miwm&r1'"' EVENTNC tDaEB-KTITTADErPttTA, TTTF1BIVAY, sngfrTTARY fif TPTB. X2 "WILLIE MOORE IS WINNER IN HARD BATTLE WITH FRED YELLE AT OLYMPJ FLOTSAMS .AND OrtTHE SEA OF SPOI tannIckgpanmd ti If 1 & IB The Next Goat-getter !Ti "I-should-worry" gag is on if way; " j?ci irem, Steve," is nolo a vanished text; Out still I brood and shudder on this day And 'wonder iohat new smear Is com tno next. Each season brings soma new refrain about; Each epoch lets soma new slang Slogan fall; "Where, as they coma, I count the last ona out The greatest goat abtatner of them all. Tho Baseball Situation Baseball, as conducted, has its aori- aus faults, but these faults nro not nearly as bad as many have polntod them, They are faults that should bo corrected, but not at the expense of the entire game. If every Institution teomlng -with cer tain faults was to be dtssolvod, this terrestrial orbit would soon bo a desert, a the esteemed human raco would be tho first thins to bo wiped out. One might Just as woll say that our Court system should bo dissolved or removed becauso wo have murderers freed by pin-head and boob-hearted Juries right along; or because wo havo corrupt or molo-souled Judges who fine grave offenders as high as $3.75, and then send minor offenders up for thrco years at hard labor. In matters of this' sort tho thing to be attacked Is tho Individual offender, not tho system If tho systemhappens to bo the best one that limited human Intelligence can devise. As a Oame Baseball Is too great a gamo to be crushed. It has given health, recrea tion, amusement and abiding pleasure to too many millions to bo thrown Into the dump. It Is the greatest sport ever built up, for It carries every element of all line games exercise, quick action, courage, skill, quick thought, careful training, Intense interest. And it Is American in every detail. What could bo tho use In a country building up a game of Its own of such merit, and then tearing this game down 7 Another Tribute "We havo passed through more than ono decade of corrupt sport. "Wo have " CATHOLIC HIGH ATHLETES " HONORED AT CELEBRATION Baseball, Football and Cross-country Men Awarded letters. Members of Cathollo High School's 1914 baseball, football and track teams were awarded their letters in tho auditorium of the Broad and Vine streets Bchool this morntnir. Speeches wore also made by Doctor 'Henry, rector of the school; Father Bchuyler, vice rector; Captain McLaugh lin and Manager Mason, of the football team; Captain Ferguson and Manager Hefferln, of the baseball team, and Cap-taln-Iect Glascott, of the football team. SImontpn Is Star Swimmer CIoss conjrwtMlon marked the fourth fclweekly WSr ?K.thB V?vE"litr ot. "ennsylvanls, hold at Welshtmui Hall last night, dlmonton win tha tar performer of tho evening. Ho caD tured the. ion-yard: and lWMnot handicap vents finished second In the 200-foot swim LBdrfiowsd well In the nlungo for distaneo. i, Kaiser Is the leading scorer, with 03 points. Mlka Doiizo. Perm's football and track tar. present holder ot the Intercollegiate heavy weight wrestling ohamnlonshtp sustained a Badly wrenched hip while working out on the taat "yesterday, and as a result will be handl carped In his wrestling for some time. . Tfe University of Pennsylvania, basketball team held a light slimal drill last venln In E reparation ror Its same with the Princeton to tonight at Princeton. ITHACA. NT. T Jan77s. If J. A. MoKoaae. ca ot the moat promtTlng- oancVates for the heavyweight position on the Cornell wrestling team, continues to develop In the next tour nreeka as ha has In the last six lllka Dorlias, tho crack Pennsylvania Greek champion, will St bav the easy time In tho Intercolleiiat hat he did last year. White Truck Show Opens The annual truck show of tha White Motor Company was opened last night In tha corn May's headquarters. 218 North Broad street. The show, which will continue day and eve ning all week, differs from the usual display in bring an exhibition of trucks that have been bought and paid for by Philadelphia buslnesa nan and Ona. Capablrtrtcn. Surprise Friends OTTW TOOtX, Jan. 10. Totally unexpected nrt quite as it ho had suddenly alighted from ft ssrppella. doa R. Capablanca. Cuba's chess champion, burst in unannounced upon the members of the Manhattan Chtas Club yester day evening, shook hands ll around and an ueusoed that he had ome back to stay (.while. NO. 19 JZOMB OFTH6 SAIArCTfiST CH6SZBURO HAVe TRiePTO FIND OUT WHAXTH!MR.CtoN.raArTF IC 5 PotH UfflTB IK4 TfcJWM AMD "THeVAINT flucceepep So TARJ TriavweNTwf rr THe wbomo ways.' HANDLE! A fSLLBft UrCS HlA VWTH Kl 0LOVeO bouv hm .,: had racing scandals and prlzo fight fakes. Cut out upon tho playing field baseball has been freer from scandal than any game ever known. Its rec ord In this respect hns been almost miraculous. In tho Inst four or five years of world series play over $300,000 could havo been added by framing up an extra battlo hero and there nut tho results were evidence enough that each gamo played had been absolutely on tho lovol. Can tho same bo said of bus!ness7 Of polltlcs7 Back to the Qarao Bo It Is now up to both the Feds and organized ball to end all this miserable fighting and to clear tho atmosphere. Tho publlo has becomo sick of tho entlro smear, but tho public, with units ually interesting pennant races ahead, would bo willing to forgot all this court orgy If tho gamo could bo directed again back to tho field before tho train ing camps aro planted tho first week In March. This coming trial In Chi cago should bo tho end of all such brainless bickering. Tho Backfire Squawk In attempting to defend tho gamo Itself theso days thero Is always an opening to tho charge that ono Is de fending only ono side. Which Is of no particular moment, ono way or another. .Both sides havo made mistakes enough. But as tho Feds havo started most of tho trouble, It will now bo up to them to show a way out not for thetr own good, hut the good of tho game. Which so far they have failed to do. It la easy enough to tear down. But building up la another Job. The Sporting Accent The Feds have sworn to help the fan Attain a better show; They've promised a donation With the accent on the dough. F. IC J. This Is Lajolo's 20th season In tho Big Show and Wagner's 19th. Lajole started with tho Phillies In 180G, playing 3B games that year and batting .331 for a debutanto mark. Wagner opened with Louisville In 1897, playing 01 games and batting .344. Tho two players who served longer terms of continuous service than any wo havo now track of aro Cy Toung and Pop Anson. Each served 22 years. To General Carranza Couldn't you use eight or ten more of our heavy weights for 12 or 15 years somewhere south of the Itlo Grande? WITH THE CUEISTS In order to creute Interest among local pocket billiard followers a new tournament league has been formed and will be known as the "Roomkoepers' League." It was decided to play Tuesday and Thursday evenings for eeven weeks or until each man has placed 14 games. Joseph Freeman last night won a pocket bil liard game from Harry Blyers, at Rice's rooms, Taoony, by the score of 100 to 03. In the opening game of the Columbia pocket billiard tournament last night, at the Co lumbia rooms, Anthony Graef defeated I. Maok, 100 to 73. By winning last night's block, 100 to 82. D. Coupn defeated (H. Ireland In their 200-polnt match at the Germantown nilllard Academy, the total score being 204 to 173. Doctor Katrer, tho Knickerbocker repre sentative, who la tied up with Charles Heller, of the Jackson room, and William Martin, of the Luifrno room, for second places in the Philadelphia Pocket Billiard League, won the first block of his 200-polnt match from Martin by 100 to W, at Knickerbocker lloom, last night. CLEVELAND, O , Jan. IB.Charles Ellis, Cleveland, last night defeated Charles Le arns. Cincinnati, So to So, In a 47-lnnlng Interstate Three Cushion Billiard Leaguo match. DETROIT, Mich., Jan, 10. Melbourne In man led "Willie Hoppe, 600 to ISO. In tho first block of their IMO-nolnt contest. English atyle, billiards, played here yesterday after noon. Averages and high runs: lnimn. fid 0-0, 212; Hoppe, 14 8-0, 7J. Soccer Heads Meet Tonight The United and the Philadelphia Leagues will both convene tonight, when each has lata of Important buslnesa to transact. All the players who have been sent off the field are requested to attend the meetings ot their re spective leagues, at their cases will be de cided. Th meeting will bo held at the In quirer office. Hawthorn Re-elected President John Hawthorn, who has held the office of E resident ot tho Tioga. Kennel dub for tho ist year, was unsnlmously re-electrd for an other term at the annual meeting of the club, held last night at the New Blrgham Hotel. Central Y, IT. O. A. Meet Tha Central T. M. C, A. will hold a pent hathlon between the high and grammar and employed boys Thursday evening. ASTHMA SIMPSON, Pet-LGR3 K you can't VfoooorrA N f. . . .. nrau nLIAIil .l-J- V . ' ". ,. - . if1'1 I ILJL l-i V3BB $-& Ollii .rfS Z&mgfSl&tt&rsJi BWjlis&JsWsSFKV" VBSi- IV dWt 4Kfo?sssssssssssssssi"ffi I Jarmed fqrceto eer Resui.Ta! &y fluMl Loctc,s -1: '!Mll!l V ( ho peLLER-'s aoMNA 3t.e.j H Me ths LI IPMW BET fn" r '.'-"..; '" r - tg jgsg?- r -'' 53--si;RV' . m i iwi mssmMwmimitBam - (- WTHOUTUOm u AHP X WON'TMAKe m IS Ti. .M.tif iaa .. ? I , lifl ' B9SaBHa& U. to mr.tcaffics HOTEL rdomH Ej$kK -? 1 J, . . , - l"5 ? M I. . sr" iL ' MM P lJ ) LnLl'SPJWssSalinnirfpHI r 1 1 "....' ... ... n-....ci. r'Ai-tFoiiit-'f iN iu pcun i-r- -:-lfer SB -, -- v.. s. i hjhn i is nexagamuEmi$z&mmaam tssis I . 1 NUW ANU PUTAT Kaucni - f-"IJFm P ... . . - - Sr ?IM mk JK. ' l'"U(rUI S itlll Ml m tnilllsH islssi tE JOE RIVERS KNOCKED OUT - r. YEPlivifj ' lBH IN BOUT WITH CALLAHAN fcr'rX ,4?itr Kfl Olbbons-CIabby Battle Thursday is (-'Vf! ,$f '-VPV-", ' HrlH . Hyos of pugilistic followers will bo turned ,'ht'fi, i ' !i' J,J! - j . ' . J """MmIHI Mllnntikt-cwari next Thursday, when Mlko 'J'',- " s r "PA,i " ' V X HNmH Cllbbons battles Jimmy Clabby. This fight will . " ' " i' ti 0 A m&fuH K a loni; ttny toward deciding tho middle- ,', '' , " ' Jk. ( k.l BSofl Unttllng Levlnfky nnd Gunboat Smith have ?'' ' "' ' V , ' ' ' T f J) . sX.ciiisWl nrrlvrd In Now Orleans, whero they will clash ' ,''.'' 'w S t. sHHHD In a iin.roiiml bout. They will meet January 'VV; , t. T i N crvV 1 vWeSH 24. Tho mttlcr will got J1250 for his end ;J? , . yV KMI( 1 nlifYlrfBf tfurjrUVriBJIKi?fK Sflkfl Vi BlnsiNBViiujiiyMiunfnDiAVJ BLACKBURN BOXES BAKER IN FAIRMOUNT'S WIND-UP Negro Boxer Will Be Given Hard Test Tonight. " Jack Blackburn, conceded to be one of tho shiftiest boxers In the world some yenrs ago, will make his reappearance In a local ring. He will meet a hard-hitting opponent In Knockout Harry Bakor, of Wilmington, In the wind-up at tho Falrmount A. C. tonight. Tho program fo"ows: rirst bout Soorgo Gelger, Harrowgato, vs. Young Jack Hanlon, Hose Hill Club. bccoml bout Willie Uole, Kensington, vs. Johnny Lincoln, Southwark Third bout Joe Brntfloy, Southwark, vs. Jack G!lifplo, Kensington. Brtiiwlnd-up Hoy Hurst, Camden, vs. MIckel Trilnor, 17th Ward. Wind-up Jack Ulackbum, Southwark, vs. K. O. linker, Wilmington. Tiger Meet Dates Announced PRINCETON. Jan. 10. Dual meets with lalo and tho University of Virginia and Inter-collegiate- uro the principal events on tlie lrin(.fton track schedule nnlcli was announced jrstenWy by Manager Galbreath. The sched ule fotlottH Indoor meets rebruary 20. two-mllo relay raco ncalnst Michigan at Ann Arbor; Tobru ary 27, Guorfcetown University games, two mllo relay race nnd Individual eents, March I), Indoor lntercolleglates at Now Yorki lilnrch 11, Indoor Interctass meet In gymnasium, ex hibition two-mile relay race against Pennsyl vania, March 1.1, two-mllo relay raco against Yalf nt 1'lttBhurgh. Outdoor meets April 17, Caledonian games; April 21. Penn relays at Philadelphia; May 1, open handicap meet at Princeton, May if, alo at Princeton, May 13 Virginia at Charlottesville, and May 20, lntercolleglates. Tribute to Jim Sullivan One of tho pretUest testimonials Inscribed to tho memory of James 13. Sullivan la a bronze plaque, designed by Charles J. Dlegea, which lias been presented to friends of the late leader of athletics by Charles J. Dlegcs and Proror Clust, of New York It Is In bos re'tef and mounted on a mnhogany tablet. At the top of tho plnque, supjiorted by two columns. Is an entablature showing tho years 1S02-11U4, and Just below Is written In bold lettering "James K. Sullivan." At one side sits tho figure of Victory, and below that Is the figure of an athleto In running costume. At the right h the smaller flguro of a school boy, tint In hand and with eyes upturned to ward a medallion photograph of Mr. Sullivan, than whom the New York schoolboy has never had a greater friend. Directly under the holograph li written the tribute ot Charles ilexes, which reads "In memory of his noble nnd lovable qual ities as a man, his courage, high sense of duty and loyalty as a citizen and as a friend." Melloy He-elected President The annual election of tho Cchuylklll Navy wan held last night at the Colonnade Hotel, tho old board being re-elected without opposi tion, as follows Commodore, acorge G. Mel loy. Undine Barge Club, vlco commodore. J. Klltot Newlln, Philadelphia Barge Club; secre tary, Arthur H. I'levenger. Bachelors' Hires flub; treasurer, Howard 13. Young, Malta Boat Club- logkeeper, Charles Selder, Jr., Quaker City Barge Club. Shookley Tug-of-War Lender The Tug-of-War League of the Artisans' Order of Mutual Protection has reorganized for the year with the following officers; Robert Shookley, of Ideal Assembly, us president! George V. Barck. ot rit. John's Assembly, as vice president, and Robert A. Denny, of Northwestern Aesemrly, as secretary-treasurer. THE VILLAGE QUEEN-SIM SIMPSON TESTED HIS ARGUMENT ; into rxe auzz.cb op p"T?g cARecess. cuss, has -; Jgg- i'gil U i I'l'wiir 1 UMLLL uuu.r-rin 1 -iii , . t lUMJLMJisuuifiF i cct ki hi iritf n-' ivi ' i svc s i mini iiiin i ii inn 11 11 11 1 1 1 s i tKf.msmmtn zvemBMmir, m 'iibtkl. WATCHFUL WAITING MOORE WINS IN GREAT BODT WITH YELLE, OF TAUNTON Five Knockdowns Feature Affair Kid Thomas Out slugs Tom O'Keefe in Another Mill at Olympia. Willie Mooro, tho local hard-hlttlnu southpaw, deserved tho honors last night over Freddy Telle, of Taunton, Mass., after ono of tho most sensational bouts staged at the Olympia A. A. for a Ions time. Five knock downs featured tho contest In the first round Mooro connected with a short left uppercut to tho chin and Yello sank to tho floor In the middle ot the ring for the count of nine. Yello dropped again from tho effects of a left hook to the jaw.Tcllo went to the boards for tho third time In this round. At nine he had regained his senses and was able to stall through tho remainder of the session. In ths second session Yells, still weak, stnlted. clinched and backed away. In the third and fourth, howeier, ho fought back hard and In tho Hfth round caught Moore oft his balance with a right cross to tho Jaw. Willie toppled to the floor, but was up at nine, nnd the glovemen exchanged punches until the bell. In the sixth period Yells again decorated tho Moor. He was knocked oft his feet by a loft hand swing Hush on tho Jaw. Justbefore the light Alt Dunn, manager of the Taunton boxer, started a squabble over the announced weights, Mooro 1344 pounds and Velio 1MV4 pounds. Dunn said that ha saw Moore scale HI pounds. Ttiu hardest and bloodiest fight staged here in many moons tesulted In the third bout, when Tommy O'Keefe and Charley (Kid) Thomas, former srarrlng partners, clashed. The lntter had the better of tho lighting. The othor bout results follow Young Dlgglns, of this city, ISO pounds, de feated Kid Goodman, ot New York, llS"j, pounds. YounB McGovern, of this city, 110 pounds, defeated Plnkey nurnam, of New York, IWiji rounds Pal Moore, of this city, 181V4 pounds, shaded Young Gradwell, of Newark, 137U pounds. Gallant Knocked Out BniDGEPOriT, Conn., Jan. 10. Sam nobl deau, Philadelphia's contender for the light weight crown.' proved his right to a match with Champion rreddy Welsh by knocking out Gilbert Gallant, ot Boston. In tho fourth round ot a scheduled 15-round light hero last night, Goldle Beats Conway PITTSnunnn, Pa.. Jan. 10. Young Goldle, the local featherweight, had an easy time de feating Frnnklo Conway, of Philadelphia, in a six-round contest here last night y-?f t-r ou TRENTON FIVE WINS SPECTACULAR CONTEST Greystock Is Victim, 44 to 30. Sugnrman Bright Star. THKNTON. N. J.. Jan. 10. Spectacular team work on tho nnrt ot Trenton enabled tro Tigers to outdistance Greystock hero latt night b the score of -U to ;io. Tho first half ended Si to 10. with tho Tigers on tho main end, but In tho closing round tho homo club played rings around tho Cooper Battalion boys nnd In tho last few mtnutes smothered the ball sugarman, tho Grev guard, put up a magnificent gamo nnd hurled tho leather through tho rim six times. STANDING OP THE CIVUHS. W. I.. PC. W. U P.O. Camden ....11 0 .ranno Ncrl ...1.111 .512 Heading ...14 H .(WDTrenton ....10 14 .417 Jaiper 12 10 .MMlreystock .. (1 17 .201 Tonight's schedule Trenton nt Camden. Tcmplo laced tho Dunn A. C, 18 to 14. North Houso defeated Ontario. 45 to 13. and their seconds won from the All-Stars. 24 to 13. nftleth Daptlst won an easy victory from lltchardson. 33 to 12. Sylvanla defeated First Baptist, of Darby, last night. 48 to 2J. South Branch Y. M. C. A. had It easy with the Head A U. and won, 30 to 0, Their lte eorves be it tho Hurncy School. 11 to 0. Tho Elwood Boys' Club defeated tho Tulpe hockon A C. last night, 31 to 20. Tho Elwood second won, IS to 14. Samaritan easily defeated Falrmount In a Philadelphia Junior Leaguo game at tho Boys' Cluli last night. SI to 14. Eleventh Baptist defeated First Dutch In e. Northwest Church league contest nt the lat t.r"s hell last night. 8 to 21. Oxford de feated Harper In tho second game. 24 to 10. Clover F. C. defeated Ward. 88 to 17. Mur pnv's deter all-around playing was tho featuro ot the gamo. McCaulcy played a good gamo tor tho losers. Lyndenhurstd defeated Oracs at the former's halt last night. 23 to 10. Both teams wero members of last season's Southwestern Church Leagno nnd nro rivals, a largo crowd wlt ne&ilug tho gamo. St. Columbia Jumped Into first place In the American LoaKUe raco last night, when It de feated tha hitherto loading St. Elizabeth five in a hotly plaved gamo at Natatorlum Hall. 2il to 23, ft is tho first tlmo St. Elizabeth has been out ot tho lead since tho race opened last November. Tho Interstate Basketball League has dropped the New Brunswick team from Its circuit and gave Camden ono week's time to dispose of Its franchise or forfeit ths same New Brunswick failed to appear for three games last week, whllo It Is said Camden Is not living up to tho rules ot tho organization. CI.IKTON HEIGHTS. N. J.. Jan, 10. Clifton High School girls were, no match for the Clifton M. E, girls, losing to tho latter. 11 to 0. MIDDI,ETOWN,-ConnT! Jan. 10. Colgate de feated Weslojan hero last night, the nrst time the latter has been defeated on their home floor In five years The lead which Colgate gained In Mho second half was too much for AVealeyan to overcome. Score, 32 to 20 In the Northwest Church Leaguo games last night, played at Oermantown Bojs' Club Wakefield beat St. Michael's by the score of 3(1 to 19, and West Side beat Advocate by the score ot 43 to 11. jriANNBTTE. Ta., "jail. 10. Billy Kummer made his appearance here last night with Jcannette In 1U bosketball game against Charlerol and had everything to do with their victory by score of to to 26. Other Sports on Page 6 What's the UseP tfoto woe betide tho college stars, Well may thcu gnash their teeth and sigh; Alack! thev have a rule that bars Even the honored alibi. But nthletes should take notlco they'ro going to do this by sprinkling sand boforo tho broad Jump tako-off, to show Just whero tho Jumper leaves tho earth. There la n hint In this for tho athleto who wins by hla ability to talk. Ho Can't Hurt tho Team Cobb thinks Donovan will give Now York "a vastly Improved club," as man ager of tho Yanks. Leading to tho sug gestion that, by comparison, any Im provement In tho Yankees would, bo vast. Thoy Will Tour tho State Do vou have a recalcitrant spike That jou wish to have bitten in twof A nail made of steel in your too or your heelf Well, Howard's In town, if you do. And so, too Is Miss Eva Howard, who Is tho heavyweight champion wrestler of tho world and tho sister of tho Illus trious Spike Howard, who, according to his card, Is tho "Holder of World's Champion Gold Modal for Breaking Steel Spikes "With tho Teeth." Will somo ono kindly arise and explain why ho wants to break 'em with his teeth? He's Too Sensible Dree. Porter may be right about thero being no need hero for a boxing commission. Wo'ro willing to admit ho knows his business, but merely as a matter of news thero should bo ono. Every commission Is a potential nows source, In that sooner or later most of them stage a llttlo scrap. And certainly tho Director can't fight with himself. Something Absblutcly Now Now that a petition has been filed to Include the players In tho Federal suit, why not start a campaign to make each team a co-operative institution? The managers are nearly all starving to death, they say, becauso of tho high salaries. Having such high salaries, tho players should havo no difficulty In raisins the wherewithal topurchaso tho clubs. When a team secured a now player It could gv& him a certain amount of stock, and when a big leaguer got worn out It could take his holdings away from him, first sending for police protection. CROSS BOXES PIERCE TONIGHT Broadway Club of New York Has Arranged Attractive Bout. NEW YOUK, Jon. 10 Tho Broadway Sport ing Club will stage a ten-round bout between I.each Cross, the fighting dentist, nnd Brook lyn's K. O. artist, Hnrry Plerco tonight. Brock Beats McMahon NEW CHILEANS. La., Jan. 10. Matt Brock, ot "Cleveland, won from Patsy McMnhon, of Indianapolis, at tho beginning ot tho 12th round last night, when his seconds refused to let him come from his corner. Mohr Knocked Out Young NEW YORK, Jan. 10. "Walter Mohr stopped Jock Young, substituting for Willie Herman. In threo rounds at ths matinee stage of tho Broadway Sporting Club, In Brooklyn, yester day afternoon. Brown nnd Rose Tight Draw NEW YOBK, Jan. 10. At the New Long acre A. A. last night, Pranklo (Brown and Young Boss battled 10 rounds to a draw. Brown scored tho only knockdown In tho tenth, and this earned him a. draw. Boxing Entries Close Today Entries for, the 122-pound amateur boxing tournoy at the Gavety Theatre, which will start Immediately after the conclusion of tho US-pound finals tomorrow night, will closo at 0 o'clock this afternoon Banty Lewis Fractures Leg NXJWAItK, Jan. 10. Banty Lewis, the local featherweight, sustained injuries In a basket ball game at Bayonne yesterday, which will nut htm out of the ring for several months. Lewie played with the Fighting Ftvo, ot New. ark, against tho St. Joseph's five jind broke two bones In his left leg Melrose Five Reorganizes , The Melrpse second basketball team, which laid claim to the championship of Camden for tha season of 1012-1.1 by winning 25 out of 20 games, and also played In tho Camden City League the nrst year It was organized, under the name of Camden A. C has reorganized, and would liko to book games with teams hav ing halls and paying a fair guarantee. Ad. dress II. Franks, manager, care of Galanty Brothers, 215 Kalghn avenue. Camden, N. J. St. Augustine's Cathollo Club's first and sec- ,.u "'" tiu 11110 up against tne West Philadelphia first and second teams Sat- ..,,. ..tun. HI n n.. ..ns ,n., . . ..... North Lawrence street, would like to hear from all first-class teams having open dates and offering a fair guarantee. Tha Eviniho I.trata basketball team would like to arrange games with fourth-class teams having halls and paying fair guarantee. Ad-"1H-.lrr.anli "an". Composing Room, 6th and Chestnut streets. AND PROVED IT HE DID! Moro SI ems nt nt-.. One nlmost hears tho jne. M blnglea in .tho echoes of VlX,5 ftn tan.,. nn,l it....- ... - "ot- -.. .... UI1U hhu-p meso Jamjar" Tho colleges are mapping out lS schedules. Holy Cross J, d'rg meet tho Itcd and ni.,n a.h .! "SJ far off. ""WS Avaunt, Poker Wltd BlU Donovan Is agalntl , mis iuiiunK ma piaycrs,. Bfill players learn, the icorst ami iv no put 10 test their luck Four aces or two pairs of MnM a.tb ucaaiy inxngs to luck. Wo could understand him M. 10 ence. tho uoncs might & players' heads. Hot Itnco Is Stlil On Camden's play for tha 1, Pi weeks has sent that live to th (Sa tho Eastern I.eaguo ladder. jUtEjf Reading Is Just a half game beWtfjg leaders, tho Jerseymcn aro really S lng tho best basketball on thB CKH and well deserve tho position, Tbjlf turo of Camden's play has been lug1 collent teamwork. Earlier In (i,TJf son tho men wcrg playing exceptlorS brilliant Individual games, bnt(B lacked punch In their team play, Brjg w.iu .iu., Bvin-iuaaing guarj, w among tho leaders then In register goals from tho field, but ho rcaa1 baskets to tho detriment of team j3)r mm mu vuiiuicn team was urabfii win consistently. Brown was txnc for a tlmo. When he was put bacKt", the gamo his nlav lost snmn r,t i.!7' dlvlduallty, tho loss transf orraln ltSfj into tcamwonc. tho result ra tSti uamuen lorgcu to the top and nqw & Joys that position. As lone an Rk: Camden and De Nerl remain mkm at tho top there will bo the uSualU tercst In all games of the league, Tho best deal' tho Federal 1 over got was Charley, tho world'jtaS hero. iHH It appears that Villa will get UiarS coeds of tho Johnson-Wlllard fight, i loso or draw. The Cleveland Americans have (3rcj. ped the namo "Naps" since Lanjj'fi; juiu jujuuu uiu vtuietica intj ma heneceforth bo known as the "IndS? probably becauso tho other clubs Iw had that sign on them so long, GOLFERS' AFTERMATHS Tho professional golfers attached .to fal clubs and jeveral visiting teacherff oi-ft game held a banquet at the St. Datlidlb Club, St. David's, Pa., last night. , Tho annual meeting of the Golf Aiioica of Philadelphia will be held on WeSJ ovenlng, January .0, at the Adelphk Hctl George T Sayre, the professloml tl Merlon C. C, won tho Indoor golf twrcisa ui uimoeis. Rifle League Results. WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 19 -Sam. Class A of tho Intercollegiate rlfls ihMtJ competition wcro nnnounced yesterday 1 Ions: MasBichusctts Agricultural, W,n united States Nval Academy. 9Mi Im State. DOT. vs. California 015; West VurA !SS. vs. Norwich. 015; Cornell, 910, vi yurba 0fl; Illinois, 017, vs Minnesota, 027, 111 Knn Agricultural, OTu. vs. Washlnjtos 8 573. . m Sports Banquet Tickets Beaks James S. Sterrett, secretary of th StwSJ wrltprn -ARnnrlntlnn hna nntlfltrt PnliigS James C. Isamlngcr that Imitation! (di 11th annual banquet, which wilt be Mi r day evening, February 18. at tha VtWi jioicj, mu ue sent out tomorrow. R. W. Thrift Wins at GoWJ TTlrtT, DnmwnD A.I. T. lOUf. Thrift, of Lima. 6hIo, was the wlmurts play-oft for first place In the tounnmets match plav against bogey on tha Unit Ma 4101 springs country nuo yesierasr. Ocean City Yacht DlnnenrWejijJ The weekly luncheon of the Ocs.C Yacht Club will take place Frldtr, H P p. m., ut tne m. James lioiei. Mlko Devanney to MTti NJ3WAP.K. Jan. 10. Announcemats'bfl neen maao of tne engagement ot '"L: Devanney, of Boho, the runner WJi seius ino Aiiurose a. a. in coiycu,wt anas fliary Margaret wcicn. 01 ic wn Bedell Fichts Draw .r-nm. .n.- -r .n ,.. Tt.A.11 t 5 t.,V iWiiJV, Jan, 4.U, JUO .!,, "", ",. llamsburg "como back," fought a W'; rouna araw wun mm iiixnn at " A. c, In Brooklyn, last nignt. Hotter to Box Stone NEW YQBK. Jan. 10. Ftankle ftotw r tacklo another leading welterweiint iwj meets Harry Stone for 10 rounds t W ' B, eral A. C. tomorrow night. Tn MJJJJlSi 10 rounds will bo between Gene MorUrtTK' Younir Franks. ' n.nr..T.Fn mnTnun Tf-INTGHfi I""!"'" juniuiit -Viiiumirw, Fairmount A. C. ?!.hTg K. O. nUCKIt vs. JACK UCMC3 Admission S nnd M V 4H& mmninimiii. ( niny-Ti .Tinin I ir i" ' """- "-'-f I'TISM I ' ' ""' CVfiiiS,. n. .,n -7,.,7 ii. I - "' ii-h ' ' ..... ,.?g ....K . ... . i i i tttfy "Sas f 1 f "