DjurTSpi'i', ws-e, EVENING LEDGE.R-PHILADMLPHIA, WEDNESDAY, .TANUABY 20. tOIS. 12 "WHAT WILL BE RESULT OF FEDERAL SUIT AT CHICAGO IS ALL IMPORTANT TOPIC TOl3 FEDERAL'S SUIT HOLDS INTEREST OF FANS TODAY nti-trust Baseball Charge Goes to Trial Before Judge Landis at Chicago Dif ferent Opinions as to Issue. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. The llfo of the na tional cams, as organized at present, was virtually at staho today when tho trust milt of tho Federal Leaguo against or ganised baseball was called by Federal Judge Kenesaw IC Landis. Summarized, the Fedorals have asked that tho Ameri can and National Leagues, tho National Commission and the national agreement tinder which these organizations operate be dissolved as a conspiracy and a trust In violation of the Bherman anti-trust law. Because of the far-reaching effect of any decision, no one of the opposing magnates gathered here today would venture a guess as to tho probable length of the hearing. Every ono exprossod hope that It would be over within two weeks, at the longest. Both Fedorals and organized baseball officials want tho caso over within ample time to start the ball roll ing with the ante-season training stunts. The first more today was arguments by Sudoral League lawyots (or a preliminary injunction. II was entlroly possible that unliu Judge Landis seta some specula tlmo those night run oer until tomorrow. iceano Addlnaton. of Chicago, was expected to do the Btackstontan atlckwork tor the Fed erals. E K. date, of Indianapolis, will be en tha asd ot the lawyers' bench, where he can be rushed to tha plate aa a pinch hitter IC necessary. Judge Myers, ot the Indianapolis bench (supreme court, win be another le anch (Sum-erne court, will bo another leaal luminary who will be one of Lawyer Adding- ton's cruet aiaes, Either Oeorge W. Miller or John Ilealy, both Of Chloago, were expected to answer for or ganized baaeball today. They will be aided by Judge Williams, of New York; Attorneys Cal vin and Klnkead, of Cincinnati, and Oeorge IW. Pepper, of Philadelphia, who were ex peated to bat In the order named. NEW TORK, Jan. 20. In spite of the vagaries or law opinion on the part of the Soncombatant element Is that James A. Oil more and his outlaw backers should have a lnlgbty hard time of It making a caso against tha ao-called trust. The Hun man Interviewed Sve prominent New Tork attorneys yesterday. ;one would content to have his name made ?ublle, as he considered the matter no con ern ot his. Dut without exception, after perusing copies of affidavits furnished by both sides, grave doubt of any substantial case was expressed. The expert opinion Interpreted ss most damaging the bylaws and constitu tion under which the Federal League operated, as furnished by James Cusack, erstwhile um- Slre for Qllmore. It was held that the In ependents themselves were guilty of all the so-called Injustices they decried on the part ot their contemporaries. BASEBALL NUGGETS SQUASH RACQUETS ARE . TO BE PLAYED TONIGHT aormantowM Team A Will Meet Racquet Club In Last Contest, Tha climax In tho Ihicrclub squash rno quets championship will bo reached to night. Only two teams nro left In the raco, tho Itncquct Club and Gormantown, Team A. These teams will meet. Gor mantown has a decided advantage, and wilt begin tho contest with n lend of ono match. To overcome this lead tho line quet Club must win four matches out of tho six, Tho llacquct .Club wrested the cham pionship from Clcrmantown last year In a most exciting match, and tho Gormantown men nro naturally burning for revenge. D. L. Hutchinson and W. Y. Stevenson. who Is suffering from a sore hand, will bo unnblo to play for tho llacquct Club, but Gormantown will bo nt full strength. Although tho match between Merlon Team A and Merlon Team 11 nt Haver ford will have no bearing on tho cham pionship, It should provide somojiot con tests, In which Tcnm 11 may spring n surprlso or two. Ovorbrook will hnvo every Incentive to defeat Germnntown Team B at Mnnhctm, as a victory will keep the suburbanites In third plnco unless Team A of Merlon gains nn overwhelming victory over Team B of tho same club. Overbrnok has tlono much better thin year than In nny pre vious season, nnd so far has furnished tha surpriso of tho contest. D0RIZAS NEEDS OPPONENTS Penn Strong Man Returns to Wres tling1 Team. Now that Mllto Darlzas, the Greek strong man and all-around athloto of the Unlvenilty of Pennsylvania, has been per suaded to roturn to tho Quaker wrestling team, ho finds himself In the dilemma of having no ono of sufficient strongth nnd skill to give him practice. As a result, ho fears he will havo to preparo for all his Importont Intercollegiate meets and tho Intercollegiate championships without having mot a man of anything llko his bulk or skill. Colonel Jaeob Ruppert, Jr., corstdent of the Tfew Tork Americana, has given the lie to .President James 'A. Qllmore, of the Federals. Mr, Ruppert denies that be ever told Ollmoro the purchase price of the New Torks was to be 3200,000 "If Mr. Gtlmore has been auoted correetlr," lie says: "ho baa told a deliberate falsehood, When I met him at French Lick we did not discuss my recently acquired club In any way." President (Barrow, of the International League, has added Frank Brown to bis Use of umpires. Brown hails from Ilerron Hill, ?a, and had a most successful season in the hree-I League in 101. Feds Keep Hands Off Newark CHICAGO, Jan. 20. President James A. Gllmore, of tha Federal League, today ex pressed regret that the league would be un able tnis season to place a team in iewar. ' y .1. ... "T h&v place more. received two team there next 1 was obliged not do so. I think It would be a good proposi tion for a team, nnd certainly Newark Is en titled to major league baseball, but we cannot now disturb our circuit. ko communications to ext spring," said dit to write that we could i gooa proposi Newark Is en- Tinkor Spikes Report CHICAGO, Jan. 0 Joe Tinker, manager of the Chlfeda, today denied a report from Lin join. Neb., that Outfielder Lesllo Mann, of tha Boston 'Braves, would play next season with Bis team. TO SBTTIiH MEREDITH PROTEST Rublen Expects to Announce Pinal Decision on Mooted Poln Today. Frederick TV. Rub! en, chairman of tho Na tional Registration Committee of the Amateur iJLthletla union, New York city, wires that protest against the decision of Alfred J. osrtlve statement might be expected today In XJI1 that Ted Meredith could notoompete for Pennsylvania In the Iloston A. A. meet. So far as he had gone, however, be had been unable to find any reason for overturning the decision of President LIU. Rublen raid that he had gone carefully through the A. A. U. legislation on the point and could find nothing of recent date to offset the ruling that limits tha time that on athlete may ohange rrom college to club, or vice versa, to the period between June 1 and October 1. Jtublen admitted that the footnote In the rules book conflicted with this rullnr, but waa Inef fective because H had been superseded by later Jeglslatlon and was only In the code because t had been overlooked. George W. Orton. who Is making a hard Bgtrt to have Meredith declared eligible, has written a letter to Rublen, In which he says that an onlnlon rendered bv QuMavus T. Rlrbv . ..... -i.: w- - zr. - ri jrr r- . ..- ui avia, wncii no was preeiueni or iuo a. wai lie a to ' redltt i coresident of the A. A. TJ. . the effect that tho ruling under which In which, the entries were limited to collegians. JtUDl case a conference with Justice Bartow U. Weeks. me already nas msas up nis mina mat all collere athletes who comDeted for tha I (York and Irish American clubs In the Motro- dith la barred would not apply to a race hlah, the entries were limited to colleasns. Jtublen expects to clear un this Dhasa of tha case today and settle the whole matter after i already has mads up his mind that i ege auu iwlltan j Meredith la kept out. tha New olltan Association wlll not be barred even If feredlth la kect out. Tha meetlnar waa orlrl- nally set for September 10, but was postponed to October 3 as the only available date after James E. Sullivan's funeral. It will be con sidered as having taken place on the original caie ox Depiexnuer iv. JTEW YOIIX, Jan. 20. That the New York 1A. C would have received substantial backing In Its fight with the A. A. U. over the swim ming situation became known yesterday. The situation waa saved when the hidden letter cams to light which allowed the Registration Committee to reinstate the club swimmers and the club to pass up the resolution to with draw from tha union. Before this happened a telegram waa received from officials of tha Los Angeles A, O. stating that that olirb would back up the New York A. C. and would assist In tha formation of an association to supplant tho A. A. U. TTEW YORK. Jan. Klvlat and Harry Smith. SO.Atong with Abel lth. who will slmsllie their return to competition at the big meet of Brooklyn College In the 18th Regiment Armory peat Miurusr evening, jinraa aieycr, me world's 60-yard record holder, after a lonr Iar-cff wUl again throw his hat Into the stri atic ring. Among the speed merchants Meyer will have to beat are Jack fnier, Hal Ifalland. Win dough. Hal Itocklng. Hugh Hlrshoa and Harry Oltmann, Joe Loorols. triple national tltleholder, has become to popular with Beaton athleilo en thusiasts that hs has been Invited to take part In every meet scheduled hereabouts for tho next month. The blr Chloagoan has agreed to be a contestant In the games of Fordham university on January 80, and has tentatively greed to compete to the New York A. c. games on February 10, in Madison Square (mraen. rn Boston A. A. nas extended INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS INTEncOLLEOlATH BTANDINO. , W. L. P.O. W. L P.C. Tale 2 0 1.000 Columbia ... 1 2 .8.11 Princeton ., 2 Ol.Ono Penna, ...... 1 n 2M Cornell 2 1 .007 Dartmouth ..0 2 ,0C0 PRINCETON, N. J., Jan. 20. In the most nerve-rocking game ever seei. on tho Prince ton floor, Penn lost to Princeton after an ex tra period last night by tho score ot 2 to 12. With the score 20 to 10 In faor of Princeton and about SO "seconds of play remaining, Wnl lace dribbled through the entire Princeton team and tucked one In from under tho basket. Juit ns ho was shooting he was fouled by Paulson. The ball was through the net before the referee, detecting a foul, blew the nhtstle. Instead of giving Pennsylvania tho goal ond allowing thorn a free try frcm foul, the of ficials ruled the goal out nnd permitted them to tako the foul. McNlchol made It count, and the score stood 20 to 20. In tho extra period Paulnon scorod twlco from the foul line, and 'Williamson, of I'cnn, ncorcil on a shot under the basket. McTlnhe scored on a long sldo shot, which endod tho game PRINCETON, Jan. 20.-John Q. Rush, direc tor of athletics at the University School, Cleve land, O., waa chosen head coach for the Princeton football team at a meeting of the board of athletic control hero yesterday. He graduated from Prlnieton In 1S08, but did not play footbnll while In college, devoting his at tention to track athletics, and held the Prince ton record for the 100-yard dash. A nen Ad visory Committee for football wns appointed, consisting of Howard Henry, '01: Knox Taylor, B.lj William II. Edwards, 'CO, v. W. Roper. '02. And Ferdinand EbcrBtadt, '13. The foot ball schedule, ns nppmved by the board, con tains eight games. Georgetown Is the only new game and Bucknell Is dropped. The schedule follows: September 25, Georgetown; Octobor 2, Rutgers: 0. Syracuse; IB, Lafayette; 23, Dartmouth. SO, Williams; November 0, Harvard; 13, Yale nt New Haven. All games with the exception of the Tale contest mil be played at Princeton. I3ABTON, Pa., Jan. 20 Lafayette put an other feather In Its basketball bonnet last night In Ortygla Hall, when they defeated (Lehigh, 23 to 10. The game was characterized by a flerco desperation. STATE COLLEGE. Pa., Jan. 20. Dick Har low, assistant coach of Penn State's football eleven for the last three years has displaced Bill Hollenback. the ex-PennylvnnIa star, ns head coach of the Blue and White, according to an announcement made todny by the Alumni Advlsorv Committee on Athletics. His appointment becomes effective nt once, to run through the year 1015-1010. Hnrlow'a selec tion for the position has met with the unan imous approval of the football men and stu dent body, while the alumni almost to a man are behind him. He will continue to deoto his attention to the line, leaving to tho ad visory coach the bulkJof the backfteld Instruc tion. Lawrence F. Wlltney. halfback nnd cap tain of Dartmouth dullng the last season, will be Harlow's assistant. TrtrnTTAr. N. IT.. Jan. 20 4Amonr the frames on the New Hampshire College football sched ule, announced yesterday, are October 0, Con necticut Agricultural College, at Durham; No vember IS, Worcester Polytechnlo Institute, at Worcester. l'al f ' . - , A f A orf KtW Veuve? .tforf-r-V rnFTyf VrJSs,5? VW"H iff cva voo- t V i ri-rtegs4Sp OTsafitosM! morrouj rue Just mtMMtMZw&ZzK mL J'JfWVSi?. iTiV H To get The 2.iii rP7! r- )CfSWi mv last -mrMMy EEEIraiPio ? jf l v&mSSfe I ! lst I LviWiKM 1 - I ffl f.l ZA J-V-MIA FA .s1- ' 'AtjPMasssaWssssssssi U I X tev ) feTaFita 1 Wa isrS'mT!(-K KELLY FOOL BREAKING UP THE GAME YACHTSMEN SELECT DATES Delaware Blver Association Outlines Plans for the Summer. The Delaware ntver Yacht Haclnff Aesocla tton, nt Hs meeting- lost night at the BlnKhnm, eelected datei for the championship assoclo, tlon races tor the 1015 season as follows i June 1'2, open boats; June IS, cruiser race to Overfalls (national sanction); June 20, fflass ca"bin and express crul,7r race; July 21 (about), lonz-dlstanco raco, national sanction, course to be selected; Aueust 18, Record trophy race for crulnera, September 2ft, Jtocord trophy race for speodboata, also open-boat race under national sanction, October D, championship epcodboat raco, national sanction. POSTPONE BOWLING MATCH Eight-hour Tourney Scheduled Today Will Bo Held Next Wednesday. The proposed marathon bowling tourna mont scheduled for tonight at tho Casino bowline alleys, Chestnut below 10th street, has been postponed until next Wednesday, Instead of staging a 12-hour match, the management of tha Casino has decided to hold an olght-hour event. Tho tourney will start nt 5 p. in. and end at 1 a, m. It Is probable that eight or twelve teams will compete In tho tournamont. Tho Casino management will put up three) cash prizes for the winning teams. STRIKES AND SPARES IT. IC. tMulford Company, the leaders of the Drug Loaguo. wero outrollod la two games out of three un Casino alloys last nlsht by II. K. Wampolo Company, 3. K. & r. Com pany kept up their winning streak by taking three games, nil Lilly Company dropped the odd gamo to Mulfods by a close margin, the large handicap being too much for the tormor to overcome. p. 'W. D. Company dropped three straight games to Lewis Ilrothers Company In a very closo scries, losing: the second game by nine Fins and the third by two pins, Uuchanan, Ielnold and Lcyrer rolled scores over the I'OO mark. In tho Insurance league matches, rolled on Terminal alleys last night, Mather & Co. won the odd gamo from 'North 'America, In a close series. Aetna cleaned up their series with Plro Association; the Reliance, tall-endera, surprised tho Roosters by taking two games out or thrco from them, tho last game a tie. on tho roll-off, and Peoplo's National dropped two out of threo to Piatt, Yungman & Co. Noblette, Horton, Turn, Welstner, Turner and Ayres starred tor their respective loams with one or moro doublo centuries. Pennsylvania Railroad bowlers easily won tho entire scries from Pittsburgh P. O. Co. without exerting themselves, and gained on their nearest rivals, Tioga, who ware defeated in the odd game of their series with tho strong suburbanites Victor dropped two games out of threo to Stetson A .A., and Kensington lost thrco straight games to Port Richmond. Shaf fer, McLachlan, OIcMonagel and McDowell led the high rollers, each having a double century. liHpW Modern Golf (Berman French and English shells have toreched the golf courses of Bel gium beyond repair." Dispatch,) o more the maahte flicks the jrtll Along the ancient green; No more the brassie's sweeping clout Re-echoes down the scene; But caddies for the player Death Amid the shots that flu, The only divots they replace Me where the fiead men He, Deep-bunkered In the crimson trench, Unplayable vHth gore. Their flashing irons leap to meet The cannon belching "Fore:" And where the shrapnel's long approach Comes booming through the strife, The only par they dream of now Is one more day of life. W. Orse Than T. TTrrlbla nvltatlon to. him to run In uMucbanlcs Hall on February 6, and ha probably will remain la be Kast and show the Hub enthusiasts that Piatt Adania Case "Unsettled NHW TORK, Jan. aa Only Chairman Jacob tHuoapf and George Uatthewa were present at a meeting or the RagUtratlou Committee of the Metropolitan revision of the A A. U.. bald yesterday to n.aie the dual disposal of IDs chars of prcfesslosallam against Piatt J.imi, tha Now York Athletlo Club Jumper, 4 tha status Of the athlete could not be de cl4d. Chairman Stumpf hopes to dispose at the case at a sreclal muting to be held to night at tha St. Itertbotomew Club. "Whlta Tructa Enow Instructive WliiU truok show, to be hell oil this . at the cooitaaya headquuten, np Nsrui . ?-, su uHiu or at Hyws ysa- afteraoea and avenlas'. asMsr vl vv mm veil asasra Br haaU and Mutatis saae A fttSidi-e u re slff J the msar 7ktii jim- ted fe H dfivir 9 t4 Ja XAfiSM & Bin Here's one as funny and almost as original as everybody getting knocked down by a squirting hose In the movies Will Donovan put Plpp In? " It be tJoea, he'll have a pippin.' T, URRIB&B. Mr. Plpp haa1 a bJtr advantage over MT. Mullen In the Tank pursuit or first base In the way of a monicker. The only serious rival Mr. Plpp has Is the redoubtable Plngr. What untold pos sibilities If he had only entered the yank fold as Ping Plpp. ,484, But Don't Tell Another Soul Blr: One day last spring you tipped tho Tanks to finish with a percentage of AH. They finished with one of .457. Thattlsn't perfeot, but Is close enough, all things considered. What percent age are you allotting th'em for 191C? MOXIH. Another Old-timer With a goodly portion of the high explosive lifted from the Athletlo line up, the American league flag this sea am gives prpmlse of pointing to old- tlmo ways, when four or flvo clubs had a healthy look In on first place. For the last four years tho Macklan Bhadaw has clouded the field, although the Red Box broke through In 1913. But now this race Is more of an open af fair. The Red Sox predominate In the dope, but nothing to the extent of the Mackmen since 1910. Five clubs at least have a shot at the title Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago and "Washington. New Tork, St. Louis and Cleveland still have some distance to travel be fore taking their place In polite pen nant society, but the other five should travel In fairly well bunched clusters. Unless the esteemed pastime Is dynamited, dissolved, decapitated, and disemboweled by the Fed suit, the American League fight should bulge with Interest most of the summer route. Standing of the Subs Turkey Battles fought, 25; won, 1; lost, 24; per cent. ,40, Here's another good chance for Ban Johnson to step in and do a bit of reorganizing. Ban sold the Tanks, but selling Turkey Is another enterprise. Btlll, If bids are to be taken we'll enter ours I now viz.: one-half of one Turkish cigarette. Buropo still has this big edge over America she will be 3700 miles further away from the Johnson-Wlllard flgM The Sporting- Accent The golfer stops and tells us Of scores that should have shrunk Of mighty shots from bunkers With the accent on the you know. Mrs. Jane M. Reynolds, of Croton Lake, is 99 years old and still healthy because she has never worried a day In her life, But Mrs. Jane M. Reynolds of Croton Lake, never managed the Tanks or Rsd or topped a mashla shot Into a yawning bunker. i KILBANE AND M'COY WILL APPEAR IN LOCAL BOUTS Finals In Amateur Tournoy at Gay ety Stnged Tonight. Two champions will display their mettlo before Philadelphia fans Saturday night and Monday night. At the Natlohal Club, Johnny Kilbane, who ruios tho fenthor weLgiit class, will square-off with Eddie Morgan, ot England. Monday night Al McCoy, of Brooklyn, will oppose Joo Bor rell, of this city. The tournament nt decided tonight. final bouts In tho 115-pound amateur the uayety Theatre will be 81k vaunpstern will ln for tho diamond ring and gold watch, first and nuiuuu pnzcB, respectively. The boys who boxed through tho preliminary and semifinal numbers successfully are Kid Olnppy, Ilck Murphy. Ed Morris, Harry Rus sell, Kid Raker and Peter O'Reilly. Tho preliminary bouts ot tho 122-pound class will also bo staged. Orover Hayes, of Bouthwark, will finish training this afternoon for his match with (Mickey Gallagher, of Smoky Hollow, at tho Broadway a. C tomorrow night. Greater gameness waa never displayed by a (boxer In a local ring than when iTeddy Telle, of Taunton, Mass.. recuperated after bilng dropped three times In the rlrst round of his bout with Willie Moore, and then came bock strong. Pronkle Conway, the local bantam, who has toured tho Southwest, will return to Philadel phia the latter part ot the week. His last bout was with Young Goldle In Pittsburgh. It Is probable the flret big championship matoh 1o bo staged by Hilly Gibson In Havana, Cuba, will be between Joo Shugrue, of Jersey City, and Freddy Welsh. Harry Brennnn, a 17th Ward bantam. Is working out dally, and ho would like to get a match, with Lew Tendler or Young tyurlcn. Insurance tor fight fans who travel to Juarei to see tho Johnson-tVillard fight has been offered by a Chicago Insurance Arm on In formation that Americans entering Moxlco do so at their own peril. Jimmy Tlghe. the Scranton middleweight. Is anxious to meet tho winner of tho jiorrell JlcCoy fight. He haa beaten Johnny Glover, IC. O. Brennan nnd Jack McCarron, he says. Joe Rivers In 111 Liick MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Jan. 10. The Rivers Bnugrue fight, slated for Milwaukee on Janu ary 20, Is off. When Joe Rivers dropped for the count beforo Prankle Callahan, of Brook lyn, at the Memphis Monday night ho settled the squabble between two Milwaukee pro moters over which Bhould have tho right to January 20 for a boxing show bolter than the Htate lloxlng Commission could haie done. Whon Promoter Mulkern. the millionaire news boy, heard of Rivera' knockout ho lost no time In cancelling tho Rivers-Shugrue fight, slated for nxt week Harry Baker Victorious Harry Baker, tha Wilmington middleweight, outpointed Jack lOlackburn in six rounds of sensational boxing In tho wind-up at the Fair mount Club last night before an old-time crowd, the largest of tha season. In the semlwlnd-up, Roy Hurst gave IC O. Pampson a liard lacing. Sampson took the bout on at a moment's notice and fourht well, considering tho fact that he had no tlmo to get himself In shape. Willie Boyle outfought Johnny Lincoln In six rounds. Joe Glger stopped Young Howard In four rounds, and In tho opening bout Joe Bradley and Joe Ollles-pls fought six rounds to a draw. Cross Beats Pierce NI1W YORK, Jan. SO. Leach Cross lost prestige as a boxer of the flrst-chus by stall ing through several rounds and pretending that he was on the verge ot being knocked out in a 10-round bout with Harry Pierce, at the Broadway Sporting Club, last night, riot until one of the club managers notified him that he would not receive a cent If he did not stop his acting- did Leach begin to box In real earnest. Then he made a whirlwind finish and at the end bad Pierce battered and bruised and on the verge of dreamland. McParland at It Again CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Packer McFarland an nounced today he will challenge the winner of the Glbbons-Clabby mill tomorrow night. H'ackey says Tom Andrews has promised him an engagement In Milwaukee. Burns by a dhnde NOTV YORK. Jan. 20. Kid Burns had a shade the better ot the final bout at Brown's Gymnasium last night, beating Willie Catton In 10 rounds. McAllister-Ashe Eight Tonight ALBANT, Jan. . Bob McAllister, the California middleweight, and Oeorge Ashe, of Philadelphia, will oppose each other In the main event at the Knicker bocker Athletlo Club hero tonight. This will be McAllister's first appearance as a combatani-In the East since he was de feated by Mike Gibbons at (Madison Square Garden a year ago. 4VfiflsssHiasssB BBT flBBBMBSitf li-rvr BlsW IssssssssssssssssssssskassssssssldssssssssssssssssH bob McAllister The Pacific Coast boxer Is to meet George Ashe, of this city, at Albany tonight. MAUPOME TO PLAY LEGROS for Big Billiard Hatch Scheduled This Evening. It Is surprising what competition will do for any sport, and since Philadelphia has been represented In the Throe-cushion Billiard League by Pierre Maupome, local bllllardlsts havo waxed enthusiastic over the games In which ho has appeared In this city. It Is, expected that a large crowd will turn out tonight when Mau pome meets Charles Legros, of Cincin nati, In n league contest at Alllnger's Academy. Jimmy Murphy "Wins NORHISTOWN, Pa., Jan. 20. All the way through 10 fast rounds, Jimmy Murphy, of Wilmington, had a wide edgo on Johnny Nel son, ot Philadelphia, In the wind-up at the Palace A. C, here last night before the largest crowd In the history ot the club. la a slugging match, both taking muoh punish ment. Veto iMalono, of Philadelphia, shaded Jack Fink, of Camden, In the aemi-wlndup. Dominic Polereane, of Norrlstown, outpointed Willie Straub, also of thlsihorough. Kid Held, nt Bridgeport, put AI Winters, o? Philadelphia, to sleep In the fourth cession. Buck Sowers, of Norrisfown, won from Harry Carson, In the curtain-raiser. Commission BuBpects Frame-up NETW YORK, Jan. 20. A large number of witnesses testllled at the meeUng of the Ktato Athletlo Commission yesterday that Al Reich did everything posslblo to win In his boxing bout with Jim Flynn at the Broadway Athletlo Club roccntly, nnd that hla poor showing was caused by an lnlury to his hand received In the third or fourth round, and not due to any frame-up, Dempsey a Hard Hitter NEW YORK, Jan, 20. Jock Dempsey, no re lation to "The Nonpareil" of former days, knocked out Franklo Wagner In the eighth round of a scheduled lO-round bout at Brown's Oymnaslum A. A. last night. Herman Miller Knocked Out WASHINGTON, D. C Jan. ZO.-K. a Bren nan, of Buffalo, knooked out Herman Miller, of Baltimore, In the fourth round last night. A right-band punch to the stomach put Miller out. Lowrey Battered by Bruzzo HASH-ETON, Ps,. Jan. 20. Before the Na tlonal A. C. here Jack Bruiso handed Young Lowrey. the Philadelphia colorod lightweight, the worst lacing of hla career In 10 rounds, Both of Lowrey's eyes were dosed and his faco battered. Young Mahoney, of Audenrled, gained tho decision over Kid Scatton In l6 rounds. Watson Wins on Foul DENVER. Col.. Jan. 20. Red Watson, of Son Francisco, won a decision on a foul from Joe Azevedo. of Sacramento, In the 11th round ot a scheduled 20-round bout here last night. PHOENIXVILLE FWE MEETS ST. JOE IN CAGE TONIGHT Washington College Cancels dame. Jersey Squad Substitutes. The match scheduled tonight between Washington Collcgo and St. Joseph's Col lego In tho latter's new gymnnslum, 17th nnd Stiles streets, has been canceled, riioenlxvllle's High Bcbool quintet will como hero Instead. Doctor O'Brien, track coach at Central High School, Is trying to unearth a .good hurdler from among the Crimson and Ooltl candidates. Bmaltey will enter In this event this ear and o'nrlen Is anxious to have an understudy for him. Vlllanova Prep will meet La Sails College In the latter's cage Saturday night. It will be the second game of a series to decide the Catholic championship. McCalloy, who has recovered from his football Injury, may play xorwara tor tne l'rep icam. Intersection! basketball games are being played twice a week at Bouthern High School. Three matches are decided on each occasion. Csthollo High Sohool's track candidates have started practice under the caretul eye of Prof. "Jack" Greer. Campbell, the former Meroersburg star sprinter. Is attending- Do Ifince School Just now. fie should prove a big factor for the V Lancey track team. Manager Monaghan, of Vlllanova Prep, la working on tho Institution's baseball schedule. The battery candidates will bo called out next week They will practice under tho tutelage of the Rev, Francis Drlecoll, West Philadelphia High School's swimming team will go to Wayne tomorrow and meet the St. Luke's aquatlo aggregation. Captain Ker, Haverford Behoofs star basket bailer. Is on the eldollnes as a result ot a sprained ankle. Ho may bo out of the game about two weeks. Howell Is proving a good substitute. Tho first Interclass basketball games at Lonss downs High School will be held this afternoon. The sophomores nnd froshmen and tho Juniors and seniors will clash. Catholla High hssketball team received a fall yesterday at llallahan lloll, when the diminu tive La Belle College five defeated them 22 to 21 In the nrst of the Cathollo scholastic cham pionship games. In tho preliminary game Catholte High second-string youngsters trounced tho previously undefeated La Balls Reserves 20 to 10. BILLY KUMMER SUSPENDED Eastom Loague Officials Lay Him Off Indefinitely. Billy Kummer, tho Jasper forward, who Jumped tho Jewels and played with the Jean netto (Pa.) West "Penn Leaguo Club on Monday night, wes lndellnltely suspended from tho Eastern Leaguo last night by President Wil liam J. ficheffcr. Tho report from Allentown last night that tho Jasper eastern Leaguo basketball team was to be transferred to thnt city within a Week was denied by Owner Fred C. Eckhardt, who stated that tho Jewels nould contlnuo out tho schedule at Nonpareil Hall. The Camden Eastern League team has re leased Utility Man Erwln Thompson, who has flayed all the positions on tho team, "Bill" lerron will bo the sixth man to be carried by Camden, " First Dutch wallnned West York in a North west Church League game iast night at First Dutch Hall by 40 to lo. Advent crushed Calvary, 40 to 13, in a Lutheran League battlo last night. Market Square Just doubled the score of Flfflt Presbytorlan last night when they ad ministered a SB-to-lD lacing to thorn. Third Baptist also outclassed St. Stephen's, 31 to 14. In a pair of 3ermantown Church Leaguo gimes. Gethsemane walloped St. Matthew's, 40 to 23, and Diamond laced Park, S8 to 27, In a pair ot Northwest Church Association games last night. . Corley tlefeatod Junior House, SO to 20. and aiauonna xiousa trimmoa mi. uarmci, 4U to 14, In the Nattonnl League last night. HAVERFORD, Pa., Jan. 20. Haverford School overwhelmed their old rivals, Lans lowne High, 35 to 10. WAYNE. Pa., Jan. 20. St. Luke's Echool lost to Wilmington Friends' Seloct, 27 to 21. Bt. Bridget's Cadets defeated St. John In an interesting game, 23 to 12. Tho feature was the playing of Doylo and Grady. Fourth Street National Bank defeated Real Estate, 20 to 10, and Union downed Glrnrd, 2.1 to llt In tho National Bank Leaguo last nlsht, St. Ignatius won an easy vlotory from the St. Ludwlg ftve, 40 to 14, at the former's hall last night. The Vlncome basketball team defeated St. Agatha's quintet, 31 to SO, In the first game ot the series, played last night at Hallahan Hall. Lyndenhurst won their eleventh straight vic tory last night, when they laced St. Peter's -47 to 30, In a Brotherhood League game. Lyndenhurst second won, 30 to 20. Berkeley won a close game from Prince of Peace, 43 to 41, and the Prince of Peace socond forfeited to Berkeley second. Central and West Branch tied at 20 all In a Y. M. C. A. League game last night, nnd tho game will be replayed on January 20. West Philadelphia won Its eleventh straight Central Philadelphia League gamo last night by defeating Media by 64 to 17. All tho win ners took a hand in bombarding the net. Stetson Mission ran up a 84 to 14 score on St. Paul last night, at Mission Hall. In which Wlttlg. with nlno field goals, did trie best scaring. t; nits, defeated La Salle Society lost night. a-e aa(s wj ? ,u AU, NORTHEAST TIEN CENTRAL HIM SCHOLASTIC! Samaritan defeated Lyndenhurst, 28 to 19. and Jefferson won from St. Elisabeth. 10 to 14 In a pair or Philadelphia Junior Leaguo games last night. ! Raul's, of Tioga, trimmed Tioga All-Stars last night, by 23 to 11. FLOTSAM iand irrcAiui JT tkWW WM Kj f-? v T '" ' C- -J " "VojyOU- C-3 irs e- ON THE SEA of spo: Indeed, No Ileywood Broun In the New Tork Trib une haa uncovered the startling informa tion from the papers in the Federal suit against organized ball that "the purpose ot a baseball game Is for one side or the other to win." 0o, you folks who rode a hunch 'Twos for something else, get off it; Magnates never think of luneh; Baaeball is not run for profit. Complications In the Offing Our' Justly celebrated neutrality must be preserved In these player-dog trades. Trade, you magnates, no German players for French poodles, nor Scot ball tossers for Austrian shoe lace hounds. Hare-brained Ideas.' Why not Government ownership of base ball T And a national board of censorship for statements by magnates, their lawyers, Dave FulU et aUT For Both Sides Slogan for battle flags In the baseball wars "You started If." We Ask to Know Our brain is aunirl with a horrible fear That "none can entangle this pugilist knot; It may provide argument all through the year Who'll be the champion if Ahtha gits thott Villa may do it, or others, 'tis said (Some folks are worrying, others are notj. 17(11 if he who unlooses the Uadt Who'll be the champion If Ahtha gets shotr The Visitors The Naps are now the Indians, and, therefore, no longer the Naps. Now that we have a precedent for name changing, why not steal the idea outright and apply It to the Philadelphia National league baseball club, erroneously known as "The Phillies,'' whose owner lives in New York; whose manager lives In New England, whose home-bred stars have been scat tered to the four winds, and then, as It were, some ! whose but why prolong the argument T Nominations are now In order. See headline for the first Every It WJU Help follower of outdoor sport la' Philadelphia should register himself In favor of the big Btadlum project Here Is a movement that, when carried to com pletion, will make Philadelphia the centre of the sporting map, so get behind It A Burning Question Judge Kenesaw It Landis, sitting in tho United States Court today at Chicago, will hear tho Federal League's charges that organized ball Is a monopoly and other things and maybe the fans of the coun try are 'not Interested. The case will establish Judge Landis as the greatest baseball umpire tho world has ever known. His settlement of the question will, It Is honed, nut an And tn tii t.iAiABa ....... fare which Is slowly but surely killing the great interest In the national game. Just Like the Song It's a long, long way to Milwaukee, but tho hearts of the fans tomorrow will bo right there, unless we miss our guess. Why? Simply because Mister Mike Gibbons will prepare to muss up tha fea tures of Monsieur James Clabby In a fight that nHIl h.v. a -.... i , . T. ,j. ... ,c" uearjng on me world s middleweight championship honors. New Tiger Trainer John H. Rush, '38, who haa never played football, is to coach the Prince ton University football team next year, Rush's experlonco in athletics came aa ft member of the track team, ond at his favored game he was the speediest man in the country. With his appointment the old question arises! Will a theorist be able to Impart his knowledge to a teamT Will his own personality be sufficiently commanding to make great athletes out of the men Intrusted to his oareT Will th? lack of practical knowledge handicap hlmT To all of which we reply, We believe not I A theorist is very likely to know more about a game that Is his hobby than the man who is practical. Cases too numerous to mention aro to be referred to as proof. Coach Rush just at pres ent does not have to worry e,bout his future. Wo sincerely bellev if he Is half so successful a leader aa ha was at Cleveland there will be little need for criticism. Ward Leads in ThrUS! - urn, oconng West Phjffi phia and Central T Second Team 31 u " M The victory ot Northeast fflrifiP over West Philadelphia nnd ti, Central High School by BwiSS1 enabled tho Sth street and IrtnU?5 quintet to tie tho Crimson t,aSg for first place In tho SchoilS' race. The West Phillies and ..$& towners nro on nn oven scale forBSr? position. yM Although Ward, Central TilM tain, tallied but one nM ...J4 fouls yesterday, ho succeeded hT$J' on tu mo icaa in scoring, H t,..VB ot 87 points, while Fowler, U 3 ... . .iuru, is mo nnff.WEJ Tho Btntlstlo follow: 9 SCHOLASTIC I.IUOCE STANpr Central High School "1 West Philadelphia High I!;;:'": ? ifs Southern High School ..." i ?W .,.. ..,.. niAxnrxn TTIfff. a..... WrliT, West Philadelphia High !.'.'."" 3 !I Northenst Hlch vhi ' ' ? Mx Southorn High School . "'"" I :IW INIUYimiAT, SCOniKO. Varslly, Ward, Central High a?!"!, Towler, Centrnl High i l,,i CIcelnnd, Wet rtillndclphla ,!. 3 Wi Rhelton, Northenst . ....... ? V, Wntlnce. Northenst " ' S , Asniilth, Northenst i 'li Onlilenberg, Southern a !! Wclnsteln, Southern i ,7a Tarr, Centrnl High i Lt Iledelt, Northenst , " j 11. Hunter, West Philadelphia .... a j'ir Schwartz, Southern High J irt Abrnms, West Philadelphia .... 8 jsi Newton, Northeast a !ii Wnltman, Southern High J f Jj I iwcj-niuimy, noutnrn High,.,, 9 ! ' McCnskey, West Philadelphia., 3 j lit Plnkerton, West Philadelphia.. 8 j'M Joblln, Centrnl High . 1 ,iS Ilutler. Central High j ijtfl mack, Southern High ....... 3 0 1 Llpkovltz, Southern High 5 o5 nacltmnn, West Philadelphia ,, 3 oil Applcton. West Phllndlphla ,, 1 o .1 Cirmt, West Philadelphia 1 n Wellor, West Philadelphia .,.,1 0j5 Second Teams, 3f Name. n p rj t?fi White. Central Itlrh Jlouradlnn, Central High 8 Janettl, Southern High 8 Mason, West Philadelphia ,,,,8 Desscn, Southern High 8 Olnn. Northeast High 8 Mearltlc, West Philadelphia ... 3 Schoppc, Northeast High ....,, 3 , Michel, Northenst High 8 ' Tiunnln, Southern High 3 rarmnkls. Central High 8 I'ndtlllo, Southern High ,. 8 Hodges, West Philadelphia .... 3 lllerman, West Philadelphia ... 3 nrown, Northeast High 3 Herman, West Philadelphia ,..2 James, Northenst High 3 Wood, Central High , 2 Scant, Northeast High 1 Ferry, Centrnl High 1 Schaut, Nprtheast High , 2 Honnen, Southern High 2 Rhondes, Central High 8 Toland, Centrnl High 1 Schwartz, Central High 1 Josephs, Southern High 1 Poland Southern High , 1 Korb, West Philadelphia 1 Snxe, Southern High 2 Hubbard, Northeast High 2 Oulton, Northeast High 1 Smith, Southern High 1 POINTS AWARDED. Varsity. Rnnthftrn TTIti 7 Ptitml lllrh ..I' Northeast IllghZ. 8 W. PWIa. HW.:fl Second Tcnmi. Central High B Northesit Hlrt southern High ... a w i'hiia. tiw TRAM SCORES. ' JANUARY S. W. Phlla. nigh... 22 Southern Hlrt ,SJ Central High 30 Northeait WlX second Teams. XV. Thlln. TT!h . . 25 ftmithern Hlrt Central High 22 Northeait Hlrt JANUARY If. Vnrsltr. vjnrtfcnN, TTIrh 4(1 Southern Hlrt Central High 291 W. ThUs. IUrt' R,n,l TmMI, f,irth TTtffh ?g Rmithern Hlrt Central High 38 W. Phils. H!rt, JANUARY 10. Vnrsltr. t Southern High ... 21 Central Rl&it. Northeast High . . 2T w. rnu, wBr Second Teams. ,j8b Boutnern jiibu ... " '"l" . fiiUusl W. Phlla. High.. 20 Northeast Ulrtglf WITH THECUEISTS .Alfred, D; Ore. the great Cajb , velous ability with the.cue last slflMjg no iook ino nieuio i ",:; 'jw of the three-cuinion game nu u,.r n .ha vmnlrn millara Room. JrA "ISJJ'a'Si block with FTanlc Jones showed to CWJ his best, ana no won m ' St.ViKB, making his total for the match 60 '" In the fourth series o' the elmlmJ? tournament ot the St. , IJancU Xjdi$ II. Society, In their tlubroomi, Frig UPlCaiCU gAiiicn .., i ' -- T.-, . :i i SI 1 ! 3 i .-..,. n, ,h.l. tim-nn nt contest. ",..MKtS billiards, plaved, fiero "" 'iw Averages and high runs; IWP ""tlr IBS. Inman. 0 -lz. ".1 tn 13. XTT. Jt'I" ;"."" .'i'theV limes follaei wn is. rtSwi Kffx-.fc&i'sfc, ism chan-gedVrmirvef-lov.nghCP.e meoat ror tno wmnw. " - i the second prize. j3 PITTSnUHOH. Jan. -""!" anSc Pittsburgh defeated. Charles Lso oinnsti 1 to 2.1. in an i "'""-.--? cushion Illlllard League "ViVhruaeUg 67 Innings. McCourt had a .hlrt irua jK while three was I.o Ores' highest. -m In the nrst block In the 160-poI t decido the tie In the Nortjessi . jj-. m; t .V,, h-t-neen George Mcliuin, i ",i high rooms, anj Ted Stoveneon .-KiI night, at the Amr park.r MfliuJto,i easy winner, TS to 42, The ?J'L,)iiB be played tomorrow night at the w"gBlB DETROIT Jan. ;-Wlllli Jf iwSf Melbourne Inman, 400 to HI. fat&M irn" I " . .. All' Anthony Oraef, of the Parte ZZ&i M Edward Krell, IM.TC"'; IH 78 to M in the Initial bkft.wtwd JjLv. hiniard match to decide o TSZl the Keystone I-eague j J. uenham had little 'P"ji! W. Kevllle. W to SO to thji "' the nrst annual -i w Siiiji-d p Hard tourney of the Park uwie . VfM, night'? , gam. .nth. hroU! IlarFls oVr BWtlson, 100 to W Blancke Wins at floW ' .A'ffiSfwonVr 'Sil qualification pUy t ., tffafi ?'"" ef.l5?i ?.A'so " O, tO. WW M..y -- ' ir.. 'PannRvlvanls LBXINOTON. Ky-i J Si d Bu.,11 P was yesterdsv '""''. j . Kentucky 'Trotting "fi,r , w3 tlon. to succeed. L,. "arnnrw. (OB l. n.iif..l- GimrlsV C'ft " ' lft'Vi5"S--Mrnt and the board u Wmi'lllS. years. The dlvlalens wUl remta"- Alex. Olenno, Hockey Mwjjjj rwmiTVi Cist . J&U v .. J. a hockey pl ." fJU Ja there as a reeult of jaj.nw "- TjsV Jl sss.--. b- mm