mmmmm THURSDAY Jonuaiy 21, 1915 iiaieirora m 'in 4LV A. pflner ' 'w"----Aijftu1jwiuajLag5?a PERSONS AND PLACES THAT FIGURE IN THE DAY'S NEWS AS RECORDED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER ik -YTS5j"r S-fli M .H0fflTfyl itmr T$ tm cfiflH J ' r rDs in - m m a: &y j? iS' rWr ?&& fcv J tjt ' whU-A d :w e A BREAD LINE THAT FORMS EVERY DAY, THOUGH ITS MEMBERS PAY CASH AS THEY GO This Is the lino found every day stretching away from the doors of one of the biggest bakeries in the city at the hour when one-day-old loaves are placed on sale. Its members come to net first choice. This picture is of interest just now on account of the fact that the recent rise in the price of flour has caused most of these buyers to be content with two loaves where formerly they bought a dozen. SENATOR MORRIS SHEPPARD Of Texas, who has raised the furore over-the question as to whether the District of Co lumbia shall be wet or dry, and who is bent on making it arid, is one of the youngest members of the Senate, being not yet 40 years old. a'? '"& .-3&fetMa& WSit:' S7fti :mr?z ,&$ J.i"Vl m " izkm ' m. ". wsssri .& 0'-" SXMS-2 SttS5 sfi N. it 4&, : ' t ac&zsi Kr ssh &? ""HTM K?:r SxnSSsi Ww &X2&S J &. GREAT CELILO CANAL WHICH WILL OPEN UP FERTILE BASIN OF COLUMBIA RIVER The construction of this $4,000,000 work is being watched with interest not second to the Panama Canal by the pe'ople of Oregon and Idaho. It will make free passage possible from Lewlston, Idaho, to the sea, a distance of 476 miles. It will carry the great wheat yield of the Columbia basin direct to vessels that ply the Pacific. W.. 'S a?Vv'-!;i..v..- fX?. . .-5V ' ? "- m 1M A"T -V3 Mi IRhIBevI , ' s ;v,-' ;s ,. M$" WATER-FILLED TRENCH ABANDONED TO BRITISH BY GERMANS This picture reveals the reason for the stories of discomfort and suffering that have come from, the war front. Men have had to stand in such trenches in the coldest weather for days at a time, not daring to move because of the hail of fire. Pneumonia has claimed many victims. CANADIAN TROOPS NOW ON CONTINENT REVIEWED BY DUKE OF CONNAUGHT The Canadian troopers serving with the Allies in France and Belgium are giving a good account of themselves, if reports recently received from the front are true. They distinguished themselves by a charge a few days after arriving at the firing line and have already paid their toll of dead and wounded. This picture shows one of the Scottish regiments on parade. J Mail ' mmr-i'P'' T :",wffi?sra?8Mamsmw art i HKAW OF TSEl CUT DOWN IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE REPRODUCES WASHINGTON'S FEATURES Whfttt W of the W flni trea thai ha? long decorated Independence Square was cut down a day or two ago. some one noticed that crow wttJon ffVat4 a bart whose outtoe was curiously reminiscent of the features of the Father of His Country. In, order tBSar fc Tft photograph was made of the statue ef Washington which twi$ in the rotun t City JJaii, n a J ke sr above, th ikw?f I? TemarkablE t gy he Uesfe WJs,5l IS EDUCATION POISONED BY WEALTH? THEY ASK Left to right. seated-Tames R. O'ConneU. of the. District of Columblaj Chairman Frank P Wf'fi vl Missouri; Mr. J. Borden HMttaB, of N?w York, and HarrU We&stock, of California. Standing. M -j-" - r":r'i T. " t won jmrj, of JK-entucky. tws pnaiogp "- New York City Hall, whe tke Fsdwal Jn4utril Coii4S k cw4wtig a heariflf.