Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1915, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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Business Below Pine Street
Keeps Values Firm.
Owner Awarded Damages
for Grade Change.
It Is Impossible to overlook the In
creased Interest manifest In realty on
SJ street from Pine to South Btrrct. The
products business tins grown tip on each
Ido of; the street In connection with the
old market houses which stilt romtiln In
lha middle, with a car track on the east
and a wagon road on the west.
During market hours nil is buetlo and
Activity, the carB going out I'lne street
being severely taxed to carry tho house
holders with tholr baskets, the same con
ditions being noticed on !d and 3d streets.
Tho following sales dlseloso 'alucB on
tho thoroughfare!
WOO Slav 15 152 South 2d street, lot
n bv S.1 feet IT (ICO
Mm, iSnv U 120 South 2d jtrtrt. lot
IS by M feet 8,750
lfKOT, November W 101 Pnuth 2d trM.
lot KW ry TO fnot, wse1 J2.VJ0O.
into ,..25.000
Idtl. December 21 Itr, Bouth 2d ftret.
lot x ny i- ii. mree iorv nnu aiuc
ntcre and dwolllnB. nM by S. T. Free
mon ft Co., apefrp,l $700" for WIS 1.1,000
int?, March 12 tin South 2d street, an-.,
newfcd n.-0 polrt.for 1.1.0OO
1012 March SftIW South 2d ptrrrt. lot
12 A feet by irrcEtil.ir. lureMeil JH00O tor
10U5 "too
IMS, rocrmbfr 4-Gno Houth 2d street, lot
1 by 70 feet sold ror 10000
IIiot Janunrv IP-BOO South 2d street, lot
20 by 100 feet. J J
WOT. December W Sime. rold airnln .... 0...00
1911, June 21-52 South 2d street, lot 20
bv 100 feet 13.6CO
1012, September 12 GO South 2d street.
lot 12 hv 70 10 feet - 0,000
lt 2.1 fort by Irreiulnr. ilweltlnx rntsto
A. J. Culver, eolil by 8. T. Freeman
At Co. for , 12,500
1007. September 27 fi02 South 2d strtet.
lot 10 0 bv !7.0 'eet "00
1D10. July 0-ICO South 2d street, lot 21.8
fpet by lrreitular ....... t u.,'0o
KHO. Rentember in-noi South 2d e'reet.
lot 10.0 bj 07.11 feet 17,,00
Tho locality Is strongly held today nnd
Is feeling the Impetus of tho Improve
ment of tho Rclawaro Itlver nnd the
widening of Delaware avenue. 'Trust
companies are putting largo amounts of
money on mortgage Into the section. The
feeling is strong that values are on a
firm basis.
A very Interesting cobo to holders or
real estate lying within tho zone of a
section where a change of grade has
taken place, not however, In front of tho
property, Was tried in Common Pleas
Court No. ' yesterday before Judgo Carr.
Tho property U at 3334 North Gratz
street, and the owner contended that his
holding was decreased in valuo by tho
fact that the grado at tho Intersection of
Gratz and Westmoreland streets was a
drop of nine feet and that this grade ex
tended to 3330 North Gratz street, where
by a gradual diminution It ran out. Tho
alley to the west of his property and ex
tending to Westmoreland street had be
fore come out practically nf grade. After
the change of grado 17 steps were re
quired to get Into Westmoreland street
The alley to tho north was unchanged.
Experts were called who testified to
lower prices as to properties and rentals
after the change of grade. Messrs. Lister,
Myers and Calvert fixed tho loss In value
after tho change of grado at from 'M
to J750.
Messrs. Bfassey, Flood and Crout testi
fied for tho city to the same valuo. The
city was represented by Glenn C. Mead,
and tho railroad by Mr. Graham. The
owner was represented by Kvan B. Lewis
and Frederick F. Wlndle. The Jury
brought in a vordlct of $100 damages to
Both sides claimed they had given con
sideration to the removal of the dan
gerous grade crossing, the city witnesses
claimed It was of benefit to the property
under consideration. Witnesses for tho
owner said It was a far-reaching public
benefit, iut could not be reduced to n.
claim In money, against owners of nearby
property. LESSOR.
Prominent Speakers to Address Gar
rick' Theatre Mass-meeting,
Prominent suffragists in this city are
among thoso Invited to occupy boxes at
the "War Against War" mass meeting to
bo held under the auspices of the Equal
Franchise Society, at the Garrick Theatre
on Sunday, January 31, at 3 o'clock.
Among those who have been Invited are
Mrs. Isaac Clothier, Mrs, George Burn
ham. Jr., and Mrs. K. Q. Halllgan as well
as members of the Council of Jewish
Elaborate plans have been made for tho
affair. Several prominent speakers have
consented to talk and make pleas for
peace In the war now enveloping Europe.
Inez Mllholland Botssevaln and Rabbi
Stephen S. Wise, of New York, will make
Philip Goepp has arranged an extensive
jpusica program. Ho has written an an
them for the occasion, which will be sung
by Mr. Henry HoU, of Lansdowno.
Many suffragists will make a tour of the
city a day or so before the meeting and
distribute circulars announcing it, Ad
mission will be free and the publlo is
to ms to senve it ot
oNce Hes THgRe we'u ' rr t u c-s-i i v.. nccar- ( iM uas v 'tw,m mwmm r n -m
oncg. Hes THeae- we'ct.
I i . . i i
Zudora Is I'lt nn orphan at an tarlv
age. Her father is killed in a potd jnln
he has discovered. Half nn hour after
learning of the death of her husband, Zu
dora's mother, a light rope icalker wild it
cli-cn, l tilted with i erttgo, lallt, and a
Zudora and, the fortune from the mine,
tchlch later plotet to bn icorth IH.Mi
ill, are left to the guardianship of Frank
Kerne, a circus man nnd the brother of
Zudora's mother. Zudora, otitnn promise
of great beautv, reaches the age of .
The untie, tcho has set himself tip ' n
Hindu tnuetlc, nnd is fcnoion as Itaitam
Ml. decides In nU greed that Zudora mint
die before she comes Into possession or her
great fortune, so that It mow be left to
him ths nctt of kin, and he prevails upon
the girt to leave her money In Ms hands
three vears lonner and to sau nothing .?.
oiiw onf afcont the fortune, ltnssnm Alt
see nn obstacle to his seheme (n the per
son of John Worm, n ioun7 latcner for
wham Zudora has taken a faneu, and he
eommrni'lf the girl to put the man out of
her mind, fttorm comes to aik Itassam
All for the hand of his nleee. At first the
crystal (rnrr v'tll net Itslen to the pro
poial, lut Zudora diit.li Ihil if she can
not marry Warm she icW marrw no one.
"Wrl. well," said llassam All, "If von
take such n stand I'll compromise. Solus
my nert SO caves and iou can marry
him: fall In n single case and iou mmr
renowwen Mm "
Zttdnra, using the knowledge gained
from wars of association u-IIJi her uncle,
unravrh a sertci ofJinCIIng masteries
To prevent Zudfwa' elopement irith
John Storm. 1'nssilm .111 ennnfles clothes
with Ifu Chlintl, n'Chinese htipnotlst.
Zudora Is kidnapped and put In a secret
room of the Chinaman's house.
CHANG entered Mllln' automobile, nnu
a plain clothes man recognized his
faco nnd Immediately warned Storm nnd
tho other ofllcers to watch Cong's
house. Chang ordinarily would have
kept away from his home, but ho was
weak and tired nnd wanted nay, needed
the solnco of his poppy pipe.
Arriving home, he at once conferred
with Hnssnm All and was glad to learn
that Zudora had been confined to tho
walled room. At dawn Mme. Du Boy
would convey her to tho ship that was
to sail for Cherbourg. From there they
would drop doun to Marseilles and sail
for Hong Kong. Zudora Tralnor would
never be heard of ngaln.
"I think that before I smoke I will seo
the young lady," said Chang, smiling.
Hnssam All smiled, too. In his mind's
e-ye he was counting up the enormous
pyramids of gold coin. He would build
himself a palace close to Paris, and no
prince In Hindustani would rival him In
luxury. Yet luxury would require tho
spending of these pyramids; and straight
way his enthusiasm grew cold and died.
"I hear automobiles," ho said suddenly
and with apprehension.
Chang placed a hand to his ear.
"And ,they are stopping in front! I
will tako care of the girl, and see that
you play tho part of Wu Chang well.
This is a critical moment. It may bo
tho police. Speak softly and kowtow as
often as they ask questions. Your
make-up In this light will fool them."
"No; you remain and let mo go to Zu
dora!" "Fool! I am master here. Do ns I
With that Wu Chang ran toward the al
cove behind which was Zudora's prison.
Hassam All swallowed with difficulty; ho
was courageous only when he was sure
of results. Mme. Du Boy had already
vanished. Ho was alone. He rouwed his
will and subdued his shaking knees. A
bold front for a few moments, and tho
dlfllcultles would he surmounted.
Tho bell began to ring violently and
Immediately after there followed a furi
ous ho mmerlng Storm, furious with
anger and fear.
"That won't do nny good, Mr. Storm,"
advised one of the detectives. "There'll
bo better hammering than that pres
entlythat Is, if Chang has had a hand In
this abduction."
"But they may bo hurting her!"
"That'll mako tho hammering all the
better," grimly. "Ha! Some ono at the
door; old Chang himself, I should say.
Tho door opened nnd whnt looked like"
the bland face of a cultivated Chinaman
peered out at them from the half-opened
"Gentlemen, what Is this?"
"It means, Mr. Chang, that wo will
have to search our huue. Urileis"
"And for what?"
"This gentleman hre." nnd ' ''-
tectlvo indicated Storm, "claims that you
abducted a young lady this evening, and
that she Is here."
A low chuckle followed this statement.
'This evening I was at the Delhi hall. I
have Just returned. Abduction? The
young man is mad. Enter, please, and
Hassam All was doing very well. con.
slderlng the state of hlo knees.
Storm and the detectives crowded past
hlra and Bwarmed about the house. There
was a good deal of unnecessary rucket.
As Storm was passing the alcove he ntop
ped short, convinced that ho had heard
a cry. Ho listened Intently, but heard no
further sound. Half an hour later the
detectives trooped back to their taxis,
their previous convictions that Wu Chang
waB a good Chinaman stronger than ever.
"She lfl in that house," said Storm
stubbornly, "and I'll get her out alone
if necessary."
The detectives shrugged commlserat
Ingly and took solace in cigars.
Storm had heard a cry. This Is what
had taken place behind the alcove; Chang,
curious to learn what Zudora would do,
brought her back to her senses, and,
reasonably secure in this haven from out
side Interference, passed his hands be
fore her face. Over his shoulder peered
his assistant, his beady eyes blinking
at the beauty of the prisoner.
Slowly Zudora returned to the world.
The faces looked down at her were sufll-
fc SI fopewhK ) ''Mil1 ' ' rScTZZZr &Acrc im iowin-ww, 1 i 1 IgSSS gf "l
sr ', UrfcN-liH n n 111 I " MR. TRAFFIC, l uao& jrmwsmsi TH , ' 4yiy, ? WNb - 'I 1
m r TH6 NAM6 fl'll Ve OOTAJ H&fQH M 9 I 1 W i II 1
J AVA!1 r-VOcy WERS FOR TmiTBJlIifl mWfS MW VW '' I Hi U ll J
clcnt. Sho gave a cry. And this cry
Storm heard. Instantly Chang nnd his
assistant seized her nnd bound nnd Bag
ged her. Then the oriental tried to throw
her buck Into the trance! but h failed,
for Zudora was riot taken unawares this
time. She was bewlldeicd nnd could net
dream what had happened since that mo
ment she had started for the ropo which
hung from her boudoir window. Tho two
wills fought for n minute, and then Wu
Chang stepped back, Blghlng. Ho hnd
wasted too much power that night. Tho
glrl'B mind was now free, however well
her body was bound,
So ho left her for tho night. At dawn she
would bo oh tho high scan. Tho sooner
the hotter, so far ns he wns concerned.
When thnt liner drew out of her slip
ltnssnm All would place In his hands
IftlO slilnllig disks of irnbl. Hut tho nn-
I Bwcr to a telephone cnll nt dawn dis
mayed wu Chnng. Tho liner would not
sail until 1 In the afternoon. Ships do
not nlwnjs sail on scheduled time.
Ab for Storm, ho did not tnko his
clothes oft nt nil, nnd ho was something
of a wreck when ho nto n meager break
fast. Ho had hoard Zudora call for help
as pl-ilnly as If ho had seen her. He
thought and thought, nnd finally, recall
ing certnln curious features In Wu
Chnng's house, fell upon what bo believed
to bo the true solution, A secret room,
behind that alcove, from whence tho
voice had come' He seized tho telephono
nnd muted out half a dozen grumbling
detectives. Storm was ji coming power;
n turn of the wheel might lift him to
tho position or District Attorney, and the
detectives wnnted to be on the right side
of him In that event.
Ther" wns a bit ot bluff In his declara
tion that lie hnd been mysteriously ap
prised of the fnct thnt thero was a hidden
room In Wu Chang's house and that Zu
dora was there. The detectives wore still
To return to Zudora. She was still as
Chnng had loft her, bound, gagged, help
less. There was only one bit of consola
tion: her mind whh her own. Through
a small, high window outwardly giving
the appearance of belonging to tho next
house the sun poured in brightly and
warmly. She gazed about ongcrly, en
deavoring vainly to find something sharp
upon which sho could saw her bonds. Tim
room had been fnnd evidently Ftill was)
a kind of seclusion for Wu Chang when
he desiied to puisne his modes of culture.
There was a table upon which stood a
reader's magnifying glnBS nttaehed to a
frame. Quickly Zudora calculated the
rays of the sun as the Inspiration came
to her. Sho was quite oblivious to the
sudden sounds coming faintly through the
wall. If she could but reach that table'
Fortunately sho was not bound to the
chnir. She ros slowly and took short
llttlo Jumps, balancing herself nicely. It
she stumbled nnd fell, good-by liberty or
the chance of it.
It took three minutes to reach tho table.
With her elbow sho hitched the glass so
that tho sun fell full upon It. Instantly
the book beneath emltttd n bit of smoke
Zudora turned about so that this burning
ray became focused upon the hempen
cords. Sho felt the smnit and sting of
flame upon her wrists. But that was
nothing. Tho ray was shriveling thp
rops; sho could smell It! Sho strained
suddenly nt her wrists and was free! It
took but a moment to untwist the rope
nnd tear away tho bandage.
Pistol hhots!
She listened. A pounding began to take
place against the vall outside. Her lover
had found her!
Storm nnd the detectives had entered
unceremoniously this time, and a ino bll
of warfare ensued. Chang lost his tempet
and In doing so lost his liberty. Ho
drew a knlfo and sprang at Storm with
all that deadly fury of an nngry China
man. A lucky bullet from one of tho
detectives saved Storm's life. Seizing a
handy object. Storm began to beat In tho
wall of tho alcove, even while the des
perato battle between tho detectives and
the Chinamen raged fiercely about him.
When tho battle was over and Chang
was In irons they got into Zudora's prison.
And they found! a trap under a mat, and
below they found the sourco of Mr. Wu
Chang's fortune thousands of cans of
opium. And still further below a big
room half filled with the devotees of
the drug.
Later Hassam All sat In his mystic
room and heard from her own lips Zu
dora's remarkable advanture.
"My child, you hud betcr give up the
struggle. In some manner Chang ha
heard of your fortune nnd kidnapped you
for ransom. Walt until you nre 21. You
will still be young enough to marry
"I have concluded to go to tho end.
I am determined to solve these 20 riddles,
because well, because I begin to find
theso adventures the most fascinating
things In the world."
"Very well, my child; but remember
that I have warned you."
No sooner wns sho gone from the room
than he set to plan somo now deviltry.
But for two weeks ho trembled. Chang
might speak. But Chang never spoke.
His bit of work for Hassam All was of
small consequence to other crimes that
were unearthed within that fortnight. Wu
Chang was not born to die In a cell.
A llttlo black pellet In his mandarin's
ring opened the way out.
(Copyright, 1014, by Harold McQrath.)
A no-called "Forgers' Trust" compris
ing a band of some 20 or 30 criminals
whose work extends from coast to coast,
Is operating In Philadelphia, according to
Detective William J. , Burns, who Is In
Philadelphia. While the detective would
not state definitely the amoun of the
losses Incurred In this city, he said mem
bers ot the gang had been operating ex
tensively In Philadelphia for the past
two months.
The Fraternal Society
department will be published in
the Evening Ledger on Monday
and Thursday of each week. A
large part of the news this week
appeared yesterday.
Blacksmith Says Rich Man
ufacturers Here Employ
Labor in Other Places to
Save Expenses.
John F. Tobln, a blacksmith, Is out of
work. Ho Is president of tho Interna
tional Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and
Helpers. Today he had no hesitation in
slating Just why ho Is out of work. Ho
"The rich peoplo of Philadelphia are
directly responsible not only for tho fact
that thero oro 1C0O blacksmiths out of
employment In Philadelphia, but ns well
that they aro bo miserably off. If the
blucbloods whose wives and daughters
head these relief committees und get
their names In the newspapers a dozen
times a day nnd shine In society and tho
churches aB being devoted to chailty,
talk nbout us worklngmcn being consid
ered by them as their fuilou-l'u.uim
beings, would rup their mills nnd fac
tories part time, say four days a week,
making nonpcrlshnblo goods, they could
nnd would relieve the situation.
'.Men with millions won't do that,
though. They won't turn a wheel, but
k-tp tho plants closed down nnd let the
thousands starve and conspire towar'd tho
continuance of tho depression.
"I know the situation In this city, and
I know that there arc some hundreds of
mills that could be operated profitably on
part time. Do thnt and the bread lines
will dwindle away like smoke. Keep up
present conditions and the bread lines
will get longer and longer.
"Tho worst offense against the welfare
of their own city and Its wage-earners
Is the custom of somo of the makers of
machinery, practically all of them, to
have many of tho parts of their mnchlnos
manufactured at small towns up tho
State where the hours of work are from
II to 13 hours a day and tho wages $1.75
a day. Figure It out: $10 50 a week for
7n hours' work, $11 for a month of four
weeks, and $316 a year.
"Metal workers In this city cannot com
pete with that sort of labor. But there
aro several mills In Philadelphia that
mnke Just the castings nnd parts that
these country mills turn out. But are
they running these days? They aro all
closed down, fiecauso the rich owners of
tho big mills that uso the parts and as
semble their machines will not pay a
penny or two more, buy homc-mado ma
terials nnd help tho high-class laboring
man of Philadelphia keep the wolf from
the door,
"I say thnt tho people who selfishly and
deliberately contilbuto toward this fam
ine of work and food ought to bo shown
up and condemned for tho benefit of tho
Tobln made this statement In nnswer
to the query why so many motal workers
are out of work. Ho believes tho situa
tion hopeless for a good many months.
Angus Mcl.eod, n Scotsman, who has
been working in shipyards hereabouts
hut Is driving ono of the begging wagons
at the Galilee Mission, In answering the
same question, said:
"I worked ot the shipyards at Spar
rows Point until the Job was finished.
The boss was satisfied with mo nnd was
a good friend of mine. Just before the
Job was finished ho told mo that I better
look for a new Job because there wouldn't
be any more work for he didn't know how
long. I tried tho Cramp yards nnd the
New York Company, hut wns told they
were laying off their best men nnd didn't
expect to take on any more maybe until
after tho war.
"When I wasn't earning anything I
couldn't send any money to my wife nnd
two children In Aberdeen, so I camo hero
where I can get a bit to eat and do some
thing to pay for It."
Well-known Physician Succumbs to
Dr. D. Bruce Rlchnnls, a practicing phy
sician, died last night nt his homo 1741
North 10th street, from an acute attack
of Brleht's disease, lie was lone; a suf
ferer from chtonlc gastritis.
Doctor Richards, who was 47 years old,
was graduated from Jefferson Medical
College In 1S9I and for a short time at
tended tho medical school of tho Univer
sity of Pennsylvania, lie was also a
graduate of the Philadelphia College of
Pharmacy. Doctor Richards was deeply
Interested In the study of bacteriological
diseases and was preparing to have pub
lished a series of articles on the BUbJcct
when he was taken 111.- He was affiliated
with several medical societies.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., Jon. 22. Prof.
Andrew Wheeler Phillips, author and
formerly dean of the Yale University
Graduate School, died Wednesday at his
home here. Wo was graduated from Yale
In 1873 and from Trinity College, Hart
ford, In 1576. In 1S77 he received the de
gree or Ph. D, from Yale, and from 1877-
St tie was n tutor there. Ho wiw presi
dent of the trustees of Hotchklss School.
I.akovlllc, Conn., and n trustee of the
Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven.
NOHFOLtf, Vn, Jan. Kludge John
Dudley Brown, the Virginia Judge,
whose humor Walter Kelly, Hie come
dian, made famous on the vaudevllte
singe, died In Newport News Wednes
day after n long illness. Ha presided
over the police court In Newport News
for years.
UATVriMOUE, Jan. 22.-Dr. A. T, Shert
zer, retired United States navy surgeon,
died at his home hero today as the re
sult of nn nttnek of heart disease.
AKNOt.I). On Jnnuary 21, loin, KATH
AIUNB. wK of Philip N. v.rnoM (nee Abrn
(isms) n(re,l 2' yfnrs. Relatives nnd friend
nr Invited to attend the funeral nervlces, on
Bunds', u! 2 P. m.. nt her late residence, 4010
Oreen hl.. Uermantonn.
miA'j i
On January 20. 101B, iviluah
,!r, Fon of William and Arneta
v. l'unrrnl service,! on Saturday,
Do.l KtJtty
at ll in at hU ,arcnta' residence, 3123
Wnlliiro at., West Plillft.'clphla. Interment
nitOOM. On Jnntiiry 21, 101B, ANN,
nldnw of S.imuel Uioom. , Funeral eervlcea
on lTUlay, at s . in. precisely, at her son-ln-liw
residence, u, D. Kin, Jr.. 213
pt Wyoming ave., Oermantown. Inter
ment prhntc.
IlltnoM.M,!.. On First Month 20th. JAMES
TH'.oO.MAl.l.. In his 7.'.th year. Itclatlca nnd
friends aro Invited to attend tho funeral, on
Seventh-day, t'iret .Month 2.1d. at 10 o'clock,
from his Into roddence, Chcyncy, Delaware
i uiinty, Pa Cnrnagea will moot train tcailnir
Broad St. Station nt 8:21 u. m. nnd Weal
Chester nt 23 n. m. Interment at Middle
town Friends' llurll Grounds.
IIHIINTON Muddenlv, on Jnnunry 20. 19115,
HOllEHT HUUNTON. Funcril aorvlcea nl
1S11 North St., on Saturday, nt 1:.10 p. m.
rncclioly. Interment prhoto
lllili'l'IIX On Jnnunry 111. 101B, KATlt-
AK1N12. widow of Antone liucttel. Kuneral
mi Haturdny, nt U n. nt., from K23 Chestnut
it., cumden. N. J. High Masa at St. 1'eter
und St Paul Church, at 10 .10 o'clock Inter
ment t.nivnry i vmeier.
CANNON, On Jnnunry 10, 101S. THOMAS
V.. hurband of Kntherlne 11. Cannon (nee
McLautlilin). Fer.ernl on Pnturdny, at HMO
o. m., from 20:17 West Arizona st. Interment
at Hnly frore Cemetery.
CAKTY On Jnnunry 21. 101,1, MAHOAnnT
daiiKhter or tho late Patrick nnd Catharine
firtv, of County Leltbrlm, Ireland. Funernl
nn Monday, nt 8:'l0 n. m., from tho npart
nientn nt nllver 11. H.ilr 1Q20 fheatnut at
IIlKh Mnas nt St. Jamea' Church, at 10 a. I
O.iVANAl'HM. On Jnnuarv 10. 1915, JO
HISPII, huaunnd nf tho Into Urldgct Cava
naUKh and son of the late Michael and Mary
Camnough Funeral on Saturday, nt H::0
a. m , from -14M Christian a'. Hequlem Mass
nt St. Chirlea Church, at 10 a in. Inter
ment Holy Cro-n i emetery.
CI.AIIK On Jnnunry 21, lOlfi. AMELIA
C, widow or William If Clark. Funeral
sen Ices on Sunday, nt n p. m . at the resi
dence of her aon, Albert II. Clirk, 2in:i West
SeltT at Interment Mt. Pence Cemetery,
Jlondiv nt 11 n. in.
CL'ltllY. On Jnnuarv 18. loin, SAMUEI, J.,
husband of Marv Curry (nco Blaney). Fu
neral on Sntura at S n m , irom 2'jotl
Alter at IIlKh Jlnra at Church or St. An
thony de rndu.i nt 0 '10 n. m. Interment
nt Now Cathedral Cemetery
DICL'.MMONI) On Jnnuary 21, 1016, SARAH
H , widow of Oeorge Drummond Funornl
and San Diego
The Public Ledger-Evening Ledger will pay
the entire expenses of fifty persons to both
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YOU can be one of this fortunate fifty all you
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both of these papers. The fifty receiving the
greatest number of credits for this work will
take the free trips. All other contestants will
be paid 'for their efforts at the regular agents'
Sign and send in the coupon below. It enters
you in the contest and will bring you subscrip
tion blanks and all necessary information.
Begin today contest is open till June 30th.
Please enter my name as a contestant for tho Panama.
Pacific Exposition Tour.
Send me all the necessary Information and subscription blanks'
rervlces on Saturday, at 2 p. m., at 2807
North l!Uh at. Interment at South laurel
Hill Cemotcry I'lenep omit flowers.
rKNCHEI,. On January 20. i9l.1,Wtl.T,iAM,
son of Jto inum (nee l'tnchel) and the
late Christian Fenchel. Funr.tl services on
Sunday, at 2 p. m., at 3125 F at. Interment
nt Hillside Cemetery via. funeral car.
rilVEII On January 2i, 191.1, ANNA B..
wlfo of Orion U Fryer, Funeral on Mon
day, nt 2 p, m precisely,, from her hus
band's residence. 4.119 Freeland ave., Ito
borotiBh, 8rvlces will be held In the Fourth
Hcformed Church, at 2:30 p. m. Interment
Isverlngton Cemetery.
OAI,l,Anili:, On January 10. 101R, HUGH,
husband of Mary J, Gallagher. Funeral on
Saturday, at 8:30 a m., from loot North
13th st Solemn Ilrnulem Mass at St. Mala
chy'd Church, at 10 a. m. Interment New
Cathedral Cemetery,
(JINN On Jnnuary 20, 1918, IlMNOft M.,
daughter of William and Matilda Olnn. Fu
neral services on Saturday, at 2 p. m.( nl
1772 Frankford nve. Interment private, nt
North Cedar Hill Cemetery.
OHIHT. At Atlantic City, N, J., on January
20, 101S, SAIIAH C, widow of Robert Orlsf.
Funeral services at her late residence, oil
Atlantis ave., Atlantic City, on Saturday, nt
1:30 p. m. Interment at I'leasantvlllo. N, J.
11.11 H'AIII).' On January 1B.1D1B, WILL;
IAM ilOi:1)ARU HAYWAHD, husbnnd of
saiuq I, v. HAywaro. who aiea coruary -i,
11)13. Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery.
HHII.IO. On January 21, 101B, at his late
residence, 0117 Oermantown nvo, Al.UUHT
CbAIlBNCB imil.IO liusuand of llena, C.
Helllg and -son of Nancy P. nnd the late
Albert K. Helllg. Due notice of the funeral
will bo given.
HIOIII.KV. On January 20, 10111, BARAlf A.
nilOWHIt, widow of Frank M. Hlghfey.
Relatives nnd friends aro Invited to nltond
the funeral Bervlces, at her late residence,
2121 Venango at., on Mondnv, tho 23th Inst.,
nt 2 p. in. Interment private '
JOHNSTON. On January 19, 1015, ROI1ERT
JOHNSTON, non ot the into Rolert nnd Re
becca JohnMon. Relatives nnd friends nrn
Invited to attend the funeral services, at Ills
late residence, 173.1 Oxford at., on .Saturday,
the 2.ld Inst., nt 2 o'clock precisely. Inter,
ment prlvnte
KNHIH.Kn. On January 20. 191H. HENRY
O., husband of llertha May ltnoclke (nee
Slkes), nt BOO East Sovllle at., Wlssahlckon.
Funeral services on Saturday, nt .1:ln p. in.,
nt Ornco Lutheran Church, Rldgo and Rox
borough aos., Itoxborough. Interment Lov
erlngton Cemetery.
KI'HN. On Jnnuary 20, 1011S, SOPHIE
KUIIN, widow of Frank Kuhn and tho late
Martin Hartman. Funeral on Saturday, at M
n. m.. from I'IKn llrldgi at., llrldeaburg,
Solemn High Mass nt All Saints' Church, nt
n a, m. Interment nt All saints' uurying
I.ANK1AN. On Jnnunry 20, 101IS. nt her Into
residence, Qverbrcck, l'a , FRANCHS ELIZA
DET1I, widow of Oeorge T J.anlvan, In the
W)th year of her ogc. Services and Interment
private. Please omit floA'era ,
I,i:i:. On Jnnunry 21, 1915, JULIA 13.
.MASON wire of George W. Leo. Funeral
eerUres on 'Monday, nt 2 p. m., nt 123f
South 20th st. Interment nt 1 crnnood Como
tury. MARKS On January 20, IBir,, SALL1I1 A.
MARKS (nco Levering), vlfo of John 8.
Marks, runernl services, on Sundny, nt 2
p m., nt tho nvinrtmontn of Oliver II. l'nlr,
3820 ChcBtnut at. Interment private, nt West
Laurel Hill Cemetery.
McIKIirni.Ij On January 21, 101ft, IDA V.,
widow of Wlllltm R. McDowell. Funernl
service on Monday, nt 1:30 p. m., at her
Into risldencc. 132 Moplenood avp., Oer
mantown. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery.
McFAl)l)i:N. On January 19, 191.1. ALHX
ANDKll. son of tho late Philip nnd Martha
McFuddcn (nee Lester). Due notlco of tho fu
neral from tho funeral pnrlor ot M. C. Camp,
bell, 2IJ22 Eaat Thompson at.
MILI.H1AN. Suddenly, nt Hnrrlsburg. Pa.,
on January 13, 1915. WILLIAM J.. MILLI
GAN. CBCd K! years Relatli and trlends,
nlso Potter LodKo, No. 411. F nnd A. Ml
Harmony R. A. Chnpter, No. .12, Philadel
phia Council, No. 11. II. nnd S M. . .Mary
Commnndery, No. 3D. K. T,; Grand Com
mandery K. T. of Pcnna , Lu Lit Temple,
A A. O. N. M.MJ.; American Slnr Lodge,
No. 105, I. O. O. F ; Southwestern Assembly,
smimmi n ss
t3SKs3K?!9 -jf,JS:',a
No. 18,
mtt. , V,u1L-p.'J. Select ns'ir4
Union VjhiitS
Phla, 3Cthara Republican nuuh,h.4'i" 1
Republlran Executive cemmtVi. .SOth wrj
pth.r organitatlons ot which hi Ul " afl
her, nre Invited to att"nd i ih. "?" n
Saturdav iii.n,n, r :;".P.'l " funefi 'B
my I-Kib, fir U '?" ' 2 bpmXJ ?
a sts. Interment at Mount MMlYhS$
NANNywrf7,? sliwr & mt,
on Monday, nt 9 am proelMiv' ,r4
rrlvate, Oreenmount CemeterV. In"rat
1 imnFaeJte3rtihM. ,m.
tn., fromjila late rnsi denceV lu vJ' ?'J fM
'On St.. 5th nnd Tt..b. r'.Ti4 " H.S?
Green Mount Cemetery ""ment Mlrtrf
."i!V"7un..J.nrlu,,ry 20, 1015. KlTr, '
Jjndwln Price. Tuneral services i"11
of vatV ""T " "trment ii, Si.
nAI'INli. On January
Rapine. Funeral, on Saturday .i ?nl, -Precisely,
from 491 Pnoll n?s ' i?,JJL w.
In .rmsn, H, Tli:r" "l e, Roxbftwi.i.w
IBIS. T.ltlm'
ChufchVnVd. "' '"""gn PresbVurK
,t:?.l,'At .1'.n.,inernnnn Hospital. - ..
1" "". Ill-ATRIOU ItABH "V t
Md.V on Saturday morn.rm"r5r' Centr,,,ff j
! WS ,..I'I.IJT-AA '" "". 0 h. "
ri.BMrivriNB. da uVht ', J" thVT.t?' JS. ' I
nml WnlhiM-o- n.iJi.;.. ' l.ne. Ia.l Mtibi -,
friend are Invited to attend illnu in?ii,M l
Mondav morn nr. nt n .li?l. '". am.,. I
Malnchv'n Church Interment nival. u 1M4
IICHAHn.H.-On January 21, i? W
,'''- iiiUHrtlllJH, M, 13. Funeral .r-j",.M
Monday, at 2 P. m. preclsolv ot Jl"!'"1 -denee.
f?44 North lOtli St , Rtnl'tt .
n.iHi-"' r, '"'V'"''"i .."'' .hD'un"u Omens.
lioSfa. funeral VTrVlceson'ndart,
n. m., nt the residence ot his T Tin uJ i
hlmer II. Robst, 383.1 North loth at. Ml,
Interment prlvnte, Mt, Vernon CemVt.8-
ItOJVI,ANI)-On January 20? ms! '?o, !
. ,.,,. .. ,.u u, ,uonM now and. Fun.roi t
eervlccs. on Saturday, nt 11 a. m mtSSSf
nt her husband's residence. 4V12 PCMn ii ' 4
RnxboroURli. Interment private. "
SCI'I, I., llnlored Into rest, on Januan n
101.1. .MARY DRtlNr.Tl fc.iA.i?1"!?.1? 20,a
H.nry. ? ?culi' , Services on Friday evenlni .1
nt S o'clock, nt her Into residence. 610 pit?;!
Sfl-TN'KI(.-Januaf 21," 101 'armTffiffiil.
nt 2 p. m from 141 Laurel at. Bervlces LI
bt. Paulo Kvan Lutheran Church. Arnerw.i
nnd Ilrown sta.. nt 2:30 n. in ,ii,."W
terment private, Oreenmount Cemeterr i
.'" . t.uouutj .. tux,. IJAniKT. T
aon of Daniel I nnd L'llznhctn I). SUddTi'S'
tinrnl mi Mnnrinv nf S .TO n m rlj ...
North 54th Bt. Solemn Requiem Mass at fhl?
Interment at Holy Cross Cemetrrv.
SMITH. On January 10, 191.1, FREDERIC!:'
SMITH. Funeral services, on Saturday Jan.
uary 2.1, at 2 p. m. precisely, at his uti
ment private. ""'
SOIIM. Suddenly, on January 20, ijik,
iui.i,L,.,uA j-. ovn.,1, in ner ,otn year.
HID rciiillvcB nnu iricnus aro invited to iUm
tend tho funernl services, on Saturday aftr.f
noon nt 2 o'clock, nt her late residence, iSKM i
l'lno st. lntermeni private. t
HINSI.OIV. On January in. 191.1. WILLIAM J
C, husband of Isabella Wlnslow. Ftmeril I
services, on Saturday, nt 2 p. m.. at .nils "i
Whorton st. Interment private, at Oad Tel- '
lows' Cemetery.
jAbk: w ..,
&W 23 isSl
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MAKe h(M TACrc.