5P!HPffl!SBw EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANtlAEY 20, 1915- .6 TRENCHES REPLACO ' MRS. TENER HAPPY ffl'AFEE'S PASSIM MARKS THE END OF POLITICAL DYNASTY i Ex-Sccrctary Held Office 34 Years'; and 10 Years He Was the "Invisible Government." HOW TELE FIVE-CENT LOAF OF BREAD IS SHRINKING FORTS OF. STEEL FOB- VERDUN'S DEFENSE IN RELEASE FROM OFFICIAL LIFE Wife of ex-Governor Re gards Experience as First Lady as Pleasant Incident, but Likes Domesticity. "Hy four years at Harrlsburg were Merely an Incident In my llfo n very pleasant Incident, It Is true but now that they are over, T am looking forward to living In Philadelphia (or the first time with A. great deal of zest and anticipa tion." Tho very attractlvo woman who was the First Lady of Pennsylvania, and who to day In (Imply Mrs. John K. Tenor, smiled ft ntitlant smile, which showed tho case with which she had taken the step from wife of the Governor and mistress of ono of the most spacious rrianslqnit In the land to plain citizen, with a compact llttlo seven-room apartment as her domain, and It wouldn't have taken a very keen ob server to not" that If she was a su premely happy woman this tlmo four years ago, when her husband acceded to the gubernatorial responsibilities, sho was bo less so this morning. Surrounded by a conglomerate collection of trunks, packages, boxos, electric wires, baggage men and 'electricians, to cay nothing of a new maid. Mrs Tcner. 'n her apartment at the Mnldstono, teemed Just In the clement she liked bent and fixing things up according to her own good taste, "I'm an exceedingly domcstlo person," ho said earnestly, and the little apron which covered her dark blue tailored frock and her sleeves rolled high added conviction to the statement, "though for four years my domesticity has beon al most stultified, because whon Ono has tilno servants to keep In motion and n hlg mansion to oversee, In addition to tho thousand and one social duties that a Governor's wife Is called upon to per form, there ls'llttle tlmo'tof Indulge ono's iondnoss for the .household (asks dear to very woman's heart. "Of course, there's no use denying that Tin going to miss Harrlsburg at first. "Wo made a great many friends up there, and, contrary to our three years In Washington, where many people seemed not quite sincere nnd more or less work ing for their' own ends, those Whom wo came to know best at the Pennsylvania capital were real disinterested friends nd not parsons who simply wanted to Jtnow Us because we wero Governor and Mrs Tener. "Thero are only a few disagreeable things that a Governor's wife has to contend with, and the onice-secklng pcr aon and ho who wonts her to use her Influence with her husband to get somo bill through aro among the moat obnox ious, but the many, many delightful features of tho position entirely over shadow such unpleasant ones, "I expect wo will have good times hero this winter. I'm tremendously fond of dancing," she patted tho piano player at her side, "and even though tho npart ment Is small, I think I will bo able to manage to clear tho placo out for many a little Informal dance. Naturally, we havo a great many frelnds here, and, taken all In all, I am sure that I am not going to plno over the Dxecutlvo Slanalon. As I said bofore, Harrlsburg was merely a pleasant Incident. I shall remember It kindly. Yesterday Mr. Tener left "Harrlsburg for Chicago to be present at tho big, baseball suit. Next weok he will come here, and by that time I shall havo this cute little npartment nil fixed up. Wo are going to b very happy here, Jam aura." U. S. FLEET 10,000 MEN SHORT Bear Admiral Fletcher Reports After Investigation. WASHINGTON, Jnn. 30. Roar Admiral Fletcher, commanding the Atlantic fleet, baa written a letter to Chairman Padget, of the House Naval Affairs Committee, supplementing his recent testimony be fore the committee. Rear Admiral Fletcher said that after going over reports of the captains of tho fleet he had found that there would be a ahertage of, approximately EOOO men on 'board the- first-lino battleships of the fleet to rut them on a war footing, which, together with tho shortage In the number Of men for the vessels now In reserve, would make approximately 10,000, or about double the number he had estimated off hand. U. S. SOLD $2,425,745 WAR MUNITIONS IN MONTH Enormous Exports Shown In Hed fleld Beport. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The report of Secretary Itedfleld to the Senate on the exports of munitions of war and firearms to foreign countries during November shows that there were shipped: To France Cartridges, J338,4H; firearms, fSO.212. To the United Kingdom Cartridges, fW9,0US; firearms, IS8.5. To Canada Cartridges, 117,642; gunpow der, 1S.E5 pounds; firearms, JCKS.CCS. To Japan Firearms. SIS. To Russia In Asia Firearms. $625,000. To all other countries Cartridges, $228, Kli gunpowder, 79,239 pounds; firearms, t307,JZ7. Total export for month Cartridges, fL23f,235; gunpowder, S3.0M pounds; fire arms, I1.W.810. $1,206,086,432 WAR BUDGET .franca Prepares for Six Months' 1015 .Finances. PARI8, Jan. 20, Provisional credits ap plicable to the first six months of 1915 amount to S.525,MM07 francs (about 11,705, M:.S51) for the general budgets and 473. 441,363 francs (about JD4.tS3,252) for sup. elementary budgets a total of 11,799,741,133 -according to a statement published In the Official Journal today. The military expenses naturally call for the largest credit, the Minister of War's budget being estimated at (,030,. 433.113 francs (about 31,206,066,432). The principal sums In the war budget are for artillery materials, aggregating 1,474, tUjm francs (about J29l,8S2,E00) and for the subsistence of the troops 1,133,463,920 franca (about t226,93,Ut). 000 Preventable 171 rea Here In Year "Rubbish heaps, lace curtains near gas. Jets, defective flues, hot ashes in wooden iwauw and many other preventable causes woru responsible for 2000 fires In Fhlta delphla last year," said Fire Marshal Georsa W Elliott In an address before the Philadelphia Safety Council at the Franklin Institute last night. Within the 3fr the department has made 15.843 in fMetlens, 31,17 relnspections and 2C0.534 iiiiprovtmtnu to prevent fire. Officers tlesled by the council were Dr. Francis 9, Patterson, president, John Balky, vice ptmUtnti Charles Black, secretary, and JeMPlt fl Mallory, treasurer. I., in j ii ia sii ! i- i ii XttSt? OEKMAH PAPERS QVIT mFBHH&QnS, Jan- mMsmag In Bfte At a meeting of t&e-ilma Ly- CU. Poets Diet JlM&ofe' th WU( Aney, ttdmltUl SAW riojM pa. , J ot Otmrn gmaati, k4 tnn tarmi PITTBDUnGH, Jan. 20. "A dynasty passwi with the passing of MeAfcol" This today Is tho view In political cir cles, when ho Is best known, of Ttobort McAfee's failure to obtain reappointment hs Secretary of the Commonwealth under Governor Urumhatigh. There Is not a political leader, sublcador, lieutenant or follower of any ono of the 67 Varieties of factlonnl RopubllcnnlRtn In Pittsburgh' or Western Pennsylvania who regrets tho "dethronement nf Mr Robert," ns tho action of the new Governor Is face tiously termed. Thurp 1 "almost gleo" over It In polit ical circles. McAfee, a "payroller" for n quarter of a century, almost when he soft-pedaled down tho Capitol Blcps for the last time closed 91 years of pincticnlly unbroken of fice holding. An ottlccholder at 32. when Just 12 years over from Ireland, McAfee ceasing to ho such at tho ago of CO, will take with him Into retirement the consolation that for 21 of the Intervening yean lie drew never les than $1000 a. year, most of tho tlmo jenoo a year, or nn average of KOOO a yenr. and In all, annexed from munici pal or State strong boxos tho tidy llttlo total of 312iJ,TO0. THn "INVISIBLE GOVnRNMGNT." "llobert tho Silent," "Pussyfoot" or, ns tho moro virulent call him, tho "Polion Shooter," Is credited with tho "distinc tion" of having b-on tho "Invisible gov ernment" of Pennsylvania for moro than a decade. Novor once going before tho people so liciting the Indorsement or approval of their votes, McAfee Is credited with wielding supreme power In affairs of tho Commonwealth under two Governors Pennvpncker, who first appointed him, and Tener, under whom McAfee's Influ ence reached Its highest flower. Under Stuart, whom he Herved for four years, there are nunllflcntloni regarding the extent of tho McAfee Influence. McAfee, born In County Antrim, Ire land, In 1819, come to the old city of Alle gheny In ISM, wns elected to Select Coun cil In 1881 and seivcd 10 ears, unsalaried: served nine years as Director of Public Works, $4000 a year; two years ns Com missioner of Banking under Pennypackcr, $5000 a year, nnd two years under Pcnny pneker, four under Stuart nnd four under Tener as Secretary of the Commonwealth, ton years In all, at 3SO0O a year. PILLAR OF OLIVER FACTION. Locally effects of the McAfee turn down, which may have State-wldo con sequences, are looked for. McAfee wob a towering plllnr through tho State pa tronago ho wielded In what Is known as tho "Oliver faction" In city nnd county politics, the organization headed by Sen ator George T. Oliver. At present tho Oliver organization Is In control both In the city nnd county administrations, or was In control In city affairs until the scandal broke, when tho shortened City Council of nine, whose members, paid $(00 a year each, elected to give Pitts burgh a "business administration," came up to the close of tho present year with a $1,400,000 shortage In municipal funds. Senator Oliver's announced determina tion not to be a candidate for re-election in 1917, with McAfee's retirement, will kick the main props from under the lo cal Oliver organization. Whether this faction will be strong enough to keep together despite these losses la ono of the big speculative questions today. Tho corporation support which elected him Mayor has never pleased Joseph G. Armstrong, a one-time labor leader. He wants to Jump. He never liked tho Oliver affiliation and tins been restive un der this and tho corporation yoke the year ho has been In ofllce. Next fall a majority of tho City Council will be elected, Ave members, and Mayor Arm strong already has been casting about for new affiliations. There may bo an entire new deal po litically, with tho result much wished for In other quarters of the State, that Pittsburgh will develop at last a leader big enough to cement nil fartlons. , It Is accepted politically that the first requirement of that leader will be that he he an out nnd In the open supporter of Governor Brumbaugh. MISS M'ADOO,, WAR NURSE WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Miss Nona McAdoo, elder daughter of Secretary McAdoo, soon will start for Europe, where she will become a member of the nursing Btaff at a convalescent hospital at San Remo. Miss Catherine Brltton, elder daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Alexander T, Brltton, will accompany Miss McAdoo. 'Colonel Edward M. House, of Texas and New York, and Mrs House will chap eron the young women, and accommoda tions have been engaged on board the Lusltnnla for January 30. McADOO SPURNS DUKEDOM WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. - William G. QfcAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury, has received word that he had been chosen "Duke of the Mardl Gras" In Now Or leans, He has been asked to participate In tho festivities on February 11. Sfr. McAdoo sent back a reply to "Rex," the "King of the Carnival," that he would be unable to attend because of a press of business In Washington. JUDGE I.OVETT ILL ON TRAIN V, P. Chairman Unable to Attend Talk Speeds to California. OMAHA, Neb., Jan. 20. Judge Robert S. Lovett, chairman of the board of di rectors of the Union Pacific Railway, while going to Omaha from Chicago was stricken by a severe cold, and Is now con fined to his bed aboard his private car, which Is being rushed to California. A specialist In throat troubles was sum moned by telegraph and met Judge Lov ett's train at this city. When he arrived here Judge Lovett was unable to speak at all. ' He was to have attended a conference of Western financiers, but this meeting was called off. Hebrew Charity Ball Tonight The 11th annual Charity Ball of the He brew Ladles' Bmergenoy Society will be held in Mercantile Hall, Broad and Mas ter streets, tonight Owing to urgent need among (be poor this year, a special effort has been made by the committee, of which Mrs. H. B. Flneman is chair man, to make this ball a success. The officers of the society are Mrs. Isaac Du brow, president; Mrs. J. Jacobs, vice pres ident; Hri. Charles LIpabutz, secretary, and Mrs. David Feldrnan, treasurer. i1 ', Da Santos' Mother, la 'Quake, Safe Dr. VJncenzo de Santo, Instructor In tho Itcimance Language Department of the Univefrity o$ Pennsylvania, has received a cablet-ram from hla mother, who was In I lie earthquake zone of Italy, ajsur lug bi:rt that she and, the entire family teapd. wiBjurcd. viTSvfeW' WfcSSsMBiwIiR wSe?8ft. 3fl5 i v-i- &iffi ' ' 'tSmwm ilmkh: &' - V'1! si Side by side here are two specimen loaves of bread such as are sold in glance they appear to be much the same, but a second glance will narrow than the other. The less plump loaf is that which is nt in flour began. 10-CENT BREAD PLAN NEVER WILL WORK, SAY LEADING BAKERS Five-Cent Loaf the Logical Size, It Is Declared. "Mother" Munro Sees Distressing Times Ahead. Tho 10-ccnt loaf of break recommended by the Efficiency Board of tho Notional Bakers' Association to tide the bakers over during the period of high wheat was branded this morning by William Frel hofer, of tho Frelhofer Baking Company, ono of tho largest broad-making concerns In tho country, as a scheme utterly Im practicable at this crucial time. "The 10-ccnt loaf," he sa(d, "wouldn's, solve the problem nt all. It wouldn't be fair and It wouldn't be Just, and It would most ccrtnlnly arouse publlci opinion to on Incalculable extent. "To eliminate the flco-cent -loaf would bo foolhardy. Bather diminish the size. What would a smalt family of two or trreo persons, who can scarcely make away with a small loaf, do with a 10-cent loaf? It would be absurd." The plan of tho national association Is to mako a higher priced loaf containing from 26 to 27 ounces and thus forco the public to buy in larger quantities, to augment both the price and tho size rather than to risk reducing the size of the loaf. Trat the bakers will have to get to gether In concerted action to do some thing In a day or two to protect them selves If an Immediate step la not taken by the Government to prevent a furthc! rlne In the cost of Hour, was tho ur equivocal statement of Mr. Frelhofer. "IN SPECULATOBS' HANDS." "Any large baking firm will not hesi tate to admit," he said, "that as long as present conditions prevail they will not be able to make enough money to lubri cate their machinery, mUch less pay for the flour required for the baking, and the worst part of It Is that we are abso lutely helpless hi the hands of the wheat speculators. "Something must be done and done quickly. I am of the opinion that an Immediate embargo will bo the only means of saving the situation. Why should the American people, when they have a surplus of 8CO,000,000 bushels of wheat, more than they have ever had before, sit Idly by and seo It get out of their hands? It lookH as though an em bargo will be the only way to stop It. "In the meantime the baker will have to diminish his loaf or raise his price. Once more the ultimate consumer Is going to be the one to suffer, unless, of course, something happens very quickly to pre vent the wheat from getting out ot tne country." When Mr. Frelhofer was asked If the size of the loaf put out by his bakery had been reduced as yet, he replied! "Not that I know of." "MOTHER" MXBNRO OLOOMTr. "Mother"' Munro Is genuinely alarmed at the altUudlnous propensities which the wheat market la continuing to exhibit. And the fact that she hasn't eaten meat for more than a years, and that bread Is literally and actually the staff of her very energetic life, Isn't the sole cause of her worry. Tho real reason Is that the housewives of Kensington, to the uttermost precincts, hare come to depend on this capable lit tle Scotch woman to help them out of the difficulties engendered by that greatest of all bugbears, the high cost of living And somehow or other she has never failed them. OUTLOOK HEBMS DARK. But she a only darkntss in the present flour outlook. Not only has the threatened rise In the ?rlc of bread beaorne an actual fact, but he loaves themselvM have become thin ctr. This statement to not suu on hear. MRS. HUGH MUNRO Known all through Kensington as "Mother." She deplores the rise in the price of bread. say evidence. It Is the result of a personal Investigation. Slnca wheat has begun to soar there has been nn appreciable shrink age In the size of the B-cent loaf, a shrink, age which will mean a real loss to thoso who depend upon this as a staple food. "You can boycott any other foodstuff In the world," she said seriously, put ting down the telephone after nn unsuc cessful attempt to get hold of a whole solo Hour merchant to make Inquiries at what rate ahe could lay In a large stock, "but you can't boycott bread. No mat ter what else the poor people do without they've got to have that, and It doesn't matter how high the price goes, they'll buy It until starvation faces them. "What are tho little children who are too young to eat going to do, If you tako their bread away from them? What Is the man with the lunch basket going to do? You can make a sandwich with out meat nuts and, cheese are very nu tritious but what can you make without bread? "If an embargo on wheat Is necessary for our people to have bread, then I am In favor of an Immediate embargo. It seems 'to me, however, that there shfiuld bo enough to go around for all," In the meantime Mrs. Munro Is taking no chances, and before another day passes she will have on hand a supply of Hour that the Kensington women may buy at the usual price. ELECTRIFICATION TO BE THEME Engineer to Discuss Advantages of Newer Power for Traction, William Spencer Murray, consulting en gineer of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, will deliver an address on "Conditions Affecting the Success of Main Line Electrification" before a Joint meeting or tne Franklin Institute and the Philadelphia section of the American In stitute ot Electrical Engineers this even ing at the Franklin Institute. The talk wU follow the annual meeting and elec tion ot officers of the Franklin Institute, at 8 p. m. Mr. Murray, who was educated at Le jhlsh University, will demonstrate the superiority, from the economic stand point, of electricity over steam, for trac tion, A. W. Qlbbs, chief mechanical engi neer of the Pennsylvania Railroad; K F, Clark, superintendent of motive power of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad: Paul M. Lincoln, of the Western Electriq and Manufacturing Company, and H. A. Armt strong, of the General Electrio Company, have been Invited to discuss the paper. OPERATE ON $40,000 LION NEW YORK, Jan. S0.-Klng, the 110,000 trained lion of the New York Hippo drome's Winter Circus, is sick. He has, or did have, an abscess on bis forehead and 4 tumor on his leg, so yesterday morning three doctors, all the supers of the show who could be gathered, together wltlt th trainer, performed an operation on King, The result was a considerable disturbance In the Hippodrome building, Whlih wtarly ended in the Injury of sev eral of tho participant. the smaller bakeshops. At first how that one is noticeably more old for a nickel smce the rise 100 MEN ARE NAMED IN ILLINOIS PLOT TO CORRUPT ELECTORS Identity of Buyers, Middle men and Sellers, With Other Voting Fraud De tails, Revealed. DANVILLE, 111., Jan. 20. Names of 100 men who handled fraud money and who acted as buyers, middlemen, or sellers, together with details of a corruption fund which runs high In tho thousands of dollars, are In the possession of Dis trict Attorney Charles A. Karch today. They were given by witnesses who called upon tho Government Prosecutor or wero sent for by him Monday in tho first strenuous day of tho Illinois vote frauds Investigation. Tho prosecutor spent all day yesterday In mapping out his line of attack. He declared ho was well satisfied with tho work accomplished. "You can say for mo that tho Investi gation is on in earnest," said Mr. Karch. "Tho American ballot Is on trial here nnd tho ballot boxes In this part of Illi nois aro going to bo given a thorough cleaning If the scope of the law Is suffi cient to do the cleaning. WITNESSES TAMPERED WITH. "Already word has come to me of tampering with prospective witnesses, and let me say that any one who Is found tampering with a Government wit ness will he prosecuted to the limit. This Investigation Is not a Joke, as some of the politicians would havo It appear for their own protection; and while I have only started on the Investigation I nee plenty of evidence on which to base In dictments." Word that efforts were being made to engage Attorney Joseph Roach, of Terre Haute, Ind., In connection with the In vestigation, has caused much uneasiness among politicians. Roach, who at one time served a term In the penitentiary, did more than all others to break up the ring of crooked election officials In Terre Jfoute, The magnitude of the vote fraud situa tion here caused the Prosecutor to call upon Washington for several additional Investigators and a special assistant at torney. These men will cover the district over which Prosecutor Karch has jurisdiction, following up the leads of evldenoe, serv ing subpoenas, arresting witnesses and gathering data on the alleged corruption conspiracy, DELEGATION GIVES NAMES. A delegation of citizens from Paris, 111,, were among the callers at his office, and the names of men who handled the cor ruption money, those who "floated" voters, those who distributed the money, those who got up the corruption funds and details of a whole church congrega tion which Is Implicated In the vote fraud scandal were given to the Prosecutor, It Is stated. A new branch of the Investigation, which threatens to become an Important factor Is the Influence which has been wielded in Illinois by certain Indiana brewery interests. It was declared this Influence had been used to coerce and purchase votes. PERFORM DELICATE OPERATION A delicate operation was performed at tho West Philadelphia Momeopathls Hos pltay today, when the fifth and sixth vertebrae were removed from the. neck of Joseph Purlon, W years old, of 410 Lex street, in an attempt to save his life. According to Doctor Esposito the bones were pressing pn the man's spine. The physicians say the patient's condition is serious Purlon, who Is a driver, fell from his wagon in an attack of vertigo at 1U street near Haverford. avenue. ) broke the wrtebra of the upper spine, whleft resulted 1 totH parejyl& FUTURE OF OXFOP STREET DEPENDS ON TRANSIT PLANS Section Between 16th and 1 7th Streets, a Weak Realty Market, Will Grow With Subway Construction. The sale of tho property at 16H North 16th street by tho Philadelphia Trust In surnnco and Safe Deposit Company to Kathryn F. Kclnlo, lot 23x172.10, assessed 110,600, for (9600, represents a falling off In value, largely caused by tho fact that properties on tho west sldo of 16th street, north of Oxford street, aro largo dwell ings containing rooms with high ceilings and aro In a condition which makes their alteration very oxponslvo. The advnnco In transit nnd tho free uso of tho automobile have been folt and tho street Is In a transition period. Buy ers and sellers are as yet few, and whero sales are urgent lower figures provall. An advanco In prices In this section will begin when property gets Into stronger hands. a aiiANca at unices. ISO?, July 5-1325 North 16th street, three story and attla brick dwelling, sold by 8. T. Froman A Co $1TO00 1000, April 28 1M1 North 10th street, lot 24x172.10, told for 21000 101O, January 10-1020 North 10th street, lot 2.1x172.10, sold for 102GO 1010. December 2S Sunt sold, T. D. Dornan to Mary M. Zlegier 0000 1011, Novomber 2O-102S North 10th street, lot 23x172.10 Ellia. II. De lany to Leo M. McFarland (Auessod IIOOOO for 1MB) 11000 1011, November 11 1020 North 10th treat, lot 23x172,10 CAsaessod 110,000 for 1015) 11,000 DULLNESS ON OXFORD STREHT. Conditions are dull on Oxford street be tween 16th and ISth streets, and In tho last two years concessions have had to be made to make sales, as shown by tho following: 1007, November 41711 Oxford street, lot 17x100 SOOOO 1910. April 7-1723 Oxford Btrect, lot 17.2x80 4500 May 81734 Oxford Btreot, lot 20x00 0000 Hay 241722 Oxford street, lot 17.2xS0 4500 In 1912, 1621 Oxford street was offered for sale, lot ID by 100 feet, for 7500; 1701 Oxford streot for $11,000, and 1703 Oxford street or $7000. There are prospects, howvr, that con ditions will lmprovo with the develop ment of tho transit plans nnd tho con struction of tho Broad Btreet subway. NOTES OF THE STREET. Tho Board of Viewers Is making sub stantial progress with tho section of tho Parkway from 10th to 22d street. Two hearings a week are now being hold and eight to ten cases at each hearing arc presented. Plans for 63 two-story houses, to be erected at A Btreet, Llpplncott street nnd Allegheny avenuo are under way. This will bring tho number of dwolllngs erected at this point up to nearly 200. Tho de mand Is still actively In evidence. A tour of tho trust companies shows that mortgage loans ore being very care fully looked Into. Tho Inrgo number of properties sold under foreclosure of mort gages by tho Sheriff has mndo this ex tremely necessary. All offerings well se cured can be accommodated at 5 4-10 per cent. Building associations are ns active ns over, loans to owners of properties who rcsldo In them being given the preference Tho heavy downpour of tho last few days has been a severe test on roofs nnd windows. Workmen aro busily em ployed on repairs. CAPITALISTS' VIEWPOINT ON LABOR UNREST SOUGHT XT. S. Industrial Relations Commis olon Summons Financiers. NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-The labor prob lem from the capitalists' point of view today was the chief objective of tho Fed eral Commission on Industrial Relations. It Is planned during the rest of the week to call the men who haijdlo big Invest ments to tell how they believe Industrial unrest can be remedied. Today's list of witnesses Included Jacob II. Hollander, of Job no Hopkins, of Bal timore, noted economist; Jacob II. Schllt, responsible head of the International banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., August Belmont and Adolph Lewlsohn, bankers. Tomorrow E. J. Berwtnd, millionaire coal operator; J. P. Morgan, George W. Perkins, Daniel Gug genheim and Samuel McRobcrts are scheduled. "We hope to determine through these men, the biggest financiers In the coun try. Just what the chief obstacle Is to a complete understanding between capital and labor." explained Chairman Walsh today. "In the past hearings the labor men have blamed the employer, nnd the employer, while blaming labor, has also Indicated that some of the big men who control capital actually are responsible. With men like Messers, Schiff, Morgan and others here we can at least get their views and find out whether they can sug gest the solution that up to the present is missing." Big Rise In Exports Prom Here Exports from this port during tho week ending January U were $1,837,000 more than the Imports, according to the figures Issued at the local customs house today, The total value of tha exports was $3,893,. 000 and the Import $1,636,000, The duties collected In the same period amounted to $U?,000. A Blizzard-Bound House Warm and Lomtortable YOUR house, if you lay In a supply of Famous Reading- Anthracite NOW. This coa) gives intense heat without smoke. A ton in your coal bin is sure prevention against the coldest blasts of Winter. Sold b . all dealers. Slow burn-in&--high grade most heat for the money. MINED BY The Philadelphia h Reading Coal & Iron Co. jPicg5g,jagafc. French StrnnormU c.r b.. oarej rrom Invrsrmrml ! t 1 New Conditions of wj fare, Expert Declares. By J. W. T. MAHnw NEW TORIC, Jan. 20.-nm,. .. H that the great French intrenched J3I at Verdun has been encircled are mft out substantiation. The Pan. n fl ment ridicules tho statement. VroJM llin TlArtln .l,,-l . wir4 " -i."o mean at mot due A thin nonnllnn. tl ... . '-'0,M ., v"i :: r.. . "? vaa ...- - .... t,ualuu a not that n la.i vesting forco has settled .in ..." mat slego of tho famous flank fottuJi tlons of the Mouse defense. 4 Indeed, the slego of Verdun has iM wuuiu mi impossiuimy. since the On, mnn 42-centlmctro cunn ,i. -A tholr superiority over all modern farlutal' i,.; t.iu uuimisivo strategy at Verdia? has been radically altered. Th .i.vit ntely constructed forts of steel and coal croto aro noi protecting this comer of tho eastern gnteway Into tv.. 'j Trenches nro now doing tho work of UV permanent fortifications. Extendi.. ..A miles beyond tho forts are artillery imS iniantry positions, dug Into tho eartff or concealed In wooded lands. Thcso defenses, In no way anticipated when tho war began, have been hr.n.j1 slnco the 42-ccntlmctres proved lh 3 tlllty of fortress warfare. Field tactics, ll inereiore, anu not tno lmmobllo artillery 1 defense of permanent fortifications ir protoctlng Vordun. Probably tho Verdun' forts aro now ripmirieil nf ,h,.i. which have been moved forward to U4 bnttlo front for oDcrntlnna In th. ... a Wero It not for this quick change to 3 uviuiidivu luuuiuua uuupieu oy ine French after the early lessons of Llego inj j i-iuuiur, uiu vcruun ions would now 1 crumbled ruins. Tho ti ench warfare tha adonted mnkos nn Investment nf r..,-i vlrtunllv imnosBlble. nr mil,. .. it. term "investment" of its former mean- ing. to surround erdun now would mpnn tn rllET nn mite, et.nl. n, im..v monts facing tho trenches occupied by - mo r rciicn. j.o uu mis wun sa(ety nould require a stupendous army. It would nnepsaltnte. nlnn n rnrllenl evtenaln. .,. . vb, u.w.i vk Mi? German battle front in order to cut off me main rrcnen communications wlta vcraun. Flirt hermnre. "Verdun tt.lthet.t Anl.t I. plentifully stocked with ammunition and m iuuu. ,in encircling t enemy, inercrone,2 would be. unable to force tho surrender of tho French trenches because nf t. I hausted war stores. In effect, 'tho two nlrrlew nf Intrenelimenta wnnM enneltt.,,! opposing battle lines. Locnl engagement!"! would comiMso tho warfare, and the rlnrS wnllM Htmllnn tn. nn n nmntl i1a tt,vi problems of tho present lighting front's from the North Sea to the Lorraine bona-, dary. These ure reasons why the fatJ of Antwerp nnd Jlautieuge has not over-, taken Verdun and why it probably will nou . ROTARY PRESIDENT SPEAKS Do Your Duty Toward Your City,; Says Speaker. "I have no use for tho Individual whl knocks the placo whore he resides. Let'dl him meet his responsibility and help set-jil tlo tho problems that confront his town," -J said Frank L. Mulholland. of Toledo', 0-ij president of the International Assoclay tlon of notary Clubs In nn address at , ,l.n rllnnn. nf V. TH.llnJ.lnl.lfl n.(. ' viuu mm iiikiii. , "There- Is n nlnen fnr nil In this ffrflt onrusiilng movement of Rotarylsm thatt Is uplifting our municipalities," said, uij speaker. "Bo tho errand boys of h ciminoers or. commerco or tne Dcarus qi trade, or any ouch organizations, it ItJ will holp your town, True Rota'rlans aril optlmlBts. They should dream and boottj and do." BISHOP DEFENDS CHRISTIANITY! Says Lack of Christian -Faith Causey the War. Not Christianity, but tho lock of 11,1 caused the present war, declared Blihops II. R. Hulse, of Cuba, In an addrt-sJ -t the annual banquet of the alumni of t)jJ Divinity School of the Protestant J!u?ra rwil Phllrv-h. In thn Phlirnh House. Jlu.ij nnd Walnut streets, last night. B(nji Hulse answered tho recent flrralmtectii of the church by Dr. Charles W. -wow presldont emeritus of Hnrvara. ; niahren rinrlnmi. HIhon Talbot. Of Beti'I lehem! Dean W. M. Groton. of th H- Vlnlty School; President Long, of t-tj anlnt nlnoo iYia Pev Tlr. T). TtT. YlAtt.a president of the Alumni Association, andj Francis A. Lewis wero tne otner w-u";', The Drexel Institute! ENGINEERING. DOMESTIC SCIENCE .J.'.J AUTO, 0E.UIII.TAIM.l-. Free Public Lecturesl .. -.ant, 1 JANUARY Z2 JTiaay, .: ..,.i,g ISiplorlng the "" ,lcltr, Alartt, toy bubb uunn- i4K4.:'. ;- Illuairatea oy lame -!? ,, JANUARY 20 Tuesday, s.t 4 I. M JANUARY 28 Thuraday, at . Two lectures on Tuhllo Health. THE TltEASUnE SEEKEItS, THE MESSENQEJIH. . ,, nfl By CHAnLES-E. A. V',B"vfK-rij.l rector of Division ' Education, wj York State Department of Il'iinil NOTE: The second or tneje '"" VMrtC5 held at tha Commercial lluieum. TW fourth ana upruca "" , .,, u Admlialon by card only, neaerved "." ?s,rsSid..?.p n by man ncio i .--- aBwttff e --C