9 S30AL DERUTANTE d U BON AFFAIRS ft EVENING- LE1;(IERPHILADELPHIA WEDNESDAY, JANUABY 20, 1916. 'g 'VrfSawv l i tX 7 iSfff 111 K ff . yWwi rAiH ulTNC y r" . i i i t u m is. rmvMihrj & vjifcmjm, j T- 1 1 JwjJ - nttAnt.C8 HOWAltD COL-KBT. of -UM tt ..'t.nr. nlace. will clvo n luncheon and .(if In honor of MUs Gertrude Tower, A i. iter -meats villi be Mrs. Charle- l& Tower, MUs Helen Tower. Miss Char F i Harding Brown, MUs Charlotte lluli, MUs ...t..t Wurta Pane. MUs Marirol Ellis Ht, MU Edith . Bally and MUs Mary tJrt wuru. Hht quests who nttendod the theatre party ITSin 07 Uunuivo " ' " ' 1 ,.. Tn nrawtnti tlAllcrhtjil nt donor oi i" " ' IS J H. Evans Hoborts, Included MUs Cor- fiilli Drexel mamc "" "i "" .,m, Ima Mary Wood Bally, MUs Margaret Handy Itenrlort MUS Jean ncwuviu iuuiuauu, ,a aY,- -d ft - a. 7 t K it SA trt A HfrtRBAtf l?AJS,1stJllJlje Crr Ellsworth Newton, Witney Wrlaht, Wit &L m.tt Parmer. Joseph M. PatterBon, 2d, bjirt Davis, Emlen Bandolph, L. Brook Ed- i.-Jj Vinton l'recaiey, itiurnu uaico, nuiiti Trtlerall. Robert Carrero and n. Penn Smith, fit. wtfri. Walter S. Thomson, of 1122 Spruce street. lift for the South tins ween lor a momn s stay. Her pU aB cnairman ot me ucrman xienei Lramlttee of the Emergency Aid will be taken L r Charles H. Frazlcr, of 1724 Spruce tret during her absence. flbVti Bobcrt W. Downing will entortaln at tho .jjpjrlttnce at mo mu-uunuu uu ii jiljht, January jv. .. nnmnrcl.Hn.nkoy. who will be remem- Ait. ." U:ti as Mls Katherlne Dohan, the daughter it Mr. C. E. Dohan, of Darlington, Delaware Cpuntyl Pa., has joined her husband, Major T j.trnMlfiiv nt th 3i1 "WornefltrrHhlrft v.. j.ni nf Uncland. at tho hospital for wounaed ofllccrs at Cambridge, England. Major B ,j - I..- Art TTI Hank'X wal! wounuea uu jKtciiiuui uu. Spunds, however, are not serious, ana it is ipected that ho can be removed shortly to n home to convalesce, after which ho will return to his regiment. Tie Overseas Club of Philadelphia will hold Ri next meeting tomorrow evening, at Th Hotel Walton. As Is customary at tho Wary meeting a concert will bo given. Tho fotrseas Club Is a non-partisan society of British subjects residing outsldo the united .i..4Hn. Ttn undnrlvlnir mnttVA In to Tiro We the unity of British subjects the world KAmong tho soloists for tomorrow evening's ninrt &rn Miss M. Elizabeth Nassau, MUs MChrbtlne J. NUsen, Arthur E. I. Jackson, Dr. UK. Henry Green, jiiss uvciyn uross ana now r . .. lira u. mavers. Sirs. Smith, wife of Captain 'William Strouth- ir Smith, of the Navy Yard, and her daugh- ,er, Mlaa Margaret Smith, have just left for Florida, where they will spend the next two BonUis. MUs Smith will remain at Miami, Jthere she will be entertained by Judge and Mr- Oramllng. Mrs. Smith will visit her irother, Alfred Sinclair Abrahams, at Navarrcs, Hid before her return, sho will spend some jlae In Jacksonville and soveral other places louth. illrs. Bonjamln Janney nuddeo-ow, of 2S0 iSouth 23d street, will be at home Informally BVrtrteidays, after 3 o'clock, until Lent. No Starts have been sent out. iiSn. Gilbert Augustus Coo will be at nome tWtdneadays In January, at 33 South 19th street. Iltr. and Mrs. Charles Francis Bochman en- alned at dinner Monday night at their line, 2CM8 Locust street, their guests Including Otmral James Forney and Mrs. rorney, Mr. tnd Mrs. Georgo Reynolds and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Priestley Button. Mr. and Mrs. Boch- gin will go to New York today to attend the jUnee to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mil ton Black at the Hotel Gotham tonight. llJeutenant Commander Qeorge B. Landenber- Wt and Mrs. Landenbergerwlll entertain at pnpp?r on the U. S. S. JCearsargo following Ejlie dance at tho Navy Yard on Friday, Feb yuarr 5, (jUri. James Anderson and MUs Alma Ander son, of 233 Plnn utrrnt. ih vlnttlnc friends in lOnrlottesvllle, Va, ALONG THE MAIN LINE OYBisnoOK The Ladles' Entertainment Com- IWUee of the Overbrook Golf Club has sent out Mtatlons to the members of the club to at- ad a dansante. Saturday afternoon. January from J.80 to 5:30. Invitations have also been Mnt out by the Entertainment Committee for a "tier Number Contest dance for cups. Tues- tT, February J, at 8:30. Attractive favors will J another feature of this novel subscription anca. pUnt A. MI1U, who, with MUs Ruth Mills, irorned from a three-months' trln In England. B mending- thU week In Overbrook oefore re ar to New York, where she and her daugh- 1 will spend the winter. sllrl. Francla Rhnnlr Tlmwn will ntrtnln at Bridie this afternoon at her home, C337 Drexel Had, q honor of several out-of-town guests. lttXX0N "Mw M. nLff XPinta DAviirtv nf Ol Jjft5Mtr and Sycamore roads, will entertain a IB"'8 Party from .Tinnm J9 In HVhrliarv S. U'r, and Mrs. EVrt.rf,V a rnrrU hftVA re- Ed from a few days' stay In New York. ? John II. Ftal. nf Hamlehurat avenue, srava Mlaneranca last night In honor of the blrth- W wnlversary of her daughter, MUs Deborah li1'' The ruett n fmm tVi nhnnt l nf Slch there were. 14 at dinner. The rfeooradone w quite elaborate. Palms, greens and pink S were used In profusion. CHESTNUT nTT.T. ?KJ1 Emllv TavlBr. rf Vft ill. Alr nva. , win entertain t bridge Informally tomor 1 ""erneon. .iS flrit of a Hfa nf iilarlnilnn Annp.fm WES OS hM Ulm ..!. . U a.nAn K"wtry aub. These dances, which are to be Kn'? ,n third Wednesday of eaoh month, are saarge of Mrs. William Moench. GERMANTOWN ;WU EUxabelh P. A. Tavlor. daughter of Mr. Iff M"' Frederick Wlnslow Taylor, who spent P eelceod at Atlantic City with ber parents. turned to "Cedron." Indian Queen lane, on Py Of thU week. TaS frln4B M ftr tr . oa yvf thm rfwo. Verri, will be pleased to learn that 1? rsvd Mm a M-wsk' Illness. Mrs Hlntoti mvi! i iff. red a. severe attack of i Inflammatory rhtumati-m i MUs Jooephlnc Molghnn, of Chew street and Church lanp, xslll enUrtaln nt ' Wi tomorrow evonlnif, In honm of Mla Mary B Olvnn, of New York. Mlas OlVnn will be tho guest of Miss Mclghan for scvenl v coks. Qeorirn W. Urn, AT.9-. fi.Mii,htiltt H m .,.,. will leave tomorrow for Jacksonville, Tin , where ho will remain until spring Maurice It Walters, or 216 East Prlc street. has returned from n short stay In Washington, D. C. Mrs Oeorge P narrow of F21 Gcrmnntown avenue, Is vUltlng filcn-U In New York. ThomaR Hndle of 21S U'ct Johnson strict, will rnlertnln at brldgo on Thursday evening, January 21. WEST PHILADET PITIA MUs Agnes Bergen, of 30t Walnut street, entertained at cards yesterday There wero 42 guests present, nmonn whom wero Mis? Helen Pattorion, Mlsn Alice Ilonsor, Miss Ethel Bonsor, MUs Ella Mao Harris, MUs Madeline Murray, MIh Leah Murray, MUs Mary McMahon, MUs Mary Ferguson, MUs OHln Hardy, Mlsi Knthnrlno McMnhon, Miss Mnrgaret Brockerhoff, Miss Athnlla Hirst, MUs Mario Qulnn, MUs Anna Murphy, Ml'is VlrRlnla McOrath, MUa Adele McOrath, Miss Irene Bradford, Miss Ardli Tanquay, MUs Fran ces Head, Miss Ella Ilend, Miss Helen Cronln, Miss Gcrtrudo Cronln, Mlsi Katharine Mc Mahon, Mlas Mario Bonner, Miss Leonldo Daglt, MIbs Vera Berry, MUs Elennor Iluane, Miss Helen Kelly, MUs Elennor Loguc, Misa Bernadctte Rullhnn, Miss Knthnrlno Loughrnn, Miss Elizabeth Lukes, MUs Marcnret LuUcm, Miss Certrude I.uUen, Mla Anna Colllna, MUs Itlta McDevltt, MUs Hester Kan ley, Miss Jano Ewlng, Miss Mary TUdale, MUs Eleanor Mc Nulty, MUs Dorothea PrcnderK.ast, Mrs. Jamen P. Hynn and Mrs M. W Brocks Invitations hnvo been issued by Mrs Alex ander H. De Haven, of 329 North 34th street, for a tea. with bridge to bo given at Hamilton Court, on Thursday, January 28. There will be BO guests Mr. and Mrs De Haven will give a small dinner of 12 covers tonight nt their home. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Lieutenant W. F Cochrane, U. & N., and Mrs. Cochrane entertained last evening In honor of MUs Josephine McGIness, of New Orleans, who Is at presont tho guest of Lieutenant and Mrs Philip Seymour. Tho affair waB a dance, followed by a buffet supper, nt their home In tho Qlrard Estate, 2319 South 21st street. Their guests wero MUs Ethel Bates, of Atlantic City; MUs Barbara Itosasco, of PenBncoln, Fla.; MUs Anno Harris, Miss Marian Harris, MUs Edna Becker, Miss Marguerite Gray, MUs Laura Mc Cown, MUs Alma Custer, Miss Frances Beattle, MUs Helen Murray, Mlsa Mary Blakemnn and Messrs. Kccfer, Patterson, Cushlng, Hickman, Fleming, Blalceman, 'Wllmer, Beach, Roberts, Doctor Olds, Doctor Woods, Lieutenant Shaffer, U. S. N ; Lleutcnnnt Davidson, U S N : Lieu tenant WallUon, U S. N.; Lieutenant Harrlll, U. S. N.; and Paymaster Parsons, U. S. N. Paymaster Mnnnlng II Phllbrlck, U. S. N., and Mrs Phllbrlck will entortaln this evening nt their home In the Glrard Estate, 2423 South 21st street, at' brldgo Their guests will bo Lieu tenant Commander G B. Lnndenbergcr, U. S. N., and Mrs. Lnndenbergcr; Lieutenant Arthur T. Barney, U, S. N, and Mrs. Barney; Lieu tenant Charles II. Bullock, U. S. N., and Mrs. Bullock; Lieutenant Commander Raymond S. Keycs, U. S. N., and Mrs. Keyes; Lieutenant W. F. Cochrane, U. S N., and Mrs. Cochrane; Lieutenant Ralph L. Shepnrd, U. S. M. C, and MrB. Shepard; Dr. and Mrs Paul Correll, MUs Blanche Lane and Lieutenant Commander Guy A. Blosett, U. S. N. Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Snder will entertain this evening at auction bridge, followed by a lunch eon, at their home, 17th and Christian streets. Their guests will Include Mr. nnd Mrs. Trunk Isaac, Dr. and Mrs Crelghton Schwenck, Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, Mr, and Mrs. William Sautter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wayne, MUs Elizabeth Huntor and Captain Lamottc, U. S. A. ALONG TnE READING The Academy of Talent boneflt for the Ladles' Auxiliary of Ablngton Memorial Hospital will be hold at tho Jenklntown Auditorium this evening, nt 8:15 o'clock. Under the di rection of Mrs. Margaret Eleanor Bless ing, of the Academy of Talent, the Domino Club of the De Lancey School will present tho delightful comedy, "The Arrival of Kitty." In three nots, William Sylvano Thunder, of the piano department of the Academy of Talent, will play tho overture, nccompanled by E, W. Cooper, of the violin department, who will play a solo between the first and second acts. Otto Oeller, of tho vocal department, will render a solo between the second and third acts. The patronage Includes the following ladles: Mrs. Charlea D. Barney, Mrs. Beauveau Borlo Jr., Mrs. Lawrence Butler, Mrs. Joseph S. Bunting, Mrs. John B. Deaver, Mrs. Sumner II. Croas, Mrs. George W. Elklns, Jr., Miss Mar garet Fox, Mrs. Iladcliffe Furness, Mrs. John Grlbbel, Mrs, Beauveau Borle, Miss Gortrude Gilbert, Mrs James Bayard, MUs Mabel Bayard, Mrs. Wchard Ilarte, Mrs, Archibald Ilubard, Mrs, Charles O. Kruger, Mrs. George II. Lorlmer, Mrs. Stanley Martin, Mrs. Milton K. Nelffer, Mrs. John Newbold, Jr., Mrs. Wharton Sinkler, Mrs. John B. Stevenson, Mrs. Marma duke Tllden, Mrs, Harlow Voorheea, Mrs. Bar clay Warburton, Mrs. Daniel B, Wents, Mrs, W, Howard WlUon, Mrs. Penrose Itoblnson, Mrs. J, Conyntfham Stevens, Mrs, Herbert Tay lor, Mrs. C. A. Walter, Mrs. Charles J3. Bohwartx. Mn. Andrew Griffith. MUs Katharine Goontner, Mrs. George O. Haney, MUs Emma Hett, Mrs. Joseph Gabriel, Mrs. A. Y, Garhard, Mrs. T. M. Daly, Mrs. D, A. Egan, Mrs. J. Howard Eryeln, Mrs, Henry Fisher Foster, Mrs. J, N. Carter, Mrs. R. F. Bright. Mrs. S. H. Chapman, Mrs. K. Bubb, Mrs. Charles Butler, Mrs, Harry Ambleri Mrs. F, Bache, Miss Mary Baggs, Mrs. W J Balrd, Mrs. N Boyle, Mrs. Ella Detwiler, Mrs. William Frets, Mlas Susan H. Fulmer, Mrs. Paul Furman, Mrs, Walter E. Hering, Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. Paul Kline, Mrs. Andrew Kraus, Mrs. a L, Levy, Mrs. B. K. Price, Mrs, a B Robinson, Mrs Herbert Robinson, Mrs. George Batterthwalte, Mrs. William Robinson, Mrs. Robert Sewell, Mrs. John Bcribnir. Mrs. Thomas E, Shoemaker, Miss Oertrude Smith. Mrs. H. Streeper. Mrs. Hnry TnUsill Mrs H Q Tull. Mr Thomas a Snjitli and Mrs Franklin Watson, ISrMls6 !feJfeyB " 'S-t3BS!; ' SS ., ,v niflea3tyi9MissssisssssHssssssssTl Alios liijiji Miss Young la tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miller Weild was recently announced. MISS ELLA MVEDDJNG A WEDDING ot much interest to socioty In this city nnd Now York will take placo to day In New York when Miss Elizabeth Sher man Hoyt will becomo tho bride of Thomas Harris Frotlilnghnm, of this city. Tho cere mony will be performed In St. Bartholomew's Church, nnd will bo followed by a reception nt tho homo of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Alfred M Hoyt, 931 nth avenue Tho bride will bo attended by four bridesmaids. Theodore Frothlngham, Jr , will be best man Hunting don Frathlngham nnd B.alnbrldgo rrothlngham Will bo ushers. Tho bridegroom la the son of Mr. and Mrs Theodore rrothlngham, of 1709 Locust street. V1IIA LIPJ'INCOTT Another marriage of Interest to Philadelphia nnd Now York, which will tako place this aft ernoon at St. Patrick's Cathedral. New York, will be that of MUs Helen Llpplncott, of this city, and Alphonso P. Villa, of New York. MUs Llpplncott, who has spent much of the winter In New York with her grandmother, Mme. Antdlno de Bolg, Is tho daughter of the Into Tranklln B. Llpplncott. Her mother, who married a second time, Is Mrs. Henry Mapleson, wife of Colonel Mnplcson, of the British army. MUs Llpplncott Is popular In New York. Bar Hnrbor and Philadelphia society. Mr. Villa Is n native of Turin, Italy, but has lately made his home In New York, where ho Is a member of several clubs MunnAY Asnuny Tho marriage of MUs Helen Elizabeth Asbury, daughter ot Mr, and Mrs Harry E. Asbury, of Wlndemerc, Oak Lane, to Howard Lenford Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lenford Murrny, of Wynnewood, will be solemnized to night, at 7 o'clock. In St Paul's Protestant Dplscopal Church, at Elklns Park Tho cere mony will bo performed by the Rev. J. Thomp son Cole, rector of tho churoh, and will be followed by n small dance for the younger set. Miss Bertha Kohne. of Pittsburgh, a cousin of tho bride, will bo maid of honor, MUs Mada llne Asbury, Miss Natalie Rand, MUs Marie Cummlngs, Miss Elizabeth Cummlngs, Mlas Elizabeth Asbury, sister ot the bride, and MUs Helen Murray, a sister of the bridegroom, will be bridesmaids. J. Elder Blacklcdge, of Indlannpolls, will bo best man, nnd tho ushers will be Philip Wright, Jr., Wesley McWllllams, It. Morris Urquhart, Wurren Wllklns, J. Howell Cummlngs, Jr., and Julius Meyn, of Hammond, Ind. llYAN-McKECII!EY A pretty wedding took placo this morning In the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Broad and Susquehanna avenue, when MUs Edna MoKegh ney, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas P, Mc Keghney, of 2213 North Camao street, became the bride of J. Burchard Ryan, of 1524 North ISth street. Tho ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock by the Rev. Gerald P. Coghlan, and wao followed by n Nuptial Mass. The bride was attended by her sister, MUs Florence Mc Kcghney, and Mr. Ryan had for his best man, his brother, Charles Ryan. The bride wore a very smart traveling suit of dark green serge, a large black velvet picture hat, trimmed with white plumes, and carried bride roses and lilies of the valley. After a wedding breakfast served for the bridal party nnd the immediate families at the home of the bride, the couple left for a short trip through Washington and the South, and will be at home after February 15 at 1524 North 18th street. JOnNSTON-DETTS Miss Marjorle Betts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward T BettB, and Tilghman Erwln Johnston, Jr., will take place tonight In Wil mington. The marriage will take place at the home of the bride's parents, with only members of the Immediate families present. Tho recep tion, from I to 9 o'clock, will be attended by a large and representative assemblage of guests. MUs Betts will be attended by three brides maids Miss Roaamond Starr, of Easton, Md.; MUs Barbara Vandegrlft and MUs Frances H, Brlnckle, of Wilmington, Poyntell Johnston, the bridegroom's brother, will be his best man, end Master David Lindsay, of this city, and Master Stratton Buck, of Detroit, Mich., will be the little ribbon bearers. After a wedding trip, Mr, and Mrs, Johnston will reside at HIS Franklin street. MUs Barbara Vandegrlft en tertained at a buffet supper last night In honor of the bridal party. CHAUER-IlUnCESJ A quiet home wedding will take place this afternoon, at 430 o'clock, when MUs M. Emma Burgess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Bur gess, will be married to T. H. Grauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William II. Grauer. of 1850 Frank ford avenue, at the bride's home, 1337 East Cumberland street. MUs Burgess will have as maid ot honor MUs Frances Hamilton, and Mr. Grauer will have as best man F 3 Yetber After an extended wedding trip Mr nnd Mrs. Grauer will h at home at SOfii Bast Llpplncott trt tf2vft&i,uijui urrv Diii. iuum -"" "i ""i George W. Young. Her engagement to Charlea The marriage will take placo in February. MAE YOUNG NORTII PHILADELPHIA Mrs. A H Manwnrlng, of 2033 Susquehanna avenue, Is entcrtnlnlng at 600 this afternoon. Her guests, who aro members of her card club. Include Mrs. Adam Pletz, Mrs Frank Huckel, Mrs. William L Holmes, Mrs Ernest A. Wright, Jr , Mrs W, H. Ulnlr, Mrs Gcorgo Heyser nnd Mrs. Edmund Brlckley. Miss Lillian Ritchie, of 12th street nnd Lehigh nvonue, li gllng a DOO pnrty, followed by an Informal luncheon, this afternoon for her card club, the members ot which aro Mrs. Joseph C. Dacnport, Mrs. Clifford Durcll, Miss Counsel man, MUs Gertrude Rudhnrt, Mrs J. Walter Flanagan, Mrs. Charles A. Muck, Mrs Harry Flanagan, Mrs Charles P. Martn, Mrs Clar ence Keeer nnd Mrs. Thomas Shocsmlth. At tho nut party nnd dance given by Dr. and Mrs. John Torranco, of 1300 North 18th street, for their daughter, MUs Hazel Torrnnce, the decorations wore novel and very attractive, the polnscttlas and ferns used being combined with -various kinds of nuts. Tho guests were MUs Esther Beers, MUs Dorothy Mathleu, MUs Gladys Dawson, MUs Irene Rnu, MUs Marian de Burlo, MUs Henrietta Cot, Miss Florenco Cussln, Miss Lillian Klrkncr, Mlsa Clara Mat singer, Louis Stohr, Louis Matlack, William Quenzel, William Oglcsby, Roy Bell, Joseph Clausen, Stanley Hammer, Gcorgo Keen, New ton Compton, Abbott Sibaon, Wallaco Cooper and Francis Glbbs TIOGA Miss Adele Schcmba, of 114 West Erie ave nue, will entertain at "MO," followed by a supper, on Thursday evening. Her guests will be MUs Mary McLaughlin, MUs Vera Walralth, Miss Beatrice Summers, MUs Leonora Walralth, MUs Celine Schembs, Miss Genevieve Klepper and MUs Josephine Klepper. Dr. and Mrs. Marlon Wells Benjamin, ot SC03 Old York road, announce the engagement of their cousin, MUs Bessie Stroud, to T, Lewis Sturdevant, of New York, The Mlases Abrahamaon, of 3216 North 13th street, are entertaining Miss Ada Rosenthal and MUs Flossie Rosenthal, of New York. Mrs. Carl G. Herschel, of 3S17 North 19th street, entertained Informally laBt night, when her guests were MUs Millie Baugh, MrsJane Wllklns. Mrs. J. A. Parker, MUs Kathryn Parker, Mrs. Robert Fries, Mrs. F. L. Thom son, jr., MUs Rheo Duryea, MUs Maude Baugh, MUs Florence Nuttall, Miss Margaret Hilton and Mrs. Laura Shlnkle Mrs. Owen McMaster, of 3S19 North 23d street. Is giving an Informal tea this afternoon for the members of her Bewlng club. Miss Margaret L. Hilton, of 1C01 West Erie avenue, will give a tea this afternoon. Her guests are members ot the Tioga C. T. C. Club. The annual dance of tho Alpha Tennis Club will be held on Thursday night, January 23, In the Logan Drawing Rooms, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kraus, of 2137 West Venango street, are entertaining their daughter, Mrs, Lawrence Kaufman, of Charleston, W. Va. An Interesting program has been arranged for the meeting of the Woman's Suffrage So ciety of the 23d Legislative District, tonight In the Bank Building, 17th and Tioga streetB. Mrs. George H. Wobenamlth will preside. f fcou try CUit Stuiie MISS ELEANORE DI3PHAM MUs BUphtm and ber couain, MUs Barbara BUpharo, will be girea. a theatre) party followed by tea at the Bellorue-Suratford ibis afternoon by their auuu, Mlas Biinbara and Mlas Marie Bitpbam. rhoto lijr Mrj CUmtll jBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaaa91ifB&A mmMUMuWv ' WaaatEJM EDNESDAY, the popular day for matinee parties, will do Us sharo today In enter. taming tne aeouiantea MUs Mnry Stewart Wurts, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Charles Stewnrt Wurts, will be gUest of honor at a luncheon nnd 'theatre party to bo given by Mrs Joseph Baldwin Hutchinson, of 1304 Spruce street. MUs Blspham and Miss Mario S, BUpham, of 2313 De Lancey street, will entertain at tho play In honor of their nieces, MUs Eleanor BUpham, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs Samuel BUpham, and MUs Barbara BUpham, daughter of Captain Harrison BUpham. Ten will follow at the Bellevue-Stratford, and the guests will Include MUs Marjorle Paul Morris, MUs Helena S Itoblnson, MUs Elennor Grubb and MUs Hlbjl Wright. Mr. and Mr. Nathan A. Tnjlor, of Efncm helm. Chestnut Hill, will give a theatre party and tea at tho Ucllavue-Strntford In honor of their daughter, MUs Marjorle Taylor. Their NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Weir, of 2068 East York street, entertained the membors of tho Emman uel Junior Christian Endeavor Society. Among thoso present wero MUs Sarnh Weir, MUs Elea nor Levcns, MUs Florence Levons, Miss Flor enco Hesley, MUs Marian Cram, MUs Harriet Clonk, MUs Kathcrlno Tobben, MUs Sadie Morrison, Miss Edna Ervlne, MUs Catherine Gnul, MUs Edna Weir, MUs Laura Grelas, Mrs Samuel Sevens, Messrs, Albert Huebner, Riu sell Flanagan, Gnrdner Kelso, Howard Koch, Harry Nicholson, Earl Kelly, Calvert Bowman, Alfred McDanlels, Elwood Wood, Russell Tay lor, George Seyboth and Daniel Elliott. The Women's Memorial Christian Temperance Union met Inst night In the Frnnkford Avenue Baptist Church, Frankford avenue near Cum berland street, Kensington. Mr. nnd Mrs. George Peterson, of 2223 Coral street, aro receiving congratulations on the birth of twin sons. Matthew J. Galbralth Is spending a few days In New York. Trank Carroll, of Emeraldvllle, has returned home, after spending a couple of weeks visit ing his brother in Pittsburgh, Pa. FRANKFORD Captain William C. Carrell, of 2606 Rhawn street, waB host at a stag party last night. Thomas Kcenen, Francis Parkinson, James Gofner, Daniel O'Donnell and Charlea Hopkins were present. Mrs. William Kuhn, Jr., of 4836 North Eth street, will entertain this afternoon In honor of Mrs William Kuhn. Her guests will Include Mrs. William It. Manning, MUs Amelia M Man ning, MUs Elsie E Kuhn, Mrs. William Gietz, Mrs. Charles W Greta, Mrs. William Grotz, Jr., Mrs. Frederick Hartlng, Mrs. Leonhard Gretz, MUs Lura Gretz, Mrs. Harvey T. Banocle and Mrs. C. F. Rau. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ulgelow left last weok for San Tranclsco, where they will remain until after the ranama-Paclflc Exposition. When they return they will reside at their new home. 2SU Wilmot street. Mrs. Blgclow will bo remembered as Mlsa Wllhelmlna K. Wlmers berger, of S105 Tacony street. Miss Lily N. France, of 4720 Oakland street, nnd Mrs. Wilfred Gray have sent out Invita tions for a card party January 30, In honor ot MUs Arlce Bromley", nt Mrs. Gray's home, 1215 Fillmore street MUs Bromley's engagement to William Coghlan has been recently announced. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin S. Wynn. of Asylum pike, will have MUs Dorothy Paul, of Ambler, as their guest until February 7. ROXBOROUGH Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. Stevenson, of Osborne street, Wlssahlckon, have announced the mar riage of their daughter, Miss Eleanor Stevenson, to Frank Halnbach, Jr., of 8406 Ridge avenue, on Friday night, January 15. The ceremony wns performed at the homo of the bride's par ents by the Rev. Dr. Charles r. Lyons, rector of St. Alban'a Episcopal Church, Ridge nnd Falrthorne avenues. Tho bridegroom's Bister, MUs Minnie Halnbach, was maid of honor and the bride's brother, H. Goodwin Bteven son. was beat man. The service was followed by n dinner and reception. Mr. and Mrs. Halnbach are spending their honeymoon In the South. They will be at home after February 1 at 2310 North Newklrk street. LANSDOWNE George Statsell and his son, George Stat sell, Jr., of ShadeUnd avenue, have left for a two-week golfing, at Pinehurst, N. C. Mrs. nenry Zohn, of New York and Wash ington, Is spending e. few days with Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge T. Walton, of Lansdowne. Mrs. William T. Austin, of North Highland avenue. Is entertaining Mrs. Frank Dreer and Mlas Ethel Dreer, of New Haven, Conn. A conference of the Woman Suffrage party of Yeadon will be held tomorrow at the resi dence of Mrs. Ethel A. Shrlgley, on South Lanadowne avenue. Mrs. Alexander Brooke Geary, of Walllngford, will give a tea. at her home on Geary's road Thursday, January 23, from 3 until S o'clock. CHESTER AND VICINITY MUs Elizabeth M. Garvey, of Flower street, Is entertaining Mlas Anna S, Hallgren, of Mt Joy, Pa. Mrs, J. W, Bartow, of Market street, is spending a week at Atlantic City. Mlas Florence Eber has returned to her home at 4th and Jeffrey streets after a fort night's vUlt to friends at Laconla, N, H, Alfred Mullen, of Mt Holly, N- 3., Js the guest of Charles Galvln, of West 3d street. CAMDEN AND VICINITY Mr and Mrs. Andrew Smith, of ttn and Penn streets, have been entertaining Mr. Smith's alstar, MU Jessie Smith. A dance and reception will be held in the LCWn Thursday evening, January 23. w guests will Includo MUs Mary Ballard, Miss Mary Bheppard, MUs Christine Rehn, Mlas Caroline I. Brlnton, MUs Anna B, Brlnton, Mlsa Edith H. Dillingham, MUs Frances Tyson, Mlas Eleanor Watt, MUs Mary Laird, MUs Katharine Z. Ogdcn, MUs Katharine Tenney, Mlat Eva line Taylor. Mr, and Mrs. J, Louis Ketterllnus, of 3016 Locust street, and Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mo Lean, of Indian Queen lane, Germantown, will glvo a dinner-dance tonight In tho North Gar dens of tho Bellevue-Stratford, In honor of Mrs Ketterllnus' niece, MUs Lucia Alice Pardee Warden, daughter of Mrs. Horbert W. Warden, of 1920 Pine streot Tho most Importnnt affair of tho day will be the dance given by Mrs. John Cadwalader, nt her home, 1519 Locust street, In honor of Miss Mary Frances TUhcr, daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. Honry Mlddleton Fisher, of 1020 Clinton street. A number of tho debutantes and younger men will be present AMUSEMENTS MAWSONDoSu'58 "Racinff With Death in Antarctic Blizzards" According to Rlr Erneat Shncklcton, Dr. Mawion not (inly ha the bent picture, still and motion, ever taken In 1'olar rrglona, but a story or great lterolam and endurance. anoanArmcAL society, wminnsrooN1 iulu TONIGHT, 8:ir. Tlcktts ft 00 at lUrW" Atter T o clock, Box Office, Wllberepoon Hall, ACADEMY OF MU8IO NEWMAN WithVActual J.V XJ T ATAXIAS Wm pictureg FRI EVO. At 8:15 BERLIN War CAT" MAT. fcJJ-J., . At 2:so Centre Tlcktta 60c, 76c, $1 at Ifeppe'a. Amphitheatre, 33c. T .VRTf! T1I1S WEEK ONLY AJ A Xi.J PAltEWELL APPEAJIANCE MARIE TEMPEST w.Sri, Matinee Today and Tonight Lait 2 Tlmea "MA11Y GOES FIltST," Henry Arthur Jones' Satirical Comwlr. Thura, Frl. Bat Kgi, Sat Wat., 'The Marriage nf Kitty" nnd "The Dumb and The Mind " NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMOR. MR. CYRIL MAUDE .-anuStpr- , 1 -if AT t-. MARKET ST. AND JUNIPEH GLOBE VAUDEVILLE It -30 TO 11:30 THE MUSICAL COMEDY HTA118 McWATTERS & TYSON EXCEPTIONAL SURROUNDING BILL OF 8 ACTS Forrest MatToday ZS&. CHAHLKS rnOHMAN Presents The Great Three Star Combination JULIA SANDERSON DONALD BRIAN JOSEPH CAWTHORN in THE GIRL FROM UTAH Garrick & Mat. Today &V. $1.50 11EO M COHAN'S Towerful Cnmedy Drama THE MIRACLE MAN VtLc,., NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW A II WOODS Preent LEW FIELDS ,n tiIho cost OF LOVINO BROAD MAUDE ADAMS Mat Today nnd Sat., QUALITY STREET I.aat Four Elg" nt 8:IB THE LEGEND OF LEONORA anil THE LADIES" SHAKESPEARE NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW DAVID RELASCO Prrnenta LEO DITRICHSTEIN In THE PHANTOM RIVAI, METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE SATURDAY, JAN. 23 ggg, PAVLOWA (The Divinity of the Dance) TWO ENTIRELY NEW PIIOORAMS Beat now. 1100 Cheetnut St. l'rlcea. SQo to li.SO. ATYPVrPTTT LAST times jxuaumi rop i mat. tomorrow SAM BERNARD ,"I"asurZ NEXT WEEK SEATS TOMORROW "THE THIRD PARTY" with TAYLOR HOLMES AND WALTER JONES METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE METROPOLITAN OPERA CO., NEW YORK JaWyat 8. BORIS GODUNOW Mmea. Ober, Delaunola, Duchene, Sparkea MM. Dldur, Althouie. Rothler. Bade, Begurola, Relit. Conductor, Mr Polacco. Sean 1109 Chestnut Street. Walnut 7035; Race 87 PTioormir Rr OPERA I Home of World's ne&WlUL OU HOUSE Oreat.it Fhotopla) Photoplays T CHRISTIAN JL II E A. TimPR DjlllV AF" 1 S-lOc and 180 - --V XjVUO., I k 0 10c, ISo, 250 VICTORIA MARKET AND NINTH 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. Vaudeville Photo-Playa Musical Comedy Southern Beauties SUjJSSSfowu, John Nerr, Flske Playcra: Others, Photo-Play Feature. "AFTER HER MILLTONB" Funnier than "Tlllle's Punctured Romance," " METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Tomor. Night, HP Vl A S O von o rl o Victor Herbert's at 8 P.M. AJieOtJreildUeQpereinaxcL Conducted by the composer. Presented by Tllil PHILADELPHIA OPERATIC SOCIETY Excellent cast. Chorus ot 100. Uallet S3 Beats (Including BOo reserved seat), U00 Chestnut at PALACE Theatre 0,i"1fff? U VAUDEVILLE "WEM" PHOTOPLAY MA"Y c4Tnperella.. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRE " "VtWgtot Gus Edwards and His New 1014-13 Hullc and Song Revue: Emma Crus, Assisted by Comtdul" Carl Randall j Vaughn Comfort A John Eva. Ledeer, Klnj Ed, Vinton, "Buster" Others. THE Market St. ab, leih PICTURES 11 to 11 Stanley MARIE DORO In '-THE MORALS OF MARCUS " CROSS KEYS THEATRE Market & 00th DA1LT AT 3 10a Evenlnts T ft o 10, 10, 20a Vaudeville Photoplays Kntlr CUan or UiU Moo. Tb.ui- T TTVPT TTt Mat Today J :S0 Tmalfht 8 SO JUli. IJ-illi The French Plnvwra THEATRE Pod (1 Mat Tocnorrow nil 17th t PeLanoay IThurs Frl Sat Brr. I'll 1 1 NIXON'S GRAND Today 8 iW. 1 EMPIRE GEO FELIX RAft-il TEH8, "ON AH-, JOE t 1 POTTS BROS CO i- i ADAMS Mil 1 TBI! k i i LAuaniNo r.Ti u.-. MATi ' r- i PRIZE M DUMONT' IC4SINO ""