Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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mwww Mmmmmmm
Prions Scattered Over Re
public and Carranza Ke-
Bbrtcd Moving
aricken Capital.
IL.twnTnN. .Inn. 20. - Mexico Is
Vi.a.i with n now division of hydra
ffiLi rule, Already her cltl-cns. par
Kirly '" a10"10 v-'1" "
ti.i.t .il.nntelicp today showed forccn
WM -evernl factions dotted over tho
&L in. f-nrrnll7.n'R forCCS cloglni
S8WI6 w"" " . ..
iin t(,c capital. Villa himself was rc
W preparjim to move his troops
L-r,l to complete his Interrupted
RmpalRn and abandon Mexico City.
jLnptlcntlnK the cntlro situation were
ff n.ntnt reports of friction between
fiji inn""'. ..'. i.i.i, vnioi.tn
1$?.:.. here denied that nuglit but liar-
(li , .
KfSnventfon dclesntcs nro mnltlnj- ready
&.trtitly for nigW. Their papers nro
Sl Hallway olllclals to move their of
J-,, northward, too, strengthened tho
F"....(nn that nnother evacuation of tho
HSui l !"""'. .. ...,.
W .... mm n turn Mnxtrn Cltv
VL apparent from tho fnct that Gen
ii :, Aktfnn'n fnrrea tiro at Puchla. nro-
fttislng loward tho capital, while the
U( Provisional President Gutierrez has
m picked men at t'achuca. Junction
f thMC bodies was Indicated today, fol
lorrf by a sweep upon the capital,
Administration olllclals were not partlc
Wrlr pleased at tho prospect by rea-
'Fmn of Carranza s recent nuuuuc iownri
ElM, Government Ono authority today
Jiclarcd his belief that Cnrrnnza had do-
wo the European war through, his recent
foil decrees. Further troublo from kimllat
"ittlvltles, It was aumuieu, miKiu reauit
bom Carranza's Increase In power.
Hedding SEQUEL TO $1000
Hrs. Edna M. Alexander and It. T.
Heitrncyer Married.
KHW TORK. Jan. 20. Mrs. Edna M.
leitnder, who pleaded guilty to smug
tUnr one year ago -and was fined J1000.
Werday mortiing hastened over to New
vt, N. J.i from tho Vnndcrbllt Hotel and
b tho nrternoon sno returned mm ino
tews that slio was tho bride of Ilobert
,1. Heltmeycr, leather manufacturer. Mr.
Heltmeer was lined with Mrs. Alexan
der for carrying Into this country and
concealing from tho Custom House In
iptctora a sapphire And diamond pen
'iint. Tb present Mrs. Hcltmoyer was di
vorced by Frank J. Alexander, a Balcs
min. In 1312, after his wlfo had ended a
Vorld tour with Mr. Heltmeycr. Mrs.
Heltmeier obtained a. divorce from her
tuband In January, 19H. Mr. Alexander
lan an action ror J1W.0W against air.
plr. Heltmeycr nnd tho then Mrs. Al
tiander were Indicted In tho United
States Court on tho chargo of a consnlr
'uy to defraud tho Government before
'Jjdre Hunt In December, 1012. They en
Itred pleas of guilty. Tho two had ar
rived here from Europo aboard tho
Sfrance, of the French lino, on November
R 1913. Tfho sapphire and diamond pen
"tont, worth 1600, was worn at tho time
ir Mrs. Aiexnnuor.
.Ilt-gerald, of Boston, Named as
iJ Member of Party.
BOSTON. Jan. 20. Tho name of ex-
Itaror John F. Fltztrcrald was brought
Kfcto testimony yesterday at tho trial of
tut IM.OOO breach of promlso suit brought
1; Elizabeth M. Ilyan, of Now Haven,
Irtter known ns "Toodles." ncalnHt
Harry Jlansdeld, proprietor of the Fern-
troft Tnn.
Bin cross-examination, James F. Mullen,
ku years old, of 72 St. Stephen street, a
Mired wine merchant, testified that ho
tad spent a week at Forncroft In Sep
tember, 1912. Ho and thrco other persons
isea Ulss Ilyan one night at tho Inn.
Ttnstat thnt thn nnmpN hn irtven. tlfl
JUs. witness Is telling a flat lie." (Then
Mr talking to Miss Ryan.) "Name the
patlemen," urged Miss Ryan's nttorney.
'Mullen-Frank Hall. John F. Fltz-
Urald. Ous Seeley.
Coakley-Is the John F. FiUgcrald tho
gt-lfayor of Boston.
louen Yes.
EX'MaVOr tif tffirAfnM hnn nnirrllv lanlPit
getfstlmony of Mullen.
Ejldltloa la Easy, JJut How to Sub
ASHINaTON. Jan. 20.-TValter A,
ff a tolntlnsr out tho good qualities
ii . Prize-winning rooster In a coop
Ji. ? Wltry nnd pigeon show when a
JP Esmond dropped from his rlnff Into
? Ma, The rooster gobbled It.
our rooster has swallowed my ?1
eiamonil," Kelfer told William A. Crowe.
SJ roojur'a owner.
f cannot afford to kill a J500 cockerel
J McoTer a J125 diamond." Mr. Crowe
aij the question of what shall bo done
' i yet settled.
' ' ii S
I&w York Banker's We Tests Mus-
zllntr TifLvr.
Rraro vt, ,. . i.
-:; vi., jan. zv. airs, wnaries
"SMauph, wife of a banker, -who la test
SH legality ot tho dosr-muzzllng ordl
S3J following a summons to Yorkvllle
" tor allowing her bulldog Kurokl to
i 0Q Cth AVAnii wUtinnf n mnyiln nn.
5f4 yesterday In Yorkvllle Court.
ar the dav hpfnr h hurl ht--n held
K?W1 Sessions.
""" r. Knoblauch's attorney, Miss
?.rtl)a nmha..o,u i i.j . .-
KoiimI ' l,aDea corpus from Supreme
Kl'"" iehman, MttKlstrate Freachl
r01d II,. TnnV.I...-l. 1 . I.. .a L.
Bn. " iuuiavii in ciusiuuy ui 1110
ftVTtn oi Yrkvllle prison. Ho showed
KEfnubodv nJte(. thft banket-, w-fa
SrrTS ner ant . n .i.. iniMi..
Jelled " """' ""M " ujmiwj
S?' ,thls u Perfectly horrid place
Kurokl. Besides, he Is just set-
Md v 'B,,vere attacK or indigestion."
fir,. ' over uiioi was asKeu,
afi .??5,?9 he doesn't bite; he's very
Sftred "9 B8ixUD8 me- b0
Dr. Wllltam Horter, of this city, is charged by his wife with deserting
her and six children for two other women, with whom he is said to
, have made contracts before living with them.
To BftfAtnJ t-i t "r.t
,2 'JNQTOK, Del., Jan. 20.-Efforta
iUuH- ,"'" "Y memoers or the
!1tokr?war' iwn to erect a fireproof
"-Trr"- 'tt WhtLh to arm-it lt valiinhla
'' i tmiaiag fund.
Continued from l'nce One
Horter was In Pittsburgh snme wneks
ago when tho man was arrested on n
charge of blgnmy. This charge wa
preferred by tho Baker woman when tho
much-wooed dentist got a now affinity
and went to Sparrow Lnke with Mlsu
Smith, according to her story to the do.
When Miss linker wrote to Horter, re
proaching him for leaving her, she told
the detectives, ho sent a reply saying:
"llrnco up, llttlo girl, I'll noon bo with
you forever."
Some time later, Bhe dectared, Horter
nnd Miss Smith returned to Pittsburgh.
The dentist declined to give up his latest
atllnlty altogether, nnd Miss i uk r nl
liTm arrested. She charged ha had mar
ried hcr'wltliuut obtaining a divorce irom
his wlfo In this city. That charge was
Btlll ponding when Detectives Le Strange
nnd O'Neill nrrived In Pittsburgh. Miss
linker admitted to them that Horter had
not married her and bo could not b
punished on the bigamy chargo.
The detectives had tho man discharged
and arretted hlni on the old chargo of de
sertion. From 11183 Baker they learned
tho alleged story of his life prior to his
meeting with her. Some time within tho
lastllalf dozen years, she told them, a
wealthy married woman of Kansas City
had met Horter. She fell In love with
him. After a brief courtship by the
woman sho Induced him to fleo with her
to Central America, according to Miss
In one of tho cities of that turbulent
country tho Kansas City woman estab
lished her alllnlty nnd there they lived for
some time, nventually Horter grew tired
of tho woman, Miss Baker said, and left
her. He returned to Philadelphia, nnd
mnnnged to become reconciled to his wife.
All went well until Miss Baker appeared
on tho scene. At that time, according to
tho detectives, Doctor Horter hnd an of
flco In tho central part of the city, nnd
had established a good practice. Miss
Baker acknowledged to the detectives that
she fell In love with him nt first sight.
Within a short time the pair camo to
an ngreement, Miss Baker said. Who did
tho wooing sho did not say. but the re
sult was that they left Philadelphia nnd
went West together. For more than tvo
years, Miss nnker asserts, they traveled
all about the country. Finally they land
d at Zlon City, nnd Dr. Horter beenme
a disciple of Alexander Dowle and later
a mil later In his church.
After almost a year In that city the
pair went to Pittsburgh. Tho Kansas
City woman here Intruded again, accord
ing to Miss Baker, who says she wrote
to Doctor Horter offering him JH0O If
he would go to Kansas City and live with
her. Miss Baker says she Induced him
to refuse.
Tho detectives also give Miss Baker as
authority for tho statement that the
Kansas City woman rcpeatodly tried to
Induco tho dentist to seek a divorce so
he could marry her, but ho declined.
The contract with the Baker woman, ac
cording to the detectives, Is as follows:
"First. You must bo true. v
"Second. You must cut nil ties with
your friends and relations. There must
bo no communications from them to you
or from you to them.
"Third. You must bo devoted to my In
terest and be willing to sacrifice your
life Itself, If necessary, to further our
"Fourth. No lies or deception, no mat
ter how trivial, are to bo countenanced.
Tho dentist, who Is a cousin of Hiram
Horter, president of the Police Beneficiary
Association, liad another contract with
Miss Smith. It follows:
"I resolve from this date not to have
or receive any communication from my
Story Told of Daring Deed by French
LONDON, Jan. 20. A dispatch to the
Chronicle from northern France says that
a youth, In his early teens, named Tho
rel, won a trench from the Germans
"It was near Ypres," saya the dis
patch, "that Thorel's regiment was or
dered to retake ground that the French
had lost a little while before. The first
attack failed, and the second attack being
attempted was when it was decided In
view of the difficulties of the ground to
postpone the charge until night. Thorel
was In the front rank. Carried along by
his enthusiasm, he did not hear the order
to retire and continued to dash forward,
believing be was being followed by his
"At last he reached a deserted trench,
and sprang intd it. Then when thero was
time to look around he found he was
alone. Retreat was Impossible, for as he
peeped ahead, he saw crowds of Germans
coming and going In another trench only
25 yards away. The time had come to act,
Making a rest for his rlfls under a shel
ter, ho brought his sights to bear on a
German nnd pulled tho trigger.
"Tho German fell, then a second and a
third. A brisk volley came from, the ar
man trench, but Thorel waa under good
cover and was not hit. Ha continued fir
ing rapidly, and mora than 1G0 of his 200
cartridge had been expended when the,
Germans, persuaded by his activity thaj.
the trench was strongly held, bolted to
another position further to their rear."
100 Children Kept From School by
Lack of It,
Funds to provide clothing for about W
children now remaining away from school
because of the lack of It are needed by
the newly organized social service centr
for the relief of school children at tha
Bureau of Compulsory Education, 1622
Cherry street. Miss E. Louise Johnson,
head nurse. Is In charge of the bureau,
In co-operation with Henry J. Gideon,
There will be no overhead expenses
in the operation of tho centre, these being
cared for by the Board of Education.
About 1500 Is urgently needed at onee, ac
cording to Miss Johnson, o that clothing
and shoes may bo purchased In whola
cale lota direct -rom tho wanufactursr.
Dpnatlona of warm outer clothing aUQ
are aoilctiwJ b - Johnson
Modeled on Similar Refuge
in New York More
Than 300 Entertained
- There Last Night.
"Hotel do Gink" Is tho namo by which
n big free hotel for down-nnd-outerB In
Now Yorkls known. It Is the product of
humor nnd benevolence combined. A few
days ago Jeff Dnvls, "King of tho Ho
boes," n wnndcrer with nn Imagination
nnd no end of nerve, walked Into tho of.
flco of the Custodian of Tubllc Buildings
In Now York and asked for tho keys of
a vacant Blx-story loft building nt Worth
and Center streets, which Is to bo torn
down by tho city to make way for a now
courthouse. Davis said he wanted to
open It for n shelter for homeless men.
The Commissioner saw the point nnd
handed Davis the keys. Ho then referred
bin action to the Corporation Counsel for
nn opinion nnd the lawyer put the de
cision off until spring.
Davis named the place the "Hotel de
Gink," and gavo n hard bed to 23M men
tho first night. The homeless keep the
place clean, and a philanthropist whose
Identity Is not revealed furnishes the coal
for the heating plant. The news of the
enterprise was sproad abroad nnd 375 men
from tho hotel havo got Jobs. Tho au
thorities nt the New York City Frco Em
ployment olllce say that bringing the un
employed togothor In a great centre has
been a great boon to the men nnd has
enabled the city to do a greater good
than It could otherwise.
This city has a "Hotel do Gink," with
all the trimmings, only It Is olllclally
known by another name. It Is a four
story factory building at tho northwest
corner of 12th and Hamilton streets, and
last night more thnn 200 men Blept there
on paper spread upon tho pine Moors.
Thero wns not a man among them with
the odor of "booze" upon him.
Tho house hns been open nlrio days,
and there has not been a sign of trouble
among tho patrons. Among them Is a
former clergymnn, a former well-known
carpet merchant, students who havo been
working their way through various
schools and havo had to wait until times
The founders of tho homo Insist upon
the preservation of their anonymity, nnd
will only say that tho Idea originated
In tho Sunday Breakfast Association.
Representatives of the society went to
the city government nnd naked for the
use of a largo factory building In ono
of tho poor neighborhoods of tho city,
but were too late, for tho heating appa
ratus had already been removed prepara
tory to razing the building. Then private
contributions hired the four-story loft
building, now tho Hotel de Gink.
Tho first morning that tho place was
open ono of t'no railroads had sudden
need for workmen. Word was sent to
this shelter and tho watchman wakened
to men and sent them out. All but one
of them was placed that clay In a good
Job, and the now shelter became a pop
ular place. It Ib In contemplation to open
tho top story of the building, ns the man
agers now have to turn men away.
Director Cooke said today that many re
quests had come to him for buildings for
use as shelters, but that there were
none available except two large ones at
remote points, the old pest 'nouses nt
Esslngton and tho casino building at Oak
City officials BUggest the Stato Fen
clbles, who have been declared by the
court to be In unlawful possession of
their armory on Broad below Race, can
ba ousted by Councils and this building
turned Into a shelter. Councils also has
the power to extend the lease on the
armory building.
"First Indy of Commonwealth" to
Itemaln In Background.
nou a srirr cosauroNDSNT.
HARIUSDUnO, Jan. 20,-Mlss Mabel
Brumbaugh, daughter ot Governor Martin
O. Brumbaugh, and the "first lady ot the
Commonwealth," showed she Intends to
remain In the background during the four
years her father will be the Chief Execu
tive of Pennsylvania, when she remained
away from the Governor's reception, held
In the Capitol last night George Edwin
Brumbaugh, the Governor's son, and his
wife, also failed to attend.
The reception was the closing event of
the Inauguration ceremonies. The House
Caucus Room, on the first floor of the
Capitol, was banked with ferns. The Gov
ernor, with his staff, stood In the centro
of the room and shook hands with 5000
Her Body Found In Bathroom and
Coroner Investigating-.
HARRISBURO, Jan. 20,Coroner Eck
Inger la Investigating the death ot Mrs,
Emma Etter, 55 years old, who was
found burned to death yesterday lr her
home In this city. The woman's hus
band discovered her dead In tha bath
room of her home, the house filled with
smoke, and Indications are that either
she saturated her clothing with oil and
set herself afire or that aha waa the
Victim of foul play.
Students to Aid In Fight on Bum
The Montgomery County No-Llcenio
League wilt have the support of the Carl
tlan Association of the University of
Pennsylvania In lt fight to drive rum out
of Montgomery County. Plans were made
by the association to have anti-saloon
ttamt, each composed Of three university
students, speak In several towns through
out the country Members of the first
team will apeak; tomorrow nlgut at Flour-town.
Store Opens 8:30 A. M
Store Closes S:S0 P. M,
1000 -Men9 s Winter Overcoats in
a Whirlwind Sale
500 of the finest reduced to $18.50.
400 good, sound staples and fancies re
duced to $8.50.
100 blue chinchillas reduced tty$lu.
The 500 overcoats at $18.50 comprise our
own good regular stocks and some pur
chased for the annual Whiter sale of over
coats. They include black and oxford fab
rics, silk and serge lined; also plenty of
fancy overcoats with satin shoulder lining.
Wise and forehanded men will be quick to
purchase them to wear through the howling
Winter days yet to come through January,
February and March, and then to save over
until next Winter.
No other such overcoats can possibly be
found in Philadelphia now or at any time
this Winter as low as $18.50.
(first Floor, Market)
500 Other Overcoats
in the Subway Floor
$8.50 each for 400 good all-wool over
coats, staple and fancy fabrics right out of
our own stocks. At the beginning of the
Winter for these same overcoats you would
have had to pay twice the price.
$10 each for 100 blue chinchilla over
coats, single and double breasted. They are
big heavy storm coats, just right for the
worst kind of weather and these are also
practically half price.
(Snbnrny Floor, Market)
Great Winter Clearaway
Sale of Gloves Tomorrow
3000 More Pair of
Women's Shoes Enter
the Winter Sale
These are the fine shoesmany in overgaiter
effects that women like so well. The Sale started
with 6000 pair at $3.65 a pair. As this was a saving
of a third, they went out so fast that we cleared
another manufacturer's shelves of the same grade
of goods to sell at the same savingnd the same
price $3.65.
Please remember, these are early Spring styles
not old models.
(Malri Floor and Subway Gallery, Market)
Special Favorites
In the Sale of Furs
These arc the furs which are aa staple as bread and
butter'or any other necessary of life.
Black fox neckpieces, $10, $13.25, $16.50 andso on up
to $45; muffs, $10 to $86.50.
Black lynx neckpieces, $10 to $53; muffs, $28.25 to
Natural skunk neckpieces, $10 to $40; muffs, $15
to $40.
Natural mink neckpieces, $18.25 to $83.25; muffs, $20
to $60.
Natural raccoon neckpieces, $7 to $20; muffs, $7.25 to
Beaver neckpieces, $10 to $20; muffs, $18.25 to $26.50.
(Third Floor, Chestnut)
A Special Lot "of Silver
Embroidered Flouncings
has juBt come In to Bell for less than half what the same
wide widths and the same grades would ordinarily cost at
other timeB. ,
They are truly exquisite cream craquele mesh net
with delicate patterns, outlined with a silver cord. 12 and
26 inches wide and only $1.25 and $2.75 a yard.
(Mala Floer, Central)
13,000 Men's Shirts
at 45c
In a Sweeping Special Sale
Madras shirts, percale shirts, mercerized cotton
shirts nearly every kind of cotton and neglige
shirt a man could want.
' And in the Wanamaker sizes which means a
vast and important difference from such skimpy
shirts as mostly come in bargain sales elsewhere.
the same kinds of soft and laundered plain neglige
shirts that we sell by thousands year in and year out
at much higher prices.
They are from a manufacturer whp in the past
has done an enormous part of our business. He
was always looking for big orders from us and al
ways kept a big supply ahead ready with the
Wanamaker labels sewn on. This time he had too
many ahead and decided to turn them into cash, so
asked us to take them over quickly at a reduced
Good business for him, good business for us,
and splendid business for our customers, who will
want to buy these shirts by dozens.
(Main Floor ami Subvrnj Gallery. Market)
The Sale of Pianos has some
thing in it for every home.
Prices are very low.
Men's Fur Caps and
Gloves Reduced a Third
to a Half
AH fine furs, true to name and stanch in service.
At their original prices there were few small furs equal
to them in Philadelphia.
Also some fur collars and fur foot muffs in the -clearaway,
but come early for these.
(Main Floor, Market)
Calendars and Note
Books Less
We have 800 "Dainty Memo"- calendars at 25c each, be
cause they are left-overs, ,
And 2000 note-book covers of the loose-leaf variety at
5c each- the price lowered because they are slightly
damaged and because many school children are using a dif
ferent type of book. Loose leaves to fit these covers can
always be had here.
(Subway Gallery, Central)
rrn Bmrmoi nT"nnnTmT 1 m 1 i r
m u