tmmmmmtmmmx! FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA Jcimtm PRICE ptCTB OEHT vol. i no. a iot rillLADEIiPniA, WEDNESDAY, JANTTAItY 20, 1015. CorttotiT, IDln. m tiik PoUo Laoots Compast. v jEyrrt 'rHFTJ'j T Mirj&fiir& z4y&5Utt5 9H CZAR POSHES f AY TOWARD EAST PRUSSIA BORDER LINE Iwestvvard Cavalry Dash Menaces Great Ger man Stronghold Base at Thorn and Advances Russian Line to New Frontier Position. Slav Drive Develops in South Poland. I" Kaiser's Forces Are Re pulsed in Furious Battle for Possession of Bridge Over Yser British Beaten I Back by Turks in Arabian Battle. ' "A Cossack drive has advanced tho '.'Russian lines to a point 10 miles from rtinm. tho great stronghold of East KPnusla and chief German base of sup- tplles on tho border of East Prussia, Ittileh now Is menaced In a now direc- Ktlon. This movement brings tho Rus lllan army to Its nearest approach to German territory on the west. The Fetrograd official report an- ft.'Munces a grain of ground near tho S, Junction of tho Vistula and tho Bzura, R tti the left bank of which lost posl- f ildns have been regained by a furious SHunge. f Massing at Hadom, In South Poland, ftti Russians aro developing a fresh Ilriva on the German forco which re- etntly occupied Klelco and . Opocznow, tln",erder' to protect their base of up- ?$&& lVjgp,4jnA;tpSSiaiVCWVv ITCI Ol uio luwer viaiuiu. L amcIHa rnnnrtn VinlrHnfr its main nO- ftitforiicin southern Bukowlna, but Pot- SroBrad Advices assert that the Czar Is MO miles within Transylvania. ! Fighting has been resumed near tho & Belgian coast, after an Interruption of Is more than a week because of bad f& Mull..... n f ....,.. 41... waniiTan nf 1? the Germans In a desperate battlo for jLths possession of a bridge across tno STser, near Nleuport. In tho Argonno region tho Germans THE WEATHER The weather these days teaches a little ttoral all its own. Wa might consider It is a. Justification of "tho doctrine of the fitness of things." You remember perhaps the, one or two or more times last umrner .when, with your collar wilted Ma your whole body melting away as the thermometer was competing with the y for a limit, you dreamed of freezing temperature and maybe even a blizzard iU a Mate of affairs bordering on climatic oeavtn. Or. perhaps, when that same laermometer dived out of sight a few W4k SCO. ilv thft KAtriA thltpn. A. hlfflter- '1I tun ,and an 60-degree temperature iemea-superlatve bliss. Remember these mmta na then consider the aiscomrort f April weather in January, as has been Uj case the Jast few days. There is a He or everything, is there not? And lyhir seems to have done a very fair u wnen ma Whole plan was nrst doped Wt forget It when the next blizzard tcmeal FORECAST For Philadelvhia and vicinitu pwttled tonight with probably snow urries; Thursdau vartlu eloudu and filghtly colder; moderate westerly For details, sea page S. Observations at Philadelphia fejits ..-.' ." ffll ... n1l,hD..t a mil.. tlfrttttH. . . V " ............,... -...u.u njprawra ,,.., oa Almanac of the Day ' B; " .I a0:3p.m. Lamns to Be LI elite d iU uai etli Tthicles Si!0p.n. The Tides. sratec R:S9p,m. L'W ateif tumorrow 6:50. ui. CUtSHTNCT UTRHKT WHAKP. JfUi .- B:lTp. m. Bi'"' loiuorrew I2i. iu. tomurrgw :! . iu. . JtBISOY ISUSD. f : -:. ::.:: jssst wtr (otaotow -M i. nl. m ' B.iyp. ro. CS J't' 'wrr , , ii-tt. B. CLOUDY captured several trenches tn the La Grurlo woods, but these were retaken by a counter-attack. Tho Ocrmatis have resumed the offensive In tho I,n Pretro forest, northwest of Font. a Mousson, and the French drlvo toward Met In that region lins been halted. British forces attempting an attack on Turjsish forts on tho Shat-cl-Arab River Iq Arabia were repulsed, accord- I Ing to Constantinople. An assault . near Coma also wns-defcatcd by tho I Turks, ' COSSACK DASH ADVANCES CZAR'S LINE TOWARD THORN New Drivo Brings Itusslahs 10 Miles From Prussian Stronghold, PKTROCJRAD, Jan. 20. Another daring cavalry drlvo by tho Cossacks has carried the ntlvnnco lines of Grand Duke Nicholas' troops to the very border of East Prussia, only 1D miles from Thorn, the great military base upon which the Germans rely for their supplies In tne t'oland cnmpnlgn. The official statement Issued here im ports Bharp fighting at Dobrzyn. This town Is oh the Itlvcr Drewenz, which Is one of the defenses of Thorn, and forms part of the boundary line between Knst Prussia and Poland. The official statement also showed that the German south of tho Vistula nro desperntoiy trying to relievo tho pNssuro on tho Kaiser's troops In northern Poland by attempting to cross tho Vistula nnd attack the Russians In the rear. GERMAN INFANTRY CHARGE WINS TRENCHES IN ARGONNE righting Resumed in Alsace, Where Berlin Claims Progress. BERLIN, Jan. M. By n brllllan Infantry charge near Notre Damo do Laurette, In tho Argonno region, the Germans advanced their lines COO yards, the ofTlclnl War Office state ment nnnouncod this afternoon. A few French trenches were taken and a. des perate counter-attack by tho French dur ing the night was successfully repulsed. Tho statement shows that operations have been resumed In Alsace, the Ger mans making progress in tho Sennhclm forest, and at one pojnt capturing two French officers and a detachment of 40 men. The capture of 200 yards of French trenches northwest of Arras is reported, but only artillery dueling between tho River Lys and the seacoast Is announced. Hprmon rlnlnin nf ftiiccesfie.s in the Ar gonno are admitted In the French com- munloue today, but the claim Is mado i that the French afterward regained the captured trenches. TURKS FIGHT DESPERATELY TO CHECK RUSSIAN DASH Ottoman Cavalry -BalkaUold Move' Near Tabriz. CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 20. The Rus- slan offense, moving southward In tho Caucasus, continues, It was officially ad- i mitted today, but the War Office declares the Turks "are obstinately defending themselves against superior forces." An attempt by the Russians to flank tho Turkish right has failed, according to official advices. West of Kheol. about 63 miles northwest of Tabriz. Turkish cavalry performed brilliant work In scat tering an advancing Russian Infantry col- MINE SINKS ITALIAN SHIP Austrian Explosive Sends "Whole Crew to Bottom. ROME, Jan. 20. The Italian freighter Varez was blown up and sunk off Pola, the Austrian naval base In the Adriatic, according to dispatches received hero to day. The freighter struck an Austrian mine and went down with all on hoard. JOFFRE TAKES COMMAND AT MENACED AISNE FRONT Paris Confident Germans Have Shot Their Bolt. PARIS, Jan. 20. It became known today for the first time since the situation upon tho Alsne was regarded as so critical, as a result of the German assaults last week, that General Jorfre, cominander-In-chlef of Cnnrludrd on Pare Four WOMAN BURNED BY ACID WHILE LYING IN HER BED Police Hold Girl Responsible for Spilling Piery Fluid. Police are investigating a peculiar acci dent that befell Mrs. Virginia Chandler, who was severely burned by carbolic acid as she lay in bed with her 4-monhs'-old child at 2130 Alder street early this morn ing. Miss Bessie Robinson, whoso mother conducts a boarding house at tho address, la being held at the Park and LeHIgh ave nue police station, awaiting outcome of the investigation. Mrs. Chandler Is under treatment at the Samaritan Hospital, When the police were called to tho house they found Mrs. Chandler in bed. The family told the police art argument has arisen between Mrs. Chandler and Miss Robinson as to the contents of a bottle', the girl declaring it to be car-' bolla acid, held it to tho elder woman'a nose and in some manner, tho acid was spilled over her face and neck, Mrs. Chandler Is separated from her husband. A suicide theory was denied. AVIAf ORS FALL TO DEATH British Airman Burned; Frenchman Dies From Wounds. PARIS, Jan. 20. An aeroplane carrying Lieutenant I-aporte, of the French army, and Lleutenapt Chennery, of the British army, fell from a great height on the bank of tha Seine near the CJrennella fridge today, and took lire Immediately Tbe BritUU ofheer was burned to death. Laportt. was rescued from the flames with both less broken and died shortly after, ward iu a hospital- Delaware Schoner Wrecked NORFOLK. Va.. Jan. -The thr masted achooner George N- Used, of Sea ford. Delaware, l4n with, eweat wulU nt ashore on P island last night, is total teas. Upr w of svft rjft were reseuvd by I guar- AN AIRSHIP RAID Sketched from SECOND BIG FAILURE FOLLOWS CLOSING OF THOMPSON BANK Receivers Appointed for I. W. Sernans, Associate of Financier Creditors in Hopeful Mood. UNIONTOWJJ. Pa., Jan. 20.-Followlng, closely upon tiio gigantic failure ot the First National Dank ot this place the "honor bunk" of Joslah V. Thompson and a sequence to that financial dis turbance through a close business rela tionship, came a peUtlon. filed In the Fayette County Court today, by Hlgbea & Sterling, attorneys, for the appoint-, ment of a receiver for I. W. Sernans, an associate of Thompson. The Court ap pointed Charles Lcnhurt. Edgar Hustead and Joseph Guffey. the latter of Pitts (burgh. In tho petition it is stated He man's assets aro S,00O,OOO and his liabili ties 2,600,COO. , Mr. Seman. next to .1.. V. Thompson, to rated as tho wealthiest man tn Jayette County. For many years his Interests, especially those In coal lands, ,havq been closely Intertwined with thoso of the Unlontown banker, Mr, Seman said this morning the,- re ceivership had been asked to protect botli himself and his creditors, until sucli time as the financial conditions growing out of the failure of the First National Bank and Mr, Thompson could be cleared up. He also said tho estates of Mr. Thompson and himself were very much greater than their liabilities. Reopening of the First National Bank at an early date Is expected here and this morning la buoyhig up the financial hopes' of Fayette County and. In fact- all 'Western Pennsylvania. News that Na, tlonal Bank Examiner Sherrlll Hrolth, now In charge of the bank for the Comp troller ot the Currency, has Just been ap pointed receiver for the Government, lends to the optimism which prevails to- d Examiner Smith said thto morning he had not yet received official notification of his appointment as receiver, but ex pecta it tn today's malt. He has been busy conserving the assets ot the bank Concluded na Paso Two TBADE COMMISSIONER CHOSEN Selection of Will H, Parry, Progres-slve-Kepublican, Reported. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.-W1U II. Parry, of Seattle. Wash., has been chosen by President Wilson as one of the member of tbe Federal Trade Commlss on. ac cording to authoritative information, thM afternoon. He 1 said to be a Progressive Republican. He was formerly engaged in the publishing business, hut if now re tired. CUBA. VUmWA. SAVANNUf. AuarwxA mU!1 cSttsirwoas: rnwsswff : BY JNIGIIT FROM A SPECTATOR'S VIEWPOINT news reports by an Evening Ledger P. R.R. CONTROL OF STEEL INTIMATED IN JERSEY HEARING Company Directly Accused by Commuters of Raising Rates to Hide Errors of Business-Judgment, A hearing before the New Jersey Public Utilities .Commission on the passenger rate increases, held at ' Camden today, developed into a searching Inquiry of the financed ot tho Pennsylvania Rullroad. The railroad company was directly ac cused Not using bad judgment and In directly of dealing with the Cambria Bteel Company and the United States Steel Cor poration through interlocking director ates. K. G. S. Bleakley, City Solicitor ot Camden and attorney for the South Jcr sev Commuters' Association and tho Mer- chantvllle Commuters' Association, made the charge o'T bad Judgment, basing it on a proposed cut-off abandoned by the Pennsylvania. QUESTIONS FOR RAILROAD. Mr, Bleakley then put a series of ques tions to V, IU Fell, chief statistician of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The first of thlsserles was; "Is It true that tho capital stock of (he Pennsylvania Railroad Company has been Increased from 150,000,COO to $500,000,000 within the 1st dozen years?" "Yes," replied Mr, Fell, "as to the In crease, but I do not know tho exacl number of years." "Are Percival Roberts and II. C,.Frck directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company!" was the next question. "Yes," replied Mr. Fell. "Are they directors In the .United States Steel Corporationf' "I do not know. My Information on such matters is based pnly on what I read In newspapers." "Des the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany buy from tbe United States Steel Corporation and from the Cambria Steel Company I" "Yes, some things." OWNS CAMBRIA STOCK. "Poea the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany own the Cambria Steel Company?" M. Fell explained, in reply to this query, that the Pennsylvania Railroad owned some of the stock and that the Pennsylvania Company owned a ma jority of the balance. if. ull than wan RblfKft it the Pnn. 4. '5l 1...V.- - . . -- . - - pylvapla Railroad Company, In buying rails and suppUea, bought them by open bidding pr by an annual a$remut with teaclttded m Vie ?wa staff artist. CHARMING DENTIST COULD HARDLY HELP HAVING AFFINITIES Dr. William Horter, Wooed and Won by Three, Made Them Sign Love Con tracts. A former Philadelphia dentist, whose manner was sificharmlng that three of his women patients became Infatuated with him In the loot six years, causing lilm to desert his wife and seven children on two dlfteient occasions, il Is charged, was re leased on bull today pending a hear ing tomorrow befoie Judge Brown In the Domestic Relations division of the Municipal Court. Contracts with affinities binding both participants to be trueand not to com municate with relatlvfH or friends wero found among the papers of tho dmtlst. He is Dr. William Horter. -Ill years old. His wlfo. Is Mrs. Salome Horter, of 1113 North Wanamaker street. Horter Is n disciple ot Howie and a former u-sldent of .Ion City. Miss Adeline Baker, said to havo been tbe ward of a wealthy Philadelphia fum ily and who formerly lived near Cth street and Columbia uvenue, this city; Miss Annie Smith, formerly of McKees Rocks, Pa., and n wenlthy married woman of Kansas City, Mo., all havo Cecn soul mates of Horter, uccoidlng to Detectives La Strange and O'Neill. DKSKRTKD WIFI3 HI3U1J. The dentist left his wife and children in this oity, the last tlmo four years ago. jitnee that time Mrs. Horter hud heard nothing from him. Sho did not even know ho had been arrested, "The first time I heard of my bus. band since he left me and the children pearly four years ago," said Mrs. Horter today at her home, "was last Saturday night, when the Detective Bureau tele phoned and said they thought they had located him with two women In Pitts burgh. They said they were not sore of his Identity, When my husband first dis appeared I reported file" matter to tho detectives. Since then t have taken no action, and the fact that he had been located came as a complete surprise to rue?" When Dr. Horter was taken before Cap tain of Detectives Cameron today he said he was "glad, the whole thing's over" and 'expressed a wisih to become recoiiclltui again with hjs family and to settle down for the balance of his life'. The detectives first became aware that Couciuded fn Page Seven . JERSEY PHONE BATE XOWEB NEWARK. N. J., Jan. 50. The New York Telephone Company has announced a reduction from iU to J39 In the yearly char?e for Individual line measured eeri tce limited to 0U calls a yea in its New Jersey division. The new rate r effective Februai i. and will atfect ulnoi every Mi-h4njja :ji the nojtnera New Jersey district. PRESIDENT'S GRANDSON NAMED "FRANCIS SAYRE" Grandfather Wishes That Child's In dividuality Be Preserved. WASHINGTON, Jnn. 20.-Prcstdent Wil son's grandson will be Homed Just plain Francis Sayre. Ills father nnd mother de cided today not to give him any middle name, nnd to follow the President's do sire to preserve tho child's Individuality by not giving him cither tho title of Woodrow or Wilson. Papa Sayre mado bis announcement ot n choice of names through Secretary Tu multy. Incidentally, the secretary himself, tho father of six children, told S.iyro ho could glvo hint valuable lessons In walk ing the floor o' nights. White House officials today suggested that the slnglo name for the White House urrlvnl Is auspicious, Inasmuch as many of the world's great characters havo been named with no middle name. RICH WHO FAIL TOSERYEGOD ROUSESDNDAY "He Can Make a Carnegie Look Like a Plugged Counterfeit Cent," Cries Evangelist. Busy Housewives Knit, Crochet and Darn Socks in Tabernacle for Several Hours Before After noon Meeting. "God can make a Carneglo or a Rocke feller look lllco a plugged counterfeit cent," asserted "Billy" Sunday this nftcr noon, when preaching on "The Secret of Failure" before a capacity audience In the tabernacle. He was showing how mei, muy accumulate great riches, how they may gain everything that scorns worth while In this world, nnd yet be failures unless thej' acknowledge Jesus Christ o their personal Saviour. "Billy" had struck some of his hardest blows nt the short-comings of church goers, declaring that "while they whlrjo arorfud and complain that tho world Is going to hell, thoy are -helping to send It there by their ludlfterenctv to personal work nnd their Indifference to living ab solutely sinless lives themselves." All tho school children of Philadelphia almost 200.000 of them will get a freo ride to nnd from the tabernacle to hear "Billy" preach during his Philadelphia campaign, If Mr. Sunday's hopes are realized. At tho opening of the sorvlces this afternoon tho evangelist announced that ho planned to preach to the youngsters several times on Saturday afternoons, ann that ho was hoping arrangements could be made to havo the P. R. T. Issuo freo tickets to tho children for their trans portation. He praised the hospitality of the citizens of Philadelphia. "I think we're going to get along flnoi after wo get a llttlo better acquainted, ' ho said. ".Maybe 'Ma' nnd I'll like you Bom uch we'll come hero to llvo the rest of our lives after the campaign Is ended." "Billy" smiled as he said It. Arid the applnuso ho received Indicated that "Ma" and he would iccclvo a great welcome If he had made such a statement In earnest. Tho great audience opened the meeting by singing "Onward Christian Soldiers," and the Invocation prayer was offered by tho Rev. W. A. Ferguson, pastor of St. Andrew's Methodist Episcopal Church. Card playing, support of the saloon and Concluded on race Tito COUNCILS TO MAKE FIGHT ON HOUSING REFORMS ORDER City Fathers Ask City So licitor Ryan to Appeal Against Decision of Judge Ralston. An appeal to the Supreme Court will bo mado by Councils to Introduce a delay and nullify for a time tho order of Judge Ralston, of Common PleaH Court, that Councils establish the Division of Housing and Sanitation in the Health Department within 30 .days, City Solicitor Ryan, acting for Councils, will file the appeal from Judge Ralston's peremptory mandamus giving Councils SO days to comply with the Act of Legis lature, passed at the last session for the purpose of improving housing conditions In tenements and congested Bectionu of Philadelphia. This appeal will cause delay until the strong Intluences that have been, brought to bear on Councils to prevent the en forcement of the act can by shifted to the legislature at the coming session with a view of amending me measure. The owners of tenements and others who oppose the bill that would make living condition mora sanitary lit congested sec tions of the cU.wlll endeavor to amend the act iu sMfilt a manner oh to remove the necessity' PC expenditures on the part of property., wnera iru meeting the re quirement qr h new law. The City Bollgjtpr's appeal will be vir tually the nraf "jre&gnlUou that Councils )ia,ve paid to tW1 torn plaint tiled in Judge Ralston's court oy the Houelug Commis sion In the nama ot the Common wcatlth to compel t'uuuoils to comply with tte act by appropriating the necessary funds lor tbe organization ot the housing division t'ountUs did not even request the City Solicitor to. oppose the acttvn in Judge j lnu'ludcd on 1'iii Two j GERMAN AIR FLEET KILLS SIX IN DASH 0NN0RF0LR Twenty-two Injured in Night Attack, Wh?n Bombs Were Dropped on Nine English Towns. London's Alarm Less ened by Belief That Aeroplanes, Not Zep pelins, Made Raid. King and Quedn Left Sand ringham Palace Six Hours Before Hostile Airmen Appeared Invaders Es caped Without Being Hit, Although British Aero plane Squadron Pursued. V, LONDON, Jan, bO. Reports received hero up to a late hour this afternoon list six persons aa killed nnd 22 injured in tho German aerial ra'l over Norfolk last night. The effect of the German attack waa felt chiefly by civilians, only two of thoso killed being eoldlers. Tnree of them wero women nnd another a boy. Thirty houses wero destroyed In the various towns and villages that suffered from tho attack. In commenting upon tho German raid tho evening papers call attention to tho fact that tho towns vis ited by tho aerial raiders wer 'unforti fied and deplaro the attack another "In stance of Germany's war upon defense Jess women -nnd children Ai.- s AEROPLANES NOT ZEPPELINS. Growing conviction that-aeroplanes, not the Zeppelin terrors, mado the daring attack did much today to .calm tho minds of Londoners. Despite tho definite statements of sev eral persons that thoy saw Zeppelins, of ficials of the cities visited by the raiders frankly oxpressed their doubts. The be lief that the bombs wero dropped from aeroplanes and pot from dirigibles, is sup ported by the statements, of the police at Yarmouth, who say the outlines of the Invaders were plnlnly visible in the early evening sky. Thoy aro positive the raid ers piloted aeroplanes. The Government remained silent today about the air attack. This was taken to mean that an Investigation was under way and that the War Ofllce hoped later to relieve the public mind with the as su ranee that aeroplanes and not the dreaded Zeppcllns had crossed the sea to attack 'England. All tho raiding nlrshlps are believed to have escaped. Dispatches from Hun Stanton, near" the raided area, today deny the report that a Zeppelin was brought down there by the Are of warBhlps off the coast. On the contrary, It Is stated nn airship was sighted drifting leisurely seaward early today, apparently return ing to the German aircraft base at Cux haven. Unotllclal reports from Amster dam brought word that three airships, flying eastward, wero sighted off the coast of Holland early today. They are Concluded on Page fonr WIFE, INTOXICATED, HID IN CHEST, DIED, CORONER SAYS New Theory Advanced In Strange Case of Mrs. Hunter. PITTSBURGH Jan. 20. Coroner Jaml son said today that Mrs. Minnie Hunter who was found dead by her husband in a cedar chest yesterday, had probabljf crawled into the chest while under the Influence of liquor to hide her condition from Mr. Hunter, and died of auffoca tlon superinduced by a weak heart. A foul play theory has been abandoried as far as the authorities are concerned, but two brothers of the dead woman de Clare they will have the woman's stomach examined for traces of poison, Mrs. Hunter's body, wedged tightly ? the chest, waa found by her husband, Frank A. Hunter, of the Hunter Saw and Machine Company, at noon, iU hours after his wife had disappeared Monday afternoon. A bottle ot whisky waa found in tho bathroom and It had evi' dently been put there by Mre. Hunter, The Coroner said the woman probably came home intoxicated and, fearful (egt her husband should find her In that con dition, crawled Into the chest to hide from him until she became sober. She could not have; fallen Into the chest, Mr. Hunter refuses to advance any theory as to cause ot his wlte'a death. LOST AND FOTJND X'LirV"' "l6st and pound" ARTictsa tdrertUed in tho Kvenlnj LeJj.r or repent 4 to tne "Loat and Fountl Bureau" at ls4ftt Csntrat will bi Uat4 for 30 dayi. Tnu tuts on aUo b p t th Mala otUe, Bth ti4 Che.tnut its. "Lost and Found" aavertlie meols can ba left t any of tha drug tar ric'lvli) J.eJg.r ail a. or can ia ttepjuuu.ti directly to LJgr Cuntral. Call Walnut sr UtajfOOu , LOST. BTRAYBp OR STOf.EN-Io Ovirbroe Atradala pup o momha old, teiwla, m,iv,tia to name o ''Micky;" wore red leather bra Ktudded collar, liltappeared last tuoriilnu liberal reward. Iteturo to .ij lrxel road. LJOST-Vri- J. 15- oa loth nd JUtSt at tar, laraa cartlcaae centatnios ailvgr n . n duiw. small, sum ot niooay, stc . 5 rewani i, VXfiyrBU trvIUig ea"oo latl mfn" af -ioUi a.. Saturday ilng, e 9 ..9 a, tis tral raoatd. 4TO) Cuaatauj. UUST -Bleek tosndfcag coiiti m&1ilOF i r apow" w " '""' bud iwi m ft TIlST- FUe-tott etasnyni ttar me Sprmjaald I i.Or Mil) terri i't., I jtuBd to ISM 8. itt. at I L'thtt iKWii" an 1 , ,. Hess., J 1