-'WAKES IN FRANCE, Switzerland, mm ND GREEK. ISLANDS f l,- I invfi rrsrl in )6zen lowiio ...b- ,.. Republics 63 Killed in (fttuan Group Italy s Ross Is $150,000,000. KPa IN FIVE COUNTRIES. m&lpM'b.nut GO towns dc- kTed 3S.000 persons killed. tfrtfycK-Scveral towns In cast L action damaged. &ilhrt. destroying villa pes. 'EwM damaged In second scries aj Acj:-Imndsot Zantc and G.I WpHlonla Ucr!".l'v" ' ""' ML tOOO homeless. '8TnU-BhocUs reported; i enrthqunkes .ortS Of caruuiu - ,ai i n if na lfituiv Lcned the zone affected to eastern fLce, on tho west, to tl.o Tonlan Stands', Orcc,c Psscsslons' on tl,c CaBt' R to Messina, where ono of tho moat gtrous earthquakes of modern times Eorred. on the south. Ihoeta caused damage ... ... ---. ' . m eastern France and Switzer land last night: 63 persons were killed L .a. nleht on tho Islands of Zunto fd Cephalonla; shocks were felt at Swslna and many otner .ow... ... "siciiy: nd ln vtrlunll' cvcry scc " .J .! tremors liavo now ueen .- corded. fcw TRENCH AND SWISS ui,.. -- .QUAKE TOWNS iau.ww.- - fffjENCVA. Switzerland. Jan. M.-hcvero w-".:::: IwlUeriaml ana cnsic... .....- , &tMnke Tuesday night. Tho first de- 'ifljof the disturbance rccc.M-u ....... .- Hi laid that no lives we.u ...".. - Z ' . i. ..lnnnlina frntll m been lost, mousi. -.--....- ... ..ncftol nivnV Home II, Alps may navo ...... '.mill villages. fjiTeral buildings at Neufchatel, Chaux ..j. .,,i i.nrlp. nil In tho Canton of Wchalel. wore wrecked by tho shock. In, waters of Lake Neufchatel lose to ii unprecedented height and swept away Weril buildings on the shore, but their eccupants were saved. BS KILLED, 2000 HOMELESS W IN TWO ISLANDS OF GREECE K'ATHENS, Jan. 20,-Slxty-threo persons Tlr killed In an earthuaqko that causou Wy damage oij the Islands of Zantc and Cephalonla Monday night, according 10 Mofflclal reports received hero today. .The Greek government has sent a rc- Btf committee to tho islands, wheie more thn 20CO are reported to bo homeless. CphalonIa Is one of tho largeit of tho Ionian Islands, belonging to ureece, in Mediterranean It la a few mllea Sjeit of the mainland and about thrco mbes from Ithaca, and has a population Cf about 80,000. . Although the surface Is generally aamitalnous, nearly every available spot fa the Island has been brought under IfltUflttnti TminnnRA minntltles Of CUT- lanu are exported, other products being ftleat, oil, wine, cotton, liax, oranncs, lemon and figs, The Inhabitants, who tra nearly all Greeks, ate notea tor tneir leamanshlp. Tho chief towns or tno (Band are Argostoll, tho capital, and illxurl. , Cephalonla was Known anciently under jarloua names, belncr called Samoa ln htla Qd)ssey and TetrapoIIs by Thucy Wea. It came under tho Itoman dominion ta'lSJ B. C.. and for centurcs was a pos ition of Venice. nte Is the capital of the Island of Me, The land rises steeply behind Hie town, and on tho height Is an old (Veaellan fort. Tho many icnidcnces In iMan itjle are memorials of Venetian rale. Zante Is tho seat of a Greek areh- Whop and f a Ttoman Catholic bishop. STtle Island Is nno nf llin Tnnlnn croun. ijimlles south of Ccphnlonla. Tho popu- "uon Ja about 43.COO. IgOCKS IN SICILIAN TOWNS; ITALY'S LOSS 5150,000,000 ROME, .tnil TIonnrl. .t.ffWfii llV' Ifitmler Satandra failed to Incicaso the .Mrlhquaks death list materially; ainj, the IPemlej- now believes the total fatalities PI not exceed 3I.O0O. Hellef Ima ben win to 63,000 refugees, of whom 29,000 ir more or less rerlously Injured. prA dlsDAtiyh frnm rjlna itiiiMl (Iml A ,jfrt tremor was felt there and In other JscHhn, towns early today, but that no , mm done. Thousands of Sicilians r4 from their home, however. In fear $i?.'10tnr disaster. 1'jiui lbs extension of the tremors to Hclljr, -practically all of Italy has felt P tarthqualce shocks that began a week 12. May. From the Alps to the ex- HS1 Southern cud nf Ttnlv rlimtiii has BS M?M9 WhlCh ,a unomclal'y tlmated luw tvr'u't of the disaster In central Is.:. ', government nas rormaaen tne sKHion of houses of stone. Here-K-W.nf1 concrete must be used. KnSSiants of Rome' are feeling the tf40f thlt nr(hmi9l IhMtnwh tin In. 1ffl?, & the post of llvlns. A great Mi the produce that supplies Home "iC;, """ tne wrl lver Valley, rnd ttX a' f Inhabitants of that region ffiatserted their little farms. OUCE SEEK INCENDIARIES E'Ilwa Irt Cheater Factory Within Half Sour. K? Hrs within a half hour of each DtM.L."1 .'n woolen and -worsted yarn ft.;..' Jm Irving- & Bon. Limited, Jted V aro b6lleved to have been efti 7C rataunl wi.o vere ueaijvuo vi ISS1 Put to a. test. inuiur n ujj- Tho police are twW . rig d Investleatlon two men SSL" near th0 fac'ory early In the JrJtti "d the police, who1 have a de- im . g ln men. expect tp arrest !Hj today ii h. l nra was discovered tn a. Din SatrtL1"1 t tho main building by a BKanT. i1 n prompt discovery or trie BStB.?4 the finely arrival of the new K liir awaratus, which has xeplaeed WK,. "B'" 'lllwn annariLtua. nrevented the ;,5 salnlna- great headway, It was C4 EfTL .a "J" h-ou- .,- W.IW9ovarei In Ow other end of rrJWs ThB bi. altinEul-b.e4 EVENING " ' ... " B1GEL0W EXPECTED TO STAY IN OFFICE SEVERAL WEEKS Said He Will Retire, But Not Until Governor Picks Successor. ' lrnoi X STArr tonitroNM:vT.l HAIUUHtlUilO. Jan. M. K.Iumii-,1 t. Blgelow hill not serVe ns Highway Com missioner under Governor Ilrubmaugh, tlllt It li DOPSlble ha wilt tint hi, nuatpil for several weeks, It la paid. It was re ported todnv that Hie Uovcrnor has not picked Illgelow's successor, and for that renson the present commissioner hns not retired. Wgclow's resignation was expected dur ing mo nosing weeks or the campaign, and frequently It wns said ho would re tire on the pica of III health l.efora Gov ernor flrumbaugh was lnaunuratcd. A report was circulated yesterday that Blgelow had sent his resignation to the Governor Immediately after the Inaugura tion, uiffiiow today denied this. He re fused to dlscUfs his intentions Several names have been presented to Governor Mnimbnimh for conslderat4on rnr ihgelow's position. George W. Gil lespie. Ilon Commissioner of Allenheny County, and J. Murray Africa nf Hunt InRdon, have been consldercd-the strong est of the possibilities. Gillespie Is thought to have little chance because ho seived under Ulgelow In Alle gheny County several years nro No spe cific objection has been raised to Africa. NORRISTOIN FIRM DECLARES TARIFF HIT LUMBER TRADE: Samuel Roberts, of Grater Bodey Co., Tells Federal Agent Business Has Fallen to "Almost Nothing." NOIUUSrOWN", Pa., Jan. M.-The Grnler-Bodcy Company, known In Norrls town as tho "Lumber Trust," came In for nn Inquiry this morning by D. M. Bar clay, the Investigator representing the Lcpnrtment of Commerce.' Tho Federal representative visited the lumber plant of tho company on West Main street, Xfirristowu, and was shown all tho Intricacies of nn extensive lumber nnd mill-work business by Samuel Ilob erls, a member of the company and a big builder In Norrlstown. Mr. Roberts showed Mr. Barclay how tho business had fallen off In the last few weeks to "almost nothing." and "there Is nothing In sight," Mr. Roberts declared to an KvENiNa LEDciEn coi respondent. "Do you blame the tariff for this con dition?" Mr. Roberts was asked. "Sure," said he, "the only reason It hasn't come sooner is that It usually takes depression about a year to become serious. My argument Is thnt It would take tho same length of time for depres sion to be felt after aood times that it would take prosperous times to follow a depression. That 1. usually, a jear." "Didn't your firm have a very ptos perous year last year?" asked Mr. Bar- "Ves, we had a good year," replied 'Mr. Iloberts, "but I have reliable Infor matlon that while there was lots ot building In Xorrlstown last year that helped our business, there aro still B3 of tho houses that were built unsold, al though efforts have been made to dispose of them. Thero Is not tho money tliat there was a year ago." Mr. Hobcits shonod Mr. Barclay that tho business of tho firm had dwindled to nothing. Last year tho firm employed 1C0 men 61 hours a week. Tho number of men had been reduced to 110 nnd th smaller force was now only working 4S hours a week, with the outlook for a shut-down unless conditions changed. Mr. Koberts declared after the Inter view with Mr. Barclay that the Federal representative was "a very decent sort of a fellow " Mr. Barclay was shown depression of the dame proportions at tho plant ot tho Wlldman Manufacturing Company, Nor rlstown, makers ot knitting machines, yesterday afternoon. RAZOR-SLASHED WOMAN REFUSES TO NAME ENEMY Victim of Assault In Serious Condi tion at Hospital. Tollco aro searching the city this after noon for n woman known as Klslo Kee gan. alias "Babe," of 213lx South Dailen sticet, who. It Is believed, knows of tho attack upon Mies Florence Kimball, 21 eurs old, of 120G Parrlsh street, at Oth nnd Walnut streets. Tho oung Woman Is now In Jefferson Hospital, witn severe razor slashes across her face. Three men are nlrendy under arrest In connection with the attack. They aro Samuel Iloberts, 2I5'4 South Darlen street: Andrew McCluckln, n cab dilver, of 12th street below Porter, and Albert Tcrrlson, of 1SII Gladstone street Ms Kimball was attacked by a man and a woman. The police say ftoberts was with "Babe" Keegan, The other two men are belnB held as witnesses. The attack was made last night. It Is said the man held Bliss Kimball's hands behind her while the woman drew a razor ncross her face several times. Her screams attracted Policeman- Edward Lawler, of the 15th and Locust streets station. As he placed the fainting woman in the cab of McGuckln lie caught a glimpse of the man and woman disap pearing down Locust street. Pursuit proved futile, for they were out ot sight by the time Miss Kimball was on her way to the hospital. At tho hospital this,, morning the young woman refused to name her assailants. The Injuries may cost her life, but she refused to Identify 'Itoberts. All she would say was that she was summoned to 8th and Walnut streets by a telephone message. When she reached the comer she waa caught from behind. Her condl tiu wBB so crave this morning that Mag istrate Ilooney called to take her deposi tion, but she tlU refused to name tho woman who attacked her, FUNERAL OP "V7M. J. MILUaAN Funeral service for William J. Mllll gan. late clerk of Select Councils, who died, at Ilarrisburg, Monday night, will be held Saturday afternoon at his late home, 2133 Fltzwater street, with services later In Bethany Presbyterian Church, Z2d and Balnbrldge streets. Burial will be at lit. Moriah Cemetery. Arrange ments for the funeral have been made by City Treasurer William MoCoach, who waa a close friend of Mr. MUllgan. Select and Common Councilman will at tend In a body. Members of various fraternal organisations to which Mr. Mil. llgan belonged also will attend. Too Few Children In Schools Dr Francis Brandt, head of the depart ment of pedagogy at the Gordon School, iij2 spruce street, ln an address at the school last night, deplored the small num. her of children who attend achool after they reach 14 years of age. ire said thai out of T.000.009 children between the ases of 14 and years in ths United states, only J.WMKS0 en1 hool. SdM was followed by ane. an a recepiKw. J. C"J reception. ieoaeu . ...... .. LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ' " '" '"" "'" tl" ..-.' ' . - -, STRIKERS SHOT I ........ji.m ' ' mil' Jim T'''"J.MWiggTO-"-wia "7ritaF mtfe" '"iiSH mrlimi WmSJ mi pK-S atr lM &Wm l,i jh, . .'icu fsumuji (b JwSS MtjmmWKMSSfMtilMKS,.. i KlWmnmWBmKBMKFiMtrm mmvwmmmm-mmm$mm msmmnwmmsmw' m mmwmmimmmm&m!Mmwmmmmmmm mmmmmBmsBm m mmm$:"mmMmmmmmW3BWm iH "& TffifflrmfflriWWfmlffM I I I I I ill ill ! mimWommwmmmzKsmmy' irsxvfmtti I II V 1l I IHitlWbO (V li t This is the scene that met the eyesTjf citizens of the Jersey town after 50 armed detectives, acting as deputies, suddenly charged and fired with buckshot into a crowd of workers employed by the American Agricultural Company, who had collected at the railroad station to see a pang of strikebreakers leave a train. Twenty men fell wounded and one aftetward died, AGNOSTICS AT I). OF P. EXCUSED FROM CHAPEL Thronrr ProvoBt's Office When Ex- i plnnatlons Are Demnnded. On the eve ot the mld-)cnr examinations j and In tho midst of the Sunday revival, religious unrest has broken out among tho students of the University of Perm- , sylvanli' nnd n number ot the upper class- j men came out with upon professions of i agnosticism to day rather than submit to , compulsory nttendanie at chapel exer cises, i While the University authorities made no ofilclal announcement relative to I ho matter, M. Dennlson, F. Samrue nnd II. Chapman, students In the Architectural School, ore among those who ndmlt th.it advanced views held by some students hac Influenced Piovost Edgar Fain Smith to exempt from attendance at the chapel exercises college men who object to paiticipatlng In icllgious serUces. It It undeistood that u considerable number of students liavo been excused Horn chapel nfter a tnlk with Provost Smith. While It wns known that many o; the college men aro open agnostics or atheists, considerable surprise was ex pressed over the report that many of tlic students would bo excused from chapel. Some of the students said to have been exempted were not known to have bad 'theories" about religion, and thero Is a disposition among some of tho students to suspect that many have turned to ma terialistic philosophy as nn expediency. Letterj wcm sent to several hundred upper classmen demanding explanations for non-attendanco at chapel. These notices requested the students to report to Provost Smith, nnd his office wus be sieged by the college men concerned yes terday. Most of those Interviewed de clined to bo iiuoted bejond tho fact thnt they had not attended chapel because tho services did not coincide with their be Ilefs. PRISONER SAYS HE SOUGHT TO HAVE CLIENTS APPOINTED Brought Names Before President, Man Accused of Swindling- Declares. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Elbert L. Larkln. who said he had acted as agent for a number of men who wanted President Wilson to appoint them to Federal of fices, wns on trial yesterday In General Sessions on a charge of grand larceny. He Is accused of getting JoOO from Mrs. Louise Hlilss, of 1ST West ESth street, by selling' h'er bogus mining stock. Other ii-,.m,i nnnoared an witnesses against him, some nssertlng ho had talked of mtrrlage tn them when getting them to part with their money. T.arKln toiu tne iui-j- wia ne ia.u ut-un a puldleltv nrrent for Assistant Secretary of tho Xa'vv Franklin D. Itoosevelt when he was a candidate for nomination as United State" Senator, but that he was never paid. lie said ho got V) tor boost ing J. W. Sullivan, postmaster at Middle burg. X "V. Ho alio said he got the names of cx-Govcrnor To-s. of Massa chusetts, and George Foster Peabodv to n petition for the appointment of.F. IT. Allen, of 6? Wall street, as Ambassador to France. For this work he said he col lected $100. Thnt he posed as n friend of 'W llllam Jennings Brjan cam out through a char acter witness he called. The man, con nected with mining company, said he had given Larldn employment as an In vestlgstor on Larkln's representations that he was a filend of the Secretary of State, Larkln also said he was friendly with Justice Lamar at the time of the peace conference at Niagara and had talked with him about mining conditions Laikln's case will be submitted to the Jury today. TESTIMONY HEARD IN MUNICIPAL COURT SITE Board of Viewers Seeks to Place Valuation on Propert7 Testimony was heard today by the Board of Viewers upon the va)ua of; the Magdalen Home at 20th and nace streets, which Is desired by the Municipal Court as a site for a structure to accommodate the domestic relations and luvenlla ill. vision of the court. The condemnation proceedings were au thorized by Councils over the veto of Mayosfllankenburir, who contended that the Municipal Court has not been n ex IsUncw long enough nor proved its worth sufficiently to warrant such expenditure. The site to be acquired by. the proceed, logs has been viewed by President Wll. Ham II. Shoemaker amt Secretary 'William J. Kerns, of the Board of Viewers, after preliminary testimony had been heard from Q. Albert Smyth, vice president of the- Sfagdalen Society, and B. , Franklin Pepper. House Stripped of Furniture Somewhere In the city there are two wagon loads of furniture, the property Of J A. Smith, 195 North 6th street, which was moved from his home yesterday afternoon. Special Policemen Lawson and 'Wooten of the lt and Thompson streets station, arrested Joseph Clark, 37 years old. W May street, on suspicion of belnir the driver Wno took the furniture from thef house He was arraigned be fore Magistrate "Boyle this morning and, held under S ball for a further hewing Clark denied that he was the furniture mover In question. DOWN BY DEPUTIES AT D. B. BEGINS INQUIRY INTO SHOOTING OF 48 STRIKERS IH JERSEY j Industrial Commission vestigator Arrives In- in Roosevelt Indictments Planned. ItOOSEVELT, N. J.. Jan. 20. The Fed- i eral Government today took charge of tho I Iinestlgallon of the thootlng of fetrllvcis by deputv sheilffs 111 the feillllzer plant strike yeatnday. One ol the strikers was killed, 12 nie seilously injured, some of them piobably fatallv wounded, and 33 otheis are .suffer ing from wounds, Jn many cases received fiom buckshot which struck them as they flvl from tho guards. Patrick F. McGill, Investigator for tho Fed'erol Industrial Commission, nrrlvcd early today from New York, whero the Commission Is In session. ' "We will go into this nffalr to tho bot tom." he said. "Whether tho special deputies sworn ln by Sheriff Houghton were Manhattan 'gunmen or bona Ado residents of Now Jersey will be tho first question which we must determine." Throughout today a number of deputies, nrmed with Fawed-off shotguns and loaded canes were guarding the plant of LelblK Co., which was opcrntlng ill full force. The Thomas & Clark plant was tcmpoiarlly suspended. Murder Indictments will bo promptly presented. It wns declared. District At torney W. E. Floreni-o will present tho facts to the Grand Jury of Middlesex Count v, which Is in session at New Bruns wick. Fifty witnesses wilt, testify thnt the strikers woro unarmed. Tho deputy sheriffs deny this, and Insist that tho strikers fired on them nnd that they de fended themselves. Itesldcnts of this section have appealed to Governor Fielder to make an Investi gation and to determine whether the deputies wero properly appointed. The strikers nro In a bitter mood nnd de clare they will prevent any attempt to oporato the plant. If they do. It Is said that mllltla will be nsked for. TBENTON, N. J., Jan. 20. Although of tho opinion that there is not yet neces sity for calling out the mllltla, Adjutant General Sadler Is today keeping ln close touch with the situation at Itoosevelt, where strikers were shot yesterday. General Sadler nnd Colonel John M. rtogers went to Boosovelt yesterday nnd Investigated the conditions. BANDITS LEAP FROM AUTO AND KNOCK MAN SENSELESS One of Many Bobberies Believed Committed by Same Qnng. Automobile bandits, who. In a high powered machine, have been terrorizing residents of the northeastern part of the city the past week, ran up to William Bush, proprietor of a cigar store, near Broad street and Indiana avenue, early today, and knocked him senseless with the butt end of a revolver. Finding noth ing In the victim's pockets, they drove off, leaving him lying unconscious In the street. This la one of the many robberies of the sort In upper Philadelphia the last seven days, and the police are of tho opinion the same deaperaddes are re sponsible. Efforts to obtain a description of the automobile used by the lobbers have been unsuccessful, although former Victims of tho bandits say It Is a big touring enr with a tonneau, Bush was run down by the men on In diana avenue, between 15th and Broad streets, shortly after 2 o'clock this morning. He told the police the car al most ran him to the ground, but came to a sudden stop and two men leaped frpm the front seat and knocked him senseless. Efforts on the part of the police and detectives to run down the auto robbers have been frulllets. On Thursday me" believed to be the roljbcrs who Injured Bush attacked a man near 4th street and Glenwood avenue. The victim says his assailants had an auto. A laundrj'' wagon driver was forced to give up U at thq point of a eolver at 17th and Cambria streets. Two men wero licld UP In the same neighborhood Friday night and had to hand over their valuables. On Saturday Mrs. Frederick Welske was attacked In the store of her husband at 3113 North 11th street. Her husband braved the rob. Jbers" revolvers and drove tne men on. On Monday of this weeic a man naa to Slve up his watcrfh and money at A and Clearfield streets. He told the police the auto, highwaymen got 120 besides his watch. EMPEROR MAY ABDICATE Francis Joseph Again. Beported Beady to Quit. LONPON, Jan. 80. A Rome dispatch to tha Star says: "It Is persistently ru- mor4 here that Bmperor Francis Joseph, of, Austria, has decWd to asdieata." i CARTERET, N. J. CARSON CALLS FRANKLIN IDEAL BUSINESS MAN Ex-Attorney General Tells Glmbcl Employes of Great Atnerlcnn. Benjamin Kiaiiklln wns held up ns the Ideal business ninu by Hampton L. Car- sou. e-AUorncy Ueneial or rcnnsjivnnin. In mi nddicss before nn assemblage of employes of Glinbel Brothers today. Tho address as delivered as part of the pio gram of a series ot meetings arranged by the management ot tho storo. Tho meeting, held In the English tearoom, was a part of the general welfare work piomotcd by the management. lr. CnrBon described the life of Bcnja- mln Franklin, saying that he agreed with tho statement ot the late Dr. S Welf Mitchell that Franklin was not born In Boston on Jnnuary C, 1700, but In Phila delphia, 17 years later, when he first came to this city and began his career, which, Mr. C'urson said, was unique ln the history of the woild's great men because of its broadness and accomplishments, not In one, but In many fields of en deavor. Mr. Curson drew the picture of Franklin coming to Philadelphia, poor and un known. "I nppcal to you to follow tho life of Benjamin Franklin, his Industry, his hon esty and unswerving loyalty to himself and his tnsk," said Mr. Carson. GIRL TRIES TO END LIFE Takes Poison Grieving- for Death of Soldier Brother. i Grief over tbo denth ot her bi other In tho eastern Euiopean theatro of wnr caused pretty Lena Nicholson, 20 years old. to shallow carbolic acid In her home, at 451 North 6th street, early this morning. She Is now dying In the Itoosevelt Hos pital. Stanislaus Nicholson, the girl's favorite brother, was ln Poland when tho war broke out. Being a member of the first line of reserves In tho Ttusslnn nrmy. ho Immediately reported to his regiment and wns sent to tho war. He was killed about a month ngo Since the receipt of the telegram Lena had been In low spirits, continually griev ing over the loss of Stanislaus. Her health became impaired, and she had been under care of a physician. EMBAKGO ON CORN HEBE P. B,. B. Will Not Accept Shipments Because of Congestion. The Pennslvanla Itallroad Company has placed n corn etjibnrgo on Philadel phia until ships are provided to carry away tho corn now here. Nearly 100 car loads of com aro now standing In the ards here berausc the elevators are full and no ships are available to carry away tho surplus. The Pennsylvania Railroad has also put a grain embargo on Baltimore, owing to similar poit conditions theie. Although New York has. and has had for snme time, mora grain than It can find ships for, the railroads aro still accepting ship ments for that port. An embnrgo In the near future, however. Is likely. Itallroad odlclals estimate that there are 7000 carloads of grain In New York and .Teisey City for which no ships are available. The Pennsylvania alone has approximately 2000 cars standing unloaded at Baltimore. Besides' these, 1379 cars are held In the yards west of Altoona. A similar congestion is experienced by the New York Central, the West Shore, tho Erie, the Lehigh Valley and the Lackawanna. HINT OF LYNCHING FRANK Atlanta Sinn Bemalns ln Custody of Sheriff. WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. An order was entered lu the Supreme Court yesterday suspending further proceedings In the case of Leo M. Frank at Atlantn, convicted and under sentence of death for the murder of Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old factory girl. The order will request the Sheriff of Fulton County, Mangum C. Wheeler, to retain custody of the prisoner. Flank's attorney, who appeared In the Supreme Court today, Intimated that there was some fear of Frank being lynched and for that reason asked thnt Frank be re talned In the custody of the Sheriff. OUTBAGES BY NIGHT BIDEBS Two Farms in Kentucky Attacked and Girl Beaten With Switches, LEXINGTON, Ky., Jan. 20. The home of William Duvall, a prominent farmer, of Grayson County, was attacked by a band of night riders disguised as Negroes last night. While the family was held at hay Nellie, the 19-year-old daughter of Duvall, was dragged from the house and almost beaten to death with switches. The same band visited the home of Mrs. Susan Slaughters and left a bundle of switches with a note threatening her and her son with the same treatment. Five arrests have been made. WEDDING RINGS IVEOBWG SIFTS '" " r&Z Je e,- !ta.V.le2l , tfv? 20, 1916. --"- "FREE ETT0R," MINERS CRY, ON MARCH TO OHIO PRISON I. W. W. Agitator Accused of Trea son Bupportors Want Free Speech. DELLAIItE, O., Jan. 20.-Seventr-flve miners, advocates of free speech, formed a parado In front of the City Hall here this morning and started n march to St. Clalravllle to make a demonstration be fore the Uclmont County Jnll, where Joseph J. Kttor. I. W. W. ngltator, Is being held, following his nrrcst yester day. Kttor Is charged with treason. The paradcrs will stop at Hrldgcport, Wheeling Creek, Lansing nnd Dnrton for recruits. Lenders say there will be at least 00 In line by tho time they reach St. Clalrsvllle. Tho nrrcst of Kttor Is looked upon by ' unldn leaders as n crisis In tho wage dispute between operators and miners. Those In charge of the strike have ndvo- . cntcd peace, and say that peace "would I never had been In doubt had tho Bellalro odlclals not lost their heads." When Kttor arrived here yesterday he eluded a number of patrolmen nnd plain clothes men who were awaiting his ar rival and went direct to the Mnyor's office. Mayor Wasson told Kttor ho would not bo permitted to speak within the city limits. "All right." said Kttor, "I'll go outside the city limits and speak." As Kttor passed out among his friends on his way In the Mayor's office ho warned them against demonstrations, urg- lug them to disperse. When he reached I tho street the police placed him under arrest, no was put in an nuiomunuc um. taken to St. Clalrsvllle, where ho was locked up. ZIEGLER ASKS CONNELLY TO START HOSPITAL BUILDING Urges Finance Chairman and Scger to Provide Funds. Director S. Lewis Ztegler, of the De partment of Health and Charities, today conferred nt his office In City Hnll with John P. Connelly, chairman of Councils' Finance Committee, and Charles Scger, chairman of Councils' subcommittee on appropriations, and urged that Councils tako Immediate steps to make available 1,000,000 for the reconstruction ot the Phil adelphia General Hospital. The Finance Committee can report favorably to Councils tomorrow a bill ap propriating the Jl.000,000 for Blockley from the $11,300,000 loan, which Item was purposely omitted fiom the "blanket" ap propriation bill of the loap Items reported at tho last meeting. Whether such action will be taken was not Indicated by either Connelly or Seger at the conference. That Btep would place tho measure on Councils' calendar for early passage. Dliector Zlegler, ln urging tho appro priation that would bring relief to the sick nnd Insane by starting the work of reconstructing Blockley, assured Connel ly and Scger that there was at present no controversy as to whether tho funds should be appropriated to his department or to the Department ot Public Works. Councils may take any action In the matter they seo fit and appropriate the money to cither department, Doctor Zleg ler Informed the Councllmanlc leaders. He made plain that his purpose was mere ly to afford relief at overcrowded Block ley. BRIDEGROOMS "TIGHTWADS," COMPLAINT OF BISHOP Now Give Only SI Fee, Though Par ents Oavo 55 or $10. BALTIMORE, Jan, 20. "Bridegrooms aro holding tighter to tho pursestrlngu these days than they did when mothers and fathers ot tho present generation en tered Into wedlock," said Bishop Corrlgan while discussing church finances with his congregation ln St. Gregory's Catholic Church. "Giving J3, and usually $10, was tho cus tom of bridegrooms years ago," said the Bishop. "Now we priests are lucky If we get $1 for a wedding ceremony." The Bishop pointed out that Catholic pastors nre allowed $1000 a year salary and the assistant pastors $000; this barely keeps them ln food and clothing. Con tributions at baptisms, weddings and fu nerals go to the priest, but no demand for them Is made. ( Some Protestant pastors take Issue with Bishop Corrlgan. They say the size of fees has been maintained, but deplore tho falling oft In the number of mar riages. WILL OF CHARLES H. SCOTT 8120,000 Bequeathed to Widow, Son, Sister and Brother, Charles Henry Scott, late of the firm of John S. Scott & Sons, coal operators, who died January 4 at his home nt Radnor, left nn estate valued at more than $120,000. Tho will, admitted to probate today, de vises tho property to the widow, Margaret G. Scott; a son. Charles IT. Scott, and to a sister and a brother of the testator. St. Patrick's Church nnd the poor of that parish will receive bequests of $100 each from the $1400 estnte of Bridget Can non, who died In Bt. Joseph's Protectory, at Norrlstown. A bequest of $30 Is also made to the Holy Face Society ot St. Patrick's pariah. The residue Is left to relatives, Other wills admitted to probata today are those of Elizabeth T. Barry, late of 5330 Walton avenue, whose property Is estimated at $6300; Jane S. AVood, B1J9 Milnor street, $5000: Alestlne Mursch, who died in St. Asnes Hospital, $2200. Personal property of Louise A. Itoberts has been appraised at K,!0j.S1i George C. Homlller, $3011,$U Unitarian Christianity In these sane, modern days It Is a dreadful thing- to arouse the ancient fear of hell. The terror that form erly made men cruel to one another, made them burn heretics and made them believe in witches and torture Innocent women, as If they were agents of the Devil, cannot today do quite the harm It formerly did. but it can enslave the soul with Ignor. ance about God and with unreason ing anxiety about the future. Ood Is love. Life is progress, here and hereafter. Sin Is a matter be tween each individual and God. And each one of us. by God's dear help, will turn away from sin unto goou nesa and eternal life. , Oh, It Is all so platnl Come and hear about it at 7:45 this evening at The First Unitarian Church, where the Rev. V. L. Sullivan will speak on the subject. "Sin? Its Origin; Its Punishment; Its Forgiveness." For printed information on mat ters Unitarian, visit or address The Unitarian Bookroom 1815 N. tag n Sruar CREDITS PILING UP I IN RACE FOR FREE EXPOSITION TOURS Late Entrants Working Dili-'v gently to Overcome Lead of Those Who Took Time by Forelock. New competitors for the free tours to the Panama 1'aclfle and San Diego ex. positions' offered hy tho Evenino LsboEn nnd runuc LKuaF.n In tho great eutn scrlptlon contests nre sending In their names every day to tho Contest Editor. From present Indications, those who Joined when the contest was first nn nounced nro to have no easy time to retain their lead over Inter entrants. t Credits aro being piled up rapidly bjf ' some of the newer entries, who ars working diligently nnd systematically In every leisure moment to catch up, and thus bo sure of being nmong the tour Ists who wilt travel do luxo to the coast ns guests of tho two newspapers. To thoso new contestants the Contest Editor wishes to repeat his warning not h to hold up subscriptions. All must be sent In as soon ns received. Contestants j, will be paid the full newsdealers' commls t slons If they do not succeed In getting w Into the lucky fifty. Suburban contestants are among the . most active of nil. The Contest Editor wants to repent to them that subscript tlons outside Camden and Philadelphia - must bo paid In advance. In the city " subscriptions for less than six months may be paid for through the carrier. It Is to the ndvantnge of the contestants to get tho money In advance whenever pos- " Bible, however, ns this means more, & credits. To Join the contest, fill out the blank-, coupon In the advertisement nnd mall or bring It to the Contest Editor, second floor of the Ledger Building. Ho will supply all Information ns ,to tho details of the contest nnd hints ns to how to 3' secure subscriptions. Do not delay Join- ; lug this contest. To do so may spell, ,J defeat. a BIG GLAZED KID INDUSTRY THEME OF CITY BOOSTERS Philadelphia Leads World in Pro-"", duction of Leather Used in Shoes. Few Phlladelphians realize that thW city is tho home of the glazed kid In dustry of the world. Fewer still realize' that manufacturers having their head- quarters here supply nearly SO per cent, -of the world's demand for the leather from which shoes are made. This pre-eminence of Philadelphia In the leather industry will bo ono of the factors In the bpslncss men's campaign to advertise this city as the leading pro- ' .Ineer nf "world sellers" ln America. The movement to boost Philadelphia through advertising the principal articles made here alms to make the trade-mark "Made ln Philadelphia" a standard symbol of excellence recognized the world over. While leather Is only one ot the many articles In which the city leads America It Is by no means nn unimportant one. In 1914 approximately 10,000,000 skins were used here In the preparation of glazed leather, manufacturers Bay. Nearly hair of this number wero Imported. When the skins had been prepared nearly half were exported again before they wero used In the manufacture of shoes. But a small proportion of this great t number of skins nro used tn Philadelphia! t after they are finished. Aside from those sent abroad the greatest proportion are sent to New England, the shoo manufac turing centre of America. Others are sent to Cincinnati, Rochester and St. Louis, whero mnny shoe factories are also located. While Philadelphia Is the actual cen tre of this vast industry most of the manufacturers here have branches of their plants either In Camden, Chester or Wilmington. It Is this city, however,, which Is the business centre for ths glazed kid Industry, and It Is through the many channels here that the millions which this Industry represents pass an nually. Itecently, too, Philadelphia has forged to the front in the production of lace. When the Dlngley tariff bill removed the restrictions from the importation of cer tain kinds of laco from Franco the pre eminence ot Philadelphia as tho lace manufacturing city of America began. Since then tho Industry has grown with remarkable rapidity until manufacturers now say we rank first. Bigger Bargains than ever in this Reduction Sale! How the men have come after them and swept away in whole lots these Perry Suits and Overcoats at low ered prices I So we've had to repair our fences I Had to take Suits at higher prices and feed them in to the lower price-reductions to furnish, enough Bizes to go around nt 10.50; at $11.50; at 513.50! Come and take them away while they last! It's a big question when you'll see m hear of their like at nearly such low prices! - V erry A H.J mMf -"' " j IChWl W W Uut W