Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    it l WWW'J,HHpiUltiJiiJilHIW--WWi
EVKNiNft LEDawn-PTni.AmgTipnTA. wkdnibav. janoaky 20, ibis.
& good lat ft matter of tho
lKa? enthusiasts woni enjoy ainxj
'HSsni"! perhaps they won't enjoy
'BSJdiient Marie Tempest. And tho
9sfe it tho Lyric last night would
WJrti.fmvo hail a Bad tlmo of It ovor
KjJSd jiauruss. Sophistication for tho
T2galt&, and high comeuy or 1110
WSztw can como to It.
95Z mam In futiA Wm knntv
rSt .v moment the lady behind you
Sgrfptcd the overture with tho Infor
KEi. .um. ....a T. tennw her nuttn In
Kffiiy. We've tnkon two cures to-
WWt.. h 1. Mnhln ivorn mntfl fhnti
riSt. - - little ,rn nt thn htltnnrfi of
mjjf or "" "-
W55r in lii H10 Encltsh "nrov-
5p They Hko to watch wealthy
girdom, "rcco'nlzcd" at lost, wallow
3f sew knlshthood. Thoy enjoy-they
Cat feel tho rebellion of such worthy
ESw u Mary Whtchcllo's at giving
privilege of being taken In first
And oven tho average work-
Ejy American who never heard of
ifci" nd doesn't go In to dinner In
fcrpirttcular way nt all can't help
C", sjnued at so amusingly written
TlCttd a comeay as xjenry jvruiur
n.rtlnsr-hcr nctlng-Marle Tempest's
.I.HIIH other' It would carry almost
E,.i.r. Rfo her measure up her prey
E:i.'i..iciil4tlnir humor in her squinting
iti'ind then launched upon such n
W. . - ,1 ...... bnltrttt na .Ma,
fttrr-Slr Thomas, I have congratulated
tact! your honor, haven't 17
rtr'Thomas (very stiffly) Thanlt you,
bg haw cong:ralulatcd mo three times
Enl the last week,
vinb-ltuva I (very sweetly)? Oh, I
Lallr must give mysolf tho pleasure of
BtfTMIKm"!? you uiicu iiiwiu. niiy 11
n cheerful practicality of her manner
iVtoi roes Into unpleasant details In
5i"loi!jht's benefactions! tho well-bred
nJfj Umt follow her foe's discomfiture;
fcjiMueals of delight when they have
rtirel from tho field! Upon nil this gny
BiKilef, this bubbling over of tempora
rejt, charming In Its naughtiness, Miss
ftijtit puts tho faint voll of vulgarity
lyithichyou know that Mary Is after all
"Trtndal" and Miss Tempest nn artist
inljiot "personality." Moreover a
iota times moreover behind tho Whole
!fcf8in&tlon Is tho robust, animal play
IUmh of a vital, energetic, thoroughly
tin md Individual woman. Such a uu
ll quality of llveness would animate
itu the dryest of society humor.
'And Henry Arthur Jones' comedy Is
Torftrfrom that. Mr. Jones waxes old
hTtlii absurdly natural course of this
Hf&n grows a more conscious and less
droit artist; his convenient stage uncles
mxzj In more obviously to act as tele
KkiUc receivers for whatever tho audl
Ku"D3t bo told. And tho final sur
Kcder of the newly knighted, rattier than
fct'thi consequences of their suit for
fcindtr, Is convenient more than con-
ISrfthat Is not tho substance of tho
'kijv The substance is tho comeuy of
1 and In that Mr. Jones grows stead-
Ijronnger. Ho even becomes audaclous-
UjBtenlous, For who would liavo ox
wid the author of "Judnh" and "The
HpJcrltea" to Invent so delightful nn
wilt as these words of Mary upon
Wffl:h the action turns:
tfBiit Uiose poor factory girls! Keop
ton out of temDtntlon? Why. with her
Wndercd checks and her yellow hair, sho
bcU an impropriety hcrseltl"
Its Human Hot Tomale
mth t the sobriquet of tho peppery
rian who Insists on senarntlmr Richard
Cltofrcra his beloved in tho now musl
aljeomedy. "Ninety In the Shado,"
wuca has Just had Its first production
la Detroit. Thn uppiip u tho Phllinnlnes.
Bicaird Carlo Is endeavoring to marry
lyAoertcan maid nnd to conceal his
iwtlouj affairs and the aforesaid "hot
taal" from his botrothed. Thero is
W laeldental rvnltitlnn or twn nnd the
fcUrrentlon of a bevy of chorus girls
Til music by Jorome Kern.
WM local reviewers are a lltttle lies!-
'TUtu-fa AVnwdBul..v nn.4.lA4a nnvwn.mt
irT KAtcoiiilj tuiufico ninJiyjmn
PjwTVawalt its production on Broadway
Hjeefc hence, and the burden of their
Mail la this: "In Justice to all concerned
mjU be stated that 'Ninety In tho
'P la undergoing the pruning and re.
WJdtos and bolstering up that produc
wu.of this sort rarely if ever escape.
'U ll VOUnO. Viirtf vnllnv Tf lion nlfAtwlV
"A'PPreclably telescoped, nnd by the
jy t(th week it wll be possible to pass
gfpent on what has been accom-
JMundenlable fact In connection with
iBrty in tho Shade" Is the cast. Be
.J!r. Carle, Mario Cahill and Victor
J"2-U old hands at the game of
IlILDREN'S corner
A Soap Bubble Frolic
MgTHEHI Oh, mother!" shouted Ned
be1 rushed Into the house after
S! and threw his books on the table,
9 can wo play!"
jJ-S 'aid aside her work nnd came
Sastalrs. She looked at Ned who
JWmltinB- for her at the bottom of
sV.V. "? Mi "he looked at Florence
Sa, wno we out on the front
tSa- "Well, let's see," she answered;
i7 . p"v outdoors!"
u, we aon't," declared Jack and
'If naUm I,!- i..,. . ...... .. n,-
mjaT " " una miio vuvvivo,
fii ,U"' W o vrv othtr
-- una tuoA fun at it uati
5JJV who came Jnto the hquso Juat
'Ifs too coldl"
you'd like to cut out picture.
2 wouldn't like that on bltl"
- ea, positively, "we'ie tired
UUniM out. wa tvant in 7n anmA-
PW '
hiai new. umtthlnz new." re-
tow. tuoughtfijUy, "Uf -
ft &Ti?& yJL n&4, rm-A -" ""s. I '
fffISv G aWI I joJ JiHL w i JL
Jfe Tempest for - ISKKiSSSiiM BJJBhBB
fti' Selected Audiences r-aEPKSfcsa.. s- -S-
Coming to the Adelphi in the
"Third Party."
making musical comedy bricks without
straw tho management hns drafted two
players out of tho "Btralght," Pedro de
Cordoba and Vlolot Dale.
Edgar Selwyn, fortunate husband of
Margaret Mayo nnd still more fortunate
producer of xhat lady's successful farce,
"Twin Beds," as well as such profltnblo
plays as "Under Cover," "Tho Show
Shop" and "Within tho Law," Is to mako
another attempt at playwrlghtlng after
tho misfortunes of his "Arab." It Is to
bo called "Boiling Stones," and January
31 will see it playing in Chicago with
Ernest Qlondlnnlng, Blchnrd Stirling,
Harry C. Bradley, Daniel Jarrett, Francos
King, Beatrice Ingram nnd Clalborno Fos
ter In tho cast.
Bnrrle nt Work
2 Pipes equal 1 hour.
2 Hours equal I Idea.
1 Idea equals 3 paragraphs.
3 Paragraphs equal 1 article.
8 Pipes equal 1 ounce.
7 Ounces equal 1 week.
2 Weeks equal 1 chapter.
20 Chapters equal 1 nib.
2 Nibs equal 1 novel.
1 Nib equals 1 act.
3 Acts equal 1 play. '
1 Play equals 1 fortune.
News Notes
Annie Russell has given up statecraft
nnd "Ills Royal Hnpplndss" nnd gone
South for a rest. Later comes a play by
Paul Kester, called "Friend Hannah."
In Borne seasons two productions are
plenty for David Bclasco. When tho other
managers are talking gloom Is an excel
lent time for this one to plan a third pro
duction, "The Lovo Thought," by Henry
Irving Dodge. It will glvo Jnnet Beochor
a chance to play a woman puyMclan.
Lou Tollegon, hopping merrily out of tho
falluro "Secrpt Strings," will soon appear
In a fnrce under tho Shubcrt management,
"A Charming Fellow.1'
Russian Opera Announced
"Boris Oodunow," Moussorgsky's glori
ous opera of Russia, Is announced for
performance at tho Metropolitan Opera
House next Tuesdny evening. Tho sing
ers cast for the production are Mmes.
Ober, Delaunols, Duchene and Snarkcs,
nnd MM. DIdur, Althouse, Rothier, Bada,
Segurola nnd Relss. Mr. Polacco will
conduct what promises to be one of the
greatest nrtlstlc successes of the present
season. Tho Husslnn repertoire of the
Metropolitan Is a limited one, and the
performance of "Boris" Is generally con
sidered an unusual occasion for muslo
lovers. It Is, In addition, a chance to
see real dramatic action, of the highest
typo. In opera.
how would a soap bubble frolic in the
laundry suit you?"
"Oh, motherl May we really?" ex
claimed the three children in delight,
"that would suit us Just rlghtl"
"All right, then," laughed mother,
"come with me nnd, we'll beglnl"
They -went down to the big roomy
laundry and there mother scrubbed out
one of tho big tubs. "While I'm doing
this," she said, "you two boys may hunt
up three stools, and Florence, you may
get a cake of white soap and the pipes
you will find In the drawer over there."
By the tlmo the tub was ready, tho
stools were in plaqo, the soap was wait
ing and each child had a pipe.
"Just one more thing and we're ready,"
aid mother, and she pulled from a big
drawer three huge gingham aprons. "Now
put thesi on," she said, "and you can
blow all the bubbles you wish I"
The children tied the aprons under
their chins, ind then the fun began)
They made big bubbles and little
bubbles, middle-sized bubbles and every
other kind, and such fun as it wail
At first the bubbles didn't shine very
"What's the matter with these old
bubbles anyway?" asked Ned, as he
watched three go dully, one after the
other, towards the celling and then ex
plode, "I thought bubbles always shone
With bright colors!"
Mother was Just starting up the
stairs, but she heard what he said and
turned back. "Bubbles do shine some
times, but they have to have something
to shine from. They only refleot the
light. If you make a light here in the
laundry you will soon see the, difference."
The children turned on the light, and
you should have seen the bubbles flash I
Instantly they shone like fairy rainbows.
They danced and glittered and sparkled.
"Soap bubbles are like people, aren't
they, mother,'' said Florence, thought
fully. "They sblne when there's some
thing to shine aboutl" The children all
laughed and blew more bubbles.
PogUrtsM, JUS Cfra furrow Jitdton.
From left to right Francis X. Bushman, Charles Chaplin and
G, M. Anderson.
Managers of photoplay houses nnd
movlo fans In general should visit the
Forrest Theatre at onco, for every eve
ning, at tho small cost of (2 a neat, thero
Ir shown n. nhntnnlav In nnn rrnl tho Ilka
of which never was, Is or will bo. Chnrlra
Chnplln and Billy Ritchie nnd Mnrlo
DrVfinter Wirn llnvnr nnn-hnlf ns irfnU-
tnely and satirically humorous. And
then, too, tho lends nro played by Julia
Snmlflrnnn. nil tho wnverlnir wlfo: Joseph
Cawthorno, ns tho herbivorous husband,
nnd Donald Brian, as tho vllo villain.
It would bo cruelty to animals to re
veal tho plot, and, besides, a plot which
permits a trapper nnd huntsman to kill
a fish with a shotgun, beggars descrip
tion. Not so with tho grand flnnlo, un
like any other photoplay over shown on
a screen. Brian Is killed brutally nnd In
full vlow of tho gasping audience. Caw
thorno opens tho congealed snfo and ex
tracts n hambone and a bottlo of skimmed
milk. Then ho eits -upon tho prono nnd
lifeless body of tho man ho has Just
slain, sharing tho sent with his repentent
wlfo, who feeds tho baby milk, the while
ho and sho munch on tho bono.
It Is pathetic, true to life, thrilling,
superb and titillating. And, an mentioned
casually before, It Is worth seeing.
In Syracuse a question has arisen that
Is Interesting only because It may, and
probnbly has, como up In other com
munities. Tho local pollco chief has pro
hibited tho system of giving coupons to
motion-picture patrons, among whom the
holders of lucky numbor coupons draw
prizes each week. The exhibitors who
have been using the system want to
rotallato by forcing tho local merchants
to cut out tho trading stamp scheme,
claiming tho two systems are similar.
AVlthout passing upon tho legality of
tho prlre coupon scheme. It Ib not tho
same ns tho trading stamp scheme. In
tho latter Bystem every customer gota
stamps of a certain definite value, which
are exchangeable at any tlmo for mer
chandise of equivalent value. Thero Is no
chanco or gamblo about It. In prlnclplo
It Is merely a discount allowed on tho
purchase, which discount Is taken In mer
chandise Instead of money. In the prlio
coupon schemo the majority of customers
get nothing but their admission to tho
show, but all admission fees nro taxed
a certain percentago to pay for the prize
which goes only to one. Slnco nil Join
In pnylng for tho prize it Is obvious that
they pay for what thoy do not get.
rr, nvpftiinnrn nf tho t)rot:ram should
be prize enough without additional Induce
ment. It an exniouor cannoi nuraci uiu
people without giving them silver spoons.
thon he Is really selling spoons for 10
cents nnd throwing In n show for good
measure. The show becomes auxiliary to
tho souvenir.
Clarence Jny Elmer, leading man in
the Patsy Bolivar series of tho Lubln
Company, and Edyth S. Anderton, of
the same company, will be married before
tho eye of tho movlng-plcturo camera at
noon February 13. in the compnny s
studios. Tho marrlago scene will bo In
corporated In a scenario by Shannon Fife.
Miss Anderton is the daughter of Wil
liam Q. Anderton, 905 North Broad street.
She met Mr. Elmer while both wore play
ing in Qeorgo Ade's "College Widow" at
Jacksonville, Fla. '
Herbert Brenon Is responsible for the
direction of the many-reeled subject "Tho
Heart of Maryland," which has Mrs.
Leslie Carter In tho loading role of Mary
land Calvert, and Wllllnm Shny and
others of screen standing providing able
support. . .. , .
Edward Elkas, one of the character ac
tors of the Vitagrnph Stock Company,
worked his way up as a screen artist
from the bottom rung of the ladder 01
motlon-plcture fame. During the enrly
m I.,- nniinir in front of the cam
era, he was unfortunate in being cast
. . I-I1I...I MBal imiinllll
for persons wno were uum, mm u.m
got only a day's work out of the part,
eventually becoming known as one-day
SuMcct lo Channe.
Msnayunk nnd
nn.ikiTrurM ""m."""":'! '" "
- -. Asa
Utl PUT. Obtained rS tPSBSSKUl"'. " Won"""" '"-
-- -TlTTirVkTlirn A HOIlF Ilom nf World's Oreutest Photoplays,
CHU1NUJ ai. v L :,?
H'.'wi'ln V
4 1UV1E-J utim
1633-3t Market
aid rlt. anil
Wialuilng Are
yrii tirntv
JEFFERSON daumiin bt.
ASd uml
llnrftir1 At.
'rmnntonrn Ave.
fiSd nnd
Laird own o At
BELVIDERE uimoSi!i &S.
412 (South Side) MARKET ST.
Csjrusa fit. uud
Grrraantown Av.
BSd and
I,ofui Hts.
lltb St. and
lildia Are.
KrutLuxtoa and
Allegheny Atc,
Uenitiixtoa and
Frank ford Av.
41st and
Lancaster At.
lid Street and
Olrard Avenue,
lClkno. Unrly otto morning ho was given
a pnrt In which ho was to fall from n six
story building. Accomplishing tho fall
successfully, ho started lo get up, re
marking, "another dead mnn's part, with
only ono dny's work, ns usual."
"No, you don't," said his director, "you
stny dead for a few minute and then
we will uso you ns n convalescent."
Mr Elkns got five dnys out of the pnrt,
which was the stepping stono to his be
coming n member of tho stock organization
ADRLIMII "Tho Hello of Ilon.l Street," with
Ham tlernnrd, "Tho Cllrl from Kov's," re
tamped Mr. Hemanl la Just u nmimlng as
ever In his lmicrrunatlon o "1'lem" liog
Kcnholmer, tha 1ocKcnhclmor i.iut uceK,
UrtOAD "Tho Legend of Leonora" nnd "Th
lollies' BliakCMieiwe," with Muudo Adams.
The first deals with the amazing mrx'k trial
nnd acquittal of a lady ulio Is suposed lo
hOAo thrown n passenger 01" or n moving
train tjcraune ho threatened her chjtd'a health
with open windows. Tho scrnnd Is a llltlo
uurlcsqufl of "tho TamlnK of the Hhrcn.
As Iltrrln pits it, Mian Adams Is "tin un
ppenkahlo darling;" R l.,
irnnnsT-"Tho Olri From Utah," with
Jnlla Sanderson, Donald Urlan and Jnreph
Cawthorno i'aul Itubena' Knallsh musical
romcd of Mormons, otd nnd uunR, In ljn
don. Jteviow Thursday MIS
OAHUICK "The Miracle Man," with Clcorgo
Nash V H TMomPfcOn nnd (Jail Kane,
(ieorao Cohan's comedy-drama of tho crooks
who try to exploit a patriarchal healer anil
end na convert. A nklirul handling of a
difficult euhjett. lABt week S!,
KniTH'S-CJUH Hdwards In his "New 1014
ir, Hong Hevlow"; Emma Cnrus. prjmn
Conns, nnd aughn Comfort and John King,
minstrel. A good bill S.00 and H-uO
L.ITTM-5 "Courage " Tho first production of
an rhiglishman's play against war. A tine
spirited play with a Btartllngly dramatic
ending 8::iU
1.YJUC "Mary noes Iltsl" with Marie Tem
pest. A comedy by Henry Arthur Jones, in
which Mlfs Tompeut plays n jnung society
woman who battles for procodence in an
English provincial town. Seo review... 8 15
WALNUT "Sis Hopkins." with Itoso Mel
tllc. A revival of tho popular old comedv
of tho eccentric country girl 8:15
"Hilly" Sunday revival, tabernacle, loth and
Vine streets. Preo.
County Medical Foelety, College of Physi
cians, irJd nnd Ludlow strcetn. Tree.
Franklin Institute, lecture and annunl elec
tion. Tree.
University extension lecture, Charles Zueb
dln, Wllhersponn Hail
Graduation exercises, Peirco School, Acad
emy or Music. Kreo
Hel.rew Ladles' Kmcrgency Association
charity ball. Mercantile Hall.
Lecture by Louis D. llrandeis, Keneeth
Israel Alumni Dulldlng, Ilrond street near
Columbia uvenuc.
Walters nnd bartender.' ball Turngcmeinde
Hall. Ilroad Htrcct and Columbia avenue.
Geographical Society, lecture by Sir Douglas
Mawson. WltherBpoon Hall. Tree.
emergency aid concert, Metropolitan Opera
(loir Association of Philadelphia, Hotel Adel
phla, 8 o'clock.
old Fish Panders' Society, 801 Qlrard ave
nue, 8 o'clock.
Annual meeting Mercantile Club, 7 o'clock.
Several hundred women besieged tho
Chnmbers-Wyllo Memorial Presbyterian
Church. Broad streot below Spruce, short
ly nftcr 11 o'clock, eager to partake of the
five-cent luncheon nnd hear nn address
by Miss Francos Miller, of tho "Hilly
Sunday Cnmpolgn Committee, who gave
her first "business women's luncheon" to
day. The doors of tho church opened nt 11:30
and those wnltlng were welcomed to a.
luncheon consisting of two sandwiches
cako and coffee. As vnrlous groups of
women finished their meal they wer
UBhorcd to tho auditorium of tho church
nnd henrd Miss Miller talk on "Per
sonal Friendship With Christ."
Tho meetings will bo continued In var.
tons churches of tho city throughout the
Bundny campaign.
Tho Interchurch Federation has drawn
up a legislative program that includes
bills dealing with child labor, compensa
tion for Injured workmen, locnl option,
the question of unemployment and tho
setting asldo of ono day n week for rest.
Hearty co-operation In the campaign of
"Billy" Sunday Is urged in a report of
the federation.
Demand Uniform Fishing Laws
WILMINGTON, Del., Jnn. 20. Wilming
ton fishermen have adopted resolutions
asking that uniform fishing laws be
passed by the Loglslaturo and protesting
against the Chesapeake and Delaware
Canal bolng made open fishing ground
for people from outside tho State.
After the Ball
Willi llrrbert Krlcer
untl Kllle bhqnnun
a nAMf rrW VTnW 1TF i P
A fUUL ItlLtU, VY0
Afternoon., 1 S
3 10a. uml tin.
KtrningsT v uc, loo. I3c.
Exploits of Elaine No. 2; Other
In the Midst of the Jungle
The Last Dance ",,fca0nnfIl:aBc,rhe
International Ladies' Orchestra
formerly with th.
Tho Lion, the Lamb and the Man
"M:" With IleatrU Jllchelena, Score
Hilgnon from opera played upon or can
OX Hex IleacU
Strolls Cast
Tillie'a Punctured Romance
71 tnnn a hku iiihd wins
ZUUUICA g j-ull Heel
Huiinrn f Irft nn orpnan ol nn early
not. Iltr fathtr kllM In a eM mine
ne tint ilncoferrd. Unit fl sour alter
fearnlno o the dtnlh of fier nuibnml. Zm
oorn mother, n ttoht rope tcnlfcer iclln n
elrru, l eid u,th verflpo, all", nnd U
Xudorn nnd the fortune from the mine,
tcMci later oroir fo te worth JJfl,Hi,
", art ttt fo fne ounriilamnfp of Frnnfc
Kerne, a cfrcus tnnn nnd the brolhrr of
infora's mother. Znrforn, ofi Ino promise
at areat benutv, reaehet the nee o Is.
The uncle, toho has ft MmmI lip ai a
fstfii mpsfle, nnd ( fcnoten m llaiiam
Alt, decides In Mi preed thof Zudora mull
die before she comes Info possession of her
nrrat fortune, en that It mat be left to
Mm the next of kin, and he rrernlts upon
the nirl to leave her money In his hnnilt
three trnrs lonprr and to eav nothing to
any one ndoul the fortune, llntinm All
sees nn ooitnrle lo his scheme In the her
eon of John Storm, a vaunp Inwver for
uhom Znrforn ha taken a fanev. and he
rommonrfi the airl to put the man nut of
her mind, flform rnmei to ak ffnssnm
All for (he hand of hl niece. At ftr.lt the
rrystnl aaner will not iliten to the pro
pinnl, hut Zttdora insiifs that If she run
of marry Storm the uHH morrp no one.
"Writ, icell," oW Ntuom All, "If fou
take such a afrtnd 7'ff compromise Solus
my nert to cnies and you ran marry
Mm; fait In a tingle cojo and you must
renounce him "
Hudora, tulno fhe knotrledoe pnlned
from yrnrs of ossoelotfon trlfh her uncfe,
tinrniels a series at hatfllna mysteries.
To prevent Xunora'e elopement trlth
John Storm, Hossnm ,111 channel clothe
tilth Wu Ciano, a Chlnett hypnollst.
nrisonn vm-(Continued)
NOT for n moment did sho feel any
regret. Sho had for her uncle n cer
tain fondness, but, duo to his general
coldness, It had never developed Into real
love Tho only thing sho really did ro
grct leaving behind was tho carrier pig
eon. It was too late now.
Why, sho thought, how strangely tho
room boirnn to npnrnr! Wn It fog out
side? What was this ntrnngo and un
nrrmintnlilo desire to laugh, to fling her
things about? Seized with a sudden and
terrible knowledge, sho tried to turn. It
wns Imposslblo to Btlr!
"Sleep!" sho heard vnguely. "Sleep."
Zudora's eyes closed Irresistibly. Wu
Cliotig stopped In front of her nnd touched
her forehead. Tho man's own forehead
wns covered with sweat, for this had been
a tremendous exertion of will powor. Had
the girl been able to turn ho would have
failed signally.
"Ho n child," he whispered. "Bo a child.
Now you nro young nnd happy, without a
euro In tho world. You arc young!"
"O yes; I nm a child." Zudora began to
Wu Chnng picked up the photograph of
lur lovor and held It before her. Thoro
was no recognition In her eyes. Ho had
won. Zuiloru sat down.
Below Storm whistled frnntlcally and
wondered whnt had thus delayed his
sweetheart. Chang heard these shrill
"do to tho window, child," he said.
Hudora got up and walked to the win
dow. Sho looked down calmly upon her
lover nnd nover mado any sign that sho
saw him If It had boon lighter ho might
havo noted tho stonlness of her look, tho
unnatural pallor.
"What In heaven's nnmo has hap
pened?" murmured tho distracted lover.
At any moment Hassam All might appear
upon tho scene. Still ho waited.
Chang left the room.
"It Is done!" he said to Hassam All.
"It is something I've never been nble
to accomplish. Sho Is very strong men
tally." "But at that moment sho was thinking
of lovo," snld the oriental. "Now we
havo no tlmo to wasto upon discussing
tho science of tho thing. That young
man may nt any tlmo bocomo suspicious
and break In. Let us act at once. You
shall for the present become Wu Chung
and I shall remain tho servant of Hassam
All. You havo makeup. Como; hurry!"
In a very short tlmo tho two returned
to Zudora. They put her hat and coat on
and led her from tho room.
"Storm Sahib has gone around to the
rear!" cried the real servant.
"Goodl" said his double. To Hassam
All he said: "You and tho girl leave now,
by the front door. I'll handle your man."
"Do nothing violent." said Hassam All,
who, though ho greatly desired tho death
of Storm, did not enre to have tho affair
take place on the premises. Thoro was,
ob had been stated bofore, no love lost
botwoen him nnd tho police.
Ho followed Chang's advice without
more ado, nnd was snugly lnsldo a taxi
'and San Diego
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with Zudora when Chnng opened tho
door to Btorm. He made ns though to
close the door ngnln, hut Storm wns too
quick. He rushed In fearlessly, nnd, ns
Chang closed In, flung 1dm nldo before
tho Chinaman could put tho trick In his
leg to throw Storm Tho lover rushed
headlong up tho stairs to Ztidora's room,
saw tho ropo attached to tho bed, tho
suitcase, but no Zudora. Ilassnm All had
tricked him! Down tno stairs ho rushed,
wild with linger.
Chang awaited him, but for a second
tlmo he wns not quick enough. Tho lover
dashed from tho house, to bo Informed by
his excited chnuffour that a Chinaman
nnd Zudora hnd entered n taxi which had
stood opposite and had been driven away.
"Which way?"
"Straight nhcudl"
"Como on. then! And drive like tho
devil! Did you get tho license numbor?"
"Too datk to seo; but thero was a crack
In (li tnll lump."
It wns n wild goono chase, for they
never came within sight of a red Inmp
with a crack In It. But thero was ono
thing that John Storm knew; If nught In
tho way of harm befoll his sweethenrt
he would kill Hassam All with his baro
"Hupposo wo go down to Chinatown
and mako a try?" suggested tho
A good Ideal
By dint of Inquiry they learned that a
Chinaman nnd a woman had been scan
entering Wu Chung's tonshop. Storm
wnitcd for ovor an hour, and as no ono
enmo out ho concluded thnt this was a
ensn for professional detectives, nnd ho
strnlghtway sought their aid. Together
thoy went over tho records of Chinatown,
but Wu Chnng was not a tong man; thero
had nevor been any opium smuggling; ho
wns ono of tho fow Chinamen down In
that crime-Infested holo who stood clean
upon tho pollco records. Still, they wero
willing to mako a thorough Investigation.
Hassam All, still disguised as Chang,
entered tho supposed tea merchant's
houso nnd found Mrs. Du noy awaltlnn
him. The woman at first thought him to
bo Chnng himself until he explained.
"Cnn you bring her out of tho trance?"
sho risked.
"That's tho easiest part of it. But
there's no need. Sho must remain In
this condition until long after you aro
out to sen. I don't enro If sho nover
comes out of It."
"You'ro a strango kind of undo." mused
tho womnn, wondering what was behind
this unnatural ottltudo of tho man.
"Thnt's my business," said Hassam All
gruffly. "Now, find mo a room for tho
girl. I am not going to trust to luck."
"Thero Is a walled room; tho method
of getting In and out of It Is secrot."
"I rather bellovo you can truBt me with
tho secret," snld Hassam All grimly.
"Follow mo, then."
Zudora had to be led. Sho was physi
cally capable as over, but her mind was
temporarily blank. Onco In tho walled
room, sho sat down placidly, after tho
manner of persons hypnotized, nnd stared
at her hands. It was all Hassam All
could do to resist tho desire to bring her
out of tho trance and toll her what was
going to happen, but his bump of caution
wns abnormal. She might cscapo some
whero along tho route, and thnt would
wind up tho affairs of a certain mystlo
who, for a commission, advlsod old ladles
when and how to Invest their fortunes
a commission which, by tho way, usually
consisted of nt least half of the sums in
vested. Tho real Wu Chang, In the meanwhile,
left tho houso of Hassam All at what
might be callod tho psychological mo
mont. Ten minutes later tho houso was
under tho csplonngo of a plain clothes
man. Mr. Chang, affable tea merchant,
Was driven to ono of tho uptown hotels
ho sometimes frequented. Ho wanted an
alibi. Besides this hotel was qulto near
tho hall whore the adopted son of Mills
was to mako his brilliant speech that
samo night. It was a delightful thing
to mako money with right and left hand.
But, ns has already been said, you can
not throw two stones with two hands
and hit any given target.
Chang went to the hall, took a seat
where ho could focus tho eyo of tho boy,
and waited patiently for his debut. It
must have been exceedingly dull busi
ness for a mind so keen ns Wu Chang's
to bo forced to listen to tho oratorical
spoutlngB of green young Intellects.
But a Chinaman will tarry until the
reaper comes If sd fag there Is Cfild at
the end.
When tho boy finally came forwahJ,
hllnkfnft nnd frightened, nld Mills for a
moment thought Wu Chnng had be
trnyed him. But all at once the boy
nccmed to straighten up, nnd presently
ho begnn to speak. The voice was un
pleasant nnd monotonous! no hypnotism
In tho world could change that Thers
were somo surprised people In that hntL
you may bo sure, especially among the
Judges. From th nudtenco there cams
occasionally n rlpplo of applause. The
swent hegnn to form upon Wu Chang's
forehead, Two such exploits in one day
wore terribly enervating. When the af
fair wns over the stiffened flguro of the
Chinaman relaxed, lie found some dif
ficulty, too, In opening his thin, taper.
Ing hands, which had been tightly
clinched under the concentration of his
"Aro you satisfied?" ho whispered
rather weakly to Mills, who sat next to
"I ami nnd I will keep to the letter of
my bargain."
"And nover brag again about your
son's oratorical powers, f doubt If 1
could hold him again."
Mills flushed, but for all that he was
mighty glad to bo high and dry on shoro.
Hn would send the boy on a long tour.
1'eoplo would forget
(Continued Friday.)
Committee Will tfrgo Education
Board to Introduce Idea.
Paronts, social workers and pedagogue
havo united in an effort to convlnoe the
Board of Education that the extension of
tho social centro system In tlio publlo
schools would justify the expense in
volved. A committee consisting of Mrs. Edwin
C. Ortce, president of tho Homo and
School Leaguo: I'aul N. Furman, secre
tary of the Child Labor Association of
Philadelphia, and Otto T. Maltory, of the
Public Education Association, has called
upon tho Property Committee of the
Board of Education to urge that it con
sider tho movoment In approving plana
for elementary school bulldlngn to be
erected In tho future.
The plan of this committee provides for
n room In ench school which Is to be
used on a gymnasium, lunch room, library
nnd auditorium. This has been tried suc
cessfully In other cities, the committor
says. Tho furniture Is to be of such
character nnd tho room Is to be so con
structed that It can be used for all of
theso purposes without great difficulty.
Advnntnge of the Boclnl centro Is that
nfter school hours the schoolhouses can
be used by ndults for luncheons or mass
mcotlngs, publlo debates or Indoor athletic
contests. A somewhat similar plan was
recommended by Dr. Martin Q. Brum
baugh before his election to the Governor
ship. S
Youth, Instead of Pointing at Girl,
Had His dinger Bitten.
Edward Whlto, a youth who lives on
North 2d street, Darby, hns been taught
n gravo lesson In the gamo of love. So
grave, In fact, that ho has about decided
thoro's "nuthin' to It."
He Is nursing nn Injured finger today
ns tho result of courting chance nt a
pnrty In Philadelphia recently. After tho
young people had played several games,
somo one suggested playing "point your
finger nt the ono you love." Unfor
tunately Whlto acquiesced, nnd became
"It." He was spun nround several "times
and when ho pointed Instead of aiming
at a pretty, dimpling little miss, he
placed the finger. In somo one's mouth.
Ho had to receive medical attention for
n "chawed finger."
MISS C. W. nuOIIES, 1T3T Diamond, teacher
of piano and nrcomnanlst. Diamond '34M D.
Atlnntle City. H. J.
nl0 Wirt Urlck. Hot and cold running
rlOlCl I OfK water. New York Ave. Ben.
1011 CHESTNUT Phone, locust 8MS.
"Ufstlnotivs Service to a Discriminating
ratronaoe." .
Modern Dances The COItTISSOZ School.
1BSO Chestnut St. Phone, locust S10J.
i: " - c- isBptan
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