f EVENING LEDGER- PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. 1015. OFFIGIALS "CRACK" SAFE OF MAN WHO HAD FUNDS OF POOR State Bank Examiners Open Strong Box of Accused Missing Building and Loan Secretary. Th secret behind the closed doors of the big safe In tho office of Jacob Kels ler, 413 South 5th street, tho secretary of the eleven building and loan associa tions who has disappeared, leaving with tho Ravings accounts of hundreds of poor people, according to tho police, will b revealed this afternoon. Officers from tho offlco of State Banking Commissioner Smith will go to the offlco and tho safe will be cracked by an expert. II ndicds of people, who toll In fac torkb and dingy sweatshops o oko out il meagre living, anxious to know how much of their small snvlncs was taken atwiy by the secretary, stijod about Kelslor's offlco today. The pln.ee was besieged by these persons, seeking Information as to their accounts, but they could learn noth ing. The books of the association Into which they put their money wcro locked In the safe. These books nre their only source of Information. It was decided that the. sate must bo opened utter Deputy State Banking Com missioners had visited Kelsler's ofllco this morning. The commissioners want tho books to go over the accounts of the eleven building associations of which Kelsler Is secrotnry. Members of Kels ler's oltlce force refused to open tho safe this morning. Claims against tho man will amount to more than (CU.OOO, It Is said. A large portion of this was money that poor icsl dents of tho district saved from small salaries. Somrj1 of them old men hnd put a few dollars away n month to take cure of them after they were unfitted for work. Many also have valuable papers In the safe and until It Is opened they will not know whether they remain Intact. Among Kelsler's victims art. a number of men end women who years ago were his pupils In a Hebrew religious school at tached to a South Philadelphia syna eogue. Search is being made by the pullco for Kelsler, to arrest him on a wnrinnt charging forgery and embezzlement Ills whereabouts Is unknown, mid his win: who still keeps open tho 5th street ofllco, assuring the hundreds of poor creditors that her absconding husband will surely return, says sho decs not know where ho Ib. A subpoena summoning Kelsler to tho United States District Court In Involuntary bankruptcy proceedings wim served today upon Mrs. Kelsler In tho nbrence of her husband. The police are now searching for former chnuffcurH of Kelsler, who. It ' bmicv.-it. may throw considerable light upon his whereabouts. Persons living In tho neigh borhood say he had several servants und lived luxuriously. Ono man. whose name Is Schrecklor and who lives In the neigh borhood, said .-clsler left with $20,000 of his money. He added that his Jewelry was "wonderful." Kelsler Is alleged to have obtained much of the money It is claimed ho has stolen by forging tho name of oillcers of the building associations of which ha was secretary to mortgage and promi ory notes. He had no trouble getting money on these. On one, however, ho made a mistako In forging a name. Ho j Ja conveyancer of the Sixth Street Building nnd Loan Association, and Isaac L. Stern Is secretary. Instead of signing the name of Stern as secretary to the note he signed his own name. The mistake was caught up at the People's Trust Company, where the note was pre sented, and nn investigation followed. HEAR DEAD FRIEND'S VOICE Dlctophone Speaks for Departed Member of Last Man's Club. A mecaage from the dead was hoard at the second annual banquet of the Last Man's Club of West Philadelphia hold stt Kugler's last night with 11 of tho 12 original members present. Tho voice jf the man who has died since the unique association started two cars ago was Itrard from a dlctophone record. Hla va cant chair was decked with flowers by his surviving associates. A document signed by all the members contains an agreement that all moneys and records of 'the club shall go to the last surviving' member. He will take possession when he sits down alone to. the last banquet after all his friends nave been called by death. No officer of the club can succeed himself or hold the same office until all the other members bave had a term. The members of the organization are Dr C. H. Chain. H. O. Torboes, J. C. Ltebfrled. J. M. Sturgls, E. R. Jones, A. W Meyers, Leroy Smith, J. H. Llebfried. M, F. Walton, O. B. Johnson and Udwnrd Bhuster The member who died was Ed ward Shaster. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. For eastern Pennsylvania.; Snow to night and Saturday; moderate to fresh north to northeast winds. For New Jersey: Snow late tonight or on Saturday, Increasing barometric pressure has caused a moderate decrease In tempera ture at most places In the northeastern portion of (he country during the last Zi hours A disturbance that Is central over eastern Texas has spread northward over the central valleja. causing gen eral precipitation, with a rise In tern perature on its advance, and colder In the Plains States west of its centre. A sharp drop Is reported from most of the west ern Canadian provinces, and the tem peratures are comparatively severe In !?.?? P',?cu?' The Southwestern storm will probably move Into the Ohio valley JhUJnit tho next 24 hours and the precipi tation area will spread to the coast U, S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Qbrvtloa made at 8 a, m. Eastern tin).. last ftafn. Station. Veloo. ;.n'2,fnnl.hy.wth.r AbJtene, Tex. o,n. n't, Atlattllo City ., rharoerck- f. J. &UtGll, lliu . . Huttalo. N. r... Chicago, ill. ... Cleveland. O. . . fcenver, Celo .. Ij Uolnte. la,. Detroit, Mien.. . lJuluth WJno. . OtlMHlM ttx . Una, kfolit...'. uro. O P.. . Jjsksenvllle, F M. Jkj&s &bu.m RitaMfcalS ... t r-ssssfe-.: n rwt6d, .:. ia l Iwhind Ore. 9? 3: Oklfa Cjui. 3 T. M 91 t Paul. Mina ng'p San Pun 1ik ij Jf 3eall.'it , M -two i H...lfrji i J.ij.fejfc - " ', S ,9 -SI BP 8 Cloudy i I feT g m r A p& 8 -.; 9 U ii J .so n i fiSSS i -Urn ft4r ft" 4 R K a SUdy' , 8 i 9?" l HE 1ft SOw' j R SsWudy tv McKENTY'S "ttOYS" MEET SUNDAY Continued from Page One a Christian life over after there was much furtlvo tear wiping among the men. But this morning's sermons did not rench the convicts nlone. There were vis Itors there, grouped about "Mn," notably Mrs. Horace Kassett, Mrs. Louis Crozlor, Ir. nhd Mrs. Itoscnblatt, Judge .1. Willis Martin and Miss Martin. Miss Kitty Brln ton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. Carver, Jr., and the Misses Cohen and many of tho members of the board of Inspectors of the penitentiary. They, too, npplnuded, especially when "Billy" thundered- "All God wants a man to do Is to tlvo on the square, If ou don't you get In trouble. You know that. If you defy tho laws of nature you will hnvo to tako your medicine, and If you defy God's law you will have to do tho snmo thing. "Tho fool Is wise In his own eyes that's why he Is n fooll That's why a fellow loses at three-card Monte, that's why tho rubo buys the gold brlrk ho thinks he knows It all. A man Is a fool who thinks he can beat flod. "If we can get men to think right they'll act right. If wo all thought right tho devil would bo In thp hospital In six months. It's wrong thinking that makes a man a drunkard and a scoundrel. If you think wrong you'll net wrong, that's a cinch I "Don't get discouraged. If a fellow wants to do rlcht ha enn find nlentv will ing to help him. If he doesn't, he can find plenty to help him the other way, too. Think right, that's nil-do that otid everything will come out nil right." AUDIKNCn rMPItESSED. At this point ''Hilly" became conscious that his nudlenco was straining every tmisclo to catch every word he uttered nnd to watch Ids face. Ho Instantly leaped upon the table behind which ho had stood. "Sorry I didn't think of this before, hoys," he shouted down tho long corri dors. "I guess you can nil see me now, though." "Billy" brought his nddress to a closo with a prayer so ardent, so whimsical nnd so earnest that his midlence ran tho entire finnitit of human omotlons before ho con cluded. "Oh, Clod," he shouted, "make these men remember what they used to bo when they wcro helpless children. Lot them remember their mothers' piuerH. "Clod, let them leave hero nnd sny, 'flood-bye henn soup, good-bye mutton stew, good-bye keepers and (-tone wnlls; I'm going to llvo right with God from now on ' And, oh, God, help them to do It help them." !t w.io t.ien "Undoes" turn ii'mI ' 'nl the men In Ringing some of the tabernacle songs ho had tanght them bo foie Mr. Sunday began his nddiess. GIFT J-'IIOM NO. 5271. At this point a "trusty" jumped on tho platform and presented "Hilly" with n framed copy of the Loid's prayer, carved In wood by No. 5271, with a penknife, and presented by the Penitentiary Association. "Hilly" wns touched. Tears camo to his eyes as ho aimed to his audience. Then ho said: "Come on, boyo, let's bow our heuds and say it, every ono of us." And then the walls of the great building reverberated with such a volume of prayer ns has never bcfoio been heaid thoic. Many of tho men who had never prayed before stumbled on repenting the w ords. Mis. Sunday nnd her three children, Mrs. Helen Haines. "Hilly" Jr. nnd I'util, rntiiiiiei1 from Atlantic City last night. Tonight Mis. Haines will leave for her home, in Chicago and William and Paul will go with her as far as their home, Winona Lake, Ind., where they will re sume their studies. Mi?. Ocorgo M. Sunday nnd her baby, tnc cvanscllbt's grandson, will arrlvo cither m Sunday night or Monday to spend some time with the fnmlly nt 1014 Spring Garden street. Sunday afternoon and night Mr. Sunday will preach to men only In tho tabernacle on "The Devils Boomerangs, or Hot Cakes Oir tho Griddle." At 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon there will be a meeting for young women In the Metropolitan Opera House, nnd one for older women In tho First Regiment Armory, Broad and Oallowhlll streets. Mis. Sunday Is to speak at tho latter and Miss Frances Mill will be tho speaker at tho former. "Qllly" Sunday's Sermons and 7. on Panes 6 EXPLOSION ON U. S. CRUISER KILLS FOUR Continued from I'nca One tho accident have yet reached here, the naval authorities merely announcing that tho "matter had been reported to Wash ington." Tho San Dleffo had Just completed a four-hour speed trial. She had been mak ing 21.45 knots an hour and It Is believed her machinery hnd been put to a severe test. It is believed that In tho excite ment of tho speed trials possible neg ligence on the part of the crew resulted In tho wnter becoming low In ono of the tubes In the fore boiler. The San Diego left La Taz on the Lower California coast for Acapulco on Jununry 19. It Is believed tho explosion occurred somewhere between these two points on tho west coast, although, the exact location was not given In dispatches received hero. Tho San Diego Is the flagship of the Pa cific fleet. Hoar Admiral Howard having transferred his flag as commander of the raclflc fleet from the West Virginia to the San Diego on November 23. She car ries a crew of S-2 men. HEROES RESCUE CHILDREN Father and Policemen go Through Smoke and Flame. Three children who were asleep In n tenement house at 701 Buttonwood street this morning were carried to safety by their father nnd Policeman KranlcK, of the 10th and Buttonwood streets station, when a fire started In the house. The policeman saw smoke coming from the place and dashed In, He met Abe Ilabinowltz, the proprietor, and the men staggered to the second Btory front room, where three children were sleeping, and carried them to the Btrcet through the smoke and flame 'filled hallway. The Are was caused by a defective flue. It was extinguished with small loss. TODAY'S MABBIAOE LICENSES Jiobert Thorn pion. SOS Wood it., and Mary L Jarksoo, tiuS Wood it. eianlilaw Buchvlerkl, 2000 Nawcomb St., and Helena UIMcka. ZOUONtwcomb st. Josct Valendeurlci, 28,1 Poplar t., and Julia liaiur. at3 Poplar st. Alexander Krajtwikl, 703 8. Front St., and Anltla Kapuita. Tt)3 H. Front at. (Harry Hofnlck, 123a Day at., and Francta C. Turualty. 173T Day at. Louis H. Sullivan. 1423 Wharton St., and NO- lla O'Nalll, XtU Wharton at. John Polek, HU Bllttrwood at., and Anna Dula. 131 Coruiaroe at. O. Liyrnca Warwick. 5.VH Media, at., and Mary E Oram. MOT l'arpnter at. Walter S. Itutoy. SOM Tutntr at., and Jwlo Jaokaon. 1V3& Nlcholaa at. Benjamin Uallard, 1331 S. 10th at., and Lavlna II Henry 11 N. loth at. Bunoa Patteraon, 42U Kalrrnount ava., and Kancy W Warwick, 13 N. 4 tat at. John E Keena. KX Lombard t., and Mamia L. Johnun. 1603 Lombard at. lymiaiu T Fltigaraid. 101 S 31th at, and Mamie Payata. 101 S Still at. Pfuland liftr, B Orange, HtJ.. and Edith llilnor. Tl ri. Jeaaup M 'William A Uoodman. Newport, It. I., and Vilma R. Jotmaoo, H B. filth at. Walter T 'arrljn 2010 S. lath at , and Ma rie K Bibmidt. 1119 W. Paaayimlc aire. Jlarry Butterworth, 128 Pejbam road, and Sealrtse B. JfWyd, Wayne ave. and Homer it. Jo&ai NewadoAkia, U12 Buttonwood at, and Werontko AulotawalU, 1213 ltuttonwood at BuW C Xrhardt Bcranton, pa , and Lur S Harvey, gcraston P. OUtMrt FeWMUr KM N Prankljn at, end Ansa .toiUr 72J N 7lh at KJward inSrairacy R77 N tkh L, n4 Itoma (tswfiw. on uj e Tfs T&2& liulatE AVaV a Rrf IT rV tSSS e. CAFE PROPRIETORS WARNED IN COURT AGAINST CABARET Law and Order Society Will Not Tolerate Combination of Intoxicants, Shows and Dances. I). Clarence Olbboney, president of the I.nw and Order Society, appearing bo fore Judges Cnrr nnd Uavls In the license court today, served notice on fashionable hotels In the ccntro of tho city and all other places whero liquor Is sold, that tho society of which he Is tho head nnd tho police of tho city will not permit them to hnvo cabnrct shows and dancing as long ns they sell Intoxicants. Ho was backed up In this by William J. Cooler, attorney for the Bureau of Police, who declared at tho rlooo in' court that unless licensed liquor deal ers, Irrespective of whether they operated fashionable downtown hotels or neighbor, hood orncr saloons, abolished their night entertainments and cabaret shows, that action would be taken at the next term of tho Llccnso Court to revoke their sell ing privileges. This notlco wns served after llvo saloon keepers, ngalnst whom remoiiRtrnnccH had been filed by tho Law nnd Order Society nnd tho l'ollco Hurcau, promised tho court to dlspenso with tho cabaret features of their places. It was charged that tho sa loons ttoie conducted In a manner con trary to law, that tho proprietors permit ted objectionable cabal ct shows, which at tracted dlsoiderly pfrsons of both sexes, nnd that liquor wan sold to mlnois. COUItT HOOM PACKHD. When court opened this morning the room was packed with saloonkeepers, members of tho vice squad, of which De tective Charles Lee Is the head, detectives of the Law and Order Society, a half' doren young women less than 1G years old, subpoenaed ns witnesses against tho accused bnloonkeeperB, and many Indig nant neighbors. Accusations had been brought against (he following five enfes: Tho Palm Har den. c:'J-33 West Olrard avenue, conducted by George E. Miles; John C. Hermann's Ilnthskellnr, 1217 Woet Columbia avenue; Mrs. Helen H. Laubach's saloon, Marsh nil street and Glrard avenue; Mrs. Han nah Itogers' saloon, noi thwest corner 10th and Cherry streets, and John McDonald's saloon, at Oth and Cherry streets. Ab their names were called out by tho court clerk, tho saloonkeepers or nr, attorney renresenting each place, took their places before the bar and promised to ellminnto tho objectionable featuies of their sa loons. In a letter, Mrs. Helen Lnubach prom ised to get out of tho liquor business hs soon as possible. It said: "I have labored hard and earnestly to make my place a success nnd never knowingly permitted any misconduct or violations of the law of any kind. 1 hnvis discontinued the cabaret show, closed fie cafe on tho second lloor where It wns con ducted, and will get out of tho business ns soon as possible, as it Is not the busi ness In which a woman should be engaged I hnvo not a dollar In tho world outsldo of the buslnebs, to which I pledgo myself to give personal and special nttention, and will conduct same in accordance with my promise without cabarot or anything of tho kind until such time ns I cm) sell and transfer my license to somo per son satisfactory to tho court." In commenting on Mrs. Laubach's let ter. Judge Cnrr suld: "It Is n very sensible letter and tho writer manifests the proper spirit In relation to the futuro conduct of tho place." CAQARCT IDEA ASSAILED. Mr. Olbboney, who was ready to pro ceed with tho cases, then denounced nil amusement and night entertainments as provided by cabarctfl Ho particularly assailed tho higher priced and mom lav ishly appointed places In the central part of tho city, but did not mention tho names of any of them BOY KILLED WHILE TARGET PRACTICING WITH REVOLVER ohn Robert LeWyk Wager-Smilh, of Darby, Meets Death From Father's Weapon. John Robert LeWyk Waeer-Smlth, a 17-year-old student at the 'William I'enn Charter School and eldest son of 11. AVager-Smlth, a structural engineer and contractor, hot himself through the brnlu with a revolver at hla home. Marshall Iload and Yycome avenue. Upper Darby. The bullet went entirely through hl head and lodged In a well behind, resulting In the Soy'B death Ave hours later. The accident occurred about o'clock yesterday afternoon, . short time after young Wager-Smith, who was accustomed to lire-arms, returned from school and was preparing to Join his brothers nt target practice on the ground surround ing hta father's place. Mrs. "Wager-Smith, who was In the house at the time with Mrs. Catherine Robinson, the housekeeper, heard the report but was afraid to make an Investigation. The housekeeper found the lad lying on the lloor with the revolver beside him. It was tho property of hU father, who kept It hanging on a nail In hla bedroom. The family physician coUld do nothing to save the boy, who died without regaining con sciousness. The bullet, he found, hud taken an upward course through the right temple to the left side of the head and Imbedded Itself In the wall. "It la very sad," said Mr. Wager-Bmlth. "He was my oldwt boy. We had all driven to town In my car earlier In the day, aa we used to do dally. When he got to Mth atreet after school he called up for hla machine, which waa brought over to blm. "The boys had been accustomed to shooting at targets and John was fa miliar with rny revolver. I kept it hang ing on a nail In my room for Mrs. Wager-Smlth'a protection when I was out of town. "After examining the room I have come to the conclusion that my son must have been cleaning the revolver and one of the shells dropped out. He probably had his finger on the trigger unconciouly When he atoeytexl over to pick up the dropped cartridge the revolver wat off and the bullet atruck hi baud as a bent over close to Uia floor," ELECTION At ARCH 23 TAYLOR'S DEMAND Continued from Vntti One buslnets men said they would not submit to n hold-up In the plans for rapid transit and that this fact would be brought clearly nnd forcefully to the attention of every member of 'Select nnd Common Councils, MASS-MBETING'B TRIUMPH. Those who fought for the first appro priation of $.-00.000, pnssed yesterday by Councils, are Hushed today with victory. The action of Councils wob called a per sonal triumph for every man of the thou sands who helped register tho will of the nnnntn liv nl tftlrifncr tlm irrpflt niftSSmePt- lng at tho Academy of Music January 14, It also wns called a triumph for thi EvMNlNrt Lkdobu, which has fought for the consummation of the transit planB Insistently, Through the columns of the Rveninh LewiKn tho whole question of rent ropld transit nnd the full plans of Director Taylor In nil their ramifications have been set fairly nnd squnrcly boforo the people. At tho mass-meeting the cttl ssens responded. The first pnrt of the battle was tho hardest. With one victory to their credit the supporters of transit sny they cannot bo hnlted, but they may be delayed If there Is any "let-up" In the light. It w.is pointed out that those who wish to mako of transit a political question had not yet surrendered nbsolutely. It was declared necessary to drive home ngaln the fact that Philadelphia had determined to have inpid transit. CAN REqiN ON LOOP JULY 1. Actual work on tho subway loop con necting with tho new Hroad street tubo will bo started by July 1, If Councils obey the second mnndntc of the people and pro vldo for the speclnl election In March. furtive attemntB to create tho Impres sion thnt this work cannot he stnrtcd for n full year, until the relocation of sowers Is completed, nre being made. Director Taylor started his fight for a March speclnl election Inst night before the Miirkot Street Merchants' Associa tion and representntlves of the Walnut and Chestnut Streets Business Men's As sociations nt a dinner nt tho Ulngham Hotel. DHtECTOn TAYLOR'S ADDRESS. "Philadelphia has taken an enormous leap forward In the great constructive Jiiogrntu she Is about to embark upon," ho snld. "She Is about to tako up this work by grace of your City Councils, who hnvo given my department $300,000 to be gin work, and passed Ihe ordinance giving me authority to start the work. "As soon ns Mayor Hlankenburg signs the ordinances passed today, 1 shall ad vertise for bids and let contracts, and the work will start March "0. "Vhpn the people of a great city de mand the right to express their will at n special election, that light should be given them or they should learn tho rea son why It Is not. "The most difficult part of tho transit work has hen iiccomplishca. Wo have given tho clly n great money-making scheme, and we will operate It In con junction with tho existing systems, If thev so desire, but If they do not Phila delphia should not and will not be bound to the will of any corporation. Let w be men and assert our rights and we wl'l succeed." Director Taylor announced thnt ho had contracted for 2."iO,000 buttons bearing the Insignia, "I am for the transit plan." Ho asked that every citizen wear one. The association ngreel to distribute 6000. The first reproduction of the buttons appears today In the Evkniko Lcdoer. The buttons themselves will be neat and dignified In appearance, only flve-cIghthH of an Inch In diameter and finished In tho city's colors. Tho upper and lower sections will be set off on a background of gold, with tho words "For tho plnn" In blue. Tho centre band will bo on a hlun background, with the word "Tran sit" In gold. Plans for tho distribution of the but tons hnvo not been agreed upon as yet. While only 2T.0.OO0 hnvo been purchased. contracts will be given for thousands more. CECIL CHESTERTON HERE; CALLS AIR RAID BARBAROUS English Journalist Guest of Catholic Historical Society. Cecil Kdward Chesterton, whose reputa tion abroad Is equal to that of his elder brother, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, as pub licist. Journalist and lecturer, believes that n rapid termination of hostilities in Eu rope would bo of vast benefit to the United States. Mr. Chesterton Is In rhll ndelphla ns tho Buest of tho Amerlcun Catholic Historical Society, havlnc re cently becomo a convert to Roman Cath olicism. Mr. Chesterton declared that the recent air raid by the Germans on his country was barbarous, but thnt it was Insignifi cant and had no value an a. strategic measure. Ho Bald ho believed there was a Croat deal of truth In the reports of atroc ltlt on tho part of the Germans. Mr. Chesterton lectured Inst night on "New Forces In Kngllsh I.lteruture," In tho auditorium of tho Catholic Girls' Hlrrh School, nnd declared that Klpllnir had fallen far below his old standard and wns rapidly declining In power. Ho was enter tained nt dinner at tho Bellevuc-Strat-fcrd by the nev. William I.allou, presi dent of the Catholic Hlstotlcal Society. 60 BABIES AT TABERNACLE Checked in the Nursery Adjoining Big Auditorium. All records for Infantile attendance at the "Billy" Sunday tabernacle were brok en today when ut I o'clock, an hour und a half before the services started, CO Infants of varying ugea had been checked In the nursery udJolnltiB tho big -auditorium. Policeman William Gooding, who had charge of the entrance to the nursery, wk3 tho busiest of all the bHie'coata han dling tho "Mothers' Day" crowds, and the thousands who left their little ones at home were nnturally curious to see the children checked In the nursery. Those In charge of the children had no difficulty. The nursery Is provided with piles of sand In which the little onei Played happily. Miss Margaret Clark Is chairman of tho Nursery Committee to day, Mrs, A. R. Isehler, superintendent of the nursery, und Mrs. Sarah J. Bell, the chief matron, all took an nctlve part In seeing that the youngsters had an en joyable time and came to no harm. SEES XT. S. "DRY" IN 1016 Congressman Hobson Alsq Asserts Belief ln Wisdom of Big Navy. "The only rational plea as to the na tlonal defenses of the United States Is to have an Atlantic fleet of such size that It can at oil tlmea control the Atlantic Ocean against any European Power and the Pacific Ocean against any Asiatic Power- We alao want an army equal to the task of backing up the navy." This was the solution offered last night by Congressman Richmond p. Hobson, of Alabama, after an address on "Tem perance," delivered In the town hall at Jenklntown. Congressman Hobson as serted liquor entails a waste of J12.6O0.000 annually and that national prohibition would be In effect In 1919. Dies In Coughing Spell LANCASTER. Pa., Jgn KDuMng u violent coughing- pet Mrs. Christian lierr, P0 ymn old, burst, a Uoedvaeael, dying in a few minutes from Internal aemerrbexe. FAMILY, NINE DAYS IN 'QUAKE RUINS, IS TAKEN OUT ALIYE Victims, Near Death From Thirst and Hunger, Owe Lives to Excavation Under Home. ItOMR, Jan. 22. The members of nn en tire family, who hnd been Imprisoned un der tho ruins of their homo for nlno days, were taken out alive at Pesclna today. They owe their lives to the fact they had been penned In an excavation under their home, where thoy had been able to move about to some extent, but they were suf fering from thirst nnd hunger when found and four were unconscious. Soldiers had heard muffled cries coming from the wreckage several days ago, but during the last 43 hours thoso members of tho family who remained conscious were too weak to call out. Many soldiers were wounded nt Sora, Avcno, Celeno nnd Pesclna, It was learn ed, by tho earthquake shock that caused further ruination In the stricken towns yesterday afternoon. Those hurt were digging In the ruins In the hope of finding other victims of the quakes who nre still alive. Queen Helena has ordered all the refu see children photographed to assist In Identifying them nnd finding their parents. BIG EARTHQUAKE RECORDED; 350 MILES FROM BUDAPEST Seismograph Shows That tho Shocks Wore Severe. BUDAPEST, Jan. 22. Scvero earth quake shocks, apparently occurring about 350 miles from here, were recorded on the Budapest seismograph early today. The seismograph showed that the shocks were very violent nnd heavy damage Is believed to have been done. MOTHER PROVES A MAGIC THEME Continued from l'aur One to tho cradle, and the nearer you set to the cradle, the nearer to creatness. "I want to tell you women, fooling nway your time, hugging nnd kissing- a poodlo dog, caressing a 'Spitz,' drinking roclety brandy and mash and a cocktail, and playing cards, Is mighty small busi ness compared to molding tho life of a child. "Tell me, whero did Moses get his faith? From his mother. Where did Moses got his backbone to say: 'I won't bo called tho son of Pharaoh's daughter?" He got it from his mother. Where did Moses set the nerve to say, 'Kxcuse me. please,' to the pleosure of Kgypt? He got It from his mother. "You can bank on It he didn't Inhale it irom ms dad. Many n bov would ' have turned out better If his old 'dad had I uieci oeioro 1110 kid was born. You tell I your boy to keep out of bad company. Sometimes when he walks down the street with his father he's In the worst com pany In town. His dad smokes, drinks and chews. I would not clean his old spittoon, I,ot tho hog clean his own trough. Moses got It from his mo. He was learned In all the wisdom of Kgypt, but that didn't give him the swelled head." MEETINGS AT NOON. Tho services for the day began at 10 o'clock this morning, when hundreds of persons attended the neighborhood prayer meetings In prlvnto houses In all parts of tho city. At 11 o'clock Miss Frances Miller and Miss Florenco Kinney con ducted the hair-hour meetings and busi ness women's luncheons at the Chambers Wyllo Memoilal Tresbyterlan Church, Broad nnd Spruco streets, and In the First Presbyterian Church, 7th street und South Washington Square. Noon meetings were held In eight fac tories. Choirmaster Rodeheaver spoko at the Ford Motor Company's new station at Broad ntrcet and Lehigh avenue. Mr. Crown conducted the services at the H. T. Palste Company, 32d and Arch streets, nnd Mr. Sunday's assistant. Doctor Emett, addressed an enthusiastic gather ing ut the H. D. Justin & Son's plant, at 32d and Spring Garden streets. Many em ployes of the Lion Yarn Company, at 60th street and Baltimore avenue, attended the meeting under the direction of Mrs. Stov er. 'Mr. Stover addressed the employes of William Sellers & Co., at ICth und Hamil ton streets; the Rev. Mr. Welsh spoke at 5th street and Glenwood avenue to the employes of S. I Allen & Co., and Mrs. Asher conducted nt William H. Horst mann's, 5th and Cherry streets. Jack Cardiff was given a warm reception at the P. It. R. R. Y. M. C. A. annex, at 15th and Filbert streets. At 1:15 this afternoon Miss Gamlln will conduct a meeting for boys and girls In the 11th Baptist Church. At 4:30 Miss Grace Saxo will conduct u meeting of the Bible class of the Trinity Lutheran Church at Queen Lane, Oermantown. nnd Jean II. Lamont will have charge of the Bible class In the Broad Street Presby terian Church, Broad and Oreen streets Mrs. Asher will conduct the services ri the Pennsylvania Hospital, 8th and Spruce streets, nt 8 o'clock this evening, BUSINESSMEN SUBPOENAED TO APPEAR AT BANQUET Legal Looking Documents Berved on Guests by Postmen. If you found a letter among your morn ing's mall with the official letterhead of the Magistrates' Association stamped In the lefthand corner, and on tearing It open found "subpoena" In big black let ters staring you in the face, would your heart skip a couple of beats? Many Phlladelphlans found a communl. cation of this description after ths posl. man's first visit today, and upon recall. Ins their misdeeds of the past 10 years or more summoned up sufficient courage to peruse the slnlater document. The rest of the summons was found to be a command to attend an entertainment and banquet extraordinary of the Phila delphia, Delaware, Chester and Montgom. ery County bualneas and professional men at the Windsor Hotel, on Thursday eve nlng, January 28. The subnoenas are faidmii.. nr .v.. -. flclal document and would strike terror- w p at'v'.v. .c.i (?m iy- me, vulcla! seat This has the leas fearful motto "R. B. V. P," the only feature of the summonses not found on the others. The invitations are Usacd by C. Bcott Rick-art RECORD CLASST0 LEAVE SOUTHERN HIGH SCHOOL Sixty-five Students Will Be Gradu ated Next Thursday. Commencement exercise of the South ern High S6hool 111 be held In tho audi torium of the school, at Broad and Jack son streets, next Tnurstiay. uixty-nve studonls will be graduated, establlihlnar a record at that school. The program for tho commencement exercises has been left entirely to the members of the graduating class. All the addresses wilt be made by graduating students, with the exception of the fare well address, which will be delivered by Doctor Whltnker, the principal of the Southern High School. Graduates from the Manual Training course flrm Nathan Anloneon Allen King Charles Llnnky Frederick Meyers William Poiner Harry 8aU . Martin Shapiro Herman tyeonnnl Silver lMvlu Yulsmnn Itnrrv Itarnb Frank llnwden Harry .llraunsteln lMwarH Drill William Cohen.. Fulton llallowell William Irwin Samuel Joseph Commercial rourko. Nntlinn Anothaker Stephen rtaiiicrian Walter lletaon Maurice Cohen . Anthony irAnnelo Myer Kclnetcln finmutl (Iroia Richard Hill I.ouls KMnEBbtre Itaymonil Knob Solomon I.ocka Acmtfrnlo course: He Mel llerneteln Ijuls lierkloy Max Chnrner Hymsn Coane Hrrmen Cohen Joiepli Flcchpr Louis Domenhoft Harry Kulman Jnhn Olullano Michael Gold, Woolf Golrtbenr famucl Clililmsn Thomm Ilarrle Clarence Johnson Isadore Looser Onto .Mnsalda IMwnnl Mllner Nelson Npnmark Albert Owens tleorso ruts nenrati Itolh Enmuel Rchwatte Fred Thlos Mnx Wahrhaftlg Jacob Kaplan Jacob Levin Jo.iciih Mnarnth Davl'l l'atrhell Morris Hoot Samuel Itoeen llnrrv lliibln Jnarph Hlonlmnky Martin Bokotorf Maurlie fiurman Paul Wllnon Maurice- win Hon William Zearfuss. ROBBERY VICTIMS ALLEGE RAILROADING OF CASES Complain They Were Given. No Chnnco to Testify. Germantown's police rorco nnd victims of thieves In that section nnd Logan ex pressed disgust today at the action of Judgo Sulzberger in calling for trial five young men against whom tho Grand Jury had found 12 Indictments without n single witness being present. Tho men nre Michael Gallagher, Theo dote Jay, Frnncls Hnlpln, Lewis Linn nnd Max Goettnor, tho latter accused of re ceiving and disposing of stolen goods. Jay, Halpln nnd Linn wcro sentenced to six months, In spite of a request by Spe cial Policeman Corry for a continuation of tho case until witnesses could be sum moned, according to Director Porter. The cases ngalnst Gallagher and Goett ner were held over. Charles Peberdy, pro prietor of a Germantown knitting mill, and James Lowhmayer, superintendent of the Sherman Manufacturing Company, Germantown, both of which plants were visited by tho prisoners, It is charged, declared today that no notice of tho trial was sent them. At the time Mr. Peabody appeared be fore the Grand Jury, ho says, he waa told that he would bo notified when to ap pear to testify ngaln. Ills mill nnd his garage were robbed, he declares. No witnesses were subpoenaed by the dis trict attorney for the trials, nccordlng to the police and Director Porter. BRUMBAUGH PLANS GREATER STATE COLLEGE Governor Expects to Make It Great Agricultural Teaching Centre. HARRISBURG, Pa , Jan. 22,-Under the administration of Governor Brumhnush Mnto College ultimately Is to becomo the great agricultural tenohlns force of Penn sylvania nnd tho State Department of Asrlculturo is to bo a purely administra tive office. This was Indicated by the Governor this moining In an Intel view with newspaper men. Governor Brumbaugh said that ns yet he had Riven no thought ns to tho future direction of tho farmers' insti tutes, now under the contiol of the De partment of Agriculture, but gnvo It ns IiIb opinion that the newly granted Fed eral aid to be used by tho Stalo for the teaching of agriculture In Pennsylvania should he expended through tho agency nnd under the direction of Stnte College. Under the present order of things the Department of Agriculture Is doing a great cducutlonnl work, mnlutalniii :, through tho direction of the State Eco nomist Zoologist, 1700 demonstration orch ards and Riving dolly aid by correspon dence nnd weekly newspaper articles to thousands of farmers. Tho Governor did not say whether or not ho would disturb this arrangement, but declared that thcie waB a vast amount of Important police work for tho department to do, nnd that under the agreement he proposes the Administrative and educational functions of tho department and the college would dovetail perfectly without any of the present ovetlapplng. This Is tnken In official circles ns pre liminary to Important changes In the manner of conducting the agricultural affairs of the State. Govornor Brumbaugh said today that he hopes to have ready for submission tn tlm Hennte next week a number of nomina tions, but that few, If any, of the ad ministration bllU will be ready to be In troduced In finished f Jrm during the com ing week. DOCTOR AND FORMER PATIENT CONVICTED Peacemaker Escapes Unscathed In Assault and Battery Case, A peacemaker escaped unscathed today In Quarter Sessions Court before Judge Walling In a double-barreled assault nnd battery case In which two men accusing each other were both convicted. The men held guilty are Dr. Charles Cloud, of U North COth street, and John F, Beam, of 6223 Olrard avenue. Sentence 'n each conviction was deferred. Doctor Cloud's wife wbh the cause of the argument. He formerly was family physician to Beam and Mrs. Cloud fre quently called at the Beam home, On October .11 the physician went there, and Andlng his wife ordered her home. She refused to go, so he pulled her ear, It was testified. Beam remonstrated and things bean to happen. In rapid succession a rifle and the peacemaker were brought Into the struggle. The rifle was broken over the head of one of the contestants. Each aeouaes the other of having wielded the weapon, and It as Impossible to deter-, mine which was right. Walter Beam, a brother of John, was the peacemaker. He succeeded In separating the two men, and" was rewarded by a charge of assault and battery peferred by Doctor Cloud. Walter Beam was acquitted of this charge by the jury which found the other men guilty. Another battle, the sole am munition In which waa talk, was staged In court while the trial was on. Counsel for Beam commented on the fact that Dr Cloud had not brought his wife to testify Counsel for Pr Cloud made acrimonious answer and the debate was flourishing when Judge Walling terminated ltD? informing the jury that Mrs. Cloud ooUid not be jxpeeted to feel friendly toward husband, whether he wm rllo?" MOIA, WITH CARfif) INSURED BY U, MOM SAIL IN FEW HOURS WarRiskPolicvWr,,....., j '"uienbyi vauvcrnmeru Bureau op 11.000 Bales of Cotton & amp s tlold. BRITAIN TO SEIZE DAr.iA. MAY BUY JT8 fiARoo Great Britain' nttltmt ..i . . tlon, rcoardlno S "ttcllt ship Vacta arc tinted tn th 1 ?rlte Strife Department. ' ,'7.n COntlCCHoil With the rfln.( of tho Dacta from the nriLJultt the American jta th flrtej ernment, while anxlau, to SSi causing iom to the ahLer. rift cargo, have found it mtfoill'l, nrrco that the transfc) "InthnJ1 cumstaiiccn in which it km tSL, feettd Is valid In acLr7aTX the accepted principles of 'ii tlonal law. If, therefore, the SSI ihould proceed to sea and .ffl telH find thcmtcvci obliged tW the ship (apart from ihTearlolt0 fore the prize court ' M "It Is stated that the cargo 0 , Dacta Is to consist solely of col a. owned by American eltlien, ;5 Is so and If thc vessel should tM lured the nrtllsh Govcnmcntn guarantee cither to purchaia ti. cargo at the price which ti'OuMJW been realized by thc shippers II th, cargo had reached Its foreign dc, filiation, or, If preferred, thai trt-l undertake to forward thc cotton i Rotterdam without further aeoni to tho shippers." pemt GALVESTON, Tex., Jan. 22-Thi unoia is reaay to sail and hsr com. mnndor Is waiting only for final orderi from the vessel's owner, Edward N, ' rouung. 11 is oeueved ahe will get away before night. WASHINGTON, Jan. a The steamship Dacln, with hercarjoot 11 W1 linlna ..' Hav.... m.1. .,vw t,.i,i.a ... av.uo uuiiuii ana wttn tut n Rt.nm nml Vtrlnna flvlnr. rmm l. i...i, .-.. . ...,.. ..,.., ,,u, ,lu, uuuaii, Is due to sail In a few hours on the first lap of her voyage to Rotterdam. Tn'i statement wns made ut the TreaiuryD. :, partment Inst night, after Iho War nlrt'' Insurance Bureau had written a policy cl ,' Innnrniif.o ntrnlnat thi rlqlra nt tu nn A the cargo. -. Outsldo tho thrcc-mllo limit, somewhere In the Gulf of Mexico, a British cruiKr l' Is waiting to seize tho Dacla and conroy her without delay to the nearest Brltlih ' prize court. Tho Dacla will hardly tje -. compelled to cross tho Atlantis before ih , Is placed in court on charges that Ihe II :' fundamentally a German ship and that , the transfer to American registry wis not bonntldc. There is a prize court at Hall. fax, N. S., but tho ship could be convoytd to any prlzo court In any quarter of the Umpire. The Treasury Department cave out fit following statement last night: "5 "The Bureau of War Risk Ireurann win rrrnnt tnRtirnnre on the carro d s 1.H nlnntitDliln Tlnnln frntn ftnlVMtnn IflUfl Itottcrdnm. After careful consldrallM'. or tno matter me conciumon mura ... ,. .1.. .. ... i. tnai upon tnc mcrua ui uos uo mo - Biirancc should be granted. It muit be f understood, lowcver that this Act nil7-j establish a precedent nnd that each out of a similar character that may ulu mjst be Judged upon Its merits." Tho Insuranco premium on the Dacli'i cargo was said to bo 4 per cent. Thn formal accentnnce of the DcU ns an American ship by the United Btttti j Government Is expected to give ner ;, prefoncd status In tho British prill rnllrtit. The risks nenlnst which the Unltd States Government has Insured the earn nic condemnation ny a ueiuseteni fw j court, loss or dnmnge from thc atwrw 4 of bclllKorcnt warships and Ueitrucuoai by a mine or llro. RUSE TO BEAT SHIP BILL SUSPECTED IN DACIA CASSi WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. - Domocrstls Sonntom promotln? the ndmlnletrstloti shipping bill suspect thnt the pmr.rt, forward of the Dacla caso la a ruie tfj tho enemies of the bill to discounts purchase of German ships by the UO" finnianf nii.l rl,.f.nt tin. lllll. Senator Stone, chairman of the Fof'Ry Relations Committee, today saw; vi "This case might enslly pe prcenu w. tho pilze courts in such n munrer 'Jj! oualy to embarrass our Hovernuran 1., wo should come to the more direct WJ " ter on. I do not know all of tho ftcui Mirroundlne the casu of the Pacl. -, do know that thlnss are not nlJJ'Jj whnt thnv Benin on the Surface. fil'I, n,. unmallmi. rtr.Wi.ntPtl hthlnd & nUB. "Tho enso of the Dacla will ftnl)rrai .... r. ........ 1., ,.. ,rav nr the other. Henntor Townsend. of Michigan, opposing the ship purchise dm. . yy this theory: .JjS "That suggestion Bounds llko a twwjj up from thn White House. I can W understand why thoy shuiuu 1 : create ti Btntlment that the DofU "; Is not a fair case on which p 1 the rlcht of thc purchase ot oem-" ships." FEAR STRIKE TROUBLE Officials Besent Return of Accuwij "Denutles" to Roosevelt, Tinnai.'VTj'r.T w .T.. Jan. &W"" criticism of the action of Sheriff HoJ&, ton In continuing on their jobs tne " private detectives already arre"1 .... u urni eioriMW HinimRUtiiiicr viiw.bv '- - h"e .... . hall ciirsrl with responsibility for the klUIff J .Lj attmcio """ ' v ' train Chemical Works here, have been r w In aBaln as "deputy sheriffs,'' T' fM paid by the corporation, and """chitl protean of Jlayor Jiermaii" "'".t tt( of J'ollce Harrington, 01 "";",:" '-uiu Sheriff put them back Inside of tnJ p. t.U UU9 fat? BWSS ' -"- when the bodies of the two dead.in are brought from Ell !' TJ. ,ni era Plan a aemontn"' :y- - jrunmen back nere," saw -' ", u mann today. "Is like waving In the face of a mm i -- trtkMf eeem like a design aU'e ' &r"1 1 to riot In order to justify ' V.? mesa! ' ll the horror and outrage of last Tuw DIRECTOR ZIE0LE8 ) TArATi YAY At th. annual meeting of the Op J moiogicai """ v'"nTawU ZJw' slolans last night. Dr. f. Jww Director of Health ana """", ft elected chairman. a" ? MW Crampton was re-elected ur if QK Inurestlu ease were howl naJ4 B; br of UraM iMpt " fore the ueeHee.