tho Lord be praised for Miriam) saw tho heart of tho prlhcess roflocted In her face. Miriam had studied faces so much (hat sho could road tho princess' heart as plainly as If written In nn open book, nnd sho said to her; 'Shall I go and get otie of tho Hebrew women to nurso the child for you?' and the princess said, go.' HOW QOD DOES THINGS. "I see hor llttlo feet and logs fly os she runs down tho hot, dusty road, and her mother must havo seen her coming a mllo nwny, and she rnti to moot hor own baby put back Into hor nrnm and sho was being paid Egyptian gold to tuko enre of her own baby. See how tho Lord does things. 'Now you tako this child and nurso It for mo and I will pay you your wages.' It was a Joko on Pharaoh's daughter, paying Moses' mother for doing what she wanted to do moro than anything else nurso her own baby. "How quickly tho mother was paid for these long hours of anxiety and alarm and grief, and if the angels know what Is going on what a hllarloim tlmo thoro must havo been In Heaven when they Baw Moses nnd Miriam back nt homo, under the protection of tho daughter of Pharaoh. I Imaglno sho dropped on her kneea nnd poured out her heart to God, wno had helped her so gloriously, alio must havo said' 'Well, Lord, I knew You would help me. I knew You would tako caro of my baby when I mndo tho ark and put him In it and put It In tho water, but I novor dreamed that You would put him back Into my arms to tuko care ot, bo I would not havo to work am slavo In tho field and maku brick and ha tortured almost to death by fear that tho soldiers of Pharaoh would find my baby and kill him. I never thought You would soften tho stony heart of Pharuoh nnd mako him pay mo for whnt I would rather do than anything clso In this world.' I expect to meet Moses' mother In Heaven, and I am going to nsk her how much old Tharaoh had to pay hor for that Job. I think that's ono of tho best Jokes, that old sinner having to pay the mother to take caro of her own bnby. But. I tell you. If you glvo Cod a clianco, Ho will fill your heart to overflowing. Just give Him a chance. A PLUCKY MOTHER. "This mother had remnrkablo pluck. Everything was ngalnst her, but sho would not give up. Her heart novor falh;i), Sho mado ns bravo a fight as any man ever mude at tho sound of cannon or tho roar of musketry. "The bravest battlo that was overy (ought. Shall 1 tell you where and when? On tho maps of the world you'll Ilnd it not Twas (ought by tho mothers o( mon. "Nov, not with cannon or battle shot, With sword or noblo pen. Nay, not with tho eloquent word or thought From the mouths of wonderful men. "But deep in tho wailedup woman's heart Of women that would not yield; But bravely, silently boro their part Lo, there la the battlefield. "No marshaling; troops, no bivouac song, No tanner to gleam and wavo; But oh, these battles they last so long From tobyhood to tho grave." "Mothers are always bravo when the safety of their children is concerned. "This incident happened out West last summer. A mother was working In a garden and tho tittle one woa sitting under n trco In tho yard plnylng. The mother heard tho child scream; sho ran, nnd a hugo snnko'was wrapping. Its colls about tlin bnby, nnd as Its head swung around she leaped nnd grabbed It by the nook nnd loro It from her bnby nnd hurled It against a tree. Sho Is nlways l.rnvo when tho safely of her children Is concerned. FATHEHS GIVE UP. "Fathom often glvo up. Tho old mon often goc to boozing, becomes dissi pated, takes a doso of poison nnd com mits sulcldo; but the mother wilt stand by tho homo nnd keep tho llttlo band together If sho hns to manicure her finger nails over a washboard to do It If men had half as much grit ns tho women thero would bo different stories written about a good many homes. Look nt her work! It Is the greatest In tho world; In lis fnr-rcnchlng Importance it Is trnnscrmlontly nbovo everything in tho universe her task In molding hearts and lives and shaping character. If you want to find greatness, don't go toward tho throne; go to tho crndie, and the nearer you get to the cradle, tho nearer to greatness. Now, when Jesus wanted to glvo His disciples nn Imprcsslvo ob ject lesson, ho called In a collcgo pro- lessor, clld ho7 Not much. Ho brought In a llttlo child and said: 'Except ye become us one of these, yo Bhall In no Wlso cnlcr the kingdom of God.' Tin work Is so Important that God will not trust anybody with It but a mother. The launching of n boy or a girl to llvo for Christ Is greater work than to launch u battleship. "Moses was a chosen vessel of the Lord nnd God wnnUd him to got the right kind of a start, so Ho gavo him u good mother. Thero wasn't a college professor In all Egypt that God would trust with that baby, so Ho pul the child back In ItH mother's arms. He know the boat ono on earth to trust with that bnby waB Its own niothor, When God sends us great men Ho wants to have them get the right kind of a atart .o He sees to It that they have a good mother. Most nny old stick will do for a daddy. God Is particular about the mothers. GOOD WORKBHS NEEDED. "And so tho great need of this country, or any country, Is good mothers, and I bellovo wo havo moro good mothers In America than any other nation on earth. If Washington's mother had been like a Happy Hooligan's mother, Washington would havo been n Happy Hooligan. "Somebody has snld, 'Gpd could not bo everywhere, so He gave us mothero.' Now thero may bo poetry In it, but it's true that 'tho hand that rocks the cradle rules tho world,' and If overy crndlo was rocked by n good mother, the world would bo full of good mon ns suro as you brcatho. If overy boy and every gill today had a good mother, the saloons and dlsrcputuble houso would go out erf business tomorrow. "A young man ono time Joined a church and tho prenchor asked him: 'What was It I said that Induced you to bo a Chris tian?' Said tho young man: 'Nothing that I ever heard you say, but It Is the way- my mother lived.' I tell you an ounce of examplo outweighs forty mill Ion tons of theory and upcculutlon. If the mothers would llvo ns thoy should, wo preachers would have llttlo to do. Keep tho devil out of tho boys and girls and ho will got out of the world. The old sinners will dlo off If we keep the young ones clean. "The blggeBt placo In the world Is that which la being filled by tho people who nro closely In touch with youth. Being a king, an emperor or a president Is mighty small potatoes compared to being a mother or tho' teacher of children, whether In a public school or In a Sunday school, and thoy fill places so great that there Isn't an angul In heaven that wouldn't bo glad to glvo a bushel of dia monds to boot to come down hero and tako their places. Commanding an army Is little moro than sweeping a street or pounding an anvil compared with the training of a boy or girl. Tho mother of Moses did moro for tho world than all tho kings thut Egypt over had. To tench a child to tovo truth nnd hate a lie, lo love purity and hate vice, Is greater than Inventing n flying machine that will take you to the moon before brea!f fast. Unconsciously you not In motion Influences that will damn or bless the old unlvnrso and bring new worlds out of chaos and transform them to God. "A man sent a friend of mlno some crystals from the Scientific American nnd snld: 'Ono of theno crystals nn large ns a nln point will glvo a distinguishable gtcin hue to 116 hogsheads of water.' Think of Itl Power enough In nn atom to tincture IS hogshchdg of water. There In bower In a word or net to blight a boy, nnd through him, curse a community. There Is power enough In n word to tlno turo tho life of that child so It will be come n power to lift tho world to Jesus Christ, Tho mothers will put In motion Influences that Will either touch heaven or hell. Talk about greatness I "Oh, you wait until you rench tho moun tains of ctomlty, then read the mothers' names In God's hall of fame, nnd Bee what thoy havo been In this world. Walt until you Bee God's hnll of fame; you won't boo any Ralph Waldo Kmersons, but you will see women bent over the washtub. "I want to tell you women, fooling away your time, hugging and kissing a poodle dog, caressing a 'Spitz,' drinking society brandy mnsh nnd a cocktail, nnd plnylng enrds, Is mighty small business compared to molding tho llfo of a child. "Tell me. whero did Moses get his faith? From his motHer. Where did Moses got his backbone to say: 'I won't be called tho son of Pharaoh's daughter?' Ho got It from his mother. Whero did Moses got tho nerve to say, 'Exouso mo, plenso,' to tho pleasure of Egypt? Ho got It from his mother. You enn bank on It he didn't Inhale It from his dad. Many a boy would havo turned out better It his old dad had died before tho kid was born. You tell your boy to koop out of bad company. Sometimes when ho walks down tho street with his father he's In tho worst com pany In town. His dad smokes, drinks nnd chows. I would not clean his old spittoon. Let tho hog clean his own trough, Mosos got It from his ma. Ho was loarned In nil tho wisdom of Egypt, but that didn't glvo him tho swelled hend. START CHILDREN niGHT. "When God wants to throw a world out Into space, ho Is not concerned about It. Tho first mllo thnt world tnkes settles Its courso for eternity. When God throws a child out Into tho world Ho Is mighty nnxlous that It gets n right start. Tho CathollcB nro right when they say: 'Glvo us tho children until they nro 10 years old nnd wo don't caro who lino them nfter that.' Tho Catholics nro not losing nny sleep nuout losing men and women from their church membership. It Is the only church that has ovor shown ub tho only sensible way to reach tho masses thnt Ib, by getting hold of tho chlldron. Thnt'B tho only way on God'a earth that you will ovor solve tho problom of reach ing tho masses. You get tho boys nnd girls started right nnd the devil will hang n crepe on his door, bank his fires and hell will bo for rent beforo tho Fourth of July. "A friend of mlno has a little girl that she was compelled to tako to tho hos pital for an operation. Thoy thought Bho would ho frightened, but sho snld: 'I don't care If mamma will bo there and hold my hnnd.' They prepared her for tho operation, led her Into tho room, put her on tho nblo, put tho cone over her fnco and saturated It with ether, and she said: 'Now, mamma, tnko mo by the hnnd and hold It nnd I'll not bo afraid.' And tho mother stood there nnd held her hnnd. The operation was performed, and when sho regained consciousness they snld: 'Resale, weren't you nfrnld whon they put you on tho table?' She said: 'No, mamma stood .'there and held my hand. I wasn't nfrald.' MOTHER'S" INSPIRATION. "There la a mighty power In n mother's hand. There's moro power In n woman's hand than thoro Is In n King's scepter. "And there Is n mighty power In n mother's kiss Inspiration, courago, hope, ambition, In a mothor'a klas. Ono kiss mude Benjamin West a painter, nnd tho memory of It clung to him through llfo. Ono kiss will drive away tho fear In the dark and mako the little ono brave. It will give strength where there It weak ness. "I wns In n town ono day and saw n mother out with her boy, and he had great steel braces on both legs, to his hips, nnd whon I got near enough to them I learned by their conversation that wasn't tho first tlmo tho mother had had him out for a walk. She had him out exercising him so he would got Usp of his limbs. He wns struggling and she smiled and said: 'You nrc doing fine to day,' better than you did yesterday, and she stooped and kissed him, and tho kiss of encouragement mndo him work all tho harder, and she snld: 'You nro doing great, son,' nnd ho said: 'Mamma, I'm going to run; look at me.' And he started, and one of his toes caught on tho stoel braco on the other leg and ho stumbled, but sho caught him and kissed him, nnd said' 'That was fine, son; how well you did Itl' Now, ho did It bccnUse his mother had eticourngod him with a kiss. Ho didn't do It to Bhow off. Thero Is nothing that will help and Inspire llko a mothers kiss, "K wo knew the baby fingers pressed against I Would be cold nnd still tomorrow, never trouble us again, ... . . Would tho bright oyes of our darling catch the frown upon our brow? Let us gather up tho sunbeams lying all around our path, , Lot us keep tho wheat and roses, casting out tho thorns and chart I , Wo shall nnd our sweetest comforts In the blessings of today, ..... , With a patient hand removing all tho briers from our way." WORLD'S BEST MUSIC. "Thero Is power In a mother's song, too. It's tho best muslo tho world ovor heard. The best mUBlo In tho world Is llko bls-cults-It'B tho kind mother makes, Thoro Is no brnBS band or plpo organ that can hold n cnndlo to mothor'a song. Cnlvo, Melbn, Nordlcn, Enmcs, Bchumnnn-Hclnk thoy nro cheap skates compared to mother. They can't sing nt all. They don't know tho rudiments of the kind of music mother sings. Tho kind sho sings gets tangled up In your heart strings. Thero would bo a disappointment In tho muslo of heaven to me If thoro wero no mothers there to Blng. The song of an angel or a seraph would not havo much charm for mo. What would you care for an angel's sone If thero Is no mother's song? "Tho song of a mother Is sweeter than that ever sung by minstrel or written by poet. Tnlk about sonnets I You ought to hoar tho mother sing when her babe Is on hor breast, when her heart Is filled with emotion. Her volco may not plenso an artist, but It will plcafle nny one who has n heart In him. The songs that havo moved tho world are not tho songs writ ten by tho great masters. Tho host music, In my Judgment, Is not tho faultless rendition of theso hlgh-prlced opera sing ers. Thora Is nothing In art that can put Into melody tho happiness which as sociations nnd memories bring. I think when wo reach heaven It will bo found that somo of tho best songs we will sing thero will bo thoso wo learned at mother's knee, A MOTHER'S LOVE. "Thero Is power In a mother's love. A mother's love must bo like God's love. How God could over tell tho world that Ho loved It without a mother's help has often puzzled mo. It tho devils In hell ovor turned pale It waB tho day mother's lovo flamed up for the first time In a woman's heart. If the devil over got 'cold feet' It was that day, In my Judg ment. "You know a mother hns to lovo her babo beforo It la born. Llko God, she has to go Into tho shadows of tho valley of death to bring It Into tho world, nnd she will lovo her child, buffer for It and It can grow up nnd become vllo and yot hho will lovo It. Nothing will make her blamn It, and I think, women, that ono of the awful things In hell will bo that thoro will bo no mother's lovo there. Nothing but black, bottomless, endless eternal hnto In hell no mother's love. And though he creep through tho vilest caves ot sin, And crouch perhaps, with bleared and blood shot oyer, TTnder the hangman's rope a mother's lips Will kiss him In his last bed of dlsgraco. And lovo him e'en for what she hoid of him. "i thank God for what mothers' lovo has done for tho world. "Oh, there la power In a mother's trust. Surely aa Moses was put In his mother's arms by tho princess, so God put the injn. I jj babes In your arms, as n charge by ulirn to ralso and care for. Every child Is put In n mother's arms aa a trust from i God, nnd she has to answer to qod for the way sho deals with that child. No mother on God's earth has any right to raise .her children for pleasure. She has no right to send them to dancing school and haunts of sin. You have no right to do those things that will curse your children. That babe Is put In your arms to train for tho Lord. No another haa any more right to raise her children for pleasure than I havo to pick your pockets or throw red pepper In your eyes. She has no moro right to do that than a bank cashier has to rifle the vaults and tnko the sav ings, of tho people. One of the worst sins you can commit Is to be unfaithful l OTHER'S RESPONSIBILITY. " 'Take this child nnd nllrBO It for me. Thnt Is all tho business you havo with It. Thnt Is a Jewel that belongs to God and Ho gives It to you to polish for Him so Ho can set It In n crown. Who knows but that Judas became the godless, good-for-nothing wretch he was boeause ho had a godless, good-for-nothing mother? Do you know? I don't. Who Is more to blamo for the crowded prlBOns than moth ers? Who 1b more to blame for the crowded disreputable houses than you aro, to let your children gad tho streets with overy Tom, Dick and Harry of keep company with somo little Jaok rabbit whoso character would mnko a black mark on a plooo of tar paper. I havo talked with mon In prisons who havo damned their mothers to my face. Why? Thoy blamo tholr mothers for their being whero they nro. " 'Tako tho child and nurso It for mo and I will pay you your wages.' God pays In Joy that Is fireproof, famine-proof and dovll-proof. Ho will pay you, don't you worry. So get your namo on God's pay roll. 'Tako this child and nurse It for Mo, nnd I will pay you your wages.' If you hnven't been doing that, then got your namo on God's payroll. You have been drawing wages from tho devil. Why havo you a bleary-eyed, sickly, cigarette smoking boy? Why have you a girl whoso reputation Is kicked around like a football? Why? You havo been working ror the aovli, and see what you have. IF MOTHER FAILS, " 'Tako this child nnd nurse It for me and I will pay you your wages. Then your responsibility I It Is so great that I don't see how nny woman can fall to be a Christian nnd servo God. What do you think God will do If tho mothor falls? I staggor under It. What if, through your unfnllhfulnoBs, your boy becomes n curse and your daughter n, blight? What, If through yout neglect, that boy becomes a Judas, when ho might have been a John or Paul? "Down In Cincinnati somo years ago a mother went to the zoological garden and stood leaning over tho bearplt, watching tho bears and dropping crumbs and pen nuts to them. In her arms Bhe held her babe, n year nnd three months old. Sho wns so Interested In the bears that the baby wriggled Itself out of hor arms nnd fell Into tho bearplt, and she watched thoso hugo monsters rip It to shreds. What a verltablo hell It will be through all hor llfo to know that her little ono was lost through her own carelessness and neglect! " 'Take this child and ralso It for me, nnd I will pay you your wages.' Will you promise nnd covenant with God, and with me, and with one nnothcr, that from now on you will try, with God's help, to do hotter than you ever havo done to ralso your children for God? STORY OF AN ANGEL, "I onco read tho story of an angol who stole out of hcavon and enme to this world ono bright, sunshiny day; roamed through field, forcBt, city and hamlet, nnd ns the sun went down plumed his wings for tho return flight. The angel said, 'Now that my visit Is over, before I return I must gathor some mementos of my trip. Ho looked at tha bs(s, flowera In the garden and said mS lovely and frngrantl' and pluek'ea In? rareBt roses, mado a bouquet and ..u t mill, nntlilTio. Mn, I,. . ....IT. Bn0. Mil grant than theso flowers.' The !( , looked further, and saw a brlahuSf?-, rosy-cheeked child, nnd said, 'Tha T5 ' Is prottler thnn tho flowers: I win i$k that, too,' and, looking behind to , cradle, ho saw a mother's love rS,. ' out over her babo llko a gushing idh? -and the angel said, 'The mother's limC the prettiest thing I have seen: I !hi take that, too.' "' " "And with these throe treasures tti. heavenly messenger winged his flla-hl i the pearly gntos, Baying, 'Before 2 " I must oxamlno the memontoa of . trip to tho onrth.' He looked at the iSl ers; they had withered. Ho looked et ik. baby's Bmlle, and It had faded. He looViJ at tho mother's love, and It shone to sM Its prlstlno beauty. They ho threw in, tho wltherod flowers, cast aside the uttA smile, nnd with tho mother's love creuS' to his breast swept through the nt!. " Intn Ihn nl,v. ihnfilln. .1... . . " thing ho had found that would retain Iti fragrance from earth to heaven li ," mother's love. " 'Take this child and nurse It for ni. and I will pay you your wages.'" Last Night's Sermon STTBJECT: "I FIND NO FATJM WITH HIM" "After Pllato had given Jesus a herlm ho went again to tho Jews. Aecorolni to tho custom, a prisoner could be re. leased at tho possover, Pilate riW which they would have, Jesus or Barn has. They shouted for Barrabns. PHi, went out ngaln to tho mob and said; " 'Behold, I bring Him forth to you that ye may know that 1 find no fault in Him.' John, xlx, 4. "There are somo things In this wotll (Sertnono Continued on Page 7) KELiniODS NOTICES Jewish noDEPII SHALOM (Seek Teace). Services Huturclay. 11) a. m. H. is. corner riroad and Mt, Vernon sts. "UNION IN IHnAEL," by nabbl Henry Berliowltz. All welcomol Unitarian Christianity Tho Unitarian Church Is here be. causo In tho provldonce of God It meets a human need. It can guide without enslaving tho independent soul. It enn Inspire tho thinking of tho educnted mind. It can give an intelligent faith to tho humblest and moat illiterate If they will consider ltB words. It appeals to reason, heart and conscience and blestei every ono that adoptB It Come and rest In the power of It tonight nt tho First Unitarian Church, 2125 Chestnut street. At 7M5 organ recital. At 8 serv ice with sermon by Rev. W. L. Sul livan, of Now York, on the subject: "Tho Spiritual Power of a Liberal. Fnlth." This will bo tho last meeting I tho Week of Special Endeavor at the First Unitarian Church. ' On Sunday evening Mr. Sullivan preaohes In Gormantown. For full notice seo the church column orf Saturday. The Unitarian Bookroom 1815 N. Lognn Square gii liyfeHiii ifiiiEiiiiifltB ine v ictroia is a pleasure that you snou one that you can have Id h ave uoQ Heppe No. 4 Outfit, $19.50 VICTROLA IV S15 Portable style In oak. 12 SELECTIONS, $4.506 10 inch double-face records. TERMS $3 down, $2.50 monthly. Heppe No. 8 Outfit, $44.50 VICTROLA VIII, $40 Portable style with lid in oak. 12 SELECTIONS, $4.50-6 10 inch double-face records. TERMS $4.50 down, $3.50 monthly. Heppe No. 10 Outfit, $84 VICTROLA X $75 Oak or ma. hogany; record racks, auto matic stop. 24 SELECTIONS, $912 10-incb double-face records, TERMS $5 down, $5 monthly. Heppe No; 14 Outfit, $159 VICTROLA XIV large cabinet type, oak or mahogany, special triple-spring motor, automatic stop, 16 record albums. ' 24 SELECTIONS, $312 10-Jnch double-face, records. TERMS 410 down, $8 monthly. There is no reason why this master of all musical instruments cannot be in your home. You need.it for its educational value. You need it for the association that it will give your family with the world's best music. For entertainment it is unsurpassable. There are styles ranging in price from $ 1 5 up. Records cost as little as 60c. And what ever obstacles may have been in the way of your purchase have now been removed bv , HEPPE Victor Service Victor prices are alike all over the United States, but at Heppe's you can buy at the cash prices, and settle either in cash, or charge account, or our .rental-payment plan,, whereby all rent applies to purchase with no charge for the privilege. Vlctrola IV Vlctrola VI Vlctrola X Vlctrola VIII Vlctrola XIV Vletrolq IS Vlctrola XVI f Write for large Illustrated catalogues. In jianQ$, remember we have the Heppe patented thrte-tounimg-board inetrumente and the world-famous Pianola, L J a rihtl rHi GL DkJVH 6th and Thompson Streets Heppe No. 6 Outfit, $29.50 VICTROLA VI $25 Portable style in oak, 12 SELECTIONS, $4.50-6 10 inch double-face records. TERMS $4 down, $3 monthly. Heppe No. 9 Outfit, $59 VICTROLA IX $50-Portab1e style with lid in oak or ma hogany. 24 SELECTIONS, $912 10-inch double-face records. TERMS $5 down, $4 monthly, Heppe No. 11 Outfit, $109 " VICTROLA XI $100-Oak or mahogany, automatic stop, large record compartments. 24 8ELECTJON8, $912 10-lnch double-face records. TERMS $8 down, $4 monthly. Heppe No. 16 Outfit, $209 VICTROLA XVI-tMSest of Victrola made all standara finishes extra large, triple spring motor, automatic stop. 20 large record albums. metal parts heavily pUted with gold. 24 SELECTIONS, $912 JO-lnch double-face records. TERMS $10 down, $10 monthly. . 1 1-J -IM '1 a 1 t.K 4fl! m a t .-' n,4 a. Pfl WEAR 3ft iTK3ffij