MSTRA - ...... n.OATtt- orenmg isiri meager FRIDAY January 22, 1915 PERSONS AND PLACES THAT FIGURE IN THE DATS NEWS ASJRECORDED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER il ' v & &m tafc V' ;"; F r&atf: ma w m. ,-i-V V && P-' vs.; V.VJ '?,? -s -' T; M7 S&3 . , , v j ;- s-sfi V.?", V-V; re- , ..if& ?IL Kc: Wh it - " HfrTr'': &?,..,' ;&.iVf - H' ,Zd. ' ' s - t A.v ; , Sntfb&sgix r" -jsaA eaasateMSSJaNi SS jWBJKS.- g3SSfe SW" v 5mwi SSS" (3 - '-" 'tr asfr-"?. $$ K'V WOT fSii fe- naS-1 vi' l fe :2,0'Ktf 'A. t' 5te .JKwS!.'S. am :"f';.! . tytLmWto, v IWilnC.w ifAfjyttttb JjwiWM -&! ,5 r nfH t? SVf1 ' ! ; : iS 1 rv- ry :ffl& . imm , v .-. 4 f if , riy .. ' .: .. .. 'jt?$&w X- Jtr A j- 'C'- '$ I'lioto by Underwood & Underwood. GYROSCOPE STABILIZER TESTED IN HYDRO-AEROPLANE FLIGHT Lawrence Sperry, son of the inventor of the device, thrilled an early morning crowd in New York by flying feats over New York Harbor as n test given for tho benefit of U-!,-i States naval officers. The photograph shows how easily the machine rests on the water, from which it can take wings again. H&fStfSf cvms scivr "V y . f. J 'vv?ri masm T Sfc A f ,. m .. s 'IWi i ultra 5!3l rss7v . W S'v'.'f J TU'(. L'?j urn mmi Si- y a-.srj K&S? 3-i Vjj W, TESTING NEW FIRE HOSE Inspector Boland, second from the left, and agents of manufacturers watching pump apply 400-pound pressure. a i ! Ssj&ffS IS EfS?- aw ii -.VsrsS ft"? -y5 Photo by Ctlnedlnat. DR. EDWARD E. PRATT Appointed chief of the Bureau of Foreign and Do mestic Commerce at Washington. He is from Illinois and is known as a statistician and investigator. t s VI w .8V. W&k"-" -z 'gli 5 k itts. ss BsiMFOjgicsF-giilBi WAn't wwYv.wyte,A' ?if I ". '-.. r . r-ci . ,.4i?i.'v A LESSON AT THE FIRE SCHOOL Chief Gilbert, of the School of Firemen, imparts some instruction regarding the new fire hose as tested on a hydrant at 7th and Somerset streets. Passersby stop to pick up some pointers for themselves. ENGLISH TOWNS HAVE BEEN OVERRUN BY FLOODED RIVERS, TOO This picture might have been taken along the banks of the Delaware a few days ago, but it represents a scene fn Bray, England. 3S Ats$ m. av PARIS WOMEN. INFLUENCED BY WAR, PRACTICE SHOOTING AS PASTIME As the war goes on, shooting galleries are springing up all over the French capital. fr (WES '&! a ,S w -, -, vy J '- . 'xm r fH&JgiA ."" " ;.-;: , t r-Y --- i .$ PfZjrss" :' ?' k:'js. r .-.' ' ' . v -. . rtvt -, ; -, ' ',' i VI . i; r & iotyHW? DISGRACED BY SERVIAN VICTORY Ctnermt Potiorek was commander of the Austrian Army of the South Willi be nut disastrous defeat at the hands of the Serb soldiers, who .. jaUitd after being drivea out of Belgrade. RUSSIANS BLOW UP A GERMAN UNDERGROUND MINE BY COUNTER MINE This Illustrates one of the Incidents of the kind that serve to break the monotony of trench warfare Into which the European struggle at many points has degenerated. Russian sappers who discovered the enemy layina a bie land mine dug out a tunnel beneath It and blew it up while the German! were still at worfe Fboto tr Bli MOTHER TO THE NATIONS MINER "Mother" Jones i a tending the hearings i ol the Federal Industrial Commlftlon la New Voffc, II