lumJjiiiwyiinilHa' iihhmmihih MViiiiNXG'LlflDajbli-mLADlflLPHlA, ffttlDA. JaxnLAJAx 22, loxtf. il i..iBiitMUjlii.wiji.,iW))lAlppiuywWa W-i i r ' Tempest in One , of the Old Ones BiSKl. iM "Dlvorconal" and "Tho Mar- 'fiftff Mmu PHOTOPLAYS OTlhMffl Si old "Divorconal" and "Tho Mnr- . niL." nn mmndlenno In COm- Sftithout them. Clrnco Georgo prfe '!&. first. Mnrlo Tempest turns up S4 ether. Nobody can aecuso "D. jSt ef not holding Its place Justly; Ffil4ea has novor been liettcr done. fcrh Marrlago of Kilty" with a "fed who falls In lovo with his wife 5tVm has married her only to cot a tame Idea has been worked VL,j 0TCr again and Just about ns Kit i ood deal of a puzzlo why nn old IJtW. . il.f Mlea Titttinnaf llKS le DHU Uiiv. .'"" v. ...... ... ..whu ''mil Lvrle last night Rots such an 'MSknM on our stago. "Tho MarrlaKo jStit" ,s amusing enough and not at ualf worfcod out Hut oven American SUrllhts havo done Just ns woIl-"No-tJh Widow" and "A Woman's Way" Tosslbly "Tho Marrlago of !LSf-.. n astonlshlnglv good In Us Jpftat It won what might bo called a Siinent "success do surprise." Perhaps rEri. ..nwllrnno carried It to unend- itttm by ncr impersonation of that Solo? link In tho matrimonial chain." iwiW. Tcmrest did something lllto that LMiteht. in splto of tho fact that the El tf the company Insisted on spoiling Cltf rood points by taking a lot of It JiHId-iashloncd farce-em plinsls, It was fflimuslng porformnnco by reason of tho wrlntho caso JIlss Tempest was nor ,h amusing ti "i 0-...V ..-.... Ztu and raised tho Bllllo Burko prob- H " . 1 -. m.1 nnllnntll n 1 ll ltt Li.h ov. Just llko la Hlirko's. And E.ji, different. Somehow Mhs Tcm- Mrtt tet Rway with It." Sho seems to K'doln? " thnt sort ot tMns ollt ot ,l I mI fulness of bubbling spirits. Hho Isn't lltUS P" SnOWJHK U". n" ill"""" wsan full of priceless vitality and not ,6iU to show It In tho chcerfullest of knxilbls ways. ma "Tho JInrrlngo of Kitty" went ns JajliW a contrast In curtaln-rnlser as (ttld be Imagined, n dour llttlo realistic futW by Unrold Chnpln called "Tho Coil and the Blind." Realistic becatmo jolt frankly, uiivarnHhedly with tho rirptelum London, A fantasy becauso tftn out of tho harsh, bickering talk f I'mnd-bargeo and his wife a strango rsctt"ot tho philosophical. Vft bullying husband, who has orlgln- iSjltta. away all but ono night n week, laijjincM that ho has n now Job to keep Ha it home, and tho wlfo. whom wo thocSd. expect to find a good deal dis tuned at this now opportunity for nng lai,fall to praying In a half-hearted, MrttW sort of way to n God that has tm her a llttlo moro of her man. Tho toxtnt when this stirs tho husband niul llilfrlend to puzzlo over this "rum tuld" ! curiously poignant with tho con Wlctlonot what tho llfo of somo people ku been made and what It mli:ht bo. ITl'i piece Is hardly dramatic or swift h" movement, but It Is thoroughly sound tfportralturo, stimulating In conception iMjnijnty wen acted by air. Browno as Hi husband. Sumoson. Sneclalist in Prpnoliom r,v.:,. ' .. j.,miii ubb ui pgrsonaimos" on 1110 tia er4 specialization In Industry it la fctja much of a surprlso to encounter a cwiuat in preachers like William II. ttopson, who plays tho Patriarch In SSi Miracle Man." The real surprise lie lenjrt'ns to which he has pushed his talnttj for ecclesiastical parts.- IfDo Ma know." hn nnv. "flint I linvn Ithril every church character on tho r.ise imn tno slnglo exception of ills Holiness the Popo7 I plnycd tho Abbo bt"Ile Pearl of Savoy," tho minister In Jt and Twenty,' Friar Lawrenco In TOneO and Juliet.' thn nhlof r-l.lnr In ,Jl Little Jllnlstor,' with Mnudo Adnms; Kucuainai in Tno Itoynl Family." tho tto In The Dlshop's Move," tho Rabbi BTli Wise Rabbt' and now am playing fitHlrUrch In 'Tho Jllraclo Man.' " Stiel B&rrymore's New Piny BWIJantla City has lately seen a play KuiilJianiea from I'aris by tho method wUave us "Tho Prodigal Husband," KtWlth hftDnlnr rrRllltn If l n vnraln tlDirlo Nlccodeml'a "L,'Ombro," made riWchael Morton and entitled "The mm," Easily the most Important toiibout It Is that Ethel Barrymoro, 9 1 flAtt WMrrl Tma T)alnHn nlnu.J In fva, has returned to drama of serious temrL flb Bhadow" tells of n long sickness a weps Bertho Trcgnler a bedridden iw &t best, chnlr-rldden-lnvnlld or guy years. In tho Interval her hus- J"HM upon her best friend. In tho eec-vi-nth' threa aots Dorthe, played by -"-.uafrymore, learns mat ncr menu minfat a child to her husband. So far, SHPW accounts veil tho outcome of Htrima. liSJi Notes ll'SlwOftll. TnnifiAMl.jla ImnpAanluA FKOQCtiOn Of Ihft flltn wLlr.n rt "ThA fiS.0"'" Be"na to havo convinced threo : 2, auy uoiton, nobert Milton and "lew Noel, as well as one manaaer. $". that thoro is a profitable play London's novel, ilaftn.. - .. ... fcfii'V j "h r mo regular ineaires, IjMjauaevlUe houses havo ono very Im- LEW FIELDS Coming to the Garrick, January 25, in "The High Cost of Lovine." portnnt ndvnntngc. Every failure means n now hcndllnor for them. Henrietta Croismon comes to Keith's noxt wook, whllo later wo may expect Helen Ware nnd Mine. Nnzlmova, together with such recruits from opera nnd concert ns Carl Jocrn, of tho Metropolitan, and Orvllle Ilnrrold. What n romantic llfo present-day pi rates lend I Out west tho minions of tho law nro In full cry after n company that Is giving tho cntlio play of "Bought nnd Paid For" under tho tltlo "Tho Wlfo IIo Bought," and nnothcr that has pi rn toe' "Tin- New Henrietta'" as "Tho Mlno nnd tho Olrl," which scorns to provo thnt the play, nnd not tho name, Is tho thing. Bnrrlo on Golf "Tho victim was a golfor. Not n pro fessional, for whom wo all havo a high regaid, but ono of those thnt do It for nothing. Small red flags In llttlo round holes, that's golf. I understand that when four play, It's called a "fear some." "Mr Justice Qrlmdyko In "Tho Legend of Leonora," THEATRICAL BAEDEKER with ADDl,rr "The IWIo of Tlond Street, nam iicrniiro, "rno uiri iTom Kay'." re Minipul Mr, Dcrnanl Is Juat n amuilnic as eer in nu impersonation or I'lKIfy Hoi Kenneimer, tno jioggonholmor. lt weol I1UOAD "Tim IKCnd of Ionom" and "Tho I-rfnIlfR Bhakcspcaro," with Mnudo .Adams Tho first dciils with tho nmnilng mook trial nnd ncqtilttal of a lidy who Is supposed to havo thrown a rasenKirr out of a moving train bcroue ho Ihrcatcnwl her child's health vlth open wlnrtnns Tho eecoml la a little burlesquo of "Tho Taming of tho Shrew." As liarrlo puts It, Miss Adams la "on un pponltalilo darling" 8:13 JTOKUKST "Tho Olrl l"rom Utnli," with Julia tandcr&on, Uonald Brian nnd Joseph Cawtlnrne. I'aul Itubona' EhkIIiIi muelcaJ eoTOCdy of Mormons, old nnd young. In Lon don, book and miula or unocn value, some times ey good, lndcod. Performance ex cellent 8:1B OAmilCIC Tho 'Mlrnclo Man," with Oeorgo Nash, IV. II Thompson and Gall Kano. Georgo .Cohnn'a comody-drama of tho crooka who try to' exploit a patriarchal healer and rnl ns conoita. A pilcllfut handling of a difficult subject Uist week 8 10 KIUTH'S Oii Kdwards In his "Now 11)14 15 Hong Itevlow"; Kmtna Carus, prima donnu, and Vaughn Comfort and John King, mlnnrols. A good bill 2 00 and 8.00 LtTTI.H TIIlUTXtK-'The Critic," Bherldan'a xatlro on tilings theatrical in his day nnd oura. A ery amusing iierformanco of this tragedy within a "omedy 8 '10 WniC-"Tho Marrlago of Kitt," with Mario Tempest " Tho familiar and mildly nmus tng rrcnoh comedy of tho man who falls In lovo with his wife. See review 8:10 WALNUT "Ms Hopkins," wlthi lloso Mel vlllii. A revlnl of tho popular old comedy ot the eccentric, country girl 8:15 HELLO! FRATERNITIES HELLO! DUMONT'S MINSTRELS Yes! 9th and Arch Sts. Still doing business at the old stand and want you TO HOLD A BENEFIT HERE GO PER CENT. ON ALL TICKETS SOLD DUMONT'S MINSTRELS Deat show In rhlla.Funnlett show all tha time. COiSB AND QKT YOUR DATE. We'll do the rest. Address Howard M. Jlrans, Box Office MOIIKIt.V DANCINO THE LAST WOIID IN J A R V I S IIALLI1O0M DANCINCJ J " y " . 1811 C1IE8TNUT Thone, Locust 3013. "lllJtlnotlve tier-vice to a Dticrimlnatlna Patronage." Modern Dances The CORTISSOZ School. 1520 Chestnut St. Phone. Locust 8102. TODAY'S PHOTOPLAY CALENDAR Buolttt to Chanat. r pa l&t TlIB niiR-r vinxmiKS at tiih IwiTRAr. THFATDP BsouthSldo) MARKET ST. Kensington and Allegheny Aires. ADOPTED DAUGHTER The Chimney-Sweeps ', a'".,?1"7 International Ladies' Orchestra formerly with the BOSTON FADETTES JUT qt nncDA HniiQP Tiimn nip wekk Ks .f won?. fjt7.,e7t iotopur.. THE CHRISTIAN a TIiVlCC nAlI v rtiienioonf, x x a iuc. ana ioc. 1 lIVltlaD lalAlLl Vrtnln.ll 1 lb. 0 IliA 1Nl. 9.4. gHERlDGE 4SSB- jtffMi CINDERELLA Others" ggIANTOWN 2Zm!oaoTtmt' Conspiracy and Judith of Bethulia jWCUST GA Bader mRE HS0R PERBROOK Hear the Wonderful Organ. Btd and Ieiit Hts. l'laya Obtained Thru Htaulsy Hooking Co. Tourn,,inmlmU The Deep Purple 63d and Xsjaadowne Ava. DETECTIVE SWIFT Others rufs HI. and Oermanlowp At. 4 1 el and Lancaster A. District Attorney's Brother, Others ELAINE Others 5d St. and Wyalualpg At. Lost in Mid-Ocean Others licrniaQtonn Ave, beL Qrarer Lane LURE OF THE WINDIGO Keojlogtoa and Fraakford Ave. MY FRIEND FROM INDIA aid and lavford At. Princess Elena's Prisoner Others I9TII 1IKLOW UAIII'IIIK ST. Sid Chaplin in Hushing a Scandal EHOCKEN 2'grfi3LIV& THFTUsPOiLEnsiinv W Sri. AKathryn WUlUma ara feat la A Presented at the Cbestnut St. Op. House BSaRHS b inc. Sid St. and Glrftrd At TEN NIGHTS IN A BARROOM A man writing to one of Iho Minna opollg papr denounces a photoplay pro Brnmmo he wltnessea nt one of tho loent houses as vulgar, Indecent nnd ntupld wlthnl. lie excoriates tho mnkcrii of tho films and trounces the manager of the theatre. If the show he witnessed Is anything like his description, the verbal fling 9 well deserved. But how different Minneapolis theatres must be from those of this city. You caw go Into any photoplnyhouso InPhlladel phln, whether tho admission ho five cents or fifty, and the pictures will bo In variable clean nnd free from suggestive. ness. Only In New York city Is there rt better general nvcrago thnn In this cltv nnd this Is accounted for mainly by tho fact that competition Is so keen thoro that managers are forced to put their best foot forward all tho time. It Is Inconceivable that such 'hlgh-class Iioubcs as the Chestnut Street Opera House or the Stanley should Insult their patrons with vulgar pictures And the smalter houses are not ono whit behind, nven If Bomo manager wero so unspeak ably stupid nn to permit a questionable ELSIE JAN IS Star of the Bosworth Films, ploture, the public would soon make him cognizant of Its collective dlsplcnsuro, SAFETY FirtST PIinCAUTIONS. Tho new snfely rules promulgated by the Fire nnd I'ollco Departments aro Just and wero much needed. The desire for tho elusive, nickel or dime has caused local managers to transgress the laws of com mon sense In packing their houses until tho general Bafcty was menaced. Man agers cannot object to tho new regula tions, ns nil houses will havo tho samo rules to observe. There Is another breach of common ensa which managers should consider. After eaoh picture there should ba enough time, with lights on full, to permit those who have Been the programme to leavo the house BEFortn newcomers nro ad mitted. This would nvert crowding, In sults to women and Incidentally, rest tho eyes of those remaining for further pictures. PICTUHES Fort SOUTH AMB111CA. An nmbltlous project has been under taken by the Paramount Pictures Cor poration. Arrangements havo Just been completed nnd work will be begun Im mediately on n series of special nnd ox ttoordlnnry travel pictures made ex pressly for the Paramount program. Mr. Hodklnson, t'no president of the corpora tion, has decided to engage C, I. Chester, who has done some Interesting travel work for the Bdlson and other com panies, nnd send him In charge of a corps of camera experts Into South America. Mr. Chester Is well acquainted with South America, having traveled over every part of It, both on tho East nnd "Wert nnd much of tho Interior. Tho expedition will travel on a special and oxtenslvo Itlncrnry of lis own and will record nil t'no nntural wonders of South America with glimpses of Its no dal, Its political and Its sporting life. Tho expedition will leavo within tho noxt few days nnd, after n brief vlilt In Florida, will proceed to Central Amer ica, which Is rich In nntural curiosities nnd In Interesting phases of native life. Then will follow Brazil, with Ub vast Unexplored Interior! tho Argentine Ilc publlc, which affords such flno opportu nities, wilt next be visited: there will be a dash further south, possibly into Pata gonia, t'nen the trip across the Continent on the railway connecting Buenos Aires with Valparaiso nnd then up the Pacific const by slow stages back to the States. The expedition will be gone about nine months. ONE FOOT OF KISS. Ituth Stonehouse, the Essnnay actress, hns declared for tho one-foot kiss In photo-play Bcenes. Tho Board of Cen sors recently put a ban on kisses that laBtcd longer than three feet of film, but Miss Stonchouso goeB them ono bet ter nnd says thnt three feet Is entirely too long, "It Is sometimes necessary for actresses to kiss In portraying lovo scenct," said Miss Stonchotise. "It Is not n personal matter, but one of carrying out the ar tistry of tho piny. Tho actress, In kiss ing, Is not doing It ns herself, but ns the character she Is representing, An bIio must bo competoly wrapped up In this character, tho kiss Is entirely Imper sonal "I think ono foot of film Is plenty for nny kiss, ns It Is not the kiss In Itself that Is significant. That Is merely the symbol for tha emotion of love, and It Is the emotion nnd not the net thnt the player wishes to express. If tho nctrcss understands the character nnd the art of cxpreeslon, sho can convey tho Idea of n lovo sccno to tho spectator without the prolonged kissing, upon which un skilled actresses sometimes rely to ex press emotion." WHAT'S DOING TONIGHT J 9tw I VIrS'ilS iSe1iT;,?rla"rm9n' "' toriunl? sTm" A"3t,1"' AMI- afr'.,riT,nun.',,JJ!lmc:Ul,ten, "" 9lh nay, wt Philadelphia lllsh School stu. dents, Mercantile Hall, MISS KEEN liECTTJUEa TONIGHT Miss Dora Keen, A. n.( F. H. a, B.( vrllt deliver an Illustrated lecture nt the Drexet Institute, 92d and Chestnut streets, at S o'clock tonight. Bhe Will speak on "Ex ploring tho Harvard Olaoler, Alaska," Tills lecturo describes the frit expedition that over nscended the large glacier In one of the few regions of Alaska of which there are still no maps. DOWNTOWN SMOKER TONIGHT The airard Improvement Association will give n smoker and reception tonight, beginning at 8 o'clock, at the Passyunk. Llbrnry, 20th and Shunk stroets. Con grcssmnn Voro will speak on "South Philadelphia Pride." Other speakers win Include Judge Raymond MooNelll and Representative Wilson. Frank W. Melvln, president of the association, will preside. Local talent will perform, and special muslo will be rendered. t 170,241 Letters From Mothers Thousands of babies have been bathed, fed dressed, put to bed, trained under the care of THE LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. P TO THE PRESENT moment there have been enrolled in the "Young Mothers' Registry" more than 40,000 babies, whose progress has been painstak ingly charted, watched and directed by The Journal. In five years this department has received more than 69,288 letters from mothers. Last year The Journal physician, Doctor Coolidge, replied to 22,146 letters letters asking questions that were vital, questions that must be answered, questions with which anxious mothers would turn only to a source which had their implicit confidence. This work is endorsed by leading physi cians, and many hospitals have asked for and are using the feeding formulas worked out by The Journal. ago determined. But a young home, with empty spaces picked out for the new chairs it hopes to have soon, with plans for redeco rating, with ambition to have more clothes, more luxuries, and with the education of a family brightening the horizon ahead. And a baby or little child means a real home. Not a halfway-house between the North Shore and Palm Beach, or a place to rest between tango-tea and Tetrazzini. It means a normal, earnest, home-loving home, dreaming upward, eager for all that is new and progressive, with thousands of wants just developing ando with an income increasing year by year. Since "Flossie Fisher's Funnies" began to appear in the magazine, 100,953 letters have been written to The Journal about them by children, with the assistance of their mothers. A baby or a little child stands for a home a home for the best of life yet to come. tet the ffrmrOf?H "residence" of declining age, crammedyvith furniture, its tastes fixed, its cuisine JsStled down to a few favorite dishes, its choice of most commodities long That thousands of mothers of babies are constantly in personal touch with The Journal representing hundreds of thousands of other mothers who religiously follow the baby and children's pages in T.E JOURNAL, but do not sit down and write lettersthis i& the best indication of the type of families to whom the advertiser in The Journal may appeal. Families with expanding needs, with eagerness to buy, with great and growing pur chasing power. The Curtis publishing Company independence square, philadelphia The Young Mothers' Registry is but one of the 24 specific departments in which THE LADIES' Home Journal renders free personal service to its readers by correspondence, 'A !63-S.uiuktT 61. The Truth Wagon J$EF" "ERION PROGRAM AT THE LEADING PHOTOPLAY THEATRES isMW'J "" X.