gfifflffl u EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1915. "BILLY" SUNDAY'S SERMONS "i Today s Sermon SUBJECT! "THE SECRET OE FAILURE" Tcxli Jeremiah 5:28. "If church members will quit lilnylng: card wtfll hnvo no more gambler. When the church members quit patronizing tlio ntrcs (hej-'ll ettlicr clcnii Up or go out of btitlneas. When church members quit voting tr "10 saloon tho saloon will go id hell. "Your Iniquities have turned nway theso things, and your sins have wltli holJcn good things from you, "Clod said I want you to do this, but you wanted to sin and not do right. In this Versa Jeremiah Is giving nn e.xplnna. tloo. of the things of his day, Ho came ns a. prophet of Cod to tho people of Clod. Qod had promised them many things, biu they did not obey them and did not get the benefits of tho promise. When Ood enters Into a covenant Ho promises sus tenance, peace, Joy, prosperity, victory, honor. Such aro a few of tho number less pcomlses given to tho Jews. Hut they were rejected by tho people and they did not gain tho benefits. Tho sanio Is Iran today. cod's rnoMiSKS nu.mheiu.kss. "Qod's promises to tho man who accepts aro numberless. Any man, unless lie Is a fool, would rather havo God's love than Cod's curse. Any man, unless ho Is n. fool, would rather bo saved than lost. Any man, unless ho Is a fool, would rather go to heaven than go to hell. But they wcro not possessed of theso things, and therefore the blessings wero rt fail ure; peace turned to wnr, Joy turned to gloom, prosperity to need, victory to loss and honor to dishonor. All wero failures. Why? Did God make promises, knowing Ho could not fulfill thcm7 No! Jeremiah laid the blamo where It belonged, on tho people. Your Iniquities havo turned away thCBo things and your sins have wlth holden good things from you, "Go'd said: 'My promises were condi tional. If you do Sty commandments you will bo possessed of tho fulfillments of these promises,' but thoy didn't do It, and a cuiso came. It was not unfaithfulness on God's, part. This Is true of tho people here today. We are under a dispensation of salvation, free, full, pcrfcct.and eternal to nil who believe. It Is offered to you, who .voir may or where you may bo. PROVISION' FOR ALL, NEEDS. "We nre sent out to speak to the gen eration In which we live. We have num berless things promised us today. For example: 'Ho that believeth In Me shall havo everlasting life.' Wo are promised Joy and peace. If wo believe. We aro promised emancipation from sin. We aro promised victory. Wo are. promised pro vision fpr every need, accoidlng to Ills riches. Not all our wants, understand. but all our needs. If I huppll"il your necds with tny riches you wouldn't havo near ns much as If tome of FhlladclphlA's rich men would supply your noorls, and If Carnegie and. Rockefeller supplied your needs from tlielr riches you'd havo more than If Philadelphia men supplied your needs, but God can make Carnegie and Rockefeller Jqdkllko a plugged counter feit cent. All belongs to Jesus. Ho says 'the cattle othe? field aro Mine.' "In, otbiJ-YWrd.s, there Is nothing for you oiitsJdqjnfJcsua Christ. All comes through 'Jeuij, Such nro a few of tho numberless rjjroinlso which will fill tho life of tho believer full of (iope. To us as believer tliey should bo desired and should bo things greatjy Jcinged for. But are they possessed? Thero.nro thousands of church' tr embers that uro utter strangers to the highest religious experi ences. They don't know tho A B C's of religion. They havo no assurance of sal vation, no assurance of peace, no experi ence of God'a power to keep them safo through temptation. CHURCH MEMBERS TO BLAME. "Why are they without peaco and rest? I'll tell you. It's on account of tho con ditions of the people In the church. If church members will quit playing cards we'll have no more gamblers. When tho church membersj quit patronizing theatres they?irjel"ther'.cleah up. or go out of busi ness:. When 'tho church members quit voting for t)ie saloon the saloon will go to hell, I, don't believe there Is an evil In tne world today tho church of God can't drive out. If you can't believe yourself, I'll shoot tho truth Into your ojd carcass. I'll never compromise. It the day ever comes when I have to com promise I'll leave the pulpit and never return, Never will I lower God's standard, "You should be happy and glad Instead of standing-, and yelling, 'Oh, wretched man. that I am!' Why Is It that the Christian Ufa Is plotured ns sad? Is tho Christian life something that wo must struggla for and nover reach? Did God put tho standard too high for human at tainment? W'as God's promises nover meant to be fulfilled? Is God trifling wth t)ia people? No. The trouble Is with the- people, not with God. 'Your Iniquities' havo tprned away thes things and qrour sins have wlthholden good things fronou? Jeremiah knew whera the blame, belonged'. -NOVELS A CURBE. "Ahthatywkfl'the matter In Jeremiah's day 'Is true loday. 'Why don't you ac cept? What Is It In your life that hin ders you from being blessed? Is It some NO. 20- LUKe'.I flOTTA OReAT r loeenii Mrfri TH& cuciiiiii0 TMP2HURf5 SUR6 1 AH. WetX- XAMWli tt Keep ms. from . nooviki. i-MIA (5 nn.ivcuni' ,.., Feuef?, CorS.TRAFFIC! thing in your life, nn Impure thought, bad books, lying, cheating, stealing, bad com panions? Onr reason why peoplo have such low moral standards Is this dnm nablo hovel reading. Ouo of the curses of thn country today Is novels. All ot the authors have different Ideas of re ligion and hot ouo of (hem has the right Idpn. No matter what the book, a woman will gulp It down and the lllble will lay on the ccntcrtnblo, unopened, Is these something In your life, selfishness, pride, criticising Hod, knocking tho preacher? I will treat with respect any Jew or Gentile, negro or white man, anyone, but I will not nW.oclato with a iion-Chrlstlnlt. In other words, I will havo nothing to do with a man who sneeis at my Ood nnd sneers at my Christ. The Blblo tells mo to do this. "I'll tell you why you don't let Him In. It's because of somo of your associations, lodge, faintly, or financial reasons, some one you're nfrnld you will displease. There's many n man married Into a fntn lly nnd when you run up against ono sinner In that bunch and hit him tho whole gang will Jingle llko n bunch of slclghbells. Is It cnvy7 Envy H one of tho biggest robbers In the world toilny It's hard to see somo ono with a big flashing stud, or nn auto, and not want them. Envy. When you spo Persian rugs on vour neighbor's floor and yours cov ered with rng carpets. Envy! When hers q a sealskin coat nnd yours Is nniir-scal. Unvv. Envy. So I nay envy Is one of tho biggest lobbers In tho world today. WORLD AND CHURCH. "Tho trouble Is, you conform to tho world. Como out from among them. That doesn't means come out from the church nnd leavo tho church. Somo church members think It does, so they como out and say that tho church Is not good enough for them. They've got to show me. I'm from Missouri. It means como out from the world nnd not from tho church. Tho Unlvnrsnllsts base nil their faith In theso two verses, 'And you shall call His Name Jesus, for He shall save tho people from their sins." Notice thnt says 'from their Bins,' not In their sins, and 'As In Adam, nil men shall file, so In Christ all men Blmll bo mado ullve.' Thnt doesn't say they shall all be saved. They shall all be mado alive. And they wiest the scripture to their own destruction. "I wish every one could bo saved, but every ono will not. If you lopent you will be saved. If you don't repent you'll go to hell. Sin In the church cancels the blessing. Sin pursued makes proml'es null and olil. Tho same was true of the Jews ot old nnd the same Is true of us today. Tho blessings will become curses. It may not be Hint you do what God tells you not to do, but jou may not do what God tells you to do. Your sin may not be tho sin of commission, but the sin of omission. 'Thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not comlt ndul tt'v 'I'lmun nin phrv Iti understand. These aro the ones you shall not do. But tho law of God tells you to do this also: , 'Love' tho Loid thy God with nil thy soul, with all thy mind, nnd thy neigh bor as thyself.' Ah, that's tho trouble. Ynu'ie not doing what God tells you to do. There Is no difference In doing what God tells you not to do and In not doing what God tells ou to do. That knocks tho underpinning out from under a hunch of you. OMISSION AND COMMISSION. "I'll lay this beforo you. You say.'l don't steal, I don't lie, I never murdered.' All right. Do you love the Lord thy God above all things? And your neighbor as yourself? Do you hate nnybody? Now you're up ngalnst It. You refuse to apol ogize. You'vo had a fuss and you won't mnko It up. "My friend, Campbell Morgan, told mi that he was In a town preaching, and a woman came to him and said, 'I lost tho Joy of God from my heart four years ago,' and ho replied, 'Bless God.' Sho said, 'Why do you say that?" Ho said, I didn't say "Bless God" because you had lost tho Joy, but becauso you knew when you had lost It. If you know when jou lost It, you know why you lost It." 'Yes,' sho said. 'I quarreled with my best friend four yenrs ago, and we've never spoken since.' He said, "If you had died In tho Interim you'd have gone to hell.' 'What shall I do?' she said. 'Go make it up.' 'But I can't. She lives -MO miles away.' 'Then wrlto a letter.' Ono year later ho came back to this town, and tho first person ho met wns this woman. Her face was lighted up with Joy. lie said, You'vo written that letter?' She said, 'Yes, I wrote it last night.' but there wero flvo years of her life that didn't amount to a snap of your finger. "Maybe you don't pay your debts. Maybe you neglect your Bible. Majbe you are stingy to the church of God. Maybo you're n coward when It comes to giving testimony, and a preacher doesn't hear your voice In prayer meeting from year to year. SEVEN DEFINITIONS OF SIN. "There are Just seven biblical definitions ot sin. If you enn find any more, trot 'em out. There's lots of descriptions of sin, but only seven definitions. What Is sin? First, 'Sin Is a transgression of the law;' that's the common definition whenever you ask the questlqn; second, 'Whatso ever is not of faith Is sin;' third, 'To him that knoweth to do good and doeth It not, to him It Is sin'; fourth, 'It you have re spect of person, ye commit sin,' "That getn a bunch of you, that gets you preachers, you men ond women. In other words. It means to show favorit ism; fifth, Thought of foolishness Is sin'; sixth, 'A high look, a proud heart sins'; seventh, 'All unrighteousness Is sin,' Trot out someone who doesn't stand con victed before one of these. Now what io it nvijito- i vivcu uwoio una ut uicue, now wnai ASTHMA SIMPSON, THE T.TnuTHIMI'IonLV ; r . rrHAVa vmeree He's got to cartas lis ! 'VouTse to 60UPTOHIMANP , INDUCT HM OOMeTHIN avmful'. Y3o vjany To INSULT HIM. SO 0At VO SOMETHINS BEPORie 'TtJU CAM PINCH him .. j: HeUoctso MAD nro you going to do? First, confess your sin. Lay hold on this that tho spirit re- k vfuis iu jou wrong in your me, no moro punuie to nanus 01 tne spirit, I no trou' bio with tho .church of God today Is n lot of yoil stand convicted of your sins, but you won't throw them out. Name It, Say, 'God, l'vo been worldly, l'vo been proud. l'vo neglected your gifts. I've sat In Judgment on your servants.' Ad mit Hint you've got a mlsernbtc, grouchy disposition. We don't havo to answer to Clod for others' sins. I don't say I'm perfect, but when I'm through nnd we're In heaven, Ood won't nsk you whether you llko mo or not, or whether I llko you or not. Evciy man shnll give answer for himself. Confess. Be humble nnd receive a blessing, Second, renounce your sin, get rid of It, throw It out. Con fession without renunciation doesn't nmount to thnt (snaps his fingers). CONFESS OOD OPENLY. "Solomon said, 'Whosoever Is convicted of his sin shall not prosper, but who con fesses and forsnkes his sin shall find mercy.' You shnll say: 'God, I won't rend that literary trash.' You may call mo nnrrow, but l'vo mado up my mind never to rend any boolf, that Bncers at Jesus Christ. Bay, 'God, I won't go with that crowd.' Thn man or woman Itf" earnest will begin by taking tho spirit Into his life or her life. You'll tell Ood your troubles. Not the public. It's none or the public's buslncjs. You don't hnvo to tell tho public your Bins, for It's none of the public's business. "You say you can rccclvo Him In pri vate, live better liven, hut God Buys you must confess Him openly. Third, do whnt Goil tells you to do. Not only not rb what Ho tells you not to do, but do whnt Ho tells you to do. These nro tho two pillars that support the gospel. Say 'Lord, I will write that letter of apology, I will ask pardon; I will give to the church; I will have family prayer; I will dn whnt you say." Fourth and last, glw yourself up wholly, freely, mind, soul, per sonnlly, Influence, Irrevocably to God. I.uj yourself on thn altar and take your lianilu off. You have been bought with a price. You belong to Him. "This Is my coat. I can take a pair of scissors and cut 11 up, If I want to. It belongs to inc. I can take tills watch nnd throw It away and smash It up, If I want to. It belongs to me. I belong to God, and Ho has a right to do what lib pleases with me, and also with you. Lay all of your sins ut the foot of the crosh nnd sny, 'Nothing In my hnnd I bring, simply to Thy cross I cling." And hem Him yny. 'Thy sins, wnlch nic many, nro all forgiven tiicc; go in peaco nun sin no more.' REMOVING THE ALLOY. "Tell Goil you'io beat. Say the devil le too much for you; tell Him that you have been negligent, criticising the church, blnspheming, cursing, committing adultery, nnd tell Him you don't want to do these tilings. Then He'll tako away nil the alloy. What Is alloy? See this watch; it Isn't pure gold. It's IS-karat gold. On.' per cent. Is copper. Pure gold would wear away bv filctlou with your linmW. a frleml of mine out In Iowa hnd $10,000 In gold, ami ho tool: It to tho bank, but they wouldn't take it at face value, and they weighed it, and It had lost $1300 liy wear. So alloy Is to pieveut tho gold wearing away. ' "God will tnko nway from you all hi your llfo that makes you do what He says not to do nnd won't let you do what Ho tells you to do, nnd He'll put Into your llfo that which will make you do what lie tells you to do and keep you from doing that which He tells jou not to do. "See what the gospel docs. POWER TO RESIST. "Why do I want to pray? Because of tho Spirit of God. Why does that man cuss? Ho's filled with tho devil. Hero Is a man who Is a boozo fighter; he hits tho ibooze. Stue. He Is of the devil. But re ceive God and Ho will glvo you tho power to resist all of theso things. ' "Receive the spirit of God. Let the church do this and then will bo fulfilled what Is said In Malachi, ill, 10, 'Bring yo all the tithes Into the storehouse.' Tho church Is stingy. Under tho old Mosaic law tho Jeu'b wcro ordered to give one tenth to tho Lord, and that's what you ought to do today. 'Bring yo all tho tithes Into the storehouse, that there may "bo meat In mine house, nnd prove to mo now herewith, salth tho Lord of Host-, If I will not open you tho windows ot heaven, nnd pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to re ceive It.' "My Ood! how can any sano man or woman refuse to receive such a blessing Bs this? How can ho push It nway? And yoil will receive this blessing If you be lieve, nnd If you don't God snys it wcro better for you If you had never been born or that vou tnko a millstone and tie it around your neck and cast yourself Jnto tho Ohio. Now you know what was meant when Jeremiah said they kept on In tho things they knew they should not, nnd Jeremiah said, "Your iniquities have turned nway theso things, nnd, your sins have wlthholden good things fiom you.' " Last Night's Sermon SUBJECT: "GOD COMMANDS ALL MEN TO REPENT" Text: "God commandeth all men o cry where to repent." Acts xvll, '0. "Ood commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Not I-God. Not the laws ot the Innd God. He commands all men, rich and poor, millionaire or laborer, na tive or foreign-born, to repent, "Repentance Is not tho product of emo tion, merely, but of a sincere desire to obey God's command. uuu vuiiiiiiaiiua incn every wncrc-in ino I wasn c airaiu, aiy conscience torn mo tuiion, ,uri iuwia ouiu csciuujr mm i given, I wood Ce met ery VILLAGE ;QUEEN ARREST CON TRAFFIC? WHY, YOU CAN'T EVEN INSULT HIM, SAYS LUKE WARM! .... rTVSMin Ircur. .ihrv as Soom ASHE PUMCHesfer" T.ieif I ...uaBflAUEE.T MSUirrfil?l TTTinrDUSl fe "God commands men everywhere In th avv ipet3iia AMD vy Kr NAJHV M& AU - FiReD HE'tJ-PUNCH vou stores, In tho offices, In tho shops, to re pent. The first thing thnt John tho Baptist preached wns "Rercnt ye, for tho kingdom of God Is nt hand.' Tho first thing thnt Jesus Christ preached was th message 'Repentl' Tho first llilni that tho apostles preached was 'Repent!' "Vou sc dom hear a sermon on tcpcnl aticc. There nre plenty of prencheTs who nover In the courso of a long ministry preach n sermon on repentance. Every thing else, but glvo rcpentnnce n wide berth. Maybo their reason Is something like thnt of the old colored preacher who never prenched a sermon BRnlnit chicken stealing, becauso It threw a coolness ovet the meeting. Thcro nre lots of times when If a minister preaches rcpenlnnco he stirs up a lot of snakes Tneio wouni be moro preaching of rcpentnnce If min isters weren't so anxious to keep their Jobs nnd to havo their salaries raised. Wo hate anything Hint shows in our faults nnd blemishes, so he liroached whnt they liked to hear. "No man could make n living as n pho tographer If his pictures showed people exactly ns they are. Ho's got to retouch them If he's going to get nlong In busi ness. Ho's got to take out the wrinkles on a mnn'n forehead nnd take out that pink wart on tho woman's nose, nnd ho must tnnke tho woman who squints look Just hi good ns if sho didn't. It Is said that nn elepmant will never drink fiom a strenm of clear water, for ns soon ns he looks Into It and cnlrlirs ono sight of his ugly fnie he Hies Into a rngo nnd lashes the wnter with his trunk nnd gets It nil muddf There must be a big streak of human nituro In the elephant. There are lots of people llko tho elephant They I don't llko the. Bible. Thoy don't llko to have a preacher show them to them selves ns they aio In nil their ugliness. The renson somo people don't llko my prenchlng is becauso I preacli tho truth. They want to picach sermons thnt plonso them. Tliev want n 'tlckle-me-and-1'll-tlckle-you' brand of preaching and a preacher that wlllsay things that will make you feel like a boy with a mouth ful of butterscotch. You make n man feel ns though God Is stuck on him. They like you nil right, but you ore not saving thetn from hell. "John tho Baptist wasn't that kind of a prencher. Jesus Christ wasn't thnt kind of a preacher. The apostles weren't that kind of preachers except old Judns. John the Baptist opened tho Bible right In the middle nnd preached the wold of God just as he found it, and he didn't cnie whether tho people liked It or not. Thnt wasn't Ills business. I'll tell you John the llaptlst stlired up the devil. Hu took dead aim nt the old sinners on tho front seats. If any minister doesn't be lieve In n peisonnl devil It's becauso ho has never preached a seimon on rcpent nnce, or he'd have henrd him lonr. Yes, sir. If there's anything thnt will mako the devil roar It Is a sermon on repent ance. FACING WRONG WAT. "Some people say that I am too severe. A man said to me, '.Mr. Sunday, you rub the fur the wrong way." I said, 'No, sir. Let the cats turn mound.' Iistioke It tho right way. The trouble Is with the people who aio tinned In the wrong di rection. - "I can imagine John the Baptist, see ing Herod approaching In his chariot, nnd saying: 'Here comes that old adul terer! Lord, help me to hit him right between the eyes.' Ho used words that cut llko a Damascus blade, and they pierced right into that man who sat with that woman lolling beside him. Ho used plain words he didn't mlnco matters. He told Herod Just what ho was in tho sight of God. I bellovo that half of all tho vice in thn woild would bo removed If we called It by Its light name. Mosi peoplo who dlo by poison do so becauso the bottles are not lnbolcd right. Label sins by their right names and thcro aro very few who will have anything to do with them. Adultery, seduction, rape, thievery aro tho right names for tho sins. Tho devil wouldn't hnvo much Influence nround hero If lie were to appear ns ho Is. You'd turn In horror nnd disgust and loathing. The devil appears as an nngcl of light, or ho wouldn't last long. It Isn't a good thing to have synonyms for sins. Ho who steals Is a thief. Ho who tells a falsehood about a neighbor Is a liar. He who breaks his marriage vows Is an adulterer. Tho Blblo doesn't say anything about affinities. There Isn't any such commandment as 'Thou shalt not commit affinity.' "God will give light .to the man who wants to be saved In God's way. "Conversion through fear usually lasts Just about as long as the scare lasts. Many a man will muke God a promlso when he is sick ond ban a vision of tho grave. You can't scare n man Into re pentance any moro than you can drive poison out of a rattlesnake by putting a clothespin on his tail; v- "l haven't thnt much faith in these so called deathbed repentances. 1 don't say that none of them nre genuine, hut I do say that If you have served the devil nil tho yeans of your health and strength, nnd then when you nro dying send for the preacher to pray over your old far cass you're .mighty mean and low down. Thero is only ono case of deathbed re pentance In tho Bible, and that was ot tho thief on the cross. It wns his flint Invitation tho very first chance he had over had to accept rlio gospel of Jesus Christ, and he accepted It. Somo of you old cronies havo been hearing Invitations for years. Understand me, now I don't say that a man cannot be saved on bin deathbed, but that's a mighty poor time for repentance. "No. Jesus didn't try to scare men Into repentance, He said nothing to the woman ot Samaria about being damned, nor to Matthew, nor to the woman taken In adultery. He never mentioned It. If fear were necessary to repentance, I'm afraid I would nover have been saved, I wasn t afraid. My conscience told me duaf AS.SOOK as He pucHes ... vlib eicr unn UIAMNA1 jn in in- i- -vw -- --- ttuSH OMSK. To 5JlRe RoueFOf5TS AND SvaSAR OUT A WARRANT r-OF. Hia ARR-CST. CHAr3C3t Mi VWITH ASSAULT AN 0ATTeR.Y THeN XU. COCK HW UP, amd ouce wek iM JAIL. ucVj. uJP.Ate.aN AND VAe'CL I was doing wrong nnd I wonted to,Vv, right, I knew I wns damned If I dldn t repent, but It wns not fear that mado me n Christian. CONVICTION NOT ENOUGH. "I remember an old Methodist preacher In Illinois. That old minister told mo what God wanted mo to do, nnd that I ought to fell gratlludo and love. Thn prodigal son, out among the squealing Hungry hogs, thought oc tits minor s iovo, and ho said: 'I will arise nmUo to my father,' anil ho went home, Ho wasn't afinld of his father. He went Just be causo ho loved his frilhcr nnd ho knew It wns right to go homo. So ho left tho hog pen. A man will go to hell whether ho Is afraid of It or not If ho doesn't repent. "Repentance Is not conviction. Many men nre deeply convicted of sin but go on living the banio old lives. No man who truly repents will do that. A man cannot wilfully and maliciously go on living a sinful llfo nnd be repentant, I don't sny that n man who sincerely nccepts Jesus nnd Is truly repentnnt will not slip nnd fall; but no man who Is repentnnt will fnll to make tho effort to llvo ns a Chris tian should. Felix wns under such con viction of sin that ho trembled, but ho Kept right on In sin. Agtlppa wns con vinced, so thnt he snld, 'Almost thou perstiadest mo to be a Christian,' but that was as far ns he got. Joseph's brothers wcro convicted of sin after they had sold him Into Blavciy and had divided his cott nmong them, but they didn't repent. They didn't go to their father and confess whnt they had done. When you know you're wrong you know enough to repent. "I know men In this town who nre bo convicted of sin thnt they can hardly cat or sleep, ond they won't come to this tnbernncle for fenr that they might dn one decent thing before thoy die; they Bin convicted but thoy keep right on. "Rcpeiitnnco Is not being sorry thnt you've done wrong. Every man Is sorrj when ho has dono wroiig-ospccl.illy when he Is found out. Oh. It's wonderful how soiry peoplo nro when they get found living In sin. "Repentance Is not Just feeling sorry, llt'pentnnco Is to sny to God, 'l'vo dono wrong I'm going to try to do light help me!' That's rcpentnnce. To Peter ip pentnnce wns leaving his nets to follow Jesus. To the prodlgnl son It wns leav ing his hogpens nnd going homo. To Herod it would havo been leaving that sinful womnn nt once. Tor you It means n chance to forsake your sins. Repent ance Is doing It now. It's the only tlmo you nre suro of." Thesermoii closed with Hie pathetic story of a Chicago man who nursed his lnsnno wlfo back to sanity after many years, and tho evangelist compared the husband's patience to that of the Crea tor awaiting the repentance ot mankind. (Other Sunday News on Pace IS ) PREACHER ATTACKS BLIND FAITH, BUT DEFENDS BIBLE Must Guard Against Liternl Accept ance, Says Speaker. Faith without rccouise to Intelligence Is the gi cutest drawback to Christianity today, is the opinion of the Rev. William L. Sullivan, of New York, who was the speaker last night at the First Unltailan Church, list and Chestnut streets. Ho spoke on "Liberality and tho Bible." The clergyman defended the Bible, but criticised those who accept it too literally. Ho vdcclarrd It Is truo vand lasting, that Its fundamental theology will stand for ever, but that all that Is shameful, brutal or Insulting to the highest conception of a loving and nicrclfill God must be rejected. "We enn no longer tnko tho Bible en tirely on fnlth," he said. "Wo must Judgo books, churches or creeds In the light of our highest reason nnd highest ethics, accepting what these approve, re jecting what theso condemn. "Wo feel, therefore, entirely free to question tho nobility or dignity of certain blblcal nnrrntives, of certain Ideas of conduct and certain conceptions of Gofi which the Jewish peoplo In their Intel lcctunband ethical Infnncy fancied wcio true. It they thought that God was n being who would engage In a physical wrestling bout with Moses, we cannot be llovo It. If they thought that God com manded tho slaughter of women nnd chil dren taken In captured cities, wo cannot bellevo It. If they thought that God oidcred tho killing of witches ('Thou shalt not suffer n witch to live'), wo cannot believe It. "These and countless other Ideas Indl cato n capricious and vlndictlvo deity, nnd It Is absolutely Impossible for us at this stage of civilization to entertain them seriously "The greatest drawback to Christianity today Is that theology persists In taking everything on faith, without giving re course to Intelligence, Peoplo uro leav ing the churches becauso their Intelli gence revolts ngalnst tho acceptance of so much superstition which Is at com plete vnrlanco with sound reasoning." Falls Dead Watching Barn Burn Whilo watching firo destroy Ills barn last night, Louis Buries, a farmer of Sharon Hill, dropped dead from heait disease. Two cows were burned to death In tho barn. Firemen fiom Sharon Hill nnd Colllngdnlo arrived In tlmo to lead two cows and n horso out, but the ani mals wcro badly slngnl. RAPS NEGLECT OF LIBRARY President Lewis Criticises Phlladel phlnns for Lack of Support. The neglect of the citizens ot Philadel phia to show an Interest in tho Murcantiln Library, 10th and Chestnut strcotB, was the basis for severe criticism by Presi dent John Frederick Lewis, of the Insti tution. Mr. Lewis said yesterday that It xjueLC.1 xA,Hea.e?s i,.r UIAOI7AUT? WHSlceb VOUR 'ALRIGHT BLACic eve-f SIMPSON 1 IrjinM'T YOU IftKiftilLT HIM ? Is n "civic crime" thnt this nearly century-old priceless treasure, with Its hun dreds of thousands f books and Its many comfortnbls conveniences for patrons, should not bo moro fully utilized. "Go out nnd lilt Philadelphia!: with h hammer," was Mr. Lewis' advice to ono of the shareholders who asked him how thn llbrnrv might get moro publicity. "I went around for years giving frcostereop llcon lectures to wnko Up tho p6ople, but t ilmi educated nnd respectable Phllndel- plllans of considerable means who havo never been In Independence Hall of Fair mount Park." FUNERAL OF A. . ORANGE The funeral' services ot Alexander Dick ton Orange, It prominent clubman, who died yesterday nt tho llryn Mnwr Hospl tnl from Injuries received during n chase of tho Radnor Hunt Club, when his horse fnlled to clear n fence, will tnko place to morrow nftornoon, nt 2 o'clock, from tho resilience of his brother, William D. Ornngc, 1001 Spruco street. Interment will bo In West Laurel Hill Cemotcrtf. OBITUARIES WILLIAM ELLISON BULLUS William Ellison Bullus, a veteran of the Civil Wnr, died nt his home, 162 WPst Penii Hlreot, Gcrmnntown, Monday, after a brief lllnoss. Ho ns 7.i years old nnd for many years wns engnged In tho In surance business. He rotlrcd a few years ngo. At tho outbreak of tho Civil Wnr, ho enlisted In thn 71st Regiment, Now York Volunteers, nnd sercd until tho closo ot tho conflict. Ho wns a lineal descendant of Colonel Rumsey, who fought In tho Rovoluiitlonary Wnr, and a grandson of Dr. John Bullus, nn army surgeon In tho Wnr ot 1812. Ho wns n member of tho Sons of tho American Revolution, tho Loyal Legion, tho Sons of Veterans of tho War of 1S12. the United States Navul Order and' tho General Gcorgo Meado Post, G. A. R. Ho leaves a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Francis II. Kent. The funeral services will bo held In St. Luke's Church, Mnln nnd Coulter streets, Gormantown, tomorrow morning nt 11 o'clock. ABRAHAM E. SMITH ROCKFORD. HI., Jan. 20. Abraham IS. Smith, for ninny years ono of tho publlsh crs of a nowsjiaper hereand for tho last I." yenrs Lulled Stntes Consul nt Victoria, H. C died nt thnt place yesterdny from pneumonia. Ho was 77 years old. Bartholomew J. Sullivan Uartholoniow J. Sullivan, nfflllatcd with tho Flnnnco Company of Pennsylvania for many yenrs, nnd long a member of tho St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church, died yesterday utthe homo ot his son-in-law, George J Turner, 1231 Rising Sun avenue. Ho was 7S years old. He sides his daughter, Mrs. Turner, ho is survived by three sons, Bartholomew J., Jr., James F. and Mark C. Sullivan. Solemn High Mass of Requiem will be celebrated nt St. Stephen's .Church, Broad and Hutler streets, Friday morn ing, with Interment In Holy Sepulchru Cemetery. Robert Johnston Robert Johnston, a pawnbroker In this city for neaily half a century, died yes teiday at his home. 173.1 Oxford stieet, following a brief Illness, lie wns SO jears old. As a horseman, Mr. Johnston wns associated with several ildlng clubs, lie was ono of the organizers of the Phila delphia "Road Drivcra' Association. A brother nnd three sisters survive. The funeral will he held Snturday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, from his late residence. JN mi:moui,m BlHtN. In rememhrnncp nr tint mnet ex cellent nentlcman, WILLIAM II. HUIINS, nf I'mnkfnrd, I'hlladclnhla. ulio entered a well-earned repose on .lanuarv 20. inns. Ni:ir. n.i.AKi'i:uvv. eatlis ll.'inOn .T.uiunry in, lair,, ONR1DA MAK. wlfo or Alva H. Hates and ilaimhler nf Ullza A. and the lnte lleorce W. Jonen. In her twill year. Tho rel.itUcs nnd frl-nclH of tho family aro respectfully inwtcd to at tend the funeral servhes on Wodneadny vfter noon, at S o'clock precisely, at hep hito resi dence, 3187 Columbia nvc. Interment pri vate, at West l.uuiel Hill Cemetery. Auto. mobile funeral. llllNTHN. On .lanuHry 10. 191,',, CI.AItA M widow of Louli C. Henton. Kunerat on 1'rldai'. at 1 p. in., from her Into residence, 1!C2 Harrison st. Interment Mrictly prhntc, Xorthwood Cemetery. 1IOWHS. On .lanuarv IS. 101.-,, nt Hampton Hoods, Va.. DCNNIS IJOWKS, lato or New I'lilladclphia, I'a. Ouo notice of tho funeral will bo Riven, rrom the residence or hla Irothcr, Thomas Hones. 222T North Camac at. HOYI. On January 17. 101B, ANNA SI. HOYO. widow nf willUin II. Itoyd. Kuntrol nn Thursday, January 21. at I p. m,. from her lato residence, 2HS Carman st., Camden, N. J. Interment prlvato. at Fernwood Ceme tery. CAMPION At her residence. 430H Chestnut St.. suddenly, on January IS. mis, 1:1.1. . wife nf V. II. Campion ami daughter nf the lato Joseph Cox. Kuneral services at her sister's residence, 3510 'onclton aio. Inter ment private. CAKIA'. On .lanuarv 1R. lOtri, JULIA, wlfo of the lata Patrick Carey. J.meral on 'liiurmlay. at S:30 11. in. from llu Norlh Camac st. Solemn Illeh Mais of Ilequlem at HI, John's Church at ID a. 111. Interment ut Holy Cross Cemetery. CHANH. CATlllJIUXi: CRANII, 3010 North Camac St. DM.IIY. On Jnniiary 1R. Win, Jl.wty lAl.i:Y, wife or John I Daley ami daughter of the lato I'enlon ami Ann Uolanoy. Ku neral on I'Hilay. at h:.:(i a. in., rnun Ih.'U l'ear n.. rrunkfnnl l-ulemn Itcriulcin Mass at St. Jnni hint's Church, ut tO-u. m. inter ment St. Dominie's Cemetery. IlKlfiNAN.r-On January 10, 10 IS. MAIN ttAIH'T, widow of Juiuea DclBnan. funeral nn Hulurdav. at s-jin a. m , from her lain residence, Sill, Orlanna st. .Solemn Hlch Mass at St. Vcronlen'H Church nt lu a. in Interment Holy hepulchre Cemetery. IIOVI.K. MAHV HOY MI. 1721 Plorn st. IIHHKIN. -On January 17, 101,1. IISTIIISII MAV. nlfe of Andrew Iiurkln ond daughter of Cieorso and the laic Christina .Mojm-. Ku neral on Thursday, at 2 ,p. in . rrom SJO Uast Martin t.. Ilnxboroueh. Sen Ices at I ho house. Interment at l-everlngton Cemetery. GKHllllt. -in N'nrristiwn, If , nn January ju, im". lt?s j.?ii ui.iukii, widow nf USURe,T NSucrD HM ' X CALLED 2 - 'M ASTOCK-UR yt - aiiiuh ,.. v,i, c. luiivini nun, i,iu nweuo st.. Norrlstown, I'a., on Friday, at 2 p. in INUKK At Pittsburgh, pB on January Chafe. Philadelphia. Due notice win t. EAH OHANOR. Suddenly, on t.. -aJ years, nemtlveg . anrt B?,V.ii"AN6": I ll und the funeral ervfemiiiTl! UitiK. IIILMI.. Httrtdenlr, ,( ... . a tf Itlchard 1 O'Donr,.! .yM ii.!'Al terment st 1'orcat I Awn r..l1,,'iiri TH N. V.. ThunllAv.ri.,2LcSntt,r.. ! IlAA.CK.0n Janusrv T. .P.0'' . IS .. ..,. ,,, Jiijiniin llttsk . "f A LOT! AT? miaivimi rr u.ti i -ui juin t'emeleiy, "' """nunt tt Hl Iflll'TPt n "' 1 I'-.'"!! from 67SO iHttJIlnr?u.Ja, iiuiiNHN. nn t. 4. ... "aa fW'T: hM. "fflV SaS af:A-r." "luniv In. lflll . JIB me.. Mcrchartvllle. N. iai. ' - HieriDM, rj JOIINSTPN-On .Tan,,.., 3 '' JOHNSTON. Fiirieral ...i'!15' 6s3 " -iii .inntiarv 10. iniR . ,. wj cmctcry. Ilurllnaion. ' "" rairi "'i.'IH On JAnunrr IS. 1nf i... -$H JiHItn. .III., sun nt B.,T-i"'.'"."SMlnil.1 rR.nrinK.nSeWiWl4VAliWS Thursday nflrrnoon. it S o"oclrf,rT,i,: nl residence. 1P0T Sprites t. Int,rmA,.1,''l iff nl ?i a,? fFI SSSi "??' "' " rrv w' US Fi-i- J;"::;.';-n:,iK0.Ila' I'ONa. smo ,,. tv. l.u.tiD!,. ri-ViiJ ! ".,'V. h 1815. J ...' Kiiv. t TSlri 'am' " ffiK ff'S-ffl .rao WIMcr st. Mass nt lh c5ihM2?MV a. m Interment at Jfoly era,, r!S?5 ll. I.nVi:.TOii January 10. loii? lOR? ?V hand nf (Jrncn M I.owe at Sim "KS1f-vH st. Solemn Iteaulem m.. .,.'.?orJ ?WI '0"0 MM,,,. -I m....-:,i:." ' ttlMn,.! Church, on Haturday, at 10 a ni i7" fixate, nt Holy 8cpulclire ciil2;.i?,nMl MrlltmNi:y.-On January 10 lT7i W pool, nnRlint, OnortclH llMimW. hand of the IMe ' M i i-v V. WlkeTO; Sr..M'rrWli.35'ph,..e M An" yr4':,-Vrf;'rno"herrSTccfc,,iS15' n inursnay. jnniiary SI, at S-So t, i, .w. e nelv. from her late resldet.eer'SMf'cS.'i.f.T'- t. Intirment nt Kern wood cim2i.,. fcK" J tr '"' 1-ISH5H3 Mcconsil!& ..2 niiniincr st, "" bi sl5i!ni5iV'.,iTr-MAnir "-Miuton. '1? 5lAl?''y.--On January 10. ibis, r ijHI nu.-N m auxin, Delaware ave LiaMiit i? Kuneial on Wednesday January "ft if'O ,r";.?S,,,.,:l, lnt, residence. y A " l& M.'r?,l.,!:,,. "" January W ,jff it rotten: w matciinbii FuLu Sitiirdnv, nt 2 p. ni from W wlSS llnlniesliiirg. Interment private. "' MI I.MRAN -Suddenly, at ItarW, rJ nn rnnunry is mi,-,, WII.MAM J, StLLt SUNK. On January 18. 1915. FRANK US, hand of Uiura Mink and son nf chtrlei THIwnetU Mink. Funeral m Tnur",y?iu p. in. from 1113 S Carllile t. (DKinsit1 rcJServ"''' ,n'"m0nl " & MllltUIS On .Inuuarv !!). IMS trri, OUItNIIV MOItltlS. funeral aervlcn f hir lnte resident e. SIS South 10th st"w TtaXi n?r.'n,li, "'" '"st" at " 0'cl3cl- ItnSl'. .MOItltlS On .lanuarv 1H. lfllS. il wia residence. White onk Mount Airy. KATE' i:TI.Y. wife of -William II. Morris. Sofia' it-iimvin .nun in v nurcu cr noiy iron, eg Thursday, at 10 a. m. Intirment prhilti iviuiuv mint nowers MI'ltlNICA. O.NNirV J Noun wrlean st MMIItS. On January 10. 1912. RT.M wife of William F. Myers. Funeral nrrtti ' Crlday. at . p. in., at her late talttatt SfilO Almond st. Interment private, Cmfr; ni' iiiil i uiiivkny, , IlOI'X'ir At Atlantic r?llv. V J.. if I..1 nary 1(1, 101.1, CIIAItLCS ItOKSCH, )t knJ hand of Krcdcrlckt (nee Tnjfa), Met'W! jears. IMMIvp nnd friends also sU K! ties nnd organizations of which hi wsi meintier, nre invjiea jo attend tne rawrre services, nn Tueeday ermine, at oMonV nt his Into res'dence. 1(13 Poultl NliKitk np.. Atlantic City, N. J, Al iirvlcn a! Wednesday arternoon, at - o-eiocK. it t: rhaptl or Andrew J. Hair : bon, Arcn 1!)tli sis Interment rirlvelo. IMIIUIKH Do .lanuarv 10. 1fll3. nil! wife or William It rthodes, Funeral urns nn Tliursdny. nt S p. m. at her lata deuce, 1".'S ITn't Hnrt lane, inttrmtnr llre-nwnnii ti nr ! j uemeiery KAMI'KOV On .Tnniinrv 10. 191.1. IDt wire nf Percy R. Sampron. Funeril smWi1 nn Thursday, nt s p. in at ran aua ltrtiinnlnun Interment nrliate. i M'ATTKIHHIOIl On January 17 DH1 TIK'JlAri f., nuswnn nt Arna fc Kiinr-i pood, runcrnl services oil Tbnrsfay it p. m at hts lnte residence. IVfl FJrt R' tenhous" st , Oermantown. Interment fre iite KeTnnnd Cemetery ; Sf'IIMII!Ti:TTi:il. OODFIUfiD BCIIHKV TFTTKIt. 40S Fast I.lvlnKfton ft. SKiMAN. F.MJIA SIOMAN. 1923 South S3 Kt NMITir On .Innnirv 17. 101.1. MARIA, widow of Samuel Smith. Vunerat rrli rhureduv. L-:to p ni. precisely, u .'i rinhr'a at., Mnnnyiint interment "utvuau SMM.I. On Illtll.ll'V HI lUia. WinblAMri-flS vnn of the lato William J. and InH Ktell. Funeral on Friday, nt S p. nt. '"Jfl , ,i aiooic at. jniernieui ieninw "sat KTI'AIIT On Jnnunrv 10 10S. (inSflOjl: rernwooit 14 iv?B II. HTIXAnT huhand of Loutaa A,, niunrt inrc .inriniii .i'i "i-' vrjfl Alexnrdrr (I. nnd Jine Htnnrt FJ"H1 Sitnrrlir Jamierv SH. nt 5 p. m., tnwi ua lata residence, r.110 North Water t fid Interment private, at Knst Cedar HW fa 81'' I IVAN On Jani"rv P)., 101V fiiS I1IOI.FMKW J.. luiKuanu o- vu,'"fSt erlno r. fiilHvxn Funeral from lilt II jSJ Hun ae. en Friday nt ;in s., bvMj m Mn. nf litniileni nt Rt Stephen's Churn)"! 10 a. in. Interment prliatr. at Iloir trwa V'!,m '.!' .. m,M.n,. First Month. llWJ ' itll.'. KKAXKUN TAVLOn, i.ef llclalHea and.'rlends are Invited t" atfWf tho runcrnl. without V,r"'Hri"Ttl residence nf hie a n. J.iscph T TartJ tam ,uo a,c. I-nnshorne Pa. ffl "fiiffli f lcni ri netidlnB. M, RI I . , TIIOMAH.-Ull .inil"ar in. " t'-t,iurpi 18. 1013. KDWJJ nra's'limern. rr,.ce. ,on TgrgW hldl-v Park. Pn. '"''""'".'-K'RiJjfl 1 HACV.--On. Januarv IS. 1918. i..jfil m HE inn mil! n .. - -.' liusKino or me nn .'irti. "w .,,: ,w r ho funeral will lw shen. from M. "I.i.ii.... mtn North Wnodslerk !. . tM W :i"ciM1H.-JOHN WIH.COMB, T5 a nth st .. .. ,. nioa MT.I.K Klt.-On .If nuarv .". -. 5 -t . .V,!i ' T.vidnv at S p. m.. 'rem S residence. Sltn W. Iluntlnidon it. ' at (llenwood Cemetery ., w tvii.sov On January . 19.. ''., "ti 'ii! widow or Charles "i3K-iM Funeral on Friday, at S p. '- ""iiilB! deneV of her son-ln. aw. Harry Crwia Marple, Dclawara county, t. , Mirple' rre.byterlan Cemetery, ,m rdKirim t lata ueorso jnu ''"""'V t.- Tits ruw' Hunday, at 1 p. !., at her .la" '"t"Te9 1-Jlt lllorrls st. rnterment print. i jm i Call he pip s u&Kin ME A HeAD-ACH& POVWCCTR. AND SAW Be. THe HEAT IT MUST '' rylr.. on Vl.uricJsj' jjnu'.' "' JV.LM Church roV 'A-raVSl Vffi2M - in. in hi. S2d jrnr. rW 'rsl from ik'N l nf Ills nenfipw. Il.rrv iV.ffnii Mfl sts., Florence, J. , ' iZri M SI. at 10 n. m t.aif , Ji V scrylrra Th'irsdnv, at fl'flo n PT' . "m residence, 2.140 llooro i Bt 1'....' '"Hr! wood Cemelerv "' """"Ml t WVl f? IN THs eve ? MAICS HM TALrC- VOU IQO INSULT HIM NOWANP -- 0 ! WAT Heicc, FOB YA Tf & - -- i JS" hwrr,wt ' wmzz5