Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 22, 1915, Night Extra, Image 1

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K, Ctmttn
VOL. I NO. 112.
CoMMont, JOIS. st Tin rotio Lteora CourAST.
II d?A 111 r I HIP I
Column Driving West on
Thorn Only 10 Miles
From Prussia Teu
tons Launch Counter
Drive From Mlawa on
Russian Rear.
iTurks Advance to Within 28
Miles of Suez Canal bt.
Die, in Vosges, Bombard
ed by Invaders' Heavy
Howitzers Allies Gain
Ground on Belgian Coast.
The Russian doublo offensive against
Prussia has turned northwestern, Po
und Into an extended battlcflolu, wnero
lomo of tho bloodiest fighting of tho
&r Is taking place. Along a 40-mllo
front tho Czar la pressing forward, at
: one end through Mlawa to Soldau, In
East Prussia; at tho other, toward
Thorn, tho German fortress in West
Prussia. In tho Thorn movement tho
Russian right rests on Rypln, only 10
miles from tho German border. Tho
force that captured Skcmpo In pressing
B? forward directly at Thorn.
The Germans on tho Poland-East
Prussia lino havo begun a vigorous
movement from Mlawa against tho
Russian rear. General Francois" cav
"i&r already has advanced nearly to
the Wkra, an affluent of tho Bug, In
,1U westward dash.
if St. Die, a French town In the Vosges,
i under bombardment, the Germans
u&vlng brought up their heaviest how
itzer for tho attack. The townspeoplo
ere reported to bo fleeing In panic.
'Perfcradmlis tholdsa of If cliches north
west of Pont-a-Mousson, where tho
offensive against Motz has been
checked, and in the forest of Aprcmont,
east of St. Mlhlel.
Fighting has been resumed in Flan
ders. The Allies havo gained a little
, ground east of Lombacrtzyde, and to
relieve this pressuro the Germans aro
violently bombarding Nleuport.
Turkish forces moving from Tabriz,
in Persia, to halt the Russian advance
Once upon a time' there wbb a man who
carried with him wherever he went a
$M Old-piece. He kept It hidden away
In a back pocket, und for many yearn
it never saw the light, except when it
fc clanged from one eutt of clothes to an-
fother. It was for use in an emergency
enly a last resort. The Idea was excel
lent The point, however, Is that too
tt&ny people consider weather as a toplo
t conversation In the same light. Which
:li unutterably foolish. Weather Is the one
pthlnir that the million nnrl n hnlf nr mnr.
Rtereona In this city undeniably have In
J-common. And It Is the things we have
,tn common that are most easy and most
: agreeable to talk about. True. w nil rut
C But, while you and your neighbor cat
srtaaraat every morning, it Is quite pos
i Hfcle he prefers eggs, while you -will have
nomine but hot cakeB. It Is when both
of you splash through the puddles on a
ralnr day to catch the car to work that
; 7u meet on the same plane, and you
wu noi ao otnerwise if you would.
Weather, as no resnecter nf nHinm fn
the moat democratlo influence at work
fa una sphere.
r lt and it alone, la universal for all men.
For Philadelvhia and vidnitu
Know tonight; Saturday snow or rain;
creating north and northeast winds.
tor details, eee page 8,
Observations at Philadelphia
a a r
SUfS'!' .. sasa
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Hulaam t.mpr(ur ..,.,., ....... 25
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"ooa mU
... J;OTp. m.
... 0:35 p. rn.
Lamns to Be Xdefcied
tamp, and vehicles U0p.n.
The Tides
-gt-aiffWrv.v.:::::::::::: ?$ a
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waitr tomorrow
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.0 watar tomorrow
wa TSp.
V Uiuorrow ... ii.
wUr tewrrow T:Ba.
from tho Caucnsiis, were beaten back
by tho invaders with severe tosses.
Tho Turl.lsh ndvanco upon tho 8ucz
Cannl has begun, and dispatches from
Cairo report that the Ottoman forces
hnvo reached a point on the Blnal I'o
nlnBUla, but 28 miles east of tho canal.
New Offensive Developa Into Bloody
Battle Near Prussian Line.
prrnoanAD, Jan. a.
Alons n 10-mllo battle front, extending
nt ono point to within 10 mites of tho
German border, Husslnn troops nro bclnft
hurled nKnlnst the Gcrninns In the blood
iest engagement since the new IlusMnn
offense against East Prussia developed.
Fighting nlong the Muln River was
most despcrntn today, with both Bidet
suffering heavily. Tho Russlnn Infantry
that enptured Skcmpo Is pressing west
ward along the Muln with the Prussian
city of Thorn as Its objective, but Is
mooting with Rtubborn resistance. The
IlusBlnn left lies nbout 35 miles from
Thorn, but tho right, resting near Ryptn,
Is scarcely 10 miles from the Prussian
In an effort to halt the Russlnn of
fensive, General Francois Is attempting
a movement ngnlnst the Russlnn ren
from tho Mlawa region. Heavy rclnforco
ments nre pouring to his aid from Prus
sia and tho cnvnlry ndvnnco of his army
moving westward to attack tho Russians
is reported to hnvo crossed tho Mlawa
and to hnvo penetrated nearly to tho
Wkra River.
Largo Forces Reach Posts 28 Miles
From Goal.
CA1HO, Kgypt, Jan. 22.-Turklsh troops I
concentrated on the border of tho Slnnl
Peninsula nre beginning their advance un
the Suez Cannl. Ottomnn forces with a
contingent of Dcdouln tribesmen havo
reached tho Kl Katie District, 23 miles
enst of the canal, and largo bodies of
Turkish troops nro reported at El Arlsb
nnd El AUdJc, farther cast.
Other War News on Pago 4
Halts Attack on Motives Be
hind Provision to Exclude
the Uneducated in White
House Hearing.. .
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22. An attack on
tho motives of certain supporters of tho
Immigration bill was summarily halted by
President AVIlson In a hearing at tho
White House today. He held that tho
merits of the problem, not motives, must
be considered.
J. II. Patten, representing farmers' or
ganizations, hinted broadly that efforts
"to Russianize the labor element" of the
United States were behind opposition to
a veto.
"I think we should better not consider
motives," interrupted the President. "Let
us keen to the merits of the case."
The East Room of the Executivo Man
sion waB crowded to tho doors with hun
dreds of men and women interested In
the bill, for and against it as It stands.
Thoso who asked the President to sign
the bill were chiefly labor men. Seeking
a veto were men, many of them Immi
grants, who were pleading for their kins
folk across the waters, excluded by the
literacy test Included in the measure as
passed by Congress.
The President allotted 2V5 hours to the
session, and while frankly opposed to the
literacy test, he gave attentive ear to
both Bides.
Patten warned the President that Eu
rope's "undesirables, not her strong
men," would flood the country when the
war waa over. And, he suggested, the
South for years had been afflicted "with
one unfortunate Illiterate Immigration,"
which drove "the poor white trash back
to the hills from which they are now be
ginning to depart to enter labor fields.
T)r, Stewart Paton, allenlBt, pleaded for
tho bill on tho ground that already Eu
rope has poured too many Insane persons
Into this country. Asylums, he said,
house more Insane folk than colleges
havo students.
Sneaking for 350.000 railroad men. Wil
liam M. Clark, of the Brotherhood of
Locomotlvo Engineers, asked the Presl-
'rnShece'oMhewarnlng of President
Wilson against questioning ?oves of
opponents of the Immigration bill Secro
tary Frank Morrison, of the American
Federation of Labor, broadly suggested
that Influences against the bill, as It
passed Congress, with the literacy teal
Included, were big corporations.
These corporations, he suggested, in
duce Immigration in order to get cheap
labor. Talk of need of aliens to work
United States farms, he suggested, , waii
a bait to obtain employes for the United
States Steel Corporation, the big packing
houses and other Interests.
"These great corporations," he said,
"want two men for every job. That
means they will be able to get one ol
the two at a very low wage, for hunger
and distress will compel a man to accept
a wage below the American standard.
We are opposed to exploitation of im
migrants to swell the dividends of tho
United States Bteel Corporation and the
steamship companies."
Incidentally he touched on the tariff
issue, saying big concerns got protection
. .1 i. r.mnefi hut tha labor market
waa on the free list, with the big pro
tooted companies paying their men the
lowest wage. Social reform, he Instated,
waa retarded in Europe because the na
tions knew America waa a dumping
ground for their surplus population.
Morrison contended that the great im
migrant Influx waa Jeadlng to race sui
cide In American families In order that
present wages might maintain the Amer
ican standard of living.
Charles Edward Russell protected, for
the Socialist party, tbet the measure waa
"unsound, unscientific and difficult to, enforce."
I1 ! n- .!. mi mi wiiii.ii i - .in ! ummmmmmm,,wimmimmmmmmHl
i. tf 4 ,w " - r3W3KWgMi
, 'WmammfflmmmB6&Rm. TTmmfflk " :? .s
i tyJWww tVwla w$$msT Whr vtK w u ' -ww . fl
g -' , . -y 4, -.r ::"Z -"- " J.?.; s&Z3iZ3l'
Councils Can Facilitate
Early Start on Subway
Work if Action Is Prompt,
Director Declares.
Director A. Merrltt Taylor, of the De
partment of City Transit, In n statement
today, outlined a program of Council
mania action by which tho speclul sec
tion to nuthorlzo tho 3O,00O,00O loan for
actual transit work may ne held on March
23, three days after the work on sower
relocation will bo begun.
Holding tho election on this date, how
ever, the Director Indicated, would mean
prompt action on the part of Councils.
"I am very hopeful." Director Taylor
1.1 ,t.n. t.A Plnnnnt (Innimlttee of
City Councils may report favorably the
ordinance signuying mo ueairo ui uio tu,
to Increase Its Indebtedness in the sum
of JJO.OOO.COO for transit development; also
tho ordinance authorizing a special elec-
!.... ka l.al.1 fnr thn nlimnfla nf obtain-
null iu uu ,.fc. - - . ,- :
Ing the consent of the electors to said In
crease at tno nexi meeting ui uum.no,
which. I suppose, will be held on the
regular day, namely, Thursday, Febru
ary 4. .......
"If such ravorame nciiua ue iuuch ujr
the Finance Committee and favorablo
action be taken by City Councils with
out delay, It will be possible for both
ordinances to be finally paused at tho
regular meeting of City Councils sched
uled for Thursday, February 18.
"If this counse, which nppears to be
entirely feasible, be pursued, Tuesday,
March M, could be designated as the date
upon which the election could be legally
"Any delay In the Finance Committee's
report of these ordinances would neces
sarily cause a corresponding delay In
holding the special election, also In the
beginning of the construction of the
high-speed lines."
The second and most Impqrtant stage
of the battle for real rapid transit is now
on. Citizens of all classes said today that
Philadelphia, assured that work would
start on the sewer relocation on March
20, preliminary to the building of the
subway loop, now must concentrate all
its influence upon Councils to bring about
the necessary special election.
Mayor Blankenburg will sign t'no
blanket appropriation ordinance passed
yesterday by Counolls, containing the
1500 COO for the relocation and reconstruc
tion of sewers preliminary to subway
work, when he returns from Aahevllle,
N- C., next week. ..,.,, ,
The measure was sent to the Mayor's
office today. Cyrus D. Foss, Jr., the
Mayor's secretary, decided that no time
could be saved by sending the papers to
ACoeuVnclU yesterday delayed the date
of this special election by two weeks
more but there Is still time to intro
duce and P" the bill, provide for the
SO daya of advertising required 1 by law
and bold the election In March, a few
Say. after the flr.t spadjful of earth Is
r ...- e,A BAtvop work.
Wrector already baa atarted
hind him are lined up bualnaas organ
U$o!W Mr A ladhlduala. The
Concluded as Va Twe
Von Tirpitz's Threat to
Wage War on Enemy's
Commerce and Throttle
Trade Is Recalled.
Germany apparently has launched Its
campaign to starve Great Ilrltaln by
blockading Its waters with submarines.
Dispatches today tell of the sinking of a
merchant ship from Lelth, Scotland,
bound for Rotterdam, by the famous Ger
man submarine U-19. This Is the first at
tack on a merchant vessel by tho German
undersea fighters.
Soma weeks ago tho U-18 was reported
sunk off tho Scottish coast by the British
patrol. Either that report was an error
or the U-9 or somo other craft made
tha attack. Reports Insist It was tho
Admiral von Tlrpttz, head of the Ger
man navy. In an Interview, published ex
clusively In this city by the Eve.vino
LEDacn, declared that Germany could
starve Great Ilrltaln and that a patrol of
submarines easily could be thrown about
tho Island kingdom. Recent Borties of the
submarines tend to Indicate that tests
have been made of the endurance of these
comparatively new and untried war craft
Admiral Von Tirpitz's threat to tor
pedo British merchant vessels was made
on December 2 as follows:
"America has not raised her voice In
protest and has taken little or no ac
tion agalnit England's closlnu of the
North Sea to neutral shipping. What
will America say If Germany declares
submarine war on all the enemy's mer
chant ihlps? .
"Why not? England wants to starve
us. We can play the same game. We
can bottle her up and torpedo every
English or Allies' ahlp which neara any
harbor In Great Britain, thereby cutting
off her large food supplies,"
The fact that one submarine skirted the
coast of Scotland and to the north coast
of Ireland and sank tho British dread
nought Audacious, appeared to have satis
fled Oermany on the powers of the sub
marine. In fact, thus far every opera
tlon of the submarine apparently has suc
ceeded, despite the contention Of many
experts that the submurlno Is effective as
a coast patrol only.
The sinking of the steamship Pur ward
indicates that Germany now has begun
its war on British commerce In home
waters, wth the aim of starving its
enemy, ...
It has been estimated by experts that
Great Britain has food supplies for 60
days only, and is by far the easUnt nation
of the world to starve Into submission.
ROTTERDAM, Jan. 22. The British
steamship Durward was torpedoed and
sunk by a German submarine In the north
Sea Thursday afternoon, according to ad
vices received here today.
A message from the Hook of Holland
says tnat the Durward was 21 miles out
when the submarine approached her- Ten
minutes waa given the captain to fetch
his papers and disembark his crew of 21
The submarine then sent a torpedo Into
her mill and took the boats containing
tbe crew to Waa lightship.
The Durward wits a lll-ton vessel and
was bound from LUtb, Scotland, to Rot-
I terdam.
Nine Hurt in Boiler Accident
on San Diego, Off West
Coast of Mexico One of
Worst in Navy for Years.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Four men
were killed and nine were Injured In a
boiler explosion on the United States
armored cruiser San Diego off Guaymas,
Mexico, yesterday, as she was complet
ing a power test off Lower California
on the Mexican west coast. Tho San
Diego, formerly the California, la flagship
of the Pacific fleot.
News of the accident, one of the worst
In the navy In recent years, was flashed
by wireless to the Nnvy Department by
Rear Admiral Howard, commander of the
Peclflo fleet, early this morning. Secre
tary of tho Navy Daniels Immediately or
dered a thorough Investigation by court
martial to fix responsibility for the ac
cident. The captain of the San Diego Is
ABhley H. Robertson.
The accident happened Just after the
cruiser had completed her power trials.
Admiral Howard reported. His message,
which was dated at 6 o'clock last night,
U. S. S. San Diego completed four
hour full power trials, making 21.13.
Just at completion of trials tube In
fore boiler was ruptured, due to low
water. No endurance run. Full In
vestigation ordered. Complete list of
dead and Injured sent to Bureau of
Navigation. San Diego proceeding to
The Dead
The dead, all second-class firemen, are:
WILIJAlt P. ELUOTT. enllited at New
York April SO, 1011; nest of kin. father.
L'tiarlus Kllloti. nco 11 rand atrcet, lirooklyn.
AMUUb I. IIAHDRE. enlUted at Ban Dlrso.
Cal., Kepttmbtr .', iUU; next of kin, lllley
Harden. Jvplln, Mo.
C1.IFVORU A, WESTON, enllited at 8an
Francisco Decemter f, 1012; next of kin,
father, 'rhemae Vt'eaton, Davenport, Oil.
OSC.Ul J. WYATI". enllited at Ban Dleso
January a, 1013; next of kla, mother, Sadie
Foeter, El Centre, Cat.
Seriously Injured
Tbe Injured:
R. V. OLID DEN. flrit clau fireman, en.
Hated at St. Louis January XJ. HI I; next of
kin. father. Hush a. (Hidden, 2791 Stuart
treet. Indlanaiolle. Ind.
KUNEUT A UJinviTH. flnt claes flreman.
nlltted at Denver January 31, 1914; next of
kin wife. Nellie I.nlwlih, Pueblo, Col.
UEN'JAillN II- TUCK Hit. mat eiaaa flreraan,
cnllatetl at Kansas City January 11. 1013; next
of kin, father, T. If. Tucker. Leadralae. Mo.
W1U.1AM A. M1U.KII, nm otau Axeman,
enlUted at Kanaae City February 12, !;
naxt of kin. father, Henry J. Miller, Downs,
BAN DIEGO, Cal., Jan. t The armored
cruiser San Diego la now safe In port
at Guaymas, according to naval imports
received hero early today. No d tails of
Concluded on Vale Two
LONDON. Jan. 24 Official denial was
made by the Government Press Bureau
toriav of reDorta that all the Canadian
treopa bad gone to the front It euted
that only a small portion had been sent
to the Conttneat. the remainder still
being at Salisbury.
e p. m.Mr. Bumlnv deliver hi
termon, "Motherhood."
. p. m.Mtea Bnxc icl meet her
ntblc class on the platform.
7:30 p. m. iifr. Sunday will re
peat the afternoon sermon.
For other' campaign Information
see another column.
Yesterday afternoon ....... 18,000
Yesterday evening SO 000
Approximate grand total.... COffiOO
Yesterday afternoon '
Yesterday evening 457
Total fo date 0ti0
Preached to date SS
To he preached before close
of campaign 83
Yesterday afternoon iSIS.SS
Last night 76B.G8
Totnl fo data 1&J&2M
Sunday Moves Multitude to
Tears in Eloquent Sermon
on Value of Parental
Love. .
Th brnvwt buttle that was eer fought
aimll I tell jou where end muni
On the mnpe of the world you'll find It not
Tn fo-ight by the mothers of men.
Poetic? Yes, "Billy" Sunday wns poctle
today In the tabcrnncle when he preached
his famous sermon on "Motherhood." Ho
wns more poetic than he hns l-eon In n'iv
sermon ho has preached In Philadelphia.
It was n magnificent appeal he made. It
wns nn nppcal to sons to respect nnd
lovo nnd always caro for their mothers.
It wns nn nppenl for daughters to prl"j
more than anything else on the earth
their mothers' love nnd to devoto tho
bst In them to making them happy and
comfortnblc. It wub oven moro than this.
It was nn appeal for womon to awaken
to the great responsibility thnt God has
given them In permitting them to start
men and women on their Journeys
through life.
Announcement that this sermon was to
be preached today brought so many to
the tabernacle this afternoon that every
seat woo taken two hours beforo tlmo
for tho- services to start, and there was
no standing room left when "Billy" be
gan to preach. When he repents the ser
mon tonight It-Is expected, that-thousands
will bo turned away. There will bo no
reserved seats.
"Billy" likes this sermon bo much him
self that he puts his whole soul into it
when he gives It. Ono moment this after
noon he had his auditors In tears, and
the next he had them laughing nloud or
smiling happy smiles. One moment ho
had them In his grasp as he taught them
tho lessons of love and respect due to
the women who sacrifice everything to
bring babies Into the world nnd to raise
them Into men and women of whom they
may be proud.
Ono moment "Billy" cheered for tho
mother who cared for her children to
mnke of them men and women the world
would respect and need, and tho very next
he was sneering at thoso women who neg
lect their families and depend upon their
servants to look after their needs and
who "don't give a rap If they go to hell."
He drew his lessons from the story of
Moses, and, In stirring stories, told how
his slave mother was hired to him after
Pharaoh's daughter had found him hid
den In the bullrushes, and how she de
voted her tlmo and poured her love on the
llttlo one. And then he dwelt on the need
of such love among tha mothers today.
"If every boy and every girl today had
a good mother the saloons and disreputa
ble houses would go out of business to
morrow," he Bald.
"Fathers often give up. The old man
often goes to boozing, becomes dissipated,
takes a dose of poison and commits sui
cide; but the mother will stand by the
home nnd keep the little band together If
she has to manicure her fingernails over
a washboard to do It. If men had half
as much grit as the women there would
be different stories written about a good
many homes. Look at her workl
"It Is the greatest In the world; In Its
far-reaching Importance It Is transcend
ently above everything In the universe
her task In molding hearts and lives and
shaping character. If you want to And
greatness, don't go toward the throne; go
Concluded on rase Two
Cars for Military Service to Be Ship
ped Immediately.
NEW YORK, Jan. 22. President Henry
Ford, of the Ford Motor Company, an
nounced this afternoon that a European
nation had ordered 10,000 cars for Im
mediate shipment.
These will be used for military service.
34 Cents Freight a Bushel Agreed to
on Cargo to Malta.
All records for transocean freight rates
for grain were broken today when It waa
announced that the British steamship
Katberlne had been chartered to take
out 160,000 bushels at U cents a bushel.
The wheat will be loaded at this port for
Malta, and the vessel Is expected to get
away early next week.
The noniail rate for grain between
these ports Is about 7 cents a, busheL
The rates, are sure to go higher, accord
ing to shipping officials, as tho supply of
available vessels la not equal to the de
mand for tonnage to carry the enormous
future shipments of grain to foreign
CHICAGO, Jan. M. The City Council
Health Committee has recommended the
passage of a hill requiring tbe physical
examination of women, as well as men,
bofore marriage.
Tbe bUl wilt be seat to the Legislature,
"Oh, God' Let These Men
Say Good-by Mutton and
Stew and Keepers," He
"A Llttlo Soup, Somo Dopo;
Snap! Boom! Then Ten
Yoars," a. Characteristic Say
ing to McKonty's "Boyo."
"Billy" Sunday carried the message of
Christ to real "unfortunates" today when
ho addreescd 1190 prisoners In tho Eastern
Penitentiary. Tho truths he brought
homo to tho men were In striking con
trast to thoso heard In Philadelphia here
tofore. It wns a messngo of hopo and
encouragement which ho carried within
tho prlson'n grey walls.
The theme of his address was expressed
In Billy's" first words to tho mont
"I want to help you.'
Thut he did wont to help them every
man In the three great corridors stretch
ing uwny from tho "centre" where the
evangelist Btood believed. They leaned
forward, npencd-mouthed, to catch every
word that he might' any.
"Doing right Is tho most profitable thing
In the world," "Billy" continued, "and
doing wrong Is tho most unprolltabla
thing In the world.
"What Is rlght7 You nil know that.
You don't havo to go to church to learn
that. If it whs right and honornble to
steal you mglht go up to a man and say
You'ro n thief,' and ho grasp your hand
nnd smile nnd say, Thanks for the com
pliment, old man.'
At these words nnd tho comical expres
sion nnd gestures that accompanied tha
"boys" ronrcd with laughter. "Billy"
bad won his audience. From that mo
ment they responded to every word and
fnclal expression on tho evangelist's face.
"It Is wrong to lie," "Billy" thundered.
"I'll bet my life there nro some ef ybd
fellows hero who wero sent up becatlsa
noma ono lied about you."
Onco more "Billy" bad scored, the cor
ridors echoed with applause, which died
almost Instnntly when ho shouted;
"It Is wrong to swear! If It wasn't
we'd tench swearing in ourt public
schools. It'B wrong to crack a safo. A
llttlo soup, some dope. Snap! Booml
Ten years! You knew It was wrong."
Again tho prisoners rocked with laugh
ter. And so It wenU When "Billy" told
of hoy ho had succeeded In reducing th'
term of an "irdetermlnlt6" to flyfl y&a,tx
and" hmsrmuch tno man repented and led
Conrlnded on Page Two
Friends Allege Raid by Syn
dicate U. S. Comptroller
Condemns Large Loans to
Uniontown Banker.
UNIONTOWN. Pa., Jan. 2?. Following
a statement Issued In Washington last
night by United States Comptroller of
Currency John Skelton Williams, con
demning the banking mothods of Joalan.
V. Thompson, came a well-authenticated
report here this morning that a represen
tative of II. C. Frlck had been III this
city for several days purchasing every
available scrap of Thompson's paper that
he could lay his hands ,on. According to
the same authority, the Pittsburgh steel
magnate now has In his possession ti00,CO0
of Thompson's notes.
Comptroller Williams' statement waa to
the effect that direct and Indirect loans
to Thompson had beep running nt ap
proximately $1,000,000 or more, 10 times tha
bank's capital, ditrng the 10 years pre
ceding April, 1913, when an ciamlnatlpn
of the bank was conducted.
The Comptroller added that "such ef
forts. If any, as might have been mad
by the Comptroller's office to require him
to obey the law and conform to the reg
ulation of the office had been apparently
fruitless." f?
That Thompson Is being pushed to the
last trench by a syndicate composed Qt
New York and Pittsburgh financier la
the charge being openly bruited about by
Thompson's friends. Developments of
the last two days seem to confirm thle
view, and further underground moves now
being made by certain Interests, thinly
veiled though they are, make for absorp
tion of the Uniontown banker's great coal
acreage at their own figure' by men who
now virtually control the steel, iron and
coke business.
Mr. Thompson is In New York attempt
ing to put through a deal for the sale of
a portion of his coal holdings or swing
a loan to relteve the pressure on his fin
ancial standing.
While Thompson Is attempting to rals
funds and his competitors are endeavor
ing to secure control of his obligations,
anothet big crash was heard in court.
The teal estate Arm of Merkle & FranJf.
the largest In Fayette, waa placed in ttm
hands of receivers by Judge Van Swear,
Ipgen, on petition of B. II. Brownfteid
and W. P. Harader. Tlje Court appoint
ed Allen P. Williams, Davis W. Hender.
son and W. W. Markle as recelvere tor
the Arm, and for O. P. Markle and fsu.
dore Prank, aa Individuals. The aweta
of the Arm are given aa $1,367,009. wub
llabllltlea of $18.000, of which HS.00Q rep
resents unsecured claims.
T11HBB IS A WUfcAWAKK drug ttwft M
vour bBM that will ucpt LeJier wuu jtd.
at oBtce niu Ada. ax lisUpboneii w tta
Ktinq Lsuaaa etyjTtaur. .
EbsT Jan. SO. lo-SvaaP'drvg itore, loth and
Market, or fra&Mfeere to 8th an4 Mrtt
tU. iockttbooa, containing uwix uj
cfaack lU-turu to 600 CwhttaUa aveBa?j
LOST Bfwn 3 and ts.au, ln 21, lUhl
tallow lady' ixx-ketbook, pi-ohiol; la W
KVr Hazard. M wk,i.i.I 1wf.
LoT-rtstoly fia. ia IS, Us It ctau'it.'
Reward, tjiwrvacjj BaUwIs, 1 if i-
Oiktr eloMAtt o4vertMSMpts w . J
ri in