Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, January 20, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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77ie Wife Who
When ft woman marries, her life under
goes a more thorough readjustment than
coes that of a man. For, after all, thero
lir n grain of truth In that much-exaggerated
and Irritating old saying! '
I.ne Is of man's lite a thing apart.
'TIs woman's whole existence.
It ccttnlnly absorbs more ot a woman's
time and thought. For onco sho Is mar
ried, not only has she to keen the flame
of her own affection brightly burning, but
he must also see that her husband's love
for herself la In the same flourishing, and
healthy condition as In Iho old courtship
days when ho worshipped the very
rnwd she trod upon.
When tno average woman marries, she
expects too much. And thl Is very
largely the fault of tho man. For In the
old courting days, ho led her to think
that sho had sole command and owner
ship of everything ho possessed or could
possibly possess. He probably gave In
to her slightest whim nnd her wish was
law. Llttlo does tho fond lover reallzo
the trouble he Is laying up for hlmsolf.
For, sooner or later, tho wife of the most
perfect man on earth Is bound to havo
her llttlo dlsllluslonmonts, and the more
ho has spoiled her during the engagement
period, tho greater n the bump going to
bo when her Idol falls from tho pedestal,
or shows that ho has feet of clay.
"Jim was tho dearest fellow Imaginable
before I married him," moaned a plain
tive llttlo wife, "there wasn't a thing I
asked for that ho didn't give me, He an
ticipated my slightest wish and my word
was law to him.
"Why, during our engagement days he
never accepted an Invitation unless I was
Included. Hegavo up all his men friends
and resigned from tho club, so that I had
him constantly by mo nil tho time.
"But now that we aro married, things
are different. Sometimes I havo to ask
him a question two and threo times before
I'll get an answer, for ho Is busy with
something else, or reading tho paper!"
and she sighed drearily.
"But when Jim Is 'busy with some
thing elso or reading the paper, why
do you Interrupt him?" Inquired Vie can
did friend. "It's Just as unpleasant for
him to be interrupted as for you not to
receive on answer when you speak."
The little wife stored In sheerest be
wilderment. Slle literally could not
fathom such an attitude, and certainly
could see no parallel In tho case.
Too many women havo this view. They
xpecta the husband to keep up his lover
When Milady Travels
Most women aro anticipating tho cold
weather and are preparing to flit away
to Palm Beach, South Carolina or some
of tho warm tropical places, where they
can rest In tho sunshlno and bathe In the
sea every morning. Traveling is such a
true, lasting pleasure, and one meets
such delightful people that It la a nico
thing to look back on the days spent In
their company. Thero are, however, many
thoughtless things women do whlje trav
eling which they wouldn't dream of do
ing at home.
"Nobody knows me here, anyhow1, and
I might aB well enjoy myself. There's
no use in putting a damper on tho whole
party, anyhow," says tho woman who
gambles away her traveling expenses on
& lottery ticket.
Thla Is an absurd Idea on the face of
it. It Is very evident that people will
talk, and If they have nothing else to
hose their Judgment upon than appear
ances. It Is very probablo that their ver
dict will not be flattering. You can't
blame people for criticising you If you
lay yourself open to It by peculiar ac
If you are traveling alone, try to ar
range to get a letter to some ono who
can meet you from a mutual friend. Tako
a trolley In preference to a taxtcab In a
strange city. Remember that It Is un
dignified to attract attention by loud
talking, laughing or constant giggling.
Cress as plainly nnd as neatly as jou
can. It Is better to be Inconspicuous
than to be the object of unpleasant at
tentions, "and this Is very likely to be the
case with the girl who wears loud, flashy
Activities of Women
Mrs. Frances W. Munds, the first wo
man elected to the State Senate in Ari
zona, ran ahead of her ticket by COO
Women students at the Pennsylvania
State College are now given the same ap
portunlty of gaining an education as the
Chinese women are not allowed to se
lect their future husbands, all the ar
rangements being made by the parents
of the affianced couple.
Burglaries have become so numerous
In the apartment houses In St. John's
place, Brooklyn, that the women now
work in shifts at watching the bonus.
New Hotel.
Ban ITraneisco Is to have a women's
hotel managed on the same lines as the
Martha Washington Hotel In New York
A Woman Officer.
Mrs. J. H. Blondln, formerly Miss Mae
Cochran, of New York, has been elected
County Tax Collector In aien County,
Csl.. at a. salary of 11500 a year.
r-J-M4i ,Jfa mmJ k.- . cBomjim
-ft M.li p? VSHSift XT Tmwr-4B M P fSSfe3 4- Vr $3LL
IAJI Wt( rfcfl2H.MW 2&i PW V ns fflA --J il !
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Demands Too Much
like attitude continuously, white they
themselves fall In the llttlo courtesies and
trifles that go to make married life
smooth and pleasant. Then when tho
husband shows somo falling off In out
ward demonstrations of affection, they
bemoan their unhappy lot and consider
that they havo united themselves with a
monster of a man.
This attitude Is exceedingly Unjust, to
sav tho least of It. When a woman mar
ries, sho should never oxpect perfection
In n man. Men nro only human beings,
nnd very far from perfect. Hut then a
perfect person would be dreadfully un
pleasant to live with. One would feel bo
small and sinful beside a model of per
fectionand the would-be piece of perfec
tion Is nearly always a prig, too.
When n woman marries she should
clearly renllzo that there are lots of little
ups and downs coming to her, as they
como to every croaturo under tho sun.
There will be loti of things In the char
acter of her husband which wilt puzzle
her and even annoy her exceedingly. But
sho must make allowances for difference
of temperaments When little Jars and
Jolts come, she must meet them smilingly,
and In n spirit of optimism.
Whon a woman marries sho should cer
tainly put away childish things. But It
is surprising how many women do nothing
of tho sort. Any llttlo disappointment will
bring n most childish display of temper,
for Instance, or a fit of sulks that Is
moro suited to tho 10-year-old than to tho
grown-up woman. And oh! those tears!
How a husband docs detest them Tears
have been described as a woman's strong
est weapon, tho Idea presumably being
that once tho flood-gates are opened these
tears will drive away all troubles and
dissensions between husband and wife.
and only leave a tender reconciliation
behind. The tender reconciliation may
tnko place onco or twice, but let a woman
make freo use of her so-called strongest
weapon, and call It Into play frequently,
and then, farewell to affoctlon and recon
ciliation, and finally husband. Tho tears
trick brings about vanishing results.
When a woman marries sho should
strive to adjust the breadth of her men
tal horizon to that of her husband. She
should cultivate a wide tolerance for
certain trifles In her husband's disposition
that may at first Irrltato her. It is com
paratively easy to allow oneself to lie-
come Irritated and Irritable. Nothlnh
kills affection sooner. The wlso wife
will not demand too much, and she will
determine to meet her husband half way
In tho readjustment of viewpoints and tho
toleration of opinion that must nlwais
occur whon two human beings unite for
better or for worse.
muT tot UTru crusrrs1!
IV-I 11 N JUlJLiJLilVJA 1, JVl LKJyL,Lvlr0 1 EjSX Kidnapping By CLAVER MORRIS
Guy Wlmberley, son ot Anne, the
Marchioness of Wlmberley, U at Uarptree
School, of which John Erlelgh is hcatl
master John and Anne are engaged to be
married Lord Arthur Afenet. uncle of
Quv Wlmberley, warns John that there (
a jifot to put the boy out of the way. Diets
Alcrict, a cousin, and in line for the in
heritance o.- the great lFfmbcrlei estates.
Is concerned In the plot. The other plot
ters are Vertlgan, a science master at
Uarptree, tcho has a hold on John Erleloh,
and itrs Tracers, Erletgh's sister, Mrs,
Trovers was deserted by the man she
loiri, and thin man teas accidentally
kill X bv John ErMgh. ilri Trovers does
not knoto that her own brother kilted the
father of her child, James
James Traicrs fall in lore wllh Guv's
sister Joan. In an automobile accident he
saves her life, but loses his right hand,
and his career as a ptfanfst.
Mrs Travers sees Ycrllnan and informs
him that if he exposes Erleioh, she will
expose him IVimberlrv takes hli motor
car for a frO noine The car breaks down
After walking half a mill U'fmberlfy
trips over an obstruction. When he
awakens he finds himself in an old barn
Bending over htm Is Doctor Anderson, of
John Erlelgh's school. Doctor Anderson
and an assistant attempt to transport htm
across a ri' er In a struggle trimoerlei;
cfratcs his revolver, fires and makes his
Lord Arthur discovers Vertlgan wound
ed lie says ho was following two men
who had attempted to kidnap Quy Wlm
bcrlev Iiord Arthur disbelieves the story and
demands from Krleigh that Vertlgan be
dlsrrlssed. The truth is that Doctor Ander
son, who attempted the kidnapping, is in a
plot of which Vertlgan knows notMna
James Travers is deeply in fova tcifh
Lady Joan Slcrict.
Her mother and his mother agree that
the children must not be encouraged.
IPItiout tcarnina, Ouy "Vfmoerfei dis
appears. Erlelgh tells Anne that the bov has run
away After Lord Arthur's accusation
against Mrs Travers, Erlelgh goes to Lon
itrs. Travers denies all fcnoicledfl of
the boy's whereabouts.
Fifty thousand pounds is demanded for
the return of Quy. Lady Anne agrees to
pay it.
Lord Arthur and Dcnham fafcs the
money to an island and wait.
A boat drifts to them. In it Is a dead
The detectives are batted. Lady Anne,
on the verge of collapse, almost toins John
Erlelgh's secret from him '
Lord Arthur piles John Erlelgh one
week in which to lirealc off Ms enoaosment
to Lady .Anns IVimberley.
CHAPTEIt Xxi-(Contlnued)
"QHE would give everything." Erlelgh
O muttered as he strode along through
the driving rain and the gathering dark
ness "everything. Well, Vertlgan shall
tell the truth, whatever It costs."
The realization of what he ought to do
had come to Erlelgh as he had stood In
the library and stared out at the darken
ing landscape. Anne Wlmbprley had said
that she would sacrifice everything If only
her son could be found. His duty seemed
very plain. He must, as he had said, force
the truth out of Vertlgan,
So far there was no evidence against
either Vertlgan or Dick Merlet. But his
sister was In a position to .give evidence
against them. She would not give it be
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cause she thought that by doing so she
would exposo her brother to Vertlgan's
vengeance. Well, all that would have to
ho changed. He would havo to put self
entirely out of tho question Whatever
was known against Vertlirnn would havo
to be told to tho police. That would mean
ruin absolute and overwhelming luln
A term of imprisonment, tho destruction
of his life's work, the sinking down of
the school to the position from which he
had raised It, tho end of everj thing be
tween himself and the woman he loved
It would mean all that for certain, nnd
perhaps moro. But Vertlgan would be
left without a weapon of defense, nnd tho
boy, In all probability, would be given up
In exchange for Vertlgan's freedom The
scienco master was not the fort of man
to refuse to turn King's evidence If he
could Bavo his own skin thereby.
Tho Pathway seemed clear enough, now
that tho obstruction of self had ben
swept aside And John Krleigh. ns ht
walked from Monksllvcr to Harptreo,
wondered that he had not seen his way bo
plainly before this. Perhaps he had
thought that tho woman ho loved would
rather lose everything in the world than
know of her lover's dishonor.
If he had thought that lie had been a
fool. Her son was everything to her. Sho
would rather bee nor lovor suffer a pun
ishment that he Justly deserved than en
dure this torture of suspense about her
When ho arrived at tho schoolhouse he
was wet through, and had to change his
clothes before ho could see Lord Arthur,
who was waiting in the study for him. He
did not, however, keep his visitor waiting
frit mni-A (linn 1A mltinino
aw mJis Lliutl v iitllMllvo
"I thlnght I might as well look you up,"
said Merlet! "I'm stopping at the Mcrlct
Arms and am going up to Monksllver to
morrow. How Is my slBtor'"
"She ho looks llko a woman who has
nothing left to live for."
Lord Arthur nodded. "I can well un
derstand that," he replied. "Well, we've
found the car." i
"You have, have you?" said Erlelgh
,fyes, they'd changed the number plates,
of course, and they'd painted over the
black enamel with some beastly aluminum
stuff. Otherwise no harm has been done.
They've taken her about a Wt, too over
a thousand miles."
"Indeed I"
"Yes. The speedometer had marked on
nnother thousand and 70 miles. It looks
mora hopeful "
"Does It?" said Erlelgh, and flinging
himself Into a phalr he gazed vacantly at
the fire.
"Yes. by Jove, It does. They're tracing
that car the sort of thing that'd be no
ticed, If we can once' lay our hands on
Dick Merlet I say, Erlelgh, you look pret
ty well done up."
"J am a bit tired, I walked all the way
from Monksllver and got wet through.
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x a enrun a Grin
Are you sure that Dick Merlet has any
thing to do with this business?"
"Wo weren't sure at first. You see, my
theory Is that Merlet wants to get rid of
Guy and myself and step Into tho title and
estates. That didn't fit In at all with tho
demand for the ransom."
"Still, I daro say even Mr. Dick Merlet
would rather have 50,000 than nothing.
"Yer. but he's tho sort 'of fellow to play
high. Tho boy once got rid of, they'd only
havo to deal with me Murray has a
pretty good Idea, of what occurred."
"Has he?" queried Erlelgh In a dull,
even voice.
"Yes. This Doctor Anderson and his
pang were the people who actual y ab
ducted the boy. Dick Merlet and Ver
tlgan meant to base done so, but they
were too late. Doctor Anderson wrote
demanding a ransom and made nil tho
arrangements to met ua on Bartsca.
They would have turned up with the boy
If Vertlgan's gang hadn't overtaken them
nnd got the best ot the fight."
"A fight out there and no one knew
nn thing about It?"
"I don't know where the fight took
place," said Lord Arthur testily, "but,
anyway, Doctor Anderson was killed,
nnd the boy taken oft the boat. Well,
wo'ro bound to get news of somo sort In
tho next few days, jbut I'm afraid the
poor little fellow "
Ho paused, filled his plpn slowlv. and
lit It. John Erlelgh still cstared at the
flie. For n minute neither of tho two
men spoke, Then Lord Arthur 6ald
"No news down hero, I supposo?"
"That fellow Vertlgan I wish wo could
get some evidence against him. I can't
make the chap out at all He won't do
nnvliln? Unit's nt nil suspicious."
John Erlelgh made no reply. There
was no need to tell Lord Arthur Merlet
how ho Intended to deal wtTh Vertlgan.
"And your sister?" Lord Arthur con
tinued. "I'm pretty certain she's re
pented and cut herself from these
brutes, but ehe might be able to give us
some clue."
Erlelgh still kept stlence,
"I suppose," said Lord Arthur, after
a pause, "you quite understand that it Is
Impossible after this for you to marry
Lady Wlmberley?"
"That," said Erlelgh quietly, 'Is for
Lady Wlmberley to decide."
"At present," Lord Arthur continued,
"she does not know how matters stand."
"How do they stand?"
"Well, I warned you about Vertlgan
and you ought to havo got rid of the
man. Then there Is your sister."
"There Is no evidence against her or
against Vertlgan. If there were, tho po
lice would arrest them "
Lord Arthur flushed, "You know well
enough that they're In this," he said
angrily. "At present there Is not enough
evidence to convict but If I were to tell
s of i. vami
Author, of "John Dredon, Solicitor.'
Anno tho facts what wo do know well,
anyway you'roanot going to marry her."
John Erlelgh rose from his cfnalr and
pressed his hand wearily to his forehead.
"I'm very tired," ho said slowly; "I
. think It you will excuse mo I'll go to bed.
I have to get up early In tho morning."
Lord Arthur laughed harshly.
"All right," ho said, "I'll go But you
quite understand about my slster-ln-law.
If you don't break off the engagement
before a week Is over I shall consider It
my duty to tell her everything."
"You had better be 'careful, Lord Ar
thurhad better bo quite sure of your
"I, shall tell her that I jwarned you
against Vertlgan, and that you refused
to dismiss the man. That Is ono fact,
Isn't it? And then about your ulster.
I shnll tell Lady Wlmberley all we know,
and sho can Judge for herself. Mind, a
week I give you no more."
Ho left the room, and a few minutes
later John Erlelgh turned out tho lights
and mndo his way up to bed. He did not
close 'nln eyes throughout the night. He
lay there staring at the moonlit patch
of window, listening to the chiming of
tho abbey clock quarter after quarter and
hour after hour.
When the gray dawn broke he rose,
went to tho bathroom, had a cold bath
and shaved. Then he made his way out
Into the quadrangle and paced up and
down, finally pausing under fhe nrched
roof of some old cloisters that supported
the school chapel.
This was the oldest part of tho build
ings a fragment of tho monastery of
which tho school was the offspring and
as John Erlelgh looked out from the dark
shadows at tho rosy light of the dawn
nnd saw nround 'nlm the great wnll of
buildings, that had been erected from
time to time by the piety and munificence
of those who had loved Harptreo a look
of fear came Into his eyes
(Continued tomorrow.)
(Copyright, 1014, by the Associated News
papers, Ltd.)
Your Sewing Machine
When machining soft or thin material,
the tension of the machine should be
loosened, otherwise the fabrlo will pucker.
A tighter tension Is necessary for heavier
and thicker materials.
The Paper Dishrag
Use a paper dishrag. It Is far more
sanitary than a cloth, la firm and cleans
well. One lasts for about a month, can
then be burned and another purchased In
(ts place, .
An Economical Dessert
A delicious nnd economical dessert Is
of stewed flgs and boiled rice served to
gether. - ED
The New
I have Just spent n long and glorious
day In tho stores, revelling In the new
millinery, nnd really havo had a de
lightful tlmo.
Imagine all the new hats aro of Btraw
and we nro not yet at tho end of Jan
uary! This forcing of tho seasons does
seem nbsurd, yet so many people are
going South that the Btores Just havo
to meet the demand and supply the
I notice that most of tho shapes aro
small and fantastic, yet I am assured
that tho styles In millinery aro so com
prehensive that all sizes and conditions
of hats will bo worn shortly.
This nows Is decidedly cheering to those
of limited Income. A 3-ycar-old big hat
can bo unearthed, rctrlmmcd with the
fashionable narrow ribbon nnd tiny
cluster of fruit and will bo In the height
of style.
The woman who suits a medium-sized
at, too, will bo quite In fashion, al-
hough personally I am In love with tho
Iny llttlo shapes bo much In evidence
at present.
Tho lovely shndo called battleship gray
Is exceedingly popular, and I noticed some
oxqulto llttlo models of Milan hemp
In that shade. Ono In particular was
most attractive. It was a tiny boat
shapo banded with a narrow mauve velvet
ribbon. Tho ribbon was caught Into n
dainty buckle of silver in front of tho
Suggestions From Readers of
the Evening Ledger
For the folio Ins suggestions sent In by
readors of tho Evxiiko Lxixssa prizes of ?H
on J CO cents are awarded.
All suggestions should be addressed to Ellen
Adair, editor of Women's Tnife, Evbvino
Ledoes, Independence Square, Philadelphia,
A prlie of fl has been awarded to J. II.,
Mil Schuyler street, Germantown, for tho
following suggestion:
Beautiful little aprons may be made
from old shirt waists that are out of fash
Ion or ollghtly worn. Ono concocted from
a cotton marqulaet was very dainty. It
had been made with six half-Inch tucks
down tho front, three on either side of
nn Inch-wide spaco set closely with tiny
buttons Thcra was a side Jabot ruffle,
too. Tho front was cut to make tho
apron, fitted at the top and rounded at
tho bottom. Tho buttons were left as
adornment for the centre of the apron.
The edges were bound and the ruffle set
across tho bottom and a llttlo over the
rounded sides. Waistband was made from
a piece of the back: ties one from each
sleeve, with the cuffs an ends.
Somo blouses have fancy backs. From
such a back you might add a bib to a
maid's apron, or make her a cap.
A. G. Ouest, 180 East Thayer avenue, for
Hie following suggestion:
Philadelphia, Jan. 13, 1915.
Miss Ellen Adair,
Dear Editor Haung found a way to
turn stalo bread into? crumbs without tho
usual "mess," perhaps It may encourage
other housewives In ntlM .v.... ....
Put bread In paper bag on top of range
to dry thoroughly. Then put through food
chopper, using a fine blade; now comes
tho "discovery." Tie a paper bag around
end of chopper where the crumbs usually
?.5.?ut,ty,n.8r ,jt wel1 "P to the grinder
tight. By placing hand on top after fill
ing, there is scarcely a crumb lost. You
will find tho bag holds, until quite full,
without tearing.
fnVJ-.,tIron,,la Chr' N' J- "" "" ?
Many little girls are at their wits' end,
when giving a party, how to pair their
guests off; let me suggest an apron party.
Each girlie must make a fancy little
apron, which enp bo made from odds and
ends found In mother's bag, such as
flowered or white lawn, blue nnd white
gingham, etc; besides the apron a bow
tie must be made, which matches the
apron. The aprons and ties nro wrapped
separate, and as each girl arrives she
takes one of the packages containing
nn apron, and the boys take a package
containing a tie; when all have arrived
the packages are opened nnd tho girls
and boys having aprons and ties that
match are partners throughout the even
ing. The aprons and ties may be kept
as souvenirs. This I am sure will give
an hour or two of pleasure and bring
your frlenda together.
.iT' in", "l So0'n St, Bernard street, for
the following ancgestloni " ur
Washing Wisdom. After washing your
silk blouse add a few drops of alcohol
to the rinsing water. This keeps the silk
soft and adds lustre. Wash your silk
stockings before wearing; this prevents
"runners." Soapy rinse water will keep
your washable gloves pliable, rtub over
your black silk with a. cloth dampened In
alcohol. Makes a black crepe de chine
look like new. Keep a clean piece of
window screening on your Ironing board;
it will remove starch from your Irons.
little crown, and Just below, r,'i
tho nnrrnw l.rlm .. .. .V",
,, lnB uni&i
bunch of wild strawberries. Tts
was charming.
Quito a demand Is going t0 ,,, , J
mllllnaru I. I . " W fl
" "' "inyara straw,
smooth, thick straw has n a.,
appearance and deserves populatir
, Miiiincry will suf
nouular. for n u i . '
' "" "fuming fo'jjj
nverago womnn. This nrin 3
study their Individual points mjM
.,, .ullpl lne ,jjjn
suit themselves. I am so i.t,i .v.. n
will bo tho case, for a slavish .iv..2Ls
to a certain mode In millinery li J$3m,
1 fill a Tim tvnmnii n.liL n . 'WCftsM
-" " " "' me oroatltrt,?
face, for Instance, looks absurd In n
very tllmlnuto "chnpeau," nnd th, tjj
como to realize this.
So, while tho small hats 1! 0 ,g
...u,.viy iwiiuiar mis coming seaion ai
will not completely rule tho roo,,' ;
Tho little Scotch hats, with riwj
floating behind, aro seen everywhere if
present. They do look dccIdoi m. m
Leghorn will enjoy Us usual populirk,
and thero will bo a run nn b.. iM
latter is so light and cool that it ahrifif'
proves a favorite. Jam
I saw somo exqulslto modctj vftflC
brlmB of homp nnd soft crown of iWrrffKC
silk. Plainness and smartness ar tbjftfc
r.c,.,u.o w mu turning siyies in rajluserj.
Around the Clubs
Todnr. at 3 n'nlnnV. AU n
rr - , -,.., v.uiisicnerisj
League of Eastern Pennslvanla will hoijf
Its annual meeting in the Drawing Eooajj
of the New Century Club, 121 South mil
Btrei-i. une sudjoci ot ciina labor wilt Ijjf
"dlscussed by Owen LoveJov. and mtk
Floronre Kelly will talk on the work dlK
iVin Vnllnnnl PnnenrviAjn Y --.- UaBi
Thero will also be a demonstration of'
tho us of Rod Cross bandages and otfcerT
umi-iim Burfa'icui WOTK at tfte ClUDhOM1
the Rjmi rtnv. unrlpr ihn ntir.iu. ..?
" ,w "u"i".3 ui mill
International Committee, of which Mlir
viua xium i-ran-ci3 is chairman. Thli
demonstration will tako place at 11 a, aj
Medical College, will be tho demonstrator
nnd lecturer. j
Tho regulnr meeting of the current
evems section or tho PhllomusUa Clua
will be hold todav at 10 SO l m n,j..'
tho leadership of Miss Sara C. ColM
uuu muinuers ot xne ciuo will listen to
papers on Scandinavia. ,3
A meetlnir of thp nvonntivn m a,v.
Woman's Club of Ridley Park will t
una loaay at tno home of the president'
On Friday, at 3 o'clock, the music clta
Will meet at the homo of Mr. W7a'
.Apucrson for tea and a social hour, a
Tho current events class of the Net
Century Club, of Nonvood, will meet ti?
aay at 3 p. m. The Itcv Stanley B
hclmer will mako an address on '"I
Spiritual Interpretation of Nature." TK
following Wednesday will be civic dsR
The program will bo In charge of tti
uivic uommiltee, ana will include m ii-
rir.do nn "nilMM. ,,ln.l.lnriH ..
Thfl Wflmpn'R fTlllh nt Mni-fnn nr.S fin!
lege will hold n health day meeting; ei
Friday at 3 o'clock. Dr. F. M. Baker, of.
Media, will speak, and music and, tea will
Mrs. A, M. Snyder will speak on "B-
cem .movements in Art. or Pictures ft
Everybody," at tho Studio Talk to boieiil
on Friday at tho Woman's Club of Art-
mnr. Tpn will fnllnw ni wKIi.li Hi.
hostesses will be Mrs. William A. Jfclo-
tyre, Mrs. R. W. Rexford ana Mnv
Charles M. Staurd, M
Tho newest arrival In tho womart
club wnrlil la thft "PrnteMQlnnnl Wnmra'l
Club," which Is still In the process of
ganlzatlon. Tho officers elected tri
President, Mrs. John F. Deiellnr tlct
presidents, Mrs. Beulah E. Jay, MlM
Emlllo Krldor Norrls and Miss Mirf'
uirnoll; corresponding secretary! Jua
Mary Manecly; recording secretary, Uii
Randall, and treasurer. Miss Margaret 8j
T.vnnn ThA m.mhnra Inrtlnn nrtlatt Iffil.
clclans, dramatic renders, physicians ens
teachers. On tho board of managers rj
Aflaa li.n.a Pllna Aitlnlnn Tm 3m, AH?
drews. Doctor Herschler, Miss Jane GnuilW
uuu ansa j, jungle, - A
Prof. John C. Rolfo will lecture S
"Home Public and Private Sources M W;
come In Ancient Rome" at the rerulI
Saturday afternoon lecture at Hou
Doctor Rolfe Is professor of Latin )uj
guages and literature at the Unlventr(
of Pennsylvania, and Is a graduate cj
itarvaru, an ctuior or note, aim ."-.
trlbutnr on philological and arclieoloflol
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Z,or wjy &7vw I .INflfel
; Nsr vJ-4Jp rOeadU:
A4eurys. Nftvyspo.pe sftece
m if VA C-ZSt j ' tsiav. Jit j -.
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