IWHPpflP WPPP ATRIAL LIGHT CITY HIDDEN BY (ODESTY'S BUSHEL !f Urge Manufacturers, BiDLMnlnlnViin Prnrlnprs fgprunu -- I Become Universal I L-LJ PKrncnc HiKKleitj. of rhlladolphlans, which , (hfm from exploiting ma inuus ..... f HiU rltv. la. In tlio "(Sot many manufacturing leaders, SSf reason why Fliliaticipnias man uP , am mp not famed the xma i"""""- "... . , .... ... 1Tjf to the exiciu mey onuuiu m, no this recognized reluctance oi .- Il..lu -tl.. .. Ml I. A fjphlans to praise mcir enj m uu Mho ainn of lll campaign now De feated y trai)e bot,lcs ,0 ttavor L city as the tedding producer of .sellers" In America. SBC the plana ot the business and bk.,i uniin tieen nerfected an ox- Ea advertising campaign, which will KS.ei.nAlnhla wares a household Eftsfor standard quality In every lead BSX in this countij und abroad, will Uy'l ' ....-J- 1 Ill.lln.lnl.'.l.tn" .ttlll L-Kmn "ain0 '" iniauijiiin "... fc&a standard of excellence surpassed rlThiore than two months committees LLi7Sn norklntf to complete the dotalM Btr.( Tampalen, and tlto co-operation of Wsiibt lho lending repnsentatlvts ot Kfltbhla- m.tnufneturlng establish Kerens bP" aEsnn-d The Imporlunco Elbe movement wa3 emphnalzed today i -hCmii D. rose. ur, w!-,"")r w 'jw JfBtewnbBr?. jtliFoss saiti: PMladelphlans aio too much Inclined to IlkVtMr llsht under a bushel. A lty of loc iPWnul'I inuuslties. vvnoso nnmc ai Etlco to an artlc'e of manufacture Is m.J'JTfionim of excellence, should wake ttW tne wUkei uicii. !. ii'i ,,..j u aoploulns tup pmnse, .unae m nma-fcptit-' A few of our (treat Industries Eijroricl-famous, others of our Industries Einlk smaller, with united effort, may wvuf equally famous. itv.p to In Phllndelnhln. n nonukitlon MJ'Mm nrtlsans In diversified industries, 'Kevin Jitjtnl home conditions, turnlnc iKprodncts enormous in tllelr aggregate 'YEai famous for the standards of excel- ilSf tjiejr maintain a iiuio moro am Nfcai In emphasizing these well-known hAfiint cvploltlng them, through a OlW und intelligent! dliected cam mSs. In the markets of tlio world, will Lpillr add ' our BO01 c"y's prestige paproapeiiy. girt fact regarding Philadelphia which jp tt published b load cast lis that mo e aSefi and rugs are made hero than in ccther city In the world. While this h centrally known among dealeia and naafacturers, business men feel that Uonrchaslng public should be brought to recognize It as well. William J. EldrldBc,-. of Ilardwlck tz une. ru?s and carpots, said today that tut (if tha reasons why Philadelphia s In itial Importance Is not properly recog. tM Is the fact that thU city has been ntJsJed to make the goods und allow ftv.Tork to sell thorn. Mr. Eldrldge died! UMUdelphla Is the leading city, not is'rtof the United States, but of the riln the mnnuficture of carpets and ii?5jIore carpets are mnde In thla city uiffl U14 uie uiucr cult's in uv; uuucu tain losether Wo manufacture here i5?rcftts. Incinlns tnnestrv hrussels. Wjlliruascls, velvets, axmlnsters, wll- tJofeBmyrna tugs and a number of spe- 'cfctAtaves." IMconneclion with tho nroioct to nd- rsi Philadelphia through its wares, SfrjEldridge believes an endeavor nlso rtoald tie made to let tho world know it th historic nolnts heie. the beauties .' falrmount Park and other attractions rtjjh.lll brlmr travelers and will nm'ie ft. thrce-day Instead of 'a three-huur topjlni place. IS$J. Cattell, city statistician, who has bJ a Careful study of Philadelphia's fctotlil problems, said In commenting Wgtt!e project- tlbiS moat lninnrtnnt in nnat THillnrial. llfiMt th present time because the rwjlstlvc rnarketa of Jfcw York and wW have received a terrible blow SPihei recent depression and from re- teUesIjlatlon, and for this reason they MMturally glvo more attcrttion to de mbf their Industries In tho future, rajjonctntratlon which fonnerlv wan toccwd upon spccidatlve activities now, -IfttLat lf.flRt TVlll tin rlAlinfn r fflflntl. tajfaft? For Philadelphia to maintain , ., , -xitinitit) V. UUI J4IC41ia jww.ntcetsary. roictured articles, required abroad, jyShr quality and at a lower price ny other city In the woild, but we Ebb hand'pped and wo will be Wcappcd until wb secure cheaper faSM 6 Ct dl3tr'but'n. mt-' ufen uuiuilmr homes vrv tanUI- m --... vuM,itt llUIIICa fiSK, ,Qr ,he 'ast 15 years. To make gnomes profitable Investments for !SVni jBB"5JIi 'y must bo continuously oc-K-Thls occupation can only rosull WiV . F. """ cu" ol,,y rosuit t!ffiH us '"O'ease year by year men comPoi,lnff our army of skilled KHOMftlt Jail, .... tErafrij Ti. ton8rucitve worK, lettlns Wi."wwhat we are nnJ what wa jjMV a Pcy therefore which prom- m - r.ttur" ln ,olla,s a"l n's. ""I HJfoi . enBBKed In manufactur- .-. ..tjiml ,Bn ,n i-nuauelplila." BSPST REPORT TELLS OF REVENUE CUTTERS' WORK i-Uves and sn oni kki j -d T-p"-u tit ilUf" rty Saved bv Servien. plNQTOW, Jan IS.-Thrllllnir nar 1 rejeues nt a. -- "Jm watery g-raves and timn.nv roihir conlaned In the annual ,oi the revenue cutter service made P.,vf. y ,he Treasury Depart Eh individual exploit of tha 15 Brnt ' .J""1 " "arbor vesae s f fnM-t. -T" -'iut tiMt- U nivi h ''.' stls,lal routine. iBtit.- i?"F lM coast of the . in. porto R'o and Alaska ,'"'r were assisted by the Wore than 19.J61 mi .rih SPnvav"1 hy a 8ervIce Which Bj, ?yrnnient 2,47:,633 a year to ' '' were saved, and S ""vhij naviffatioa were r- ?JK?."on ar e,n made for Tcrk .i'.j'ne ,0 " 'alnt4 at Ft,. " ," "t at Ban t'ran- fi& """"uatjon of the revenue ?" the Hfe-savlne service U SATHEBs SAVES MOTim-n. ll?R.?- J5" -Vincent Carlello Brook l "!"", 8,rMt Pqlico st' BhVh ? towl bfor th d1 be- ICn Weiltenant llnrnhv u. .l, ?M la the blotter ' ' Un I do for you. young; mant" m i!.m Sken Engllah. replied alU. not unrirrgii.1 ar, o f- B ,'eat hl wnfewion. At IKS? "w ne loot a revolver from U"a n on ,he dMk' "" OERMAlT FOOD 10 BRITISH BABY Verona, N. J., Will Air aW Bcnndnl at Trial. vcnoNA, u. j., Jnn. i8.The cnllre town of cedar Otove has been subpoe naed to appear at a "trial for treason" that will tako place In the town Hall next Saturday. One of lho residents of lho place, according to tho accusation In the subpoenas. Is charged with feedlnjt thrashed out nt the tilal, which will bo presided over by Justice of the Peace Aider. Many of the ruldents, particularly tho women, were startled whert they rcclcved the subpoenas, which Were In legal fr?h.CSr,i.aiK! 'A ni" l0,1p bcror some of them NnilKecl that the summons was to ft mock trial. - CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY THIS STTLH TYPE (or like this) One Inatrtlon ..,,. . iv r..- n. lie nr ilu f,tA,?'!.-"onecutl InMrtlona . tc?'! 1? fon r"cl 'dally ad Situations nnnted, thrco lnfr tloni In a k..,,., toe per tin 8c 10a per lln per Una THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) aonala. Uoirdlng and Ilooins. Ona Intertlon. 50a rer llrt Thrco Inaertlona In n.wcek.... ITVio per Una P"en consevutlvB Iniertlona.. 15c per Una lOOO.IIna contract (dally ad vertlalng) , 1240 pcr na All rates are bated on ngjlo measurement, 14 agate llnea to tha Inch. DFATI! NOTICES-clther paper- 10 llnea one time ,-,o- Tbrte Iraertlons ,.. i.uO DAILY ONLY In Effect UfCttnbcr 1, ltl. COMBINATION RATE for lneenlt.n In both lliu uumlifg ami venln papers oC mno Jiy. PUBIJC LEDGER (MOnN'INGt EVENING LEDGER (CVCNINO) Add four cents m Unu net to ratoa glvu abov e, lu-m" A.SU bilb'Allu.Nt. WA.V11.U AUl ilUlSLv, lit llt. 1'L.UulC LcjUUL.II ilAY'U. l.NaUitlL'U IN Hlh hVLM.Ml LLtlllLIt W ITllUU r A U 11 I T 1 O N A L There la a drug store near lour home that "111 accept Lt-dger want nda at office tatcx PEKSONALS JOE jmiTTON HAS MOVKD1 Now at 12S Norili Uth (above Arch), lull dicas ult (o hire. Largo lino ot cua-toin-mmlo inla.T ilothlng for sale. Open day and evening. TJo NUitTll 0T11 (ABOVE AltCII) ' HEIA' WANTKD FEMALE COOK -Young nhlte Ledger Of:n.c. girl. Addrcas D COOK Wanted, un cxpei lenced vthllo woman. 1'lwne Uermniujiii -jiJI ailtL. vThlte" L'O )iurs"oId,,;enerai;"llKlit houiework; plain .ook, .! In faiuiij, no inll aicn. no nuahing, arasiwri In cuiuuu.r, ril per vvvek, S.vu lulcrelKf. AUUrcua u .US, I-;Jgei Ui il,.f OtI.L An niu, icnccil dlnmg room Klrl wnuleJ, must ui! i 11 ttrttant. not unuer 25. Apply 1; i i.triii.n.town avu. tl'll 01 W'lltK White fclrl. Oirnian preTrred". .Meet lady, Uoom L.IU, I'ubltc Ledgir. iio.i uny. at II 11 clotl. itlv Ulrl lor la.iilfy of iour. rcfer enve 'eulri' I. ! w joining uve., Ardrnore. 'Irlephone Ardmare 251. - HULaI vviiik tin 100V ng. xp vvhlte girl, tlti l'rot. pru.'. i hone Oli lino 4J I . HOLSLWOItL, Hall-Mown, Protestant, white rflrl, to astiat im w.Milng.j; 147, Leu. Cent. Nc'ltSI'., cxperlnnced ".thltc. vv lid unaeiatanda ei.tlio cuie u. infant, usuit with oldjt cnild, rvieitni-e, A II, Ledger Oillie STI.NOGItAPHEHS. bookkeepera nnd clerks can oljiuln valuable Inrunua tlon auout n.-ur.ii!; positions by In tci vlt wiiii Lisa itui, m uiu.-ei cen tuil. be. 1.1 .1. or.cg lor in. a iree a.nki. aa die uommeicUl Utpurt niciit lu luiibiuuiiy bbcunux good pueliloiiti lur lAidgci Advcrilacrs. bUUhCHII'VlON "aoitcltora: l dally. Address ULslncfs Woman 3 .Magazine, I. O. Box 0117. i'hlla WOM.-.N btrong "white woman, ri liable, for giner,vl houtcm.ik Call 5ISJ Chew et. HELP WANTEDMALE 'A liHlUili, lellaUe man wanted, uiie with ex ecutive ablllu, to t.avel and make auunje menta fur icnuica to be gltcn en Ku gium. ono with exporlence preterred, rctcivnceB us m tiiaruc-ier una BDIIliy. ai J.V4, i.eu cent. AUt.M'J for "Hilly" Sunday Book having wo-uj-i.mi 'uci.e&ii. ,ne agent writes. 'Worked about ftvo hours and aold 42 books", book autl.oilxcd by Mr. Sunda, magnincently il luatiated and tells hy word and picture how ho right sin and the devil, evety Christian home wants tho book, write for terms und frcooutll r 1) Charles . Co .4111 Leldvave. HLL1) AUENi Nutlonal Institution engaged In civic development requires able (laid ugent, calars, commission and expenses; clean-cut. hUh-clau men only considered. A in, Lcdgei Onice. I'llVSlC'IAN'H ASdlSfANT, single, reglstercl In New Jersov, nlthln 25 miles of Phlladel phla. K 1411, fjilger Central. STDXOOItAI'HI.'lt wanted, rapid typist, largo Philadelphia hotel: salary and board, alate ago, refer mc. xerlence, married or alngle. A , Ledger Office; TEA ANn'cOFI'En Wanted, bv an old-es-tabllahed hnute man undera andlng ten and roasting coffee; ona capable of taking charge; married man preferred, state references. Jiol:?!,e""r Office. TENOn. POIIST. chorua choir, etate expcrl- ence and salary wanted V 20s. Ledger Offlie. W ANTED A few nrat-clasa talesmen who have had experience In selling to the trade to handle an article of the highest merit with which mloinrn have had phenomenal aucceas wherever Introduced exclusive terrl. torv ami unlimited possibilities Call IMS Arch at., Tuesday nfternoon for Interview. Ask for JOHN n. NEWTON VANTFr-.Sai'mn: must lw refined arid capable. D 215, Ledger Office. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHILDNUrtSE-Comp't. reliable, Trot ioung woman 1 good aeAmtt'as. PhoneDlcie 17ft2 . C1HLD N1IP.SINO Christian woman" wants child nursing; references Phone Oln 1121 L. COMP MAID desires poaltlon: exo. Wattr"sa. se4is'ressand housekoeperJ J00. Led.jOff. COIU anl rhambermaldi two alrlt whh do. tlona together: city or suburbs; good refer- ence nit inr tmico. COOK, eolare.1. In private famllv, tlcn Phono Dleklnaon leiti W. 1000 Chris- COOK, competent. English Protestant, feslres position i eofl reference. 1520 Falrmount ave. OOOKINO and doniistalrs work In priest's house' beer references p lis Ledger Office COOKINfl'or houaeworkt exrerleneed colored girl: good cook, laundress 714 S. 15th. COOICINU and downstairs work competent 1 Oerroan Proteatant refs j P II. Led. Off DHESSMAKEW F-xrerlenced' good on coata, remodeling, L30 per dar Ph;Locut S6S1 D pnESRSIAKEPJ of nhlllty will engage hy day ai Itra. i.wmr r t run i EXPEP.IENCKD waitress or chamtiermald de sires sit : re's loa Martin ave riryn Mawr. GIRL. Irish, wishes housework or chamber work and waiting: city or country; reference. till sansom ax aillL. colored, housework- adult family, good COOK, tloy mtir.iCT vrw .jmyimm . HOUHEWOnK Voun alrj. exp.. withes place In flermantovvn. Pll, Ledger Olflce m HOI'SEWOPK-Young girl rjermsn-Arrerlcsn; wiutnt; to he tauaht. P toll Idcer Office fioVeEWOftK-Young girt, experienced wlshaa pliee In Oennantewn L J2T. Ledger Office HOUSK WORK Colored girl, good reference. Mpihttexcellent cook cltv ITO4 N udaln NIlltBE. prautlcal experienced, lshM eharxi "nf lntaUd ref salary mod t44 8 Ithan at RISCENT OKApt'ATB In stenography with 'several months' exptrUaee. detlret permanent Doaltlaa where a vounx lady of ambition end reliebltdc c work Into a tinii E MM. ldxer Centra: work Into a. responalbl peal- STENOaRAPHCR Elflclent and oanscientleus. desires pcalttoa with uoportunltlea. moderate lalsrij rcfercBcc. D 33. Ledger Office. aTENOORAPHER. competent In electrical and . oromerlcsl butlneas, 5 years' experience, best references E 15. ledger Central BTENOORAPJIBR. very capable, trained for managerial end aecretarlal work by practical experience EHI: Ledger Central BTENOaRAPHER. accurate. 4 yeara' uperl ence excclltut references B it. Ledger Cen STKNOORAPHHR experienced, roodsrete l ry 1T1I Chseinut l'tuine Spruaa A.U2 BT8NO(IHAPHSCR recent gr4 . ku ledge of b.oha.eevic; neat rail ace E las Led Cen STr:siJOH-Pfc.R oung lUy .' ere ex id .1 1 jiuit I th',1 Lt.l Oeti KVKXlIvO 'lit.:1!'": Pnil SITUATIONS WANTED-J'EMAliB STKNOlltlArllfin, prltncetl, Mpart. ncea . Mj'nolMlfTjRnd ref. B 448. Led Cen. 1I-I-KP1IONR operator, young gtflt prefers . prhftte exchnn; ty. V Ini, Ltfliwr omce, VISITINO THACUBrt. 0rmant French, Hng IJlit tttt. MIm Cj , It. totens, :I48. Walnut. TVIiri.V IN NUKD of sn experienced nfllce n nl'tnnt. I nrtklceeper, stenegrophir or clerk, call up Walnut :im0 anil toneult with MIm Dmh, of ihD Commercial Diriment, who nn.i a list nf high-grade. CDperltnced gltta eager for portions. Anll outielf of the free service to Ledger Adtertlaera NOW. WMITi: WOMAN wants day's work, cleaning ni"ci.etCi ( rcfrencm.A .",Llger Oltlce, WOMAN, colored, reflncd, withes embroider- ing. darning or mending, home or out. E niALt!gerCenual ruL'NU I.ADV woull like to do Upenrltlng at hor.ii", flrat-elnM work at reaaonatM prices. IJ 013, LeOger Central VOUNd LADY, experienced at order ilerk and typist, knowledge of stenography, tomp'tent, nrcurate nn detail K am, Ledger Central. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE AN l.VTEHVIEW SOLtCITED omce man. 3j. with 12 er' miierlenc" In mike detnlla shipping, ri cilia, drsltea 5 niln Ulia Intel lew, vmpiotmctit mere nn uj tl Ulnn ralarj n S''i,LedgerCeniral. IiOOKKtllll'fSH omce aealat., oung man, IP, high and bua icliego education: good ref, II!l!lL!L. m2i.J2,'arj,JJ'',i ledger Cen. DOOUKEEPUIl or clerk, age 30, 10 jovra' cx perlence, reference, n aia, Ledger Central. IlUTLini or valet. KnglMh, thorough, com petent beit of rercieucea, olo inpable luun lreaa.Jonc, PIJ North Warnnekst. CltAUrKflUll, colored, flrat-ilaaa mclianle; well mommrnded, well trained. HIUTTAIN, . 'i0" ?-'.Jtlvcrtoii Nji'hunelKi. ClIAt'lTUl'It Young man. careful driver. good mechanic, hantly about the places will- Ing to leave city. l'. J , is:..' Thajcr at. JAPANESE wnnlu position In family aa took"", gnerul viorh; hna good reference, espsrl- .. tncc. Jap. mis N 15th at. JAI'ANLSi; COOK or gm-inl liouaenork". teat 'ii rticitnitK .Miynun, ,ius Norm isth at JATANL'SE, young, wtrhen position, general houacHorlc. Asnma ,1jJS Woodl.ind aveW P. MUCllANICAI drautrhtatnan, T vents' broad cm, dtfilrca poaltlon "lino technical knowl edge and ability mo upi.itclaicu, niit-claja reercn. J 74il, l.nlgor Lentrat RETAIL DIIY GOODS ioung man with nbll liy. Bcml tocl.keeper nnd aaleaman: very kowI j-cforenic. II 4 "., Ledger Central. 3ALKFMAN SALES MANAGER Han with 13 jenro actual tclllna experience on big propositions cpen for Immediate en rngemnt; capable of naaumlng full charge of Billing department nnd protluilng maxi mum rceulta, only A No. 1 connection con sidered, age .!". well eilucnted, with highest references E WO. ledger Centrnl SALESSIAN, with wide experience, deilrea poaltlon with reputnble manufncturlng or commercial concern, trnvpllng or locnl, hlgh eet rcfcroices as to nbllltj, etc , ealary or commieelon. E 145, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, outside man, good personality, cn:rce'.lc. Initiative, connect with established house, prer, mechanical llnc J 85(1, Led. Cen, ETENOOnAPIIEIl, Tompetentrrapld, accurate; no ciotK watcner; inoa. atari, u jj-, cea cen. STfiNOOItAl'IIElt-aECniJTAFtY, expert, will accept mcuer. calnry. rcfa U 531, Led i"em. TYPDWrtlTINH or "ahorthnnd vorl during spare time desired by cxpjrt atenographer; hnlflnja or cntlro evra K 44D, Ledger Cen. WELL-KNOWN COAL merchant, pcreomlls IrnvellnT cnwlcrn Pennsylvania, vvnnta high grade ride lines on commission : no money to lnvetjoirnlEht buslrcas. E 1511, Irfdier Cen. iOlfNO MAN, 24" ytnrs of age married, de sires position of nny kind, 7 jenra experi ence In tlcrlcnl line: best refcrtnee. 22U1 Cantrell at. MOTOHIIOATS AND SUPPLIES W AON DA tan PALE Tho mi. every ono known WAONDA Beat nccon.moJnttons nt any JS foot boat In tie 1'elAwnre, completely equipped, 23-11. P. 4-eiIlndcr, 4-cjcle en gine, ctectrtn lights; 2 cabins, gallej, engine room, elceps H: b'anke a, bedding, dishes everything of best iiunltt) , all ready for ciulslng, price SWiXi good as "m 1 it would cost to build nnd equip tMOOii de clBncd bv llmeis .v. Moucr, built li 1" I Townscnd do not replv unless vou can uff rd un 1 uinr hlch ' Imi I ,nt na prlco t lowest; can bo !n3pcted at rrel's Yard. Delanco. Write f!ox No 1, niirrtnn N. J BUSINESS NOTICES Wo cin nfford to rrmodl or repair your furs much chenp. than the large rte- FUrtS pnrtment stoics We fine you expert woikmanshln Phono Ilelhiont 23S4 W. cu s s vhrm 51 .7 Arch t. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DO IT rtlGHT Do It now Do It conveniently Do It cheaply llut la. Lt uc do It. Philadelphia Mineral Flooring Co., Inc., 5CI2 Summer at. INVESTMENT OpPOHTUNITV Decause of advancing age nnd Illness, my quarter Interest In old.estnblls'ied Chestnut at business It fur sale. A aafo, permanent Inveatment. has for years paid, and la now paying over 10 pcr annum. Amount re quired. 115,000 Will divide. D 103, Lodger Office WILL INVEST fSOOO In established business which will use ground and brick building In Philadelphia, concern must be sound and rent 01 buy nrooerty to get Investment, L 1157 I cfleer Central tSCOO WANTED by a company Interested ln developing a new phase ot the auto Industry which prctenta many marked advantagea over the old construction, working model shows grentpoBslhlllltes M 141. Ledger Central. ll.rfnr.nsliavlng their own establishment enn Increase their Income by handling our free talking machine offer. Apply 1S.IJ Arch tt. JvAKEflV. rent or sale, established 20 years: corner: S rooma, stable In icar, good reason for sellng. will bear Investigation. Address L ma ledger Centnl. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTIUCH KEATIIEItS AND FANCIES CLEANED, DYKD MAII.1IOT.1510 Chestnut, DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY Hemstitching dono while you wait. A. Itekh. ard. .ill Chestnut. Pictorial Review patterns. ADVANCE styles ln dressmaking. (3 and up ward. Sues 8. IDih at Dickinson .1141 W llllL'SSMAKINO taught, short, prao courae. McDow oil. .107 Denckla llldg , 11th & Market. FOR SALE ANTIQI'KS-Chalre. 100 srs. old, J4; mahog. bur., J10, brlc-a-lrae sue to V 73a Walnut. BILLIARD, pool, comb , second hand, bought, sold, rented, ex'd Keafer, 328 Otrard ave, WRITER PRESS for tale, model B, No. OdV; two cases of used type and considerable new tjpe and all necessary accessories, M 143. Ledger Central INSTRUCTION A LIMITED NUMBER OF PUPILS DRAMATIC ART. EXPRESSION, MAKE UP Consultation. 1720 Chestnut at., Tuesday apd Friday, 3 o B p.m, FRENCH In three months by refined young Parisian lady: easy conversational method; terms moderate. Mile. L. Uerthln, 1303 Arch 110 a. in.-10 p m.). Musical C. W. HUGHES. 1737 Diamond, teacher of piano and accompanist Diamond HIM D. ODERATie tenor"3elree pupils, choir, oratonet and opera c 568, Ledger Office OLD GOLD . IIOL'UIIT. SOLD nTiunviH nvnHANaKD. WI.VDOLPH APRRA13BD. 2 N. 12TH ST. m STORAGE WBhT Monarch Storage Co Auto and sag. P1HLA. Ine aad shliadng p870 Lanttter ave. WANTED FURNITURE tth PhU,Du.'.,2oiurhL Kens. Furniture Co.. 8148 Ktaslngton av-e. ROOMS BOR RENT AncH, 200-Newly renovated , turn- wms, ijnali or en suits, ranging Vgter: pfeoes. CHESTNUT. XS21 Well-furnished single mud 3p.f "am-. ruaaiag water. T. . CHESTNUT, 1WI Rooms, slofle oe en, suite. 1'nuiir fcMfc .. CHESTNUT. 421T Desirable rooms, prltate "aSflly. Mt4 twrd next toar Baring T30i X. i'i'iLstkDT 4l30 Excep vac., warm, ohicr Lrwils Jad 2t Preatea gj. Christian, aibi-cheerfui. fum front roota. v-'.'"?Vi. mcim fajulrv aentlamen praf iew--gilr -i - i u I 1 - ADKLPHIA, MONDAY, .TANTTARY HOOMS FOB BENT I'tNtJ, IXtv-Parlor roorra also others: brlgM nnrt cheerful! running water comer houte POWKLTON, .IMS-CtdrntU turn, vacanctel . for a few tnitlnm people. Darjnt' IW W SWIJNO OAIIDBN. lnt-fjifg comforlaMy riimlfhut front room, ndlolning tmlhi aepa- . rnte btdi tultahle for two gentlemen. Sl'tlUCr., lit? -One or two comfortnhle rooms, fumlahcd or ilnrufnlfhed reasonable. SPttPl'P 1!2-Nently furnlahed alnsto room: well heated nil conveniences reasonable SritUCC, 'JOK-Deslrable aultn, with prlarte bnthi open flret phone: owner. SPflUCK, 40."1-Ncwl pnened, rrv fl'tnetlv fur. Lrooin; nil connvnltnce: Prr 5.tl V At.Vt T &C2 Nlrelv furnished larae room: jwuhcrn cxn ,Portlionr,l lnilltliliinltnhle Wi:srMont:LANt), W littl-Prhat famll will rrnl itil'door front or liirk elrctrlc llaliie, hot-nnttr heat phone, convenient to men's gentlen tn onlj. . 1ITII, N.. Ml Knfnlalied room well hratrd: hooeekeeplng. lodglnfli rnnvs Pop .1012 D. 1STII. N ' IttOMoilern apartments, one. Iwo. three, four rnoini. bnth kltclicncttoi coniplelu arnrtment aervlce: reatonablc 1 12TH, S.. 500 Suites and Mngle ronm fur- nianeti. gcniiemcn prejrri ei; r imrri nm vv . 15TH. N., lfifi Tvto .vtrv dcMmMo. large, comfnrtablv furnlfhrd moms: well heated: borne rooking, fonlir r-1M . LVrit. B.. Ill Nlcelv furnlihnl front room. neTtlo bath, nlfo profetaloiml offlca. IVril. N C02 Newly furnlahed room nlac . Jrr"iiltaiii jor.iiecior nrivaieramuy l.vril flT., 8 . 411 Two commjnlcRtlng roem, adj laih: pr week. I oard optlonnj 17TII. N, a.l1.V-Ocntlcnien can rent turn room alnglo or en suite: prlv fnm . phon" .",4111. N. am Two nicely film room nice lulghborhood nil tonvenlenrra 1 lei 2PS1 I'rofeaaliinnl Offlrra. LOCUST. IStlS Kirat-flonr office aullablo for ncnllat or phvalclan: '-'. ki mnnih BOARDING AHCtl. ;021.,.'r2-llnnni"melv furnished, In cluding superior tabic, 0: table, SI, criAtt AVE.. 4D02 Dcalrnlle fur rooms with good tnblo fcoajdi private. Wood. ZKa D I KAlltMOL'NT AVE.. ltiOT Dca vacnnclci: I wcll-furn rooma: good tabic hoinl phone I T'iiWELTon AVE, 4IT-Wel.iiird nttrnc room with board) private fimllj moderate SI'IIUCE. i21C-Attrnctlvo rooms: also aulto with irlvalp Imth: tnblo boanl. Sl,MNO ilArtUK.V. !110 2 sccond-etorv front vinfurnHiMl rooma: Hot nnd loblwatcr ei'ltUCE. .'All-Dcvlr. Sd and ad door roomj, mod., reflned locoUon.gnsdJIable J'ics 4M si'Tll'Ci;. 122i1 rutnlalied ulte, 011 2d floor, private bath. cxccllnttablejPhnne. WM.NIIT 4ill4-DeirRMe turnlahed room;, exceptional table board; conv.Harlng 71?. 10TII. S.. 114 Two uoubla rooma. with board, prniicmcn iircirrreu, i'w"" " 15TII. N.. 174)1 Nicely furnished front room, running water. cMeJablcllanionil .1MH A. 10T1I. N.. 181S Ideal, aunny. front ropms: sin- gie ncconie au:enur muty. i,....... 1PTH N., 125 Lnrgc iront rooms, with board; nl-o' table board: jonvcnlcnt. "2D. N.. 2.-.00 rrlvntn fnmllv will tent rooms. nigliMinucJieDlngJLd!r'i:-rc:l,'0Iin ble. 51TU. N.. 121 Warm sunnv rooma, southern exrosurcj .jiljjnffljcfflrvenlencej goodjable. APABTMENTS DIAMOND. W mil Stt-room housekeeping apartment porch In rear. Apply lanltor. RPrtlNG CIAIIDEN. 1010 Excellent: apts. In S nrrerent houses: some furnc; kitchenettes. bPTtlNa 0hl)EN, IBIIt-Llght housekeeping, turn.; running water; tingle rooms, phone. TTt v.tin. tTt-l i ICnnmrnnril nrnlrftbte VBeS.. single or' en suite. Prlv. baths, will change to 8UII lenani, inoueraic imc "in. " " CHILTON APAttTMENTS uie uAiiiitu ot Two nrst-floor rooma: suit dentlat or doctor or apartment mrg. wlib .lv,-,,,. ...... ... 1 inMic I-IPAH Handsomely furnished Llt-JiN J CU avlg 1213-lfi Locust EUBNISHED APABTMENTS rURNISHED APAnTMBNT.l rooms and bath and reception hall overlooking Clark Park, neighborhood 41d CheBtcr. Preston 21M W HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 14 TH N . 11" cLaurmari 1 rooms, bath, kitch enette, vapor vacuum heating Preston 5712W THE NASH 1527-29 Spruce Street HANDSOME, UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises FOR VACANCIES and complete Information of all apartments free, consult APARTMENT BUREAU 18th and Spruce ats. Phone Walnut 080. or write for "Apartment Directory." January Edition, free. KENT APARTMENTS K.loTiST. HoujekefplnB apartments, 4 rooma nnd bath. SJ. WJ mUlllll 3Vt Jtti 17TH AND CHESTNUT Hkpir apt.. 2 room,, pain. lw rent ' ," -" ' . v..-. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE GERMANTOWN JHOICE propertlea In nil sections of Gtn.. Mt Airy. Che.t II. rail prices Write for tpeclsl list. J. II. Chadwlck & Co., 'BIS Oermantown Ambler, I'a. COUNTRY HOMES, large and amall farms and bulldlns- altea of all klnda. phone or write ua. II. J. Pager. Inc . Ambler. Pa. NEW JKRSET Atlantic Cltr. N. J. SNAPS in choice cottages, hotela.lota. etc. aal. rent. exe. Choicest cor lot Ventnor. JIOOO bel. cost. Bruckmann, !II0 Guarantee uldg. Iladdonflelil. N. J. IIAVK BCVERAL FIND PROPERTIES , at bargain prices W.M. CAREY MARSHALL, Wl Federal st Camden. Woodbury llelglita. fi. .1. SEVERAL desirable homes and Improved bldg lota at reasonable prices. John Mayhaw. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 100 ACRIOS. location, land, buildings, water xr.j ,.iirn,i fufllltlfa. ah first ciasa: has rev,r..1,.foc,a?m.n3..rk.50"2nda60 ;.LVwkbnVCrybNA'T?lVNni.ChlfA,U, your wm Chester Pa 11 ACRES.. B0 per acre-Mile Whltford Sta- ..- f.l.. l.lnM PennsvlvanU: srood fruit. dairy, etock farm great bargain. A. D. Heatd. West Chester. Pa HealJ. vvesi e.-neiwr. i a 6U ACRES Modem country home; j mile to atatlon: sacrifice; $J500 3 B,' Thompson. v..i Chester, Pa REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic City. N. J. hotels cottages, apartments, etc., to ex- "chanMfor Phlladelp'bla propertlea. CHA3. E. FELL. 83 8. Penna. ave.. Atlantic City. REAL ESTATE TOR RENT Rental Lists n- Tl Vt!llJS BIO 9. 12TH. 1610 Page' at., 10th and Norrls, &r., conv. ,.J20 lOHlJitona, 7r., conv i JJ, in? s. Warnock. w. conv .. 16 IS67 Trenton ave. Front A Nor, 7r.. conv, 13 1411 Naudaln. Sr., range, good yard M S.VS Sloan at. r . 4Uth and Mncaster,.., 13 88.14 a. Watts, 7r . conv. 14 UfUces, lluslness Rooms, Etc. UNEXCELLED OPPORTUNITY forpbislcUn or dentist central, two rooma. office at low rental. P. R Ceujiaw i-ennaivania mog, fll-isii ROOM fPr woman. Welghtraan RU)g . lMi Chestnut Write lu M IIP, Led Central. TW FLOORS, suitable for light Btanufa TturtngM offices. 840 N Broad at. Km. lories. Warehouses, ilfr. Floor. O&NTRAL-FLOOR a iPACB-LO W RBNT v P. b cvnnany, HIT Penna Dldg. West 1'hlladelpbU WEaT PHILA bouse for rent, facing q.orge'i fciM. . ..l.olHii mv macy. 62d and Patkalda ave Atlantic Cltr, X. J. hotels', boarding bouses, cottages, etc., ta we every raaulrcajeot. Daa Jt M5or. ?: MORTQAQEa CONSBRVAPIVB &V and er cent. 1st snort gag en Unproved AUutlo City aaA'Veataor tVUDArlte luslri ailed iuu. (uf loMree g SCRAPPLE .$ W16'5 DIARY JAM. 18. 191 1 (A t-RUg DIARY OF A DOV) WHILE HAVlMG CM IN SCHOOL P. M. WJe 3AVd A TROOP OF MEN MARCHIMd BV TvaOS. TMaV WERS DRBSSGO IM BIACK COATA AND OKRBIES TfcKY H .ITTLB APRONS Ord TIED WITH BLUE RIOOOM WHICM LAfPap oven. Tr-m aPpom ANDTieo IN A KNOT, A Few OP TMBM HAD BLACK POLES ABOUT SIX, FECT LONG VeJITH GOLD ORNAMCNTS AT TMF TOP. AFTER .SCHOOL JEWRY AHB I VOBNT SKATlMtS Oed TMC OUTLQT OP KIMtSi ISLAND POND A HALF MILB AWAY, TMe SKATIWC WAS GI.A&SY, 1 MftVE A PAIR OP SKATE 3 That jlip This vmRonu waV and arg bum Lampoon. "T had a. dreadful fnll last night." "Toll mo of It, Ea-bert." ".My vvlfo was talking; I hung on to every word, unit then, nnd then" "Vca, jes, nnd then?" "Her voice broke!'.' A GERMAN General French, the Scooping It Out "So Miss Coldle married a rake, eh." "By the way he la getting rid of her money l should call mm a shovel.' Bos ton Transcript XwtNCi- ALI FOR NAUGHT. Susie I made faces at your stuck-up sister yesterday, but I guess Bhe didn't see me. Hobby Oh, yes, she did, but she thought they were natural. GENERAL SHERMAN'S 1 J . m 6ANG 5- vr HtHsBHSI$fUr'VL B'7V''V7 'iilV,t,'', 0I"4l ('"V GIDOAP ' 18, 101.5. THE PADDED CELL asj""1 Jt. -JI VERr PLEASMT vneather" J Tor TYUS Tme. OF YeR , zn. t T : vaAS CHILiX BUT T3bAV S VAAJRMe.r?. H,WEU- fou HEViR CrM rc r? A - Vo. k Safer West Country Skipper (stationary ln small Cornish port and Ignorant of our navy's control of tho sea): If I puts out an goes East I be sunk by t' Germans, PORTRAIT "hero" in the metodrama. Bystander. The Nervous Guest (asked to sit next to his hostess and opposite the goose) Am I to sit so close to the goose? (suddenly feeling this may be mlsundtr stood) er I mean the roast one. DEFINITION APPLIES TO INDOOR WAR AS WELL tic JHhgI 3r" BUooeY ; -M- vpt' ' o m -Z- 15 I"! tKiJAT i i t '. sasaasiaala flaHsaaaV an' If I goes South I bo sunk by t' Austria-' Ungrfani. It du sttm u 'ow X tar best to bid -where I ba ah' rt t' olS shlsj a coat o' paalnt!" Punch. NOT HIS STTL.E. Cora I don't believe Charlie's a flirt. Why, he told 'me that In all his life he had never kissed a girl once. Nora I don't doubt IL To klta a Klrl once wouldn't be Charlie's styla nt alt. H- mg& Ta, t S "laii, fY0 " r oQ43 3 e !3 C ZK . o C3 ZJ K ? -t 3 3 P' vrr- tO0 Gentlemen .an have itcely U.1 p I l Ui HUD. ' J1 i i Iv ne II '' i , I ! vl fUttii 1 "upon wurj wcici) ue (i ul! ex en. i UUWW4 lUlilMl". .wu,i .nis IUU u t aulH'Vtty N J jU) II B Haul, i l F . - ll ! 1 1 1 1 .p I r. fl 1-4 i' 1 i Ivv-'iiut st